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Improve ou life . Judy allf that and more on tonights pbs newshour. Major funding for the newshour west by pbs newshour has been consumer cellularer bros. Pictures and by the offered p sloan foundation. Supporting science, thnology, and improved Economic Performance and Financial Aid in the 21st century. Carnegie corporation of new york supporting innovations in education, democratic engagement and the advancement of International Peace and security at carnegie. Org. And with the ongoing support of these individuals and institutions. This program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting anby contributions to your pbs station from viewe like you. Thank you. Judy collision and cooperation at the u. S. Capitol. In public, committee of the house of representatives clashed all day over impeachment charges of behind the scenes, negotiators also agreed on a spending deal. We begin with our congressional correspondent, lisa de chardin on impeachment. The Judiciary Committee will come to order. Reporter in a large and chilly meeting room, the divide of the nation played out. Hr 755 reporter a Judiciary Committee meeting of the highest stakes. In front of lawmakers, nine pages aimed at removing the president of the United States charging abuse of power and obstruction of congress. Two articles of impeachment and tw radically different points of view from democrats ting to influence our elections with foreign interference. Reporter and republicans this is testimony about what concluded from actsak bydy members of the administration. Reporter called markup, it is the final step before articles of impeachment f go to thor. A chance for each member to propose an amendment or changes and it is meanto be tedious. Those in favor say aye. In the opinion of the chair, the nos have it. Reporter but it of course was a dramatic debate when democrats argued that presidt trump withheld military aid money and pushed the president of ukraine to investigate joe biden. At the end of the day i have onlywo questions. Reporter democts especially imploring republicans to think of broader conrns. Forget about President Trump. Isnyone of my colleagues willing to say that it is never ok for a president of the united ates of america to invit foreign interference in our elections . Not aof single onou has said that so far. Reporter they repeatedly raised the president s own words in his phone call with the ukrainian president after military support came up. The very next sentence is not yes, let us get with the department of defense. Iery next question would like you to do a favor though. Reporter the president w clearly watching tweeting out his rebtal i said i want you to do us, our country, a favo not me a favor. His allies repeatedly assailed what they see as an unfairo process withoven case. It is clear no abuse of power isever took place and therot enough evidence to support an i know that some of you really think the president did someing wrong but the fact is there is none oyour witnesses, none of your fact witnesses were able to establish any evidence of bribery,as t , high crime or misdemeanor is. Reporter democratics posed pointed to witness testimonies. C one said there is clear whatever words of the president. There have been so many thingsaid like the president never said the word demand. I can tell you that when the robber points the gun at you to take your money, they dont walk up and say i am robbing you right now. Reporter once forwarded by the committee, anyacrticle of iment could get a vote on the floor next week. Judy please set is still up on capitol hill as she has been all this day. What has been the republican sttegy all this day on how to deal with this . Lisa first of all, republicans as they have done toughout this process is questioned whether this has been fair. Repeatedly raising that they would like to call their own witnesses. Or they n have hearings of their own. Democrats have rejected that say in republican witnesses are offtopic or include the whistleblowewhich goes against the whistleblower protection act. That is hot debate. Publicans point out they have only had one witness. They have also done something else. They have brought in this idea of other corruption or other investigations they would like. Including an investigation of the Energy Company in the ukine that hunter biden was on the board of. Democrats say that is a distraction. And democrats also say that republicans could have been could have had one very big hwitness, the presideself or his lawyer. Judy lisa, this process, the nimarkup got started last with speeches from Committee Members on both sides of the aisl you told us that you see something deeper going on here th the Political Parties. Explain what you mean. Lisa i think something was missed in heving the late ing last night where much of the media is focused on today. Last night was more of an elevated hearing. I saw something about what these parties are about at this moment night. Athey were doing last democrats, one by one,ere presenting personal stories. Ouimmigrant stories their parents. Democrats were trying to say why they love america and why they are tied