Transcripts For KQED KQED Newsroom 20240714

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L women of col in response to that rhetoric the house ted to state one party wants to president s remarks as racist. The backandforth this week between trump and the democrats is likely a preview of wha20the president ial race a setting. The present is expected to double down on his divisive message from 2016. Joining me now to discuss is a n republconsultant and senior contributory the work, similar and allie times melanie mason, she joins us pevia sk from los angeles. Thank you for being here. Melanie, before the president street last week it started of fight between democrats the progressives were clashing with House Speaker pelosi, the squat these four fresher members one of them even accused her of singling out women of color in the democratic caucus. It was not looking good. Did trump help them by doing what he did with the streets . I luthink he ably building nancy pelosi out because i think there was a real point of tension of house leadership alienates these uprising freshman members, these women of color and it was a really uncomfortable situation for nancy pelosi and theres trump inserting himself into this conversation and that gave democrats and out. It gave them a common person to focus on tonight around and i think he will y put the koff of her which is a fracas decision within her caucus. Clearly trump once to tie these four members and their very progressive positions to the entire parties hanging around whoever ends up being the nominee. Is there any nger in him and that or do you think thats a smart calculation . A calculation on toms part . I think we know what trump is trying to doa hes ng to a space and this is the same song hes played in 2016. He played in 2018 and i think the question is are there diminishing returns for the strategy . Two people become numb or near to it . I think the real question is is this for nancylypelosi to f embrace these four members because remember what led her to recapturing the house in 2018 it was really a moderate district of the freshman class is likely much more moderate or much more worple, i think, than what these four n really represent. I think by having alexandria causey over cortez and others be the face of the party the question is what does that mean to the other freshman . I want to get that in the second but tim, i alwant to to. I think the most shocking moment is what happened in North Carolina trump rally whnde attendees chanted her back as the president was bo talking representative omar. She was born in somalia but as an american citizen and member of congrnos. You do mince on words on twitter as you watch this, he put up the street you said i y did to mfriends in dc go along with trump imagine how this video the president leading the white mud in the center back channel targeting a black rafiti is golg to k in your Kids High School government history classes. The hatred has got to be stopped. Talk about rbc you have been a critic of trumpet i think this was very stronstatement and something we did hear from some corners of the Republican Party. Barely. Ia ound it off infit of pique it seemed to resonate with some people but thats how i felt. Ke i lat video was really jarring. It felt like some of the worst he would see in france or victor or one rally in hungar it was on american at its core this idea of chanting send her back to a refugee. You have all of the underlying historical racial undertones win out. But thst like this anti immigrant sentiments, this is not what the Republican Party has been about historically. Theres always been made of the shirts within the party but if you look at the president and leader of the party, reagan and announcement speech was at the statue of liberty. About welcomg immigrants. Is final speech in the white house has felt farewell address about the country being welcoming to immigrants. Thats how he book ended his presidency. That patriotism used to be ingrained and being welcoming to immigrants are now trump is trying to take that word and make it more hatred of the other come hatred of immigrants and the rally which he in my view encouraged was extremely jarring and i felt like the responses from the r ublicans in washingtre pretty muted at best. Most condemning the chant but not wanting to insult the president and anyway. Behind the scenes they know its wrong. So ths the frustrating part how can you watch that video and not saying this needs to be a moment where we stanout d speak out. . Theres a political fear for trump has a hold on the party. Not the entire party. Li and po weve done about 20 of the parties gainst him. Is not enough to win any elections but it is 2030 Million People in the coury and i also think theres a group thing that happens. You wacafox, you from your friends about all the most extreme things happening on thed left no doubt theres a lot of extreme things happening in can you talk about how the 2020 candidates have responded to this . Have they . Theres been this e general sef disgust and condemnation but i think thats kind of what we would expect from democris. I do that this is an opportunity for them to continue their criticism of the president but i thin the aquestion is do of that really move the needle or breakthrough . I think to tims point the interesting thing is at are the reactions within the president s own party because we would expect democrats to say this is wrong. Sure enough, thatt they are saying but is truly the question of what are his own republican compatriots saying about that or the lack thereof that i think is the namic really worth watching. Tim, you are on the campaign trail in 2016 with jeb bush. Lot ought trump use a this language, antiimmigrant language, what do you see coming in 2020 . What dou s this tell about how similar this next election will be and what trump ngis angfor their . Is going to be more of the same and probably worse in 2016. You have to get inside trumpth said on. 2016 he went with his gut. This was not a strategic k ploy it wofor him but his gut feeling was to go after the cultural fissures and it work and ended up attracting some of these bluecollar obama voters. So all