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Sacramento where the governor is expected to make a big announcement on homelessness. Lets listen in. Planes flew them to illinois. One into new jersey, new york area to provide 100 ventilators for the needs of the state of illinois. Those in new jersey, another 100 in the state of new york. Those same men and women, Different Group with in the National Guard ranks, now are deploying additional ventilators in delaware and dc. In maryland and driving as we speak, driving into nevada. 50 ventilators for each of those states. I just want to thank them in particular because the National Guard have provided to do heroic work in n the food banks throughout the state of california and in addition to that, we have 100 of them that just went out on the lines to prepare for this winter, rather this summers fire season that is close upon us. They are doing Vegetation Management for us, management and so i cannot express enough my graduate, my respect, my appreciation to our National Guard. Also wanted to update all of you on a significant effort that we have advanced on ppe. So much attention, not just on n95 masks, on cover alls and gowns, on shields, on surgical masks, gloves and the like. We have been doing our part over the course of last number of weeks to punch above our weight. We have been able to secure over 41. 5 million marks and send them throughout the state. While we have had a little support from the National Stock pile we havenreed that. Have come from the strategic ti 41. 5 million have been sent throughout the state. All of us are working, together, and across youre respective jurisdictions and sometimes against each other in the open market to compete to get through a subpoena supply chain that is global more ppe. Some cases we have been actually competing against the federal government. You have seen price gouging, you have seen a lot of i made this point the other day about one of our deliveries on the border into texas and a lot of the masks were moldy and had to be shipped back. In an effort not to play small ball but to organize and meet the goal we had over 500 million ppe that we announced a few weeks back based on the modeling. We decided to retool our efforts and refocus on our vends and supply chains. We are able to submit to the legislature, yesterday a request to use money from our Disaster Response Emergency Operations account that would allow us to invest over 1. 4 billion into ppe of all stripes and do so in a way that secures the anxiety that many of us have, not just the Health Care Workers in the state of california with in the hospital systems, at our Community Clinics and Skilled Nursing facilities, Adult Daycare Centers but our grocery workers, our dmv workers, the frontline employees walking the streets doing outreach to the homeless doors to do wellness checks, to basically provide for the amount of ppe that is needed. We made a big, bold, bet on a new strategy and it is bearing fruit. I will ask the director of the office of Emergency Service to walk through a little more of the details and how we are going about this, what our supply chains look like. The non profits that are part of this, a private company in the state of california that stepped up with strong relationships in china to help us with the direct supply chains. Its a logisti cs operation that is stored in its size in terms of the number of flight that have to come in to the United States, the partnership that have been formed with nonprofits, but organizations like the asia society that have been helpful. Other private sector partners, both here in the United States but overseas and h state of ema they california to get these contracts procured and get the commitments of roughly 200 Million Masks. I specifically point to the masks, the ppe. Broader than that but the masks of course being so topical. Roughly 150 million on a monthly basis and 50 million surgical masks on a monthly basis that we believe with these contracts, multiple contracts and sources will be able to bring into the state of california and begin to give out at a scale that we havent been able to date. We that i want to ask the director of the office of Emergency Service to come up. He will fill in the blanks on some of the details of that strategy. I just want to note a deep respect and gratitude to our partners in the legislature. We submitted a 495 Million Dollar formal request for the first group of pairments on the 1. 4 billion of procurement for the efforts. That is not an in significant amount of money. We are dealing at a time where we need to go boldly and we need to meet this moment without playing small ball any longer. We need to coordinate and organize our nation state status as we condition only in california with our procurement capacity that is second only to the United States itself. Califoria is in a position not only leverage the supply chains, the investment but do so in a way that protects the taxpayers as well. So with that let me ask the director to come up, fill in the blanks and we will have opportunity to answer specific questions but after he speaks i will go into a series of other issues that i know are topical and important to everybody that may w be watching, thank you. Thank you, governor. Good morning. The director of the Governors Office of Emergency