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benjamin netanyahu rejects a peace plan for gaza. trump supporters take to social media to share their displeasure after his conviction. we head to a key battleground state for reaction. >> i'm nicole killion in allentown, pennsylvania, when sping voters take on the trump verdict. could it change minds for the white house? >> reporter: judgment day. doomsday author chad daybell is sentenced to death in idaho for killing his first wife and his then-girlfriend's two children. severe storms, heavy rain, damaging winds set to impact the west and south. we'll track it. heroes welcome. 80 years after d-day these americans return to france to visit the site of their greatest glory. and later, outlaw otter. she's back after evading capture in california. keep an eye on your surf board. >> announcer: this is the "cbs weekend news" from washington with adriana diaz. good evening, everyone. adriana is off. i'm nancy cordes. we're following several developing stories tonight including severe storms threatening several states this first weekend of june including the pacific north west. but we're going to begin with a new setback for the american aviation giant boeing. today the launch of its starliner spacecraft with astronauts onboard was called off less than 4 minutes before liftoff. they're going to try again on wednesday. cbs's manuel bojorquez is at the kennedy space center. many, what happened? >> reporter: nancy, good evening. and that latest setback happened with just 3 minutes and 50 seconds to go before launch when a computer system gnat is linked to rocket and supposed to take over in those final minutes issued an automatic hold. boeing, nasa, and the maker of the rocket, ula, are working to find out exactly why that computer system did not fully activate at the right time. the two astronauts aboard the starliner commander butch willmore and commander soni williams exited about an hour after the scrub. boeing's hoped today's launch would have transported them to the international space station, making it the second private company able to do that after spacex. but starliner has faced years of setbacks. an attempted launch last month called off due to technical issues and now today's scrub. both astronauts have said they are willing to wait until all systems are a go for a launch, but they have been in quarantine now for more than a month preparing for this launch. and nancy, now yet another delay. >> well, hopefully they'll have better luck on wednesday. manuel bojorquez, thanks so much. tonight severe storms and possible flash flooding are threatening several states. take a look at dallas. the city was hit again today by storms and lightening strikes. tornados are also in the forecast. meteorologist molly mccollum from our partners at the weather channel is tracking all of it. hi, molly. >> nancy, good evening. let's go west to east. starting in the pacific north west it's a soggy pattern more reminiscent of january rather than june as we're watching multiple waves of rain move in now all the way through monday. and they'll add up to about 3 to 5 inches of rain in western washington state. multiple rounds of rain also expected in northern and central plains where large destructive hail as well as strong winds are the main concerns, but we also have the threat for tornados. flash flooding also top of mind especially in areas that see repeated heavy downpours, and that will be many of us. and today, june 1st is the first official day of atlantic hurricane season. all agencies are forecasting a hyperactive season including the weather channel. so why are experts sounding the alarm early? we have a developing la mia combined with well above water temperatures and that is a recipe for a dangerous weather season ahead. >> that does not sound good. molly mccollum, thanks so much. today the coast guard came tohes cue of a boat that capsized 36 miles off of flo's southwest coast. onboard seven adults and a child. all airlifted to safety. the coast guard says they were found in the water wearing life jackets and holding onto a cooler. to israel now. tonight prime minister benjamin netanyahu is warning there will be no permanent end to the war in gaza unless all of the hostages are released and hamas is out of power. his statement follows president biden's announcement that israel had issued a new proposal aimed at reaching a cease-fire. cbs' imitiaz tyab is in tel aviv with the latest. good evening, imitiaz. >> reporter: good evening. following president biden's announcement of the israeli deal, prime minister netanyahu insisted the war would not end until israel's objectivewise urachieved. that includes the return of all hostages and the elimination of hamas' military and governing capabilities. israeli took to the streets of tel aviv in their thousands demanding prime minister netanyahu not back away from his own government's proposal for a cease-fire and a return