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The Freeman Foundation by judy and Peter Blum Kovler foundation; ng solutions for americas neglected needs. D by contributions to this pbs station from viewers like you. Thank u. Host i am katty kay inin waon, and this is bbc world news america. N new covid restrictionse u. K. More masks, ls socializing, and the pubs shut earlier. In a pandemic full of grim milestones, the u. S. Pa oes anotherne. Digital diplomacy. E now died. Rsthe ever virtual United Nations General Assembly is underway. President trump uses the opportunity to criticize china. Katty welcome to world news america on pbs and around the globe. Tough covid restrictions are in place in the u. K. After the riime minister warned the country is at a us turning point. More people will have to wear masks. Fewer people will be allowed to th, and pubs are going to shut earlier. People cght breaking the rules could be fined thousands. Orest johnson warns this isnt a short stint. Ep i am , spiritually reluctant to make any of these impositions or infringe anyones freedom. But unless we take action, the risk is we will have to go for tougher measures later, and the deaths have already mounted. We have a huge caseload of infection such as we had in the spring. Kay will the latest measures tintroduced acros u. K. Be enough to suppress the virus . Our medicaldi er fergus walsh looks at the challenges. Fergus how do you strike a balance between clamping down on nge coronavirus and keepihe economy moving . That is the challenge facing ministers. Closing bars and restaantst 10 00 p. M. Should reduce the amount of alcohol people drink inli p people will be a little bit more sober when they go home, which will mme t less likely to engage in risky behaviors. They may go home with friends, but the chances are it is not going to be in as lge a group they would be in the bar with. Number in u. K. Is between 1. 1on and 1. 4, which means that for every 10 infected people, they will be passing the virus on to between 11 and 14 others. The prime nister madelear that unless r falls below 1 fuher restrictions are likely. Itro is thought that virus cases are doubling roughly every seven days and are increasing among all age groups hospital admissions are rising, too. Yesterday, government scientists said, leftck unc, we could see 50,000 cases a day by midoctober and perhaps 200 deaths per day a month later, and the stress this wasnt a prediction. That would still be 1 5 of the 1000 daily deaths at the peak in early april. Encouraging people to work from home again should mean fewer chances for the virus to spread on public transport and in then there is scotlands decision to ban most people visiting other households indoors, aimed at tackling a key driver of infection. Th we can expec to have a Significant Impact because we know this disease is spread from persontoperson, particularly in indoor environments where there isnt as much ventilationp and multipleple close to each other, but on the other hand, there will be impacton the wellbeing from not being mily to see friends and as much. Fergus one thing that t been tried is a nighttime curfew that was imposed in antwerp in belgium in late july and help to reduce an outbreak, although cases across belgium are higher than in the u. K. Fergus walsh, bbc ne. Katty this is such aoc complicated s, and though there are tough restrictions in the u. K. And other countries, the key question is whether joining me is kate walkon, a reese each Research Fellow at im interested in this question of freedom versus rules. When it comes to the coronavirus, does it work better to give people clear rules with penalts, or is it better to say, these are the guidelines, bee, sensind sort it out yourselves . Kate ouries have done both, and both have worked. We sawos amany western countries that you didnt actually have to put in place very stringent penalties during lockdown. A lot of what governments did really well was to send a clear message and to send a moral messageppealing toeople to do the right thing, and loverwhelmingly durinkdown, that was incredibly effective ie achievinvior change. I think both would work, and in many countries, they will want to go for the lighter touch, fewer fines first, but that is likely to work, provided the messaging is clear. Katty re weve seen tas a big difference between lockdown. It was this period after lockdown that has been difficult for people to manage. I here in washington, d. C. Have almost no real restricons. I could have 20 people for dinner, but i dont because i know it doesnt work. Im just wondering whether at some point the rules slmost becomeety blanket. They are a bit falsehere you are like, im allowed to go to bee pub with six other families, therore it mus safe, even though its not. Kate everybody suddenly got very worried in the last week or so. I ink have forgotten we have to be