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Bay area. She is here now with their story. Ann . Reporter you know the old policy, dont ask, dont tell it was repelled back in 2010. Those that were discharged are still carrying those less than honorable discharges. Today, denying them the full spectrum of benefits including va lone loans and jobs. They claim the failure to correct this ongoing case. We come from a line ever heroes . I wanted to be a hero, too. Joining the navy is something that they always knew they wanted to do. When i was in cub scouts, i loved having a uniform on and i loved the flag and all of the things that you know, are all of the signs that somebody is going to grow up and join the military. Reporter joining the military in 1998 at 19 years old they were stationed on the lincoln. When i first got there, you know, people knew that i was they imheu i knew i was lbgtq but they did not speak about it. That is how it was in the navy. Reporter until they were flagged. Woe were just about to go on a world tour. They wanted everyone off of the crew that were undesirable. Reporter a year after joining, discharged, military papers known as dd214, identifying them as homosexual after finding magazines in their locker advertising gay clubs. I had somebody from above me in the chain of command telling me i am not worthy. That did not make sense to me, i know that i am. Reporter they found 35,000 vets were kicked out due to their sexuality, less than 1400 had their discharges changed. Every time they have to show that document they are essentially outed involuntarily. Even if they just keep their private lives to themselves they have no choice when they are asked for the dd214 to access so many different opportunities that veterans receive. I mean imagine if it was on your drive license t is ridiculous. They are talking about the changes inadequate, and forces veterans to relive the trauma of their discharge carrying the burden of proving discrimination to the very institution that discriminated against them. Former secretary of defense oversaw the repeal of dont ask, dont tell in 2011. He says at the time there was not a lot of thought about those who already had been discharged. In an interview last february he said it is time to change that. I really feel that in order to be true to what we try to do by getting rid of dont ask dont tell it is not just about the future it is about making sure that we correct the past. Reporter the lawsuit was filed in u. S. District court here in northern california. It is not seeking monetary damages, instead it asks the Defense Department to systemically upgrade the veterans discharge papers and remove all indicators of Sexual Orientation instead of placing it on the veteran to apply for it themselves. The. The military is able to do extraordinary things we are asking to change a piece of paper. There is a hole inside of me that is still not filled because it is a place where i left close to my heart for my country. Reporter they believe their country will come through and leave no Service Member behind. Pentagon spokesperson says the department does not pend on an investigation but stood by the existing discharge upgrade process saying that review boards continue to strive to finalize 90 of all cases within 10 months. Sara . Thank you very much for that report. We genuinely appreciate that. Now, to San Francisco, a piece of lbgtq history that shutdown during the pandemic is set to reopen at a new location. The owners of the stud announced they signed a new location three blocks away. It was the oldest gay bar. The owners are still raising money to renovate the new location and hope to reopen by the end of winter. Unions are flexing their muscles this labor day. Thousands of Health Care Workers rallied in oakland as part of a statewide day of action. The unions are currently negotiating contracts with kaiser and prime health. The workers say they are sounding the alarm on problems with patient care because they are under staffed. Right now we are having a staffing issue where a lot of people are not getting the care that is needed. The wait room is six to eight hours. The moral for Health Care Workers is low. We are being ignored. Our request for extra care to get to our patients is being ignored in the form of staff it is ignored. We are not being respected. In a statement kaiser told us they have taken steps to support workers and their families the company says it hired more than 29,000 new employees in 2022 and will hire more than that this year despite industrywide staffing challenges we have, so far, not heard back from prime. Things turned tense down in hollywood where 23 Health Care Workers were arrested after staging a sit in at a kaiser hospital. The Police Declared it unlawful assembly. They were cited for civil disobedience. In San Francisco, labor day protest over robo taxi safety. They rallied outside of the driverless car company, cruise. We are not against tech. Benefits the few at the expense of many. The protest comes on the heels of the latest controversy. Reports that two cruise cars blocked an ambulance in San Francisco delaying the trip. The patient in that ambulance died soon after arriving at the hospital. Now, cruise disputes the claim saying that the ambulance had a clear path to pass. The roll out was extremely premature. No impact studies done on society. What is going to happen as far as safety, we are seeing that. In the news. So, demonstrators had a lot of concerns. They basically say this amounts to the privatization of Public Transportation and that there are issues that have not been addressed like liability. And kind of an interesting moment to point out there. At one point music was blaring from inside cruise headquarters and it was drowning out the protesters. The music did eventually stop after organizers talked with cruise security. Estimated 320,000 American Workers taken part in some kind of strike this year. It looks like hot labor summer is not slowing down any time soon. Hollywood writers are in their fifth month of their strike. In july they were joined by members of the screen actors guilt and soon actors for video games could join it. 26,000 American Airline flight attendants authorized a strike if a deal is not reached and more than 400,000 autoworkers are threatening to walk off of the job in the next two weeks. Now, we turn to oakland where an innocent bystander is injured during a shooting. The police think it was some kind of rolling gun battle between two cars and a woman got caught in the cross fire of that. Someone that lives nearby says it is the first time he has seen Something Like that happen like this on his street i was talking to someone just now and saying this is not indicative of our neighborhood. Things happen. But no, this is normally a quiet neighborhood. So far no arrests have been made. A smoother ride ahead for drivers in Contra Costa County a big update from caltrans. The burning man exodus after people were trapped. We will show you how celebrity burners managed to escape early. Fog confined to the coast. Temperatures for this labor day holiday, very comfortable for early september. 