of the hostages. >> president biden, please help us save them. >> reporter: in a statement hamas said it was ready to engage positively with the three-phase proposal but only if israel clearly announces commitment to such a deal. cbs news asked palestinians in gaza what they thought about the potential agreement. we are hoping there will be action this time and not just talk says aya dauol. this speech by the american president gave us hope. almost all of gaza's population has been displaced, and israeli forces now in the heart of the southern city of rafah. sam rose speaks for the u.n. agency for palestinians, unwra. what is it like where you are in rafah right now? >> it's deeply troubling. it's deeply upsetting. personally it leaves me quite sick and quite fearful, the uncertainty of the senseless and the helplessness of all this and really not knowing what -- not just not knowing what may come next but what comes next is by no means going to be the end to any of this. >> translator: and israel's opposition leader has called on the netanyahu government to take the deal, nancy, promising yet again to join his coalition if the far right extremist parties do withdraw their support. >> break through is so elusive. imitiaz tyab, thanks. today a seismic moment in africa's election. the ruling african congress the alc once led by nelson mandela has lost its majority for first time since thea par tide era ended three decades ago. polls show voters are angry over widespread poverty and soaring unemployment. former president donald trump's historic guilty verdict in new york this week is throwing the presidential election into uncharted chairatory. cbs' natalie brand in washington tonight with the latest. good evening. >> reporter: good evening, nancy. and both the biden and trump campaigns are fund-raising off this week's historic guilty conviction. the trump campaign claiming it's raised nearly $53 million since the verdict, and the former president also claiming the conviction will help him ahead of november. president biden in rehoboth beach this weekend steered clear of politics saturday but didn't hold back friday. >> it's reckless, it's dangerous, and irresponsible for anyone to say this is rigged just because they don't like the verdict. >> reporter: responding to trump's rambling remarks -- >> we're living in a fascist state. >> reporter: -- and false claims follow his conviction in new york's so-called hush money trial. >> they're in total conjunction with the white house and the doj, just so you understand. >> reporter: upside down flags a symbol of protest adopted by the maga movement on display outside trump tower and posted on social media including by country singer jason aldean and the conservative heritage foundation. divisions are also widening on capitol hill. >> this is weaponization and law fare at its peak. >> this is our tried and true criminal justice system playing out. >> reporter: and trump congressional ally and house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan has already written a letter collin on manhattan district attorney alvin bragg to testify on capitol hill later this month, nancy. >> natalie brand, thanks so much. voters have a lot to say about trump's latest legal troubles. cbs news nicole killion reports from the battleground state of pennsylvania. >> reporter: at this barbershop clear-cut support for now convicted former president trump. >> a lot of people still standby trump. >> reporter: why do you think someone who is a convicted felon deserves to be president? >> i don't think he is. i just figure it's another thing he has to get through. >> reporter: but in pnnsylvania's third largest city of allentown, the historic charges give some voters pause. >> an appeal is not going to come until after an election, and we'll just have to see whether that invigorates a republican base. >> reporter: allentown sits in the heart of the lehigh valley, which is now home to an increasingly diverse population. this region went for president biden in 2020 and helped propel him to victory in the state. a cbs news battleground tracker in pennsylvania conducted before the verdict showed the former president up by a point over president biden. >> my support is going to go for biden and all the way. >> i don't know yet. i'm undecisive on who i'm going to support. >> i like some things biden does, but some other things i'm not sure about. but between him and trump, if trump has been found guilty and we don't know who to pick. >> reporter: both candidates campaigned in the area this year. glen stetler attended trump's rally before the trial and said the focus should be on the issues not the verdict. >> look at the price of milk, $5, $6 for a gallon. my grandfather's is rolling in his grave. it's a shame what our country has come to. >> reporter: do you think former president trump can still win this leection? >> i believe so without a doubt. i don't think they can jail him, but he's got