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Its tuesday, january 7th, 2020. Heres todays eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. Reporter irans revolutionary guard threatened to set ablaze places supported by america. Mile east. R new threats from r [ chants ] reporter dozens are dead following a stampede that erupted during the funeral procession for iranian general Qassem Soleimani. The mass chaos, and the Trump Administration hasnt a clue about what it is doing. Reporter john bolton is prepared to testify if subpoenaed by the senate in its impeachment trial of President Trump. This i think is going to be very hard for republicans to say no to. Reporter another earthquake hit off the coast of puerto rico. Came less than 24 hours after a 5. 8magnitude quake damaged homes. Harvey weinstein is facing new charges of rape in california. Reporter this comes shortly after weinstein went to trial in new york on similar charges. We hear you, and we believe you. Reporter President Trump is of more than 100 american volunteers are already there. Reporter ikea agreed to pay a record 46 million to the family of a 2yearold who was killed when a dresser fell on him. All that theres a new skateboarding a new skateboarding sensation. This is for the birds. Say hello to charlie. And all that matters clap your hands, stomp your feet. Had to sink the halfcourt shot for 100 grand. Congratulations to evan sharmint etch a new roll of toilet paper for you. What an advancecement. It replaces the toilet Paper Technology of here it is. Can you grab it . Can you im just going to throw it. Here im going to throw it. This mornings eye opener is presented by brought to you by toyota lets go places. We all know that. Everybody does that move or worse if youre alone, you do the duck er to go back. Athatody knows that move, too. Rs unisve selling that technology. Welcome to cbs this morning. We begin with something very, erryus veth. Ree ioys of public mournin for irans most powerful military commander are now coming to an end. Top iranian officials are warning the u. S. That retaliation is coming. Caskral qassem im was ought to his hometown for burial this morning. The leader of irans revolutionary guard told a huge crowd that areas supported by the u. S. Would be set on fire. A stampede of mourners left dozens of people dead. Irans foreign minister told our Elizabeth Palmer this morning that the u. S. Killing of soleimani was a, quote, cowardly terrorist operation. Elizabeth palmer is in tehran and joins us this morning. Good morning. What do we know about how iran might respond . Reporter as you said, Qassem Soleimani is due to be buried today, and the official mourning period is over. Everybody is focusing on what comes next and certainly any possible reprisal attacks. I sat down with irans foreign minister who was denied a visa by the United States to travel to new york this week. Hed wanted to attend meetings at the United Nations. Can you confirm that you were denied a visa to travel to speak at the United Nations this week . Thats what we are told by the secretary general, that secrary pompeo called and said they didnt have enough time to review my request. Thats not unexpected. But my question is, what are they afraid of . Soleimanis funeral in his home city in the south of iran, there was another frenzied outpouring of grief and anger. There were also more public calls for reprisals against the United States. Dran has powerful allies proxs inhe rion o could s. Tased to carry out revenge ckt out. When i ask about reports that the Supreme Leader has ordered that any revenge attacks should be proportional and carried out by iranian forces. We are a lawabiding nation. When we take action, it wont be disproportionate unlike what President Trump has said. There has been the killing of an irani several iranian citizens and several top ranking, highranking military officers. That is what we will do, and we will do it not in a cowardly way but in a proportionate way. Reporter when . As we choose. What else did you learn from speaking with zarif this morning . Reporter he insisted that any attacks would be on legitimate targets. I pressed him. I said, what do you mean by that . He told me to consult the law of war, the geneva convention. Legitimate targets are defined as military targets specifically or infrastructure that helps the military. I think thats just about all the answer were going to get at this stage. It does narrow it to somewhat. Elizabeth palmer in tehran. Thank you so much. In washington today, the Trump Administration plans to rr the military operation that killed general soleimani. Defense secretary mark esper and secretary of state mike pompeo will defend President Trumps decision to target irans most influential military leader. The response to an attack that killed a u. S. Contractor in iraq. The president insists americans are now safer, while democrats neisar ay. T cee whithouse. Ck was where do things stand now . Reporter well, President Trump has promised to answer any retaliation from iran with even more force. Meanwhile, the democrats want to know what exactly was the imminent threat that led President Trump to launch the strike on the iranian general and want to know what the war. The American People need clarity that the Trump Administration has a plan. Reporter President Trump did not notify congress of his decision to kill soleimani until the day after the strike. Democrats are planning to force a vote on a new war powers resolution to restrain President Trumps ability to launch further military action against iran unless congress approves. Republican Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell says democrats are more interested in blaming President Trump than focusing on National Security. Can we not maintain a shred, . Reporter republican senator rand paul said the killing of soleimani is the death of diplomacy with iran. You would have to be brain dead to believe that we tear up the agreement, we put an embargo on you, and we kill your major generaand theyre ing to