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The first days were all fun and games but then it got super real. Super real and now super angry. Why burners are burning saying organizers left thousands stranded in the mud. I know lot of our kids are traumatized. Finding somewhere else to play. Coaches of an oakland Youth Football Team willing to drive kids an hour away to make sure they are safe from violence. There isnt any dialogue happening. Its pretty much one sided. Tech titans talking about Driverless Cars inside while outside drivers want to keep their jobs. Were defining a new norm. Vallejo on the verge. Why even in the midst of high interest rates, vallejo homeowners are cashing in big time and what it means for housing. Focus more on the positive and this is the side of oakland that were the most proud about. And oakland proud. How 50 years of hip hop helped showcase the best of community and culture and focusing on the positive. Thats what we do here. Good morning, everybody. Im reed cowan. And im nicole zaloumis. They were having fun and oakland. We are having fun here. Yes, we are. Were glad you are here with us as well. Im Gianna Franco and jessica is here also this morning. And jess, yesterday was a nice day. Hoping for more today. Lets just copy and paste yesterdays forecast all week long and to be honest with you the models are actually doing that. A mild start this week but we had yesterday off. I hope you got out there and enjoyed the bay. I had some friends do some kite surfing yesterday. I saw photos all throughout social media of people getting out there and really enjoying the weather we have and heres the best part. After work or school today, you can do the same thing. Lets start off this morning with a live look down into the Santa Clara Valley. Little bit of the orange sky just off in the distance. Were going to see a beautiful sunrise around the corner. Current temperatures, still sitting in the 50s and no matter where you live in the bay. Official sunrise within the next 40 minutes and oh its going to be a gorgeous one. Well get back to that in just a bit. Lets take a live look over in San Francisco. Where that marine layer is still kind of floating around the city skyline right now. Its going to bleed off once we head into the afternoon hours. Just like clock work were going to be seeing sunny skies and 60s in the forecast for us. And along theway and even along the coast with inland areas warming up into the 80s. Thats mostly off in the east bay though. Lets head over to san jose once again where were highlighting a whole bunch of stories throughout san jose this week. Taking a look at temperatures this morning were still in the 50s and 60s. Heading into this afternoon, our daytime highs are a little bit cooler than the east bay areas and only topping off in the low 80s. A great forecast to get out there and get some fresh air right . For now over to you, g. Traffic into Solano County just got a little lighter. Westbound 80 is officially back open. In the area near the carquinez bridge. 12 hours ahead of schedule. By the way. So great job caltrans. Labor day weekend saw a stretch of the highway closed for road repairs and caltrans said they also repaired tower lining on the carquinez bridge and trimmed back trees and brush along the roadways. Good news for commuters alllanes now open westbound. That is the commute direction. Look at this. Bay bridge toll plaza metering lights are ron and a lot of people back the work and school this morning. A busy traffic pattern today dealt and it was a nice wide yesterday. Very, very quiet out there. But not the case so far. Heres the good news though. Heading across the Golden Gate Bridge early this morning, no fog to slow you down. And we are tracking brake lights for supercommuters out of tracy into the altamont pass. All right, g thanks. And good morning from the community stationworking hard to showcase your efforts to innovate out of the doom loop headlines. We call the coverage bay area bouncing back and after showcasing San Francisco and oakland, we are now saying good morning to the friends from san jose. People are helping people and that means food for bay area families. E know that. The pandemic hit your wallets very hard and the Ripple Effect continues today. But as we see time and again, when the going gets tough, you step up. And part of our bounce back coverage in san jose happens at Second Harvest of Silicon Valley helping people get back on their feet and doing it through food. It takes a big effort and Shawn Chitnis is live there where we this morning are getting a little help from our friends. Shawn, there are some great people in that warehouse this morning. Reporter absolutely. Reed, they start early and they are already busy here inside at the warehouse. Where we can see that theres food arriving here that can then be processed into boxes that go out to families a as well as those boxes that are now ready to go out the into the community. And when we talk about the need, it is back at the peak of the pandemic when we say 500,000 families a month. Thats almost the entire population of the city of sacramento. Actually just under the total population of sacramento and its more than everyone in sonoma volunteers. Thats county. Thats why they are working so hard. People come here because they want to volunteer. They want to be here. Reporter for almost 20 years, steve norris not only wanted to be here, but kept coming back to Second Harvest, taking on more responsibilities as a volunteer. Doing okay . Yeah. All right. Everything going all right . Reporter now hes a team leader who helped oversee the packaging of these Fresh Produce boxes. Usually working two shifts day. He first signed up to volunteer as a way to give back to his community. Steve remembers years ago meeting someone while on his way to Second Harvest that reminds him why they do this work day after day. A woman ran up behind me and asked me well, basically she said im a research scientist. A ph. D. Ive been laid off from my job. Im about