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The freeman foundation. By judy anfopeter blum kovledation; pursuing solutions for am and by contributions to ts pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. America. And jane obrien. Reporting from new york city. Violence on the streets. Chaos in the government. Protesters in beirut vent theirn r over last weeks massive explosion. The countrys Prime Minister says his government has stepped down. I announce the resignation of this government. May god protect lebanon. Lmay god proteanon. May god protect lebanon. Jane brazils growing emergency. The country is struggling to contain thcoronavirus pandemic, with more than es0,000 fatalieported. Mo wrangling over relief aid in the u. S. Lawmakers suggle to find Common Ground after President Trump offered a plaof his own. And more alarming news about the s ice shel antarctica. W a nereport shows just how much has been lost as Global Temperatures rise. Afor of you watching on pbs and around the globe, welcome to world news america. Lebanon is the scene of a people after the countrys Prime Minister announced thaov his entirenment is stepping down. There has been mounting pressure in thets str where protesters have been venting their anger over last weeks explosion that killed more than 200 people. Thousands were injured, and many remain missing. Quentin sommerville has been speaking to some of those who havery lost eveing. You may find some of the images distressing. Quentin inch by inch, lebanon is falling apart. They knew their government was finished, but stil. They want mo mien athe tear, these protesters can almost smell the. Vernments downfall it was brought down moments before, and there has little change. A reshuffle of the same faces at the top is not one t solve lebanos crisis. When the end came, there were cheers and riot police. The Prime Minister gave his but his government remains until a new one can be found. The state is out in force in a shutter capital, carrying guns not brooms. The lebanese are famous for their determination. People here are sick of being left to fend for themselves. Nobody else put the youth is going to help here. As you see, you can see so people from the government here, and they just sit and do nothing. E a revolution, it does not help. Becom more aggressive wont help either. So what can we do other than cleanup the moment . Quentin some bonds in beirut remain unbroken. Nadia massoud lived in this beirut flat for 70 years, just two blocks from theort. He and his wife were here during the explosion. Most of their doors and windows e gone. Is it time to leave, i ask . No, no, no, no. We stay. Quentin it is a tight neighborhood. A p dozenple died on this one corner, and everybody here knows exactly where their nreghbors hen the blast hit. But some are in nposition to help. Their wounds are too raw. One was in hergh car by the y at the port. She and her husband filmed the fire before the explosion. When i write to the hospital when i ride to the hospital, it was like a movie. I had more chance than others because i saw people on the road people lost their eyes. Quentin today, she is having plastic surgery. Dr. Joba rude the doctor is offeringervices for free. It is my guts telling me if you can ate least offer snd of your expertise to help people, if i am going to go and work on the street in five months and people with bad scars on their face, im going to feel directly ritponsible for. [explosions] quentin tonight, teargas and fireworks, as lebanon slips further into the void. This lebanese people together. But it is also tearing their country apart. Quentin sommerville, bbc news, beirut. Jane the big question no what comes next for banon . Power has been shared by leaders representing different religious groups. Many blame this entrenched system for the countrys corruption. For more, we spoke to a journalist and human rights activist in beirut. Luna i think big changes away for the Political Parties in lebanon. If you want to be realistic, we understand it is very hard to get rid of the concept of lyrical parties anywhere in the world. Ngha different entities is healthy and democratic, the state of politics. However, when you have Political Parties that impose themselves on the country for years and rthat tried to bribe thay into the parliamt, into the cabinet, through their supporters, while using the collapsing Economic Situation that has been happening here after year in lebon, this is not a very democratic thing. I t thi main challenges to things. Prove that if they are toparties be an impartial part of the power, how will they prove thaom they will dohing different , even 1 difference . And how could they cooperate and open the door in front of theso civiety entities that are really technocratic, and that are ready to make this change, to turn this country into a more civic country, and not some