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Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by and by the alfred p. Sloan foundation. Supporting science, technology, and improved Economic Performance and Financial Literacy in the 21st century. Carnegie corporation of new york. Supporting innovations in education, democratic engagement, and the advancement of International Peace and security. At carnegie. Org. And with the ongoing support of these institutions and individuals. This program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Woodruff the drive to get more help to puerto rico is accelerating tonight. But much of whats already arrived, isnt getting to the hurricane victims who need it. John yang begins our coverage yang across puerto rico, many residents still desperately need food, fuel and drinking water. Thousands of Cargo Containers filled with supplies sit on the docks, unable to get inland to those in need. Why is that aid so close and yet so far . For one thing, shipping company and local Officials Say both Truck Drivers and diesel fuel are in short supply. And roads are badly damaged or blocked. After meeting with president trump, acting Homeland Security secretary elaine duke said theyre working on it. We have been working on principally getting distribution that last mile was we call it. To do that we had to remove debris clear landslides across the island and air drops on the meantime. Yang Cell Phone Service is also hampered by the lack of diesel fuel for power generators. translated the cell signal is really bad. In the area i live in, which is morovis, this a real problem. Lots of people are looking for places trying to get a signal to speak to family members outside puerto rico and in other places across the island. Yang today, mr. Trump directed duke to temporarily lift longstanding shipping restrictions, known as the jones act, in hopes of speeding deliveries of fuel and other supplies. I did sign a jones act waiver this morning that came in yesterday afternoon from the governor of puerto rico that is based on National Security needs. The president has encouraged us as he has done throughout this hurricane response to lean forward. Yang critics like democratic congresswoman Nydia Velazquez of new york said the federal response has been inexcusably slow this has to happen soon not weeks from now not in late october this needs to be an immediate priority for speaker ryan and the Republican Leadership we need to see action as early as next week. Yang House Speaker paul ryan said the federal Emergency Management agencys Disaster Relief account will get another 6. 7 billion by the end of the week. Meanwhile, the pentagon tapped Army Lieutenant general Jeffrey Buchanan to lead relief efforts. One challenge hell confront eliminating a backlog on the mainland. At air bases in georgia and south carolina, National Guard troops, nurses and electrical crews have been waiting days for military flights to puerto rico. We are anxious to go but we are hurrying up and waiting. We are trying to get there we are anxious to go. Yang eager to get to work to try relieve the suffering of so many fellow americans. For the pbs newshour, im john yang. Woodruff we get a closer look at what its like on the ground in puerto rico now. Carmen yulin cruz is the mayor of the capital city, san juan. Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz of san juan, thank you very much for joining us. Tell us what the situation is there right now. It is a humanitarian crisis. People are desperate for food, for water, for gas, for diesel in order to keep equipment that is necessary for people that are plugged into a respirator or an oxygen tank in order to survive, our die all sis and Cancer Patients havent been able to get most of their treatments on time which is, of course, life threatening. And even though there is aid here, there is reported to be about 3,000 containers of much needed medical equipment or medical materials, any type of things that you need. Were talking about primary necessities, you know, just a glass of water, it doesnt matter if it is cold t is just a matter that you can drink it. I have been getting calls and this is from mayors from towns outside of the metropolitan area, telling me that, you know, their people are drinking out of creeks and theyre washing their clothes and theyre washing themselves on the same creeks that they are drinking and eating and bathing. So this is a real concern, that the aftermath will be even worse because of the Health Conditions that could be created. Woodruff what we have been reading today is that you did, as you just said, have containers there at the port in san juan, but you dont have the ability to get a lot of this material to people. What is the holdup . I dont understand what is the holdup is. I do have to tell you that i did get a call this morning from mr. Bossner at the white house. He did send john a feela regional coordinator and they have deputized two people from fema into san juan, they are working with our people and a team of logistic experts that the mayor of new york, mayor bill de blasio and, to san juan so we will be in a position in the next 24 to 48 hours to start distributing whatever we have already gotten, some wonderful mayors like the mayors of miami beach, lavigne that came pernl yesterday to bring 7,000 powbds of stuff that we feed. The mayor of chicago and the people of the puerto rican Human Rights Group in chicago, congressman geut area easy, congressman ascencio of florida. The mayor of boston has also reached out to see how they can help. So mayors are about helping people because we know, were at the forefront of peoples needs. And were pretty much, you can call us the first line of defense whenever if comes to situations like this. And we have not ever seen anything like this in our lifetime in puerto rico. We also need to reinvent and rethink how we are going to rebuild. And what are our goals are and our priorities when we do that. Woodruff just very quickly here at the end, do you have enough people to get this material to where it is needed . Yes, maam, we do have enough people, and you know, where there is a will, there is a way. Woodruff mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz, the mayor of san juan, i know we all are wishing you the very best at this very difficult time. Thank you. Thank you very much. Woodruff puerto rico is not alone in coping with the aftermath of two hurricanes. The u. S. Virgin islands were also left in ruin. I spoke a short time ago with Governor Kenneth Mapp and began by asking about where things stand there. Were moving out of rescue and into recovery. Weve received tremendous provisions and support from the federal partners. Were now talking about and beginning the process of covering and sheltering folks in homes that lost roofs. Weve cleared a good bit of debris out of the road system and were working on getting the Power Distribution system up. Thats going to be a long haul. Were planning on bringing 400 linemen from the u. S. Mainland to help us in that regard, sign those contracts. We are talking, looking at how were going to begin to open schools, our children have not been into school for the school year for many parts and so were wonder how to merge schools and get the children back in scal in october. We are out of rescue and into recovery, getting the businesses open, getting the lights on and doing what we do after we have these damaging hurricanes. Woodruff so what would you say your greatest needs are right now . Infrastructure development. Help in terms of building the Power Systems up, help in getting the road systems back up and functioning. We really have to work with the congress on getting the hospitals rebuilt, getting schools rebuilt. So you know, im making those, im having those discussions with our federal partners, the white house and our friends in congress. Woodruff so much of the focus it seems in the last days have been on puerto rico. Larger population on that u. S. Territory. Has that affected what you in the Virgin Islands have been able to get done . Not i would say no. We feel for our brothers and sisters in puerto rico. They have just been really def stated. We had, after irma we had a contingent of their National Guard troops on the island helping us here. And our general escorted them back home and met with the tag over there. Whatever we can do to help them, theyre just in its just, they just really need help. And any quickness in terms of getting the supplies into their communities and to their people is what is really going to make the big difference. Woodruff and finally, what about the state of health care, your hospitals, your clinics in the Virgin Islands. Hospitals are blown out. For all intents and purposes were just using colored parts of the emergency room, mobile hospitals are being constructed on the front lawns of the main hospitals and weve evacuated all of the folks that were admitted to the hospitals, people who come and the doctors say that they require admittance, we simply evac them out. We have e vaked out our patients requiring die all sis services and those hospitals are going to have to be rebuilt from the ground up. Woodruff Governor Kenneth Mapp of the Virgin Islands, i know so Many Americans are thinking about you and everyone there affected by these ternl storms. Thank you very much for talking with us. Thank you, judy, so much for spreading the word out for the american citizens, all of us living in these territories. Thank you so much. Woodruff in the days other news, the human wave of Rohingya Muslims fleeing myanmar has topped half a million. That new estimate today, from the United Nations. Theyve crowded into camps in bangladesh, after escaping attacks by the military in majoritybuddhist myanmar. The u. N. Secretary general warned today, it could get worse yet. The failure to address the systematic violence could result in a spillover into central rakhine, where an additional 250,000 muslims could potentially face displacement. It is imperative that u. N. Agencies and our non governmental partners be granted immediate and safe access to all affected communities. Woodruff in washington today, more than 20 u. S. Senators from both parties urged sanctions against myanmar. In indonesia, a volcano on the island of bali has now forced more than 130,000 people to flee. Amid regular tremors, Officials Say the eruption of mount agung is imminent. Tourists are catching any flight available to get off the popular travel destination. Another volcano is rumbling on a tiny island in the pacific nation of vanuatu. Officials there have ordered all 11,000 people to leave. China today ordered north koreanowned businesses within its borders to shut down in accordance with u. N. Sanctions. The Chinese Commerce Ministry Said north Korean Companies and joint ventures will have 120 days to comply. The sanctions aim to halt pyongyangs Weapons Development by isolating it from trading partners, mainly, china. The leader of the Islamic State has apparently been heard from, three months after russian officials said they killed him in an air strike in syria. The militant Group Released an audio recording today, said to be abu bakr albaghdadi. He urged followers to keep waging war in the face of military losses across iraq and syria. translated beware of retreat or feeling defeat, beware of negotiations or surrender. Do not lay down your arms for islam rises above everything and a believer does not humiliate oneself, for god has blessed them with unification and jihad. Woodruff the recording also urged isis militants to target what it called Media Centers of the infidels. The World Health Organization is warning that nearly half of all abortions worldwide, some 25 million, are done in unsafe conditions. The u. N. Health agency blames limited contraception and Safe Abortion Services in poorer nations. In a statement today, it says, there are serious consequences for the health of women and their families. It also says, president trumps renewed ban on u. S. Funding for groups that provide abortions, will raise the risk. Back in this country, the bruce roner signed a law permitting state Health Insurance and medicaid to pay for abortions. He had changed his mind on the issue at least twice before. The new law takes affect immediately. The majority whip in the u. S. House of representatives, steve scalise, returned to work today, more than