Thousands of years. They can survive through all these changes and, right now, i think they are in the stage when they cant change anymore. And they need our help. Woodruff all that and more, on tonights pbs newshour. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by moving our economy for 160 years. Bnsf, the engine that connects us. Babbel. A language app that teaches reallife conversations in a new language. Supporting social entrepreneurs and their solutions to the worlds most pressing problems skollfoundation. Org. The lemelson foundation. Committed to improving lives through invention, in the u. S. And developing countries. On the web at lemelson. Org. Supported by the john d. And catherine t. Macarthur foundation. Committed to building a more just, verdant and peaceful world. More information at macfound. Org and with the ongoing support of these institutions this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Woodruff the clock is ticking tonight, and it is again unclear if congress will find a way to keep the federal government running past friday night. Lawmakers labored today to deal with demands for more defense spending, and an immigration fix. Lisa desjardins begins our coverage. Desjardins last week, it seemed a deal on immigration was inches away. What i approve is going to be very much reliant on what the people in this room come to me with. Desjardins but today, immigration was anything but simple, and seemed overwhelmed by a swirl of deadlines and conflicting plans to avert a Government Shutdown coming in just 48 hours. One plan from House Republicans a continuing resolution, or c. R. , that would keep the government funded through mid february. The deal would also fund the Childrens Health Insurance Program for six years and delay some obamacare taxes. But in the house, the conservative Freedom Caucus is threatening to vote against that c. R. Unless they get more military funding. This, as democrats and immigration groups are demanding a fix for the expiring daca program for people brought here illegally as children. But the republican c. R. Doesnt have a fix for daca. Some democrats, like Michelle Lujan grisham, who chairs the congressional hispanic caucus, say either theres a daca fix now, or democrats wont pass a spending bill. We have until friday. That is our opinion. I think thats an opinion thats not just from democrats that this is bipartisan, bicameral that we want this resolved, that we can no longer wait. Desjardins today, House Speaker paul ryan slammed democrats. Real deadlines are occurring this friday. It is unconscionable to me, they would block funding for our military or cut off funding for these states that really will lose their funding for chip, by playing these political games and tying them to unrelated issues. Desjardins meanwhile, Senate Republicans said there will not be a vote on daca this week. Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell said there is one key player here. Im looking for something that President Trump supports, and hes not yet indicated what measure hes willing to sign. As soon as we figure out what he is for, then i would be convinced that we are not spinning our wheels, going to this issue on the floor, but actually dealing with a bill that has a chance to become law, and therefore solve the problem. Desjardins meantime, Democratic Senators like dick durbin, the author of a key daca bill, insisted socalled dreamers need a deal now. It is time for them to include it in any c. R. Deal that is brought before us at this time. We can not postpone any longer this protection for hundreds of thousands of innocent people across america who are simply asking, as dreamers, for a chance to be a part of americas future. Desjardins so where do daca deals stand . Lets clear up the blur. There are three key efforts. The Bipartisan Senate gang of six, which includes a path to citizenship for dreamers, but was rejected by the white house last week. And the bipartisan house bill from representatives will hurd and pete aguilar, which also has a citizenship path, but is more narrow. And, the socalled number twos group the second highestranking republicans and democrats in each chamber. That is the group now most closely working with the white house. But no clear deal from them yet. As for the white house chief of staff john kelly was on the hill all day, negotiating on both immigration and a possible shutdown. Woodruff for more now on the Government Shutdown negotiations in congress, and the fight over what to do with the nations immigration system, lisa is here in the studio, along with a new member of the newshour team. We are so pleased to introduce yamiche alcindor, as our new corespondent covering the white house. She comes to us from the New York Times. Welcome, yamiche. Thank you. Woodruff great to have you here. Im going to go back to the setup story. Where are we on the shutdown . The resolution is headed for a vote likely tomorrow and it seems probable it will pass. The Freedom Caucus wants more for defense but talking to the Freedom Caucus behind the scenes, i think that will pass the house. Probably the only question for a shutdown is if it can get 60 votes in the is that which means, without john mccain in the senate, hes absent this week for health reasons, they would need tentimes, talking to moderate democrats, there are certainly multiple once who say they are a yes. But are there ten . Its not clear. Thats a real question well have to answer in the next day. Could be close. Woodruff could be close. So yamiche we heard Mitch Mcconnell saying we dont know where the president stands on this. What is the White House Position on immigration now . The chief of staff met with the congressional caucus today and said the deal dick durbin and Lindsey Graham worked out is not going far enough, but the people he wants included are hard line immigration substance people like tom cotton and others who essentially want more than what the democrats are offering. So essentially john kelly has a background, and hes not seen as