politics . Sed on sectarian jane luna joining us from beirut. Here in the u. S. , talks remained led over the next round economic ending f those hit hardest by the pandemic. President trump has put forward his own package of relief measures, but legal challenges in parts of the country where caseshave been you covid and the economy has largely reopened, there is debatechver how mu and who should be offered help. Win, win. Reporter a rare sight in this virtual ection season. This is amazing. Reporter a politician on the campaign trail. Thats me. Reporter he is a republican challenger for a democratic sena seat in New Hampshire, the state President Trump lost by a whier in 2016, and where his endorsement still carries clout. I am proud and honored to have received President Trumps endorsement, ath it is a good g. I dont view it as a liability at all. I view it as a very, very good thing. And i would tell you that the polls are starting to turn some now. 90 days in politics is an eternity. Reporter joe biden enjoys an overallew lead in hampshire, but President Trumps support among republicans remains above 80 even as sostion hisse respo the pandemic. And h been inconsistent sometimes. Erit has been ne in some ways. How he manages in two months, goin into the general election cycle in earnest aer labor day and beyond, is going to really make a big difference for voters. Reporter do you know how you are going to vote . Yes, im going to vote for the president. Reporter New Hampshire and has so far escaped the worst of the pandemic. That is why many support the focus on the economy. Despite recordym unempt, Staff Shortages are a problem here. At first, the Health Concerns were the problem. The second problem was that a more money staying at home than what i pay them. Reno one iying to the help wanted ads. We cannot get seasonal staff. This is where we keep lobster tanks. Reporter New Hampshire restaurants depend s onsonal workers even when there is not a pandemic. Normally, he would be eaten by now, but w have had him for days. Reporter covid is not playing down a lobster trap. Foreign students who normally plug the gap cannot travel. Prolonging it all, and then giving out t mon to everybody even the ppp loans. Business, for a lot ofr our businesses. It eventually someone is going to have to pay that back, and it is unfortunate it is going to be people in the future, kids that arent even able to vote right now. Reporter billy supports the relief under the executive order. He says the payments are lower and the paoll tax cuts may allowoorkers t pocket more money when they come back to work. Jane for more on t president s executive actions, im joined by rob christy, former advisoro president george w. Bush, and a bbc analyst. Ron, i have not spoken to you for ages. Is the president s executive action a, distractionr will he get congress back to the talking table . Ron foremost, welcome home. It is great to see you as well. As we look at what the president s executive actions have really transpired i cthe lastple of days, i think republicans and democrats alike are saying, of all, is it legal . Is it constitutional . F does the president e United States have the ability to divert funds from one set of money to provide for people who are really suffering under these tterrible conditions brou about by the pandemic . Im hopeful not confident, but im hopeful that the senate and house leadership will sit down and work the president , iron at something that is totally legal, totally constitutional, and allow the leadership a washington, d. C. To make sure those americans who are adversely affected by this ndemic are taking care of. Jane as you say, meanwhile, millions of americans are going through confusion and uncertainty. Who d you think is going to blink first . Ron well, being a republican and having been in politics for 29 years, im going to put my ubmoney that the rcans are going to blink first, because thats what we always do. We talk about principle. What we are talking about is dollars. Matter of trillions of the democratic leadership wants to spend 3 trillion to get out of this pandem early frowned. The republicans want to spend a trillion. The speaker of the house said, why dont you come down a trillion and we will go up a trilon . Im going to say nancy pelosi and chuck schumer, the Senate Minority leaill probably get more of what they want and what the republicans are looking for. Jane these are huge sums, and jpeople like billy, who t heard for heard from,ab i worriet who will pay for this at the end of the day. Is that a worry cgress hasn mind right now . Ron i dont think that having in their minds rht now, but they sure better. We have added trillions upon trillions of dollars to our national debt. What does that mean for ordinary americans . Me what does tha for taxpayer that means it is going to be a kettle more expensive to out a car loan, a