More information for your vacation planning is available at aruba. Com. And now, bbc world news america. Jane this is bbc world news america. I am jane obrien. Florida is still struggling to get the power back on after Hurricane Irma, and in the wake of destruction in the caribbean, there is an added urgency to rebuild. Everyone here is telling us the same thing. Tourism is the lifeblood of these communities, and without it, the suffering will continue. There is growing chaos in bangladesh as it is overwhelmed by rohingya refugees. The Prime Minister has called on myanmar to take them back. Apple rolls out its latest gadget, but if you want the topoftheline iphone, you better get ready to pay for it. Jane welcome to world news america. Across the state of florida, millions are still in the dark, and the cleanup efforts after Hurricane Irma have just begun. In the caribbean, there are some areas in need of food and basic supplies. In the British Virgin islands, there has been a criticism over the slow response, but 1000 british troops are there helping with the relief effort. Laura the idyllic shores were no match for Hurricane Irmas wrath. She tore through the island, stripping away years of hard work in just a few hours. This would normally be a place to escape. Some now describe it as a place to escape from, but not those who live here. Sette caldwell has lost everything he built, his bar, restaurant, and home, and yet he is determined to start again. First, i have to clean it up. First, get it clean. Its a lot of work. Laura youve got the money to do it . No. Laura those picking through the remains of their lives need tourists to come back. Nearly one million visitors spend 450 million a year in the British Virgin islands. It is one of the most exclusive beaches in all of the British Virgin islands. Every decimated building you see was a bar, restaurant, someones main income, and they will need to be rebuilt if this island is to survive. At foxs bar, they have been feeding locals rather than visitors. Its a sign that there is a spirit to rebuild. Do you have the determination to do this . Do we have the determination . You ask a very simple question. When everybody who needs to leave gets off the island, which will happen very soon, i think the rest of us can refocus our efforts on what needs to be done. Laura before the storm, the biggest marina welcomed wacht owners from around the world welcomed yacht owners from around the world. It will take some time. The owners know hundreds of livelihoods depend on a quick recovery. People here have invested 20 years of their life or more in this. Its obviously a daunting prospect. Laura optimism in the face of an overwhelming task. Having survive such a horrific storm, the focus is on how to live in its aftermath. Lord baker, bbc news. Jane it is a similar scene across the caribbean, and as laura mentioned, in areas that rely on tourism, theres a massive push to rebuild. Nick bryant reports from turks and caicos. Nick this church was supposed to protect people from irma, a sanctuary from the storm, but just as the hurricane hit, the plan changed. People went elsewhere, and just as well. Like many buildings here, it was destroyed. In the turks and caicos islands, many lowlying areas where the worst hit. Basically, my family, we lost everything. It is going to take some time to get back on our feet again. With the strength from god, we will. Nick it is a bucket list location, but this is what a category 5 hurricane can do to a fivestar hotel. What is striking here is the determination to rebuild, not just a put rooms over peoples heads, but to reopen these restaurants and reopen these hotels as quickly as possible. Everyone here is telling us the same thing. Tourism is the lifeblood of these communities, and without it, the suffering will continue. As queues formed outside the supermarket for clean water and ice, they were pleased for tourists to come back. This parking lot was almost destroyed. We are open for business. We are a fine destination. We have some damage. We are going to rebuild. We are going to come back. Turks and caicos is looking for business. Nick the british holidaymakers a here for days were desperate to get out when the airport reopened. We were desperate to get out about four days ago, to be honest. It has been emotional. Its been really hard. Nick as tourists try to leave, another military transport plane touched down. They are facing the question, why did they take so long to arrive . Its the physical distance, the separation. What is especially cruel is that the poorest Communities Just rebuilt from the last hurricane nine years ago. Nick bryant, bbc news, turks and caicos. Jane i just came back from florida where the hardest hit area was the keys. Theme estimates nearly one quarter of the homes there were destroyed. A brief time ago, i managed to speak with amy dennis from her boat just off florida. Why did you decide to stay . The number one reason is my husband is a commercial fisherman. We stayed because we have to watch the boat. Number two, we live in a twostory house made of concrete with a concrete roof. We were fairly certain that we would have no damage to the house. Jane but you risked your life nevertheless. I dont feel like we risked our lives. In all honesty, it worked out better. We went through the front part of the storm, and when the back side of the storm came, down our canal were floating houseboats. We had to go outside in 40 mile per hour winds and tie them up. Had we not been here, we would have no livelihood. Jane how bad is the damage across the keys . Oceanside, it got pretty high. Flood damage. As far as structural damage, it is more docks, tiki huts, stuff like that. It is mostly flooding and three damage. The further south you go, they say what im living with, it is 500 times worse down there. Jane jane the authorities are saying they are looking at a potential humanitarian crisis. Does it feel like that to you . From what ive heard from police officers, i would say, down south of us, yes. Jane have you been able to contact