someone who softens donald trump. To have him meeting with the congressional spanish caucus, the people i talked to said really worried a let of people. People are not feeling good about whether or not there can be a deal. Woodruff lisa, we know the white house hasnt signed on to anything yet. Democrats say they want something this week. What is the story on daca . Right. Well, i think we know the end game this week from a republican perspective. Senator john cornyn, number two in the senate, told me there will not be a vote on daca this week, full stop. He and senator mcconnell are in charge of those votes and there wont be a vote this week. Democrats have to make a decision do they swallow this c. R. Or do they try and shut down government to force a vote . Thats where you get in the question the moderates will vote for the c. R. Daca, the solution is weeks away. This would push the solution into february, that february 16th spending deadline, that becomes the big date for the dreamers and daca and because its closer to the march deadline democrats feel they have more momentum. This group with john kelly, john cornyn and the seconds in command, whats interesting is the white house says it want more conservatives in the mix. That group is still five white men. One woman from the span, caucus joins them today. Woodruff there is a contradiction. On the one hand were seeing the president say he wants to be compassionate toward the younger immigrants who came to this country with their parents without documentation but is taking a hard line in the last few days. The back and forth is what Donald Trumps personality is about. Theres the idea that the person who spoke to him last is the person who had at least if a fleeting influence at the moment. On the one hand you had President Trump whos seen dreamers protest and get arrested who feels compassionate as a human being to do something for the immigrants. Theyre people who came to this country through no fault of their own so he doesnt see them as criminals. However he han a campaign built on antiimmigration policies so you have someone who promised millions of people who voted for him that he was going to take a hard line on immigration and now hes looking at the people surrounding him talking about steve miller, other people like tom cotton, people who are his allies saying you have to keep your promise. So i think thats why you see this back and forth and in these meetings you see him going back and forth. LindseLindsey Graham says wheree trump i golfed with saying he loved dreamers. Woodruff so much still unclear. Thank you both. Youre welcome. Woodruff we will discuss all of this with senator dick durbin, who was in that now much discussed oval office meeting, after the news summary. In the days other news, wall street stormed past another milestone, led by tech and healthcare stocks. The dow soared 322 points to close well over 26,000, just eight days after it first passed 25,000. The nasdaq rose 74 points, and the s p 500 added 26. Republican senator jeff flake of arizona denounced President Trump today for his attacks on the news media. On the senate floor, flake said using terms like fake news and enemy of the people recalls the stalinist era in the soviet union. It is a testament to the condition of our democracy that our own president uses words infamously spoken by Joseph Stalin to describe his enemies. This alone should be the source of great shame for us in this body, especially for those of us in the president s party. For they are shameful, repulsive statements. Woodruff the white house dismissed flakes criticism, and said that he is just looking for some attention. It turns out the white house directed its former chief strategist steve bannon not to answer various questions yesterday before the House Intelligence Committee. The focus was possible collusion between russia officials and the trump campaign. The Associated Press reports bannons attorney relayed the questions on his phone, in real time to the white house counsels office. President ial press secretary Sarah Sanders said today, it is all part of exercising executive privilege. This time it was something that was relayed via phone, and again, was following standard procedure for an instance like this. And something that will likely happen again on any other number of occasions, not just within this administrations, but future administrations. Woodruff the House Intelligence Committee is now moving to subpoena bannon, and compel his testimony. It is also reported that bannon has now agreed to be interviewed by special counsel robert mueller, without a subpoena. President trump charged today that russia is helping north korea obtain crucial supplies and evade sanctions. In an interview with reuters, he said, what china is helping us with, russia is denting. The president also warned the north is closer every day to being able to fire a Nuclear Tipped Missile that can reach the u. S. North and south korea have agreed to form a unified team for next months winter olympics, hosted by the south. Their athletes will march together during the opening cereony, and form a joint womens ice hockey team. The two nations have been holding highlevel talks to ease tensions. Today, the president of south korea hailed the developments. translated if the south and north form a unitary team and participate in the olympic games, i think it will become an historic moment. Not only koreans, but people from all over the world, will be moved to see such an historic moment. It will be a great start to resolve interkorean issues. Woodruff the korean agreement must still be approved by the International Olympic committee. A former c. I. A. Officer is being linked to a major loss of u. S. Informants inside china. Jerry chun shing lee was arrested monday night in new york. He is officially charged with having names and phone numbers of c. I. A. Informants, and other secrets. The New York Times reports that china began hunting down u. S. Informants in 2010. In syria, the leading Kurdish Party appealed to