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Children in third grade and up must wear a mask to school. It is the first order of its kind in the nation. Also schools are d only permit to physically reopen if their county has been off the watch list for at weleast two s. This week the two Largest School districts in the state, los angeles ansan diego, announced they would only provide Online Education when th in the bay area School Districts are mixed to. Several will open for Distance Learning only. Others are planning for some in Person Education and if you have not decided. Our first guest day the congresswoman from santa clara who wrote an opinion article this week calling for more government funding for s education. She jo from washington dc. Thank you for being on. You have kidsand i have kids, this is a situation impacting people whether they have children or not because there are parents who are carevers that will need worry about how they take care of their children if they are not physically at the school and maare fearing health if they do go to school. This is a dir icult situation everyone in our country and are going through this. As we we have news today from gov. Gavin newsom about how we will be handling the situatiohere in california. You say schools need more federal money to meet this er need, exactly do you see that money going . First of all any money for ppe, they need money to have facilities adjusted to be safe if they are going to open. Most important a lot of teacrs are going to have to be remote and a lot of learning will have to be remote. That is someing that requires investment. It requires investment in training, in the materials that people may need, so the federal government has to provide this funding. We are literally weeks out from schooopening, are you suggesting, schools need to reopen and go ahead d move forward the best you can and were the federal government will provide this funding hopefully in the future . There are two different issues, one is should they physically reon in mind you know school should physically reopen unless it is absolutely safe, for the students and safe for the teachers and families. We ought to be cautious therefore before rushing to open schools because i dont want to put anyoneshealth at risk. The second issue is schools opening to provide promote learning which by law they have to do. I wish we had gotten the money to schools earlier but we have not so the to get that money as part of this next stimulus and schools will probably have to start without it. After they get those resources they can always supplement Online Learning they are doing. And additionally there are about 15 ofli all fa with schoolaged children that dont have highspeed internet and this disproportionately impacts minority families in une coy. The state superintendent of schools asked urgently this week for Technology Donations to schools. How are you leveraging the wealth of knowledge of resources of your district and santa clara to have citizens help with thisresponse . It is a big challenge. We need a national solution. We need highspeed internet, we need broadband and we have a bill on that. We have seen Companies Like zoom that have stepped up and did a repartnershintly. We need more companies to step up to provide laptops to schools, to provide technology to schools. The biggest challenge is the lack of highspeed ternet as you pointed out. That is not Something Technology companies can solve. It was not easy making the switch to Digital Learning party through the school year in mah when that happened. It doesnt look to be an easy start this year. What are you expecting School Districts, parents, anve students to to deal with . It is as a father. Difficult its hard to get kids focus, you are concerned about screen the whole time . D on a screen it is not ideal. I dont think anyone will say Remote Learning is ideal. I think what we have to dois pick around what our age specific tools, how long that learning should be . How can we get people to do oj ts away from being on a laptop or phone . What are the most effective teniques for learning . We have technology and it is a challenge also for working familiere people dont have the same childcare and may have to have mu more flexible schedules. This is why i said we have to provide 2000 per month to every american while this crisis is going on. We have to recognize people arent being able to go back to work in their full schedules. What we should do shis not to reopen. In this ar you antwo other people of color are going to be the cochairs for the californiaelegation to the Democratic National convention. This is typically a spot that goes to the governor. What are you planning to do with the opportunity . I am really honored that so many progressives around the state mobilized and wanted progressive leadership for the delegation. I will be pushing to have dont understand now that you shouldnt lose your healthcare when you lose your job i dont know when we will. Pe millions ole of lost their jobs and it is uncertain healthcare. There losi we need to extend medicare to cover everyone. I will be pushing for 15 minimum wage and collective bargaining rights. I will be pushing to make sure we arent increasing the military budget and we are investinin clean tech jobs instead. We are investing in the inlarge delegationthe country and we ought to be pushing for both progressive agendas. Your star seems to be on the rise. Youre the national cochair of Bernie Sanders campaign wid now yo be coleading this delegation and it has been seen as a tuplatform for president ial candidate. What do you think . Would you consider nning for president in the future . Now i have young kids and i am just starting out in my second term in congress. I will tell you spendi more time with mykids and family we have been fortunate and i have really just ive been fortunate personally that my fa good health. My parents are hein good th and my wifes parents are in good health and i havebeen so empathetic. I have heard stories of people i know that lo their parentir to coron. People have lost their businesses , this is a time really and most people in politics feel this way, it is not about politics it is at we are dealing with and when you remember congress and you are getting hundreds of people losing businesses and losing a loved one, chasing unemployment, you really feel fe inadequate. Yo like you cant do enough to help people in a time of need. It has been a very dif time to serve. I have been impressed with the resilience of our mmunity. If you were president right now how would you balance the need to limit the spreadroof virus infections with the need to reopen the economy before it