three months after he was shot and critically wounded. The Louisiana Republican entered the House Chamber on crutches to thunderous applause. He said he was overwhelmed by the outpouring of support from both sides of the aisle. Some might focus on a tragic event and evil act, but to me, all i remember are the thousands of acts of kindness and love and warmth that come out of this. We come here and we fight for the things we believe in, i have passionate beliefs. We are the peoples house, this is the place where those ideas are supposed to be debated, and we fight through those issues but ultimately we come together. Woodruff scalise was wounded in june by a gunman during a congressional baseball practice. Two Capitol Police officers shot the assailant to death and were, themselves wounded. President Trumps Health secretary tom price says he will reimburse the federal government for his costly private travel, and change his ways. That follows reports that hes taken at least 26 charter flights since may, costing more than 400,000. Yesterday, mr. Trump said hes not happy with price over the flights. And, on wall street, the Dow Jones Industrial average gained 40 points to close at 22,381. The nasdaq rose a fraction of a point, and the s p 500 added three. Still to come on the newshour facebook, twitter and now google, the Technology Russia used in the 2016 election. Yemens warinduced humanitarian crisis worsens. Remembering the revolutionary influence of playboy founder hugh hefner, and much more. Woodruff weve heard a lot about russia and its attempt to use social media to influence the 2016 elections. But new revelations today about the role of social media giants like facebook and twitter add to Hari Sreenivasan has our report. Sreenivasan in fact, officials with twitter met behind closed doors today with staff on the house and Senate Intelligence committees about russian involvement in the election. The New York Times reported that russia may have used twitter even more extensively to influence the election, including using automated message accounts, or bots, to spread false information and promote stories about emails by democratic operatives. It comes after facebook recently announced it will give congressional investigators some 3,000 political ads purchased by russian propaganda groups. Facebook cofounder Mark Zuckerberg acknowledged the spread of false information on his platform, saying in a statement after the election, i made a comment that i thought the idea misinformation on facebook changed the outcome of the election was a crazy idea. Calling that crazy was dismissive and i regret it. This is too important an issue to be dismissive. Congressman adam schiff, is a democrat from california and the Ranking Member on the house intelligence committee, which intends to have a hearing with Tech Companies next month. Is there anything you can say publicly about your conversation with twitter today . Yes, they came in and gave a preliminary briefing to our staff and it is the first of many briefings on what they know now about the extent of russian use of twitter as a medium of their active measures campaign. But i think theres a lot yet for them to learn about the use of their own platform, and obviously the American Public as well. It will be, i think, important during our hearing next month with these companies to ask them, you know, how rigorous was their conversation, investigation, what are they able to tell us at this point and what more work needs to be done. Because i think that we only still have scratched the surface in terms of our knowledge of the extent of russian use of twitter and facebook for that matter. Sreenivasan do we know if the scale of spending was on the same as facebook . Twitter announced today that rt, the Russian Media arm send 374 Million Dollars in ads in 20 but beyond that anything else. They were able to point to that rt advising advertising, i dont know whether they have identified other advertising. Obviously that is of keen interest to us. It is one thing when twitter users get something passed to them by rt and they can put that in context and say okay, this is the russian propaganda position. Its far more pernicious when those tweets are coming and you cant identify the source or they are misrepresenting the source. I done think they have a good handle on that yet. I dont think they fully know whether there was paid advertising that was using a pseudo nim and perhaps even more significant the extent of russian bots that were used to prop gate information in the campaign. Sreenivasan what is your understanding of how significant the influence of these platforms were and how they manipulated the election . Well, just in the little we know in terms of the use of facebook and twitter, i think we can tell that it is significant. But we dont really have a sense of the full dimension. If you look at what facebook and twitter have revealed already, we know about advertising. We know about the use of these bots. But we dont know much about the downstream consequences of each. That is the advertising, for example, that facebook did. Those that showed interest in that advertising, what kind of messagesages were sented to thed how well coordinated was the facebook and Twitter Campaign in the sense of those that responded on facebook. Were they then the target of tweets from that same russian entity in st. Peters bugger. So there is a great petter st. Pettersburg , there is a greet deal we must learn. What evidence of collusion wean between what these russian troll bots on facebook and twitter and the trump campaign. Were bringing people in from the campaign, were also brining people from the digital arm of the campaign. We have a great many questions for them. But were also trying to approach this from the other side in, and that is can the social Media Companies tell us more about the targeting of their ads, about the targeting of these tweets. Is that, is it of a level of sophistication that you couldnt perform unless you had the data and analytics of the campaign. So were trying to approach it from both sides. At this point i dont think were ready to draw any conclusions. Are you lacking for any sort of yefer lap on exactly how the