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Today and always. The freeman foundation. Byy and Peter Blum Kovler foundation; pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs. And by contributions to this pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Anchor this is bbc world news america reporting tonight from new york city. Protests in minnlis and across america is the killing of an unarmed black man. A fired Police Officer is charged over George Floyds death. New york city is on track to begin reopening. As the u. S. Mourns the 100,000 coronavirus victims, more steps are being taken to stop even more people dying. As unemployment in spain soars among the coronavirus crisis, the government approves a basic income for those hardest hit. For all of you watching on pbs and around the globe, welcome to world news america. A Police Officer seen on a video with his knee on jordan floyd George Floyds neck is charged with manslaughter and murder. This comes with a curfew in minneapolis tonight at the city erupted ain on thursday as demonstrators protested the killing of mr. Floyd. There up in demonstrations across america. Trump tweeted when dilutings starts the shooting starts. Nick bryant starts our coverage. I am sorry. We will bring you makes package just as soon as we can. I am joined by jenny nelson at the nas ccps Legal Defense fund. What do you make of the charges being brought in this case tonight . The charges are rather disappointing. We have a single charge of only one of the four officers involved in the brutal killing of george floyd. That officer was charged with the lowest degree of murder that you can charge an officer or anyone for for the crime of mortar. That is thirddegree murder. There are only three states in the United States that use thirddegree murder as a possible charge for that crime. It does not require the government to prove intent, which is perhaps why they chose to charge him with thirddegree murder. If you understand what happened to mr. Floyd, if you understand what the officer did it pressing his knee for eight minutes and 46 seconds into the neck of mr. Floyd, it is hard to imagine that key did not intend to kill him, particularly if you think that he kept his knee pressed into his neck for more than two minutes after he stopped showing signs of life. Anchor the details and that charging are quite extraordinary. What do you make of the curfew being interposed on minneapolis . I am hoping that it goes down more peacefully than it has been. I am deeply concerned about the resides of minneapolis and particularly the Africanamerican Community that has suffered smuch in the wake of mr. Floyd skilling. Mr. Floyds killing. With the president s taunts the use of a military drone by customs and border control, we are deeply concerned that this is being escalated at a moment when the city is in morning mourning, in a moment where the city needs guidance and leadership. Those in charge with safety are going at the opposite direction and ensuring minneapolis remains a powder keg. Anchor joe biden said today that the original sin of america, meaning slavery, still stains our country today. Is that behind these protests and reactions to mr. Floyds death. Absolutely. This country was founded on black subjugation, on racism and the myth of white supremacy. We see the strains of that througut every part of our society and particularly in the brutality that police feel constantly toward black people. The protests in minneapolis are an uprising against systemic racism. They are an uprising against the constant threat of police violence. They are an uprising against the systems that continue to oppress black people today. Anchor the president said nothing at all about esther floyds death when he mr. Floyds death. What do you make of that . It is another indicator of the vacuum of leadership that mr. Trump has provided this country since he came in office. At a time when this nation needs healing and needs a strong voice of reason and wisdom, instead we get taunts and tweets and childish statements that thaten and endanger lives. To suggest that any resident of the United States should be threatened with shooting in the middle of unrest as opposed to working with community groups, working with faith leaders, those individuals that are in despair to find out how we can enable them to express their grief and concerns in a constructive way, we see threats and we see another failure of leadership. Anchor jenny nelson, thank you so much for being with us tonight. We can go now to nick bryant possible report about the situation in minneapolis. Reporter fires of fury, fires of frustration. Phrases from the civil o the 1960s that applyt once more in 2020 america. For the third night running, parts of minneapolis were burning. This a Police Station overrun and set ablaze. For protesters, it has become a landmark of immigration injustice. They believe that an unarmed africanamerican, george floyd, was murdered by the police. To bolster this or that it minneapolis local officers and to quell protests, the state democratic governor accent in the national guard. He felt the unrest unacceptable but recognized there was a lot of pain and anger. This was the spark for americas latest racial firestorm. A live Police Officer kneeling on the neck of george floyd despite completing key could not breathe. The Police Officer Derek Chauvin was charged with third degree manslaughter. This video showed other officers also pinning george floyd to the ground. This morning on Live Television was widely seen as another act of Racial Injustice. The police handcuffing an africanamerican correspondent from cnn who was simply reporting on the overnight disorder. Donald trump initially called the video of mr. Floyds death shocking adding when the looting starts, at the shooting starts. That prompted the network to attach a warning to the tweets. Pres. Trump thank you very much. Repoer following a heart kidding statement on china, donald trump left the rose garden without making a statement on the case. As the unrest in minneapolis triggered protests in other cities, americas first black president barack obama issued a statement saying Racial Injustice had become painfully abnormal. The past has always shaped the president in u. S. Race relations. In an country already confronting a Health Crisis is now in the midst of another racial reckoning. Nick