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3,295,304 over President Trump with 3,289,717. This is the first time in a while joe biden goes into the lead many its votes out of philadelphia. We are getting reports from philadelphia right now, a heavily democratic area. Theyve taken a while to count their votes but theyre doing it. As that comes in, that propels biden to the lead. It is still not projected but right now the trend lines definitely favoring joe biden. Still a lot of votes to come. Where are they coming from . What is the expectation . There are more from philadelphia and more from pittsburgh which is also heavily democratic county and a few more here and there throughout the state. Thats the bulk, the democratic places. What are you making for before you make call into the apparent winner category . This is still very close. Like i said, trend lines have been headed towards joe biden. This is still close with just a few thousand votes. We are going to look for more votes, see what we get, and as always start looking at which way the lines are headed as votes come in. How many votes are still out in pennsylvania . We can show you that. It could be as many as well, we are going to find out as this thing is updating in realtime. I want to make sure we get that right as i do it. There were still some 60 odd thousand they were counting in philadelphia. Its time to hit refresh and hit refresh again. Its moment to moment. Thank you very much. In philadelphia, the vote count continues. Jerika, whats the latest . Reporter we did get a chance to look at the numbers. It looks like there is 21,000 mail in ballots that remain to be counted in philadelphia. You are right about just checking and updating because we were looking at the numbers all morning since about 5 00 this morning. At the time, joe biden was down about 20,000 votes. As you mentioned, now biden is up 6,000 votes. That is the first time that we have seen that significant shift knowing that that was likely to happen based on the number of votes that still needed to be counted. Again as of this morning, the state said they had about 160,000 mail in ballots that needed to be counted. We knew that those favored the democrat in this president ial election. Joe biden, just based on the shear number of people in the state, who asked for the mail in ballots, registered voters that requested the mail in ballots. Joe biden is now up 6,000 votes according to the latest numbers in the state of pennsylvania with 21,000 mail in votes remaining in philadelphia. Also, i want to note because we have been talking about the legal challenges, the concerns President Trump has had regarding philadelphia and the votes. He is actually up over 11 in philadelphia when you compare his numbers from 2016. We still do not have all of the votes in. We are at about 95 . Again, the headline right now, joe biden up 6,000 votes for the first time that we have seen since covering this election here from pennsylvania. Jerika, thank you. That is a very big headline. Major garrett is with us along with 60 minutes correspondent john dickerson. Lets start with you. We have been waiting for pennsylvania to come in. Sure. We are not projecting or not calling it at this particular time. This is very promising. For the Joe Biden Campaign it is along the line that was trending yesterday. These are from philadelphia and pittsburgh. Vote count is accumulating in his direction. Trend lines have been clear for 24 to 36 hours. I want to drill down a little bit about pennsylvania. U. S. Supreme court looked at what state Supreme Court said. We may revisit if the election is close. Why did it say that . State Supreme Court did something adding a three day allowable period for mail in ballots post marked by election day to be legally counted. At the request of Election Officials. Yes. I want to be sure everyone understands what i am about to say. Those are yet to be counted. They are segregated in every single county in pennsylvania. This vote total reflects ballots that arrived on election day or earlier. In accordance with state law which pennsylvania changed last year, what has Supreme Court said . When legislature makes a decision we will respect that because it reflects the will of the people in the jurisdiction of the the one thing said about state Supreme Court is we may revisit because thats court intervention. It is not only crucial in terms of the process but it is incredibly important in terms of whatever legal challenge Trump Campaign may assert because its not about any of the ballots that the state Supreme Court said could be legally counted arriving after election day. Very important note. I would add as a point of clarification because so much has been thrown into the accusation category, when you say votes coming in, theyre not arriving. Its a count. Theyre sending it in and refreshing the count. Its legal votes that arrived on election day or before. The big number we have been waiting for is 270. If he gets pennsylvania, that puts him at the big magic number we have been waiting for. Can you talk about that . Thats an enormous psychological benefit for joe biden in comes days as there are threats to his success in coming days. Georgia is important. He is up by a little in georgia. Georgia and pennsylvania are very different places. He