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Man babbel. din a language learning app that teaches real life conversations and uses speech recognition technology. dg daily 10 to 15 minute vessons are voed by napeakers. ding anelthey are at babbel. Baom. Narrator fubying was also provide the freeman foundation. By judPeter Blum Kovler foundation; pursuing solutions for americas neected needs. And by contributions to this pbs station fr viewers like you. Thank you. Announcer and now, bbc world news. Governments take drastic action as coronavirus continues to wreck havoc. Lofrances schools and universities across the country. President macron asked people over 70 to stay at home. In rome, catholic churches have been ordered closed which has in the u. K. Prime minister says it is the worst Public Health crisis for aeneration. We must level with you, level more families, many more families are going to lose loved ones before their time. Global stock markets have fallen some by record amounts. This is the scene on wall street wher the rock markets have closed. We will go live to our correspondents as the story develops. France is tes l country to take drastic measures to control the coronirus pandemic. 61 people have died from the virus in france. President macron made an address on National Television speaking in the last hour. He says as of monday and unl further notice, nurseries, schools, colleges, high schools andniversities will be closed for a simple reason. Our children and our youngest children seem to be the ones who spread the virus most quickly. This is to t protectm and to reduce the spread of the virus. Prident macron did say local elections planned for sunday would still go ahead. Lets get you more now from Hugh Schofield our correspondent in paris. Dramatic measures. That is the highlight. This measure for schools and universities, i doe mean life will change traumatically for the country from yes next aymond shutting down schools crees all sorts of problems for working families. Childcare, people will have to work from home or to look after children. This misses are being asked to extend telework as much as possible there will have to be businesses aresk to extend telework. There will have to be careful parents in theealth system because they look after victims of the coronavirus. A there will bamatic change in the way the country runs. Dwe need w a mparison with italy and point out that as drastic as this may be it is not as drastic as measures in ace in italy. Public transport will keep going. The elections on sunday will go ahead. These are important town hall elections. France dra a distinction between itself and italy. We do not want to go down the italian road. Some people say yha wil to eventually. The french say maybe but we were ratherea introducedres which delay or slo down, which bias time and mean big wave of infections which everyone knows what, is later and lower. That is the plan. That is the tactic. Everyone knows theres an owned an oomph about to arrive i france and w should expect it to break over the next couple of weeks. But the country should not a coe to standstill, is his message. The same calculations are being made on side of the channel today. What we have heard from boris johnson. R fear that businesses might do underbs are put at risk. Indeed, the second part of his announcement and it was a halfhour address this evening, was about the economy. He said we are not going to add to a Health Crisis and economic and financial crisis. There are all sorts of microeconomic measures that will be taken and are already being taken to allow businesses to put off paying tardis and taxes, these kind of measures paying charges. And to allow sickleaveo be claimed straightaway. On a more accra come on knock unmarked macroeconomic levhe says europe will not allow the economy to go under as a result of this. Christine lagarde measures, he was ctil of those saying more would be required. Times ahead there will measures taken to counter limit the effects of globalization, which he clearly things aren some ways detrimental now to the health of europe and the nation. Thank you. As political leaders think about how to juggle and isal with the , we wanted to show you what boris johnsonad to say. It was a stark reminder of what is at stake. This is the worst Public Health csis for a generation. Some people compare it to seasonal flu. Alas, that is not right. Owing to the lack of immunity, this disease is more dangerous. And it is going to spread further. I must level with you, level with the british public. More families, many more families, are going to lose meloved ones before their in the same briefing the experts were telling us it is all about changing the shape of the crisis. You heard hugh talking about this from paris. Across the world theyre trying to delay the peak of the outbreak while building resources to deal with it. The move that u. S. Psident donald trump decided to make to ban travay was from europe for the next 30 days. But did that help confidence . If you look at the markets today, they have taken another hugeit. The ftse 100 closing down 10. 