crawl back to the table. Reporter President Trump defended himself saying the United States is a lot safer now. Well see what happens. Well see what the response is if any. Youve seen what i said our response will be. Reporter the president is threatening to strike 52 sites in iran, including cultural ones which would viw. Thresenior admi officials either publicly contradicted mr. Trump or said that he had not said what he said. Adding to the confusion monday, the pentagon circulated a letter announcing a withdrawal of u. S. O but the pentagon later said there is no decision to leave iraq, and it was just a draft. Aniz rion ahonest mistake. The danger to National Security. It says that theres mass chaos, that the Trump Administration hasnt a clue what it is doing. Reporter the draft letter announcing a u. S. Withdrawal from iraq comes after the Iraqi Parliament voted to kick u. S. Troops out of that country. The pentagon now claims it simply wanted to warn the iraqis of u. S. Troop movements in the area. Radowik benu. Ank , yo with Vice President mike pence in his First Network tv interview since the killing of n ewyos u leimani. Rvofse pe uecae o teinw rico this hour. A strong earthquake struck overnight causing a blackout across the u. S. Territory. The magnitude 6. 4 earthquake hit just south of the island. Now it comes one day after a 5. 8magnitude quake damaged homes and caused landslides there. The mayor of the city of ponce told a local station at least one person was killed. David begnaud is joining us. Hes been monitoring the developing story. Theres no such thing as a good time for an earthquake. Theyve been dealing with this for the last week or so. I was looking on the usgs website, there was a 5. 8, 4. 5. They wont stop. Are stang outside over fears that their homes may collapse with future earthquakes. This is the largest in a series of earthquakes that have hit the island in ayntres. D we have video from inside of a Grocery Store that shows people scattering and taking off when the quake hit. Other pictures show homes and bu rungthat c some houses were ripped to their foundations. Other cars were crushed underneath homes that collapsed. We have a social media image posted by a local journalist that Shows Patients evacuated on stretchers outside of the damas hospital in ponce. Earthquake concerns have been the island sits on an active fault and has had 700 earthquakes since the end of december. Most go unnoticed. And get this after out to a seismologist with the usgs to find out what the chances were that there would be something stronger than a 5. 8. He put the odds at 3 . Pe mning the odds did not work out in their favor. We spoke to puerto ricos power authority, the ceo. I spoke to him on the phone. He said there was actually another earthquake happening as we were talking. He said theres minor damage to the two largest power plants on the island. There was an automatic shutdown of the power grid when this mornings major earthquake happened. So it was a protective measure that the power plant shut down. They hope to get it back in service by noon. Im actually getting off the set and getting on a plane to go. 700 earthquakes in a short amount of time. Yea thankou so back in washington, a stunning reversal from former National Security adviser john bolton. He says he is willing to give testimony at President Trumps Senate Impeachment trial if he is subpoenaed. Speaker nancy pelosi is still withholding the articles of impeachment from the senate as the house returns today. Nancy cordes is in washington for us. Good morning. So big reversal here. How are lawmakers responding . Reporter well, some Senate Republicans tell us that theyre interested in hearing what bolton has to say, while others believe thats a decision that should be made when the trial gets under way. Boltons testimony could be intriguing because he was the president s top Foreign Policy adviser. And we know from other witnesses that he was troubled by the efforts to pressure ukraine into investigating joe biden. Nation council official, for example, fiona hill, said that at one point bolton likened the efforts to a drug deal and told her and others to alert white house lawyers. Democrats think he might know more about the president s decision to withhold millions of dollars in military aid to ukraine. But Republican Senate leader Mitch Mcconnell says that all decisions about witnesses should take place after Opening Statements in the senate trial, just like they did during the clinton impeachment trial more than 20 years ago. The risk is if Senate Republicans decide to hear from john bolton, then its going to be harder to justify stopping there. Democrats want to hear from a host of witnesses that the white house blocked from testifying before the house impeachment inquiry. Yeah. This does shake things up. Thank you. Disgraced hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein faces new criminal charges in los angeles as jury selection gets under way today for his trial in new york. The Los Angeles District Attorneys Office announced yesterday weinstein has been charged with raping one woman and sexually assaulting another in 2013. Jericka duncan is outside the courthouse in new york where weinstein appeared for a Pretrial Hearing yesterday. What do we know about these new charges . Reporter good morning. Harvey weinstein just arrived here in court. We know that based on the Prosecutors Office in l. A. , Harvey Weinstein is likely to be arraigned there after this trial wraps up. Prosecutors are also asking that bail be set at 5 million. Now, we do know there have been several women that accused Harvey Weinstein of Sexual Assault in los angeles, and while two of those cases resulted in charges, prosecutors say theyre still investigating several other cases. We believe the evidence will show that the defendant used his power and infl ge vitoctimncn a committed Violent Crimes against them. Reporter in Los Angeles County montran ddaat ternryie by bat restraint. To those victims, i want you to know we see you, we hear you, and we