can claim if the numbers stay where they go i am up in two different parts of the country. This isnt idiosyncratic special little place of philadelphia that his success is more broad and also the Tipping Point moment is more broad. In other words its not just coming out of philadelphia. It is pennsylvania and georgia which allows him to take a different posture. If people start calling him president elect, that puts him in the court of Public Opinion because there are two courts here in a stronger position. Additionally if things hold he has georgia, pennsylvania, nevada, arizona he is above 300 electorial votes. The president is banking on the same in arizona that joe biden is benefiting from in pennsylvania. That could happen or it could go the other way. I think what you were talking about earlier boils down to this. What the president has been fussing about in pennsylvania is not an issue in joe bidens success coming ahead now. Thats important because it means there is a clarity to his victory in this important state. We should point out the president claimed fraud in pennsylvania. We had senator pat toomey, a republican from pennsylvania, on air saying he had seen no evidence of fraud. He raised questions of transparency and visibility which are being carried out. Here is a question in 2016 that was asked and answered. A surprising election result with a narrow margin, can it be accepted and enforced . Yes. Donald trump is the 45th president. We remember that in the states wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, he won combined. That was out of 13,233,376 votes. Its risky to do math on television. Its especially risky for me to do it in a sleep deprived state of mind. That said. There will be a recount. That is 5 1,000 of a percentage point. He became the president of the United States. Close margins are accepted, ratified, constitutionally put into force. Important, theyre accepted if powers at be, the constituents say accept them. My point is when donald trump said theyre valid when he won, he must say theyre valid if there is a loss. President trump won with 11,000 phaze michigan. Biden has 150 there. The margin is about identical in wisconsin. It was 44,000 that carried candidate trump over. It will be more probably. Trend lines validated in pennsylvania will take biden much over 44,000. Joe biden will have won the three states with greater margins or equal in wisconsin than donald trump did. He is ahead in wisconsin. It is 29,000 now. The reporting we had last night on the cbs evening news and every indication from the president s appearances are that he is not going to concede this even as results come in. What does that mean . That means if you are a republican official and were elected or reelected by the democratic process, you have a challenge this morning because the president of your party well see how it plays out. Lets not prejudge the president. Could very well accept the results. If he doesnt then the people elected through democratic process have an obligation to speak up for the process that just gave them their power. Ed, what are you hearing . As we await formal word and projection by news outlets, we know the Biden Campaign is preparing to have him address the nation should the projection be made. There are arrangements in wilmington, delaware. Remember the site where he gave acceptance speech during Democratic National convention. The same parking lot has been converted to a place where he can speak. Theyre doing a large drive in rally, some cars already in place for that. Aides have said throughout the week they would put him in a position to address the nation, really address the world and declare himself victor and begin the process publicly of making it look like he is preparing for the presidency. Remember we have a president who said he is not ready to concede. So you may end up here New York Times next days in a tricky dance where biden is preparing to become president elect and next president of the United States and we have a president who isnt comfortable with that. There are laws that dictate when and how the transition begins and cooperation thats required from federal agencies as next government starts to make preparations. We wont get ahead of ourselves. But there are plans in place. The other thing that happened this week quietly in the midst is the biden harris transition website launch. We are told it will go operational on a broader scale once they believe theyre in a position to do that. The plan is for biden to address the nation later today from his hometown of wilmington, delaware. He will do that alongside his wife dr. Jill biden, running mate Kamala Harris who is also on the surge of making significant history as the first woman elected Vice President. We will await word from them. Once word comes from cbs and other outlets that a projection can be made that he is the next president of the United States. We have been saying that the Trump Campaign didnt have many paths to vibrio that the Biden Campaign did. For donald trump,er needed pennsylvania. It is narrowed to the point where the only scenario is him winning pennsylvania and then some. Biden has other options but it is looking as if he wont need them. His team tried to put him in a position where he had multiple paths. There was discussion, if we dont get