the u. N. Security council today to prevent an attack by turkey. That came as turkish tanks deployed along the syrian border. The turks insist a Syrian Kurdish militia, backed by the u. S. , is linked to kurdish rebels inside turkey. Meanwhile, secretary of state Rex Tillerson said today that the u. S. Military will remain in syria for some time to come. Back in this country, the aftermath of a winter storm paralyzed parts of the deep south again today. A thin layer of snow and ice wreaked havoc on the regions roads, and louisiana, georgia, and North Carolina all declared emergencies. Western North Carolina got eight inches of snow. Snows pretty, but dont be fooled. You dont have to brave the roads if you dont have to. We dont want people to get in trouble. We know from our state troopers that accidents can happen when we have snow and ice on the road. Woodruff in louisiana, new orleans had a record low of 21 degrees. Hattiesburg, mississippi also broke a record, with 13 degrees. At least five deaths are being at least ten deaths are being blamed on the storm. The state of michigan has awarded 1 Million Dollars to a detroit man wrongfully convicted of murder. Desmond ricks spent 25 years in prison. He was released last may after new tests showed the bullets from the victims body did not come from ricks gun. He accused Detroit Police of switching the bullets. Democrats have scored another election upset in a republican stronghold. It happened tuesday in wisconsin. Patty schachtner beat out republican adam jarchow in a special election for a state senate seat. President trump won the district by 17 points in 2016. Former Senate Majority leader bob dole has been awarded the congressional gold medal today, congress highest honor. House and Senate Leaders presented the medal to the longtime member of congress and republican president ial candidate at the capitol. Dole, in turn, gave the credit to those who worked for him. Ive always said that youre no better than your staff, and i thank them for all theyve done for me over the years. Woodruff dole is 94. He represented kansas for 35 years, first in the house and then in the senate. And, one of the worlds leading aids researchers, Mathilde Krim, died on monday at her home in new york state. Krim was a geneticist who led the drive against aids when it surfaced in the 1980s. She warned against hysteria over how the aids virus spreads, as in this newshour interview from 1985. It is not contagious at all through casual interaction with people in normal social conditions, such as living in a household with a patient, or meeting patients on the bus, or on the working place, or in school. Woodruff Mathilde Krim was 91 years old. Still to come on the newshour i speak to the senator who called out President Trumps remarks about african countries. Navy officers facing homicide charges in deadly ship collisions. Shining a spotlight on sexual abuse against people with disabilities. And, much more. Woodruff we return now to the battle over Immigration Reform. Earlier, i spoke with a man at the center of the fight, senator dick durbin of illinois, the senates number two democrat. He met with President Trumps chief of staff today, along with leaders of both parties. I asked if lawmakers were any closer to a deal. Senator durbin gave a one word answer. No. Woodruff can you tell us whether there was any breakthrough at all in the conversation . Not really. This was the fifth meeting of this group. The first meeting, the second of the principals, the staff has been meeting, and we have been attending and trying to move this along. But the difficulty is this is a contentious, complicated issue. There are many aspects of it. Thats why its taken us four months in the senate to come up with a bipartisan agreement on how to move forward. This effort which congressman mccarthy, whom i respect, is trying to initiate has a long way to go. Woodruff senator, as you know, the republican leader in the senate Mitch Mcconnell, his number two john cornyn, they are both saying they dont plan to bring anything up on the senate floor that the president wont sign, including this bipartisan measure that you and senator graham have proposed. So where do you go from here if theyre not going to bring it up . This is an odd situation, isnt it . The president eliminates the daca program september 5 of last year and says to Congress Pass the law, make it a law of the land, and send it back to me. I met with the president last tuesday in the white house, he told a group of us, 26 of us, you pass the bill, send it to me and ill sign it. Thats what he said, and he said it in a televised reporting. And here we are with a bill which has growing republican support and senator mcconnell has said never mind, were not going to take up this bill unless we get advanced approval from President Trump. Woodruff but the republicans are also saying that the daca, the deadline for the young people who came into this country with their parents who are now here without documentation but for whom there needs to be some resolution that that deadline is not until march, and in the meantime there needs to be movement on a federal spending bill. So their point is theres time to deal with immigration. You know, its easy to sit here in your office in the capitol of the United States and say there is plenty of time, while worry, if you dont know the realities, and the realities are the 16,000 of these daca protected young people have lost protection but for a California Court decision which enjoined our government from prosecuting forward with them, they had no protection whatsoever, and the protection they have to the California Court case could end almost immediately, its injunctive relief. So theyre saying why are they worried . Ill tell you why theyre worried because for hundreds of thousands of them they face the deadline date, no daca protection and two things happen, they can be deported at any moment from the United States and secondly can no longer legally work in the United States. So to take the attitude that