to ameri and get past your ide that they are attacking this president. It is something they are concerned about. They want to be showing their patriotism andhych they are at to the country. Republicans, mor tha i have ever heard before, are pointing out that they believe democrats e coastallite they said democrats do not rsunnd the middle of the country. And time and again i heard republican say that democrats do not likeomp voters trum trump voters. It was adding to the divide at the hearing. Something notable. Judy picki up on that, take a step back. We are on the verge of the impeachmenof a president. What is the effect of all of this from where you sit on the lawmakers and on the American People . Lisa we are in the last hos of these hearings onouse side. They could go l quitee tonight. In this markup process, any member of t committee can eak on any amendment. So far, we have had 60 hours of hearings in this impeachment room, in these hearings from both committees and i have noticed that the audience has gotten smaller. S lawmakday seemed more weary. And they seemed to get more serious as we approachedhm impet next week. And editorials in newspaper from across the country are ringing and. Inuding ringing in. Including the wall street journal which has said that democrats have gone too far and are contorting the process in a way that is harmful. It feels to me that this week has been one where the public has not tuned in. I feel next week will be different. I can report that next week we believe the full house will take the impeachment voteex wednesday. Judy fally, apart from all of this, behind closed doors,ow we the parties were able to agree on a spending plan to avert a government shutdown. Lisa the spending bill trillion. The biggest money decision that congress will make. Anin this are some issues about the president s wall. Looks like the president will get 1. 3 8 billion dollars for his wall. A lot more to say about that. Let me weekly mention that thisd to be passed by next friday to meet the government deadline. Essentially this is a deat ente over the wall. A largcompromise from both sides of the capital and the white house overspending. Judy a lot going on. Lisa, thank you. Stephanie good evening, im stephanie sy with newshour west. Hthese of approved a democratic bill to rein in drug eause under medicare on a partyline vote. Government negotiaget the prices. The bill has little chances in the senate where the republicans have a majority. We have a detailed look at later in the program. Reports from britain suggests Boris Johnson and his conservatives have scored and overwhelming win in national elections. The conservatives are projected to win and 86 seatsajity paving the way for johnson to pull britain out of the eu. We will look at brexit after the news summary. There is news tonight that President Trump has approved terms of a limited trade agreement with china. Ducing tariffs and not enacting new ones on chinese goods set to go in effect on sunday and in return china has agreed to purchase 50 billion of u. S. Farm goods. Israel is set for a march election. Both m priister Benjamin Netanyahu and his rival failed to form a governing coalition. Ashey read the news today, any as israelis complained about the seemingly endless political stalemate. It is frustrating to have a third election. To think we cannot come to an agreement on how the country should move forward. And it feels, in se ways, a little bit hopeless that there should never be a peace pross. Stephanie Benjamin Netanyahu is under indictment on corruption charges but he remains in office as careter Prime Minister. His opponent has refused to sit under him. Sech crews anin chile has found the military transport plane that was hea towards the antarctica. It was found in the drake passage. In india, violent protests erupted today over a new law allowing nonmuslim migrantto become citizens. Windows weremashed and hicles vandalized and Police Killed two demonstrators. The governme has rejected claims that the law is antimuslim and it would attract re foreigners. Back in this cntry come a deadly attack on a kosher market in new jersey is beingin stigated as domestic terrorism. Six people inclufing a police r and two shooters were killed. The evidence point general says antisemitism and more. We believe the suspects held views that reflected hatred of the jewish people as well enforcement. We are still working to determine how they selected their targets for these attacks. Specifically, both the kosher supermarket and the detective. Stephanie investigators believe the killers, a man and aac woma, d alone and not as part of some larger group. The federal communications commissioned moday to create a three digit number 988 for reaching a National Suicide hotline. It is dtined to replace the 10 digit number. The changeover could take months to implement. 