Services. Let me provide some specifics to this. The governor has mentioned the challenges we face with the ppe and the competition that it existed. What we try to do is really step back and look at this in a more strategic way. We leaned on the way we actually managed, major events that happen in california like when we have wildfires or earthquakes, when we have limited kinds of resources. We lean back on that and those protocols to be able to build a more sustainable pipeline of resources coming in to the state. Really this has been an effort of building a multipronged approach to achieving the objective of getting to the multiMillion Dollar multimillion number of mask that the governor has mentioned. Let me break that down for you. The different prongs and approaches. The first is engagement with a number, a very powerful and very helpful nongovernmental and Community Based organization. We have really engaged with organizations like direct relief, americares, the california endowment. These are ngos that have reached back, they have relationships in the asia, they have been doing work in different spaces, may not necessarily be only ppe. For example in the Climate Adaptation or Public Health space we have leveraged all of those partnerships and relationships to build into using their pipelines to leverage those to help us. That has been a source of ongoing ppe, particularly masks. Its also shields and gowns and other kinds of things. Both in realtime and in our effort to build in the out weeks anthe out months additional ppe. The second prong has been through working with direct contracts. We have established a number of contracts with large vendors that have been able to provide the ppe that the governor mentioned already 41 Million Masks that we have given out. We continue to continue to get commodities from Companies Like Bear Mountain development and jr resources. These are examples of some of the larger firms. We have been able to get from our National Health providers like cardinal some of the commodities we need. Yesterday we were able to establish an agreement with a company, California Based Company called byd america which really has a direct reach back into chin beable to build a pipeline. A sustainable amount of monthly manage that will becoming in to assist us here in california. This is an organization that has a manufacturing ability that is specifically designed to meet this need. This is a Great Partnership because its a California Based Company. Its also one that we have been working with again in the climate space. The third prong that we are approaching and have been working with is closely with our partners at fema. This has been in kind of three different areas. The first is that fema has worked hard to establish a partnerships with the six of the nations largest medical distr ib utors including cardinal and United Health and owens to be able to go to asia and procure huge quantities of ppe. These flights are coming into the United States now, regularly, some of them are coming in to california and as part of that effort and setting up that air bridge, and as part of the National Effort to prio ri tize counties with hot spots across the country in the top national 100 counties there were a number that have been identified here in california for immediate supply of ppe. I can tell you they include Los Angeles County and santa clara, orange, riverside, san joaquin, alameda, sacramento and san mateo. Its not just random. This is a closely coordinated with where we are seeing the greatest number of cases that we have to manage. That doesnt mean that the rest of our counties in the state wont get ppe. That means that as through the process of the national program, through the leveraging of the big corporations, hospitals that normally procure through those particular groups will be able to get ppe. That will be available and they will use their normal process with in those counties. The last piece that we have been working with fema on is leveraging a new piece of technology. This is a technology that was manufactured by patel, a Defense Contracting Company in the United States. Its a technology that is designed to get on the ground and bring in a used n95 mask and do a cleaning process that makes them basically new general. This is new technology that has been certified by the fda, and cdc and itll be here in california, here with in the next week. This capacity will have the ability to clean up to 80,000 masks per day. What this does is we will work a coordinated effort with our hospitals and First Responders and beinhas been used, that meets the criteria. We will bring it to the center. The center will then sterilize these masks and we will be able to repurpose them again back into the field again. To sort of close out, there are a number of d different efforts happening at the same time. They are all sustainable. They will meet our needs in the short, medium and long term. Its leveraging the of califos buying abilities. Relationships we have with Many Organizations and agencies to build the capacity that we need. As the weeks go on, we will provide additional updates on how all of this continues to progress. This is not a silver bullet. There are always challenges in anything that we are attempting of this scale and scope. We believe by putting in the various checks and