the senate which is not well known for hard work cant take up this issue this week is just plain wrong. Woodruff senator, white house officials including john kelly, chief of staff, weve heard Sarah Sanders say this, tom cotton has said the president is prepared to take care of the young people who came here, and now hes saying its your turn the to make concession on what they call chain migration, family migration, the socalled diversity lottery, spend more for border security. The president is saying the Daca Recipients will be taken care of, what about your side now . Every single item mentioned sin clued in the bipartisan agreement introduced later today or early tomorrow morning. Those who have regecked it out of hand havent taken the time to look at it. We have acknowledged the president s list of things to do. In border security, we give, in this agreement, to the Trump Administration every single penny they asked for this year for barriers and fences and walls along the border as well as another billion dollars for electronic equipment to make our border even safer. So weve gone completely to the president s position on his request to congress. When it comes to the issue of what they call chain migration and we call family unification, weve made painful concessions there, and in the Diversity Visa Program is virtually eliminated and changed with this proposal. Thats why were getting more and more republicans sitting it. Were only a handful of votes, a fewer away from having the magic number of 60 supporters in the United States senate and still the white house and senator mcconnell say were not interested. Woodruff so what more are they asking you for . I dont know. When we have these meetings, the discussions go far afield with general kelly. He starts talking about immigration policies when it comes to asylum seekers, policies when it comes to other aspects of immigration that are very complicated. I know. I worked on the comprehensive Immigration Reform bill and what we said to him is,s for goodness sakes, even the president acknowledged last week we have to save some of this discussion for another day. Right now lets take care of daca, meet the president s basic requests and do it in a bipartisan fashion. Judy, if we pass this the and i believe we can in the senate, it will be the most significant bipartisan bill weve passed in months if not over a year. Isnt time the senate rolls up its sleeves in this empty chamber day by day and do something significant to meet the president s challenge . Woodruff assuming they dont come around right now are you prepared to vote for a Government Spending bill if it doesnt have daca, other immigration language in it. Listen, judy, i wasnt elected to shut down the government, but to solve problems. Ive worked on a bipartisan basis for four months to write a bill to solve the problem. We have a growing number of sponsors and virtually the entire Democratic Caucus in support. What weve said to republicans in control of congress is accept this victory, move this forward. If they fail to include it in the continuing resolution, the fourth continuing resolution this fiscal year, there are many of us who will be troubled by that and will take appropriate resonse. Woodruff quickly, senator, i want to go back to the meeting at the white house last thursday, has this truly come down to your word, senator grahams word against the president and others who are backing him up . Can this ever be finally cleared up one way or another . If there is a recording from that white house meeting, i urge the white house to release it. I stand by every word that ive said. I was accurate in my reporting on what happened in this historic meeting. Woodruff do you believe the meeting was recorded . I dont know. I have no idea. But i welcome it if there was a recording. Woodruff and just finally, senator, i know senator graham has said he would like to know what happened to the president thinking between that morning when your meeting was set up and then a few hours later when you went to the white house and the president took a much harder line. Do you have an idea what happened . Somebody intervened and changed the president s mind. When i called him at 10 00 in the morning, he invited me to call him, and said we have a bipartisan agreement, senator Lindsey Graham and myself, and id like him to come to the white house and explain it to you and answer any questions. The president was very open and he said, good, we want to get this done, we dont want to slowwalk this. And he said ill call you once the meeting took place, and they turned around and invited me. So i went to the white house with Lindsey Graham to explain the bill. In the intervening two hours, i assume someone on the president s staff, decided to invite five members of the house who were opposed to our program and approach from the beginning. So i hope that some day thats explained. I just dont understand what happened. Woodruff senator kick bourbon of dick durbin of illinois, the Senate Minority whivment thank you very much. Thanks, judy. Woodruff two deadly accidents involving u. S. Navy ships last year could lead to severe consequences for the officers involved in the collisionsatsea. John yang has the details of the harsh charges against the commanders of the two vessels. Yang judy, last june, the u. S. S fitzgerald, a destroyer thats part of the u. S. 7th fleet in the pacific, was broadsided off the coast of japan by a massive container ship. The collision killed seven sailors aboard the fitzgerald, crippling the vessel. Two months later, near singapore, there was another incident involving a 7th fleet guided missile destroyer the john s. Mccain, named for the arizona senators father and grandfather, both admirals. It collided with a merchant vessel. Ten sailors died in that accident. Now, the former commanders of both vessels, bryce benson of the fitzgerald, and alfredo j. Sanchez of the mccain, face a battery of offenses, including negligent homicide. Both men had been previously relieved of command, part