60s, 70s, 80s, no 90s on the map compare that to a year ago. Details coming up i every bubusiness deserves a a great deaeal. Thats whyhy comcast b busins is lauaunching thehe mobile m made free e event. 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Cashback on everything y you by with chahase freedomom unlimd wiwith no annunual fee. How do y you cashbacack . Chase. Make morore of whatts you. The bridge is back open at this hour, 12 hours before its scheduled hour. Caltrans was able to open all lanes of interstate 80 after major upgrades including repaving. Taking a live look outside as people are returning back home from their long labor day weekend, not so bad out there. No major traffic back ups in those shots to speak of. But, this is a different situation. This is a serious, serious traffic back up. Thousands of people are trying to make their long trek back home from burning man after being trapped by mud. Look at the long line of trailers and cars trying to leave nevadas black rock desert. We heard from a celebrity who actually managed to get out of this. Reporter the exodus out of the way. The sunshine is the savior, drying the mud enough for tires to grip not sink impossible to function and move around. A lot of struggling people in what became very cold, very stormlike conditions, peoples tents and entire camps became pretty much destroyed more than 70,000 people were basically trapped for days. Burning man. Waterman. Reporter trapped in this makeshift desert city that pops up in nevada every year around labor day filled with campers and creators, fun lovers and those with their freak flags flying, it is in the man, burning. We planned on leaving right after the burn, saturday night. And, then it started raining on us. Everybody took our shoes off, danced in the mud. It was create and then the reality sunk in we could not leave. Reporter chris rock and other celebrities decided to take the only uncomfortable exit available got a jacket on and we started walking. We walked about three hours in the mud. He was happy. It was me, i think Cindy Crawford walked with us, austin butler, it was a challenge. Honestly one of the highlights of the whole trip. Reporter thousands stuck it out. Many embracing selfreliance that surrounds this festival i was waiting for the looting. I thought that would have been great. Nah. Really beautiful when you go to the camps. Everyone was helping each other out burning man, raining man, suck it up, stick it out. I had my rv here and all of my other camp mates have rvs or rental trucks or things like that. Getting those out was basically impossible. Sure you could of walked out. What would i do with all of my stuff . All of this chaos caused by less than an inch of rain. Slightest bit of rain makes everything slick. You walk around, your feet, you have five pounds of mud on the feet. I am surprised to see you made it back from that. You know me so well. That seems like your scene. No. No, no, no, no, no, 70,000 people . 70 is too many. I saw the portapotty shower set up. It was a hard no for me. Not only you saw the people going through the mud for mile that is uncomfortable enough. But the traffic is anxiety inducing for me to even look at that looks like just a nightmare it is not unheard of for the downpours to happen it just happened at exactly in that spot when there were so many people there. Everything coming together exactly wrong. For us a damp start to the weekend. Labor day, managed to dry things out, warm things up, back to normal temperatures tomorrow. The ripples in the atmosphere, spinning away off of the coast of northern california. Sliding off to the east. We will settle into pretty much a typical september weather pattern. More of a warm up at the tail end of the sevenday forecast. The longrange out looks are hinting at warmer temperatures sticking around. I think we will be riding the roller coaster like we have all summer the 610 out look, both show a rather weak signal towards above average temperatures as we get passed the midpoint of september. We will see how it shakes out. Short term, almost exactly normal temperatures, the good news, once the air quality improved late thursday night it stayed good for the rest of the weekend and now as we head through the rest of this week. Future cast keeps the surface level smoke. The winds from the south and the southeast and the midlevels pushing the smoke far the far level to the north. Air quality once again tomorrow, in the good category. Across the board. Nice to be the bearer of good new when it comes to air quality issues. Santa clara, black mountain, temperatures, a mix of 60s, 70s, 80s, 83 degrees right now in concord that is by wide margin. I wonder if it is an outdated sensor. Livermore, 75 degrees in santa rosa. Down in the 60s in san jose, oakland, San Francisco, they stayed in the 60s all day again today. The fog will spread back out heading through the rest of tonight. Even into the inland valleys to begin the day on tuesday. It backs up quickly. Plenty of sunshine as we head through the rest of the morning and the rest of the day along the coast. You see the sun breaking through midday. Swirls you on of the coast. And sunshine along with the rest of the bay area. Temperatures tonight, dropping down to the middle to upper 50s in most spots, cool locations, dropping down to the lower 50s. Free airconditioning once again tonight. Highs tomorrow, within a degree or two of what is average on either side of the normal high temperatures, 70s around the bay, mostly 80s inland, 60s along the coast. In pacific and halfmoon bay. Down to the peninsula. The south end of the bay, lower to middle 80s. Santa clara valley, 80s. The delta, even the hottest spots getting up to just short of 90 degrees. 