along the way everybody e on tv all of the republican elites said this is wr ng, the muslim mis wrong. Access hollywood is going to kill you. You have no chance of winning like this. And he won anyway. If you are wdonald tru youre going to listen to any people that tell you that you should reach out to saurban voter more diverse voters when thats what they all told you in 2016 and they were wrong . I think what hesng to do is use his gut and double down on this native a strategy and inflaming racial grievance because he thinks its a winner whether it is or not. Melanie, what do you ink . Even out on thcamp campaign trail but republicans need some independence. Do you think this is a potent mesge . I dothink that for the base it is a nobrainer for him but i guess the questioais is base going to be enough to get you intellectualots to win . Im not sure thats necessarily the case or not. I think the big difference t between w saw in 2016 where trump was really hypothetical, everyone didnt really know what he would do as president. W in 2019 going to into 2020 where hes not hypothetical anymore, we know what he would pursue is a b difference n the minds of voters. We cant forget that what happened in the middle with 2018. He tried this in 2018but the caravan he tried to juice up his base and it didnt work. Midterm elections are differente than preial elections and also this is much more going to be about key swing states as opposed to a National Electric move. But i think at adamic i see that stuff and now lis pe arent wondering what trump would do an office. They know. I think you really benefited thd 2016 from lack of the known. Spin i would chime in though and i think in a particular in the emratic bubble, democrats i talked to the appreciate the fact that there were a lot of voters who actually ht trump would be worse than he is. It was a big portion of the there of ty vote out this antitrump, antihillary voter who tended to be conservative but just couldnt bring them to do it. They voted for gary johnson or evan mcmullen. I think the democrats should be concerned those thirdparty voters go back to election because like yours income hes done it on the issue and while the trees hav been bad, while hey dont love everything he saying on foreign policy, its like every time he goes right uto the line of what feels like its going to be an absolute catastrophe come hbacks it off a little bit. I dont think any of them have felt like any of his ov consies have been disqualifying with the democrats believe that were not, that is not something i believe but its a common view among tse johnson and mcmullen the learners and democrats need to talk to them they cant expect everybodys going to watch this witmthe horror they did. Melanie, what do you think the message needs to be for democrats in2020 board for the house members and president ial candidate whoever that is . If you talk to nancy pelosi or hoe leadership is doing you did in 2018 nd focus on the breadandbutter issues come healthcare, healthcare, trump is a sideshow and talk about what democrats can do when they delien theyre in office. That i do think that one of the things that will be difficult ma for the fremembers trying to recapture their seats in 2020 as they benefited y enormouom voters wanting to change wanted to see what the house demrats can do in the truth is its really hard to deliver when you only have e half of one branch of government but that still hard arguments make votts. You goinsee them talking a lot about issues but is going to be hard for them to show what they can r when they dont capture other levels of power. Especially given the president democrat this week attorney general william barr declined to pursue federal charges against a Police Officer involved in the death of eric garner. Bystander video of he fatal Police Encounter from 2014 galvanize the black lives Matter Movement in his ongoing efforts to highlight the use of excessive force. Meanwhile california lawmakers are nearing ths of a bill y could set stricter standards in the nation governing the use of deadly force. To report response of Police Misconduct that continues to come to light through a new law that requires Law Enforcement agencies e o releacords and misconduct. To an email to discuss is our remote just as editor alex inslee and criminal justice reporter suki lewis. Welcome to both. Been working have on policing issues for a long time and as we know it was five years ago this summer that just a month after eric garner stepped the protest anf guson missouri over the death of another unarmed black man, Michael Brown set off a national debate. Alex, how much would you say has chged in the last five years in california . Quite a bit and it goes back further, years to the Fatal Shooting of oscar grant in oakland at a bar station by a bar cpolice of. In that case i like the ones you mentioned another arts of the country indid resul criminal charges. But also really started a movement in califoia for transparency and accountability particularly around the usl of deforce by Police Officers. Now, it takes a while for Something Like that to catch on so around 2014 when this sue s becoming a major idea in the public consciousness, state Supreme Court case opened up some information about officer involved shootings. The public for the first time in many decades was allowed to learn the names of officers who had shotiand many es killed members of the public. Since then i think theres been a lot of philosophical change n ound policies wit individual police departments. Weve seen bands on shooting at moving vehicles which is a high proportion of the use of deadly force by Police Officers. Opinions use of choke holds or sleeper holds which is a similar maneuver to what led to air gartners death. And weve also seen Political Movement after yeaof there not being any ability in sacramento to tackle ths sue. One of the major changes weve seen was the law that took effect in january opening up the misconduct record and you and alex have been part of the team work obtain as many of them as possible. I know theres been a fight in itself. Yri publish tenses of ss already in suki, you broke the disturbing case easily involving a mentally