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[music] hello. Welcome to outside source. Governments around the world are ting restrictions at the coronavirus as the coronavirus continues to spread. President macron has ordered the whole of france to stay at home or risk being punished. He says the country is at war the u. K. Is saying avoid social contact, dont travel, dont go tohe pub. Boris jon says all of the measures are tough but necessary. I believe they are overwhelmingly worth it to slo the spread of the disease, to reduce the peak, to save life, minimi suffering ando give our nhs the chance to cope. President trump has toldot americans to send their children to school and to avoid gatherings of more thanop 10. Cif everyone makes thisnge or these critical changes and sacrifices now, we will rally together as one nation. Meanwhile, a huge intervention by the u. S. Central ba has failed to calm stock markets. Right now this is the bell being run at the clo in new york. Its fallen again by huge amount. [music] well, the Global Crisis bei driven by this coronavirus outbreak continues to escalate. In the last hour, the frenches ent, Emmanuel Macron, has addressed the nation. He says frap france in a state f war against the virus. He gave the address from the palace, as you can see. D he enforced a lockdown from tuesday, midday, saying all residents are being ordereday to t home and can only leave for essential reasons or face punishments. Movements are going to be very severely limited. In addion, france has closed its borders in agreement with other European Union countries for 30 days. Ng lets bn hugh. You watched the spire thing. Tell tell us more about what the president said. Thats the hhlight, this lockdown. That this w coming. On a day following now, in the sootps of italy and spain. We now have a third country in tal lock down and its very dramatic. Te president went on television for the seconde in four days, because the situation is getting worse here. Its getting worse and the measures that have been announced alreaat is, closure of schools and then on saturday evening, the closure of bars and cafes andestaurants and all these dramatic changes to regular life, theybe havent enough. He made specific reference in his address to the scenes over the weekend, her in paris, of people ming quite promiscuously, in the sort of rude sense of the word,utside in parks and on the banks of the river. Shocked the medical profession, because it made it quite clear that people in france, too many, are just not getting the measure of how serious this is. At that point, it became inevitable that something far re dramatic wouldave to be put in place. The medical profession has been furious as what it sees as the non chalance of the public, who seem to think, ifheyre not ill, it doesnt matter. And it was the message that it does matter,hat even if you dont feel youre infected, you can still infect, that president macron felt it had not gotten through. Hence, these stringent rules which are really goingo bring this country to a standstill and make paris and everyity very erieerie places to live in. Nd theres a distinction between what president macron said and what Boris Johnson said. Because Boris Johnson ps advisiple in the u. K. But macron says this is going to be enforced. If you go out, you can expect to be punished in some form. He said that. In spain and italy, its being enforced. I doubt very much that there will be fines being issued willynilly tomorrow. I suspect there will b police out, telling people to get back i very mh doubt they will be issuing punishments, but this is a compulsory measure coming in. So far, u know, franceas started off in a position which was much nearer britains in terms of its response to the coronavirus. A week ago, you know, france and britain were more or less saying the same things. But its changed very fast. This isnt wheth just a wave breaking the arrive in b too. Will eventually thank you very much indeed. Day to day life in france being y thistely overturned virus, which continues to spread around the world, in a range of diff. Ent countri people have been told to avoid publiclaces and some of the stets in some of the biggest cities in the world are looking eerily qui. This is actually in paris, where he was. The champselysees. This is disney world in florida. Absolutely n one there. This is times square in new york. Normally around 300,000 plus people. Some of the most popular Tourist Attractions in the world. Not completely empty but very close to it. This is the airport in barcelona. Spains second largestity. And this is representative of what were seeingll over spain. Se European Union iponding to this by propong a 30day restriction on nonessential travel into the bloc. This is going to include this zone, marked in dark blue. 2 e. U. 22 e. U. States which effectively have no border controls at all. All other e. U. States will be invited to take part in these measures. Heres the commissioner president. I think of utmost importance is that neighboring countries harmonize their measures sohat this is the same strong message to the people that the Member States are conveying, because here this t increases uncertainty for people to know that it is, yes, difcult at e moment, but its for the best of their health and for the moment thi i necessary. Now, to