10 former National Football League Players have been charged with defrauding an nfl health care program. The Justice Department says they submitted Health Claims for medical expenses not covered by insurance. The alleged fraud resulted in over 3 billion paid out. A group o players brazenly defrauded the plan by seeking reimbursement or expensive medi purchased ichluding oxygen bers, ultrasound machines used to conduct womenas health and even electromagnetic therapy devices. Stephanie four of the former players were arrested this morning and the others also a to torrender. Stilome, on the newshour with judy wdruff, how the conservative party wins its a guest majority in decades. The dueling bills in congress aimed at lowering the price of prescription drugs. Two former debt collectors embark on an ambitiono wipe out t debt of those that could not pay and much more. This is the pbs newshour from the Walter Cronkite school of journalism at Arizona State university. Judy as we reported earlier, britain has votedd in its th parliamentary election since 2015 and the choice was stark and could result in fundamental changes to british policy for generations. Dickh schaap friend is here w the results. Nick nick analysts believe this is the most controversial vote. The choice was between the conservative or tory party whose slogan was yet brexit get brexit done. According to the exitls p, of 650 local districts, the tories won 358. Labor won90ne, a loss of 71 seats. The Scottish Nationalist Party at 55 and liberal democrats at 13. The biggest conservative majority98 since to discuss the results rum london, we have d tector of Chatham House and from shington, Heather Conley. Welcome back to newshour to you both. This is an exit poll but historically reliable. Did britains vote for Boris Johnson . I think definitely for brexit and definitelyst aga Jeremy Corbyn if the numbers are to be seen correctly. E the fact of tter is that those that want to see bxit happened had one choice which was to vote for the conservative party. Those wanting to rethink how to keep the u. K. In the eu were split amongst the other three parties. And there was a deep suspicion especially in Northern England against Jeremy Corbyn. We saw Boris Johnson campaign and the north. Th traditional labor stronghold. Let me show some video. A styrofoam wall of Boris Johnson getting into a bulldozer. There it is. Boris johnson in a bulldozer get brexit done. The message, lunch force on blunt force on brexit. Jeremy corbyn and the labour party wanted to make this about everything other thabrexit. About poverty and improving social care. I think the voters were simply exhausted after three years. I also think many voters believed the 2016 referendum that it was the democratic will of the british people. I think there was concern that rerunning that or sehow trying to annul that decion was wrong. There may not have been enthusiasm but i think the british people felt let us t this done. Let us move forward. Or right politicalthe u. K. E left. Decision and it war that remain there was an overwhelming majority to leave the e. U. And mr. Johnson will get that done. Reporter the deadline is january 31. Johnson can meet teadline . Ris pretty certain, then the u. K. Will leave the eu by january 31 if not before. That is the ultimate deadline. What then happens is we enter a probably twelvemonth period where the u. K. Will he to do a crash deal to complete a Free Trade Agreement. Boris johnson b redrawing the theresa may dl can try to push for a Free Trade Agreement which is a sim but still, the u. K. Will enter a 12 month area of intense negotiations and the british will find out quickly that brexit is a bit done. The u. K. Has left but now the new agreement has just gotten started. Reporter it seems the challenge is quite large. Brindleys the eu britain leaves the eu. Could we be back here in one year talking about britain crashing out . By july 1, the British Government has to request an extension of the transition period. That is to allow in s the future relationship becomes very difficult. That is to allow smoother future. Boris johnson refused to allow any extension. He told us to get this done. Robin is right. The complexities of negotiatinge a free trade ant with the eu the average time it takes to negotiate with tis e between 79 years. This will be incredibly fast. Borisohnson says he does not want to be closely aligned with the eu in the future. He wants to diverge which is problematic for Northern Ireland. It will be treated differently. Over the campaign, johns i was challengthere was going to be any customs certifications that could pass between Northern Ireland and Great Britain in the republic of ireland. We are about to see how complex this relationship really is. It will not be a simple as the Prime Minister has made it out i am fearful that this could unleash forces in northern irand that could potentially destabilize a very fragile government that has not had a powersharing government for three years. Reporter robin, you mentioned Jeremy Corbyn. Part ofs what he guing for was a second referendum that he also talked about nationalization and seizing 10 of corporations and a fourday work week. Did people the his platform was too radical . I think for many it was too radical. Not for his base. Not for true believers in the future of the labour party. Borisff johnson wasering to get brexitbu done quickly he was offering to the other part of the party the one nation rym. Very different from margaret thatcher. Forcing Jeremy