fairer to people. Governments have not been super worried. And all of march and april, government clearly conveyed a deep sense of worry, that hasnt been tase over the summer. People have relaxed because they ve felthings werent that serious. It is understandable when you are told you are able to eat out, for example. As soon the mesging u the worry, people will take that seriously and put in platr more of thegent behaviors you spokeut a whether the exact rules are there or not. Katty we were speaking to one of our correspondents in singapore earlier in the day, and he said there are very strict quarantine rules, but no one seems to mind. In countries where people arent bothered by t idea of liberty versus rules or infringement on personal freedoms, do they tend to do better . Kate its been difficult to tell in this pandemic because those countries have a number of Different Things in theiravor. In many countries that have experienced sars o ebola, there have been very strong norms about handwashing, compliance with test and trays, particularly about maskwearing, and we know people are those around them. They just kink into what they knew how to do already. It was partly about diseases that h countri experienced before, it seems having a strong culture ofompliance with the rules and preserving the social good is really important for adherence in this pandemic. But ies think those countave had a number of other reasons that there compliance has been higher than in the u. K. And u. S. Kay thank you very much. It is really interesting, this question. When i say i wouldnt go out in the res wuranth 20 people, but i know there are places in america where people arent following the guidelines as much, and im sure if everyone around me was goibe out, i would tempted to follow that. This coronavirus story is filled with grim milestones, and today, the United States mard 200,000 people dead from this disease. The latest figures are compiledy ohns hopkins university, and the official death toll stands at 200,5, although cas are ill rising in a number of states, including north dakota and utah. In march, President Trump said if deaths were between 100000 and 200,000, then the country would have done a very good job. The bbc has been speaking with owners and directorsf Funeral Homes who have reflected on how this huge lossoflife in the country has affected families and communities they serve. Of these stories upsetting. It is so disturbing because 200,000 is just too many. Really is. Its just too many. Eait is diening. There are no other words for itt s just disheartening, because at this point, it seems as if everyone knows someone who has been affected or they have beent affectmselves. If we have four or five people in our caratny point, thats about normal. At any point during apri and may, we had close to 70 people here. Lywe essentionverted the one facility into a giante mor. And turned the airconditionerss way up and made every available space, either shelving or tables , for stage. Thethe hardest thing i distance normally, you are there torm hod theirr hold their hand and be right there next tohe it affects the grieving process,ni and the com is heartbroken. Loits of people that we have lost, a lot of families that have lost their loved ones, or their mom isnt there, dad isnt there. Our nation has mourned a lot of deaths, and it is something we are not going to forget. Whave to adapt, and thats the thing about this virus. We have to adapt until things i just wish People Better view mf hy people this is really killing. We have always said it. We are here one day and the next day we may not be here. That statement has become even more real with this pandemic. It takes a toll on you emotionally. It takes a toll on us physically. At the end of theayim happy to do what i do. Ive realizedhat nothing is going to be difficult after this. The regular day to day, this is easy. Nothing is evegoing to be, in difficu going to be again, compared to that. Kay 200,000 is not just a number. It is 200,000 people who have died and were loved by somebody. Some 33,000 of those deaths have been in new york city, which as you remember was the epicenter of the disease in th spring. The city is still struggling new york has emerged from its coronavirus coma, but it is still struggling from the lingering effects. The change in season has brought an uptick of activity, but the signs of continuous suffering are everywhere, from boardedup shops to more Homeless People on the streets. Theres a new covid cafe culture, but it s created a misleading sense of revival. Almost 3000 Small Businesses have closed since march, and one third of those are restaurants. Chbar ownes page says the Outdoor Dining Business Model is new york city is dying. It wil die if restaurants dot reopen. It will truly jt i think the economy will collapse. This is hudson yards, a skylinechanging development that opened with great fanfare last year, but its Flagship Department store has filed for bankruptcy. The Shopping Mall is largely empt the ecosystem of manhattan relies on Office Buildings tt ar full, but september has not yet brought a largescale retu to work, and some have left town for good. Here for instance, what do you think the occupay is . About 10 . 