9 , its second worst day ever. In spain the addicts 35 is down the ibex 35 down new york and youan see thesed in closing headlines for the dow jones. And we are outside the stock what a day on wall street. It is almost safer to be outside the new york inside. Have seen the Dow Jones Industrial average and the Financial Markets has just chose test closed. The dow has closed down 10 . This ishe biggest oneday drop we have seen since the stock market crash in 1987. This has been an entire week minus one day of continuous losses on u. S. Financial maets. A real clear indicationt investors on wall street are just scared about what is going to happen with the economy both here in the united s ttes and arou world. Is everyone grapples with this coronavirus outbreak. Stay withan us, weto reflect on reaction to what has been happening in markets. Talking about dona trumps announcement of that ban on flights from europe to the u. S. This was the mostsi expenve speech in history. You think there is something in that . Well look, u. S. Looking for clear leadership. Some clear direction. It has been looking for it all week. Remonday we heard fromdent trump sort of outlining a possible payroll tax cutefhat would b companies and workers. G since heard noth then on wednesday eveningth you saw unprecedented evening speech, only the second time the president on has that. Again, investors were looking for clarity but the message was not clear at all. It was not clear when he made the announcement about the travel ban, whher included people or also goods and trade. You saw the administration had to then play catch up to explain this to people. In terms of any sort of economic imulus we have not really en any of those details. I hav spoken with traders on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange who said that is all they want. They want to see more action. More tax cuts. What kinds of stimulus. But right now they do not have any. I would suggestt is probably not the worst characterization ofd what mr. Trump say last night. Thank you for going us up to date. Lets have a look now at how wide that u. S. Ban is in practice. That applies to 26 countries that are part of the border free travel area. You can see that mark here. It also affects anyone who h been in these countries in the past 14 days. Thconcern o the u. S. Is that the large obreaks in italy, france and spain are sprearong the virus h europe and mr. Trump feels tvelers there could carry numbers of cases to the united states. Differently. Nion thinks heres a ut spokesperson. The euth disapproves o fact that the u. S. Decision to impose a travel ban was taken unilaterally. And without consultation. Here is a chief eu spokesperson. It surprised travelers some of whom had just arrived. We got on our plane from denver to london. We are traveling to ireland. Asas sooe got off the plane we had several text messages. We checked o pnes. Trrap had al ban saying we had to go home. So we are going home. No laughing matter for the u. S. Politician joe biden, the front runner to face donald trump in the election later this year. He has joined widespread criticism of the president s new travel plan. Travel from europe or any other part of the world may slow it but it will not stop it. The travel restrictions based on favoritism and politics rather counterproductive. Lets go to our correspondent at washington dulles airpo the International Airport for the nations capital. What two people make of this n travelan . What do people make of it . We saw slow traffic this morning when we arrived. Not manpeople here at all. Some Officials Say they have never seen it as slow as that for a thursday morng. It has picked up as you can see now. People are trying to absorb the details of the band, wondering how it will work. There is a lot of confusion when it was first announced last night by the president. It was not made clear by him during the announcemennothat it woulaffect u. S. Citizens that would not affect those with green cards and permanent residents in the u. S. All that stuff had to be mocked up afterwards. Where it is almost, a little over a day until tto band comes lace. Still, a lot of questio about how people will be processed remain unanswered. We know that there are 11 gateway airports in the u. S. Were u. S. Citizens and others who are alloweto come back during that 30 day. Will they all be t will only the ones with symptoms be tested . Internally in the u. S. Still a huge debate over the level of inte. And even the scientists in charge of the fight againsty coronavirus toying that the testing regime is totally inadequate. Cara donahue at dulles, think you. Gary odonoghue. In italy the death has passed 1000 and the country of 60 Million People is living under lockdown. All of romes catholic churches have been ordered to close. All shops he cites supermarkets and pharmacies have been told to close for two weeks. Italians are following the government advise. Streets and squares are