home loan. The ability for the government not to pown the significant sums of money that they are writing an iou that younger generations, children and grandchildren not yet worn are going to have to pay, is something that is going to be a real issue, i believe, for voters not only in thisec on, but in 2024. What have you settled us with, and why did you do it . ja while we have got you, i want to turn quickly to the democrats. Why do you think there is a delay in joe biden choosing his ce president running mate . Ron i dont think they really know what they are going to do. I mean, the Vice President really painted himself in a very difficult i spot, put himsea bad corner spot, by saying i am going to choose a woman o colo and i am going to choose a woman, aeds oppo im going to choose the best person who can succeed me as being the next president of the United States if i am unable to discharge the duties of i office. Dont honestly think, looking at the field, that they have someone they believe is a strong there are a lot of people they are talking about, but it is going to be intesting to see, can they wiggle out of this logjam of their own creation . Rather than picking the best candidate, they want p ason of color, a woman. It is unfortunate from my perspective. Jane we will wait and see who thank you for joining me. Ron lovely to see you. Jane the United States and brazil are by far the nations worst affected by the covid19 pandemic, in terms of the number of infections and fatalities. Each country reached its own milestone. In the u. S. , we crossed 5 million infections, whilel b has passed 100,000 deaths. Reporter it is a twice dai roll call at this hospital in eastern sao paulo. Families wait for names to be called out. Their only chance to hear any updates abo their loved ones being treated for covid19. Mostly poor neighborhoods, with some of the highest death the worst hitn city in all of brazil. He has that she has stood outside the hospital every day since her mother was admitted a month ago. Now intubated, it is not clear what her chances are of suiving. Her name is called out. She heads inside for an update. Others wait their turn. 15 minutes later, she has news. She is stable, but the future is uncertain. There are days we see employments see improvements. There are days she regresses. We are fighting and we are praying. T across the road, i meea cafe owner. She has lived here 50 years. But 2020 has taken its toll. When patients leave, she says the community applauds. When they die, they mourn with the families. The saddest story was a 24yearold woman who got covid19. She gave birth to a baby who he died a week ago, and so did she. It was just last week. Reporter the Community Health worker has never been so busy. She lives and works in a poor and badly hit area. Everyhe day, she knocks o neighborsoors, checking how they are doing ask handing out it is easy t see how the virusca spread in these pactin neighborhoods. A Domestic Worker ught covid along with her entire emily. At the beginning, people were very resistant. They did not want to wear masks. But when they started to sor their neiggetting covid19, some dying, others having difficulties, they started to take more care of themselves. Reporter the pandemic is just part of the fight survive. Millionsf lost their jobs, and the poor are the worst hit. S itpattern across the region. Is is a sewer. When it rains, it lets. There are often huge faminges lin one or two rooms. It is the reality for millions ross south america. There is no stopping covid19. From brazil to colombia, peru to icmexico, latin am has more than 5 million cases. Brazil, the most troubling example of a virusntot yet under l. Katy watson, bbc news and sao paulo. Jane grim milestone. Police in chicago will limit access to the citys downtown af nr aht of violence and looting. There will also be a heavy Police Presence unticefurther noti social media videos from the weekend showed hundreds of people ratingre s, following an altercation involving a suspect with a gun. More than 100 people have been arrested. The main opposition candide in belarus said she considers herself the winner of sundays president ial election. On monday, the Electoral Commission said the incumbent had won 80 of the vote. Of widespread boat thing. The Political Division comes after a night of sometimes violent protests across the country. The Actor Antonio Banderas says he haste tespositive for covid19 and is in quarantine. Inwriton twitter, he said he is feeling well, but a bit more tirethan usual. He is the latest Hollywood Star to announce they have coronavirus. Tom hanks and iis elba has also been second. You are watching bbc world news a. Amer still to com mandatory. Sks parts of frace are telling people to cover up, but not everybody is listening. Officials in hong kong have arrested a prominent media tycoonic on sun of colluding with