Corbyn. Ar looking beyond there could be lessons here even for the u. S. Election. People trying to draw era levels. The big challenge is we have not regained from 35 up to 55 out of we may have had a confirmation in england about brexit but we mayave had a repudiation of the scottish vote. Reporter robin from caps on house and Heather Conley from Chatham House and heather comley, thank you. Judy americans spend approximately 1200 dollars a year per person on prescription drugs. That is more than anywhere else in theorld. One in four says it is difficult to afford those costs. Both Political Parties are looking to tackle that problemnt but from diffepproaches. The democrats in the house went first today by passing their own bill. The bill is passed. Reporter it is an ambitious plano change the governments role in the cost of prescripti drugs. Costs that are becoming prohibitively expensive for Many Americans. It aims to lower t price tag for drugs by overturning the 2003 rule that block of the federal government from negotiating most drug prices. Yna pelosi this will make all of the difference in the wld a central to it is the power to negotiate. Reporter theop50 page bill es three changes. It allows the government to negotiat medicaid crisis. It caps outofpocketts cnd forces drugmakers to give rebates to the government if the drugris rise faster than inflation. Democrats like debby dingle from michigan say it is critical that the government gets the power to negotiate these pric there is a reason we pay nearly four times more for prescription drugs and other industrialized nations. They use negotiation to lower drug prices. Rerter republicans say it will hurt competition and shrink the number of new drugs entering the market. People want more cures and wer drug costs. We do as publicans oppose this government price settingitegime becausill kill lifesaving cures for americans. Reporter the house bill is not expected to pass the senate but there is a biparsan bill in that chamber that has both parties. It also caps drug prices for senior but it does not a the government to negotiate drug prices for medicare. The congssional buet office analyzed the pelosi bill and said it would lead to eight fewer drugs coming to market in the next decade and 30 fewer in the subsequent decade. It would also lower medicaid spending in the next decade but a little less than that would be spent on new vision, dental, b d hearinefits. Mitch mcconnell said he woul not bring pelosis bill to a vote. Or more on this, i am joined by annemarie. Before we get to the specifics of the legislation, and i touched on this in the introduction, but remind us of what the problem is. I am worried tha people dont appreciate what is going on. The fact is, if you have good insurance, in many cases you doa not run upst this problem but many do what it is affecting people that have fethreatening illnesses like diabetes. This is one of the issues that has really drawn attention to this. People are having trouble affording insulin. People ask why the costs are going up so much . Drug prices are onef the bigges issues for americans. Especially coming into an election year, Many Americans say this is the Biggest Issue they want legislators to deal withre porter and one of the leslators being nancy pelosi. How does that bill try to target this problem . It goes out in a direct way and says we will emper the government to negotiate when it comes to the costliest dru. The pelosi bill is interesting because in addition to negotiating th prices, the prices would be available to all payers. Even if you have employerbased insurance, you would have the ability to access theseris because the law says drugmakers would have to offer you those prices. Reporter and it sets a cap on how much you can pay . It sets a cap on Medicare Beneficiaries on how much you pay outofpocket for your drugs every year. This is the first time it is being proposed. Porter what is the difference between the senate bill and the house bill . They have a big difference. The senate bill does not include itnegotiations. Oes have the ability to cap drugs they call it an inflationary capt they donnt drug prices to rise faster than the pace of inflation. Herwise, the negotiations are really the centerpiece of the pelosi bill and the senate has tsat is a no go for us. Government involved directly in setting drug prices. Reporter the idea is in the pelosi bill is the federal government buys so many drugs, they should be able to talk about the price. Why is that such a problem for republicans . Republicans will make the argument that in a capitalist society you want to have very little government influence in t. The free mar that is the hallmark of the republican perspective. Whenin they look at drug pric they say you do not want to limit drug makers. If you restrict the amount they can charge coming you interfere in the process through which new drugs are brought to market. And if you do this, there is less money for innovation. Among other things, the cbr. Report said the pelosi plan would result in eight fewer drugs per year. Reporter it is not that much of a gent in the flow of new drugs to market. Ic theorly. And a lot of experts would tell you