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now at 11, streaming on cbs and bay area, a deadly shooting sparks mass panic on the streets of seattle. >> i heard a bang bang bang bang. >> i knew it wasn't fireworks and then i started screaming. >> tonight for the suspects and what we have learned about the innocent bystanders hurt in the chaos. the governor's new threat to pg&e. why he says the plan to get out of bankruptcy isn't good enough. >> we want to get people from their cars into the buses. >> growing momentum for a plan that could rapidly change or by some drivers are saying pump the brakes. and streaming on cbsn bay area, a mass shooting sparks panic on the streets of downtown seattle. good evening i am can best deal. >> i'm elizabeth cook. tonight one person is dead, seven others injured. and we have new information about the moments leading up to the gunfire. shots rang out just before 5 in the busiest part of the city. sending people running for cover. >> a series of pops, probably about a dozen and i looked up the street and panic, everyone was running and hiding? seattle police say this all started when an argument broke out among a group of people. >> this is not a random incident. there were multiple people involved. there was a dispute that happened in front of the mcdonald's. >> police quickly arrived and locks down the area. reporter michael spears was among the first to arrive at the scene. >> the scene here in downtown as they move us back they are still loading victims into ambulances. we are told by our assignment editorials that many if not most of the available resources that could be put toward this are involved. >> seven people were taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. among the injured is a nine- year-old boy. >> the nine-year-old boy that we reported that gottschalk also is in very serious condition. all the other patients are in stable condition. >> the shooting happened as police were investigating another shooting nearby. police did not say if those two scenes were related. >> so far no arrests have been made. breaking news out of australia tonight. three americans killed when a large air tanker crashed while fighting the devastating wildfires. crews have been making these routine water drops around the clock since those fires began back in september. officials say the c-130 aircraft crashed south of new south wales. it was operated by a canadian company that helped battle last year's california fires. and we are still awaiting details on the identities of the victims. a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. you can imagine losing one lane for cars each way. well tonight, it's a real idea that is gaining steam. kpix 5 andrea nakano on the plan to get more people out of their car onto buses. andrea? >> reporter: this is just the start of getting the idea back on the table again according to ac transit, they are noticing a real need of getting a line dedicated just for buses. with a unanimous vote, the ac transit board decided to consider the idea once again to have a lane just for buses in both directions of the bay bridge. tonight's action by the board is a move to start the conversation again. >> let's keep in mind that a bus only lane is far more than just restriping a lane. it will require considerable effort from a number of agencies. >> reporter: ac transit says it has noticed a 10% increase in ridership over the last year. >> in as few as two years we could see an increase in ridership of at least 5000 riders per weekday. >> that will mean more buses on the bay bridge clogging up traffic. there are many that are hoping the bus lane will solve the commute nightmare. >> it is something that we can do you know, pretty quickly if we have to put up a will. >> we want to get people from their cars into the buses. >> but taking one lane away out of the 5 already congested lanes on the bay bridge has met a lot of opposition in the past. >> the bridge has only so many lanes. and they really need a whole lane for the buses. >> for the commuters it would definitely cut down on the lane obviously and then caused them to have a longer commute time. mike there are many community leaders on board with this idea. historically, caltrans has been the biggest roadblock in this project. reporting in emeryville, andrea nakano, kpix 5. a live look at capitol hill, day two of president donald j. trump's impeachment trial is in the books. how's impeachment managers wrapped up nine hours of opening arguments in the senate. they will resume tomorrow at 10 am our time. cbs reporter natalie brand on the day of dramatic presentations from the democrats. >> bay area congresswoman zola karen spoke towards the end of today's session. seven house managers took turns presenting highlights and playing clips from the house investigation. the lead manager adam schiff has said he is trying this case before two juries. the senators and the american people. in day one of opening arguments, how's impeachment managers spend hours laying out the details of their investigation that began months ago. >> clearly president donald j. trump felt the ukrainians owed him. >> on the senate floor, lead manager adam schiff began building the house this case of abuse of power and obstruction of congress. >> president donald j. trump withheld hundreds of millions of dollars of military aid to a strategic partner at war with russia to secure foreign help with his reelection. in other words, to