stagnates much further . The first thing i would advise the president to do is wear a mask. Heshould have beenwearing a mask from day one. That would have really mitigated the issue allowing businesses to reopen. I s the first member of congress to call for a national and i called for that march 24. Imagine if we had done that. We had many members of congress signed a letter that said lets shelter in place and make sure we areincreasing in the meantime with supplies by contact tracing. The president didnt take those actions in march. He didnt wear a mask in march so now we are seeing thisis unfortunately to the point where we are having difficulwi decision our schools. It is still salvageable. I wish that the president every day would tell everyone to wear a mask. I wish he would say close the bars, close indoor places. California opened way too early. What was the need to be reopening some of the bars in some of those areas . What we need to do is have common sense. Wear a mask and listen to the scientists. Thank you so much. This ek San Franciscos osed its doors after 83 years at of continuous opn. The California Restaurant Association estimates a third of all restaurants shuttered by the pandemic willkely never reopen. Some people are learning for the first time how to plant their own gardens and regularly cook their own food d several vo restaurants have d to take out foods and produce boxes. Under alice waters. Ype is the al is such a pleasure. Thank you so much. You were an earl advocate the local sustainable Blue Foods Movement which has made major strides over the past dede there is now an organic garden in the white house and an explosion of farmers markets and general recognition of the value of your principles. Argue content as you survey the landscape of your legacy . In i it is pretty extraordinary what has happened in the st 50 years. A recognizing that it is so important where our food comes from. We want to support the people who are taking care of the land and thinking about the future. This is what this movement is all about. You are also sponsible for planting the edible schoolyard and that is a program in berkeley but it also has affiliates throughout the world. How has the virus impacted these schoolyard programs . Are they just thleft on r own . G garden that is a classroom a for the students to learall of their academic subjects and it is a very healthy garden so we are able to harvesall of those fruits and vegetables and give them to families connected to the schools who really need it at this moment in time. How has covid19 impacted the food supply ain in america . It has impacted it very seriously. Because these farmers depend on the restaurants to support them and now they need the farmers markets, they need to be selling or the little nic stores and they are endangered. Even though we have seen the other side of it of the industrial food system at how shocking it is that they are not taking care of their d employees at they are it wasting foodis something ul that hop will open our minds. You are a fairly optimistic pers, are you seeing a Silver Lining when it comes to the coronavirus in terms of how people relate to food . The virus is really waking us up. Waking us up to nature and to where food frcomes. I think in a way this could be a Silver Lining hacause we not paid attention. Mae this is really for Climate Change but we ed to focus on the cal organic food system, and we have an to opportunitsupport those people taking care of the land. You started your restaurant in 197in a tumultuous era with protesting against the vietnam war and womenesrights, this time period feel familiar to you in any way . It feels very familiar to me. I was at berkeley in the 60s. I started in 1964 so i was there the beginning ofthe free speech movement. What it did for me is it empowered me and i think thats why i felt so able to start shea pennies becausi felt like if i had a passion for something and i did it right the people would come. It seems e ke you seriously looking at questions of racial injustice. Just a month ago posted an ss instagram e about the lack of diversity in your kitchen which included the following statement, thir moment has re us to carefully reflect on the ways we as a restaurant have en complacent in systemic oppression and on how we can better support our community. I am curious, what hard truths have you come to of reflection . How have you anyour restaurant been complacent in oppression and how are you changing one thing we really wanted do was understand who was growing our food and who are we supporting and how we could support people of color. How we could seek people out. It that was very important for us to do this. I have many friends in the farming around the world but i took a good look at the group of people we get uit from, and that waone big wakeup call for me. And are there enough black owned or minority owneod producers from whom you can start acquiring e produce you need . We are just beginning to plan that out. I have called the people around the country to sewho they know, who needhelp, we are really thinking the needs to be some very big buyer like the whole university of california that could activate young people going into farming arou the whole state. If we worked at e University Level that we wanted support small farmers, in all fields and ofall backgrounds, it would be incredible. We could be on fire with that kind of equality. I am vehopeful Something Like that could happen because i am stting an institute for Edible Education at the universityf california at davis. That will be something that is at the top of our agenda. I would like to ask ieyou y before we go, is there a comfort food you find yourself craving right now . Of course gsthere are th like sugar and brd, but i love fru just ripe and we are just getting that fruit now. This is the first speech peach and when i taste it it reminds me othis moment time at chez panisse. That is what comforts me. Is that i feel connected to the restaurant and tothe season and to nature and to the farmer. That gives me great comfort. Ez panisse, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you much. Of finding love in the time of covid19 preevent presents new challenges. While fewer people are meeting p son dating apps have reported a surge in usage including video chat. Joining us now to discuss the practicalities and pitfalls of the host of the datable podcast. They are both joining usby skype in San Francisco. Thanks for joining us. Datable is a one hour podcast you have been hosting for yefou s. Tell us what the dating scene is typically like in the bay area prepandem. It epis tech enter and i think just doinonline dating is in our dna