that most Drug Development does not happen in the labs of the drugmakers but in academ institutions reporter we can debate the house versionersus the Senate Version but there is a third party involved, president sump. What is ed line . We know that nald trump is wanting to bring drug prices down in any way that he can. This is one of his big priorities. He wants to look strong on health care andook like he is really listening to people. In terms of red lines, he has expressed support of four for negotiations. But when nancy pelosi introduced her bill it donald trump tweeted out his support. When the senate bill came out later, heaid nice to see your bill also. Reporter f you were a betting person, you think it would be some version of that that doesth not allofederal government to negotiate . There is one hiccup. Senate republicans do not like the grassley bill. The cap i mentioned is seen as governme price setting. There are some big problems there for them. Reporter is it possible that nothing gets done this year . That is always possible in this congress. This point, there are se bipartisan pieces. The outofpocket costs have a lot of bipartisan support. There is also a lot of consens on different small pieces of legislation that would address blocking generics from coming to market. If you ease the path for generics to come to market, you increase how petition lower priceshat way. Reporter annemarie, from Kaiser Health news, thank you very much. Judy another health care story, congress is trying to work out a compromise on a different pocketbook issue eliminating surprise medical bills. It can drive many people into paul solom has atory on that debt and aff unique eort to help people in need. It is part of our Series Making nse. Reporter she had a near fatal stroke last year. They told my son that if i came through i would be a vegetable. Reporter the North Carolina resident maged to defy the experts but not the debt. How m . H were your bil over 6,0. Reporter that is after insurance. This texasen res owed 10 grand after her migraines ended her in the hospital. And after 13 strokes d two heart attacks, john simply says i dont have the money ave i dont job. Reporter this is a small mpling of the Many Americans that collectively o over a medicaln dollars i debt 50,000 or more aol medical debtctors. Reporter he used to ba debt were you embarrassed to tell people that you were a debt collector . Du i intd myself as a resolution manager. Reporter and what was thr reaction in general . Oh, you are the leg breaker. What do you want . Reporter it is not as if legally licensed debt collectors have any resemblance to these gangs, but the resemblance is the same. They are the bill collector for they expect to be paid. If they cannot do it, they rely on third parties. And if the third parties fail, they consider selling the de to the open market for a few cents on the dollar. Reporter chasing down bar words in defaultegardless of their ability to pay. Consider this 94yearold, a navy veteran of world war ii. Oh yes. Er reporter and you were in the philippines also . He lives off of social media inz subsided housing and is covered by v. A. Benefits and medicare but even he has copays and adaptables for rehab care and other medical debt. Do you get phone calls . Yes. Reporter what do you say to them . I will do the best i can. Reporter and there is embarrassment. , often people owed us money, they would not show up for appointments. And there were consequences. People with chronic illness had more problems. They did not get their prescriptions filled and they got sicker. Reporter and what almost no one knows is that medical bills can uc contested. Have errors. 30 can be qualifying for. Charity he people do not take it. At is not for me. Because it is a stigma. Reporter f they knew allis as debt collectors but then the crash of 2008 hits and the occupy wall Street Movement began outside their office window. Behold the face of the new america. Reporter intrigued by th movements focus on debt, ashton began to attend and blog on it. They began a nonprofit ri medical debt. It was a slog and a half. How do you make a living as a bt forgive her . R . You have to find donors p willing your salary. My wife was asking me why were we going into debt to help other people get out of debt. My wife gave me thelv ware and her jewelry to put into hock. I have five boys and two of them had to stop going to repo when did it start to ercollege. Turn around . In may of 2016. Reporter that is an investigative comedian whose hbo show created a company to buy and forgive uncollected medical debt. We were offered a portfolio of nearly 15 million of out of statute medicalebt from texas. We bought it. Reporter needingel to forgive the debt without creating tax liabilities for the debtors, ashtonurned to this struggling nonprofits. Are y ready to make Television History . Reporter that is what set rip medical debt on the map. And how could they buy sol much medibt for so little . It is the least collectible debt out there in the secondary market. The debt buyers nohave this residue. We say you sell us that debt. Reporter and Something Like half a cent or a penny on the dollar, is better than nothing. A you doing the opposite of cheery picking. Reporter y are taking the worse of the cherries. We are charity picking. [laughter] im a visionary. Rerter part of the vision harnessing local groups to help last month veterans day parade in new york, judy jones was fundraising for a second round of debt relief. She read about rip medical debt last year. I called and asked if we could do this. Reporter mostly from friends wiping out 1. 