florida but get pennsylvania, all we need is arizona or north carolina. There was the presumption he would get michigan and wisconsin. Its the state he campaigned most. Partly because its closest to his home state. Most especially because he understood, needed to win a big state like the keystone state. His team called it cornerstone of the path to 270. Within the next few hours that cornerstone could be laid. Thank you. The significance of that, winning apparently your home state. Winning county of scan ton where you grew up for at least the early part of his life is a big deal. There is a test going on now, maybe first test of the president elect if joe biden goes that way. The test is in a divided country where emotions are high, how to manage that. How to manage the people who will be disappointed by his possible elevation. Thats the first test of his presidency. He has already started that conversation. It is compounded at this point with an incumbent who is not letting go easily. Thats right. President trump faces a test also. In other words if he were getting a second term his test would be how to manage for the people on the other side. He has chosen not to manage it in a let us now come together way. He has a different route. Have we ever had a moment like this . Obviously we have to see whether it continues to play out but a president who is basically denying legitimacy of the election already we havent that i can think of, not in modern memory, even say in 1960 where Richard Nixon privately wanted them to question whether john kennedy won. Publicly he said he didnt want to look like he was questioning because he didnt want it look like a sore loser. What we havent had is in a country divided, have incumbent president drive an ice pick into divisions of america. Thats new. I am wondering once president is hit with the apparent reality of the numbers do you think he will still hold the position . What are they saying that i am not going to concede. Thats what i am talking about. Two things to observe. They wait for him to say it first. Thats just a fact. Very few people are in power in the white house or have ever been in power to come in and tell the president this is what i think you should do. They take their cues and then be responsive there after. Gauge his mood. Watch him on twitter. This is not a joke. They watch him on twitter to gauge his mood to understand what is the range of permissible conversation. I would say now the range of permissible conversation is narrow with the president of the United States. Theyve learned adaptively that over time the mood can be influenced and different conversation can be had but not unless he is ready to have it. There is a temperature gauge that is permeating the country about what his attitude will be and where it will land. There are a few voices. I think it is important to take note of what was said on twitter by Current Senate majority leader Mitch Mcconnell. Legal votes counted, observe courts. I am telling you tease are guard rails i will stand on behalf of and enforce. So understand the guard rails i am establishing. Theyre basic civics. Shouldnt have to be reminded. With the president even within his own party, you have to be. I think that is worth taking note of because he is sending a signal along the lines of the permissible conversation with the president and what is his mood and how can you get him to a better landing spot. Thats what Mitch Mcconnell is trying to accomplish. You made an important point earlier about january 20 being the constitutionally decided date which is new president will be. There are other markers that need to be met. There is a certification process in all the states that will happen in the days and weeks ahead. Then Electorial College have to present votes to congress. Thats early december. Thats a lot of time and not a lot of time for things to happen. How do you see that process going . Its never really been anything more than formal but now we have to call it into question. It depends. There could be a way in which flood of votes like a flood of water overcomes the rocks. If the water is high you dont have to worry about bumping the rocks. If by the end joe biden won in pennsylvania, georgia, arizona, nevada, he is at the high number of his margin in electorial votes. All the jockeying may go away. There is twitter talk from conservatives saying to various states they should change the process. Thats quite hard to do. Which is very hard legally to do. There might be a lot of hot takes about what can and cannot be done. They may go away if the number of electorial votes is so high that it overwhelms. The fact is there is a bit of machinery that kicks into place. I want to pick up on a point ed made. Transitions are important to every presidency and we are in the middle of a pandemic. Yesterday we set the National Record on a day of case rate. There is a serious thing happening in our country. It needs attention of the federal government on a relentless basis. For the Current Administration and if there is one to succeed it, they have to start the conversations, have to link arms and deal with the pandemic situation starting right now. An update from the Coronavirus Task force would be interesting at the moment. I wonder what theyre doing. What major says is crucially important. Even in