And by contributions to this pbs station from viewers like you. Ank you. This is bbworld news america, reporting from new yorky cit. The risk and the report of reopening. Georgia and other u. S. States start easing the lockdowns in a test for the rest of the nation. What is it like being back at home . Im nervous but im taking every safety precaution i c. President trump holds a new style press briefing where allies allow him advice and to steer clear of topics like injecting disinfectant. The u. K. Prime minister is back at work following his election. G he u the public not to lose patience with the lockdown. To all of you watching on pbs and to ourrs international vie in the u. K. And around the globe , welcome to world news america. There are more than 3 million reported Coronavirus Infections globally, onmillion here in e u. S. As the pain from the economic shutdown spreads states from mississippi to colorado have started reopening and President Trump says testing will be wrapped up days after his remarks on injecting disinfectant to stopir the cause confusion. In georgia restaurants reopened on monday. You might not know it from the deserted downtown street, but atlanta is a city that is starting to open back up. Here and there amid the shuttered shops, a few green shoots of commerce. This barbershop to the east of the city is just about keeping up with demand for haircuts. Numerals heaven sent by the vernor, they have to wear gloves and face masks. We e trying to make a living in the middle of a pand thats the only way to do it. They came out and risk their lives. It sounds crazy, but thats what they are doing. Whats it like to be back to work . Nervous, but im taking every safety precaution i can. It has been about maybe a month and a half, maybe two months. I had to get out here and risk it. T is happening in georg is a great experiment. Is it possible or prudent to ease up on the lockdown during a pandemic . The county commissioner lobbied the governor to allow more businesses to open. Many he says wont get enough federal help to survive be that shouldlowed to try to save themselves if they can. A lot of the emotion and fear, once it is behind us, we will be able to look back and wsayl you may have lost your business but it wasnt because y the state to that you couldnt open. Diminished from the effect of a virus. For businesses in monroe county, its not an easy decion to reopen or not. For now this pizza restaurant will remain takeaway only. But they are pleased to have the that has been the greatest thing, we at shopowners are able to make o o decision and we dont judge any other person. Everybodys situation financially, employee wise, all of that signs that some georgians are tiring of the restrictions, many of w have not been relaxed. Authorities patrol the beach in a wayhat now seems arbitrary. You can get a tattoo or a haircut, but not apparently a tan. The governor has opened up the beach for exercise, as long as people are swimming, Walking Around and doing some sort of arm of exercise, they are in coliance. Hiis savannah, the oldest city in georgia. The governorsecision to allow some businesses to reopen announced at a press Conference Last Week took city authorities here and all over georgia by complete t surprise. T has been the issue. We are sitting here, hearing this, looking at each other saying did he just say that . Like the city cant businesses reopening but they can protect employees. They are scared and perplexed about what this means for them. Im going to worgo now having to ome to their families and loved ones. They are very concerned and we dont have much of a plan because thiseally cap cockeyed a lot ofgo us thought caught quite a lot of us offguard we are trying to protect ourselves best wldcan. The will now be watching georgia. Howit far iossible to leave to protect themselves . Businesses let them decide what risks to take . We are all very much headed into the unknown. Coronavirus tests will be needed forhe u. S. To reopen safely and the president will talk about testing today as the white house canceled the daily coronavirus news briefing only to reschedule it in a different form. Is the president trying to reset after his comments about disinfectant cause all t chaos . Ad we haveind of mixed messages, havent we . He president was saying that he wasnt on twitter and wasnt going to have press briefings to give what he calls the fake news fantastic ratings. Then it was canceled, then i was back on again, but without the task force to talk about testing. If it is not chaotic, it gives the impression of being chaotic in the white. Hou you are right, those thursday comments about ingesting disinfectant have really dominated the conversation over the last few days, with the president getting pushback from republicans, democrats, and the companies that make disinfectant as well. Some arod the country saying that he had to put out a warning because were getting inquiries about whether people should be ingesting disinfectant. It will be en i think as a turning point for the president who said that he is not going to ha more of these briefings, but here we are on monday and theres another one. But he is going to make an announcement o testing, we are told . 