bryant, bbc news. Anchor so much pain in minnesota tonight. Families across ameror morning the 101,000 people that have died from covid19. In 15 u. S. States, the number of infections is increasing. In new york, the worse seems to be over. The city is onrack to start reopening on june 8. What is america learned . We are joined now by dr. Lena ngyuen. Thank you for joining us. Are we doing enough tests to track the spread and prevent deaths . Not nearly enough. I cannot believe we keep on talking about this. Everyone agrees about the importance of testing. Testing is the roadmap to getting our economy safely open again. We do not need to be testing people who have symptoms. We also have to be doing surveillance testing. That means testing random people in the community, testing the most vulnerable, for example, in Nursing Homes and incarcerated populations. When you find one case they are, that is the canary in the coal mine. We need that testing in order to then potentially reimpose restrictions and shut down again. That early action is critical to saving lives. Anchor south korea is now reimposing social distancing after seeing a spike in new infections. Should that be a warning to us as we reopen . It is not so much a warning as a sign that this is what we must be doing. We know that any time you reopen, any time we allow for more person to person interaction, we are going to see an increase in infections. That is going to happen. The question is do we have the capability to bring it in again . Do we have the ability to take that bold action . A study in the u. S. Found that had we taken action a week earlier, we could have saved 36,000 more people. We need to take that into consideration next time. Anchor the president announced today he is ending the american retionship with the world health organization, accusing it of misleading the world of coronavirus at the urging of chinas republic. What difference is that going to ke . Is it does not make any sense. This is not the time in the midst of a pandemic tond this type of relationship. I also worry, because the who not just work on covid. It also works on reducing mortality, polio vaccination, and hiv. We do not want to be compromising these other Important Health conditions as well. Anchor why is there not a clear Daily Public Health message in america about what we should all be doing at this point . Youre rht. When we do not let science beat, we paid the price. This entire response should be led by Public Health experts, not politicians. We need that clear, consistent messaging more than ever. Reopening does not mean that we should be letting down our guard. We should still all be wearing a mask, washing our hands, keeping distancing. Weuld be doing more than we were before now that people are out. We should be reducing the amount of social interactions we have to bring in covid19. We are all in this together and we neethe voice of science to speak. Anchor thank you so much for being with us. While trump is scaling bacthe americans American Government special response to hong kong. As fars beijings decision to impose new National Security legislation on hong kong. Here is what mr. Trump had to say. Pres. Trump china has replaced this promised formula of one country, two systems with one country, one system. Therefore, i am directing my administration to begin the process of eliminating policy exemptions that give hong kong different and special treatment. Anchor the bbcs has more on what this means. Trump announced he would direct his administration to remove Hong Kong Special status. As we discussed, this is going to have a huge Economic Impact on hong kong as well as china. U. S. Businesses in hong kong will also not be spared. It is important to know that the Geopolitical Impact of trumps announcement will ven larger. We all know that the u. S. Chin relations at been ite unstable in the past few months do to the global pandemic. Trump also mentioned a phrase wuhan virus, which is a term that is angered beijing. It is a very controversial and some peopleven saying it might be racist. His announcement today will further and traumatize the already fragile relationship with beijing. Anchor you are watching bbc world news america. Still to come on tonights program. As we all wonder if we have been exposed to coronavirus, i took the Antibody Test to find out how reliable it is and what the result really tells us. Anchor south korea as reported its biggest bike and newest coronavirus cases in nearly two months, raising fears of whether there might be a second wave of infections coming. Social distancing restrictions have been put back in face to contain the spread. Laura bicker is in seoul reporter south Korean Health officials are excellent at tracking, tracing and testing everyone into relation to the warehouse. These cropping up of outbreaks continue to happen. That is one of t reasons they are putting it putting out this morning. They have urged people to stay indoors if they can. This weekend, they are saying this is a critical juncture if they are to stop secondary spread within the community. Work from home is back i have had to close their doors. Around 800 stores have stayed closed just days after the next phase of reopening. Anchor spain faces mass unemployment after the coronavirus shutdown. The countrys socialist led government has approved a basic income for the very poorest. Initially 100,000 households will be guaranteed about 500 a month. Get in the idea of a basic universal income was voted by president ial hopeful andrew yang. Rter and the working class district of in southern madrid, volunteers hand out food. Manyf those receiving it have fallen through the cracks of the welfare system. The unemployed, it zero hours workers, immigrants. Life was already difficult for them before. The coronavirus, more than two months of lockdown have left them desperate. In my family, my mother ishe only one who works. She does half days cleaning houses. Father is unemployed like me and i have a oyearold girl thanks to this association, we are getting help. The Neighbors Association started disturbing food just a few weeks ago. It is incredible the amount of people who have decided, if my neighbor has nothing in their fridge, i am going to give them some so we have of people putting bags and money reporter . The Health Care Crisis has now stabilized but it is turning into an