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Read something a uterine cbc right there, center for bio transplants. We have medical miracles. Ethics and culture. But in fact they are not, are ts your website. There it is. I put below this and applications of new some colleagues and counterparts. The National Catholics bio knowledge andalmes. U wl have cost and you will ethics center, and that is have consequences i want to another center like yours on the other coast, catholic in description and teaching but under those things. Doing the same kind of work. We talk to the founder of a that is wonderful. So i want to encourage local institution that is an people to support your work, to go to the dinner if that makes international known study for bio ethics. Sense and tell us how much i . Staying home will slow the spread of covid19 and, doubt, save lives. A getting on the mailing list critical things like food, pharmacies, laundromats is good. We send out a news letter a week and it is written for anyone. And more remain available. Those who work in health, food supply and Law Enforcement so if you think you cant will continue to perform their jobs. Understand, it is targeted to programs like paid sick leave, unemployment, and ot the lay person. Ifo e ho, keep six feetween you o we do have a really good study guide too. We are in isher. Ad19. Ca that is free and goes with our films. Organizing a discussion in your own perish or classroom. Yeah, if you are a director of Events Manager or can you send a speaker . Yeah we have a speaker form online, and t on whatever the topic is. Wonderful. So, they can show your films . Yeah, and they canom visit us if they want to come see us in Pleasant Hill. Local Catholic School districts . I have spoken at several in the bay area and high school and beyond. I spoke at the catholic bishops conference in dallas. Thats right. Well, thank you for joining us and sharing a little bit. I want to encourage people to go to your website and get on your mailing list and perhaps attend this wonderful dinner and hear a talk. Wonderful. Thank you so much for joining us, we will see you next hello and welcome to time. Mosaic. Now, jennifer your face may be familiar, you are frequently interviewed on television, you are a medical profession by originalwou are the president of the center of study bio ethics in Pleasant Hill ca. Are you a local girl . Did you grow up here . How did you get to california . I have been here since high school. For over 80 years, ied a third generation. Nissan has been with you through thick and thin. And now is no different. Were offering Payment Options for current owners i was a Critical Care nurse at uc and our Service Departments are here to help. San francisco. I did practice nursing for almost 20 years awere offering no payments before founding the center for for 90 days bio ethics and culture. On 14 models. 20 years ago you founded it . This is help when you need it. Yes, i cant believe it, but it has been 20 years. Time flies. Definitely. What caused you to take that step . . Well i love science and technology. We were always on the cutting edge of a new technology a new treatment, a new therapy but i was also interested in the ethics of all of the advancements not just because we can do something doesnt always mean we should do something. So i went back to graduate school and studied bio ethics it is part of the work that founded the center i run. It is a nonprofit and internationally known and you testified at the u n and foreign countries. These are not unique issue has to united states. We have sick people all over the world and interfacing with the medical profession, i get around. So the bio ethics and live from the cbs bay area culture. This is a catholic show, and you studios, this is kpix 5 news. Are not catholic . Correct. A bay area study helps to i am lutheran and work closely curb the spread of the with my good catholic friends on area that we agree. What does the center for bio coronavirus. Telford hospital see a surge of patients being treated ethics do . In the intensive care unit. We are heavily involved in the governor provides the latest numbers. Plus, how some bay area the area of making life. You mention eded gene editing restaurants are giving back to hospital workers. It is 6 00 a. M. , and lets and cloning and assisted reproduction. Start with a check of the you mentioned in your opening weather. A little rain in the forecast. We are pretty much going to replay what saturday looked uterine transplants and like. Artificial wombs, so we are heavily involved in that space the rain yesterday came through and we write and do media and produce documentary films to we all have voice and something people. Do you have seminars . You make movies i have seen a couple of these. They are available on amazon, so you can find all of our films and watch them on amazon. We have a podcast and talk about reproductive Womens Health. Yes we reach out to young people and very involved in social media. A lot of young people spend their time on twitter and facebook. Just disseminating information and educating people. We have a weekly news letter that makes these more science issues accessible to people who dont have degrees in science and medicine. I am interestedn a personal stake in any of them but i like to know more. You have on your website information sheets and fact sheets. 3 things you should know about x, y and z. We have quite a few, our film making has been some have been on the issue of egg donation. Young women seeing ads to donate their eggs and we have a fact sheet on egg donations and break down the risks, some of the realities of making that decision. We want people to be informed when they make decisions. We have one on surrogacy. The global debate about surrogacy. And they are available on your website . Yeah, they are free information. These are techniques and techniques have benefits perhaps and they have costs and consequences. You try to inform people about both sides of that . Sure, we absolutely do. We are not antitechnology. I took a car to get here and answer emails on my smart phone, but there is risks. We want people to be informed and risks to Womens Health to sell or donate eggs, and be a surrogate. I dont know the extent of the industry. How many young women are involved . We dont really track. It is a multibillion dollar a year industry the area of fertility medicine. It is a very, very large industry, but it is new. So we dont have good figures and data and numbers. Okay, but yet it is known, you sayhere are consequences, or difficulties or risks. Sure. For the person donating the eggs . Sure, they are healthy young women taking medicine. You usually take medicine when you are sick. I am sick so i am going to take this medicine has that risks but where need to get well. There are risks to certainly healthy women who take medicine. We will talk more about this later. We will take a brief break and come back with another session. Covid19 is a serious respiratory disease. Theall take to stay healthyan and protect our community. Wash your hands for twenty seconds with soap and warm water. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or elbow and avoid touching your face. If you do have symptoms like cough and fever, stay at home and call your doctor. When we all do our part, we can keep california healthy. For more information, visit covid19. Ca. Gov. Hello and welcome back. We are talking to jennifer founder and president of the center of bio ethics and culture. We were modern brand new interventions and techniques. One which you have studied is egg donation and another is surrogacy. I think the theme is there are risks for the women involved and you have education to offer about these things. Yeah, well, i am courage anyone who is listening to watch the films, they are great documentary films and talk to young women who have done this and walk through their experiences and what went wrong. These are readily available on your website . We will run a slide with your domain name and url and all of that. But these resources, video and print are on your website . Absolutely. But if you think of the Young Healthy egg donor who sees the ad by the way, also in new york and a bigit l the subway. Yeah, so they see these ads and think i can help someone and that money would help a lot. Powerf andt happens, not under go a surgical procedure to harvest eggs to be sold and there are serious consequences and in the case of surrogacy most people dont realize there is above and beyond the natural risk of a spontaneous pregnancy. Just last month we had a surrogate mother who died. We tell the stories of women who saw these ads and thought the be beneficial and wanted to help someone. What is the great interest in surrogacy, are there adoptable children that are already born and need homes. The argument that i hear for people who are interested in advancing surrogacy will say this allows people to have a genetic child. A biologically related child. When you adopt you are not biologically related. But in the case of the surrogate she may carry the genetic child for you. It is sort of unfortunate we know there are many children in the foster care system that could benefit from a home. We see stories about these, even if you are not a professional in the field, there are contract difficulties and legal difficulties that have not been solved. Yeah, and economic disparities. You will see a People Magazine cover with celebrities having a baby through surrogacy but you dont see a celebrity being a surrogate for an impositiveish woman. Educating all on angle of the stories. You have a large cohort of medical professionals and we will talk about that later. But let me ask you this now. This is of interest, your film, eggplotation . It has been sold in 45 Different Countries and won best documentary and major film awards and been recognized. It is an important film that keeps watched and shown and purchased from people all around the world. It is an important tool for young women to get ahold of it. But the target audience for the egg donation harvesters . I am on campuses screening the film and they say thank you for your work. I get the ads and see them in the campus newspapers, they are grateful for the information. Wonderful. Yeah. Let me ask you about you have these educational tools for the common person. Easily available, and readily accessible. They are pretty nifty and you have an intellectual side to your institute, and this is called the Paul Ramsey Institute. You also have the Paul Ramsey Institute. It is an institute studying bio ethics and named for paul ramsey . Well i had to read a lot of his writings in graduate school. He is the late, great paul ramsey of princeton and he was sort of on the forefront to the shift of medical ethics and bio ethics and young men and women applying for a coveted spot. We are only able to accept a few. Just to give you an insight of the caliber of people apply and study and a medical doctor and a professor of ethics. That is great to know, we will take a brief break and talk for a final segment. As a mother and a wife, i understand how challenging families and our communities. That is why our state is responding at every level of government to slow the spread of covid19, while ensuring our most vulnerable californians have what they need. But we can each do our part. And it starts by staying home. I know this is a big sacrifice for so many, but staying home saves lives. Learn more at covid19. Ca. Gov. Now jennifer, you mentioned paul, that is a book i read. It was a best seller. He was a neuro surgeon at stanford. Young married man, got stage 4 cancer and in his last few months of life got treatments that were unsuccessful. Wrote a best selling book and how is he associated . He was one of our first fellows. We run a two year fellowship where men and women will apply and paul was in the first group when we launched the Paul Ramsey Institute and he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and writing when breath becomes air. A wonderful book. Truly moving. You have top notch academics, medical professionals and apply for limited number of spots and there for two years, is there a physical location . We have the meetings in the San Francisco bay area, our fellows are either students, you know in md programs, or phd programs and they come to San Francisco for a very long weekend. We have schedul they wrestle and think with our scholars and so over a period of 2 years we bring them to the bay some of them have not encountered before. A doctor may his bio ethics yet and the same with a law student, doesnt understand the legality, and the law will have to weigh in if we can do this or not. There is phd students who are going on to teach in universities and it is part of their formation and they love it because it is multidisciplinary and laws students are benefiting from hearing from medical students who are benefiting from hearing from phd students and good lively discussions. And they take the learning back to their profession and distribute it as well. We also have a Strong Alumni program and a paul ramsey dinner and we are

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