Political Campaign targeted individuals on these platforms and how perhaps the russians did, to rule out or rule in whether there was any coordination. Absolutely. We want to know look, if the campaign was targeting these precincts or this demographic, with these specific messages, is that something that is also reflective in what the russians were doing at the same time. So this is exactly you know what were looking at in terms of trying to prove or disprove whether there was any coordination. I think its also important though that we recognize that on both these platforms, a big part of what the russians did was simply turn one american against another. Now the devicive issues that they chose and the cynical way they did it may have been to the advantage of the trump campaign. But the broader objective here was to weaken our democracy to accentuate these divisions. And its with all americans recognizing the russians view this as a vulnerability. We need to view this as a vulnerability as well. Representative schiff, a colleague of yours, senator langford also said this morning that the groups that are tracking some of these russian accounts were actually involved actively in conversations about black lives matter or even just as recently as last weekend, the take a knee or the boycott the nfl hashtag that were trending. You know, i think thats right, in the sense that in the most cynical of ways, the russians would use these issues, whether it is black lives matter. I havent seen the examples yet in terms of the nfl but it wouldnt surprise me at all. This is what they do. They take these very hot issues in the United States. They target them gee graphically in a way that they are designed to be the most incendiary possible. And in the context of a Political Campaign, that they can target these particular messages or ads at people that will push them to support one candidate over the other, all the better. Sreenivasan finally mr. Schiff, are you confident these technology platforms, these companies, are doing everything they can to make sure this doesnt happen to tha is to target addresses from where this stuff is coming from, to create black lists, to kind of isolated how this happened and make sure that their platforms arent abused this way. I think both of these platforms are really going to have to scale up their response to this and devote a lot more of their resources and vective effort to ferreting these out. Not only is it diagnostic in terms of what happened in the past but also to protect the users and the public in the future. So at this point i think its still very much a work in progress and bots of these companies are going to have to devote a lot more resources to the problem. Sreenivasan representative adam schiff from california, Ranking Member of the house intelligence committee, thanks so much. Thank you. Woodruff a short time ago, the top democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee Mark warner came out and slammed twitter, calling the companys response inadequate. Warner said twitters presentation was deeply disappointing and said the company showed an enormous lack of understanding about how serious this issue is. Warner said he was angry twitter only searched its records based on information already uncovered by facebook. Woodruff diplomats from europe, the middle east and the u. S. Met in geneva today to iron out a resolution that would establish an International Inquiry into atrocities in yemen. Saudi arabia and its allies are aligned with one faction of yemens civil war. They stand accused of causing massive civilian casualties amid a punishing bombing campaign, with american support. The saudis deny this, and say the time is not right for an international probe. Meanwhile in yemen, a disastrous humanitarian situation continues to deteriorate. William brangham has that. Brangham yemen has been tornapart by a two yearold civil war, as a Coalition Led by saudi arabia fight against Houthi Rebels and their allies. Over 10,000 people have died, more than 40,000 have been injured, and over three million are malnourished. On top of it all, an outbreak of cholera has killed 2,000 people since late april, and 700,000 people currently are infected. For more on all of this im joined now by jamie mcgoldrick, hes the United Nations humanitarian coordinator in yemen. Welcome to the newshour. Can you just give us a snap shot of how the humanitarian situation is in yemen right now . After two and a half years of war, you see things come up, the economy has collapsed. The conflict is raging, obviously and people are facing a number of threats. The most recent one you mentioned is cholera, you have some 700,000 people affected by it and over 2200,000 people dead. And then it will peter out and disappear for a few months and come back again because the conditions are in place. And the conditions are people cant afford to buy clean water, feed their families properly. And the fact that they have very little resilience any more. That is what is causing these outbreaks and the lack of systems for health to treat the people is one of the big factors. So is it an intratruck infrastructure, water, food, what is driving kol era. It is a combination of the water Sanitation Systems have collapsed, struck by air strikes, and no longer function there is cross contamination between water supply and the other parts of the sewage. And at the same time people who after two years of war are very weak, nutritionally very weak, health wise so it takes up very quickly as a disease and affects people very quick leigh as we saw. You mentioned this issue of food. I understand shipments, food and other aid have been hard to get into the country. Is there enough food to feed people who need the food now. There are two things. Food is getting into the country but not in the numbers we need. Because the ports bringing food in other pargts of the country is quite a challenge but the other big issue is people cant afford 20 buy food. Peoples purchasing power has diminished. 