all of your friends . No. We have one friend whose wife contacted me today. In 36 hours, we have not heard from him. He has a satellite phone. We are very concerned about him. Jane when was the last time you spoke to him . It has been almost 36 hours. Jane the hurricane had presumably started by then. The eye had gone through him, and she had spoken to him, and they had a system where at 10 00 and 10 00 is when they would speak. For the last 310 00s three 10 00s, he has not called. There is no way of getting to him. They wont let you pass. Were hoping someone will check on him and let him know let us know. Jane i hope you hear from your friend very soon. Me too. Jane lets have a look at some of the days other news. North korea has rejected new sanctions imposed by the United Nations Security Council over its latest nuclear test. The Prime Minister of bangladesh has called on myanmar to take back hundreds of thousands of royhinga muslims who escaped across the border. Refugee agencies have been overwhelmed by the thousands. The United Nations has said the treatment of the rohingya amounts to ethnic cleansing. Justin rashida is nine months pregnant and shes expecting any day, but of this is where she is living, with 15 other family members, and it is almost certainly where she will have to give birth. I am worried. There is no help. No one is getting any food. There is no rice, no vegetables, no nothing. I am starving. Justin i first met her a few days back. She had hiked seven days through the hills and jungle to get here. She said her village had been burned to the ground. We have seen her and her family moved on by the authorities and driven off the land by fellow refugees. Many nights, she has had to sleep under the skies despite the monsoon rain. Now her baby is sick, and her husband has jaundice. Tens of thousands of other refugees are, like rashida, living in these filthy makeshift cities that are mushrooming on the muddy hilltops. They arrived the wilderness. If they want a plastic sheet or bamboo to make shelter, they have to pay. They often have to fight just to get food. These guys are wellmeaning bangladeshis trying to help out, but look how chaotic this is. It is so demeaning for these people to have to beg for food. There is growing criticism of the way bangladesh is handling the crisis. We want them to get some food, medication. Justin all the International Aid agencies are here, but the government restricts what they want to do. The u. N. s main refugee body the unhcr is not allowed to work with the vast majority of the refugees. We are discussing with the government to see how we can provide assistance. What needs to happen next is we need to work closer together to make sure that land is allocated, temporary shelter is provided so things can be more organized. Justin while that discussion takes place, what these people really need is food and fresh water. Some were clean to live and sleep. Rashida needs medical care and a safe place to have her baby. What she and other refugees need is a home. Justin rollout, bbc news. Now to germany where chancellor Angela Merkel addressed permit for the first time before voters go to the polls in two weeks. As jenny hill reports, there could be unprecedented change in the bundestag. Is used to mingling with the worlds most powerful mustrs, but Angela Merkel play to the home crowd now. It is parliament and of term. For germanys political landscape, perhaps the end of an era. Likelymerkel will most continue to run the show, but the antimigrant party afd is expected to Enter Parliament for the First Time Since the second world war. s from the right will sit in this chamber. A Certain Group of our voters is not satisfied with the performance of the current government to the refugee crisis accelerated this attitude. We are regaining confidence. Its one of our main topics. Jenny one man still hopes to topple Angela Merkel, martin schultz. He has little chance for victory. The social democrat has lagged merkelsnd conservative democrats in the polls. I am somewhat undecided. I am not 100 sure yet. When it comes to security, Angela Merkel is the best choice. Jenny even the problems we have, shes doing a decent job, and theres a problem with the alternative. Without a doubt, Angela Merkel did a good job, but we are skeptical she can make it through four more years. It looks like she will be the next chancellor, although we will never know. We were surprised by trump. Jenny trump, brexit, north korea. In the transient world of global is, it seems,e one constant. Merkels strength is due to the fact that for some many german voters, she represents stability in a shifting world, but german politics is changing, too. The next parliament will likely contain more parties, more opposition, a house that prides itself now on achieving compromise, likely to be, a far more fractious place. Multiple challenges await. There are coalitions to construct, alliances to forge. Seems, willters, it choose a familiar Foundation Upon which to build the countrys future. Jenny hill, bbc news, berlin. Still to come on tonights program, he won the green card lottery to come to the united states. Three years on, we will hear about the transition from somalia to maine. Mining could be making a comeback in the southwest of england where it was once the engine of the economy, but is not down to coal or tin, but li ourm, what powers smartphones and collector cars. Most lithium comes from america, but it is thought that cornwall could be should could be sitting on an unbelievable bonanza. Mining industry has been dormant for decades, but it could soon be sparked back into life by a quiet revolution. Electric and hybrid cars. Most run on lithium batteries. Electric cars are in exponential growth mode. We will see significantly higher levels of demand. Here is one place they are going to explore. Its a tin mine near camborne. ,t is hundreds of years old closed in 1998. A Canadian Company is working to open it back up, and where tin can be found, so can lithium. Zones,apping those fault we can determine where