to be evicted because i cant pay my rent. And i have no food in my refrigerator, can you help me. Reporter while that happened into early into his time as a volunteer, steve knows its still the case today. I think that underscores this can happen just to anyone in our community. Anyone can be in need. Reporter and right now, one in six People Living in san mateo and santa clara counties get food donated from Second Harvest. Half of them are kids or seniors. Each one of your viewers has the opportunity to make a contribution to the community. Only they can answer whether they will or not. And so when we talk about those 25pound boxes, thats for a family of four. Those are sent out every week and just some of the food that they are receiving here from Second Harvest. So as you heard steve say, he is making that call toe action, call out to the community about how you can be involved. Two ways to do that. You can certainly donate your time. And be a volunteer like him. Or you can donate your money and we know organizations like Second Harvest can really stretch that dollar to make sure theyre getting as much food as possible to keep feeding families throughout the community. Guys, back to you. The need is so great. Shawn, i had a chance to sit in some of the call centers of some of the food banks and i have heard the voices that call in with such great need and theres always the answer back. Weve got you. Thats what community is all about. Look at the people. The volunteers working day and night. Right. 6 00 in the morning. Food for so many families. I didnt realize the numbers are staggering how many people need it. Especially post pandemic too. With so many people losing jobs and just trying to get back on track. This is something that no one should ever worry about is putting food on your table. And its nice to see people are doing that. But i feel like we can do more. Yep. As always. We can and we should and we will. Still ahead on the morning edition we just spent four hours in line to get out. Burned at burning man. Why some point blame at the organizers of the counterculture festival. Plus there isnt any dialogue happening. Its pretty much one sided. Its a debate over robo taxis. Message taken right to cruise. And heres a live look outside. Beautiful shot from Treasure Island of the bridge there. We hope you are having a great tuesday morning. Well be right back. Alasaska airlinenes 99 compananion fare means ththat you canan bring your b best friendnd. You knknow, one ofof us isis gonna havave to changn . But were twinnnning . Oh y yay. We cacare a lot. David im david goldberg, a bilingual Elementary School teacher and president of the california teachers association. As we start a new school year, theres something new happening in californias public schools. Jessie theyre called Community Schools. David where parents and families, students and educators are making decisions as one. Damien its a real sense of community. Leslie we saw doubledigit gains in math, in english, and reading scores. David its an innovation thats transforming our public schools. Narrator californias Community Schools reimagining public education. You u know, my f friend funsne wowould have l loved this s t. Narrator californias Community Schools well ourur companionon fare is s just 99 with thehe alaska aiairlines visa card,d, so your r friend canan come a along with h you next t time youre the legeg we cacare a lot welcome back. Lets take a look at this mornings top stories. First Lady Jill Biden tested positive for covid and is staying at the biden home in delaware as a precaution. President biden has tested negative. The president will continue to be tested and monitored while at the white house. News of the first ladys positive test comes days before the president is set to travel to india and vietnam. North Korean Leader kim jongun and russian president Vladimir Putin will meet later this month in russia expected to discuss among other things a fresh supply of weapons to moscow in support of the war against ukraine. Word of the scheduled meeting comes as the Biden Administration has been warning that arms negotiations between north korea and russia are actively advancing. And overnight, crews have been working nonstop to contain an oil and fuel leak coming from a submerged tug boat in the San Joaquin Delta near sacramento. Its happening around the empire tract island which is also known to be a protected wildlife area. Thankfully, as of now no wildlife has been impacted by the leak. Boaters are being urged to avoid the area. Bay area burners at burning man making their way out of being stranded due to the heavy rains and all the mud that came as a result and as jarred hill is about to show you, some festival goers, theyre now blaming the burner organizers for not sending weather updates. Reporter the iconic burning man lit up the nevada sky one day late, marking the end of this years chaotic festival. Thousands are just beginning the long trek out of the desert, packing the only road out. Unexpected heavy rains friday turned the annual counterculture camping experience into a muddy mess, stranding festivalgoers, forcing them to shelter in place and ration supplies. The first days were all fun and games but then it got super real and people were afraid and it was you know, muddy. We just spent four hours in line to get out. Reporter rob lavitski says hes been coming to burning man for two decades. And plans to come again. But he wishes organizers had given more warning about the Weather Forecast ahead of this years gathering. Im mostly prepared for hot desert, dusty wind. Not cold and wet and muddy. Reporter the impassable mud led to a temporary vehicle ban. Portapotties quickly became unusable and some wrapped their feet in plastic while others went barefoot, risking chemical burns from the alkaline mud. I had an amazing time. Would i want to do it again for another three, four days same as the last three, four days . Never. Reporter even in regular years, it can take up to 12 hours to leave burning man. This