80 pergs of the population, or less well off than two years ago and one person every four who has no purchasing power. What that means that tomorrow there are 7 Million People that cant tell you how they will feed their families tomorrow that is how desperate. Would you put that as the greatest challenge among the challenges the many that you face what is the greatest. The greatest challenge is to get Media Attention and the worlds attention to the suffering of yemen. It has been going on for two long. The results, the numbers are incredulous. We have 20 Million People out of a population of 27 million who need some sort of assistance and 10 million of those are in acute need, starving, not able to feed their families, no access to health care and no access to clean water. It is just a recipe for further and more desperate cat strask humanitarian situation. It has to be difficult with active fighting going on to try to deliver humanitarian aid. Are the combat ants getting in the way of you doing your job . They do in any conflict. They are there to restrict access and movement and we find it from all sides w dont understand what their obligations are. Which we are supposed to have unfettered access to populations in need. But we are often instrumentallized by the parties and used as part of the war effort, that happens with moving people around, happens with getting visas even, and so they try to control how we work. There was a recent u. N. Report that said that the saudi air strikes have been largely responsible for the civilian deaths including the deaths of children. What have you seen on the ground. You live there, are you there all the time. The impact of those saudi air strikes on strikes on the civilians. In any conflict and in this one in particular, the civilian population who have no skin in this game, they are the ones who suffer most. Nd a combination of air strikes, a combination of bombing and fighting, all sides have been guilty of what is taking place, the International Humanitarian law violations and the protection that should be afforded to civilians and infrastructure has been absent in this crisis. You said that both sides in this fight are to blame for some of the casualties here. But how would you abortion blame. The civil war versus the saudi bombing here as far as the destruction that you have seen. The physical destruction is mostly done by the coalition bah they have the aircraft. There is a lot of other destruction from bombing and shelling and local fighting that takes place as well. There is no side on inn this crisis that is innocent, no good guys. The only people who in this fight are suffering are the average citizen of yemen who really doesnt have any control over how this turns out. Have you appealed yourself to the saudis to say please, be a little more discreet in your bombing campaigns. Try to ease up on the civilian population. We every time is an incident, every time we have a problem we ask all the parties to the conflict to recognize under the geneva conventions, International Humanitarian law they have responsibles. The responsibilities are to protect civilians and avoid the damage that takes place to structure structure and to peoples lives. Unfortunately one of the features of this crisis is almost a blatant disregard by the parties to their obligations under International Humanitarian law. As you know the saudis have been very resistant to any investigation into their actions in yemen. How is this conflict ever going to come to an end . How are you going to be ever really help the people fully there if one of the main we lige rants seems to have no con straintd on their actions. I think there are two things. The investigation should happen of any kind regardless of who is alleged to have taken it, right now we what call for any investigation into any action on any side that takes place. The way this all started is for the war to end there is mo military solution, there has been no progress in the last two and a half years. The only thing is peace. We have to get the political situation back online. Right now the humanity is suffering because of lack of politics. Sameie mcgoldrick, thank you so much for being here. Thank you very much for having me. Woodruff stay with us, coming up on the newshour the woman who sparked a debate about gender discrimination in Silicon Valley. And a journalist opens up about her personal experience with miscarriage. But first, the life and times of the founder of playboy, hugh hefner. Jeffrey brown has the story. Well, i remember, you know, with great fondness the very beginnings of it all. The day in which i held the first issue of the magazine i realized that i was going to be in the business for a while. Brown the first issue of playboy was published in 1953, when hugh hefner was just 27, and recently moved out of his parents house in chicago. But when it hit the stands, playboys 51,000 copies featuring naked photos of Marilyn Monroe sold out. In a 2011 interview with his thenfiance Crystal Harris by his side, hefner looked back. The fact that it would be so successful and that it would not only succeed but also would become such a phenomenon in the 60s, it would literally change the world. Who could have possibly imagined that . Brown with its centerfold and playmate of the month, circulation shot up quickly, reaching seven million by the 1970s. Hefner himself was a walking advertisement for his product. In his signature silk pajamas, he fashioned himself, and playboy, as the face of the sexual liberation. Here, in a 1966 intervivew with william f. Buckley. What it really comes down to is an attempt to establish what has been called a new morality. I really think thats what this thing called the american sexual revolution is really all about. Brown hefner launched his company into movies, tv, and clothing. And opened clubs, resorts and casinos crammed with playboy bunnies with rabbit ears and fluffy tails. An expanding empire, but also a rising chorus of critics who saw the playboy fantasy as exploitative and vulgar. In 1963, then 28yearold feminist Gloria Steinem briefly worked undercover at the new york playboy club. And published a bunnys tale, an article that described how the women were overworked and underpaid, the atmosphere rampantly sexist and tacky. Feminist blasts never abated, but hefner was unrepentent. The suggestion that somehow or other playboy exploits women is really a