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The freeman foundation. By judy and Peter Blum Kovler foundation; pursuing solutions for americas glecteneeds. And by contributions to this pbs ation from viewers like you. Thank you. America. The u. S. Racks of record go but infections as a number of states reimpose lockdown measures. Rethinking our daily commute, w key whn cities hes down lockdown measures, many people might not get back on buses and trains france has a new Prime Minister, known until now for managing the countrys exit from the plus, the show must go on. But how . Theaters are tryg hard not to be forgotten as they remain shut for the foreseeable fure. For all of you watching on pbs and around the globe, welcome to world news america. Lets respect everyones right to life, liberty, and happiness, those were the words of miamis mayor as he imposed a curfew. U. S. Rise in 37 out of states foro the past days, more than 50,000 new infections have been reported in the cntry. President trumis attending yet another large gathering, where masks and social distancing will not be required. Americ editor, john s. North given how much criticism President Trump is getting for his handling of the crisis, why is he having an outdoor event at mount rushme . Welcome amoun rushmore well, mountusore is in south dakota where you have the president s from georgete of the washington onwards. That is normal. Rks display, that is part of at happens on and to spend this day weekend. Happe on Independence Day weekend. It is odoors. The fact of the matter is, the governor of south dakota has said, everybody is welcome and there will be no social distancing. That is leading to Health Experts saying tt t is e right time to be doing an event like this even though this might be the tradition of Independence Day. Ld trump likes a big cro its going to be a more divisive speech he is going attack the left wing malts trying tdivide the country left wing mobs trying there are many who beg to differ you see in pollse the. President with the worst rating do you think he isg support in key areas ahead of the election . Look, the bowling is polling is undoubtedly bad. June started better with the jobs figures he announced yesterday with some delight. He felt there were good news to talk about on the economy and the ock market writing high riding high. Int the rally helulsa, oklahoma, the retweeting of guy shouting white power means donald trump is getthimself on the wrong side of the argu 3nts. It is ju we are still a long way from november 3. Donald trump may be trailingn the polls at the moment, but anyone who seeks to write him at this stage is doing so prematurely. Four years ago, hein was tra Hillary Clinton at this stage. And we all know what happene come november. Very good point. Thanks, john. For more on theandemic here in the u. S. , heading into the Holiday Weekend, i am joined by dr. Eaa wen. Thank you so much for being with us. If we look from now until july 4, it is pretty clear the virus is not dying down with the summer heat. Should people in highrisk areas just a home this Holiday Weekend just stay home this Holiday Weekend . It is not only people in highrisk areas, but all of us need to consider our actions this weekend. There was a lot of quarantine fatigue following memorial day. It looks like it looked like things were going a lot better. People thought things are now safewhen that was really not the case at all. Unfortunately, we are seeing what happened as a result of people going out and about. We are now sing surges of covid19 around the country. Aition to wearing a mask, we should all be avoiding crowds. Obecause a numbpeople around us, as well as the timeos of ee, significantly increases viral risk. Ul saim to be outdoors and not gather indoors. Being outdoors reduces the risk of transitioneriod what we are doing now has a ge impact the risk of transmission. What we are doing now has a huge impact on what happens moving forwar i just wonder what you make of how much progress has been made in identifying sur spreading events and isolating those cases. We do have more contact tracers now. We also have better testing then we did several months ago. The problem is, we dont have nearly enough considering how much virus there is right now. The entire goal of the initial shutdown is that we would evsuppress the of infections in the u. S. The same way many Asian Countries and European Countries have done. But the problem is, we reopened too soon. We did not wait until the curve of infections went all the way down. There was still a steady n te of infecten at the time that we shut down. At the time that we reopened. We were at about 17,000 new infections every day. There is no way we have enough testing and Contact Tracing in order to rake in the infections at that point. I do want to ask about masks. Many states are mandating them now. What do you make of the administrations approach that we are in the middle of the Biggest Health catastrophe of our time. There is always a tension between individual autonomy and what is best for the publics health. Now, theres a simple measure thatan save lives for everyone around us. That is something weoihould all be. We need the Trump Administration to be leading the way. Thank you so much for being with us, dr. Wen. Since the coronavirus pandemic began, theres beea frantic global search for a treatment. Trials are focusing on using blood plasma for those who have recovered fm covid19 to treat those now falling out. The first patient in the trial has been speaking exclusively to our health correspondent. In may, she was critically ill fighting the coronavirus. She became the firstk. Erson in the o try this. Plasma from survivors. Plasma is a liquid part of blood. It contains antibodies. Part of how the immune system fights the virus. This could be a treatment for covid19. I looked at the post. It is liquid gold. Ho we met outside the ital where she was treated. When she was in intensive care, she was approached to take part in this research. I just decided there and then this is what i wanted to do. They told me, by the way, you are the first person to do this. I felt good. It felt good to think i am doing something for everybody, not just me. Her doctor is hoping she is right, b says it will take time to prove. We need to have at least any signals. Ents before we see it is too early to say anything at this stage. This is where it all starts. Plasma from recovered patients, produced