year, organizers are urging people to stagger their departures as they make the soggy slog out. Yuck. Maybe im too old. Complete disaster that was. Maybe i am too old for that. Look at all that traffic. Thats brutal. No. Mud pies, jess. Mud pies. Ever get invited to a camp im going to be their Weather Forecaster thats my contribution to the team. [ laughter ] maybe next year they can use it. Now lets take a quick look outside. Starting off with our Black Mountain camera. A beautiful sunrise around the corner at 6 43 this morning. In the friends in san rafael around 7 00 a. M. We continue low 50s and cloudy skies but dont worry the sunshine will come out in . Afternoon as the kiddos are coming back from school. Tired though after a long weekend and the first day back. I cant imagine how much theyre not going to want to do their homework this afternoon. Lets take a look at the daytime highs today. Widespread throughout the bay area. Turning into 80s in the inland areas and its a mild day for us today in the Santa Clara Valley. Its a mild day. Even a little bit of a hot day in certain pockets like brentwood at 90 degrees. Ill pick on you guys in a second. Give me one sec. Along the coast and near San Francisco. 60s this afternoon. 80s just as you head north closer to san rafael and novato. Back to the east bay though because in the grand scheme of things your guys temperatures are pretty much handinhand with my hometown las vegas in the 90s this afternoon. So just to put it in perspective, theres a little bit of heat and theres a little bit of High Pressure just out closer to nevada and the four corners. That heat dome continues to warm up and daybyday and notice how it doesnt stretch into the bay area though necessarily even in the thursday forecast. But as we take a look at the six to ten day models, thats when were going to start seeing the heat crank up just a little bit more. And we will notice it here in california. Pretty much widespread anywhere you see orange on this nap above average temperatures. So what does that look like for us . Turning into 90s this weekend. Not too much of a change though. Notice the gradual warming trend into the weekend and we drop back down to below average heading into next week. Thats just pleasanton alone. Redwood city now. 70s for us today and tomorrow even into the thursday forecast. We warm up into the 80s. Thats our big warmup that you see issued by the Climate Prediction Center and we cool back down to near average next week too. No matter pretty much in the bay area. 60s staying 60s along the coast. You guys have the best microclimate forecast for me because its so simple. 60s and cloudy. Gianna. But you said get outside today and maybe skip the homework. I know the kids are listening and loving you right now. Jess. Thats a good idea you know. Sometimes. All right, taking a look at the roadways right now. Getting ready to make that ride through the east bay 880 nimitz freeway is actually one of the bright spots right now. Not seeing a huge issue on the freeways out of the east bay. At least along the nimitz. 5830 is pretty well and where you are going to be seeing the brake lights is that ride towards the bay bridge. And thats where things are really starting to get busy. What a difference a day makes. It was a holiday yesterday. We had hardly any cars for the morning commute across the bay bridge. Busier later on but today we are back to normal as everyone heads back to school and work and you can see all the westbound traffic trying to inch into San Francisco. Metering lights are on and thats certainly a busy commute. Along 80 westbound, they are. In fact they opened up early and caltrans wrapped things up yesterday afternoon. And things are moving along a little slow westbound out of vallejo. Working towards the carquinez bridge but past that point, no delays at all until you get to the bay bridge of course. And thats starting to get a little bit busy there. All right, we are tracking brake lights as well as you work your way out of tracy into the altamont pass. These are our hotspots right now. South bay not bad things are moving along okay there. In fact a closer look at is coming up in the next report. The unofficial Summer Travel season comes to an end after labor day. And this was one for the record books. The tsa says that after this weekend, the summer will set a new air travel record with more than 227 Million People screened at airports since memorial day. And if you were one of those people, taking those flights, chances are you were probably late at least once. 25 of those summer flights had some sort delay averaging about just under an hour. Although its still a week away San Francisco is already closing down streets for dreamforce 2023. For two weeks howard will be completely shut down between 3rd and 4th as one of the biggest conventions takes place in the city in the moscone center. Salesforce Ceo Marc Benioff told the chronicle theres no guarantee it will be back next year if the problems with drug use and homelessness dont improve. That noise you hear blaring out of cruise headquarters could not drown out a group of demonstrators. They were rallying against row bro taxis taking over San Francisco streets. Remember this video here . This is when outside lands was happening last month. About ten Driverless Cars from cruise, well they just completely froze in the roadway. And brought traffic to a standstill. This happened in north beach. Now the company blamed connectivity issues because of the big crowds for outside lands. Then just a couple of days later in the tenderloin, a cruise car collided with a fire truck. That same week, the Fire Department says a pair of cruise cars blocked an ambulance, delaying the patient from getting to the hospital. Sadly that person would later die. Cruise refutes the claims but thats left people asking is the technology really ready . Then theres this question. What happens to the people doing those jobs right now . Jose martinez shows us that was the question front and center at a labor day