placid times, window of transition is quite short. Administration after administration always has a rob with hand over even bush to obama which was considered perhaps the model of how to do it smoothly. We are in difficult times economically with the pandemic so the transition needs to happen and it needs to happen in a way where everybody is acting in good faith. So far theyre giving no indication that it will be a smooth transition. I like what you said. Lets wait, give the Trump White House the benefit of the doubt once hit with the reality of the numbers. We should wait for all the counting and remind people. Major, back me up. The reason this is a significant moment is there is a trend thats been expected on the way votes were coming in. It was expected they would go to joe biden. That trend has continued to put him over top. Theres no reason to think it wont continue to keep him gaining more votes in pennsylvania. You have been talking about puzzle pieces. I am thinking we have a big piece of the puzzle. Major, john, ed if you are still there, thank you. Election coverage will continue on our 24 hour streaming network cbsn. Watch at cbsnews. Com or on our app. There will be more to come with Norah Odonnell. Many of you will return to cbs this morning. This has been a cbs news special report. I am gayle king with Anthony Mason and Tony Dokoupil in times square with very big news. You saw that special report from cbs news on the fact that joe biden pulled ahead in the very pivotal state of pennsylvania but it is not over yet. Joe biden has almost 6,000 more votes than President Trump but there are still about 21,000 votes to be counted. Granted many are coming from metro philadelphia and also from pittsburgh. A lot of them do tend to go to the democratic side. But this is not over. I am watching twitter kind of go nuts saying that the race is called. That is not the case. From the biden camp there is positive news as well out of georgia and the fact that biden is ahead about 1100 votes. You see the margins. They are very small. We will see recounts. It is not over until it is over. We are seeing plenty moves in delaware from the biden camp that perhaps he will make an announcement later today. We are hearing that the secret service is moving more agents there into delaware, in the case he would become the president elect. A lot of jockeying is still happening. We will continue to follow all of it. Michelle and len, back to you. Its a big day for democracy in the United States. It is. I think anybody who says my vote wont count anywaythe narrow margins show you how important each vote is. Yeah. It really does. Coming down to 1100. Then again with the recount that is likely going to happen in several of the states, it really shows how important each vote is. Yes. Anne, thanks so much. Well check back with you in a bit. 6 23 is the time. Wind playing a role in your forecast and traffic. Lets go to traffic first with gianna. It sure is. If you are ready to head out the door, you will see brake lights at the toll plaza with the metering lights. You will deal with gusty windy conditions. Chp has issued wind advisories for bay bridge as well as san mateo. Be careful especially in a high profile vehicle, larger trucks, big rigs or if you are hauling a trailer. As far as your drive times, 18 minutes from the maze. The bulk of the delays for the span across bay bridge is really around the incline and near treasure island. San mateo bridge starting to get busy as well. We have a few brake lights just passed the toll plaza. 17 minutes between 880 and 101 with a wind advisory for the san mateo bridge. Lets check your forecast. It is a windy start to our day, definitely a blustery start. You might be hearing the howling winds. Our temperatures are in the mid to upper 50s as we start our day. We likely wont budge much with those temperatures as we go through our afternoon. It will be chilly with the strong cold front pushing through. Current sustained winds, 21 Miles Per Hour at sfo, 20 half moon bay, oakland 18 in napa, 17 for san jose. Wind gusts, 28mile per hour wind gusts in napa, 31 in san jose. Winds are kicking up. 24 livermore as well as for hayward and 25 for half moon bay. Cold low pressure system moving in dropping that strong cold front our way. The actual low pushes through for the weekend. Unsettled weather, we can see a few showers today, maybe an isolated thunderstorm with small hail. Daytime highs, mid to upper 50s to low 60s. High def doppler showing quiet conditions with showers to our north. As we go through we are looking at a break saturday, a few showers sunday. 