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Were advancing a layout and you happen dates on amount of be, pe weve been able to distribute in the last few weeks, which is foundational in terms of our efforts to begin to meaningfully modify our stay at home order and begin reopen update you on the daily numbers and trend lines and preview a few things coming up later this week. But first, let me begin by making a statement reinforcing some words over the course of the last few weeks. It was just substantially outperforming the rest of the nation. In so many ways in the last five ore six years, weve become the tenfold of the American Economy in terms of job creation and economic output reflected in the gdp outputs and job growth and record low unemployment, record reserves in the state of california, paid off that wall of debt that would become so infamous in the state of california and saw our bond rating, independent of any assertions by elected officials and agencies upgrading the state on two occasions in said all occasions to just reinforce the current status and that is those numbers are completely flipped. We now are struggling with tens of billions of dollars and budget deficits directly as an impact directly caused because the impact of this disease, covid19, unemployment has skyrocketed in this state. Some 13. 1 billion of unemployment claims we have distributed. 13. 1billion in cash has been distributed to people struggling and suffering because of the economic consequences, 4. 5 million californiaens that have filed for Unemployment Insurance and pua, pandemic unemployment assistance just since march 12, 4. 5 million just since march 12, 13. 1 billion distributed, 3. 4 billion just last week. It gives you the magnitude of whats happened in just a short period of time, 90 or so days in this state. Unemployment numbers that when new numbers come in will be north of 20 , getting closer to 20, 2, 3, 4, 5 and very likely. So the challenge is enormous and this challenge is one thats not only presented to us ucalifornia. Tate of , but its a challenge that will be felt all across the United States and for that matter around the rest of the world. The impact to the general fund and states like california and surpluses running historic deficits and challenges related to unemployment claims and havent seen since the great completion. These are challenging times and they require a collaborative spirit and they require a level of cooperation. Today were putting out jointly of governors of oregon, washington, nevada, and colorado and their respective leadership of their assembly and state senate, some are house of representatives depending on the state, but the signature of the speaker, the leader protem of the assembly and not just senate in each of the state and not just governor and our speaker, Anthony Rendon and tony atkinses and minority leader of assembly, republican marie water signed a similar letter to the federal government, to nancy pelosi, Mitch Mcconnell and others requesting aid in 1 trillion range. Thats the range of support we feel we need as a nation, states, municipals as well as counties. Its the thrust of the need were all feeling to get through the pandemic to make sure were doing justice to you and your Public Health and safety and to our education system. They directly impact Public Education and our teachers. They directly impact Public Health and our ability for counties to support their Public Health systems. Its not just states asking for bailout, quite the contrary. Its requesting that we support those that we need the most at this time. Our Public Safety officials and Public Health and do justice to the Public Education system and im pleased with this pact, im pleased with the letter, and i couldnt be more proud and honored by the signatures of all those, not only our three leaders in the std aders acrossunstates in this pact that represent legislative leaders not just the executives themselves. I wanted to begin with that and also extend appreciation for the ongoing collaborative, best practice sharing that continues within these regional pacts, continues to, i think, impress not only me but enliven all of us the ability for chiefs of staff and office of Emergency Personnel to continue to share best practices in realtime just based on a lot of those conversations, this is one of the efforts that we are now making public here today. Another effort weve been focusing on is ppe and doing more together and figuring out ways that we can leverage our purchasing capacity a bi. 11Million Masks were districted on friday alone. Five Million Masks went specifically to our department of social services, to child care facilities, inhome support services and other dss run adult and senior facilities. I want to just pause on that for a moment. The department of social services is responsible for an auditional 7, 442 senior and adult facilities throughout the state of california. These tend to be smaller but still precious and important and so when we have talked a lot about stiffs and Skilled Nursing facilities and ppe and convertion to all of the other facilities. These are where we have six or seven people or less. Residents and staff but also to help us move forward and reopen the economy. Accordingly were able to get 4. 2 Million Masks to farm workers and to our agricultural community, 4. 2 million just on friday as 750,000 to our grocers and food supply chain. 500,000 masks went into the department of education friday and tens of thousands went to transit agencies across the state. All of this is foundational in terms of getting where we all want to go. Thats into the second phase and beginning to continue rather to begin more robustly modify our stay at home order and so we talk a lot about testing, well be talking more about that tomorrow. We talk about tracing, we talked a lot about that last week and the good work partnerships with ucsf and ucla and how we have that first cohort of 500 that are being trained almost all of them now trained both online and in person in those 20 hour trainings. But ppe is also foundational. Were open up to questions in a momeowe ha very constructive conversations over the last 72 hours. 