rally. Reporter its the sound of a popular mexican tv show called el chavo, playing from the inside of this cruise location in soma while members of the alliance for independent workers were rallying outside. Behind this gate here, they have a security post. And they were choosing to be disruptive. Reporter its a frustrating experience for edward escobar, an east bay uber driver whos also the director of this alliance. He organized this protest during labor day to send a message about the fear of robo taxis taking their jobs. You are looking at permanent displacement of many workers. If you are looking at transport workers alone in the state of california, uc berkeley came out with a study and said approximately 600,000 plus transport workers in california alone were going to be displaced. Reporter this protest happened just two weeks after the California Public Utilities Commission approved the expansion of cruise and waymo robo taxi Service Despite the rejection from the Fire Department, citing safety concerns. There isnt any dialogue happening. Its pretty much onesided. Its being dictated by the tech titans. And the cpuc is allowing that to happen. Cruise says it is doing its part by inking deals with local labor unions to install charges facilities like the new one on Caesar Chavez street. Nicole . 6 20 now. The struggle for the giants to get the bats going. Plus we never thought the hip hop would take it this far. Our Community Coming together for a celebration in oakland. We take you inside one of the biggest bay area events. And hey lets go outside right no and see the view looking east from the top of the mark hopkins. What a beautiful morning is on tap for all of us. Look outside and look up. Find five things to be grateful for and you at cretors, we handcraft every batch of our delicious popcorn. Like our cretors cheese and caramel mix. Great on their own, even better together. Try cretors, handcrafted smallbatch popcorn. Welcome back. Lets talk a little sports. The 49 ertz open up the season on sunday in pittsburgh and hoping for a more successful trip than the last one in western pennsylvania. Thankfully its a completely Different Team this go around. Why dont we check in with vern glenn in this mornings red and gold report . Reporter after a seven month offseason, it is finally game week for the 49ers. Get ready for the opener sunday in pittsburgh. Yes, sir. [ laughter ] its about that time. Reporter yeah, it will be the 49ers first trip to the steel city since 2015. Jim tomsula was the coach and they were blown out, 4813, as part of a 511 season. The longest tenured Niner Arik Armstead was a rookie that year and he wasnt interested in going down memory lane. I remember a lot about that day. It wasnt a good day for us. It was going to be amazing atmosphere. You know, they have great fans. Its a football city. So i remember that. The atmosphere is going to be great. And yes, some things i dont want to talk about in that game. They can look at the they can look at the score and see what happened. Reporter with the red and gold report, im vern glenn. It would be really great if nick bosa was on that flight to pittsburgh. Just saying. If you are watching, nick,can we make that happen says 49ers fans please . For real that would be good. Starting the season with two road games and coming back 20 would be really nice for fans. Meanwhile, the giants, well theyve been making a statement. Up and down dh season. Ace logan webb started on mound against the cubs yesterday and for all its worth here he was awesome. Pitched the 20th start of the jeer and went six and twothirds innings allowing three runs on five hits. Unfortunately the cubbies shut out the giants 50. If theyre looking for the coveted wild card playoff spot. Only one month left. That National League would card race is packed. Giants are one game behind one of those spots. But like i said earlier, we are Glass Half Full here. Gianna. So theres 30 somewhere between 30 and 40 theyll make that happen. Im going to be positive. So time is ticking guys lets go. We still have a whole month. Putting the good vibes out there. Hows that . [ laughter ] i think theyre listening. Okay. All right, reed, whats up. We need to put a loud speaker in the locker room to get that motivation. Doing away with your wine . Listen up. Napa. What do you have to say about the french bidding adieu to their sip surplus . And before we head to break taking a live look from santana row in san jose. The lights coming on. Arent you looking good, san jose . Good morning to the guy whos looking down at his phone. Look up. It was a beautiful world out there. Well be right back. All right, so if you stand at the top of mark hop kins and you look north. This is your view. Good morning, everybody. 6 29 in the morning. Grace cathedral down there. We hope a little grace for your day. Im reed cowan. Im nicole zaloumis. So nice to see the sun shining today. A good start to the day when you see the sun and no fog of clouds to slow you down or get in the drive today, jess. Its looking good so far. Yeah, at the surface level its not bad at all. The clouds are still kind of hanging around the coastline. But its not impacting the commute this morning. Its a beautiful start. Back to the workweek and the school week as all the kiddos are heading back after a long weekend. Good luck parents. This is what we have this morning. Beautiful skies and this is actually the Carquinez Strait just in the backgrounds. Little bit of cloud cover in certain pockets. For example pacifica and even San Francisco the marine layer pulling its way back just by lunchtime well still see some cloudy skies near the Golden Gate Bridge into the afternoon. For all of the friends heeding back to school this morning in san rafael were starting off nice and cool. Low 50s in the fox for us to get us started this morning and suddenly sunshine and 70s this afternoon. If they have somehow got energy after school, maybe head to the lowell cal park. Especially up near san rafael. You have the most gorgeous hikes in the region. Take advantage of it especially sometime this week. The forecast for us is relatively mild this week. Even in pacifica. Talking about 50s and partly cloudy skies this morning. For all the kids heading back to school. Were expecting 60s as we head back after work. After school i should say. Today across the bay, were topping off in the 60s along the coast and in the bay but some 80s in the inland areas. More on why thats happening and how warm its going to be later this week coming up. For now over to you, gianna. All right, thank you. Taking a look at the roadways getting ready to ride across the Golden Gate Bridge out of marin county. Good start to the commute. 