the structures are where we are most likely to find lithium. During the golden age of mining, some 400 were operating in cornwall. Now there are none. They closed for economic reasons. The workers may be gone, but the metals are still there. Sunk 120shaft was years ago, and to think back then, if miners found lithium springs, they were dangerous, something to be avoided because but now it cant, be a key part of a green technological future. Exploration will start within the next few months. Bbc news, camborne. Jane winning the lottery always for this man,nd the prize was a green card to the united states. After fleeing somalia, he ended up in one of kenyas worst slums. Three years after arriving, we caught up with him to hear what he thinks of his adopted homeland. When i found out i was going to the united states, it was a mixed feeling. It was like, america, whoa to me, it was like the lottery, seriously. When i was four years old, the civil war started. It was horrible. When i left somalia, i realized i was under the age where there was only one way. Eventually, i was in kenya until i won the green card lottery. The best thing about america is its a physical country. You can think about what you want to be, what you want to do. Im saying this because i never remember one day in the u. K. Where i woke up and thought, everything is going to be ok. Maine does not represent america to me. It is totally different. There are not many people, and there is not much diversity. The worst thing about america is the racism, black people being stereotyped, immigrants, muslims, people of color. The biggest struggle i have faced here in maine is convincing people that i am not who they think i am. I think trump hates who i am you that is my feeling. I cant believe in american president would do that to us. I am making friends, and it is a friendly place, as well. I dont think i consider myself american yet. The reason is, i still dream in my native language. The air where a group had its own smell. I really miss my family. I wish they were here. I noticed it takes probably quite a long time to be an american, but im an immigrant who is slowly immigrating, adjusting, getting to know the system. Its only been a few years. Jane 20 years ago, the iphone 10 years ago, the iphone changed our world, and now apple is hoping its latest design will help to ward off the growing competition with a facial recognition id system and a few other bells and whistles. The iphone x is grabbing headlines, but if you want this model, you better have the cash. Rory cache lynn jones reports. Y it is the worlds most available company, and its headquarters speaks to its ambition to grow bigger, and in the steve jobs amphitheater, apple unveiled the latest versions of the device that has made it so wealthy. We have huge iphone news for you. Rory two iphone 8 models look isk modest upgrades, but it the iphone x that is meant to showcase how far the device has come. The standout feature is face recognition technology, allowing you to unlock the phone with just a glance, but it is the fact that it starts at an eye watering 999, were the same in pounds, which may stand out for those weathering wondering whether or not to upgrade. Apples Face Recognition Software is already available on samsung, but its reputation for quality means that more than one billion iphones have already been sold. With customers showing a bit of a reluctance to upgrade quite so frequently, retailers need these models to be huge hits. One Technology Investor says building on its success gets ever harder for apple. Apple has become the master of psychologically instilling need and desire in people to buy new phones. Unlike other manufacturers, their prices keep going higher and higher. Not only are you trying to convince consumers to change or upgrade their phones. You are trying to convince them to spend even more than before. Rory the new phones make it easy to create augmented reality apps, like this game where virtual pigeons suddenly appear in a london office. The technology before would have taken years to create. Now studios like me of four people can suddenly create games in a couple of months. Unlocking it is as easy as looking at it. In california, not everything was going smoothly with the facial recognition system. Hohoho. Lets back up here. Rory apple is hoping its most expensive phone will mean they havent lost consumers yet. Jane you can find all of the day news at our website. I am jane obrien. Thank you for watching world news america. Ourith the bbc news app, virtual videos are designed to work around your lifestyle so you can swipe your way to the news of the day, and stay uptodate with the latest headlines. Download now from selected app stores. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the Freeman Foundation and kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs. Planning a vacation escape that is relaxing, inviting, and exciting is a lot easier than you think. You can find it here, in aruba. Families, couples, and friends can all find their escape on the island with warm sunny days, cooling trade winds, and the crystal blue caribbean sea. Nonstop flights are available from most major airports. More information for your vacation planning is available at aruba. Com. Bbc world news was presented by captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc yang good evening, im john yang. Judy woodruff is away. On the newshour tonight, florida in darkness irma leaves flooding and more than half the state without power as officials assess the damage. Then, we get the latest on the investigation into russian meddling in the u. S. President ial election. And, reviving West Virginia as coal mining jobs disappear, a look at why focusing on education may breathe new life into the mountain states economy. I can still pay my bills, im getting the education that id never thought id get, i never thought id be in school, and never dreamed id have a 4. 0 g. P. A. Yang all that and more on tonights pbs newshour

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