balances that we have and the Great Partnerships we have in place that this will be successful moving forward. Thank you. Thank you. Its about sustainable pipeline of commodities. We think we are in a very different place than we were just a week or so ago. I want to say congratulations to the director and his remarkable team for organizing a new construct and approach to getting ppe and as i said it cant come sooner. Particularly now with new mandates across the state as it relates to face coverings, not just consumer mandates as it relates to those that may be purchasing food or essential supplies and their need to also have appropriate face coverings. The big concern has always been a run on masks that would impact the Health Care Delivery system and the First Responders over the course thnextfew weeks. We believe that will substantially be addressed. Again, one should be careful in this space. We have been sober about the last few months, what appeared promising and didnt necessarily show up. We, i think, are in a different place and the size and the totality of the new contracts and the 495 milliondollar firsthanding out of resources gives you a sense of the size of this approach and how complete we believe we are. Agencywhen thstate of r federal partners, through the sns, the strategic National Stock pile we will avail ourselves to others in need. That includes ventilators and issues related to ppe. As we scale up. As the supplies rely as they as we see more certainty we will be in a much better position to help support the efforts of others in partnership with fema and those doing procurement and appropriately resourcing that procurement and as needed basis to parts of the country that are most in need. That is broad streaks where we are on the ppe side. Very good progress. It cant come soon enough. Also wanted to give you an update, Progress Report on the total numbers of positive coronavirus cases in the state of california. The icu numbers, the hospitalization numbers. Update you on the number of deaths but also to update you on the data that we are finally getting and receiving and organizing as it relates to the issues of race and ethnicity and give you a Progress Report on that in just a minute. Let me give you the numbers first. 16,957 individuals that have been tested positive for coronavirus. 1154 in our icus, thats a 4. 2 increase from the previous day. 2,714 individuals that are in the hospital in the system. Thats a 3. 9 increase from the previous day. Sadly we had one of our highest death rates in the state so far. That was 68 individuals that passed away offer the last 24 hours. We have 442 individuals that have lost their lives, 442 families torn asunder since this virus hit the state of california. Our hearts go out to all of them. Particularly today, passover. I want to extend our deep sympathies and empathy for all of those struggling suffering from not only this moment but then the deep impact losing a loved one is having on families, large and small all throughout the state of california. As it relates to data, a lot of attention is appropriately being put as it always must be placed, on the issue of disparity. The cause that unites many of the folks who work here in the state of california. They come to Public Service because of a deep desire to right wrongs and deal with systemic issues. Nothing more frustrating than the systemic challenges, the disparities that manifest in relationship to Public Health. Those issues were before this crisis and continue to persist even with in this crisis. I plead the point yesterday. I made the point looking in to the future about access to treatment and vaccines and how we must always have a lens of addressing equity in that ext a having conversations heare the new numbers. I mentioned 16,057 individuals that have tested positive. Thats 16,957. In with in that as a subset that we have been able to look at, we are only at 37. 2 of that number that have reported in and i can assure you we have ten people, no less than ten calling hospitals, coroners, double checking data. Not every city or county is provide that data in realtime. We are trying to work with those that have, make sure that we scrub that date a. I said i wanted to wait until it was presented but understandablely people are eager for transparency in realtime. I said to my daughter a month before we farmaliz formalized the numbers, let me tell you what we know based on the 37 of the data we have been able to look at and confirm. We have 6,306 cases that we have been able to analyze on the basis of race. Looking from total number of positive cases, from a racial and ethnic lens and the total number of deaths. They track so far and again i caution those that are going to write about that, that are going to talk and report about this, i caution, its less than 40 of all of that data back in. 30 are hispanic, number positives. 6 in the black community and 14 with in the asian community. It tracks modestly so along the lines of total population. Deathsnot dissimilarly track. 30 positive in the latino community, 29 of the deaths so far with in the latino Community Based on that sample size. 6 blacks. 