101 clear both directions into the city. Lets take a look at a different part of 101. Head over into the south bay and say good morning to our commuters out of san jose. Right now you are looking good on the roadways. No delays. In fact, everything is pretty clear. 101, 280. 85 even 17. At least through campbell. Now south of there, we are getting reports of a trouble spot on 17 northbound near the cats but thats well into the Santa Cruz Mountain area. You might see some brake lights there. Reed . Thanks g. Massive manhunt in philadelphia for a convicted killer. Danelo cavalcante escaped the Chester County prison week after he was sentenced to life without parole. He murdered his girlfriend in front of the two children. They have him surrounded in a two mile area near a suburb but the dense woods and tough terrain are really complicating the efforts to capture him. People partying and then all of a sudden the pier collapses. This is madison, wisconsin. 808 people there plunging into the lake. 20 were hurt and everybody is going to be fine though but the students who made that plunge guess what they complained about . They lost their cell phones. And their keys. Hey, your community station in oakland this morning, neighbors near lake merritt are reeling and on edge. One of their own out walking her dog got caught in the middle of a rolling gun battle yesterday. Loud firecrackers like a string of it you know. When you light off a string of firecrackers. And then i saw a woman on the ground. So many people considering their exercise routine this morning at lake merritt knowing the shooter is still on the loose. Is victim is in the hospital stable but critical condition. Well, also in oakland, reed, a group of kids and their coach you want to play football. But they say its too dangerous to do even that. The east bay panthers have a field to play on, in front of a home crowd but instead theyre driving an hour away because of of what theyre afraid will happen in their own neighborhood. Betty yu has their story. Reporter two shootings in one week, in and around Verdese Carter park on 96th avenue in east oakland. Both happened around the same time in the evening when kids with the east bay panthers Football Team were practicing. How many gunshots did you hear . Too many to count. Thats what caught my attention. Because it was a series of just pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. Reporter chad provost was sitting in his car waiting for his 13yearold son carter, wearing the number 3 jersey, to finish practice on august 24th. He said the park was full of people including kids playing basketball. So the coaches and some parents that were in the park literally got all the kids to kind of get down. Extremely frustrated. My son i know hes affected. You know, hes a little bit different. Reporter Oakland Police said while they found evidence of a shooting, they didnt find any victims. Then last week, coach and Athletic Director leroy jones said he told kids to get down on the ground as more than 100 gunshots rang out at the park. Opd said several homes and cars were hit by gunfire. And it was horrible. People with masks came up on the park. And another group of people, adults, came on motorcycles and started shooting up the park. Reporter luckily no one was injured. But the team and parents were so terrified this past weekend, the east bay panthers were bused to play in santa rosa for what would have been a home game. I know a lot of our kids are traumatized. Theyre ptsd, a lot of them are losing sleep. The parents are terrified to even drop their kids off now at practice. Reporter leroy said he wants opd to increase patrols in the area. I dont feel like the Oakland Police department has done anything to secure these kids safety, for the kids to have a place to practice. What we offer is getting the kids off the streets so they dont turn into these people that are shooting. For someone thats born and raised here, you can tell its worse. I mean, i dont even allow my children to walk to the Grocery Store thats near us. When i was growing up, i would walk to a corner store that was in our neighborhood all the time. Their next practice is today and theyve been trying to reach out to other cities and teams in neighboring towns to use their fields. But no luck so far. Theyre hoping someone will come through for them by tonight. And i mentioned earlier in the show maybe the roots could help them out a little by you know. There is also a couple of colleges nearby that could help or some high school fields. I think its such a great idea and i think we will see kiddos get a place to play that is safe by the end of the night. Im going to manifest that. Me the. They deserve that. Theyre doing a great thing coming together and sports is what i love about it. Brings people together in a positive way and the kids need a place to play. Imagine being parent dropping your child off at the park. Stressful scary. Vallejo is making a name for itself in the housing market. Were going to hear from a local realtor to explain why the city is leading the nation. Plus its shocking that im having this reaction. For somebody i have never met. The passing of Jimmy Buffett being felt far and wide. The music icons impact right here in the bay area. And the market opened up just about seven minutes ago. Remember, the day off yesterday. And things are down