ill man. Officer Jonathan Silva was responding to a call from the San Jose State University library reporting a man was loing at pornography potentially masturbating. He wouldnt answer the officers questions and we p ha the clyou guys obtained of what happened and we should for one of you is, its very graphc and violent. Whats your birthday . I can change it. No, give me your real birthday. I dont have one, i swear to god. Tandup. Stand up. And up. Roll over on your stomach. Youre going to get tased. Rbing footage. It goes on for several more minutes. Suki, where the officer and this man now . The man in the video Philip Truong was very badly injured. His , bs were brokecollapsed lungs. He did receive a settlement from the university for that 950,000. For tofficer the case really was interesting to show this kind of divide between how the university and how Police Officials viewed his use of foere. The unty hired an outside investigator to come in and look at it. They found it was excessive and they try to diine the officer, fire the officer and he appealed to the state Personnel Board. The state Personnel Board d basically sa was Police Officials and said you didnt do anything wrong. So he followed the police chief who was chief at the university to los gatos and hes now a Police Officer there. Is not the. Only o you broke another story involving a Domestic Violence victim whose attacker, her boyfriend, was a Police Officer was repeatet arrested because of those connections to the force to the people who would be investigating these incidhets. What do cases tell you broadly about hohard it is for an officer to really be held responsible once theyve done something violent . Ca and that the officer was eventually criminally charged, took a plea deal. Wa h taken off the force. He was fired eventuawy. Thi after two internal affairs investigations, however. Seeing what we are which is again its part of the nature of the records that we are getting so i dont want to mischaracterize this and say every oficer gets away with misconduct or every officer is about officer. The the majority are doing their jobs and doing lthem wel. Because of the records were getting where they show actual discipline for sconduct i think there is a pattern we are seeing where this very s serio behavior. Sexual assault we are talking about dishonesty, very serious misconduct that you would expect to have a very serious result. In some situations we are seeing this pattern where there re no criminal charges filed. Maybe that they will lose orthe jobsthere will be charges but even there will lose an employment aone place of business and at another and get rehired at another agency. Ex, we mentioned the eric garner case. This was a case where man died after being put in a choke hold and scufflith police. Are you surprised at the officer in the case was not charged . No, these days im never really surprised at a Police Oficer not being criminally charged for an onduty use of force. I know that that case has been investigated omultiple levels and the latest was the federal investigation into whether it was a civil rights violakions. Thoss of investigations themselves are pretty rare to have charges come out of the rare still so now. But that is because of the standard that exists, around when an officer can be charged. The legislature is going to take up a bill that already passed one house per that will make it harder for police work anmake it harder for police to justify the use of force to its result of a very hard ceught compromise. We have seen poofficers who have opposed this or Police Chiefs say theyre not posting it now. With the bill do what it promises to at all . I think its kind of unclear right now. It was more ghtforward before some amendments at that people who are now who were supporting it and who now arent say that really watered it down. E think that its going to take a particular tyof case that has some circumstances where maybe the officer maybe an of cer escalates the situation to an extreme degree. Then to have a prosecutor want to file charges out of that see if this new law is actually going to change that calculus. For right now its kind of hard to tell. You mentioned folks in black lives matter and that the folks rop off of it. Suki, eres a companion bill that would require more training for police. Is this something that Police Officers have pushed, will that madifference . Im hopeful that it will. I think its really interesting, its going to give re money for trainingand also especially for de escalation techniques so i think especially for places around the state that dont have those kind of resources like a big city, this will give them an avenue to get training and deescalation techniques, to access to some of these tools that otherwise have. Its also going to raise the bar on what is required when they review use of forci idents. I do think that creating mo of these policies and more uniformity across the state could create a safer and more stable working experience for officers and also for the public. Suki lewis, alex, thank you guys so much. Last friday kqed news 800,000 gallons of water in crude oil into a dry creek bed in the central valley. Wetos have started andped since made from oil site roughly 35 miles west of bakersfield. Anyone appeared just this week. State regulators or the company last friday to take all easures to stop theflows and said safran hasnt done and enough to prevent future leaks but with no content and claimant poses no threat to waterways or wildlife. 