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The freeman foundation. By judy and Peter Blum Kovler foundation; pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs. And by contributions to this pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Im katty kay in washington and this is bbc world new there are only a few chances left to change aricanoters minds. Tonights president ial debate is one of them. Thats how many have died from covid19, but one country got is pandemic right. We will be in singapore for lessons learned. Its not a bird, its not a plane. Its a flying paramedic. The u. K. Mbulance service is testing a jetpack rescue kit. Katty bbc world news america welcome to bbc world newsic am on pbs and around the wod. Sethey have rehe taken advice, and no doubt prepared attack lines, but when the lights go on in cleveland, it will be up to donald trump and joe biden alone on stage to battle it out in the f dst president iate. There will be no studiot a audience. But a huge number of americans are expected to watch from home, perhaps as many 100 million. Laura trevelyan is in cleveland, oh for us. She joins us. Great to have you in cleveland tonight. Its not going to be the kind use to tonight. E we are does that play to one or other candidate advantage . Reporter it might be the big crow President Trump likes to andr off, only between 80 100 people are allowed in the hall, not the 900 as usual. You go dont get the big applause lines you would usually expect. Each candidate is only allowed 20 guests each. I spoke to the top joe biden ally, senator chris coons. He said, we can expect rock him soccer him robots and thats what he is expecting. The challenge for e biden is to get the message out against the image of donald trumas a robot banging up against him the whole time. Katty i guess the expectation is joe biden has a lot more to lose in the sense that the Trump Campaign has said quite often that hes not up to the job they, suggested he needed a drug test going into the debate. Could that paradoxically work into joe bidens favor . Reporter is true that the bar is very low. If you watch Trump Campaign ads, if joe biden shows up and is able to string a sentence together, he will do well. Its interesting when you hear the campaigns well, the Trump Campaign is saying basically joe bidens campaign peagreed to an iion of air pieces earpieces to see if anyone w carrying an electronic earpiece and said they would not agree to that. Th be receiving instructions from outside. The Biden Campaign meanwhile said President Trumps team says can there be no mention of f 200,000 dem coronavirus . I should note the president ial mmission on to mate debate said they havent heard nothing about these demands. The debate about the debate is underway. Katty thankfo you, an now im joined by lonnie chan, who was policy director to mitt romneys campaign in 10. Thank you for joining us. You have experience of prepping republican candidates for debates. What would you have been expecting joe biden and donald trump to go through for the last weeks . Debate preg abo is it is a very individualized process. Different candidates have different styles. Joe biden, very methodical, probably study of material. I understand donald trs process has been more freewheeling. Hes been interested in sitting around a table, discussing items and issues and coming up with riffs. You have to individualize the process to the candidate and how they absorb information. Katty what do you think the risks are for joe biden tonight . The biggest riff for him is a major gaffe. The trajectory is very well set. Very americans at this point are undecided. What could swing them is a major mistake by biden. Some demonstration that for some reason he is not capfle o being president. Those would be nightmare scenarios from the Biden Campaign. Aside from that, i donnt see o pinions being altered by what is said and seen tonight for the most part. Katty you prepped marco rubio when he was running back in 2016. Of course he wnat up against trump. He kind of tried at one point in the campaign to out trump trump, if you like. Does it worfor a candidate running against someone like Donald Trumpo take on the mannerisms of the person they are opposing . As you say, it is difficult o trump donald trump. You will not win that contest. The question is, is there anything that can knock trump off of his game . Heto is so useeing all that qui, that distraction will not com from the opponent on the stage. The most difficult part of preparing for debate against trump is this problem. u don know what hes going to say and you dont knowdahen. Most cans in u. S. Politics are fairly predictable. You know what the attack lines are. Atyou know he angles are. Not so with trump that. Makes him tough to prepare for. Joe biden has to come in methodical and graceful. He has to demonstrate a contrast to trump and if he does that, he has a shot at being successful. Katty ouaid this is not a debate, its a job interview. What did you mean . This is the only opportunity americans will have to see the candidates sidebyside and compare them anden eally by proxy have questions asked of them that toy are curious t the answers to peer this is the highest stake interview