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affordable housing crisis without government money, subsidies. >> reporter: larry stone says the vast majority of residential home sales would not be tasked and measure e is meant to go after the mega deals. >> we have to deal with the housing crisis or it will have a serious impact on the economic engine of this country which is high-tech. >> reporter: san jose county members say the key word in the measure is including, meaning the measure raised would go into the general fund and can't be earmarked for affordable housing. >> they promise to spend it on low income housing, do you buy that? >> well the mayor will be out of office 2 years from now, and this money can be spent by any council any way they like because it's a general fund task. >> reporter: raymond is conflicted about the tax money going into the general fund, but has an idea to make sure city leaders keep their promise. >> go ahead and get measure e passed. i'm in favor of the measure generally, and hopefully there will be an oversight committee as well that sees the money does go toward affordable housing. >> reporter: kiet do, kpix 5. in san mateo county, more than 400,000 early ballots were sent out for the march 3rd presidential primary. 3 voter centers opened their doors this morning. every registered voter in san mateo will get a ballot in the mail. voters can mail it in, drop it off at the centers, or use the machines to vote in person. >> it's a large number of people, so if you really want to avoid waiting in line, vote early, come to the voting centers early. they open today, which is 29 days before election day. >> the centers are open at the san mateo registration division, the assessor's office in redwood city, and the san francisco main library. democratic president, candidate mike bloomberg was in sacramento today hosting a canvass launch at the old soul coffee shop. he spoke about his hopes to defeat donald trump and put the united back in the united states. >> the people in california are very politically savvy and know what's going on. they express themselves, and that's what democracy should be all about. >> bloomberg opened a campaign office in oakland just last week. a look at the top stories at 5:30 now. >> a south bay deputy ambushed by bullets while alone on patrol. the body camera he was wearing likely saved his life. the santa clara county sheriff's department now says he could have been targeted for his religious affiliation, but no suspects have been found. a man and woman are now receiving treatment in san francisco for the coronavirus. the man was in wuhan china and flew back to sfo january 24th. 5 days later his wife also became ill. doctors across the bay area are fielding a lot of calls about the coronavirus. dr. laura gross joined us earlier today on cbsn bay area to talk about the concerns and what to do to protect yourself. >> if you're watching your hands frequently, you're watching that virus away and then you're less likely to get it into your body. also don't touch your face, your eyes, nose, or mouth. >> you can watch our full interview on coronavirus on cbsn bay area. find it through, the cbs news app, or your favorite platform. scott weiner introduced legislation to determine the future of pg&e. it's part of a larger package of legislation to hold pg&e and other utilities accountable. >> this legislation is long overdue. it will improve the quality of life for the people of california and lead to safer and more reliable energy and put an end to the dangerous roller coaster ride we've been on with pg&e over the past decade. >> today pg&e filed a revamped plan to emerge from chapter 11 and that sent the company's stock surging 13.5 percent. it continued to rise in after hours trading. the plan still needs approval from the governor. google's parent company alphabet released 4-quarter earnings yesterday. they beat expectations, but weren't enough for wall street. they earned $10.67 billion, but net revenue was 37.6 billion short of what was expected. their stock fell nearly 5 percent after the report was release. it was also the first time they released figures for youtube. the video platform generated $15 billion in ad sales in 2019, up from 11 billion the year before. the stock market saw a lot of green today. the dow up 143 points, the nasdaq gained 122 points. today the city of oakland is set to shut down a large homeless encampment located in front of the home depot on alameda avenue in the fruitvale neighborhood. in march officials will be able to provide shelter beds or space at a community cabin site. also today, the oakland mayor libby schaaf and community partners announced the first year impact of the keep oakland housed program. a program created to prevent homelessness. from july 2018 to september 2019 they raised $2.9 million. 