of a wave of disciplinary actions across the 7th fleet. For more on the unusual nature of these charges, im joined by retired Lieutenant Colonel gary solis. A marine corps combat veteran of vietnam, he is an expert in military law and teaches law at georgetown and George Washington universities. Gary, thanks for joining us. You are a lawyer in the marines, a judge in the marines. How unusual is it to have charges like this, negligent homicide, filed against pending against two officers . Its more than extremely rare, its never happened before. I can find i can think of no precedent for the Court Martial of an officer for an incident like this. Yang the top command or higherup command, would the brass be involved in a decision like this is it. Yes, definitely so. This is not your ordinary Court Martial, of course, and, so, the drafting of charges would be something that would be of interest to the higher command and something they would and lawfully can take a hand in. They want to ensure that there is there is a price to pay and that justice is done. Yang what do you thinks going on here . I think that a message is being sento the 7th fleet and the rest of the United States navy and in particular Commanding Officers of ships everywhere that they are going to have to take a closer hand in the training and the drilling and the oversight of their ships and their seamen. Reporterseamen. Yang after the second collision of the mccain there was a standdown to review safety, a number of top commanders were relieved of command. What are they trying to address here . You say theyre trying to tell them to pay more attention. Right, clearly there is something wrong when you have not only these two collisions but also a grounding of the antitum and the lake sham plain colliding with a fishing boat all in 2017. So what this is addressing is a need to pay closer attention to the training of these crews, to the manning of the con, to the watch officers who are overseeing the lookouts and to the officer of the deck who is overseeing everyone when the captain isnt on the bridge. Yang are these charges against the commanders to have the ships not necessarily for things they may or may not have done but maybe things their crew didnt do . Well, thats true but, as you know, in the military, Commanding Officers, particularly Commanding Officers of ships are responsible for, as i say, everything that goes on during their watch and everything that fails to go on during their watch. So this is not all that unusual in the military. At meli, for example, the commander of the division was referred to trial though he never went to trial. But Commanding Officers will also be taking the hits, legal hits for the substandard performance of their units. Yang these two commanders relieved of duty already, their careers probably over. Definitely. Yang what could happen now . Could they go to military prison if convicted . Absolutely. Absolutely. These are serious charges. The maximum punishment for negligent homicide is three years, and they are also charged with dereliction of duty which is three months is the maximum, and hazarding a vessel through. So looking at years confinement, but i dont think thats going to happen. Yang why not . Because the message has been sent merely by previousl preferf charges. When they go to Court Martial which i assume will happen, i would ants pay a pretrial grement and a guilty agreement and guilty plea. Its had to envision the commanders of these ships actually going to prison. The purpose to have the Court Martial also, in my estimation, is as much as to send a warning to other commanders as weve already said as it is to address the alleged chariot comings of these officers shortcomings of these officers. Yang thanks for joining us to help us understand this, gary solis. My pleasure, thank you. Woodruff stay with us. Coming up on the newshour tracking sea turtle poachers using 3d printed eggs. But first, the me too movement has shed light on Sexual Misconduct across all industries and populations. Tonight, we take a look at a group that has received the least attention people with intellectual disabilities. Npr spent a year investigating this epidemic. According to one Justice Department figure they uncovered, the developmentally disabled are seven times more likely to have been the victims of Sexual Assault than those without disabilities. For more, im joined by joseph shapiro, the npr investigative correspondent; and, nancy thaler, a deputy secretary at the Pennsylvania State department of human services. She runs the states Developmental Disability program, and joins us from harrisburg. Nancy thaler and joseph shapiro, thank you for being here. Joseph shapiro, ill start with you. We know there has been a lot of focus on Sexual Assault in the last few months, Sexual Harassment after the Harvey Weinstein revelations, but you were working on this way before that. What true your attention . Ive written about disabilities issues for a long time now. People with intellectual disabilities have been telling me about this for years and talking about how the past Sexual Violence in their lives and how it gets in the way of living their lives now, of having the relationships they want. They told me about this, its important to them and i thought it was time to write about it. Woodruff before we hear about more about what joe uncovered, why is this particular group of people so vulnerable to this . I think there are a lot of factors that lead to their vulnerability and i think it begins early in life. As children, they are touched by doctors and therapists and their privacy is invaded in a way thats greater than it is for typical children and, so, they begin life not thinking they have control over their bodies. We teach compliance, to listen to adults and obey what adults say and children with disabilities are more likely to follow that path than other folks are. They are easy to overpower physically. But i think the biggest factor is that they do not have the capacity to communicate. Oftentimes