deserted. This is st. Marks square in venice. An iconic spot usually teaming tourist today it is being disinfected. Yo canee the canals are completely empty. In midland, there milan, there are screens across the city sayg, coronavirus, let stop it together. On a tram there is taparound the drivers cubicle. We have also heard from residents of milan who are fighting hard to adjust. Is a great problem. We underestimated it at first. Now we are paying the price. We have survived this but i so hope we survived it well. I did not expect this could happen. Im thinking about the future. Next week is my birthday. I cannot do anything. I cannot invite my friends because nobody wants to leave eir homes. U i want to show other picture from the town in northern italy. Children have been making banners to hang from their balconiesg, sayverything will be ok. This isha romes mayoing a similar banner from her balcony. We report from italy. Just to convey the mood here in rome, we have been here a few hours and a woman stopped us and said we need to make sure and we ar alwayone meter apart from each other. Yesterday the Prime Ministermo announce restrictions. From today, all shops wxcl be closed eept for pharmies and supermarkets. Italys foreign minister, Luigi Di Maio said these measures are necessary. Our grandfathers were drafted to go toar a woce ndbeore aring nurse can worked when four hours nonstop we cp give u leaving our home. The majority of citizens are trespecting rules. Those who are not will face fines or criminal charges. This is taking its toll on health ce workers everywhere. One nurse in london posted a picture on instagram. The marks across her face are from the factar that she is g a mask all day. She is afraid and physically and psych logically tired but she will continue to do her job. Here is foreign minister lui di maio again. We are working with a telling resupply ourealth system with to what is needed. We named a task force leadero coordinate this. We need oxygen units. We have started production with factories thahecan produce or others that can adapt to produce them. We are in contact with countries across the world and many are willing to supply us with eqpment. Stay with us here on outside source. Still to come, spain is grappling with the crisi we will hear how it is reaching the very top. The ancienturkish town thought to be 12,000 years old is being engulfed by floodwaters from a newly constructed dam. The turkish government started filling the hydroelectric dam mid last year. Hoby octobers in this ancient towns were inundated. Es3000entse forced to relocate to a government built village on the or. Er to the ri some residen are standing by the justification. Above all, its good for the energy sector. Foon. What it will alrasor setir bpod beneficial for agriculture. The gell extent of the da caused by the swollen river is yet to be known. A court battle to save the ancient town was lost. Somect cultural artiave been salvaged but nowllesidents can do is sit and watch while there homes slowly go under. Silly at lennon spence, bbc news. Sylvia lennon spence, bbc news. Atyoureing outside source, live it from that bbc news room. France announced it will close all schools and universities across the country. President macron asked people over 70 to stay at home to avoid the coronavirus. A round at t b today, the u. S. Military says it es iraqi militiamen late to iran were behind a missile attack at a base in iraq that killed two americans and a british soldier. Airstrikes have killed 26 iraqi militiamen based in neighboring syria. Lawyers for the former u. S. Intelligencehe analystea manning sais she is recovering after trying to take her own life. She has been held at a Detention Center in virginia since last may accused of contemptfo of cot refusing to testify at an inquiry into the wikileaks website. They paul hasce cd all climbing permits for Mount Everest in the face of the coronavirus threats. Methe gove said it took the decision to halt tourist visas until the end ofch april. Ina announced it will not allow expeditions on the northern side of Mount Everest. More on that story on bbc. Com. Italy remains the worst hit country outside china. The situation in other europn countries is becoming more serious. In spain, the number of infections isrl n 3000 by today and the number of deaths almost doubling, now 84. Madrid has 38 deaths. The Prime Minister approved a package of 2. 