19 different counties engaged our Public Health officials and dialogue around the self certifications and variances that we will start seeing throughout the state of california. Tomorrow well be making some announcements in that space and adaptations to their plans, prevention plans and containment plans and all of th around them well more formally put out the detailed sectorial guidelines tomorrow and help advance those efforts in the dining space. Those Guidelines Co out tomorrow and im sure more conversations take shape and more engagement being advanced once those Guidelines Come out as well. Good news, progress in that space and i know others are more eager to move more quickly and well work with every county, with every city any practical and responsible way. But heres the caveat, this is a health driven conversation. Its not because we dont want to, its not because we would not like to. Its not because we want to be nes. S of peoples desires and it becaublheth do this in a judicious and thoughtful way. Were not going to deviate from that path. Thats the foundational principal that guided us into the stay at home order and will guide us out of the stay at home order. Data, evidence but again, were flexible in this respect. Were not ideologues in terms of engagement. We recognize no two counties are alike or two cities in the county and we want to be responsive and respectful to those kales but, no, these are dynamic conversations, each county requires an enormous amount of attention and support and were getting incredible response from the vast majority of counties that have done enormous amount of work already. Theres stubborn amount of immedments and capacity to trace and test and death rates that continue to be challenging. I mention just last year and we had seen a good week in decline in death rates to see the week of death rates go back. We beg news in that respect but weekend numbers always well, good news in this respect, 25 deaths, devastating nonetheless, 25 lives lost. Families torn apart but 25 deaths to begin this week. Far cry from how we began last week with substantially higher number of deaths but were still seeing lives lost from this pandemic. Were still seeing the number of positives increase. They increased again overnight by roughly, well, 1250 roughly but we are seeing some good signs as well. Hospitalizations went up modistly and hospitalizations, icus bouncing back and forth but steady death rate, little bit better today but we saw numbers last week increase and continuing to see the positive numbers go up and thats just the point of caution and concern as people get ahead of themselves a little bit and i recognize that those symptoms and in terms of the cabin fever were all feeling and businesses were all eager to get back to work, but it is absolutely incumbent upon all of us to be thoughtful and judicious as we move into this next phase and just reinforce an important point. This is a dynamic process dean announcement as it relates to retail manufacturing and logistics allowing from statewide order, those restrictions to be lifted. We recognize theres counties still a little stronger but the bay area wants to continue for an additional week and we respect the right based on local conditions for people to be a little more strict. At the same time, with these variances, we recognize the same, we want to see people loosen up with conditions that could be met and expectations that can be delivered. Its also important to note that we have to continue as a state to move into this phase two, and we will be making announcements. This is a dynamic process, this is a very iterative process and a flow here that you should participate and modify the statewide odderrer and a way of long windedly saying this, for counties that feel like theyre locked in and somehow not going to be able to move, thats not the case. We as a state will move together and you may not be afforded the opportunity based on Public Health to move forward with the variances, but that doesnt mean the state is not moving Forward Together with you and others and so well be making some announcements this week in that respect that are in addition to the variances where were all moving through phase togeth. It and protecting peoples Public Health and continue to see these lines stabilize and continue the good work, physical distancing thats demonstrable and despite an increase of activity across most of the state of california. Just want to thank everybody for all their outstanding work getting us to this point. Over 70 of the economy in the state of california. Over 70 is open with some modifications and 70 plus , thats just something that is reinforced and the next 30 will do so with your help front and center and Economic Health always part of larger considerations and well do so in a deliberative way as we have to date. With that, happy to answer any questions. Scott schafer, ktv tv. As testing was ramping up the priority given to healthcare and other front line workers along with people sick, you and other haves said you dont want to get tested because capacity should be reserved for them. All though Testing Capacity is Still Limited but now who do you recommend seek out a test . Depending on where you sign up, you might get a message saying itll cost 100 or more. What do you say to folks that might want to get tested or need to but scared of the outof pocket cost but in general, who should be getting tested . I encourage people to go to covid19. Ca. Gov and we have a tool used by extraordinary number of people to put in their zip code, address, and find out the closest location to a testing site. That will answer prompt questions that could be answered and allow you in many cases to do online reservations. These are the opt and serve si athe 251 tes in r wel contin accordingly as you know, tobeyornia was the first state guidelino we recommend for testing. We started to loosen that up a few weeks back, pursuant to the advice and council from our Testing Task Force to a symptomatic individuals working as essential workers in and around vulnerable communities. We want to see that more broadly, much more broadened in the coming weeks as more Testing Capacity presents itself. Heres may not getting ahead of myself. Tomorrow well when updates you and others. , where we