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Viers like you. Thank you. Laura this is bbc world news amica. Laura trevelyan. York, i am a Record Number of americans have lost their jobs as the the coronavirus outbreak. Pact of it really takes a turn for e worse. Italy takes a turn for the worse. There is concern over the rising number of cases in southern italy. Plus, how streaming services are feeling the cap for the millions stuck at home. Laura for all of you watching on pbs and around the globe, welcome to world ns america. The u. S. Passed a gdam milestone more than 1000 people died from thcoronavirus. One hospitaln new york city has built a temporary n the street. More than 3 Million People apply for Unemployment Benefits last week to the massive stimulus bill passed by the u. S. Senate said the markets soaring. Nada tawfik has more. Nada Health Crisis and now a financial one, too. The coronavirusca has ended a of job growth in america. I am planning today as well. I am going to five different restaurants and la everyone off. Id that was about 120 people. When you get the call you have been laid off, that is difficult. You start to question what is your future going to be. Nada more than 3 Million People filed for Unemployment Benefits last week, the biggest spike in u. S. History, and five times the previous record w set all t back in 1982 when 695,000 jobs were lost. And so relief cannot come soon enough. After intense negotiations among republicans, democrats, and the white house, the senate last night passed the largest fiscal stimulusmo package in dern american history, a 2 trillion lifeline to workers, businesses, and hospals. It provides direct Cash Payments to american taxpayers depending on their income. It extends unemployment by 13 weeks and at 600 a week on top includisual payment, for selfemployed and gig economy workers. It includes 100 billion dollars for hospitals around the nation, and gives 350 billion in loans to Small Businesses if they keep their workers. And a 500 billion dollars rescue fund for the hardest hit the measure heads to the vote on friday. E for a rep. Pelosi i feel certain that we will have a strong bipartisan vote, Congressional Democrats in the senate and house able to flip this over fro corporate trickledown to bubble up, Families First legislation. Nada the desire to reopen businesses is coming up against the reality that the United States could become the epicenter of the virus. The death toll has surpassed 1000 people, and across the y,coun more and more states are preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. In kansas, before a stayathome order weff into eect, teachers depa through students neighborhoods to say goodbye. Americans are finding creative ways to stay upbeat and connected. Nada tawfik, bbc news. Laura for more on the state of the u. S. Economy, i was joined rliery jason furman, chair of the White House Council of economic advisers under president obama. He is at Harvards Kennedy school of government. Jason we didnt have an Unemployment Insurance proheam back i doubt there was ever a single week that was as bad as the 3. 3 Million People who file forme unempl last week. The issue is how long does it last, and when the virus is contained, can the economy restart. Those are e open questions. Everyone knows it is terrible right now. Laura do you think that this 2 trillion Stimulus Program is going to go far enough . Jason im really encouraged by how quickly congress moved ands. How large it two weeks ago i was talking to members of congress who were talking aut 100 billion. Thisti legis came together more quickly than anything ive ever seen on this scale in my fe. Just the Unemployment Insurance example that you are talking about during the Great Recession we gave peopexed or 25 an extra 25 a week. Tthis gives them in nex 600 a week. It is a largescale piece of legislation. Will it be enough . That is an open question. Laura does the u. S. Goverhent have eno tools in its toolbox if this goes on . Jason i think fortunately we orhave a lot of ability tow at very low interest rates, and that gives us a lot of tools. We have a central bank that is doing more than its ever done, but if it needs to me it coul do still more. Economic question, do we havent the tools to contain the virus . Some of th involves social choices. Some of that involves what we invent in terms of antibody tring, testing, therapeutics, and ultimately a vaccine. That is the most important question for the economy. Laura with americans are being hardesthit by this . Jason it is millions that lost their job last week and probably many more that just couldngh even get thrn the phone lines to claim unemployment insurae e. E entie sectors like restaurants, travel and tourism, and the like. But the way economies workpr is lems dont get contained. When people in one sector of an yecon are feeling pain and lose jobs,sphere is less ding in other sectors of the economy. With the excepti of telecommuting businesses or f mething like that, i dont expect very muche economy to be spared by the huge economic dage that is being done right now. Laura could the economy bounce back quicklyen as the pres hopes . Jason there is two models. When we see Natural Disasters in a single area, the area tends to have a very disrupted economy, but the hurricane passedes and ounces the other model bounces the other model is a financial crisis. It often takes five to 10 years to get back to where you started. Will this be more like a Natural Disaster or more like a i am almost 5050 right now. I think ware doing a lot of policies to help us bounce back more quickly, but it may be too much to ask an economy that is ripped apart to the degree the degree that hours and so many others around the world are to get on their feet quickly. Laura jason furman. Hemore and more areas of United States are shutting down to limit the spread of the virus. Neworks governor said social distancing measures might be working, but 100 pple in the state died in the last day. Dr. Tom david frie served as ch d dr. Tom frieden served as the head of the centers for Disease Control and prevention. He joid malala go. Dr. Frieden what is yourhe joined me a short while ago. What is your reaction to what we areeeing . Dr. Frieden this is what we were hearing and anticipated a weekr so ago. When we are seeing is the