191 seniors were served, and more than1100 households received legal services. we know how crazy bay area real estate can be, but this one might take the cake. a parking lot in san francisco is on sale for a whopping $100,000, but it's spot 140 which is a block away from oracle park. the spot is pitched as a perfect investment. coming up, several students recovering after being hit by a pickup truck. what police are saying about the driver. >> plus the dramatic testimony that had a new york judge dismiss court early during harvey weinstein's sexual assault trial today. coming up new at 6:00, a flooded bay area freeway and near freezing temperatures could make for a dangerous combination. the recurring problem that could lead to a slick morning commute. we tried to get the politicians to deal with the problem. but they wouldn't. so we took it to the voters and forced big tobacco to pay its share of healthcare costs. we fought oil companies for new clean air laws and closed a billion dollar corporate tax loophole to fund public schools. by going directly to the people we got results. that's not something you see a lot of from washington these days. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. let's make change happen. i'm ken bastida at the live news desk, and we're getting some results in now from the iowa caucuses, and no big surprise as far as the republican caucuses. president trump is being declared the winner of the iowa republican caucus. we knew that was coming. here's a live look out on the field at drake university in des moines, iowa. it's kind of an indoor field that they break up into groups of caucus goers. studentses are speaking still. another caucus site is at liberty high school in iowa. a little more sedate there. voters gathering at more than 1700 sites across the state of iowa to declare support for their preferred candidates on both sides of the aisle. we'll continue to monitor the votes and bring you the latest results later on. at the live news desk, i'm ken bastida, back to you. all right, ken, thanks. 2 women are dead, a toddler is in the hospital after a shooting at texas a and m university. the police haven't said if they were students or there's a relationship to the child, but officers were called to one of the dorms early this morning on the commerce campus. the campus was on lockdown leaving many students in a panic. >> it's difficult to process actually because i walk here and it could have been someone i walked by every day to class. it's hard to believe last year what we had in greenville and now again. >> police haven't released any details about the shooter but say there's no longer a threat on campus. in oklahoma, a student died after a pickup truck crashed through a crowd at a high school. it happened right after moore high school got out this afternoon. police found the pick up and arrested the driver. the other students are recovering in the hospital. court was dismissed early today in the harvey weinstein trial after one of his accusers had a panic attack on the stand. jessica mann was questioned for hours about her relationship with the producer. she started to break down, and when the judge called a break, she could apparently be heard screaming from the side room. mann says weinstein sexually assaulted her twice, but defense lawyers claim it was consensual. coming up, dangerous new numbers about driving and smoking marijuana. the number of uninsured americans, rising. the cost of prescription drugs, rising. the threat to people with pre-existing conditions, rising. the good news, so is support for the one candidate who'll do something about it. as mayor, mike bloomberg helped expand coverage for seven hundred thousand people, including hundreds of thousands of kids. including hundreds of thousands of kids. as president, he'll lower drug costs and ensure everyone without coverage can get it. that's a promise. and unlike him, mike actually keeps his. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. disappointing news in the latest clinical trial for the hiv vaccine. researchers say it simply doesn't work. thousands of volunteers have been testing in south africa for nearly 4 years, and today the group behind the vaccine said they're going to stop the trial. advocates are saying they're still hopeful to find a vaccine that works. apparently teenagers have found a loophole in the fda's new ban on flavored e-cigarettes. according to a new new york times report, they're switching from cartridge based brands to disposable e-cigarettes. last month the trump administration banned the sale of fruit and mint flavors nor e-cigarettes that use the refillable cartridges. the policy doesn't apply to nonrefillable devices. marijuana is now legal for legal or recreational use in 33 states, and a new study from aaa says since the legalization of pot, traffic deaths caused by stone drivers has reached a new high. they looked at the traffic deaths in washington state, and found the number of drivers involved in fatal crashes high on marijuana has more than doubled since pot was legalized there in 2012. they also found run ins with potentially high drivers are happening