20 men now is mourning news editor ted goldberg brokthe story, ted, thanks for coming in. Incredibly when you broke this there have been no Public Accounting of the massive spill. How did you finout about it and why didnt we know about it sooner . Via found out about it is bo quitng. I was monitoring database thats on the tao oh, yes office of Emergency Services website for another story. Id been ireporting in the chevron refinery in richmond ani wanted to see if there were any updates we put the word chevron in the database and i noticed this other incident in cook county. At the time i noticed it wasnt as big as it is now. But i started asking questions about iand little by little the new notations in the database started increasing the amount of oil and water that had come out of the grounhu. By day night a week ago that number was a very high. It was when we learned actually a much bigger deal. Do we have any sense by the State Government hidnt make public . Did not respond to the questions and lawmakers are interested to find out why it wasnt a blicized such ate lawmakers but yesterday senator Dianne Feinstein issued a statement about that. They did send out notices to the appropate government encies. Chevron reported the incident like i said in the agency that regulates oil and gas operations in california had done some work on it, it snjust widely known. What we know about what caused the spill and what mista s chevron made perha after it started . What we are reporting today is that siobhan has revealed a little bit abouwhat may have caused the initial spill. They were doing some Maintenance Work on an old well had been plucked up they had been damaged but we dont know exactly why or when you wanted to replug the piping in the well so they took out concrete i that wathe pipe to put in new concrete to plug it up again. Apparently when they pulled sthat concrete out thwhen oil and water started flowing up from the ground. Theres been a couple of differt sleak poi we heard earlier the state officials are saying the public is not a risk, the environment is not a risk, do environmental agree with that assessment . No. Right when the whole thing started coming out week ag this day and chevron emphasized that no Drinking Water would be affected by this. The nearest farm i isthink ix miles away so from their point of view no problem for the l ral community in that area. But environmentalists say at some point there could be Drinking Water thawe may need here and the damage thats being done to tharground in this portion of this very Huge Oil Field can be lasting a long time. This is a lot of oil we are talking about. Its mixed with water but can you put in context how does thiscompare to other oil spills weve seen in california . Before i do that i want to mentionthey are trying to get a much more precise amount of oil. Right now they estimate that is 800,000 gallos of a mixture of oil and water and that about a third of that which is about 20 55,000 gallons is crude oil. But they are in the process of getting a much more refined measurement of that so we may see a new number in the coming but to ayour other weys. Question, at this point comparing manroof the enentalists are to a major disaster that took place on the Central Coast 2005, you may remember that particular h incident wie all planes Pipeline Company that was actually less oil but in a much different area and come from a pipeline this is not as close to residential areas in urban areas. One of the things that happened came out was that governor gavin newsom moved to fire the head e state division of oil gas and geothermal resources to oversee these types of permits and regulations. Can you talk about why this mare was anything to do with this spell . It happened around the same time. Last week the governorad gotten word rom news reports that had gotten information from a number of consumer groups that revealed two things. One of them was ethat emplo in this particular agency that regulates this industry had investments and the companies coey were regulating that was obviously a flict of interest and then they rebuild a very large number of hydraulic fracturing licenses, fracking permits had been given to companies. The governor then orderedinhe fiof the head of the agency come he replaced that persona somebody else in the same day the person had the new job thats when he issued a new der to chevronon the incident weve been talking up. A lot moving around. You have been reporting on other problems that refineries for example in the east bay and bay area, talk about it seems like i think in california with think of ourselves as a very progresy ve and moving aw from oil but is still a Huge Industry and one thats caused problems in other communities, righa withoudoubt. In the bay area there are a handful of refineries and one in sauna ounty wral refiner that weve done reporting on you mentioned chevron and richmond. Theres been a number tsof accidin the last years that we reported on officer the biggest one to place a chevron more years ago than that but but the chevron refinery and valerorefinery had significant number of problems. We rorted on them d reported on the Shell Pipeline that goes from the bay area down to a simmer area where the oil wells theres been a number of pipeline brakes on a major pipeline thats actually up for sale right now. A lot going on in this industry. I know you reported ytterday t theres some political fallout already. Give me a sense of about whats happening in that an to the spill. The chairman of the Senate Natural Resources Committee and its counterpart in the assembly will ld is the an to call for hearings both in the deep oil spill and also into the conflicts o talked about before. At this point the chairman of Southern California says he wants to get a timeline from the agency which regulates this incident when did they learn about what happened with the chevron oil well and what kind of information they learned. He wants to find out why we didnt all learn about in advance. Same questions we have. T goldberg, editor, thank you so much for breaking the story and coming in. That will do it for us. As always you can find more coverage at kqed. Org newsroom. Things for joining us. Robert a reckoning on race and president trump. Im robe costa, welcome to washington week. President trump when you see the fouron cgresswomen, if they dont like it, let them leave. Robert president trumpnflames racial tensions, criticizing four minority women who serve in the house. After republicans voice h concernse backs away from the chan but defends his supporters. President trump those are incredible people. Those are incredible patriots. Robert democrats and just a few republicans rebuke him in the house. Inow racism when i see it. Know racism when i feel it. Robert we discuss another turbulent weekext

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