foreign forces. The publisher of the popular apple daily newspaper is one of a doz prodemocracy activists to be detained. Troublemaker who s tod him a incite riots and spread rumors with his newspapers. But i it is worth bearimind how popular his newspaper, apple daily is. It is very popular on y e prodemocrde. When Jim Eli Jimmy Lai was arreed, a popular tycoon and british citizen, it will be seen as a sign the government is trying to put a warning out to others. Shares i apple daily fell and then spiked as activists supported the newsper. Even if they print a blank sheet of paper tomorrow, said one, we will be buying. Jane french authorities have taken another turn in their battle against the coronavirus outbreak. After a strict down was eased i may, life was starting to get back to a version ofut normal, with cases rising again, authorities in many areas have made ace coverings mandatory, including in paris. Such measures have been in place in the Southern City of nice for a week. Mark frances extending rul on the obligatory wearing of face masks to try to reduce its coronaviruction rate, which is at a two month high. Today in a hundred locations around paris, you have to wear the mask outside. That is already the case in s ne in the center of nice between 10 00 a. M. And 1 00 a. M. , you have to wear the face mask. If you dont, you risk a fine. If you look around, there are a lot of people at the moment still not wearing one. We have come up to the heart of old nice to ask why not. I dont see many locals wearing them, not everybody. We have got them in our bags. We wear them inside places. Reporter do you know that you have to now . You couldu be fined if e not wearing it. Really . [speaking french] reporter [speaking french] its a rule now that you have to wear it in the center of the city. [speaking french] reporter you are not worried about the rising cases . No, not really. When we see a lot of people, we put the mask, but no. We are not worried. Reporter you risk a fine now. Yes, i know, but i take the risk. Reporter for now, police have been told to be lenient, but to ughen up in the coming days, to encourage people to be as obedient as this guy, and is conscientious about wearing the mask. Jane that was mark lowen reporting. Enough water to fill the grand canyon. That is how much the ice shelves in antarctica have melted since the mid19s. A stud released today has put it all down to higher temperatures in the ocean, and warned of the consequences of climate change. Victoria ice shelf seems a frozen ice surroune masses of antarctica. Totudy these frozen platforms, scientists had to zoom out into space, using satellites to make precision measureknnts of the ths of the ice shelf. In 25 years, it lost enough mass to the grand canyon with water. This is not going to raise the sea level, because they are already sitting in the water. The Sea Level Rise comes when those ice shelves reduce the re rraint they exert o thet of the antarctica rights sheet ice sheet, which then flows faster into the ocean, causing Sea Level Rise. Victoria the effects of this cold, fresh water entering the deep sea around antarica are likely to be felt far beyond the polar south. The arctic plays a major role in playing and controlling the climate of the world. Adding a lot of cold water contains heat and can change the global cmate, and potentially kind of change how change rafall patterns around the world as well. Victoria is that what describe antarctica as the worlds thermostat . What happens tohat ice and in that ocean is shifting where the patterns shifting weathun patterns arothe world. Exactly. Victoria with many of the worlds biggest cities by th coast, modeling future Sea Level Rise accurately is crucial. The Study Reveals how much of that accuracy has to do witwh understandinat is happening victoria gill, bbc news. World. Jane ou can find more on that story and all the days news that our website. To see what we are working on any time, check us t on twitter. Im jane narrator funding for this presentation of this program is provided by. Language specialists teaching spanish, french and more. Raymond james. The freeman foundation. By judy and Peter Blum Kovler foundation; pursuing solutions for americas neglted needs. 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Our studio, im on the newshour tonight, an uneven response President Trump signs executive orders extending unemploymeefits and suspending payroll taxes, as ress and the white house fail to reach a deal on economic reef. Then, the crackdown continues Hong Kong Police arrest the newspaper in the most high profile use of the Controversial National security law yet. Plus the pandemic in alaska the influx of Seasonal Workers and the inaccessibily of remote villages present challenges for confronting the coronavirus. We knew that thera m

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