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So far of the season. I am sure you have felt it. Here is a live look at our Treasure Island camera with mostly sunny skies. Mid50s for many of us across our region. As we look to the rest of our afternoon, the daytime highs, mid to upper 60s to about 60 degrees. Cool, below average by 10 degrees. As we take you hour by hour, you can see the sunshine as we head through the rest of the afternoon. For tomorrow, a coldstart for the day. We have a freeze warning that will be in effect for the north bay and interior valleys. The Positivity Rates in many, many states, in most cases we are seeing a Record Number of cases and transmission in this country and we are seeing states with transmission and Positivity Rates that put them in the high teens, 20, 30, some cases, 40 positivity races. It has raised some alarm. I want to jump in and give you the latest here in our state. As you can see, our case numbers have been trending up as well. The seven day average of 5889, the number of tested positive for covid19. Yesterday, the number came in over 7000. 7212. That number was familiar for six weeks ago but since the early part of october where we were able to get those numbers down below 3000, we have not seen the average of seven days above 5800 in quite some time. Lets take a look at the Positivity Rate. You can see the Positivity Rate with the number of people who are tested and those who have tested positive. The Positivity Rate is at 3. 7 . I should note on october 19, not too long ago, when i made a presentation, the Positivity Rate over a 14 day period was 2. 5 . 2. 5 , october 19 when we provided you this information now at 3. 7 . The last three plus weeks we have started to see not just the average number of people testing positive go up but also the Positivity Rate go up. I will remind you why i make that point and make that distinction. We are not ashamed of testing people. Quite the contrary. We want to see more tests. You can see 143,711 is the average number of tests we are conducting on a daily basis. By the way, yesterday was just shy of 194,000 tests. We are getting close to 200,000 tests. That would be close to a Record Number of tests that is aided by this new state lab that we announced just a week or so ago. That lab is just getting up. Just a few thousand tests being conducted a day cumulatively since the lab opened. That state lab would provide at peak upwards of 150,000 additional daily tests additive to the existing protocols that are already in place in terms of testing availability. Nonetheless, we have seen the average number of daily tests go up. When youre testing at this level, we anticipate seeing more cases but it is the Positivity Rate that we track with points of obvious concern, percentage of people that are testing positive. It gives us a sense of what is really happening. 3. 7 , 14 day Positivity Rate in this state. Hospitalizations, not surprisingly, we have been tracking this. We have been previewing this as well for number of weeks now as we started to see a rate of decline begin to mitigate. We have started to see some stabilization in hospitalizations. A few weeks ago, we started to see some increases in the total number of patients with covid19 in our hospital system. As you can see here over the last 14 day period, decreased 28. 6 . That trend line continues up. I will give you a sense of what that means to a total system capacity. 4 of our total Healthcare System capacity. I want to put that number in perspective. We can run headlines on case rates but the more important number is positivity. We can run with headlines as it relates to new cases that have entered in our Healthcare System but i think capacity is the area of focus for us. Capacity, we have been building. Capacity, we have been focused on. 4 of our entire Healthcare System capacity now has covid 19 patients. Lets take a look at icus in the state. Those are also tracking back up. 27. 3 percent increase in the number of total icu admissions over a 14 day period. Thats take a look at what that means in terms of our Critical Care capacity throughout the state. It is about 11 of the total number of icu beds and those that are available in our system. We still have over 20,000 ventilators available. 20,390 in the state. These slides are familiar. These slides are important. These slides will become even more important as we move back indoors as people begin to mix outside of their households, as we see these winter temperatures increase. The likelihood of people coming into our system with respiratory issues, with related few symptoms, this twindemic we are all anticipating into the winter months. Obviously, sobering, these numbers. Again, the total capacity we have built out, the ability to test the substantially greater than it was just a few weeks ago let alone a few months ago and the ample inventory of over 500 Million Masks and other related ppe is significant and that number of n95 masks, surgical masks, is unprecedented in terms of our total storage of our system. All of that, in addition to what the Healthcare Delivery system is providing directly for themselves, what the hospitals are procuring directly , our State Hospital support, the state inventory and