6 25. Vote count 2020, President Trump continues to threaten ballot counting process. In our next half hour on kpix5 and streaming on cbsn bay area, is there any validity to the claims and how is the Republican Party responding this morning . Reporter we are keeping an eye on what the Joe Biden Transition Team is doing behind the scenes this morning and the legal moves being made by the rnc just on kpix5 and streaming on cbsn bay area, breaking news, two states flip. The expanding lead in Early Morning hours for former Vice President joe biden. Good morning. It is friday, november 6. I am michelle griego. I am len kiese. Vote count 2020 is coming down to the wire in the last hour. Pennsylvania flipped. Former Vice President joe biden taking the lead now up 6,000 votes. Most ballots coming from philadelphia. There are around 21,000 votes to be counted. In the peach state around 2 00, joe biden passing President Trump for the lead there as well. He is about 1,000 votes ahead. More votes are still to be counted. Lets get a look now at the Electorial College map. As you see, we are in the same place as yesterday despite gains. No official calls have been made. Biden stands at 253 projected electorial votes and President Trump with 213. We have Live Team Coverage all morning as we inch closer to the finish line. Lets go live to Laura Podesta who is in washington with the latest on the breaking news. What a friday already, nail biting continues. Reporter thats right, nail biting, razor thin, whatever you call it. We know tensions are high as americans watch these vote tallies change hour by hour. We know that President Trump, hes been tweeting a lot and a lot of what he has been saying has been censored by the platform for misleading about the election. Democracy is sometimes messy. Reporter after four days of counting ballots, joe biden has over taken President Trump in georgia and pennsylvania. We have no doubt that when the count is finished senator harris and i will be declared winners. Reporter a win in pennsylvania would give biden the 270 needed to win. Votes are still being counted including other undecided states like arizona and nevada. The process is working. The count is being completed. Reporter President Trump had large leads on Election Night in a handful of states. Those began to disappear once tally of mail in ballots began. It is amazing how the mail in ballots are so one sided. Reporter at the white house mr. Trump made a number of false claims and attacked integrity of the election. This is the case where theyre trying to steal an election. Theyre trying to rig an election. Reporter Trump Campaign filed lawsuits in several states trying to halt the process. But Election Officials around the country say theyve seen no evidence of voter fraud. The strength of the integrity of this vote is really unparalleled. Reporter Trump Supporters gathered at vote counting centers around the country and repeated the president s false accusations. They shut down counting of the voting because they knew trump was winning. Reporter some Officials Say theyre concerned for their safety. I can tell you my wife and my mother are very concerned. We have security here. Reporter a Senior Administration official tells cbs news the president may not concede the election if biden declares victory. If biden is projected winner in pennsylvania it is essentially game over. He has at that point surpassed the 270 Electorial College votes that he would need. President trump is making false claims about the counting process. He is drawing criticism from his own party. With ballot count leaning toward biden, whats the republican response here . Reporter the republican response has really been muted or silent even much to the dismay of President Trumps family who have tweeted and made statements about how they want people to come out in support of the president. Senator tim scott of South Carolina as well as senator mitt romney of utah released statements recently saying that all legally cast ballots should be counted. They made no mention of the president in that statement. Former senator jeff flake from arizona meet no republican should be okay with the president s statement. Clearly we have a lot of republicans who want democratic process to be upheld no matter what the president is saying on twitter or any other platform. So much still happening several days after election tuesday. Laura podesta live in washington, thank you. I am anne makovec at the live news desk. We are keeping an eye on the action in delaware where joe biden could be poised to address the nation later today, possibly tonight, depending on how quickly theyre able to continue going through those ballots in states like pennsylvania. Of course we did see that big move that went from President Trump to joe biden today but that margin is still slim. We are watching that today. While many president ial candidates start transition teams very early, we are hearing from experts that he may really try to push forward to make up for some of the uncertainty that he is getting, some of the push back from republicans right now that this is not going to be a legitimate win if indeed it is a win. Earlier today, the Republican National committee sent a statement saying they are sending legal teams right now to four states where the counting continues right now. The states are arizona, georgia, michigan, pennsylvania, chair woman saying we intend to ensure every lawful voter has vote counted in accordance with the law, that observers are granted access they are due under state law and any irregularities that have occurred whether by malicious intent or incompetence are fully investigated to the fullest extent allowed under the law. I want to point out there are no reports that have been confirmed of irregularities at this point. Of course we will keep an eye on that and ongoing counting of the numbers. Thank you. Lets check the Market Reaction to the big election news over night. Dow is down about 100 points. Well continue to keep an eye on the