70 in San Francisco, lower to middle 70s. Until you go farther inland. Just the hottest spots approaching 90 degrees. Temperatures warm up farther downtheline. Just to the middle 70s in San Francisco by sunday and monday. Back up close to 80 degrees in oakland by the latter half of the weekend and next week. North bay heats up more. Back to the lower 90s. Santa clara valley, topping out in the upper 80s to finish the weekend and head into the second full week of september. Of course, hot spots will be hotter but no extreme heat in sight. We are keeping the hottest locations below 100 degrees we are doing okay. The temperatures certainly tolerable for this time of the year. We will see the temperatures along the coast staying in the 60s heading through the week and into the weekend. Sara . All right, paul, thank you very much. As the 49ers prepare for their Season Opener an update on the star player who salonpas, makers of f powl painin relief papatches for 89 y years. Believes i in continuouous improvemenent. Like roundnded cornersrs ththat resist t peeling, with an arraray of a active ingrgredients. And sizes to relieve your pain. Salolonpas. Its g good medicicine. [bones cracking] tensnse music one e aleve workrks all dayy so i can keep working mymy magic. Just one a aleve. 12 hours of uninteterrupted pain relelief. Alaleve. Whwho do you t take it foro . My late fatherinlaw lit up a room, but his visionon dimmeded with age. E. Hehe had amd. I dididnt know w it then, but t it can prorogress to g, an a advanced foform of t the diseasese. His struruggle withh vivision loss s from amd mamade me wantnt to help y u see e warning sisigns of ga. Like strtraight linenes that seem w wavy, blurrrry, or missingng visual spspotst makeke it hard t to see faces likeke this one,e, or trorouble with h low light ththat makes d driving at t nt a realal challengege. If youve e been diagngnosed h amamd and notitice vision n ch, dont wawait. Ga is irrereversible. Its importanant to catch it ear. Talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at gawontwait. Com less than a week away from the 49ers opening game. Everyone is getting excited buying their beer and supplies for those watching at home. But nick bosa is still not with the team. They are still negotiating a contract for the defensive player of the year. Vern glenn joins us now, what is going to happen here . Well, lets talk about the players that are here. Bosa is a matter of time, we know that. After a seven month off season it is finally the nfl regular season week one. Now, you think the 49ers are excite about this opener . Yes, sir about that time [ laughter ] gets me every time. Sunday will be the 49ers first trip to the steelers since 2015. Sulo was the coach and they were blown out in pittsburgh 4813. Part of a 511 season. Now, the longest current tenured niner was a rookie then and he was not interested in going down memory lane. I remember a lot of it, not a good day for us. It will be amazing atmosphere. Have great fans, really, football, football city. So, i remember that, the atmosphere is going to be great. Yes, things i dont want to talk about in that game. They can look at the score and see what happened. All right. 10 00 a. M. Sunday, all right, now, we get raiders broncos right here on kpix. Nice it all starts this thursday night, the super bowl champion Kansas City Chiefs host the detroit lions. Whoa i know you are excited. I will get my fantasy lineup ready to go. Not sure how i will figure it out. I will google it. A celebration of hip hop and community. The oaklan postmenopapausal womenen wiwith hr herer2 metastaticic breast cacancer arare living l longer withth ki. Soso, long livive family t t. Long live e dreams. And d long live e you. Kisqsqali is a p pill proven to help women live longer when taken with an aromatase inhibitor. And kisqali helps preserve quality of life. So youre notot just liv, youre living g well. Kikisqali can n cause lungng prs or a an abnormalal heartbeat which h can lead t to death. It can cauause seriousus skin r reactions, liver proboblems, and d low we blblood cell c counts thatat may resulult in severe e infectionsns. Avavoid grapefefruit during t treatment. Tell y your doctoror right awy if you havave new or wororsening symymptoms, including g breathing g probl, cocough, chestst pain, a changege in your h heartb, didizziness, y yellowing of t the skin oror eyes, darkrk urine, titiredness, loss of f appetite, abdomen p, bleeeeding, bruiuising, fever,r, chills, oror other symymptoms of an infefection, a severe o or worsenining r, are or p plan to bececome pregn, or breastftfeeding. Long l live hugs a and kisse. Ask k about kisqsqali. And long l live life. The lead singer of the band smash mouth died [music] [music] harwell passed away at his home near boise, idaho. He was 56 years old in oakland, some spent the day at a celebration enjoying 30 Live Performances in downtown [music]. It is a hip hop Music Block Party featuring people from all over the bay area. The music event showcases under ground hip hop across three stages t started back in 2012 and now a staple event in the oakland community. Thank you very much for watching, the news continues at 8 00 on pix plus. We will see you back here at 11 00 alasaska airlinenes 99 compananion fare means ththat you canan bring your b best friendnd. You knknow, one ofof us isis gonna havave to changn . But were twinnnning . Oh y yay. We cacare a lot. You know, my friend funshine would have loved this trip. Well our companion fare is just 99 with the Alaska Airlines visa card, so your friend can come along with you next t time youre the legeg we cacare a lot announcer its time to play family feud give it up for steve harvey [cheering and applause] [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve ladies, welcome to the show. Welcome

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