individual clinics and throughout the entire system is substantially greater than it was in the beginning of this pandemic. Just trying to give you an overview of how we have prepared in anticipation for what we refer to in this state as a second wave and has been referred to as the third wave. It is simply semantics. One of the most important things we focus on and certainly all of you focus on is looking forward to tuesdays when dr. An update on our tiered status. Number weeks back we came up with these four tears. Purple, the most restricted tier. The yellow tier is the least restrictive. We have made tremendous progress since we began to socialize this new tiered status. I anticipate tomorrow you will hear from dr. Galli that we will see more restrictive tearing based upon case rates that have begun to increase. We look at places like mono county, alpine, shasta counties, you are starting , yo see the effective rate growing. You are starting to see case rates growing. I anticipate without previewing too much detail on mondays, we get all of the data and we work through differences of opinion in some cases or just making sure that we are all aligned with local Health Offices in terms of the veracity of the data and the transparency of it before we release that information. Tomorrow at noon, we will get that information from dr. Galli but anticipate that we will see some counties moving backwards, not forwards. This is exactly why we designed the tier status the way we did. It is about being more and less restrictive not based upon political whim but based upon the data, based upon the epidemiology, based upon the facts on the ground and again, based upon local conditions in the 58 counties throughout the state of california. The system is working as it was designed. More on that tomorrow. You can get a sense here aced on the current tiered status, now, 48 counties that are out of the most restrictive tier and more progress made into the red and orange counties last week. Tomorrow is a very important day for hundreds of millions of americans. Not an exaggeration of all. Hundreds of millions of americans, the prospect of california the texas. The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments to eventually strike down the Affordable Care act. Carotid ministration and washing bc is advocating that the Affordable Care act be struck down. As a consequence, we, in california are vulnerable to a decision in adjudication of that case which will be a number of months away but 6. 1 million californians with preexisting conditions could directly be impacted by that Supreme Court decision. You often hear numbers that connect to the National Scene but here we are breaking it down so you get a sense of what this means for you here in our state, the most populous state in our union. 6. 1 million americans have previous conditions. Dont forget, it is very likely, as we wash through the preexisting addition of covid 19, also can increase and add to that number. You are seeing prospects of people who have limits on higher premiums due to their age and gender. Those being impacted by this decision. And, those of us with kids, particularly those of you with kids that are younger than age 26. The impact, obviously on the ability to keep those kids covered on the parents plans is also a potential impact of this decision. Lets put it in monetary terms. Lets put it in numerical terms. Our medicaid system in the United States of america is referred to as medical here in the state of california. We are looking at the prospects of losing 20 billion in federal funding related to the aca, Affordable Care act, if it is struck down. 3. 5 million californians have been beneficiaries of the expansion of our medical coverage pursuant to obamacare and the aca that also could be vulnerable to that decision. 7 billion in federal premium assistance also could be in place. Add those two numbers up, 27 billion is what is at stake. You read about the oral arguments tomorrow, you hear these national numbers. These are your numbers. People here in the state of california losing 27 billion of federal support that would impact this decision. We also have 1. 5 Million People currently enrolled in covered california. That is our Health Program run by peter lee, who i will introduce you in just a moment. Also, potentially can lose their coverage. These are jawdropping numbers. These are extraordinary times. Tomorrow is oral arguments are profoundly significant to each and every one of you watching. I will just remind you there are many other things that the aca covers. All related issues that impact you. If you dont think it impacts you because you are not on medical, i would encourage you to learn more about what the aca does and does not do. Dont learn that from nightly cable. Take the time to learn a little bit more by investigating the impact. At the end of the day, the entire system is connected to itself in one way, shape, or form. Many parts but one body. That is the Healthcare System. The impact of this unraveling and impacting you is profound. We, of course, have a very different point of view than the trump administration. We will be expressing that during oral arguments tomorrow with our representatives as well that advanced obamacare