while the person had covid19 and produced antibodies to fight the infection. Rebecca is a doctor. She has donated three times so far. Its a good thing to do. It was like an hour of my time. If it helps someone who was sick , that is not a difficult thing to do. Just over 100 people have received the plasma so far. But in england, that is already enough in the system to treat 1000 there is already enough in the system to treat 1000 patients. A want to collect this now should there be more waves in the future. To those of you who get the call or are able to donat please, come and see us. And thank you. Thanks from a very grateful anne. There a people out there that are willing to give people a chance. The sun is shining. I feel good. Al that is more on the med center. What about the practical elements of the pandemic . If you areike me, the coronavirus has raised concerns about the safety of your commute to work. The lockdown has decimated ridership on trait systems across the country. In new york, that means subways and buses are runningthull service fraction of their revenue. We took a look at how mass transit can survive. Mass transit is often called the lifeblood of new york. Rebehe pandemic, millions relied on it each day. Now, with the city reopenedro, e to recovery could largely repent on peoples comfort with riding the transit. She is not retching back into the office. She is not rushing back into the oice. I am so happy to rediscover new yobl again. I amto walk in different neighborhoods i didnt see before. It made me a little bit more aware of what is going on in the now that i am hpy to walk around, use bicycles, electric scooters, maybe i am were cognizant. I dont see the used it i dont see the reason to use public transportation. This is rush hour. You can tell house empt how empty the subway still is. They have instituted cleaning overnight, social distancing stickers, and tery are asking ne to wear a mask. I love it. A theres not of people there. You can see and enjoy it. It is faster. I havent felt uncomfoable the safety of Public Transit during the pandemic has not been well studied. Health care professionals contin to urgeeople to stay home, unless it is essential. F u are in a crowded train and people are not masking, that is absolutely an increased risk. If you are able to distance and wear your mask, new york city has stepped up eorts toass out masks, Hand Sanitizer to people as they enter the subway system, n it a perfect system, but we are doi thatti we can to mite against these risks. Meanwhile, transi authorities are trying to mitigate the financial damage. At laguardia, a major mileston the completion of the new terminal b, part of a transformation of the airport. Unless the federal government steps in with aid to cover lost revenue, they fear Infrastructure Projects will suffer. Is iritically important. Not only has infrastructure in general beened negle across the country and across the region, but we have the potential to contribute to a strong economic recovery. That is what we want to do. Investing in infrastructure is one way to soften the blow of the pandemic. The way we travel in big cities may never be the same. In other news now, the Washington Redskins are launching a thorough review of the teams controversial name. The announcement comes a day after one of the top sponsors of the team called for a change a amid a National Outcry over long simmering racial tensions and the justices. Nati american groups have long called for the owners to drop the name. Changes have beennnounced. Le englands government list of countries that will be rules, while most of the eu is on the safe lvit, for those ting america, portugal, and brazil, travelers will still need to self isolate on arrival and on the w back home. Now, the french president has named a new Prime Minister following the sudden resignation of the former one. A french court is opening an inquirntthe handling of the coronavirus crisis. From paris, we report. Frances Republican Guard offers little protecon from politics. The residence of the Prime Minister today, power was transferred at arm length, no handshake allowed to mark the fresh start of the president s government, or its new first coronavirus look. The new primeinister is a rightwing mayor with a strong southern accent, described in one report as a Swiss Army Knife with connectio everywhere. Phe waspelled to the front line of politics during the coronavirus epidemic after years in t shadows as a senior Civil Servant and assistant to former president tohe former president. He is known these days as m d confinement. Mr. Deconfinement. Less than two years from the next president ial election, this is aid success rt macron will want to own president macron president macronil want to own. [speaking french] he times demand that we set a nefocourse. It ieach of us to reinvent ourselves, and together, we must do things differently. I apply this to myself, first and foremost. Edward philippe was seen as a safe pair of hands during the epidemic and is popular with ceerright voters. Important to macrons base. He brings many of the same political benefits without the 10 point lead in opinion polls. Pst week, mr. Hilippe won any position in frances local election. The president s party did very badly indeed. A reminder, perhaps, that it is dangerous to outshine the president et at any time, llone when he is talking about change. Ou are watching bbc world news america. Still to come, a final tribute too frequent all tragedy. How Police Violence have led to protests in mexico. A trial has begun in turkey of 20 saudi arabia nationals accused in the murder of the saudi journalist, mr. Khashoggi. The uns special repertoire on n ecutions has beaking outside the court. We have not moved the killing of Jamal Khashoggi into a formal setting that the International Community can recognize, because the trial in saudi arabiaould not be given a credibility and legimacy. It was held in secret, andke the perpetrators, those who coissioned the crimes, were not indicted. Here for the first time, wee h the hitmen being invited and we have a number of those that commissioned the crime, not everyone is indicted, but if you are indicted. A few more than there wer in saudi arabia. The fight against Police Brutality is tragically not unique to the u. S. Rece protests in mexico have drawn atteion to killings and pain there. E man died when an officer knelt on his debt, a haunting reminder of the deathor