5. 4 million americans have been tested for coronavirus. How much is he going to wrap it up . It has gotten better over the course of the last month but they are not saying its enough. March 6, the president said anyone who wanted a test in america could get one. At the end still not the case. Atthey understand here is a clamor for testing and he has been meeting today with ceos to talk about how to ramp up the testing in the United States. At the same ti he says that, he said it today again, america, the white house, he said, doing excellent job and if you rank america coarared to others nd the world it is still something more like 38 in terms of per capita testing, which is what you what really matters. Everyone on the publich side sees testing is the key to doing what the states are doi. The president was on the phone with governors from around ome nation today. What is hearing hem about this tension over reopening . T is such an interesting mix. As the president himself has said publicly, this is a puzzle, the United States. Its not one country, it is different states doing theirwn separate things and there is no national strategy. Ix we are getting reports of beaches being crowded in california and the governor coming out and saying look, this is not what we want. Even though it was a sunny weekend with a heat wave that doesnmake the virus go away. Rts of georgia of beachesom some being swamped over the weekend with restaurants, people saying that we are not confident about doing that. If you look at all the polling around us, americans are quite reluctant to go back to early compared to other countries and they are trusting their governors more than they are trusting the message coming from the white house. The message again from governors , we need more testing. Well, for our International Viewers watching on bbc news, we will have additional coverage of the president s press Coverage Later on. Stay with us for that. How to open up tom american ecwhile keeping the virus under control, thats t juggling act lets get to greg spencer at Columbia University medical center. Tell us, should georgia the reopenin is it even at peak infection, yet . We know that there are indicators that we need to follow to determine if it is safe to reopen. Im not a politician, on a Public Health professional, but the white house plan has been about decreasing the number over the course of a couple of weeks with a massive increase in the amount of testing. In georgia many states are already opening many places are opening but by that criteria they are not safe. It isan continuing to spread barber shops, restaurants, and other places of businessoo asas it opens back up, the virus was red and we will be ouck in the same situation that we were warning just over a month ago. Rea lot of people dongnize that we did this not just to stop the spread of the virus but to biase t to do the Public Health things that we needed to do to think o next steps and we havent done the second part very well. W well here in rk there were stillse 1000 new yestery, 300 people died. Is the curve really flattening at the rate that you would like to see new york unfortunely is really the best ce scenario. I have been surprised at how willing my neighbors have been to stay home and wear masks ando hings in a city that is a lot of my neighbors have stepped up to stop the spread of the virus. We are on the backend of this. We have seen improvement. They all know its better than it was a week, two weeks ago, and we are still at a critically high number of new aces with people going into the icu, beino put on venti, and dying. It is still much worse than it was two months ago. Also here in new york we need to be remded that there are a huge percentage of tests coming back positive. To soon as we go back some kind of normal activity, more will get sick, go to the hospital, and end up dying. Antibody testing suggests 20a of u had the virus. What do you make of that statistic . Its tough, what its doing is looking at blood to see if people have antibodies, to see if people have some kind of immunity. A lot of these tests are not perfect, especially the way that they were done. The sample itself is not representativeci of the larger or state. We just dont know from better testing. What it says is that probably more more people have been affected than we are aware of, but we need to bean aware that body testing alone is not going to be the key to opening the tests are not reliable enough to determine on a person by person basis whether you