16 of the deaths with in the asian community. Thats those are the big Broad Strokes of where we are. I have seen headlines, you have all seen headlines, many of you have written those same headlines about those disparities in terms of deaths and total numbers of positives in other states. Based on the 37 of our data thats in we are not seeing that but i caution you that the data is limited it to that current sample size. We will get more of that information in. Its one thing to have that data. Its another to do something with it. To make the data actionable. That absolutely essential. In every category we are doing more to be competent in terms of testing, our outreach, our communication, and our capacity to deliver care to individuals that do get tested to make sure that care is compensated so they dont have to come out of pocket. On that front let me give you a specific. What we just did. We have a presumption of eligibility regardless of your immigration status if you go to the emergency room. If you go to the hospital you can be tested for the coronavirus and treatment is compensated in those hospital acute care, Emergency Department settings. Thats not the case in a community clinic. They do extraordinary work and many are doing it without the compensation of the federal government or the state government. That is now just changed. We are providing presumption eligibility regardless of immigration status at Community Clinics and not waiting for a waiver that we have requested of the federal government. We requested that and will to a 1135wai, 1135. We need to create clarity in the health care system. Thats an example of the state trying to do more to advance in identifying what is the obvious that there are disparities but to do something about it and we will continue to advance more efforts and continue to update you on what those efforts look like. Speaking of updates, let me make two additional announcements. I was asked yesterday and was grateful for the prompt and the question about our onward ca website. This onward ca website that was put together through a partnership, a cooperation of bit wise and sales force and linked in. They currently have as a data set 110,000 job openings on that site. Onward ca. Gov. If you are looking for work go to that site, and we have broken out by location, by wage packages, benefits packages, all those job listings, made them available on that site. We have had 170,000 people participate and engage on that site so far. We hope to see many more because we recognize millions and millions of people have lost their jobs and let me be specific on that. 2. 4 million now, california residents have applied for unemployment since march 12th. We encourage people to go to that site and we are grateful. With speaking of activity, let me update you on another announcement we made a week or so ago. That was related to the issue of supplies. We talked today about procurement of ppe. We are not limiting our ppe e nounnt we made today. Quite the option. We are still looking for people that can meet this moment on hand sanitizers, do more to help us with testing, media, testing reagents, all kinds of manufacturing needs that exist and persist with in the state of california. We created this coronavirus supply. Ca. Gov website to match people. You may recall a few days ago we talked about that for indivi as well as business and companies themselves to provide cad information, to provide fda approval information. I dont want to go back in to the details but to say this. 2300 individuals and companies have already accessed, filled out applications on that site. I just want to thank everybody that did that, that filled owl the a indication. Those are people that want to contribute. Those are manufactureerns, and individuals that want to provide support and resources at this critical moment. We are very, very grateful to all of them. As i said, father i didnt say this but father cause who helped raise me, reminding me that the bible teaches us we are many parts but one body. When one part suffers we all suffer. He was my econ teacher at Santa Clara University and b mutualityry singleur our that was more a. Kit a time fo many to celebrate and reflect on days like narcotic passover. I want to extend that appreciation to those of faith that are also struggling because its not a time to gather together. Its a time to pray, its a time to reflect. Its a time to practice our faith but not in these Group Settings where we at this moment in time need to continue to practice physical distancing. I cannot end as i always end by reminding everybody while the curve is bent, been bending in the state of california its also stretching. At any moment if we pull back, you can see that curve go back up, that slope go back up. I know everybody is tempted with easter, sunday, the weather, starting to improve. We are already trying to get more messages out there to everybody that is likely to say, maybe, this is the weekend we could take a nice walk and go up on a trail head. If you do that, you must practice safe distancing. Know that we shut down the parking lots for a reason. They are soft closures but also hard where you cannot go any longer because of our desire to work through this moment and do so in any thoughtful and safeway. I just encourage everybody as you are thinking about your plans this weekend, lets not step back. Lets continue to move forward as we have as a state in way that should make all of us proud

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