of floyd. Soccer player was sho by a policeman from a parked patrol car. We have reports. Or one last goal fhe 16yearold. In a trac goodbye, they smotd his coffin with tears. Shot by police as he chatted to his friends outside a gas station in mexico. At his wake, his distraught mother said local policm shot ke he was a common criminal. Was a sportsman, he had a scholarship, she cried. Wethese supposed to tebe the people that look us. A police man has been arrested over the shooting. The state attorney general Generals Office said there will be no impunity in this case or any other in which members of the Police Forces have harmed the webeing and the lives of families. Police brutality is an ongoiic problem in m few mexicans will forget the disappearance in late 2014 of 43 studentteachers, who were last en in the hands of the local police. This is one spelific form of brutality, which is you take someone into custody,nd the person ends up dead. That is one type of brutality. There are many others. Cae use of torture by mexi Law Enforcement is a systemic problem. From all towns, to the capital of mexico city, protests over Police Brutality growing. Eaier this month, demonstrations turned ugly afr a young man died from wou s received in Police Custody and what will hotter in g uadalajara. Footage suggested it was for not weing a face mask. The bbc has repeatedly approach the Public Security ministry for an interview, but no one has been made available. You can find similar cases to the one we saw in guadalajara. In recent years, pretty much every state in mexico. As Alexander Martinez friends lament, their hopes were cut short by policemen who wereither unaware or unconcerned with a were shooting at. Genuine Police Reform is long overdue. One last goal. What a tribute. We see how many families and friends are broken by these tragedies all around the world once again. Lets turn now to the u. K. , where parts will begin opening this weeke including hairdressers, restaurants, and hotels. Theaters will remain shut, which has actors, directors, and or producersed. Judas morris Judith Morris reports. The only thing on showed today was his artistic pupject by a grof stage designers. They have also wrapped the yal exchange and say they are highlighting the plight of theaters that have been devastated by closing during the pandemic. Eo it is not juste who work in the building, it is the freelancers, the costume designers tt we rely on to work with all the time. That is all part of the wider economy. It seems a real shame that it doesot feel like thats been acknowledged. Since the theater closed at stores, one production after another has been canceled and millions of pounds of revenue, lost. The royal exchanges managers say they are fighting for survival. Tythere is a possibihey may have to make 60 of the staff your redundant. Last year, julie startedur mothr e of the royal exchange. It is really emotional being here. Today, she sat on the empty stage and called for increased Government Support for the theater industry. Its not just about people in the west end. Its about the infrastructure in this country. And about peoples jobs, jobs that will go forever unl ns they step i. I want to be on the stage as soon as possibl and more than that. I nt the people, the beating heart of this building, the staff, rnstated as soon as possible. Today, the Scottish Government announced a 10 Million Pounds fund to support the performing arts. The u. K. Governmentl w continue to look at further ways they can help on top of the unprecedented financial assistance, has helped thousands of organizations and artists that want to get the performing arts back up and running a safely and as soon as as safely and as soon as possible. If we dont gwe support soon, ill probably be closed by autumn. People coming into the theater. T National Theater says it cannot support 400 casual staff beyond the end of august and job losses are inevitable. T for some theaters, already too late. They have announced they have got to stay shut permanently. Before we go,thuly 4 here in u. S. Is typically celebrated with parades, barbecues,wond fis. But here in new york,s the festivitve been spread out over five nights to keep people from gathering in large groups. Macys, which puts on the annual fourth of july spectacle, has kept the show short. Just a few minutes. They have not announced where theireworks are coming from in case onlookers want to see the acon of close. This year is a little bit different, but that does not mean people cannot celebrate with a bang. Thank you for watching bbc world news america. To our viewers in the u. S. , happy foth of july. G [captioninrformed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] narrator funding for this presentation of this prodeam is proby. Language specialists teaching spanish, french and more. Raymond james. The freeman foundation. By judy and unter blum kovler tion; and by contributions to thipbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Girl we are the curious woman 1 wow man 1 the adventurous. Man 2 oh daniel tiger grrr woman 2 those venturing out for the first time. All blast off osion] [rocket ex man 3 and those who have never lost our sense of wonder. Man 5 are you seeing this . [quacking] vo we are the hungry. Cookie monster cookie man 6 the strong. Muhammad ali i must be the greatest vo the joul. B ross a happy little cloud. Man 3 we believe there is always more we can uncover. Girl more we can explore. Woman 3 we believe. Man 6 . In the capacity for goodness. Vo and the potential for greatness. Man 7 the torch has been passed to a new generation of americans. Man 1 pbs. Man 3 pbs. Girl pbs. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc woodruff good evening. Im judy woodruff. On the newshour tonight on covihe rise. The u. S. Tops 50,000 newor infections fhe second straight day, the largest numbers yet recorded, as many plan to congregate for the Holiday Weekend. Then, crackdown. Hong kong is still reeling i from tosition of a draconian security law by the chinese government. Plus, socialedia scrutiny. Facebook faces advertising boycotts in respon to its handling of hate speech. For years, theyve effectively been in this free speech camp, where almost anything goes. Andyes, they have policies rules against hate speech, but, in particular for politicians and the most powerful people with the most powerful megaphones, they havent

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