cheat. the presidents extensive effort to cover up evidence of his misconduct is unprecedented in american history. >> reporter: during a dinner break, a number of senate republicans said they haven't heard nothing new. we are going to see an awful lot of repetition making the same points over and over again. >> reporter: late wednesday, the president returned to washington from the world economic forum in the post- switzerland, where he repeated he had done nothing wrong. >> there is nothing here. i had a very innocent conversation with a very fine gentleman. from the ukraine, and it was based on that people don't even want to talk about the conversation. >> reporter: the president also said witnesses are up to the senate, but claims executive triplets would prevent testimony from former national security adviser john bolton and other key officials. >> the constitution protects executive privilege, there's a reason for that but there's constitutional privileges at stake that don't just affect this presidency by the way but affect the office of the presidency. >> reporter: the defense team could be presenting its case as early as saturday. the president did not speak to reporters when returning to the white house from doubles today. but he has been very active on social media. in fact, it appears he said a new presidential record for most tweets in a day. our cbs team has counted 140 tweets, but many of them retreats of republican lawmakers and commentators. on capitol hill, i am natalie brand, kpix 5. >> the impeachment trial is a hot topic in washington. here at home, bay area republicans say their attention is elsewhere. >> we haven't been as focused on the impeachment trial because we have been more focused on what's going on here in california. the reality is, washington dc can only do so much we re issue have a wildfire crisis, we have the hopeless epidemics. and we have so many other issues that we need l republica they are optimistic about retaking some of the california congressional seats that turned blue in 2018. tonight the coronavirus outbreak has reached hong kong. health officials there say a 39- year-old man troubled by high- speed rail from the chinese mainland and is now in an isolation ward at a hong kong hospital. authorities are trying to close off the city of wuhan, home to 11 million people, where the virus is believed to have started. trains and flights out of the city have been halted. the virus has killed 17 people so far. sickened more than 500. medic new numbers on the opioid crisis. the number of fentanyl and heroin overdoses in san francisco, more than doubled in 2019. according to the medical examiner, fentanyl is believed to have played a role in 90 deaths. in 2018. that number soared to 234 last year. 100 deaths were linked to heroin in 2019. supervisor matt haney is now urging the city to release a number of overdose deaths more frequently. also tonight, governor newsom is threatening a state takeover of pg&e. kpix 5's maria medina on why he is blasting the utilities plan to get out of bankruptcy. >> reporter: this was supposed to be a big step for the troubled utility company. pg&e announced earlier today i just made an agreement with insurance companies, wildfire victims, and bondholders to emerge from chapter 11 bankruptcy. but then the governor stepped into protest pg&e's request for court approval of a financing proposal, because he says it calls for borrowing billions of dollars to pay off its bills to get out of bankruptcy. the debt, newsom says that would hurt the utility's ability to reduce wildfire risks. >> they don't get their act together we will do it for them. and currently there proposal runs short. governance, transparency, over on-site and safety. they are not where they need to be. >> newsom filed his protest in court documents with the u.s. bankruptcy court. the governor went on to say if pg&e doesn't get out of bankruptcy by the student, he is working on a legislative strategy for eight state takeover of the utility. although the governor doesn't have the power to block pg and these were out of bankruptcy, he does have leverage, because the companies plan depends on a special insurance fund the state created last summer to help utilities from wildfire losses in the future. now, pg&e is responding tonight. in a statement, a spokesperson says it will continue to work with the governor's office about his concerns. in the newsroom, maria medina, back to you. >> thank you maria. meantime the governor is asking the feds for land as part of a joint strategy to tackle homelessness. he says the state is already providing free excess land for housing. he called on the housing secretary ben carson to match that commitment by providing surplus land to local governments. the governor is also requesting an additional 50,000 federal housing vouchers. a plane crashes and explodes in a ball of flames in southern california. 4 people are killed. how nearby pilots rushed to try to save the folks on board. i don't know how you can develop that bond with a goldfish or a peacock. >> have airline passengers gone too far with emotional support animals? tonight, the plans for a new crackdown. plus. keeps them wrong with turning back to the wrestling mat after being paralyzed. this time, what a special message. make being bummed out does not get anything done. we are steaming now on cbsn bay area. and you can find us on the cbs tom steyer: no child should have to worry about finding good food in school. so, when my wife kat and i learned california public school children couldn't get fresh produce in the cafeteria, we took action. we partnered with local farmers, school kitchens, a non-profit. that program now serves over 300 million healthy meals every year. the difference between words and actions matters. that's a lesson washington dc could use, right now. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. tonight federal investigators are in southern california trying to figure out why a small plane crashed just after takeoff, killing all four people on board. the small plane was leaving the municipal airport in corona today when it crashed through a fence. hit a berm, and then caught fire. nearby pilots tried to help but when the fuel ignited there was nothing they could do. >> it tried to take off three times. and didn't get smart much more than two or 3 feet off the ground. everybody ran over,, we brought fire extinguishers. >> the plane was registered to 84-year-old joseph is in gully. his daughter says the family is still waiting to hear whether or not he was on board when it crashed. a live look at sfo tonight. the days of passengers bringing rabbits, turtles, and birds on planes has their so-called emotional support animals, could be ending. the department of transportation is proposing a big crackdown. airlines would no longer be required to accept emotional support animals. the only ones allowed would be trained service dogs. >> i think anyone who has a disability that needs some sort of support, i believe they should be able to bring that on to the airplane but anything that is going to cause a hazard or is going to be you know, disruptive to everybody else, i don't believe that should be allowed on the airplane. >> while the proposed new rules are aimed at preventing passengers from traveling with unconventional pets like pigs, turkeys, miniature horses, and even squirrels. and east bay high school wrestler making uninspiring recovery from the injury that left him paralyzed. kpix 5 the juliette goodrich shows us how far the pleasantville team has come. >> reporter: it was two years ago the college park high school student ryan joseph was paralyzed during a wrestling match. today, two years later he returned to the wrestling meet with a message. >> brian joseph. >> reporter: brian was paralyzed from the neck down during a school wrestling meet. doctors didn't expect him to walk again, but here he is today, proving anything is possible. ♪ >> reporter: standing for the national anthem before today's meet, ryan, the kid known as everyone's friend, returned to the mats, this time to share his gratitude. >> i just can't think of everybody enough for all the help you've given me and my family. >> reporter: you spent the last two years at a rehab facility in colorado. no complaining coming out of this fighter's mouth. >> being bummed out does not get anything done. >> reporter: now he is back home and back for his senior year in high school. >> i've gone from basically being completely paralyzed to i can walk with crutches, i work out with all my friends. >> reporter:'s family and friends couldn't be prouder. >> we are all doing great. it's been a big adjustment obviously to come back and be altogether again, which has been huge. >> he is who he is. he is a strong minded kid, and i have never seen anybody like him. >> reporter: ryan also wanted to come to the wrestling meet for another reason. >> my sister is wrestling, so i hope she wins. but if not, i'm really proud of her. i'm just happy he's in the room, he's cheering me on. >> reporter: ryan tells me when he graduates he is headed to college. diablo valley college here in the bay area. where i'm sure he will be everyone's friend there, as well. in pleasant hill, juliette goodrich, kpix 5. 49ers fan got the surprise of a lifetime this morning when former niners linebacker patrick willis knocked on his front door. >> he was holding in his hand two tickets to the super bowl. take a look. >> hello? mc samuel? mcleish it patrick? >> i'm sorry. >> samuel july has an nfl extra point credit card, and though a random selection, and through a random selection by barclays, he won an all expenses paid trip to super bowl liv. he did have one hand, though. he got a call after sunday's big win over the packers, saying something would be dropped off today. >> i thought it was going to be like a gift card, or like, you know. like something. but she would. this is a dream come true right here. wow. >> tickets to the game, airfare, hotel, south beach, the whole thing. >> think you man. >> pretty cool. julie had no idea he would have to cancer the super bowl party at his house, but now he has a much better way to celebrate the big game. he will be bringing his dad along with him to florida. we have a whole lot more niners coverage on our website, including a look at how the hard-hitting defense and they're punishing running game, providing a recipe for success. just go to bowl. >> i bet the weather in miami brand is probably going to be a little bit muggy. >> this time of year is not bad. the temperatures are going to be in the 70s and sunshine. >> fabulous. >> that is where they all had this time of year in florida, including the super bowl. for us we have a little bit of a chance of rain and we could use every drop. on the 2019 20 season so far, not looking too good even though santa rosa has had more than a foot of rain. and san francisco has got eight and three-quarter