market throughout the morning. As vote count 2020 continues, we have you covered. Stay with kpix5 for latest updates online at kpix. Com and watch cbsn bay area on the kpix5 news app. A lot going on. Lets get a check on our weather with mary lee. Get the sweaters and uggs out today. For sure. The fall weather is here. We have been talking about the major changes and they are definitely here. Talking about blustery conditions, strong cold front pushing through. You can see on our camera looking at the bay bridge, shaking in the wind. Mid to upper 50s as we start our day and daytime highs will be similar. We are not going to see a big jump in temperatures as we go through the day because of that strong cold front pushing through, chilly temps. We are looking at strong winds this morning. In fact the strongest winds as this cold front moves across the bay area, 21mile per hour wind at sfo, 20 oakland and half moon bay, 17 livermore and san jose, 18 napa. Check out the daytime highs. We saw record breaking highs yesterday in spots and now below average for today. A dramatic change for sure. 59 in San Francisco, 60 oakland, 62 san jose as well as for concord. Anywhere from five to seven degrees below average. Well talk on futurecast taking you through today into the weekend and what you can expect in a few minutes. Lets check with gianna. Its definitely a windy start. It is a windy start. Youve got chp thats issued advisories for some bridges. If you are taking that ride out making the commute, you have the advisory in effect for the bay bridge. Be careful especially as you are across the upper and lower decks of the bridge. We are seeing a back up at the toll plaza. It is friday light as you make that ride. Busier on the san mateo bridge. Things are slower than usual, no accidents or incidents but it could be people driving slower and being careful with the windy conditions. Thank you. Looking live at the Johns Hopkins map, for two days new cases of the coronavirus have topped 100,000. At least 16 states have just broken hospitalization records. That includes colorado where hospitalizations have just reached all time high. One in every 100 people in the state is now contagious. Colorados governor says people need to act fast and reduce social interactions especially by limiting contact outside of each household. He is hoping the situation can turn around before the Holiday Season to keep the economy going. Weve got to live like we did in august and september. We just all eased up in october and started taking it for granted because we are sick and tired of this darn thing. But it is not sick and tired of us. The governor says the state may be on its own because no one can count on a new round of federal aid. Octobers jobs report Shows Unemployment rate has dropped to 6. 9 as economy growth slows to 638,000 jobs. Slight improvement in the labor market reflects continued reopening of Economic Activity during a pandemic. The Federal Reserve held Interest Rates steady near zero saying the economy is well below prepandemic levels. Fed warned Ongoing Health crisis will strain Economic Activity and employment in the near term. Overall Economic Activity remains below the level before the pandemic and the pathiae head remains highly uncertain. The Federal Reserve chairman is calling for government stimulus package. Talks are at stalemate between nancy pelosi and steven mnuchin. Says a stimulus bill might be considered before 2021. 6 39. A lot developing in vote count 2020. We are keeping an eye on georgia and pennsylvania as more ballots are tallied. Thats coming up on kpix5 and streaming on cbsn bay area. Searching for the new top cop. How they plan to restore trust in the east bay. The dow is down about 150 points. Cbs money watch reporter Diane King Hall breaks down the numbers after the break. Kpix5 has a new app that gives easy 24 7 access to cbsn bay area and kpix newscasts. You need to delete the old app another look at the Electorial College map. Joe biden has taken lead in pennsylvania and georgia. Neither has been called for the former Vice President. Projected count stands at 252 votes or points for joe biden and 213 for President Trump. Stocks turned down after making gains all week. Diane king hall has a live update from new york. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Trading has been underway for a little less than 15 minutes. After post election rally thats taken up most of this week. Right now dow is under pressure down 118 points. Investors are really taking a break from the post election buying binge and checking tech sector, nasdaq down triple digits as well, losing 126 points. Wall street is turning some attention to the job market today. According to the Labor Department the economy grew by 638,000 jobs last month. The nations Unemployment Rate dropped to 6. 