90 empty . Commercial experts fear the worst. I literely feel l i am acting in a bad scifi movie as i walk around new york, and bfortunately, it could get a lot worse come t weather. Times square has become something of a barometer for the city, and this is the busiest it has b. N in the past six months it is far from returning to normal. New york has suffered from convulsions in the past. Acthe a on september 11, the great recession, a fiscal crunch inhe 1970s that brought it to the point of bankruptcy, but the widespread fear is the coronavirus crisiss worse and will take much longer to recover from. The character of new york is new drivein Movie Theater where the films get upstaged by the skyline, but it is telling they have had to revive a form of entertainment from the past at a time when the is so much uneasiness about the future. Nick bryant, bbc news, new york. Katty youre watching bbc world news america. Still to come on this program, a harrowing video appears to show a naked woman being stalked and killed in northern mozambique. An investiga looked into who is responsible for the atrocity. Katty a former chinese real to 18 years in ja been sentenced corruption charges. He disappeared from the public eye after critizing president xis response to the coronavirus. Here is bbcs china analyst carrie allen. Carrie if you asked me who he was in 2014, he was a really powerful figure online. He had a lot of influence and tens of millions of followers, and he really challenged t status quo. He was very outspoke. He sometimes made of barbed comments about the communist party, and they struggled to rein him in. In relation to corruption, it is hard to tell in china because hm was alionaire. He was a huge business tycoon. We are not entirely sure. What we do know is that for a long period of time, thent govern was unsettled with the growing voice he had online, and the fact he had this dissent behind him. Katty a growing revolt has been ravaging large areas of northern mozambique. Both the islamist insurgents and the Mozambique Army have been accused of atrocities. In one of the latest videos of the region, a group of armed men n be seen murdering a naked woman, but where exactly did it happen and who a they . You might find some parts of Andrew Hardings report distressing. A andrvideo surfaces on social media. Ws it sho four men as they chase one terrified naked woman. It shows them beatin her. Then it shows them killing her with at least 36 gunshots. Where was this . Using online technology, we and otherea reshers have managed to pinpoint the spot. Northern mozambique, a region b consumfighting. See those billboas . The three trees. The green and the white roofs. There is no doubt about the location. What about the date . The angle of the mens shadows suggests april or september. The video first emerged in september of this year, and we knowin mozambican troops w the area. Now to the heart of the matter who are these people . Hthe woman yet to be edidenti but look at the empty robe. It seems likely she was left behind when other civilians fled. As for the killers we have been able to identify the outfit that they are wearing, which is exactly the same outfit that the armedes fo of mozambique use. Andrew armuniforms and accent that seem to back that up. In the video, the soldiers are speaking in portuguese with accents of the south. At it tells us is they are most likely soldiers of the army. Ofrom what we knthe inurgents is that they speak swahili. In some cases, they speak in arabic. Andrew local media reports have identified a possible suspect, a soldier who may have since been killed. Mozambiques government has given a mixed response, promising an investigation, but alsouggesting that the video has been faked by malicious people. Insurgents here, seeing looting military supplies earlier this year, are well known for impersonating soldiers. As for why any gunmen might kill and film theilling of a civilian this video is, horrificut its not unique. Its incredible how many videos are circulating onocial media that have come from this coquer of moze. Online, the violence is growing, forcing a quarter of a million revilians to flee their homes, and the stakes a high. Building work has begun on a vast new project worth buildingp to devhis regions offshore gas fields, but in recent days, the insurgents have launched new attacks along the coast, perhaps threatening t p future of thlans. So muchn this short video remains a mystery, but the horrorsno unfolding ihern mozambique are now beyond dispute. Andrew harding, bbc