political point of view. The truth of the matter is, we celebrate sexuality and we celebrate the sexuality of the women who appear in the pictures of the magazine. Brown in 1985, hefner suffered from a mildstroke and turned his empire over to his daughter christine. Still, he remained editor in chief of playboy. Just last year, he handed over Creative Control to his son cooper. In the internet era readership has fallen dramatically. Hefner at one point turned to reality tv with the show the girls next door, focused on the adventures of his threeyoung blond girlfriends who lived with him at the los angeles playboy mansion. I think that the secret to a i think the best life is one where one pursues ones own personal dreams. Brown in 2012 at age 85, hefner married his third wife Crystal Harris. She was 60 years his junior. In addition to crystal, hefner is survived by his four children from previous marriages. Hugh hefner died yesterday at the playboy mansion in los angeles. He was 91. We take a closer look at hefners complicated legacy with amanda marcotte. She writes about politics, feminism, and culture for salon. Com. And todd gitlin, professor of journalism and sociology at columbia university. His numerous books include the sixties years of hope, days of rage. He joins us via skype. Todd gitlin, hugh hefner begins as one claiming to push against the conformity and purityism of america of the 50s, it worked right, give us that background. He was the great antipuritan. He made sex for men respectable. That is to say, it was no longer, or really kind of pornography. The magazines that preceded playboy were kind of trashy looking. They were printed on crumby paper. You always had the feeling that the ink was rubbing off on you. Something to read fur tiffly. And they had no great literary pretension. They were full of stories about hadnting and war. And then suddenly here was slick, smooth, air brushed, high color playboy that it sort of attached an idea of women as playmates to a way of life. A way of life was you are a bachelor, you have your own pad, you have a good record player, you have a nice sports car. You have soft jazz and sex. Brown but amanda, this was always sex as commodity, right, selling the idea of sexual freedom but always as a brand. The playboy logo, it is a commercial venture, what was he selling . I mean he was selling like todd said, a lifestyle and it was very much a male lifestyle it was not really women were seen as another accessory, like the car, like the record player. They werent really kind of seen as full partners in the sexual revolution. And it was really just one more object to buy. And you know, unfortunately to the end, hefner was treating women in his own life that way. Brown todd, its old joke about playboy was people would say im reading it for the articles. But it really did have lots of important interviews and great writers working for it. Yeah, it did. He paid lots of money for writers. He had a huge circulation. And i think he must have been serious about trying to convey the idea that his idea about sexuality was show harmonious with or of a piece with the lifestyle. So you are playboy and you are reading isaac that is all part of the same thing. You are not some dumb cluck, you know, reading crumby hunting, fishing stories. You are an advanced citizen, you lucky man. And you get to read the tbreats. You get to interview with people are you interested in. Brown we start off talking about him starting against this idea of conformity. But then clearly running into another kind of cultural phenomenon of the time, fek nism. Yeah, he was in conflict with feminists from the beginning. I think it is a little unfortunate. Because i think that created this sense that feminists were against the sexual revolution. They werent. They just wanted women to be included as equals and as full human beings and not treated as objects. I dont know if hefner ever really completely understood that criticism. He always seemed to bristle against it instead of really listen to it. Brown i mean the charge, obviously the sexism, this idea of privilege that todd has been talking about, that is what came at him all the time. Yeah, and i mean he think, you know, he leaned into it. If were going to be honest. The play by mansion was an playboy manage was an icon of his privilege, his nothings of himself as a sto fist kateed man. He would have these huge parties where he would let his friends enjoy food and drink and drugs and the beautiful pool and the women. And it was all sort of held out as one piece. Brown todd gitlin, even if i think decades ago, he already appeared to many people as a kind of an anachronism, he turned to reality tv at one point. But he just went on. Yeah, and the fact that his empire was actually crumbling and he was sort of outdone by raunchier, you know, more viel publications like hustler and eventually by the whole sea of pornography that was available everywhere. So he was actually less of a figure. But he sort of, i think, basks in his sort of glory as sort of the founding leitch, the founding keeper of the har em, so that at one point a certain president of the United States in an earlier incarnation brought some of his people from the apprentice to the playboy mansion and said to hefner, i cant tell which of your girls or which are mine. Which i think tells you a lot about both men. Brown amanda just in our last minute, when you think about that legacy and you think about what todd was just talking about, how the internet sort of brought out kind of sex to our every moment of anybodys life if they want it, what, where does that leave hugh hefners legacy . I mean i think it leaves it mixed. I think you cant deny that he played a huge role in the Mainstream Media of porn and sexual in our culture. I think he is an an october ronism, and he will misally be forgot nen a world where our sk all culture has very little to do with the way playboy was conducted. Brown amanda marcotte, todd gitlin, thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Woodruff and lets turn to a different conversation on questions of sexism in tech, finance and Silicon Valley. Ellen pao became a kind of cause celebre after she filed a lawsuit against