a tarnish on his name for the rest of his life. >> reporter: signs to consider in a swing state that could decide the 2024 election. nicole killion, cbs news, allentown, pennsylvania. today a judge in boise, idaho sentenced author chad daybell to death. a jury recommended the death penalty two days after finding the 55-year-old guilty of first degree murder and other charges in the 2019 killings of his first wife and two of his current wife's children. the couple's extreme doomsday religious beliefs drew attention to this case. idaho law allows for execution by lethal injection or firing squad. straight ahead on the "cbs weekend news," members of the greatest generation arrive in france to mark 80 years since the d-day invasion. why it's now a fight to remember. in colorado turns out some of the state's highest peaks are a bit shorter than we thought. paris as american veterans arrived in france to take part in ceremonies marking 80 years since the d-day invasion. more than 16 million americans served in the second world war, and now only about 100,000 are still with us. the challenge is teaching their stories to a new generation. here's barry petersen. >> reporter: there are no d-day stories easy to hear. >> clarence robe rtson was staggering by me without his helmet, gaping hole in the left side of hisfore hoed. his blonde hair was streaked with blood. >> reporter: herald bomgard who was in the first wave. >> gut machine gunned in the water, so we were losing men right and left. the water was full of blood. >> reporter: memories preserved at the national world war ii museum in new orleans. he shared on a landing craft. that first time in combat did you remember being nervous or feel your training had prepared you for that moment? what were your feelings going into that? >> no nerves at all, just doing your job. >> reporter: michael teaches them about the war. >> i think that story is vital for them in the future in a world that is ever changing that has threats that are new and some threats that are old. >> reporter: to reach younger generations the museum sends course programs to schools around the country and has immersive exhibits like this one on the war in the pacific. this is a c-47. it was a plane like this my father kermit flew in world war ii dropping paratroops over enemy lines. i want people to remember his and other stories because it's been a long time. younger generations may not know. my grandchildren will never know my father. he'll always ever be a picture in a frame. because if new generations don't know what these men and women did and suffered and died for, my father and all the others may one day be forgotten. barry petersen, cbs news, new orleans. >> such important lessons. still ahead on the "cbs weekend news," inch by inch new technology is changing the way we measure colorado's mountains. we'll be right back. mountains over 14,000 feet than any other state, but a new study finds colorado's 14ers as they're known a bit shorter an thee thought. shaun boyd reports the findings may have implications that go far beyond 14,000 feet. >> reporter: when noaa physicist derek van wes trm was tapped to lead an overhaul of the spatial reference system recapping the colorado fourteeners he shez was a bonus. they needed a place to test the system and colorado had the terrain they were looking for. >> people know it's more land above 10,000 feet than all the states combined. it's a very rugged state. if the system works here we know it'll work anywhere in the u.s. >> reporter: initial projection showed the shortest fourteeners peak may be a thirteener. while the ranking from tallest to shortest changed for several peaks, van westrom says colorado dnd lose or gain any 14ers. as for the weather system it aced the test and that has implications for far more than 14ers status. the project involved recalculating sea level. >> sea level isn't ever exactly level, so if you can map out what that surface is, that's the new heights we're going to do for the entire nation. >> reporter: as part of the calculation noaa measured gravity across the entire united states. >> we would fly these grids. took 15 years to fly the entire nation. that tells us what the actual gravity is. >> reporter: using that and sophisticated gps scientists say they can now calculate heights within a couple inches anywhere in the u.s. including colorado's highest peaks. >> it's fun for the hikers it's important for the rest of the nation, but it's scientificically we prove that, yep, the new system works and it's going to be useful for everybody. >> reporter: shaun boyd, cbs news, boulder. next on "cbs weekend news" a major city's downtown is under a boil water advisory tonight. a lot of atlanta is under a boil water advisory as crews work to repair a pair of major water main breaks. the breaks happened in two large feeder pipes that service much of the city's downtown. officials say those breaks are not connected. investigators now