9 . Both numbers were better than expected. There is concern that rising coronavirus cases could lead to new lock downs and new job losses. Back to you. Diane king hall, cbs money watch, thank you. Amazon says it plans to double number of black leaders in the company this year and next year. They plan to fill vp and director level roles with candidates from the outside. According to the companys proxy statements as of june it had one blackboard member but no black executive officers among top five. Lets get another check on traffic. Hi gianna. Good morning. It is a windy start to your friday ride. There are wind advisories issued by chp for bay and san mateo bridge. Extra volume on the san mateo bridge, a little slower than usual. Be careful if you are in a high prefile vehicle. Your travel time is 16 minutes from hayward to foster city. No delays east bound, traffic obviously lighter since thats the noncommute direction. The metering lights are on. We had a bit of a back up beyond the parking lot. It looks like that is dissipated. You are seeing delays off the over pass. Overall an easy commute into San Francisco and again a wind advisory in effect for the bay bridge. A slow ride into the Altamont Pass. 35 minutes from 205 to 680 along west bound 580, slowest spots at the connector from 205 and again as you approach north flynn exit. Headed towards 680 south at Sycamore Valley road, we have a crash on the shoulder but lightly traveled so you are still moving at the limit. Brake lights in effect for the ride along highway 4, 36 minutes from antioch to the east shore towards 80 connecting at hercules. Connecting on the 242 you might see brake lights. Slow in both directions on highway 4 around marsh creek road east bound especially due to a roll over accident. Golden gate bridge is looking good, no official advisories are in effect. For more, here is mary. It is feeling more like fall as we are starting with blustery conditions. We have a strong cold front pushing through kicking up winds and it is a blustery start. You see on our Sales Force Tower camera looking north it is shaking in the wind. Temperatures are in the mid to upper 50s as we start our day. As we go through our afternoon, temps are not budging much. It will be a chilly day. If you are heading out the door, dont forget that jacket. Current sustained winds, 15 purpose winds in concord, 17 livermore, 21 Miles Per Hour at sfo, 17 san jose and santa rosa is at 12 Miles Per Hour. Current gusts are 28 in napa, 24mile per hour in hayward and livermore. San jose has 24mile per hour wind gusts as we start our day because of the cold front currently moving through. The cold low pressure system is dropping that cold front our way. Then the actual low will move across the region as we look to the weekend. It is really staying unsettled. Hour by hour on futurecast as we head through this evening, a few isolated showers possible. Tonight around 10 45, you see showers and possibility of an isolated thunderstorm with small hail as we go through tonight. That is something to watch out for, catching a bit of a break on saturday and then another weather system arrives for sunday for a few more showers possible. Not expecting a lot of rain with the system, maybe a few hundredths to a quarter to about 0. 4. We are expecting a lot of snow in the sierra. Winter weather advisory for west slopes today and winter storm warning for west slopes as we look to saturday and sunday where we will see a lot of snow over the weekend. Expected snow fall 6 to 14 inches, up to 20 locally and heavy snow above 4,000 feet. Be prepared of the hazardous travel over mountain passes. Daytime highs for south bay, 62 in santa clara, san jose. Low 60s for concord. 60 in oakland and san leandro, north bay upper 50s to low 60s. Definitely feeling that chill, a big difference compared to yesterday. There we go with the extended forecast, catching a break saturday and then looking at a few isolated showers possible sunday. We are going to stay below average through the weekend and into next week. Back to you. The Oakland Police department is closing in on a new police chief. Lets go to kiet do who has a look at the four finalists. Reporter this phase of the search was done how a lot of Public Forums are done these days, online, virtually. The big topic last night was how to Win Back Public trust. They went at it for two hours last night going through four candidates. Two were internal from oak land pd, deputy chiefs armstrong and lindsey. Then you had Pittsburgh Police mannedder jason lando and police chief pridgen. Opd needs to apologize for negative impact its had on the community. Its so important that we engage with our communities but it has to be meaningful. I absolutely agree that we have to continue to engage our community. There are opportunities to engage the community in different settings, where theyre nonenforcement, where we build relationships. Reporter they did not get to nationwide calls of defunding or use of force topics that got a lot of attention including in oakland in wake of death of george floyd. Next is to reconvene the Police Commission in a week on november 12. We are keeping an eye on the latest numbers coming in this morning and overnight as joe biden takes the lead in both pennsylvania and georgia. The latest on the Electorial College map, coming up next. Good morning. Ahead, joe biden inching ever closer to victory but President Trump is not going down without a fight. The president made false attacks against vote counting in states where Election Officials are working to count legitimate ballots. We will talk to the attorneys general from nevada and arizona. Plus Republican Pennsylvania senator pat toomey and democratic minnesota senator Amy Klobuchar join us. Well get their thoughts on the president s false claims of voter