economic crisis. The leftist government has now unveiled a basic guaranteed income starting at around 500 euros per household. Is a historic measure for democracy to make sure nobody is left behind. Has been a commitment since this Coalition Government took office. It is directed to the people, not comnies. Having money to people does not and moreover it is getting money to people who really need it. Reporter not everyone agrees with the governments policies. Supporters of the farright party protested last weekend. It has accused the government of drifting toward leftist radicalism. This week, spain has been lifting further restrictions following what is been one of the toughest lockdowns in europe. The hope is that the economy as a whole and those hardest hit by this crisis can get back up on their feet. Anchor as america reopens, demand for the coronavirus Antibody Test is high. People want to know if they have the virus and immunity. The center for disease can towards the Antibody Tests for posive results are wrong half of the time. They recommend Antibody Test with a high specificity rate. I went to get one of those to find out more. Good morning, lashawnda. Lashawnda is taking a sample of my blood so it can be sent to mount sinai hospital and tested for covid19 antibodies. Like so many new yorkers, i am concerned about coronavirus. I am here to talk about this test with my family doctor. Are y seeing a lot of anxiety among patients about covid19 . Yes, as you might expect, this is an anxious time. Anchor what a weight that is manifesting itself is patients like me asking for the Antibody Test. We are overwhelmed by request for this test who are naturally scared. They want reassurance. They believe they had covid. They just want to know. Maybe i have some aibodies. Anchor the test i am getting is used to this test measures the amount of antibodies you have. What will the result tell me . If you come back with antibodies to covid19, what does that mean . Does that mean you are immune . It does not mean that. We simply do not know to what degree people have immunity even if they have covid19 antibodies. Time will tell. People do not want to hear that, but it is the truth. Anchor the demand is huge. I have had the Antibody Test for covid19. I have to wait about a day for the result. Like so many new yorkers, i really want to know if i have been exposed to the virus. Your result is back in the test is negative. Understandableeaction. Anchor so what does this mean . It mes there is an extremely good chance that this is a true negative test. We could believe the results, that your antibodies to covid19 are not present, which means that you have not been exposed to the covid19 virus. With or without the antibodies, the recommendation is still the same. Practice social distancing, stay isolated as best you can, wear a mask if you are going to be in public places, protect yourself, those around you. Anchor like an estimated 75 of new yorkers, i do not have antibodies to covid19. Even if you have them, there is no guarantee of immunity. Despite the staggering u. S. Death toll, there is still so much we do not know about the virus. Anchor make sure your Antibody Tests is actually measuring covid19 antibodies like mine. We all miss being with friends and family. You haveissed out on the joy ofinging together in person. Thousands of singers will gather online where they will perform a kind else messiah. Reporter if i could ask everybody if possible to stand up for me. Reporter what what had dellh andel have made of this. Reporter it was as idea mark strawns idea. He suggested singing online. Music is more the notes on paper. It is a feeling of singing with friends, a feeling of the performance where you were doing it together with other people. This virus has taken all of that away. Reporter not require master been england. He agreed to lead nightly rehearsals of the messiah. They expected a couple of dozen to sign in. Soon, there were 3. 5 thousand. Reporter andrew and nora are twins. The choir it means they can together, despite lockdown. What is it like singing on your own to a computer . It might be odd, but knowing that andrew might be 300 miles away but he is singing as the same time as me and 3. 5 thousand other people just makes it good. This has beea fantastic way of still getting them together and still getting to fun you get. It is a plus in the middle of a very big minus. Reporter the selfisolation choir is now so big, it is not possible to stream the final performance live. On sunday night, they all sin along to this three hour backing track. Isolated no more. Jon kay, bbc news. Anchor good luck to the 3. 5 thousand people who will be singing the messiah it britain on sunday night. I wish i could join you. Think you so much for watching bbc world news ame narrator funding for this presentation of this program is provided by. Language specialists teaching spanish, french and more. Out business has been people and their financial well being. That mission gives us purpose and a way forward. Today and always. The freeman foundation. By judy and Peter Blum Kovler foundation; pursuing solutions for americas neglected need and by contributions to this pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Narrator youre watching pbs. Vo ready to watch the best of anytime, anywhere, on nearly any device . Its easy with the pbs video app. Simply download the pbs video app on your mobile or streaming device. Now you can watch the latest pbs episodes, or catch up on the shows you missed. And when you support your local station, you can get pbs passport, giving you access to more episodes, more specials, more of what you love get the pbs video app now and stream the best of pbs, anytime you want, anywhere you are. Cacaptioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc woodruff good evening, im judy woodruff. On the newshour tonight, outrage violence in the streets of minneapolis and protests in many cities, as a Police Officer is charged with murder in the death of george floyd. Then, one on one Presumptive Democratic president ial nominee joe biden joins me to discuss the events in minneapolis and what they mean for all americans plus its friday, mark shields and david brooks on minneapolis, the pandemic and leadership in a time of multiple crises. All that and more on tonights pbs newshour

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