as we take a quick check on the big board. Before we head to break heres whats coming up on cbs mornings. Good morning San Francisco. Good to see you. Heres whats coming up on your favorite morning show cbs mornings. The u. S. Open, its heating up as the quarterfinals get under way later today. Well take a look at the resurgence of american tennis players like koa cogaffe. Shes a superstar. Plus behind the scenes look at the festivallike atmosphere for all the tournament goers. Why the Summer Travel season may be over. The end of Year Holidays do you know theyre right around the corner already . If you want to save money well show you why now may be the time to book that trip. And comedian Taylor Tomlinson is live in studio to talk to us about the new tour which headlines at new york citys ic heres why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes s with a buiuiltin searg but it doeoesnt spy o on yourc and ouour browser r blocks cry ads that f follow you u around and otother compananies. Anand its freree. Downloaoad k welcome back. Time now for the money watch report. New moms and dads, check your highchairs. Tome is recalling more than 85,000 of their boon flair and boon flair elite highchairs due to a fall hazard. The Consumer Products Safety Commission says the bolts that connect the seat to the base can become loose causing the chair to detach. There have been reports of 24 falls with 11 injuries. Mainly just bruises. But still quite a scare. Owners should stop using the highchairs immediately and contact tome for a free repair kit. House hunters, theres a new hotspot. A recent study zyzzyvaly hoe leads the nation when it comes to home selling for over asking price. Dominic garcia caught up with a local realtor to find out why. Reporter if you ask tim how the Real Estate Market is in vallejo. Not the norm. You know, to were defining a new norm. Reporter tim is the owner of Napa River Realty and wasnt surprised by a new study is that shows homes in vallejo are being sold over list price more often than any other metro area in the u. S. We have two San Francisco terry terminal. Reporter that means people pouring in either from out of state or other high priced parts of california. Pockets here, people are getting just a great value. I mean its a great value coming here. You can get a lot of home for the money. And people are seeing the, you know, the opportunities of what they can do here. They put it on the market for 680,000 and i sold it for 723,000. 50 people showed up at my open house. Reporter in addition to that, tim says issues in some surrounding areas have people looking for a change of scenery. San francisco, i think people are pretty just you know, politics aside, i think they just disappointed with so many of the things that have happened with nordstrom closing and you know the highway to crime. Et cetera. Theyre looking for new areas in which to get involved. Reporter tim has lived in the area for decades and has seen how its changed. And with his new attention hes happy to share the citys story. I dont know, you can probably tell im a big fan of vallejo. And for as much criticism as San Francisco has been getting, it ranked second in the same study. Homes in the city are selling for over 31,000 above asking and san jose was fourth behind rochester, new york. And last on the list was key west, florida with homes selling for next to 44,000 below asking. Winos, listen up. France has too much wine and knewer people are drinking it. The its getting more costly to produce the worlds most famous wines and harder for wine makers to turn a profit. The french government is going to spend 216 million to destroy it. Distilling 80 million gallons of surplus wine into pure alcohol. The alcohol will then be used for products like cleaning supplies and perfume. I dont know about you guys but on the weekends i just exude the scent of wine. Just comes out of my pores every weekend. That is your perfume. Maybe they should some this way instead of destroying so much. Chardonnay behind the ears. Jess, a chardonnay or merlot perfume. The stations address actually. Totally willing to say that on air right now. All right a quick look outside right now. From our Salesforce Tower cam you know what this means when we can see it . The marine layer is not too bad over the city of San Francisco right now. Still over the waters though and some of us seeing sunny skies and some of us not so much. Official sunrise is actually right now. Take a look outside and you see the beautiful conditions for pockets like san jose, fremont even over into concord we can still see it. By lunchtime it pulls back along the coast and sunny skies pretty much everywhere except the coastline. Lets head over to pleasanton real fast. This morning, for all the kids heading back to school after a three day weekend, oh, the best when you are in school. Were waking up to the 50s for our bus stop forecast. Later into this afternoon, were going to be seeing sunny skies and 80s in sight. And speaking of 80s thats pretty much the forecast everywhere throughout the Santa Clara Valley this afternoon. The weather is very mild for us this week and im not complaining, were expecting 90s near brentwood and upper 80s near fairfield. 60s along the coast from Stinson Beach down into San Francisco. Lets take a quick look at that into perspective. You saw some 90s off near brentwood right . Also near vegas and fresno. Handinhand with some places throughout the southern california. The Southwest Region even. But i say this. That heat dome thats warming them up is trying so hard that High Pressure is trying to stretch its way towards us. Its kind of struggling for the next couple of days this is all the way into thursday we go. Look at that warm temperature that theyre seeing over there. Really not getting too much of it until we look at the six to ten day models. Notice that gradual warming trend into this weekend and then it drops off fast next week. Pockets like pleasanton. 