be clear, certain individual European Countries havelready either completely borders. Ally closed their includes russia, hungary, serbia. The border closures the government would arg are a partial, and these are the borders with france, switzland and austria, and long cues have built up at the borders this morning, after those controls were introduced. Put simply, anyone without valid reason for traveling will be turned away. Exemptions are for goods, vehicles, people bringing freight, and also for commuters who will, were told, have to prove that theyre going to and from their plaf work. Now, italy remains the worst affectedhiation outside. It has over 20,000 cases, close to 2,000 fatalities. The Prime Minister says one of his priorities is to make sure that doctors andurses are protected fromhe virus. So that they cane conti working. Another concern for the government is that the virus could mo in bulk from the north to the south of the country, because thousands of people have moved from the north to the south, in recent weeks. The south is a lot poorer. Hospitals are not as well equipped. And today the newspapers are reporting thatst the prime mi has said the peak of the cases have not been reached yet. So its going to get a lot worse before it gets betr. Lets bring in the bbcs europe editor, live with us from brussels. Thk you for joining us. How do you assess these new measures from the president of the commission . Reporter well, the thing is, the commission is oneof thing. Course, this propose has come from thess european comn president. She can propose this measu. Its the individual. U. National leaders that then have to sign up to it. Now, you could ask why shesop ed it, because from a Public Health perspective, the eoronavirus is already well and truly h in europe. The World Health Organization described europe as the epicenter right now of the pandemic. Travel restrictions, scientists say, have a v limitedue in preventing the spread of the virus. Certainly they would help european citizens feel they were being protected. But some kin of fortress were being erected but the number of exceptions thatould go into th ban mea that for many of the countries who have imposed their own unilateral National Border measures like germany, t like czech republic, like poland, thisop fortress e idea is unlikely to really go far enough and theyre likely to insist tant to keep their own travel bans in place. And that goes against one of the real reasons behin the commission proposal. And that is to provide a europewide response to the coronavirus. Also for public relatio reasons, because many of those right now who say, look, heres, another cri like the migration trisis where itns out that European Union, not really. Its every country for themselves. The Commission Wants to say, no, we really do act together and theres no need to impose these border restrictions. The commission a iso worried about the big impact on the eurozone. Not only t huge pressures economies,ly, spaifn and france spain and france, also the fact that as individual countries inside the eopean union impose bordeti restrs you have lorries blocking at the border, slowing down the Free Movement of goodshats so important inside the market. Its also these political reasons and economic reans thre pushing for this travel ban but tt list of exceptions is just going to prove too long. And for certain mem in order to lift their own restrictions already in place. Interested. U mentioned the eurozone. Weve snhe Federal Reserve take reasonably drastic action on behalf of the american economy. Can we expect the european issue again in order to provide some more stability for the youreurozone. Do you remember mario draghi, the former president of the e. C. B. , the mkets reacted quickly when he said, well d whatever it takes. The markets havent reallyea that message from Christina Lagarde loud enough, the current the e. C. B. Did come out with a whole package of measures last week. But some countries like france, Emmanuel Macron say it wasnt enough. And he wts mor when you look at the eurozone, it is going to need help. Traditionally when you look at italy, italy was always judigd too to fail. It is groaning already under the strain of the coronavirus. It i going to need help. The eurozone is going to need help. And so we are expecting to hear more measures. That will be taken. It is one of those situaons where, y know, the European Union is an artificial construct. Its somethingy that m in the e. U. Really believe in. But, of course, for political leaders, theyre putting their own nations fst but it doesnt mean theyre turning their back on the e. U. As a whole. One example is the sharing embetween ther states of protective clothing, like face masks, for example, ventilators which e. U. Leaders have, after a rettle bit of disent at the beginning but they have agreed to share amongst themsenes. Weve sne million face masks arriving in italy today, for emple, through germany. I think its too early to write off the European Union or the eurozone over the coronavirus but strains and pressures, there certainly are. Very u vful. Thank yy much indeed. Weve begun with hugh in paris, katty in brussels. Next we move to the u. S. In the last hour or so, President Trump said his administration to blunt the spad of the infection. Here he is speaking at the