her employer, the powerful Venture Capital firm, Kleiner Perkins in 2012. She was a junior partner and former interim c. E. O. Of reddit. Pao filed a gender Discrimination Suit saying her bosses did not promote her because of her sex and retaliated against her for complaining. She asked for 16 million in damages in a trial. But she lost and her personal reputation was damaged along the way. Still, her case served as a wakeup call. She has a new book about it and the aftermath titled, reset. Our economics correspondent, paul solman, sat down with her, part of his weekly series, making sense. Reporter ellen pao, welcome. Thank you for having me. From your biography, you do not seem like the person who would sue Kleiner Perkins or for that matter pretty much anyone. Its not my nature. I think the lawsuit was part of a mission to call attention to this problem. So i had tried so many other ways before hand. Im not doing that much press, im an intro vert, its hard for me. But now its going to go on air and all these people, calling attention, seeing me on the street. And recognizing me. You dont want that. I dont want that, its not my personality and it makes me uncomfortable. But this is a culture that has pervasive problems and seeing the extent of it, we need to do a whole reset. Reset is the title of paos book. And with its claim of gender discrimination in Silicon Valley, its become part of an increasingly polarized debate. Just in the last few months charges of sexual discrimination and harassment have brought down the c. E. O. S of uber and the online lending startup social finance. Spurring a backlash. A front page article in this sundays New York Times featured Silicon Valley men alleging discrimination. Pao is a princeton grad with degrees from harvard law and Harvard Business school. Jobs in Silicon Valley since 1998. Including a stint at Venture Capital firm Kleiner Perkins that triggered the gender bias lawsuit. What was the percentage of women in venture cap talt when you were there. I believe it was about six percent. And what is it now . I think its gone down, i think its gone down to maybe five percent. Less than 1 percent are black or latin. Do you think you were sort of suppressing feelings you were having at the time, or the sense that were you getting that there was systemic discrimination against you as a woman, perhaps you as a minority. There are a lot of, like a thousand cuts in little small things that would make it very hard for a woman to be successful. So women were asked to take notes at meetings and men were not. Women were asked to babysit. Women were asked to do some of the men yal tasks of organizing events and planning conferences that the men were not. So when it came time to invest, which was the work that you would get recognized and promoted for. And compensated for. And compensated for, it was much harder for a woman to be taken seriously and harder to get investments through and harder to be successful. And it was also possible for men to take away investments that women were working on if they looked good, and to dump investments that werent doing so well on the women when they didnt want to work on them any more. Now this sounded strikingly familiar. Listen to mawreven sheshy describing wall street gender bias when she was a trader. Accounts not being given eck which equitiably. That is really one way, or an account being taken away when you felt, it wasnt something you deserved. And the atmosphere wasnt exactly con gene yal for a woman. When hi come back from my Maternity Leave i was still nursing and kept a breast pump under my desk. One trader would nghts and start making a knowing sounds and sometimes other member was join in. Allly mooing. Yeah, mooing. Her problem pao claims is that the young men went west. That boy culture came in around 2008 when people stopped going to wall street and the people who wanted to make big money fast wanted to be the next Mark Zuckerberg and all came out to Silicon Valley instead. So you are at kleiner perk inns. You are making a lot of money there, right . Yeah, more than i could spend. So what is happening there that is upsetting you . I was getting blocked. I wasnt being invited to meetings. One of the women at the firm also actually mapped out investments for the women and investments for the men, and showed that the womens investments were doing significantly better. We have more experience, we have more education on average. And were not get prog moated. And as a group, most of the men got promoted. And you werent get prog moated because. Because we were women. And there was some kind of belief that the men were better, despite all the results and the record. There is actually research that shows that women are better investors. That they are more risk aware. But despite that says former banker sally crawcheck who now runs a mufd that invests in femalefocused firms, men are better selfpromoters withness if it were just about intelligence or effort, we would have much more diverse teams. My experience has been that the gentlemen are more lakely to come and ask for the promotion, and that the women are less likely to do so. They were more assertive and they did things exactly the right way while we were, you know, too aggressive or not aggressive enough, too loud or too quiet or we were too competitive. We werent team players. And you know, it was an endless slew of impossible things to fulfill. When you confronted that reality, did you think i am in the wrong place, this is the wrong world for me . I actually tried to quit in 2007. I said this culture is not, you know, its not my culture. And they told me they wanted to change their culture. That the things that i was bringing up were things that they did not want to be it wasnt until i really saw like, can i not succeed, or any other women in the firm, that was really the cat list for me litigating. You felt it was your duty to sue . Yeah, i would say that. I felt if i didnt do it, then who would do it. So i sued for sexual discrimination and retaliation. So what happened . Oh, they hired a Crisis Communications firm that launched a Campaign Around you know, that i was a poor performer, that my case had no merit. That you dont get along