think they know what caused a deadly explosion in youngstown, ohio, this week. they say workers cut through a gas line they thought had been turned off. the explosion killed one person and injured seven more. ntsb board member tom chatman says the workers were clearing out piping and other old infrastructure from the basement of that building. when we return, an outlaw otter returns to the waters off santa cruz. will she evade capture again? finally tonight, california's beloved surf board stealing otter is back. the fearless female was spotted hanging in santa cruz. cbs' carter evans hit the water to look for the otter. >> reporter: these are the latest mug shots of otter 841, america's most wanted marine mammal. last summer she terrorized surfers in santa cruz, california, biting boards, even hijacking them. now she's back and surfers are on the look out. are people excited to see this otter? >> i think they're excited to see at first, and then they kind of get scared. >> reporter: in an effort to do a deep dive, we hit the water. she's been spotted at surf spots like this, but so far no outlaw otters. >> when i saw her she was just feeding, real close to the cliffs. >> reporter: photographer woodward snapped the latest pictures. >> she was being respectful of the surfers. >> reporter: he also captured the images of otter mania that went viral last year when crowds tried to get too close. >> with paddleboarders and ciiacers going right through the middle of kelp beds where sea otters sleep is dangerous and also illegal. concerns someone could get hurt, official and wildlife officials setup a dragnet operation. it failed every time. eventually the otter disappeared but in october made a surprising return with her pup. experts now think pregnancy may explain her aggressive behavior. what would you like to see h happen here? >> i hope she's left alone, lives her best life. hopefully she refrains from getting on the board but who knows. >> reporter: the next time we may find out when the next time the otter pops up. >> that's "cbs weekend news" for this saturday. i'm nancy cordes in washington. good night. from cbs news bay area, this is the evening edition. now at 6:00, constant kids connecting with rappers and pastors. some solutions are coming up that emerge from a town hall and public safety. >> we want you to get educated, not incarcerated. plus, a burlingame keen recognized at the u.s. capitol for her activism to stop gun violence. the art, she hopes, will make lawmakers stop and think. and a closer to get the ballpark ready for the home opener. >> again. one of the bay area's most recognizable movie characters spotted in the city. why she was gracing the streets of san francisco. life in the studios, i am brian hackney. >> and i am andrea nakano. a discussion on how to make the east bay saber. >> the townhall included some prominent leaders who had concerns. what solutions emerged from those conversations. >> reporter: public safety. it is the one problem everyone in this room wants to fix. he is worried because he and his 11-year-old

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,Computer System ,Nasa ,Ula ,Starliner ,Soni Williams ,Scrub ,Space Station ,Company ,Spacex ,Issues ,Systems ,Setbacks ,Quarantine ,Go ,City ,Nancy ,Hit Again ,Flash Flooding ,States ,Delay ,Luck ,Take A Look At Dallas ,Partners ,Tornados ,Meteorologist Molly Mccollum ,Molly ,Lightening Strikes ,Forecast ,Weather Channel ,Hi ,Way ,Waves ,Reminiscent ,Pattern ,Let S Go West To East ,Rain Move ,Rain ,Concerns ,Areas ,Threat ,Western Washington State ,Mind ,Plains ,Hail ,Rounds ,5 ,Experts ,U S ,Season ,Downpours ,Agencies ,Alarm ,Atlantic Hurricane Season ,June 1st ,La Mia ,1 ,Weather ,Recipe ,Water Temperatures ,Coast Guard ,Water ,Safety ,Boat ,Life Jackets ,Child ,Southwest Coast ,Tohes Cue ,Flo ,Seven ,36 ,Biden ,Hostages ,Wall ,War ,Statement ,Announcement ,Proposal ,Warning ,End ,Cooler ,Power ,Latest ,Deal ,Prime Minister ,Cease Fire ,Imitiaz Tyab ,Tel Aviv ,Return ,Thousands ,Streets ,Capabilities ,Elimination ,Objectivewise Urachieved ,Government ,Palestinians ,Commitment 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Board Stealing Otter ,Fearless Female ,Carter ,Evans ,Biting Boards ,Mug Shots ,America S Most Wanted ,Marine Mammal ,841 ,Surfers ,Dive ,Effort ,Surf Spots ,Photographer Woodward ,Outlaw Otters ,Feeding ,Cliffs ,Otter Mania ,Paddleboarders ,Pictures ,Crowds ,Images ,Ciiacers ,Sea Otters ,Kelp Beds ,Middle ,Dragnet Operation ,Wildlife ,Pup ,Behavior ,Pregnancy ,Board ,Evening Edition ,Rappers ,Kids ,Bay Area ,00 ,Burlingame Keen ,Solutions ,Pastors ,Plus ,Town Hall ,Activism ,Gun Violence ,Art ,Ballpark ,Closer ,Home Opener ,Lawmakers ,U S Capitol ,Characters ,Movie ,Leaders ,In The City ,Townhall ,Studios ,Discussion ,Brian Hackney ,Andrea Nakano ,East Bay Saber ,The Streets Of San Francisco ,Conversations ,Room ,Public Safety ,Fix ,11 ,

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