inches, it is still trailing average by about 50 to 80%. so. take what we can get. we have a little bit more tomorrow, yesterday, 63 was a popular number as you look over the city of san francisco. numbers right now tumbled mostly into the 40s and 50s. san francisco, it is 540. in santa rosa, 440 but it will get colder from there before sunrise. as you go out tomorrow morning, shouldn't need an umbrella, but you will need some fog lights, because there is going to be some dense fog again tomorrow morning after, and before sunrise, at 7:20 am. we had a sunny day today, not so tomorrow. we've got a lot of clouds around, not much in the way of rain, though. high-pressure to the south, low pressure to the north is steering many high clouds into the bay area tomorrow but with the exception of the north bay it will stay dry. we got a few sprinkles of their as you can see in the future cast we are going to stop this at about 10:00 tomorrow morning and you can see that there is a wide spot of perhaps light showers in the north bandit is out of here. it will be brief and then the bay clears just after sunset. so, to sum it up, we are going to be looking for fog forming overnight tonight. it will caught up tomorrow with northbay sprinkles, rain, and wind. our next shot of that is due in early sunday morning. tonight, santa rosa gets down to 400, livermore hits 41% up tomorrow at 7:20 am. and then for highs tomorrow, we will be a little bit warmer than average. but not nearly as much sunshine as we had today. on the extended forecast, friday, saturday dry. sunday we have rain and wind, lingering showers into monday. then we will dry it up. but we do have a tiny chance of a few showers tomorrow, but the same chance the warriors had of winning tonight. >> sorry. the wires taking on the hottest team in the nba. >> so you say there's a chance. >> did you know chief coach andy reid got his start right here in the bay area? can you guess what football team? here tonight's guest on the late show with stephen colbert. john mullaney and fortune financed her. beyond the routine checkups. beyond the not-so-routine cases. comcast business is helping doctors provide care in whole new ways. all working with a new generation of technologies powered by our gig-speed network. because beyond technology... there is human ingenuity. every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected. to do the extraordinary. take your business beyond. the jazz be a legit calendar in the west this year. they won 17 of 19 against the warriors right now they are's with her than coltrane. how do you like it? that is of the nosebleeds but look, it is joe they come is in the nosebleeds. 7 foot freshman rudy go there, just too big, scores with his back to the basket. next possession, goodbye: stein. gilbert, 22.5 rebounds. donovan mitchell, 23 points. the utah jazz win easily, 129- 96, the warriors have lost 12 of 13. super bowl coaches can't trace their roots for football right here in the bay area but kyle shanahan, ballboy for the 49ers, and nd reads full-time job was with san francisco state. golden gators were a division ii football team. they spanned 63 years and ended in 1994. reid was the offensive line coach for three seasons in the 1980s. develop apparel played for him and remembers read fundraising for the rather cash-strapped program. mackey was selling hotdogs to raise money at stake. i've come a long way from selling hotdogs, alan gives me a couple after the game. so i don't pay for them. >> is a far cry from what he's making nowadays. you know? i'm sure back then he was probably like a $25,000 a year i am running to defeat donald trump. in 2016 i warned that donald trump was a dangerous demagogue, and when the republican congress wouldn't hold him accountable, i went to work helping run winning campaigns in twenty-one house seats. it's time for the senate to act and remove trump from office, and if they won't do their jobs, this november you and i will. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. as a kid i could not believe how fast mohammed ali jumped. maybe the fastest jump rope you have ever seen, but 526 turns per second and he kept it up for 30 seconds. how do you like it? deer and foxhunting for the rent tonight and in detroit. sacramento guard had 22, but the kings lost again. that is redundant. seasons grizzlies, gordon hayward never saw jerry jackson coming. to still the plot, one hand, and the boston celtics one. raters officially became the las vegas raters. i could not say it. derek car, there. i still can't say it. top pick, zion williamson made his debut tonight for the pelicans. it was a snoozer until he scored 17 straight points in about three minutes in the fourth quarter. but new orleans lost to the spurs. diane had 22 points. that guy coming off knee surgery. top pick in the draft. worth all the money they gave him. >> you will always be the raiders, wherever they go perspective is really hard to say las vegas 10 nine. too many syllables. we made usaa insurance for members like kate. a former army medic, made of the flexibility to handle whatever monday has in store and tackle four things at once. so when her car got hit, she didn't worry. she simply filed a claim on her usaa app and said... i got this. usaa insurance is made the way kate needs it - easy. she can even pick her payment plan so it's easy on her budget and her life. usaa. what you're made of, we're 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