well with other people. Right. And the verdict . I lost on both counts. Why . I think people werent ready to believe that tech was this really biased and unfair culture. Or that pao who had turned dun a Million Dollar settlement offer had been unfairly treated. Taking the role of defer ill advocate, i asked if she could have played along. And if so, how. Would you have become more of a sports buff, it sounds ridiculous. Those were the things i would have had to do. To become one of the guys. Im thinking of myself now, as one of these guys, okay. Much younger, sort of not reflective, making a lot of money. And if you are there and are you not playing along, are you making me a little uncomfortable, maybe. Well, i think if playing along means participating in sexist and racist jokes, that expectation has to change. It cant be on the women to, or you know, the people of color or the older people to try to make everything better. And i think now that, you know, this year with all these people coming out and with the press and the public being so much more receptive to their stories and being able to take them at face value instead of going through the same process i went through where oh, are you not a perfect victim, oh, you are kind of crazy, oh, you are a fraud, oh, you shouldnt have done this, oh, why did you do that . Like all of that has kind of dissipated as people see wow, this is a huge problem. El answer pao, thank you very much. Thank you for having me. Woodruff now to another in our brief but spectacular series, where we ask people to describe their passions. Tonight, we hear from ariel levy about grief and motherhood. Shes a staff writer at the new yorker and author of the book the rules do not apply. When i was 38, i took a reporting assignment in mongolia, in ulaanbaatar and it was going to be like big adventure. I mean, you dont get much more exotic than Outer Mongolia and it was the last adventure like that, i was going to have for a long time because i was five months pregnant. The doctors i talked to said its fine to fly until your third trimester, off you go. The second night i was in mongolia, i went into labor in my hotel room and i gave birth in the bathroom at my hotel and for ten minutes, i was somebodys mother. And then uh, the baby died before the ambulance got there that was that. That was that. It was like ive ive switched, head flipped inside me and id experience, however briefly, id experienced maternal love. And i couldnt get that switch to flip back, so i felt like a mother. And you know, flip and switch to my body too when i was making milk to feed this baby who wasnt there. So, it was almost like an identity crisis. It was like, i know im a mother, but i sound crazy if i say it because i have no child. While the particulars of my situation are unusual, like i have yet to meet another woman who is like, i too lost a baby in a hotel in mongolia like thats weird but, miscarriage is extremely common. I was doing this reading in the bay area and this woman said, i have three children who are alive, i lost four babies and i am 77 years old and i miss every one of them. I just had always thought that if you were dogged and strategic and you had tenacity, you could get what you wanted, but being dogged and strategic and tenacious has not convinced my body to make a child and thats not up to me. I had this idea in my head since i was little that being a writer, like a woman who is a writer with the kind of woman who is free to do whatever she chooses. No ones really free to do whatever she chooses, except mother nature. Just having a situation where your body is out of your control. Its a preview of death. Its a preview of mortality and its certainly been something ive thought about more since this happened but, counter intuitively or not, with less fear. I feel i feel better about it. My name is ariel levy and this is my brief but spectacular take on mother nature. Woodruff on the newshour online right now, the author of the controversial young adult novel 13 reasons why weighs in on censorship and writing about challenging issues for teens, during this banned books week. That and more is on our web site, pbs. Org newshour. Tune in later tonight on charlie rose Iranian Foreign minister javad zarif on the future of the Iranian Nuclear deal. And before we go, a sad update to mike cerres piece last night about the echoes of vietnam. We featured two young men, brothers, born years after the war, who suffered terrible disabilities likely caused by the lingering effects of agent orange, the toxic defoliant spread by the u. S. In vietnam the young men and their family have been supported for years by larry vetter, the army veteran in the story. Larry was told late last night, after our broadcast, that one of the young men died yesterday morning. He was just 22 years old. Tomorrow, here on the newshour, america addicted. We kick off a new series on the nations crippling opioid epidemic. Were talking about substance that is manufactured death. Knowing that the next bag is going to kill you, it doesnt matter. I planned on dying, that was my plan. You have any needles on you. We have 10,000 heroin addicts here. I have gained family trust back. I have gained back, its feels great. Woodruff thats tomorrow and all next week on the newshour. Im judy woodruff. For all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and see you soon. Major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by and with the ongoing support of these institutions this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org welcome to the program, charlie rose is on a seenment. Tontd we bring you charlies interview with ruth bader gnsburg shot on location at the 92nd street y. That was the easy job, to get rid of the, this is the way women are, this the is way men are. The whole separate spheres mentality that ran all through the law, that the man was the brad winner who counted, if the woman worked she was just a pin money earner. Her responsibility was the home and children. The roles were arranged that way. And thats what we wanted to break down. The idea was people should be free to be you and me. To develop their own

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