8 billion euros, three believe dollars, to help regional authorities mitigate the economic impact. And a furtherne bilon euros has been set aside for t health ministry. If we want to defeat the virus as soon as plan and social response ability are essential. The situation mans major changes in hygiene, reading, being at work,re leind travel. The government is taking charge of ts. The situation demands. Every m citizt take care of their own health in order to help others, especially the most vulnerable groups. Mr. Sanchez is holding his meetings by videoconference after his dippy prime and esther beauty Prime Minister his deputy Prime Ministers wife tested positive for the virus and she is also minister. All ministers and the royal family have had to be tested. Ms. Monero is one of one hunter 20,000 people who attended 0,000 people to Mark International womens day. We are watching the situation in spain. God, we have guy, we have heard about the worry and testing reaching to the yes. That is right. You heard about king phillipe and the queen being tested. They are meeting people all the time and have a lot of contact with the government and the cabinet ministers one cesinet ministerd positive monte ro. Gothis doeight to the top. That drives home to ordinary spaniards how serious and widespread thiis. It is not just oinary workers, it is politicians, possibly mbers of the royal family. How is itffecting other aspects of everyday life . Sports, for example . Sport has been heavily affected. Until today we have been told behind closed doors, footballld matches. Today that changed. La liga, well known for real madridnd barcelona, the next few days will be canceled altogether. That is a big deal for sports fans. In general, life has been y affected, particularl here in madrid and in several other regions. Closure of the el prado museum, perhs most famous in spain. S,librar theaters, cultural centers, all shut down here in madrid. A similar case across the rest of spain. China setting help to italy and spain, masks and s on . Yes. Thats right. We heard about an offer of help from the chinese authories. The Spanish Government has confirmed that. Do not know much about it. It seems to consistf dical supplies. We do not know the quantities or wh the help will come. I am gssing t Spanish Government will welcome that kind of help because it knows the heal to be under a tremendous amount of pressure. It already is. Authorities are bracing for more increase. Nfections thank you for bringing us up to date from spain. As the virus continu to spread globally, is leading a mark on all aspect of daily life. We were talking about sports. Were looking fkyward to the olympics. But will it be able to go ahead . For e start of the process, the living torch began today in athens, home to the first olympics. This is an event that normally attrts a large crowd of bspectato this time it was held in a most empty arena. Only selected officials, perhaps 100 people attended in the ancient stadium in libya. In olympia. The mens nba has been suspended for the rest of the season due to the coronavirus outbreak. Look at those expressions, confusion on and off the court. Fans in the staum, the teams playing, or told to leave the venue. The playersere seen talking among themselves. The referee and discussion before making the final call. E of the teams playing was the utah jazz. This is their a center,t a press conference monday. He did this. Touching every microphone and recording device. Apparently as a joke, to show he was not concerned about the disease. Thproblem is, he hasow tested positive r coronavirus and he is now in quarantine. Next, we will talk about media. People who bring news about the virus are not immune from it. The bbc u. S. Broadcast partner, cbs, has had to moveowts breakfast this morning. We will show you what is happening in the u. S. They have had to move from new york to washington, d. C. 350 km away. Lce to cbs this morning from washington. Starting to affect all aspects of american life. Cbs news has two known cases of coronavirus. We have closed our new York Broadcast Center to clean and disinfect the premises. Like a lot of folks we are not working from home but we are in washington at our bureau. We have been briing you as much news as we can from around the world about the way the coronavirus outbrk is developing and what authorities are trying to do. You can always go online. The bbc has a wealth of useful information,ncluding symptoms and what you should do. I will finish by saying you sh presentation of this program is provided by. Woman collette guides travelers to experience the world in more than 160 destinations across five travel styles, like small group explorations. Their inclusive tours feature local guides, cultural experiences, meals and acodations. Since 1918, collette has guided travelers around the world. Learn more at collette. Com smallgroup. Man babbel, an Online Program developed by language specialists teaching snish, french, and more narrator funding was also provided by, the freeman fodation. By jy and Peter Blum Kovler dation; pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs. And by contributions to this pbs station from viewers like you. Ank you. Narrator youre watching pbs. Narrator fundinthfor presentation of is program is pd by, woman collette guides travelers to experience the world in more than 160 destinations across five travel sxples, like small grouprations. R inclusive tours feature local guides, cultural experiences, meals and accommodations. Since 1918, collette has guided travelers arou the world. Learn more at collette. Com smallgroup

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