in the world. Candidates to show what they know but also how they will vern over the next four years. These debates tend to be more we have seenously in the debates tonights debate is the opportunity for the American People to see, to test on how e candidates feel,nd ultimately to make a decision between them. Katty ok, lanhee chen, thank you for joining us. It will be fascinating to watch the debate. And it may not sway very many are expected to watch onple television or live streaming. Umthats a huger of people. Some of them will be waiting to seehether this debate can change their opinion. The first f deathm the coronavirus was back on january it was a 61yearold man in wuhan, china. Rud the months since, the has spread around the world and now more than one Million People haves died. Itother depressing milestone in a year that has seen far too many of them. Here is our medical correspondent for fergus walsh. Reporter every grave marks a life cut short. A mother, father, brother and sist lost to covid19. This indonesia, but the impact of coronavirus since it emerged in china late last year has been truly global. These are the five countries that have recorded the most deaths with covid19. The United States is top with more than 200,0, followed by brazil, india, mexico and the united kingdom. Many of those deaths, especially among the frail elderly, are at least partially due to other Underlying Health problems. 33f million casesronavirus have been recorded. We know the pandemic is accelerating with 2 million new cases every week. But that is a gross underestimate, because so many cases are simply never registered, in part because so many people have no symptoms. And makes it really difficult to work out an accurate mortaliatfor this disease. Theus coronav can also leave people with Chronic Health problems, what has been dubbed long covid, affecting regions like the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, and nervous system. Humanity is actually going into quite a dark zone right now. We just have to look around the ths is coming back with a vengeance into europe. It is still active in the icam. It is also very active in the indian subntinent. Its picking up again in russia and indonesia. This is a global, serious tuation. Reporter reporter every year, around globally from all causes. If we look at three other infectious diseases, tuberculosis, a bacterial infection, is largely a disease of poverty and is curable with antibiotics,et it kills about 1. 5 Million People a year. Many of those are co. Fected with h seasonal influenzaills up to 650,000 people in a bad year, despite there beina vaccine. Measles are highly contagious viral infections. It causes 140,000 deaths a year. Most of them youngre c, yet it is entirely preventable by vaccine. Scientists w areking flat out on coronavirus fixings, but th World Health Organization has warned the covid deatholl could hit 2 million before one is widely available. Fergus walsh, bbc news. Katty so we got topo thit because the virus itself is very contagious, but also because some countries struggle to. Contain outbreaks. Of others though did take action and were able to minimize the impact. Take singapore. Initially, there were concerns year holiday in january wouldw float the island with cases, but officials learned from sars and other contagious diseases and put in place strt Public Health precautions. Everyone has to wear a mask outside the home. There are a few exceptions. Visitors traveling would have to spend time in quarantine with the dail checkin from Health Officials and Contact Tracing is in place for anyone entering choffices, shops, andls. Singapore is not out of the woods completely, but so far has reported only 27. Out of a population of more than 5 llion deaths out of a tion for than 5 million is sinpore a example of how to ea this right . I know it is very in the morning there, but thank you for getting up for us. Give us a picture of what daily li is lik for people in singapore at the moment. On a daily basis, i tend my childr school, i do a temper get on the bus. E they i have to wear masks because they are both above the e of six. Only recently the government has put into place a law that says children under the age of six, it doesnt matter if they dont wear a mask because they difficult for kids that young. After that, i go off to work. Siincrly the government has encouraged people to come back to the office as long as employers can ensure ty are in separate teams, maintain social distancing, and of course w everybody has r a mask wherever they are, outside of their homes. The are strict penalties in place if you are found witut one. The government is not afraid of enforcing these. Iethese penacan go up to a financial cost, something around two hundred dollars, as well as jail time. They are very serious about makingure the rules are enforced. Theres also a degree of singapore. Cipline within there is an understanding that society is mor important than follow the rules. Eople do katty and also ive seen there are strict fools on people entering singapore. You have to go into quarantine. You are kept in a hotel. U are not allowed to leave your room. Two people rebel at all . In europe and in the unitedere states. Is