there is no speech or people have speech thats difficult to understand, but even more problematic is that, when they do speak, people tend to not listen to them. And finally, i think that families, caregivers, teachers are not ants peating this is a problem so they dont even notice the signs and symptoms when there is abuse in the child or the adults experience. Woodruff so much to consider there. Joseph shapiro, lets hear and audio excerpt from one of the powerful interviews you did over the course of the work that you did. This is a woman named debby robinson. Set this up briefly and well hear from her. Debby robinson is a woman who, in her early 20s, was sexually assaulted by someone related to someone in the household where she lived. She says now she couldnt name what was happening. She knew that this was some kind of relationship that she didnt like, that she didnt want it, she wanted it to stop, it was supposed to be hidden, but this is somebody she had been taught to trust. She had not gotten sex ed in school, people hadnt spoken to her about sex or Sexual Assault because it was assumed as a woman with an intellectuals disability she wouldnt be interested in having relationships or sex. So when this happened she didnt know what it was or what to do. Woodruff lets hear a part of that interview. I felt dirty. I just felt not clean. I blame myself. I felt powerless. I couldnt even look in the mirror because, you see, all that comes back toio. It just does. I had to figure out its not my fault. Woodruff joe shapiro, how typical would you say either debby robinsons comments were or the comments of others you talk to . I think debbys comments are common because here she experienced this and she didnt know what to do, she couldnt tell anyone. Eventually years later, i think 20 years later she was at a conference, someone was talking about Sexual Assault, it came back, she sort of repressed it, she felt she had to deal with it but then how do you find a therapist who knows how to talk to someone with an intellectual disability . It took a long time. She found someone but couldnt get to the therapists office. She was afraid to tell her parents, she hadnt had the conversations with them. Eventually she had a friend she confided in who took her every day. Whats common is this happens a lot and people are left on their own to deal with this. They dont have the same access to resources that other people do when they deal with Sexual Assault. Now, rape crisis senators around the country are starting to reach out to this population much more, there are more resources now. Woodruff thats what i want to ask you ant, nancy thaler. What can be done for these individuals . First of all, you have to know that it happened. Well, i think a lot can be done and i think, you know, going back to childhood, i think teaching children that they have mastery over their bodies, asking he permission to touch people when were providing care to them will give them a sense they have control. I think teaching people about sexuality, we have a myth these people are not sexual when thats true, they have the same feelings as everybody else. So being open about that so they understand how to have a relationship and what good and bad touch is. I think that, as a system, we need to be vigilant, our surveillance in detecting and acting quickly, making sure that people report it, and i think, above all, helping selfadvocates find their voice and have a voice and feeling empowered through training and support groups. So we have to attack this problem from a lot of different angles. Woodruff and joe shapiro, that means family members, that means medical professionals, educators, anyone who comes in contact with these folks. Right, and these are people who come in contact with lots of people, they rely on lots of people in their daily lives to were talking about not just family but staff people and drivers, and its one reason why theyre so vulnerable they deal with so many outside people. You know, in our numbers that we got from the Justice Department show that people with intellectual disabilities are much less likely to be sexually assaulted by a stranger. For women in general, most people, Sexual Assault is by someone you know. For women in general, 24 of times, the person who commits the Sexual Assault is a stranger, 24 of the sometimes. But for people with intellectual disabilities, 14 of the time, its a stranger. Woodruff nancy thaler, the fact that it is family or someone you know makes this all the much harder to deal with, doesnt it . Harder to deal with and often hard to detect. No one wants to believe its true about people that theyre living with or people they know. So it does complicate the problem. Woodruff one other question. Is the Metoo Movement make it easier to address this particular group of people . I dont think there has been much impact on this problem from the Metoo Movement, and i think thats an indication of how disenfranchised folks with developmental digits are. Theyre not tweeting and the people tweeting about the Metoo Movement are not thinking about them, and when u not thought about and youre disenfranchised, youre at risk. I will say though its created a context here so that this story can be told and its more believable because it is in the context of the larger social issue that were dealing with and confronting. Woodruff and joe shapiro thats a reminder why its important to look at this group of people with disabilities time and again no matter the issue. Right, this is a group at a much elevated level of Sexual Assault, were having this important discussion in the country and they should be included in it. Woodruff joseph shapiro, nancy thaler, thank you. You can hear more of you can hear more of debbie robinsons story, and others, as the npr series concludes tomorrow on morning edition and all things considered. Woodruff sea turtles have inhabited the oceans for at least 120 million years. But they are now among the most endangered species on the planet. John yang has the story about an global