white house. Hewe much rather be of the curve than behind it. Thats what we are. Therefore, M Administration is recommending that all americans, including the young andealthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel, and avoid eating and drinking at bars, restaurants and public food courts. If everyone makes this change or these critical changes and sacrifices now, we will rally together as one nation, and we ll defeat the virus and were going to have a big celebration all together. Lets bring in our correspondent in washington. Listening to that, the president s traveled quite a long way from his early statements on this virus. Yeah. He still rates, as herd said, to the end of that news nference, his response to all of this as 10 out of 10. And he is still sayinges ahead of the curve. For a lot of people, he isea followingy the lead of governors, for example, aroundis ountry who have been imposing restrictions, giving the kind of advice hes been giving today, in previs days. There are some cities that are going much further than this. This is a justice that nald trump was giving today about staying away from gatherings of more than 10h people, altho he was on stage right there with more than 10 people. Ofourse, in a packed Briefing Room as well. But also advisingeeople to h school where possible and not to go to bars and restaurants. There are other cties t are closing bars and restaurants. San francisco is doinguch more than that, saying from midnight tonight, there should be no travel, unless it is essential, out of peoples homes. The sense thathile he is coming on board, theres still much more to be done and theres still lots of questions about the testing regime across the country. Were hearing that a million test kits are nowle avail but that is in terms of being available to ultimately dispense around the country. But a lot of people around this country are reporting that they nt get tested when they need to be. T where have we got in terms of the scale of the outbreak in the u. S. . We were hearing from our colleague in paris, saying president macrons actions areby being drivehe fact that doctors are saying this isnt in control. I wonder whatta thestics are where you are. Well, Donald Trumps now mentioning or seeming to accept that this could go on until july or august. But weve already had more than 3,000 cases acrosshe country, 61 deaths that have been confirmed. As i say, because testing is so difficult, the fear is that the real number of those affected is much higher. But donald trump again insisting ths unl people have the symptoms, they shouldnt be tested, when, o course, we know from examples in other countries, a lot of people who have been tested,who dont s the symptoms, can stillth carry virus and, of course, spread it to others, and the real wayf curtailing the spread of this outbreak is to catch allse of t who have the ability to spread this virus, whether they show the symptoms or not. So still some sense that the administration israppling with how to react to whats going on here. Thank you ry much indeed. Those of you watching. Its just one example of whatsn happ in america. New yorks mayor saying today we made the painful dision to suspend classes in all new york city Public Schools beginning tomo all over america, were seeing these kind of decisions take place. In a few minutes, well update you on what the u. K. Government is saying, because its now advising against all nonessential travel, a range of other measures too. Well giv you all that in a few minutes. In other news, at least 19 people hav been confirmed dead ter an explosion at a gas plant in nigerias commercial capital. The National Petroleum Corporation Says the explosion gasinders piled up at 2 hit at the facility. Locals said they could feel the explosion. Teporter it happened yay morning at around 8 00 local time. People were still in bed probably or getting ready to go to church when this massive explosion happened. Itle f the skyline. Big blackmoke. And then there were a numberse f condary explosions which meant that a number of buildings, at least an estimated 50 buildings, were collapsed. Cars and local lorries, trucks and buildings, were also crushed and damaged. And, of course, 19o people s far are known to have died. 25 at least have beenn injured i yesterdays explosion. Were outside source. Our lead story is that the u. S. , u. K. And france have all issued new advice to combat the coronavirus pandemic. President macron ordered entire country to stay at home. Now, here in the u. K. , the death toll from the virus has gone up to 53. Thats up from 35 yesterday. And the Prime Minister gav a announced signifiewere he restrictions on how people should live. Now is the time for everyone to stop nonessential contact with others. And t stop all unnecessary travel. We need people to start working from home t wherey possibly can. And you should avoid pubs, social vheaters, and other such Prime Minister also said if any member of a family shows symptoms, hes asking the entire family to selfisolate. But thats just advice. Nothing is being mandate so large social gatherings are being discouraged but not, banns in france, and schools will remain open. Heres the u. K. s chiefedical officer, who was also at that press conference, giving us onn update where the u. K. Has reached with this crisis. In this