there any sense of people rebelling against impingement on personal freedoms . Ithe beginning certainly there were. There were highly publicized cases of people who broke quarantine. But there are daily checkins and ways for the auths to keep in touch. That very strict penalty, they are not kidding when they say they are not going t take any exceptions to the rules. They have kicked people out, taken work permits away, given them prison time as well. Iethe way singapore to go about enforcing this is saying the government is trying to keep we put the rules in place. Follow the rules and we wi get to a point where at some level, we will be able to live in a normalishoravirus world, but if you dont follow the katty this is the kind of. Million dollar question. Do you think that what is happening in singapore could be replicated here in the United States or in europe . Are they societies that could follow or things we could follow so my kids could go to school . Absolutely. Theay my children went to school, i felt that samef, sense of relo i hear you. But it point it is worth inting out that singapore is a very small country. It is tightly controlled. Theres a big degree of following what the government says. There has been one Political Party in power since independence. This was also an Election Year which parallels to the United States as well. The government was under a lot of pressure to get the response right. We talk a lot about how singapore is the poster childth for the rest o world, but it didnt get it completely right in the beginning either. Ere was a massive outbreak in a lowpaid workers dormitory here. The government missed it and then they had to put the government in a Strict Lockdown to address the issue. I think there are lessons. Gsthike testing, Contact Tracing, using technology to ensure if you do ar outside, you in contact with someone who was infected, there are ways to find out who those people are and ensure they stay away from infecting the rest of the population. Abut this i small country with a high degree of compliance with rules. I dont think we can say the same for other parts of the world. Tty no, perhaps not here, it is a ver big country. Thank you so much. Glad to get your perspective. M iad your children are back in school andhat life somewhere on the planet is relatively normal. Than you for getting up so early to join us. Other news from around the world, j. P. Morgan chase has agreed to pay almost 1 billion after agreeing to wrongdoing into an investigation into market manipulation. This follows investigation by federal agencies into alleged price rigging of global marvets. It involthe practice of flooding markets with orders which was banned after the financial crisis. Blthe ic Prosecution Service of Northern Ireland has stuck to its original decision and announced itro wont psecute any further former soldiers over actions on bloody sunda that follows a review of the cases of 15 veterans. One man remains the only former serviceman to face legal action. 13 were killed and 15 others wounded when the army opened fire ocivil rights demonstrators in londonderry in january 1972. You are watching bbc world news america. Stil t come on this program, Amnesty International says it is being forced to stop operating in india because of what it says our incessant reprisals from the government there. More on that. Britain and canada have imposed sanctions on belarusian officials includingal president ander and his oldest son. The move follows a disputed result in the countrys recent president ial election. We explain how effective it might be. These sanctions mainly target his son and heads of the Security Forces and the army and these people dont travel to canada or the united kingd. I would say these sanctions are very significant. But they matter more as a signal rather than direwi action which influence or be a rea push. The European Union has not introduced there are talks about that, but cyprus has been working on that decision for a while. The main challenge for european leaders is to agree with her nctions for the European Union should bce introdu katty indias government has accused Amnesty International of financial laws. Of indian the Worlds Largest Human Rights Group says repeated harassment by the state has forced them t Halt Operations in the country. The gernment has called amnesty claims exaggerated a unfortunate. From mumbai, here is our india correspondent. Reporter ou a cry born out of protest. The right to dissent passed through the decades, fiercely upheld, treasured, defended. But continued crackdowns of basic freedoms by indias current vernment have led to questions about the health of the countrys democracy. Now global Rights Organization amnesty internatiol has told the bbc that repeated harassment by the govdnment has for them to close all operations in india. Reprisals, they say, for their reports into human rights abuses the government has previously said the group is being investigated for violating funding laws, a claim in this tea rejects. Amnesty rejects. I spoke to the groups senior director in london. I think this is something that everybody should be very worried about. The kind of systematic stifling of dissent and crumbling of