80s for now and 90s into this weekend. And then were right back down to below average temperatures heading into next week. Brentwood city a very similar trend. Turning right back into 70s heading into the next weeks forecast. You kind of can see the 7 day forecast stay mild for us. And its beautiful. I mean this is the best weather to really take advantage of local outdoor bay area activities. I mean it. I mean sunshine along the inland areas and some cloudy conditions along the coast with upper 60s. Were expecting 70s and 80s in the north bay. And even into the Santa Clara Valley this afternoon. Now over to you g. All right, sounds good. Yes enjoy the beautiful day. Getting ready to hop in the cars, you have a couple of things to look out for. Definitely busy at the bay bridge toll plaza. Metering lights are on. And it is officially game on for anyone making the ride over into the city. We are tracking some brake lights. But no crashes in and around this area. So thats a plus. Its just a lot of people back to work today after the long holiday weekend. All right, taking a look at traffic elsewhere. A live look here at conditions out of the east bay. This is the nimitz freeway knottier from the coliseum. And traffic is moving okay through here. Now south of here, thats where you are going to see a lot of brake lights on 880 from hayward down into union city. Fremont, things are certainly goat ago little bit crowded there and that will affect the drive maybe headed to the san mateo bridge this morning. So if you are grabbing that cup of coffee, grab it and get going. If you are taking that southbound 880 commute things are going to be a little bit slow there out of Castro Valley into the area. San mateo bridge, definitely a little slow also working westbound. Some brake lights there as well for anyone making the trek over to 101. On 101 actually moving okay with no brake lights or issues as you head along the peninsula. Thats a look at the morning drive. It is 6 47. And over the weekend, we learned about the passing of singer Jimmy Buffett and millions of fans are mourning and paying their respects. The beloved artist passed away on saturday from a rare form of cancer called mirkle cell. Theres also an appreciation of the gift hes given to the people with his tales from margaritaville. Heres john ramos with the story. Reporter perhaps its fitting that Jimmy Buffett should die at the beginning of a three day weekend. It gives people an extra day off work to party. But linda sordall doesnt feel much like celebrating. Im numb. Its very surreal to me. Its shocking that im having this reaction for somebody i have never met. People knew that it was not normal for this man to pass and that this reaction i dont think anybody expected the reaction that were all having. Reporter to love the music is to love the man. And linda fell hard. Becoming a member of a local chapter of the parrotheads in paradise fan club. Shes attended more than 100 of jimmys concerts, including his final big one in san diego just this may. Jimmy got on stage and he was a little out of breath. But he was having fun and you could see it. And that made us feel like oh, hes going to be okay. Thats thats the shocking part of it. Reporter jimmy succumbed to a deadly form of skin cancer. Maybe if he had spent his life in an office instead of out in the sun, he would still be living, but he wouldnt have had the same life and it was how he lived life that became an inspiration to millions of hard working people who dreamed of calling in sick and hopping on a sailboat. Cbs Commentator Bill flanagan was a close friend and said it was no act. I dont think i ever knew anyone with more positive life force. Even when he was in treatment for cancer this last year, jimmy would come out of the hospital and instead of resting like he was supposed to, he would jump on one of his planes and fly across the country to play a show. Reporter but it wasnt all fun and games. In 1983, jimmy told a very young David Letterman that he wrote his hit come monday about waiting to play a show in San Francisco on labor day weekend. This is a song that kept me from killing myself in the Howard Johnsons in marin county. I was in a Howard Johnsons under Mount Tamalpais and i in marin county and i wrote this song and it hit and the rest was history. The songs he writes about being friends and the songs he writes about slowing down and enjoying the moment and the songs he writes about growing old. Theres just songs that hit us that way. When the world goes wrong, there is always a Jimmy Buffett song hell be so missed. Reporter he told us its okay to play hooky from work, to go have fun. And even if we knew we couldnt, we knew he was out there doing it for us. Well, despite never having a number one album which is surprising. Jimmy buffett had been one of most popular touring musicians in the world. His biggest single didnt come until 2003 with his cameo appearance on Alan Jacksons its 5 00 somewhere and always going to think of him now when its 5 00 somewhere. Right . Uhhuh. You know, heres the fun fact about Jimmy Buffett. He was actually a journalist before he became an artist. Really . I know. Well, it was for billboard board. Wasnt like you know reed and the suit delivering the morning news. But that would be kind of cool if he had his rolled up sleeves. For sure. And you know that song come monday you can see marin county in the lyrics. You can see the landscape rising up through the words. This morning we salute Community Members who are advocatinger for their own in the wake of anchor brewing closing after nearly 130 years in business. Good morning to the friends in san jose. With foxtail fermentation project releasing their ale to show support for anchor brewing. Its a beer collaboration with San Franciscos anchor union group. Even though you know, one brewery falls doesnt mean that we all cant stand behind them. And support them. So the goal is really just about the workers and their mission to continue doing what they do making great beer. All right. And this may not be a one off we understand. Foxtail fermentation project wants to see other breweries rally and part of that is theyre going to share the recipe of this solidarity beer with other breweries. After being closed for the past three years San Franciscos oldest drag bar bouncing back. The owners of the stud say they found a new spot on folsom street. By the way that location used to be an old sports bar but after some planning and some renovations, theyll be adding a new stage and dressing rooms in time for the fair. The goal is to open this winter so theyll get the excitement during the fair. And then say hey, join us in december. Gianna . Sounds like a plan. All right. From San Francisco to oakland. Hier oday in oakland is a labor day tradition and its one of the biggest bay area events that highlights newsic and community and culture. This year was even more special with the celebration of 50 years of hip hop. Jocelyn moran has the story. 