risk of Health Care Facilities being overwhelmed, particularly by the need to care for people whare hang trouble breathing. They need oxygen orentilators. And tragically, Many Health Care workers becoming infted. That is what it is so important to do the physical distancing, stayathome, and that is a warning to every city everywhere in the world to take this virus very seriously. There is no city anywhere in the world that can withstand this kind of huge increase. We need better tools to control it. Right now we have blunt instruments. Stay home. Laura the president is suggesting that counties across america recategorized as high risk for low risk and social distancing be relaxed based on that. What do you make of that plan . Dr. Frieden physical distancing has to be released, but we think themportance is going to be to do that as a turning the fossett raheer than opening floodgates. We have to figure out a way to start with people who are younger and healthier and less likely to get severe illness. Start with the businesses back d more safely open or are more critical to community welleing. That is something that is going to be different in different places. We also have to be really clear the reason for thice shelterinps not only to flatten the curve and reduce the risk that will overwhelm health care. The reason is also to ramp up the capacity of our Healthcare System to care for peop who have severe illness and the Public Health system to test, contacttrace, isolate, and quarantine people who need it. Laura do you see any sense that we are testing or tracing enough people. Dr. Frieden t is dependent on where you are. If you are in a community that he c has fes, you want to get everyone tested and tck every contact and find every person who is ill and make sure they are isoted and quarantine all the contacts ayr 14 on the other hand, whereore are in newcity today, we are stronglyiscouraging people with mild symptoms finm getting te why . If you get tested, you are using scarce resources, not only tests, but swabs and health care workerime. You are also potentially exposing others, either when you travel to health care or in health care. If you are positive, you will be told to do the same thing stay we are telling people in new york city today, if youre feeling ill, dont get care unless you have trouble breathin we hope it will be different in a few weeks or a few months in new york city, when we get ahead of the curve and we are able to identify entries contacts. And trace contacts. We need to pause on the testing and Contact Tracing of everyone so we can focus on saving as many lives aa possible. La how much worse should we be priced for it to get . Dr. Frieden it takes five or six days for someone to go from infected to ill, and another week or so for them to go from delta verio. The people who are sickfrom ill t very ill. The people who are tragically dying out our people who were infected weeks ago. We excited seeing continued increases until the physical distancing in place begins to take effect and we are decreasing numbers. Laura dr. Tom frieden, thankth you for being s. President trump has signaled he wants to ease the social distancing guidelines in some areas of the United States. At is if certain criteria are met. Yes in speaking at the white use briefing room. Im joined by the bbcs gary odonoghue. What are the details of what the president is proposing . Gary what he is saying is that unty by county across th u. S. , wants states to change the guidelines come to take new guidelines that would allow them to great individual counties, individual municipalities on the lowrisk, mediurisk, high risk. That would allow individual states to maintain, increase, or relax restrictions on a more local level. Social distancing, requirements to work from home, etc. It is part of his idea that he thinks the country should be able to start reopening rather than having some massive reopen moment. He does seem to be pushing that fairly s clearly aing we can do that because of the data that is coming in on a very localized level, the testing data coming in around the country, that should allowndividual states make this kind of judgments. Laura the president has been speaking to world leaders. Anything concrete coming out of that . Gary not much so far. We were told he had a great meeting, according to him. There was some sort of indication that there may have been some disagreement on that meeting with one leaderor the other. We are not entirely sure who that is at this stage. You remember the last time the g8 h a meeting about this, they couldnt agree on a final statement becausef points the white house was trying to insist on in terms of how to label the virus itself. We will see what comes out of a bigger meeting of 20 countries. In a sense, these countries are dealing with this virus really one by one. That is what whave seen, the pattern of this disease as it has unfolded from the end of last year onwards. Laura what about the stimulus bill . Gary through the senate, as you know, 960. That is pretty emphatic. We are expecting potentially a vote tomorrow in a house, maybe a voiceot not requiring everyone to be there. The president has been vaunting the provisionsat. But it comes at the right time for thoseneloyment numbers, particularly the provisions in the bill to increase by 600 insurance paymen per week and extend the period which they are available. In terms of the, messagie stimulus bill isnt coming to soon. Gary odonoghue laura thk you. Japan has one coronavirus will become rampant after a surge in tokyo. Cothtry has been people entering from europe, and the governme has set up a task forces a possible state of emergency. Tokyo says there p is ns for one yet. Selfemployeworkers will be able to apply for a grant of 2,500 pounds a month to cope withoronavirus. The government came under pressure after announcing aid just as a salaried workers. Rostepping waycoronavirus news, u. S. Authorities have charged the venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro and senior aides with International Drug trafficking. The state department announced a 50 million reward for information leading to his arreas. Washington accused maduro of leading a corrupt regime, which has denied. You are watching bbc world news america. Still to come on tonights program, renewed worries in italy as cases