institutionshat has taken place, lack of any independent accountability in the country, is extremely worrying. India does not stand i good company. The only other country previously that had been forced russia in 2016. Tions was reporter amnesty has been speaking up with dozens of activists who have been jailed on serious charges. Retribution many believe for eir strong criticism of government. It is not just activists. People from the world of business, entertainment, even the media privately s they fear speaking out against Government Policies or actions. An indication the space for debate and disagreement. There has been at the heart of this that at the heart of is is democracy. We havens electut that is as far as the democratic process goes. All the other features of a democracy, whether it is dissent, the right of free speech, the right to be antigovernnt and yet not be antinational, that is an inherent rht of every indian. Th is under threat today. Report none of this has affected the Prime Ministers popularity. He continues to enjoy strong support from large swaths of india because of his ability to connect with ordinary people. His partyid not want to speak to the bbc, but s ike to a progovernment analyst. If that space for dissent in india today shrinks i dont buy into that at all. I personally do not buy into that at all. If you look at newspapers, if you look at the news channels, not everybody isooting for the government or the Prime Minister or the party in power. This is a country where you can squat in the middle of the road and stopped traffic for months and then you say theres no right to dissent. Reporter in a vast, diversend eeuntry like, the thriving of democracy has seen as a strength now seen as a worrying turn. Bbc new katty the issue of amnestyin rnational raising questions about the future of democracy in india. It might look like something out a Science Fiction movie, but has taken his first test flightc in a jet suit. The gre north a Ambulance Service says the kid could help medics fly to trapped patients in 90 seconds rather than taking 30 minutes, which is what it would do on foot. Sharon reports from the north Lake District in england. Reporter it might look like Science Fiction, buts is real. It is the test flight in tht lake districat proved to the great north air ambulance that they could fly paramedics up mountains to reach critically nobody in t world would expect that we could get toon soin a jet suit in a matter of minutes and get them pain release relief, or eve save your life, but it is possible. Reporter this flight simulated a rescue, which could have taken on foot 25 minuteso get up the mountain. And the jet suit, it took just 90 seconds. This is a real kind of seachange and potentlly how we deliver medicine and the ability toofet to someone in a matte minutes, in an environment when it might normally take an hour is huge. Reporter the flightlm was a ation of a year of talks with a jet suit maker, who is showing the paramedics what it can do. They work by usi microjet engines, the same thing they have on the jet aircraft. If you point them downwards, you go up and as you flare them o, u go down again. Is very safe. You are at a height wherell if u , you could recover. It would not be a terrible injury. Reporter the Ambulance Service described the test flight is awesome and they are in talks of Gravity Industries to fly and their first patients by next summer. Sharon barbara, bbc news. Katty name i summarized i mesmerized. Sort of speechless. It looks out of the movies. You can go on our website and i am on twitter. Im katty kay. Thank you for watching bbc world news america. I will see you here tomorrow. Narrator funding for this presentation of this Program Language specialists teaching spanish, french and more. Raymond james. The freeman foundation. By judy and Peter Blum Kovler foundation; pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs. And by contributions to this pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Nat the height of the conflict. Into vietnam he became a single parent of two young children. We moved a lot. We lept in rest areas. We slept in our car. I didnt realize that we were actually homeless. It makes your world really small. If we happened to stay in a motel that happened to have a tv, it was really special. We loved nova. Especially when it would be about space. We would talk for hours about the universe. Watching nova, i felt big, like, my mind wabig, my ideas were big. The trajectory of my life changed. I could see a world outside of our poverty and i lt like things were ing to get better. Pbs opened up a world i didnt know existed. Captioning sponsored by hour productions, llc woodruff good evening. Im judy woodruff. On the newshouontonight he stage. We lay out what to watch for in the first president ial debate. E then, llion lost. We mark this global covid milestone and what it means for the pandemic going forward. Plus, back to school. How Virtual Education is a challenge to parents and studen t. Positivvirtual learning are, i can get my work done a lot faster. I could be more creat comes to doing my work. Woodruff all that and more,n onights pbs newshour

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