with incredible support, our own speaker nancy pelosi. This would not and could not have happened without speaker pelosis leadership as well. We just had a conversation a few days ago on this subject and i can assure you this is top of mind in terms of her agenda, not just the oral arguments but the what if and how we prepare for a what if scenario moving forward. Also i would like to bring up and talk about scenarios. We did not wait around and look at the Affordable Care act as a ceiling. We looked at it as a floor, the opportunity to architect something that no other state in america has done. It is worth reminding people that there is no other state providing subsidies for middle income families. These are folks earning 600 of federal poverty at last count. Those subsidies are over 500 a month. This is so often forgotten. It is rarely even referenced or mentioned but we are providing no other state in america providing over 509 for middle income families, subsidies on a monthly basis. The first in the nation to help subsidize the cost related to the Affordable Care act. We also deepen these subsidies for people earning less than 400 of the rural poverty, 21 a month. We are proud of that. All of this again can be impacted if the aca is thrown out. Also we will hear from peter in a moment. Record low premium changes this year despite all of the vandalism by the Current Administration in washington, d. C. Premiums this year are going up. I know you heard the word up but hold on. 5 . Less than 1 . A record low premium increase because of the success and the efficacy of not the aca but the extraordinary leadership here in the state of california. We also have done things no other state has done and that is provide coverage to people regardless of their status. You say how dare we do that. Just consider. You are paying for sick care on the back and through your premium. You either want to pay exponentially more in the emergency room or stabilize individuals by getting them a covid test, getting them a flu shot and eventually a vaccine which we will talk about in a moment so we dont end up infecting other people and impacting the entire Healthcare Delivery system. We just believe in the principle of universal healthcare from an Economic Perspective as well as from a moral and ethical perspective. We are just proud of that. I wanted to bring that back up to your attention and remind you some of the things that no other state is doing that california is doing because there is a commitment to provide coverage for all californians. It is with that that i am very proud to bring up peter lee, the executive director of covered california. Nobody does it as well as he has and i could not be more proud of his leadership. You should also be equally proud of his leadership but i will let him speak for himself and give you a little overview since he started and his history with covered california and how effective their team has been and what is at stake as it relates to this new open Enrollment Period that we are launching here today and how you can participate and how we can encourage you to get others that are not enrolled to participate to make sure we are covering more people and putting less pressure, not more pressure, in terms of premium increases across the spectrum to everybody else. With that, peter lee. Governor newsom, thank you so much for having me here and i really cant tell you how proud i am to be here in a state like telephone you. Look at the data before you. California, in the last seven years, has reduced the rate of the uninsured more than any state in the nation from almost 80 to less than 8 . The biggest reduction. It is not easy. It is about leadership from Governor Newsom, from the legislature who said we are going to expand subsidies. We are going to hold the line to not allow health plans to sell crappy plans, shortterm plans. Sorry, that is a technical terms. California has done everything to protect the aca. And, as the governor noted, we will be honest. Last year, 2020, was the first year we had in place these new subsidies for middle class, when you. Middleclass california is still struggling with healthcare costs. They are getting over 500 a month. That is 6000 a year to lower their healthcare cost to make it more affordable. What has happened . Things have worked pretty well in telephone you but we are not done. We are not done by a long shot. I want to note that for all of the great work we have done, if you look around california, there are still about 3. 5 million uninsured. The biggest number of them are undocumented individuals not eligible for financial support, generally. Our state has said every person in california should have coverage. Every american should have coverage. We are down that path. What we are doing right now with open enrollment is there is 1. 