5 million of medical debt in upstate new york. This year if she decided to do it again targeting veterans debt. We set up a website. Reporter she sends money to rip and they buy up a de portfolio. She cannot target individuals. And neither can rip no matter how desperate the request. I was diagnosed with nonoperable pancreatic. Our bills have already surpassed 2. 4 million. A hospital has already sent me to colctions. Please help. Reporter how many of these have you gotten . 10,000 people have written to us. Individually. Cannot do anything theet individuals get a lter in a yellow envelope saying their medical debt has been canceled. That is how local tv stationsks found the fith whom this story began. You no longer owe the balance on the debt. Reporter a final thought. Our story has been timed to run during the holiday sson. A time for forgiving. Every time someone goes to amazon to buy the book, because the authors gave up the royalties to the book, thats the same thing as donating money. Reporter e it will wt 500 in debt . And educate you as we. Reporter paul solomon trying to educate from new york. Judy rem. And jus afternoon, rip medical debt said it had eliminated 1 billion in medical debt for over 500,000 people. Judye know, trees can add beauty and a sense of serenity to a neighborhood. As john has discovered, researchers have launched an ambitiou project in kentucky to see if they can help public health. Reporter oa crisp morning in south louisville, ee20 foot ever is deployed into an urban laboratory. At the designated spot, the threemanst crew tthe tree. A green giant the new bring it under a web of utility lines until the homeowner mark is the happy trecipient. How does that make you feel . It looks beautiful. Trees are a good thing for our environment. Reporter he is a retired zookeeper and is among the hundreds of louisville citizens getting greenery in the coming year. It is part of a projected Research Project conducted by the university ofouisville and cosponsored with nih saying green heart low of all. Researchers say this is the largescale, scientific sdy about how trees and green spaces affect the health of residents. Between 2004 and 2012, the city lost an average of 54,000 trees each year to development and old age. The tree canopy dropped to just 37 , well below other cities in the region. And since 1996, the American Lung association has given the city a feeling great. And louisville is one of the nations fastest warming urban heat islands. Parts of the city can be 10 degrees of the city. Ther parts researchers say tt more trees could be the solution. They can improve air quality, combat Global Warming and muffle noise pollution. Toris chandler is the dir in kentucky. When you look atis street like what do you see . Amn ag neighborhood with a declining tree canopy. Our old trees are dieting. They are not being replaced. Nature i not a nice to have, it is a musthave. Reporter streets like this are crews are planting and maintaining around 8000 trees and flowering plants le south louisv neighborhoods that are home to about 35,000 people. Mresearchers hae baseline physical and site and Psychological Health assessments of some 7000 residents. Half of the participants will get new foliage around their properties and half will not and after two years they will be examined again to compare changes between the two groups. This is a very ambitious project in terms of its sco, time, and resources. Reporter he is the lead researcher. It is like testing a new drug. Exactly. Same methodology. We have control group. It is exactly run like a clinic trial. A placebo. Instead of a drug, we have trees. Reporter research has already shown that green space can relieve sess but the team in louisville wants to know more about the overall effects on the health. We hope to unlock new foundational science the better allows us to understand the role that nature plays and improving our health. If we can do that,e n change blueprints on how you build a healthy communicate on how you build a healthy community. Repoer in lisville, a tree canopy coverage is a matter of rich and poor. Wealthieareas like this eastside neighborhood have mp to twice y trees as poorer areas in the south and west. And the difference in Health Outcomes is staggering. Dueor to a variety of fa Life Expectancy is up to 13 years shorter on the west side than the east. Your zip code determines your Health Reporter she is the Louisville Public Health direct. We have some residents experienng great health benefits. Nature is one of the things that is different between those communities. How do we bring that to everyone in our city . It has been there in this area. Reporter her neighborhood isit dottedreminders of where trees once stood. She says she inherited