50 years of being able to say man, we never thought that hip hop would take it this far. Reporter mr. F. A. B. Was among the artists at this years 11th annual hiero day in oakland honoring 50 years of hip hop as well as 30 years of 93 til infinity, hop hip group souls of mischiefs first album. Tajai massey was one of the founding members. Just seeing that everybody is celebrating hip hop and treating it how it should be treated rather than as this street art form and also finally started in the street, you know. Its a great thing. So its reporter the celebration featured live music, vendors and community. People we talked to, people who are from here, say this is what oakland is about. We love being black. Proudly. Oakland is proud. Reporter andrea wash has been celebrating hiero day for years. We are here celebrating the good vibes and all that it brings to the community. Its like hip hop is a culture that brings everybody together. Reporter shes not lying. You could see it. You could feel it. You know, oakland hip hop is in my eyes always often underlooked and underappreciate d by the rest of the world. But one thing about oakland, we have so much pride that weve never let it be forgotten. Stop playing with us. Reporter and with all the challenges that the city of oakland is facing, people who know oakland say this is the part people may not always see. Focus more on the positive and this is the side of oakland that were the most proud about. Just i think the concept that community is only where were going to make it through any of this. I mean, as a perfect way to wrap up that story. Community is the only way were going to make it through any of this and music is community. It is. I didnt know the day existed. You guys looked it up. So cool. We wanted to see what the name means and its a consortium that congresses out of oakland. A rap group. By the way, if your name is mr. Fab, how can you ever have a bad day . Every time right. He is doing a ton in that community. Really is. All right, jessica, what is the latest on this tuesday weather . You know, mild across the bay area but grab the benadryl and the tissues if you are sensitive to allergies like i am. Were going to be in the medium to high category for the top allergens for hahaving diabebetes can rarae a a lot of queuestions. Likeke my mornining ride. Will i it help lowower my gluc . With thehe freestylele libre e 2 system you can knknow where your glulucose levelel is and d where itss headed. Wiwithout fingngersticks. Manage youour diabeteses with m more confididence anand lower yoyour a1c. Asask your dococtor aboutt the frfreestyle lilibre 2 syst. Now wiwidely coverered by medide for patienents managining diababetes with h insulin. Visit freestylylelibre. Us s medicare toto learn morore. Every bubusiness deserves a a great deaeal. Visit freestylylelibre. Us s medicare thats whyhy comcast b busins is lauaunching thehe mobile m made free e event. With ourur businesss ininternet, nenew and exisisg cucustomers cacan geget one yearar of unlimimd momobile for f free. Its our b best internrnet. Powered byby the nextt geneneration 10g0g network ad wiwith 99. 9 r reliabilityt. Plus one l line of freree momobile for a an entire y y. Itss the mobilile made fre eveventhappenening now. Get t started fofor jujust 49. 99 9 a month. Plusus, ask how w to get onene line of f unlimited d mobil. Comcast t business,s, poweriring possibibilities. Okay, lets get you moving on the freeways this morning. It is 6 58. So if you need to be to at work in the next 30 minutes, the bay bridge get going. Because its busy. Its about 20 minute drive from the maze to the city. And its slow and go thats because a lot of people are back to work and back to school today. But heres the good news. All lanes are now open on 80 westbound. So if you are making that ride out of vallejo over into that highway 4 area, hercules, everything is moving along just fine there. So good news there for commuters. Well, have you ever wondered what the dog does when you are not around . This dogs name is storm and snuck out of the opener sofi stadium in los angeles and guess what . Into a metallica show. They even posted about it. The owner saw the social media post and swept and retrieved themutt. That is my kind of dog. Apparently the dog lives nearby. So he is used to it. This is his jam. Season tickets. Season tickets. Thats right and you know one of their songs is called spit out the bone. Maybe the dog has a grudge about the song. Maybe. We invite you to stay with us right after this newscast on our sister station, pix 44 cable 12. And our streaming service, cbs news bay area. Next at 7 00 when people ask them later all of a sudden your first concert theyre going to be able to say it was beyonce. It was with my mom. Beyonce hosts her final show of her renaissance tour and were there to bring you the bonding moments across generations during an extra special celebration right here in california. So much of my instagram feed has been beyonce. Stay right here, cbs mornings and coming up next and well see you over on pix . Beon is that gram. Have a great day

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