have been affected or are safe from reinfection. Twe also dont know w antibodies mean or if they converse you to heard immunity. We dont know how long you are protected fromng bnfected again. We need to be careful abo what we use these for terms of opening up certain areas. X dr. Spencer, thanks so much for joining us. Thank you. Other news from around the world, in germany it is compsory to where face masks as part of the fight against coronavirus. Germany follows in the footsteps of other european mauntries, whered wearing his mandatory. E w zealand Prime Minister says that the coronavirus has been eliminated in her country, new cases have been in Single Digits for several days. Officials are easing the lockdown but most people will stl be allowed to remain that required to remain at home. Construction workers restarted notredame cathedral in paris. Restoration had been suspended to comply with restrictions, bu the order wa listed lifted. Last years fire destroyed the cathedral spire and roof. You are watching bbc world news america. Still to come tonht, a light at the end of a very long title for italy. On of europes worst affected countrieis now planning a comeback. Speculation has been swirling over the health of a north korean leader. In south korea they have dismissed reports that kim jongun is seriously ill. He was recently a noshow for the national celebration. We have more now on this rathers mystertory. What is the latest about where kim jongun might be . The unification ministryaid they could see with som certainty that there was no llusual activity in north korea. What does that s . It certainly doesnt arm or deny any of the rums that kim data, gravely ill recovering from heart surgery, or hiding from covid19 at his resort. These are many of the rumors currently circulatinaround the world. It certainly doesnt confirm or denyho. What they are trying to do is downplay a swirl of speculation surrouing kim jongun. P the britime minister, boris johnson, is that network after recovering from are real signs the countrys passing through the peak of the pandemic but he will be lifting stay restrictions too soon, that it could leave leadfo a new waveeath. The lectern is kept for major moments. Boris johnson ready to show he is backn residence, not ready to say whats coming next. I want to thank y, the people of this country, for the sheer grit and guts you have shown and are continuing to show. A physicalrus wer sailant, and unexpected unexpected and physical monger, which i can tell you from personal experience it is, then this is the moment when we have begun together to wrestle it to the floor. But the thinking at number 10 is that the virus is not yet down and out and a risk of deadly outbreak healthways imme economy. Erns and the i understand your impatience, iyo understand and share ur a couple of weeks ago in the hamptons they were almost enjoying the sunshine. 35 days in, lucy eager to hear more. We want to start hearing the conversation of life after lockdownre. Weaving those conversations every day in our living rooms. Yif think that th conversation will confuse us, thats patronizing. We neeto have some hope. We first met hector woodhoe, who lives on his own. It can be a little bit depressing. You do feel lonely of it. Because your routine becomes complete different. You have still got to try to keep a sense of humne uath that. Mi inisters and the scientists continue to see the face of the disease sibw, its le to could be a plan plan at the end of the week. Labor believes they must. There are a lot osecountries noing out the plans for what happens now. I dont want the United Kingdom to be behind the curve. Lets to date the principles and i hope we can all get bend the. Thank you very much. The politic could hardly be re personal, but the t recovery country will lag behind of Prime Minister foss own. Primeinisters own. It was exactly seven weeks ago that italy lockdow next monday, parks willeopen and manucturing and construction can start again, too. T it will move slowly, they warn. From rome, heres markowen. For 30 years they have been cooking up italian classics. For seven weeks it has bnde very only. They they can offer takeaway, t , as the wos First National lockdown of the pandemic starts to ease. There will be strict rules on hygiene and numbers, but with the daughter of the owner, its welcome. On the one hand, its a relief. We are overcoming the emergency stage of the outbreak and can see a glimmer of hop on the other hand, we are full of salt sour full of rr. It has been the sacrifice of a lifetime to the was restaurant. We can reopen, but many wont. Asto italy start unlock, parks will open up, a breath of fresh air for veronica and her fouryearold son. Im play inside outside and i eok forward to feeding th ducks. Thehin th peiploweon wiree go and visit relatives with face masks. A taste of freedom for the nation that