the green thumb from her grandmother. We planted this tree in 2009 eren my dad died. Repo the single mother of three has lived in this house for 15 years. She volunteered because her 14yearold son has thma. Trees proclce oxygen and n the air. They are beautiful. They are the lungs of our planet. Reporter she says she is not entirely surprised about the inequityn her hometown. When you have kids, you want them to live long and happy and althy lives. Sotimeome you are limited with your means. It is sad to think that we might live less years on the planet because of it. Reporter and this experiment will determine if trees can spread aanopy of health over more neighborhoods. For the pbs newshour, i am john yang in louisville, kentucky. Judy the holidays are a time to many also the season canre heighten a sense of isolation. In tonights brief but spectacular, a professor, scott on our staocuses of wellbeing. There is an art to happiness. 025 it is the stuff o star discovery spilling into adulthood. And then thingget real. Economic stress. You realize you will not be a senator or have a fragrance namedfter you and more devastating, someone you love get sick and dies. A wonderful thing starts to happen in 40s and your 50s. Userdefined appreciatioand relationships, in nature and in happier. Nts and you get the lesson is keepng on kee on. Happiness waits for you. We have two types of speakers here at nyu. People are either inspiring or you are a billionaire. They a their talks with one statement which is a follow your passion. I have m found that theority of people that tell you to follow your passion are already rich. E oblem with thinking you are supposed to pursue your passion is when work gets hard and it always does you might fall into the trap of thinking that this is hard so it must not be my passion. Ngwork is hard and b great at anything is very difficult. Were being honest abo increasing our currency in the e market,uld focus on amazon, apple, facebook, and google. Cebook knows more about you then abody. It initially held out the promise of catalyzing and strengthening relationships. Unfortunately, it has tapped into our tribal instinct. In arrangement enragement is engagement. The largest platforms with the greatest reach is are fueled on rage. It isy especiaangerous among teenagers who oftentimes if they are not invited to the party have to see the party play out in real time. There is a correlation between social media use and self harm. I can modulate my lack of affirmation or critici on social media but i am not sure that my 12yearold son can ds that well. Iish i had invested more in relatiships when i was a younger person. Text messages. Notes. Reaching out to people. The small investments when you are young at up and when yo wake up, you have a wonderful relationship. I was selfish and paid a big price for it when i woke up at 42. N i wasland. One of the things that has helped me in struggles with anger and depression is to have some perspective and to take stock of blessings on a regular basis. Express your love. E ople are not telepathic. The happiest peoe not those that feel the most loved. Best practice acros happiness is the depths of your relationship. Of your relationships. At home do you feel an intense level of love and support and du know that they know that they are loved intensely and supported by you . My name is Scott Galloway and this is my brief but spectacular take on the algebra of happiness. To night. Orrection before we go earlier this week we reported on a story that juveniles sentenced to life in prison in the state of maryland we incorrectly stated that sentencing guidelines had not changed. In fact, maryland df change somes sentencing guidelines and 2016 but not related to those former juveniles sentenced in our story. We regret our error. Thank you and we will see you soon. Major funding for the pbs newshour has beepresented by mr. Jewl, we have a few questions. I was just doing my job. Did you plant a bomb in Centennial Park . This is a capital crime. My son is innocent. Do you have any case against me . I report the facts. Richard jewell, Clint Eastwood film. Bnsf railway. Consumer cellular. And with the ongoing support of these institutions and friends of the newshour. This program was me possible by the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to your pbs stationrom viewers like you. Thank you. This is pbs newshour west from studios in washington and from the Walter Cronkitern schol of jism at Arizona State university. [captioning preformed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and acicracy. Visit. Org] you know, s think america hae best Dessert Table in the entire world. We love sugar. We have the great english tradition of puddings and other desserts. But in the last few years, American Bakers have been ch oging the flavor proficlassics. Take Something Like the pudding cake out of fannie farmer. Instead of lemon or chocolate, how about maple and whiskey . Or instead of a basic chocolate cookie, lm how about one withds and spices . Or, if you like a scone, we can go up to portland, maine, and make a buttery scone with chocolate and ginger

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