more often. >> why do you drive around smoking, you know it's not a good idea, right? >> yeah, i do. >> a group that lobbies for legalizing pot argues the study has some flaws. they say the increase in stops is due to more people being tested for the presence of marijuana, and that marijuana can stay detectable in the days after it's consumed. since it's dinner time, there's a new burger joint in town. shake shack opened their first location in san francisco today. crowds gathered at the new location near the corner of union and fillmore, i know you're wondering. that's where the first 100 people in line got a free shake shack goody bag. but what brought the fans in the first place is the famous burgers. >> i love the burgers! oh my god, look at them! and the fries! >> yeah, the fries too! this is the burger chain's fourth bay area location. are oh, brian hackney, i remember the burgers from my days in new york city, and those are some good burgers! >> they have that chain in new york? >> yeah! >> oh, do they? >> yeah! >> well, if you want to add ice to it, it's going to get cold. it's bundle up weather tonight with freeze warnings posted throughout the north bay, and it will be plenty cold for us as well. but there are a couple of moderating influences. a few high clouds out there might make temperatures not quite as cold as they could have been. isn't that beautiful? look at that. highs today managed only mid-50s. remember last week we had near record highs on friday, and now we have numbers below average for this time of the year, and it will get colder from here. 29 degrees in santa rosa. in san francisco tonight down to 42. in san jose 33, and in napa down to 31 degrees. out in wine country, sun up at 7:11 a.m., but we hit the lowest temperatures of the night, so they have freeze warnings posted for the valleys. temperatures rage from the mid-20s to the low 30s, so protect plants, pets, pipes, and i would say people as well. as we look at high pressure offshore, good news is that this high pressure that's out here will be ushering in, it's been windy, and the winds if they persist overnight keep the temperatures from getting too cold. high pressure offshore, creating north winds and winds up to 30 miles per hour in the higher elevations. that high pressure and didn't bring us any rain, but did bring the cool down in temperatures. so that high pressure edges closer to the shoreline the next couple of days and brings temperatures up. it will take us to near 70 degrees by friday, so it will be cold tonight. tuesday we get sun, on the cool side, but milder temperatures by midweek, and by friday we're near 70 degrees. that's something. so here's how it looks. temperatures will be mostly in the 50s tomorrow in the bay area. 56 in san francisco is shy of where we usually are this time of year by about 3 degrees. concord tomorrow 56. plenty of sunshine around. the upside of this, the visibles are stunning. ultra clear weather. 56 at milpitas, and 56 in fremont. over in the east bay tonight we have starry skies. venus will be gleaming in the southwest sky until about 9:00 tonight. brentwood at 54, danville hitting 55 tomorrow, and pleasant hill will live up to its name at 57 degrees and vallejo ditto. mill valley 56, kentfield 57, petaluma tomorrow plenty of sun and 58. santa rosa gets a little cooler with 55 at lake port and 54 at clear lake. windsor will have 60. and in the extended forecast, well after the coldest night of the week which will be tonight, things will slowly begin to warm up as we get to wednesday and thursday, and look at friday, by the time we get to friday, 69 degrees, then saturday a little cool down. more of a cool down on sunday, and then monday 61. you'll notice one thing missing from the extended forecast. you know, we look at the long range models from last monday, and there wasn't a drop in sight. and we looked at the long rain models today, and there's not a drop in sight. we continue to see no rain moving into the bay area over the next 7 days, so we're shy of where we should be, but it can rain in february and flood in march, not hoping for a flood, but nevertheless, it's not like the rainy season is over. we have more time, we just don't have any rain in the forecast. more on this in a few minutes. all right, thank you. new at 6:00, more coronavirus cases cropping up in northern california. why 2 outside the bay area are being treated in san francisco. plus pg&e filing a revamped plan to get out of bankruptcy, and it's causing its shares to soar. >> reporter: i'm don ford in sonoma county, where dogs are now helping to make sure wine tastes good. that story coming up. coming up for us, the new study that shows if you want to give your children the best opportunities, you don't have to move very far. economically powerfully influenced my values. bernie sanders he's fighting to raise wages. and guarantee health care for all. now, our country is at a turning point. hard working people, betrayed by trump, struggling to survive. in this moment, we need a fighter. bernie sanders. we know he'll fight for us as president because he always has. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message. a new study finds a south bay community is one of the best to raise a child. >> that top honor went to san jose. devin fehely breaks down the findings for us. >> reporter: the new study out of brandeis university found children growing up in san jose, santa clara, and sunnyvale the some of the best odds of turning into healthy adults. but children's advocates say that belies the hard work every child has to do to have a real opportunity to be successful. it's called the child opportunity index and measures communities based on the poverty and employment rates, high school graduation, the quality of schools, pollution, and a host of other factors. san jose was narrowly edged out by madison, wisconsin for the top spot. san francisco came in 9th. >> because of the technology and all the companies here, the people come here tend to be more inclined to study and more worried about education, so i think that helped. >> reporter: she recently had her first child 7 month old victor after she and her husband moved to north san jose. she's been impressed by what a nice area it is to raise a family. >> just the availability of resources for children in the area has been so great. for example, playgrounds, libraries. >> reporter: the study authors acknowledge that even in so called high opportunity areas like san jose, there are pockets of poverty where children and their families struggle, and that santa clara supervisors say must be where we focus our efforts. >> the opportunities or challenges we face is taking this relatively good news and saying to ourselves how do we double down on what we've been doing to really get everyone across the finish line? >> reporter: the results overall for california was mixed. we had 4 in the bottom. bakersfield, fresno, stockton, and river side. you know the way to san jose. that's it for the news at 5:00. >> kpix 5 news at 6:00 starts now with ken bastida and elizabeth cook. now at 6:00, rough monday for a high school in contra costa county. students and teachers mourning after one of their own was killed after a basketball game. >> reporter: big puddles of water continue to be a problem on this otherwise dry freeway in san jose. what cal trans says it's doing to fix the problem, and what drivers say the danger is. >> these dogs were once used to sniff out drugs, but now retired to greener pastures, sniffing for bad wine. and our top story on kpix 5, streaming on cbsn bay area, a parking lot fight after a high school basketball game turns deadly. good evening, i'm ken bastida. >> and i'm elizabeth cook. this evening we know the identity of the 16-year-old victim. jonathan parker was a sophomore. parker was shot friday night at deer valley high school in antioch. as kpix 5's john ramos reports, today his peers are trying to understand the violence that took his life. >> reporter: the flag hung at half staff today, and police were present on campus. a makeshift memorial has been created at the school for the young man they called john john, and all day students have been in a state of shock. >> you can tell when you go on campus that something has shifted. like everyone, it seems empty even though everyone is here. >> i'm hurt by it. a lot of my friends are hurt by it. he shouldn't have died that day. >> reporter: no one from the school would speak about friday night's tragedy, but in a joint facebook statement, the principal and superintendent denounced the violence saying our children must be taught that solving disagreements with violence is not the answer, and there are other ways to resolve our differences that don't result in the unjust killing of our youth. this evening his family wanted the public to know that jonathan was the victim of violence, not the cause of it. >> he wasn't a gang member, he wasn't in none of that. so that's not what it was, and he never left the house. he was always at home. this is something very new to all of us, him going to a basketball game. >> reporter: earlier in the day, carrie dutra stopped by the memorial. she runs a christian ministry for students called let's talk and says many of them feel empty inside. she said lacking violence at home, students turn to each other for acceptance. >> the parents are working their tails off and can't be with their kids a lot of times, so a lot of this is the breakdown of the family and this is what we're left with. >> reporter: his aunt said jonathan wanted to be an engineer because he enjoyed fixing and creating things. she says his mother is a single mom that works hard for her children and is having a hard time dealing with this. we're monitoring breaking news out of brisbane. a shooting that left a person dead. police blocked off the area near alvarado street and say they've made an arrest. >> the scene is active.

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