news, south africa. Katty a naked woman unarmed shot to death. Will anyone ever be . Held accounta the United Nations General Assembly got off to a fiery start in new york despite the fact that none of the World Leaders actually turned up in person because of the coronavirus. The heads of state delivereder orded messages. President trump used his speech accountable for how it hasa handled the pandemic. Netted tow feet has more for us. Normally, new york would be heaving with people for the start of the u. N. General assembly. Instead because of covid, the crowds have stayed away, and the speeches have moved online. The secretary gener Antonio Guterres was one of the few to speak from the mostly empty General Assembly hall, at a time when International Cooperation is most needed, he called for a global ceasefire and efforts should be made to avoid a new cold war, one between the u. S. And china. We are dangerous direction. We cannot afford a future where the two largest economies split the globe each with its own trade and financial rules and internet and Artificial Intelligence capacities. President trumps speech aired as the u. S. Was nearing 200,000 deaths from the virus, the highest death toll of any nation. We will distribute a vaccine. We will defeat the virus. We will end the pandemic, and we will enter a new era of unprecedented prosperity, cooperation, and peace. As wepursue tight future , we must holdab accou the nation which unleashed this plague unto the world, china. The Chinese Ambassador to the u. N. Reacted in realtime to the president. Na c rejects the baseless accusation against china. His remarks introduced a rare speech from chinese president xi jinping. While washington has reduced its influence at the u. N. And plans to leave the world health organization, china has been eager to fill the void in the leadership. We should follow the guidance of science, give full plate to the leading role of the world health organization, a launch joint International Response to beat this pandemic. Any attempt to politicize t issue or stigmatize the issue must be rejected. Speecheby china and the u. S. Laidare the competing visions that have hindered progress at the United Nations, and with no in person meetie s or behind enes negotiations, it is thought not much will help to contrinute to comb the coronavirus let alone other key sues. Katty always worth remembering that leaders speak at the human generalut assembly,hey are also just as much speaking to their own domestic populations. Before we go, today smart marked the start of autumn. Many ofo you triedueeze in some lastornute outdo activities. The same could be saivefor these adurers in russia. Katty nearly two dozen what a great starting gun nearly two dozen cyclists took to the road for a rather unusual race. At six points along the route, participants had to stop at a local pub and have a glass of beer, wine, or perhaps even ter. The pandemic has forced many bars and restaurants to close,dd so perhaps thien surge in clientele was a ve welcome surprise, although i guess they might have blittle sweaty, of breath. Little smelly, and out a great way to bike a race, stop for a beer. You can find out more of the days news on our website. Narrator funding for this presentation of this program is provided by. Language specialists teaching spanish, french and more. Raymond james. The freeman undation. By judy and Peter Blum Kovler foundation; pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs. And by contributions to this pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Nat the height of the conflict. G into vietnam he became a si parent of two young children. Moved a lot. We spt in rest areas. We slept in our car. I didnt realize that we were actually homeless. It makes your world really small. I if we happened to sta motel that happened to ve a tv, it was really special. We loved nova. Especially when it would be about space. We would talk for hours about the universe. Watching nova, i felt big, like, my mind was big, my ideas were big. The trajectory of my life changed. I could see a world outside of our poverty and i felt like things were gog to get better. Pbs opened up a world i didnt know exist. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc woodruff good evening. Im judy woodruff. On the newshour tonight high stakes. Despite stonewalling the process in 2016, Senate Leadership plans to move forward with a vote for a Supreme Court nominee. We talk with republican senator John Barrasso about the contentious fight ahead. Then, the viual world stage. Covid19 forces the United Nations general asmbly to convene remotely as internional tensions over the pandemic remain. And, testing ground. Colby college in maine manes to safely resume inperson classes by testing students and faculty muiple times a week. Some schools had already

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