are at testing and where were doing and i try to give you as much as i can without jumping ahead of the announcement tomorrow and well reach a major milestone tomorrow in testing and well be up with key the new testing that we have in the state be it the traditional pcr testing, serum testing, and also new point care modalities and other Antibody Testing that is being done in the state. Well put all that out, were going to expand that scope of understanding, but i hope people in the interim continue to go to covid19. Ca. Gov website and avail themselves to the testing that exists and ill just end by saying this, relating to cost, through the medical system, its reimbursed. Money should not be an obstacle to getting tested and regardless of status, weve clarified that cost should not be born. Well get more information and clarity in tomorrows announcement will be very relevant in that space as well. My question relates to availability and requirements related to the county. Here in the Current County we have closed briefing and we need all the criteria for the availability for the infests per ten thousand and the death rate. In particular, our death rate is impacted by one nursing home here that accounts for 60 of the deaths in our county. So i just wonder, the local officials said theyre going to ask the state to reconsider the infection rate or death rate. What specifically will you start giving some consideration for the fact that Nursing Homes may account for disproportionate amount of case or deaths in the counties. Do you think youll find some way to work with these counties on these benchmarks that might be difficult for them to meet . Good news is we already r. The leader reached out to me today on specific issues brought up. I recognize variations within variations and i obviously recognize deeply and i think soberly we all recognize whats happened to our senior in the Skilled Nursing facilities and important to make this point, theyre not isolated with the assisted living facility and staff is moving around and needs protected and staff live in the cities they operate, the communities they operate and some dont. Some commute long distances and this is dynamic disease. The vary lance of this disease is devastating and we want to make sure that whatever we do, we have the health of community in mind. But to answer your question is of course i said this when we announced the variance, we announced the modification and guidelines. Were open argument interested in evidence and theres a lot of really interesting nuance within these large counties and that needs to be taken into account and were going to be as flexible as we possibly can as long as the Public Health officials are guiding us through this with your health and the communitys Broader Health always front and center in terms of those decisions and determinations. Hi, governor. I wanted to ask you about the, you know, fight going on between elon musk and the county of Public Health officers right now about the tesla manufacturing plant. Does your administration consider car manufacturing to be an essential part of this time and should tesla be allowed to reopen with proper safety guidelines in place to resume manufacturing right now . Yeah, so manufacturing as i noted just the outset of the conversation the other day mentioned full week ago, in the state of california we had made meaningful modifications on manufacturing and logistics, including by the way just ons front end care dealers that go back many, many weeks, modifications were made earlier on in that space. Thats our position as a state as i said a moment ago. We recognize localism both from a county previous call in question about a question and wants to go further and other counties that dont want to even go as far as the state, which is the case in alameda county. My understanding is they have had conductive conversations with the folks at that facility in the county and Health Director and the health and safety with the facility and my belief and hope in expectation is as early as next week. Theyll be able to hear in that space. And again, i respect the decision on a regional basis of the counties coming together on the basis of what happening on the ground condition in the bay area one example versus other parts of the state and manufacturing broadly throughout the state of california is no longer restricted with modifications. Given the state warning letters that were sent out last week threatening some emergency funding and aid, what powers of the state are you willing to exercise to enforce the state restrictions . Funding . Business licensure . And secondly, this is kind of a follow up to something you mentioned last week, Major League Baseball has since put out proposal to return to playing in early july with no fans. Each game would still need or require about 100 people to be in the empty staidups. Is the state going to allow Something Like that from what you know . We talked i talked to the commissioner of Major League Baseball and he said we wont do anything thats not consistent with state guidelines so im not concerned about what you do as long as its consistent with state guidelines. Well see where we will be in july. Im very encouraged about the progress the state of california has made to date, and were making meaningful modifications in realtime. Well be making subsequent announcements tomorrow as it relates to putting out the guidelines for these regional variations that can be self attested torts or to but we certainly look forward to Major League Baseball and all sports resuming but again, the question is when and that will Public Health and safety and the spread of this virus and so we will see in that space. As it relates to the issues, ive been very clear in the past and youve heard me say on multiple occasions, number of contacts weve made to businesses that have opened understandably frustrated and concerned. They opened a bit earlier than they should have for the protect of their own employees let alone customers and the vast mitbe contacted and have applied caution and have reconsidered theyre opening so its not heavy fisted or heavy handed rather or close if they jump ahead, you know, well continue

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