and deaths turn higher once again. Officials say the south of the country is the next ncer one country that appears to have succeeded with the coronavirus where others have failed is south korea. He has manag to flatten the rve of new infections, and he has done so without a largescale lockdown. The bbcs laura bicker repor from seoul on how the country seems to have achieved this. Laura b. in every war, a foot soldier needs their armor. Ms. Kit this kits crucial to keep staff safe. Is the air going through ok . She asks. Now fully equipped, she can head into the intensive care un s. The twohoft takes its toll. Saw this nurse emerge drenered in sweat a turn. Seously ill covid19 patients need a lot of care through a steady dridiof sedation, tion, and fluids. Ventilators supply lungs with badly needed oxygen. The protective clothing posted keep staff safe but it also hinders. It is hard to hear, and your senses get dulled. Thhardest thing is mmunicate. It makes you feel more anxious because of it. There is fear here, but iould like to think of them as our patients. When you think of it thatthay, it is no scary. Laura all of the patients struggling to breathe in his eyes you are over 65. They are one of in this icu are over 65. The benefits of flatten the curve mean there is even time to smile. This is the key to savingrd liv, acg to south Korean Health officials, o staying aheadf the virus by tracingotentially infectedg patients and test them. Thousands of arrivals from europe and many from the u. S. Being tested tont a fresh outbreak. South korea may be breathing a sigh of relief for now, but this crisis is far fr over. Laura bicker, b news,eoul. Laura t. in italy, the death toll has risen sharply at again, reported. Tn 6000 fatalities the number of infections is on the rise as well. There are fears that southern italy could be facing an outbreak just as the north of the country epd. Mark lowents. Mark in todays italy, the essentialsre food and solidarity. Local associations by the basics for those in need. Dozens a taking part from doing their bit to get the uncoy through the crisis. The first time in italy we live sething so hard and difficult. So powerful and difficult situation. The only way for me to help people. Something very basic. Mark they deliver to the elderly and the isolated, acts oflindness to ease the soc and economic emergency. For this virus is grinding italy to a halt. Once buzzing factories forced to close to stop the flow of people. This one of throom fittings today. St of the 130 employees are being sent home. Lockdown is containihe outbreak, but it is crushing the economy with it. Closing the factory has an awful c impact. In trent situation, we understand we have to do it to send a message owf hope and s the spread of the virus. We cannot shut for too long. Theno e cant be stopped. If this continues for months, it will be hard to sustain our business. Mark it is a sacrifice being made for cities like the epicenter where they blessed the urns of 115 victims, working together a fallen. Wearing the sash of the italian flag is the mayor. With the u. K. Finally emulating the italian lockdown warning. Britain had an advantage of being two weeks behind italy. They should have used it better. Bim afrais johnson lost precious time. There is a risk he could cost many lives. Losing those days could turn out to be a serious mistake. Mark the coainmentmark measures may have started to work inorthern italy, although there is today an increase in new infections. Withe concern is gny porte in the poorer south on the capital. In throme, there is a new it is already undesure. With crematoria bursting, the army has clear coffins away. It is a word that used to, war, man versus virus, and the letter is still winning. Laura so much the italians are enduring with millions stuck at home, it is no wonder they are streaming movies for a bit of escapism. Aithat hasd questions about the future of this and amid business as we know it. Tom brook has been speaking to moviegoers around the globe about how they are getting by. Tom i spoke to movie lovers in the u. S. Can india, china, japan, and denmark. It was knows and that l of them in the midst of the pandemic h been streaming movies sometimes for hours at a stretch. There are no movie theaters, there is nowhere ee to experience moving images other than on your computer screen. Streaming platforms have become the fullon opportunity for people to watch film and tv now. It is an historic high. Tom what films have people been watching in their homes . I definitely been watchin several pandemic films. The one is mt watched lately i think is outbreak,with dustin hoffman. Isolate him isolate him wo dony, it is not airborne. I do hear from people they watch those filmsately. Everybody is depressed in general. Your account is being quarantined. Tom a moviegoer from arizona has different tastes. I have a few friends who are watching more of tse dystopic pandemic movies, but i find myself drawn more to movies that draw the sense of comfort, the feelgood kind to comfort myse u during theseertain times. Tom with audiences become so accustomed to streaming movies at home duri the pandemic, so moe presentationf this program is provided by. Man babbel, an Online Program developed by language specialists teaching spanish, french, and more. The freeman foundation. By judy and Peter Blum Kovler foundation; rsuing solutions for americas neglected needs. And by contributions to this pbs stfrom viewers like you. Thank you. Mr. Rogers its a beautiful girl were the curious. Woman 1 wow man 1 the adventurous. N 2 oh daniel tiger grrr woman 2 those venturing out for the first time. All blast off [rocket explosion] man 3 and those who have never lostur sense of wonder. Man 4 whoa man 5 are you seeing this . [quacking] vo we are the hungry. Cookie monster cook man 6 the strong. Muhammad ali i must be the greatest vo the joyful. Bob ross a happy little cloud. Man 3 we believe there is always more we can uncover. Girl more we can explore. Woman 3 we believe. Man 6 . In the capacity for goodness. Vo and the potential for greaess. Man 7 the torch has been passed n to a new generat americans. Man 1 pbs. Man 3 pbs. Girl pbs. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc woodruff good evening. On marcit off my 16aff ofynes

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