fraud. The latest on the pandemic which has broken another unfortunate record. More than 100,000 new cases in the u. S. For the second straight day. Well see you at 7 00. It is 6 51. Lets take a quick live look outside. You are looking west from our sales force camera. On drew bubbles at this price . Is this for real . Oh, its real. Believe me. I mean this is upexpected. You would say. Remarkable . Absolutly. A remarkable deal. Thanks. I get that all the time. Wait. What . grocrey outlet jingle i am anne makovec at the live news desk. Lets go live to philadelphia, pennsylvania where joe biden pulled ahead of President Trump in votes in the pivotal state. If he wins it, it will take him over the edge. We can have a new president elect by the end of the day. Biden is up about 6,000 votes this morning with 21,000 left to be counted. So it is not over and threshold for automatic recount in pennsylvania is. 5 . It is likely that that will eventually happen. Same in georgia. Lets go live to atlanta. Joe biden also has the lead in georgia by 1100 votes. Very slim lead so likely a recount. This morning the only thing they have left to count in the first round are provisional ballots and nibble on thes they would have to adjudicate. Here is the big picture, Electorial College map. If President Trump does win pennsylvania after all, he would still need three of the other states that are up for grabs. Arizona, north carolina, nevada, georgia to take him over the 270 mark. Again that is looking increasingly unlikely for President Trump. Joe biden is possibly going to be speaking later today. We dont know if that would be some sore of victory speech, if he is going to go that far. We are hearing from the Trump Campaign saying these are false projections of biden taking lead and theyre saying it is not over until it is over. We have not heard from the president himself on twitter. His last tweet was seven hours ago when he was attacking twitter. We will keep our eye on all of this. It is set to be a pivotal day. Thank you. It is 6 56, time for a look at other top stories. Peterson to appear before san mateo prosecutors, second hearing in nearly a decade. Prosecutors preparing to retry penalty phase after state Supreme Court overturned the death sentence. The judge is considering throwing out the murder convictions. Peterson was found guilty of murdering his wife and unborn child nearly 20 years ago. Richmond Police Looking for people linked to a deadly fight. A 25yearold was found suffering from gun shot wounds. This is the citys 18th homicide of the year. Looking live at the Johns Hopkins map, for two days new cases of coronavirus in the u. S. Topped 100,000. At least 16 states have broken hospitalization records. Cal football Season Opener against washington is canceled after a player tested positive for coronavirus, an entire Position Group that had close contact with him must isolate for 14 days. Wind advisory continues for san mateo bridge though your drive times are improving, 13 minutes between 880 and 101. As you head along 101, a new crash along 101 in the Red Wood City area. Bay bridge, looks like things are improving, metering lights remain on. The wind advisory is in effect for the bay bridge. Take it easy especially if you are in a high profile vehicle. We are still seeing pockets of slowing as you commute to the Altamont Pass as well as highway 4 out of pittsburgh into bay point. Tracking those strong winds, you are likely hearing howling winds, a strong cold front kicking off the winds sustained at 21 Miles Per Hour at sfo, 20 at half moon bay, 17 for oakland as well as for hayward, 15mile per hour winds in san jose. Its going to be a chilly day. Temperatures are in the mid to upper 50s. We will stay in mid to upper 50s to low 60s, a dramatic drop with temperatures because of the strong front. Looking at a few showers possible as we go through our day, maybe an isolated thunderstorm tonight and otherwise catching a break saturday and a few showers with our second weather system on sunday. Break out the sweaters, the jackets and my favorite, those uggs. Boots with the fur. Comfy and warm. Thanks for watching kpix5 news this morning. News continues all day on cbsn bay area. Cbs this morning is next. Dont forget as vote count 2020 continues we have you covered. Stay with kpix5 for the latest updates at kpix. Com and watch cbsn bay area on our news app. We take a live look at the white house. It has not been decided who is going to occupy it come january. Have a great day, everyone. Welcome, welcome to cbs this morning. From the cbs news election headquarters. Here in times square, new york, im gayle king with Anthony Mason and Tony Dokoupil. Were covering the breaking news on the president ial race. Former Vice President joe biden has taken the lead in two key battleground states. Pennsylvania and georgia. To help break it all down for us, we are joined by cbs evening news anchor Norah Odonnell and senior political analyst and 60 minutes correspondent john dickerson. Welcome, welcome to you both. Remember at the beginning of the week on tuesday, Election Night, we were all calling it a big puzzle. We were all putting the puzzle pieces together. Waiting for the puzzle pieces. We have a big piece of that puzzle as we sit here right

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