here in the bay area. Aside from that there is also this counterculture in San Francisco where i think there a lot nontraditional relationships that pop up and they are widely accepted. Like holly and mariwith open relationships, unicorns, any other kind of configuration for a relationship existshere. Just like startups i think people think they can eihack love lives that we have learned we can design the relationships we always wanted by taking the traditions that service and ditching the ones that dont. so you have tracked several changes in the past few months to the dating landscape, tell us what you are singing. I think the biggest trend we are seeing which is what we are excited about is the hook culture is dying. And if its not dying it is dead. I find this interesting because i think pretran06 i called this everyone isthe oprah of kissing. You stay out to make out. You are justhanding out kisses and everyone gets a kiss. Now because of safety precautioneveryone is being more mindful of who they show their affections especially physical to. And movement is something we champion which is hashtag sober first kiss which is mindful without any intoxication and you are able to gauge more chemistry that y. Re you even able to have that first kiss right now . Ri what are people excing as they try to date . You are not meeting strangers the way you dibefore. People are still kissing but they askall of the right questikes. It is almost a Wellness Check before you have your lips meet. And also as a result of this i think people are just faefer toe the relationship. Pretran06 we were all playing this game of relae onship chicken whwe were half in half out. Now there is this mentality similar to the startup world where we have ditched the smalltalk or date talk and we are now doing much deeper coersations about our values ansoci issues with things like black live matter. We are deciding faster if it is a match or not. Dating apps have been assisting with that. They have noticed this change and some have even offered badges or icons to indicate you are political or spiritual beliefs. Absolutely. Okcupid has a black live matter badge and you put that on your bio to show these are nonnegotiables. If you are not onon board with this i dont want to meet you. I think it is really ir because free covid19 technolog singles were complaining about. They felt technology was really hindeng their connections but now it is the ain. Thing they are relying on everyone is on dating apps and trying virtual dating and video dating. Technology is in again. Ting has been expanding . E yes we have seen a lot of people that were resisted to trying theseapps for the first time, especial because it is not as easy to meet people in real life as much as it was before. We have also e ticed people active in other ways that people have met eachother that are not traditional dating apps but still digital. We have seen also that people are much more safe about their dating practices than from their social practices. We heard of someone going on a 16 mile hike in one week ju so she could go on dates. Now we see other people posting photos of them at social gathings. I dont thinit is the dating attributing, it is the social gatherings. What kind of precautions are people taking before they go out ona date and what questions are they asking . People are just a lot more direct. People are asking questions like how many people have you been seeing . Have you been socially distancing . Do youwear a sk or even have you been tested. I think a lot of times they stick with the video dating at first until they have built up that comfort in that rapport. What does that look what is a socially distance . Da there is the basic level like hiking, picnic in the park, there is lking, but then you get to the next level of creativity. Se we hav a lot of very interesting dates where people go on miles long white rides and they are just getting active and going rollerblading. They are doing walks aroundr thighborhood. I think virtual dating is where they really take it up a notch where we have seen really ti cr ways of doing virtual ty tours and top chef with each other. Doing like a cooking competition with each other or a ual museum tour here everyone is flexing their imaginary muscles right now. On the other side of this young people and single people since the pandemic started have ported higher rates of loneliness. Are you seng that reflecte in the community . Yes i think there is difference about being alone and feeling lonely. I have been quarantined alone and first it was scary but i feel like now it is empowering, especially as i am hearing more of these love stories as peopleg find relationship this time. I think also we cant have amnesia that dating was perfect before and this is giving us an opportunity to redefine the complained about. Once in what ways is it being redefined . Your mentioning you are having more serious talking early on and sober first kiss. Anything else . I think people are just way more mindful about what is it that they want. This really relates to our idea of dating me first. We recently had an episode with a gueso found herself to be single right bere shelter in place and she chose this time to date herself first. A she dilot of personal development and also just to figure out what is it that i want in a relationship. Another one was called relationships, do i even want one . Stopped but your personal ve development and emotional nt paused. You can still progress in those areas. Some people are also worried they nguld be loprecious time here by putting dating on hold if they are hoping to get married, have children, have you heard this and what do you say . I think inthe beginning everyone was panicking. My goodness my precious time, but i think now a few months and we are singing the opposite. People are feeling pomore red and they are feeling more liberated. They are feeling like this is the time they needed to on an hibernatalso recalibrate to figure ouwhat is it that i am looking for in my love life. Thank you so much for joining us. To anlearn more catch up on their episodes visit datable. We also want to celebrate with you two special moments of love in the time of covid19 among our and pruction team in march our Makeup Artist married her longti partner and in may our stage manager married his longtime sweetheart in a special zoom ceremony bringing together family and friends. Congratulations to you both. You can find more of our reach me on twitter, facebook or instagram. From all of us here at kqed thanks for watching. Robert aio n divided and a campaign on the brink. Th the science should not stand in the way of. 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