country, this disease is now accelerating up the curve but still at a low level but it will accelerate now up really quite rapidly. If thats the case, shouldnb the u. K following the lead of many other countries and be doing more, includi banning social gatherings and implementing further quarantines . Lets listen to what the w. H. O. Has said on how governments should react. Ais is from couple days back. What weve seened from the l ebola rned from the ebola outbreaks is you need to react quickly, go after the virus, stop the chains of transition. Community acceptance is hugely impoant. You need to be coordinated, coherent. Its essentially many of those same lessons. But the lessons ive learned eafter so manyla outbreaks in my career are be fast, hav no regrets. You must be the first mover. The virus will always get you if you dont move quickly. Last thursday, the u. K. Government announc it wld no longer try to track and trace case and that it would test only people who were admitted to hospital. At meansesting is now far from comprehensive. N the issue of testing, heres the w. H. O. Aga test, test, test. Test every suspected case. Them and find who they haveate been in close ctact with, two days before they developed symptoms, and test those people too. Not ever country is approaching this in the same way, but all the countries share the same goal, to flatten the curve. Is phrase weveeard an awful lot. The idea is if you can delay infections as much a possible, you never reach this crisis point, a spike where youre beyond your health care capacity. R and your health careout systems wont be overwhelmed. Almo every count is trying usingieve this goal social measures, tracing contacts and so on. We do i cend totinue to scale up testing but i think its important to realize the scale. K. Testing, which has been substantial and just to give just some numbers on that p44,000 testsdu ced of which over 42,000 were negative. We will c utinue to scalep the testing every single week from here on in. Next we look at the economic pact. We know its going to be profound in the coming months. Lets start with the markets. On sunda night, the u. S. Federal reserve made anen unprecd move. It cut Interest Rates to almost 0 and launched a 700 billion dollar stimulus program. But even that didnt calm theet ma the New York Stock Exchange has closed in theast few minutes. The Dow Jones Industrial is down by nearly 13 , falling steeply t the latter p of the day, after President Trump had said it could be july or aust before the virus is beaten. Herhats happening did the fed play it wrong, or is nothing going to ease the markets concerns . Heres a leading voice on wall so when youre in a crisis, even when its a war situation, rule number one is dont use too much of your ammunition if is not going to be effective. So what the fed should have done is focus, like a laser, on market malfunction. Bu instead, once again it did10 basis points cut, an emergency cut, right down to zero. H that doesntp. If i give you a loan, if i allow you to refinance your mortgage and put cash in your pocke youre noing to go out and spend it. Youre not going to go on a. Crui youre not going to getn a flight. So its ineffecusve. Itsng on the strings. Lets bring in samira in new york. We thought last week was bad but itooks like this has gone even further. What we saw from the Federal Reserve onda there was some hope that perhaps it would calm some really nervous investors on wa street and it did not, for precisely the reasons that w t heard,t we saw that the Federal Reserve had really just used all of the tools up in its arsenal. Room. Ey have very little what has changed between this afternoon and to when markets close, to see this dratic fall, i think it is we can attribute a lot of that to s wht in the recent press conference with u. S. President donald trump as part of the coronarus briefing. When a reporter asked about the a recession, he said we may be in fact headed toward a recession and went further that wererobably going to be dealing with this until at least augue. For s that certainly sent markets trading further down for the day. Are there particular stocks which are being hammered more so than others . I mean, sure, you can look at the travelg industry, anyth you know, the Airline Stocks are being hurt. Were hearing that t gyre probabng to be asking u. S. President for a bailout, some money to helphem keepoat. And anything really, the problem is here,s i that absolutely every part of the economy is being hurcoby the navirus. And so if you look at all the sectors, all 11 sectors, the dow jones, all of them are lower. Wats really sort oft makes this really difficult, is that just the scale of the economic damage is just so far reaching. Thank you very much indeed. Mang a really i there which is, perhaps unlike any story weve covered in recent years, this effects almost everyone in a range of different ways. Of course well continue to describe those to you and analyze them too. For more background onll the elents of this extraordinary story, you can gett through the bbc news app and ill speak to you at the same time tomorrow. Bybye. [music] presentation of this program is provided by. Man babbel, an Online Program developed by language speciasts teaching spanish, french, anmore. 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