endured such suffering. This is theoaap to reopening by a government keen to show italians that there sacrifice is paying o. Eyre locked there lockdown ofe three weeks before th britain. Ntthey do not wantatto fray. But it is already, clergy frustrated that Church Services cannot resume, thoug Small Services can. He says it compromises fleet of freedom of religion. Theneed to be numerous spiritual sources. I think the government should think about itn a short time. The lockdown has been ie salvation ly and lifting it to sir to sir to certain too soon could be a curse. Here in t u. S. , heart and sinesses were able to apply for more funding this morning and the Computer System was so overwhelmed that it crashed. This is Michelle Fleury reports from brooklyn. Overnight bars and restaurants in this South Brooklyn neighborhood were forced to close their doors. This 26 c wine bar sits empty. Its been a sessful time, a stressful tim john owns the owls head wine barn. Caught i impossible situation, he was forced to get creative. Ke he offers ut delivery now. The bars social Media Presence is what is driving sales. That is what allows them to keep staff, the bills are still unting. I still dont knew i still dont know the deal with m landlord. Hes being nice for now, but we have no idea whaththat means for teacher. For others, the decision to stay open was too big. All 24 staff had been laid 81 ofta the rant worker statewide. We apply for everything we could immediately first day. The u. S. Governme created the paycheck Retention Program to help Small Businesses cover these for eight weeks. Larry highland apply for the help, but he says it is flawed. Have to staff make re money on unemployment. I wouldnt want to come back if. I were t they make less money until our money runs and then we dont get open. The timing of the pandemic has hit hard. The gardens are the greenwood rk busiest, but this season will be unlike any other. Even if it can reopen, larry i cant see us being full againt, no for a long time. Not until there is a vaccine or whatever theyre talkingbo a. Restaurants account majority of jobs lost in the country, yet he was less than 9f he first round of Small Business loans. In a rent survey, one in four american restaurant said that f ey wouldnt make ite lockdown was lasted another month. They argued that it wasnt just an economic issue, it was a cultural one. After all, bars and restaurants or where we go to celebrate, commiserate, reconnect with old friends and make new ones. Right now, they need help. Michelle fleury, bbc news, new york. Before we go, lets recap the top stories. Nearly one third of the coronavirus cases around the world are in the lead states. Esident trump is announcing new federal guinelines on tethis evening and had set up the weekend that his regular preste briefings were a wf time. Boris johnson is back at work following his recovery from covid19. The Prime Minister cautioned lockdown measures should not be relaxed too soon. Remember, you can find much moru news owebsite. To see what we are working on at any time, make sureo check us out on twitter. Thank you so much for watching open bbc wld news america. Tonight watching bbc world news america. Narrator funding for this presentation of this program is provided by. Language specialists teaching spanish, french and more. Raymond james. The freeman foundation. By judy and peter pursuing solutions for americas neglecteneeds. And by contributions to this pbs station from viewers li. Thank you. Narrator yo re watching s. Mr. Rogers its a beautiful girl we are the curious. Woman 1 wow man 1 the adventurous. Daniel tiger grrr woman 2 those venturing out for the first time. All blast off [rocket explosion] man 3 a those who have neverlost our s. Man 4 whoa in man 5 are you sg this . [q uacking] vo we are the hungry. Cookie monster cookie man 6 the strong. Muhammad ali i must be the greatest vo the joyful. Bob rossa happy little cloud. Man 3 we believe there is always more we can uncover. Girl more we can plore. Be woman 3 we eve. Man 6 . In the capacity for goodness. Vo and the potential for grtness. Man 7 he torch has been passed to aew generation of americans. Man 1 pbs. Man 3 pbs. Girl pbs. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc woodruff good evening, im judy woodruff. On the newshour tonight, the United States steadily approaches one million confirmed cases of covid19. What you need to know as another week under the pandemic begins. Then, when to reopen. With more states now planning to relax social distancg, how safe is it to get back to regular business . Plus, the changing shape of grief. How covid19 has transformed the way we mourn. Ha not being able to touch him and talk to him,s gonna probably haunt us really for the rest of our lives. Woodruff all that and more on tonights pbs newshour

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