2 million californians eligible for either medical or covered california. We are getting the word out. These masks, i wore it coming in. Covered california should be sending out 4 million of these masks to people that are renewing their coverage and everyone that signs up through open enrollment. We have sent them out to every big city mayor. We sent to legislators. We are sending them out to celebrities. These are not just masks. They are amassed with a message. Get covered, stay covered. Get covered for covid. You live and breathe this. We californians have done the right thing on covid. You wear a mask. You wash your hands. Get covered. It also means, get Health Insurance. If you have insurance, you are more apt to get tested. Incredibly important. Where your mask all the time when you should but also, stay covered. If you have insurance, keep that insurance. Now is not the time to back off. California is not doing that. We are talking a lot about covid. The governor noted capacity. A pretty small percentage of our hospital beds are taken up people with covid. Weve got tens of thousands of people with cancer, diabetes, hiv. Get covered. Stay covered. You dont know what you will get sick with. California will have your back. We want to get the word out. This is the real launch. The thing to know, you can sign up now. You will have coverage january 1. We want to leave no one behind. The governor was brilliant in articulating the issue about the Affordable Care act. It touches every single californian. You have employerbased coverage . It is about you. No lifetime limits. No annual limits. Preventive care, required coverage. The Supreme Court could take that away. It touches every single californian. Finally, we all know there is election results. President elect biden ran on responding well to covid and building on the Affordable Care act. There is no state like california that has done those two things, leaned in to respond aggressively to the covid pandemic and leaned into have the Affordable Care act work and make it etter. We are doing this open Enrollment Period 45 days before the new president takes office. I think the nation will be looking at california. What we are doing, what we can do to have the next administration truly follow in our footsteps of building on the aca. I want to thank the governor for having me here. I think i am doing a handoff back to some fact point which is where you can go. Open enrollment is now. When you come to our website, these masks, we have some in spanish. We have some in korean. Chinese, vietnamese, go to our site and you can find local help , people who speak every one of those languages. Your help will be free and your costs will be lowered dramatically. It is all about affordability. Governor, thank you for having me here today. It has been your leadership in our legislature that has given a pathway for millions of californians to have coverage. Thank you. Get covered, stay covered. I encourage you to visit covered california. Com to sign up for our program d encourage you to let folks know. You may have family members, folks you are close to that are anxious about their healthcare and their coverage. Go on that site and learn more about we offer and subsidies we are providing and the stability that we have created in the market as it relates to premiums. A record low premium increase this year. We cannot express enough appreciation to peter lee and his team for the incredible work at over at covered california. Enclosing, most states are ending their Enrollment Period just weeks after they begin their and roman period. This Enrollment Period ends on january 31 of next year. Most will and there. We believe in healthcare. We believe in coverage. We dont believe it rhetorically. We support the aca. We support efforts to continue to build off of it, reform it, and advance the cause of universal coverage not only here in the state but we will advocate for that all across the United States. We are not in the business of vandalizing that effort and that is why we are evangelizing the effort, promoting it, advocating it, the effort to expand coverage through the exchanges and encourage you to do the same. With that, i want to briefly bring up what is topical. Pfizer made an announcement that lit up your 401 k . Some markets have responded quite favorably to pfizers announcement. No one is surprised that pfizer s efforts on vaccine we have talked about them in multiple occasions here. My thought came as particular good news, was the 90 effectiveness that was announced by the ceo of pfizer, not necessarily the availability of the vaccine. The approval of the fda, mercy authorization, we dont book just at the efficacy, 90 effective is very good, better than some had projected. The low end of 50 . You have been watching an update from Governor Newsom talking about the new Pfizer Vaccine announcement that was Just Announced today. He said it sounds good but mass distribution is still a ways off. He talked a lot about the Affordable Care act. It is going before the Supreme Court tomorrow. It could be struck down in the coming months. He says right now, Health Insurance is more important than ever so he is encouraging more californians who are eligible to enroll in covered california, especially because we could be on the cusp of a twindemic with the flu and covid and covid rates have been trending up in our state. Again, for more from the governor, you can visit www. Kpix. Com to watch the rest. That is it for kpix 5 news at noon our next newscast is at 5 00. Have a great afternoon. Hope you know what needs to happen. Do it. Go after him. Op

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