effort aimed at saving them. It is part of our breakthrough reporting for our weekly look at the leading edge of science yang most people head to the beach for the sun. In costa rica, we went as the sun was setting, and stayed into the night. We were with a group of wildlife conservationists, hoping to find sea turtles coming ashore to lay eggs. Stay a little bit behind me, so if i see tracks in front of me, ill be able to stop. Yang bright lights spook the turtles, so we used a night vision camera. The search was hitormiss. Turtles ancient instincts dont always sync with human schedules. We came upon this black turtle, a particularly skittish subspecies, just as she was heading back into the waters of the pacific. These days, the odds are stacked against sea turtle survival. Among the biggest threats humans. They encroach on their habitats and kill them for their meat, and for their shells to make jewelry; illegal worldwide, but still freely available. And the threat exists even before they hatch. Across central america, poachers destroy more than 90 of sea turtle nests on unguarded beaches. Huevos. Yang turtle eggs are considered a local delicacy and an aphrodisiac. Eating them is so ingrained in the culture that poachers are almost never punished. One possible tool in the fight against poaching has its roots thousands of miles from the turtles nesting sites a farm in michigan. Thats where conservation biologist kim williamsguillen developed a way to learn more about poachers 3dprinted plastic decoy eggs with g. P. S. Trackers. If a nest is poached, the decoy is scooped up, too. One day i was just walking around, and suddenly had an ahha moment of, what if we could track the poachers of the turtle eggs . Yang williamsguillen works for paso pacifico, a california based group that protects biodiversity in central america. Her inspiration came from some unlikely sources. I have seen a couple similar devices actually used on tv shows. So, in the tv show breaking bad, there is one episode in which somebody puts a g. P. S. Tracker on a barrel of chemicals and theres another tv show called the wire, and in one episode of that, there are two detectives who are putting a listening device into a tennis ball. Yang in fact, the information from williams guillens decoy eggs could ultimately help Law Enforcement. If youre deploying eggs on several beaches in a country, and lets say they all end up going to the same neighborhood or the same block, then that suggests maybe a very centralized network with a couple of really key players. Yang it takes williams guillens 3d printer about 90 minutes to lay a decoy egg, and then its elaborately painted to look like the real thing, with the help of a hollywood special effects makeup artist. The eggs go from the snowy fields of michigan to the tropical forests of costa rica. Wildlife biologist Helen Pheasey takes them from there. She joined paso pacificos project in late 2016 as part of her ph. D. Research. Its her job to plant the decoy eggs. Which takes us back to our nighttime beach excursion. Three hours after our first sighting, wed given up on seeing another one. But on the way back to our cars, we quite literally stumbled upon an olive ridley turtle, digging her nest. For 20 minutes, her handlike rear flippers scooped away sand, crafting a chamber for her eggs, and then. Oh, there you go . The turtle laid more than 50 eggs. And, to demonstrate, to which pheasey added something extra an imposter. She has no idea its there. The poachers wont know its there. So weve got a nice little decoy hiding in there, tracking away, waiting to see where they take them. And its a very, very mixed feeling when you see the eggs move. On the one hand, youre like, yes, theyre moving, theyre working. But, damn it, someones stolen the eggs. Yang so how does the information help you fight the poachers . At the moment, we know that the eggs leave the beach, we know that they end up in the market. What we dont know is whats going on in the middle. Yang later, pheasey showed us the decoys electronic trail, using one she carried with her. What specific information is it telling you . Okay, so the name of the egg ive given it, the date and the time that it was at that location, and then the mileage. So we can start to get an idea of not only where theyre going, but how fast theyre moving, what types of vehicles theyre using. Yang but you have heard cases where poachers, or at least theres indications from the movements, that the poachers have found the decoy eggs . Everybodys going to find them at some point. Somewhere along the trail line, theyre going to find them. We did have an occasion where we actually tracked the egg, and the final point where it transmitted a signal was from in the middle of a river bed. Yang liza gonzalez, paso pacificos nicaragua director, was initially skeptical about the decoy idea. The first time you heard this suggested, what was your reaction . Well, i think you crazy. I think that not going to happen, how you can do that . But, you know, so she work again with the artist and she did it. She did it. Absolutely was so good. Yes, and i would say oh, my gosh, you are a genius. Yang to learn even more about the poachers, pheasey sends locals to buy eggs, so she can sample their d. N. A. Youve got like a salsa, kind of a chili salsa, thats. Yang and, this is how people eat them . Mmhmm, yeah, they knock them back with beer or alcohol, or of some sort. Yang so, youre trying to determine what species these eggs are . Yeah, well, i want to know is what species laid the egg, and, which population did that species come from. If we start getting a load of eggs from that same population, we know theres a serious poaching problem going on, on that beach. And thats where we can say, okay, we need to target Law Enforcement now, or we need to get a conservation project to have the running that patrols the beach. Yang activists say the patrols are crucial. The night we visited this community, there was a meeting with police, prompted by the recent discovery of a dead turtle, apparently killed for her eggs. Marlon mora vargas was there. He was a fisherman for more than 20 years, and is now part of a Regional Network trying to save sea turtles. translated the people know that its an endangered species, that it shouldnt be done. They just dont want to change. Thats why were working with kids, because they can change. So we have to try with kids, who are the ones that can learn, and let the adults end by generation so that something changes, because if not, nothing will change. When there are births, i always bring them, i show them the species that exist, what they shouldnt do. Yang liza gonzalezs daughter, ashley hodgson, is studying Marine Biology a Second Generation sea turtle defender. Theyve been in the earth for thousands of years. They can survive through all these changes and, right now, i think they are in the stage when they cant change anymore. They cant survive anymore, and they need our help. Makes me so happy. Yang your daughter seems to have captured this passion as well. Oh, yes, thanks god. She is the one that decide to help me in this subject that i have to protect biodiversity. Yang theres a big emphasis on outreach to young people. Local children watched as newly hatched sea turtles were released and made their way to the ocean. The turtles were born earlier that day and kept safe until after dark to protect them from birds and the scorching heat. Conservationists hope that among these kids theres another ashley hodgson. My plan is to save sea turtles. I know thats an ambitious plan, but i think, if we work together, we can get the goal. Yang and they believe these decoy eggs from michigan will help them get there. For the pbs newshour, im john yang on the Pacific Coast of costa rica. Woodruff we close with a different look at ocean life how a group of citizen Scientists Use a dolphin graveyard to uncover how the majestic mammals live. The newshours teresa carey traveled to North Carolina to bring us tonights edition of a newshour shares. Reporter keith rittmaster, curator at the North Carolina maritime museum, leads 14 volunteers into the woods, to a place he calls the dolphin graveyard. They plan to dig up the remains of a Bottlenose Dolphin named moe. Rittmaster discovered moe three decades ago, during a Photographic Survey of dolphins in the wild. He takes photos of their dorsal fins. Each notch, scar, and blemish is a unique fingerprint that allows scientists to identify individual animals. Rittmaster has tracked dozens of dolphins this way. He spent years following moe across his 100mile habitat, from nags head to cape lookout. This catalog contains one photo from every day we have documented moe, from 1992, ending before he died on 2016. Reporter the North Carolina Marine Mammal stranding networks vicki thayer was among the first on the scene the day moe passed away. So we arrived, and examined the animal for a necropsy. Reporter this necropsy, an animal autopsy, gave insight into how moe died. Moe had been entangled in some kind of fishing monofilament line, and so that was the likely cause of death. Reporter over 300,000 whales and dolphins die globally from entanglements each year, like this dolphin rittmaster found in 2011. It wasnt until we prepared the skull that we could tell that the bone actually had grown around that fishing line that was killing it. Reporter rittmasters collection is one of the most thorough in the state. He has whale teeth, an ear bone from a baby dolphin, and even ribs from a humpback whale. But his prized artifacts are reconstructed skeletons, many of which are one of a kind. Thayer gathers autopsy information on each beached animal, then helps rittmaster bury them in his dolphin cemetery. Once two years pass, he assembles a crew of volunteers to exhume the skeleton. Exhuming moe presents a rare opportunity for understanding the animals entire life and death. Scientists can use the teeth to determine age, and the bones to understand some diseases. For older animals, you can see that the bones are fused together, and so, that kind of tells you a lot about the animal, what stage of life it was when it passed away. Reporter it takes four hours to exhume, catalogue, and clean moes entire skeleton. My hope is that what were learning today can build and help animals in the future. Reporter even though its a graveyard, there is an overall feeling of optimism. If it werent for stranded animals, we wouldnt know very much about them at all. Reporter moes completed skeleton will take two years to assemble. Itll be on display at the North Carolina aquarium jennettes pier in nags head in 2019. For the pbs newshour, im teresa carey in beaufort, North Carolina. Woodruff and that is the newshour for tonight. Im judy woodruff. Join us online, and again here tomorrow evening. For all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you, and well see you soon. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by babbel. A language app that teaches reallife conversations in a new language. Bnsf railway. Supported by the rockefeller foundation. Promoting the wellbeing of humanity around the world, by building resilience and inclusive economies. More at www. Rockefellerfoundation. Org. And with the ongoing support of these institutions and individuals. This program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org youre watching pbs. Tukufu this week on history detectives, what role did this striking poster play in the explosive events of 1960s america . I didnt think we had reached that point where we were going to start shooting at people, my god. Gwendolyn what does this ceramic face reveal about the Middle Passage and a captive peoples search for identity . That is amazing. Eduardo and what can these carved letters reveal about the first explorers to visit the american southwest . Elvis costello watchin the detectives i get so angry when the teardrops start but he cant be wounded cause hes got no heart watchin the detectives its just like watchin the detectives

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