believe you. Reporter according to the d. A. s office, on february 18th, 2013, weinstein allegedly raped a woman in a Los Angeles Hotel room. The next evening, he allegedly sexually assaulted a different woman in a hotel suite in beverly hills. It was just days before his film django unchained won two academy awards. Weinstein appeared in court monday hunched over and leaning on a walker. The 67yearold is on trial there for allegedly sexually assaulting two women. One in 2006 and the other in 2013. His attorneys say theyre concerned about a fair trial. Were going to continue to press on and remind everyone that in this great country, you are innocent until proven guilty. Reporter meanwhile, attorney Douglas Wigdor says his client, a weinstein accuser, will soon tell her story publicly for the first time. Her allegations are not part of the charges weinstein is facing in new york, but her testimony could help paint a picture of weinsteins alleged behavior. She will support the main two s mos endi. One alleges she was assaulted in his new york apartment. She was working as a waitress when weinstein expressed interest in her career. The me too movement has changed things. It is the right thing to hold Harvey Weinstein and people like Harvey Weinstein accountable. Reporter outside the courthouse, dozens of protesters including several weinstein accusers gathered to echo that sentiment. You thought you could terrorize me and others into silence. You were wrong. Reporter weinsteins defense team asked the judge to sequester the jury, but the judge denied that request. Enlles st ofwe ineinnonconsensual sex and not guilty to charges he faces in new york. Whether he is convicted in new york or los angeles, Harvey Weinstein could face the rest of his life behind bars. Thank you so much. Australian Officials Say police have arrested 24 people on arson charges in connection with the deadly bush fires sweeping large areas of that country. Victims of those fires are returning to their neighborhoods and seeing the destruction firsthand. Jamie yuccas is in new south wales. Good morning. How bad is it there . Reporter good morning. The reality of the situation is starting to sink in. Homes destroyed. Firefighters have been battling the blazes here in southeastern australia for nearly five months. As more destruction is unveiled it shows a nation in crisis. Hundreds of australians are starting to sift through the rubble of their stillsmoldering homes, returning to smogfilled towns. I couldnt see. The smoke was so thick. Reporter and empty stores. They evacuated the tourists. That was our income which is our profit. Reporter thousands have been left homeless. Many in rural areas have spent days without electricity and drinking water. Now record high temperatures and severe drought are making it tough to battle the unprecedented bush fires. One of the Biggest Challenges for fire officials right now is this giant plume of smoke thats hampering air operations near the part of eden in new south wales. As the fire roared through this logging communities, it start 75,000 tons of wooon pipd ut. S australian firefighters wont be battling the flames alone. On monday, a crew of 20 veteran firefighters from california who fought some of the states most devastating wildfires suited up and shipped out to melbourne. Were definitely there to represent the United States, forest service. Nar eos grdet lngin a lo ing firefighters from another country, state, it kind of goes hand in hand. Reporter those california firefighters are expected to be here in southeastern australia helping with the firefight for at least the next month. And many are concerned going into the weekend with higher temperatures and stronger winds predicted. For cbs this morning, jamie yuccas, australia. Thank you. Nice to see the u. S. Helping out there. Its a clear and cold start to the day. Also dealing with patchy fog especially for the east bay. Mostly sunny as we head through the day with increasing clouds. Beter in the afternoon temps ll hiwi ol in san cofrancisco. City in san jose. Light scattered showers tonight with a weikel from pushing through. Partly sunny and kohler on wednesday pick showers on thursday with plenty of sun on friday. Ah ahead, mystery drones making people very nervous in the country. Well be right back. Tezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. T inlijoel sw,teng and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Sn or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. 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The battle has been going on for more than a decade. Officials say they are willing to negotiate access with the landowner. B. A. R. T. Is set to vote on a new Pilot Program to boost safety on trains. Unarmed investors will be trained in crisis prevention and roam around the Transit System between 2 pm and midnight. If the program is approved writers could see these unarmed staffers as soon as next month. Lets get a check of the roads with gianna. Still pretty busy as you had a long east shore freeway. We have a trouble spot westbound causing a bit of a backup. You got a slow go right because of that coming out of hercules. 101 both directions seeing the lace. Delays. Bay bridge, metering lights are on a backup to the maze. It is a clear and cold start to the day. Also the conditions for the east bay. Down to a quarter mile for visibility. We will see mostly sunny skies but increasing clouds later on this afternoon. Light scattered showers for tonight. Daytime highs 56 in San Francisco, 60 in san jose. There we go with those light scattered showers for tonight. Looking at when it comes to Health Coverage, it helps to have someone in your corner. Thats why theres covered california. Were the only place where you can get financial help to pay for your health insurance. New this year, almost a Million People could receive additional financial help from the state to help lower the cost of health insurance. More for those already getting it, and new help for many who havent gotten help before. So check to see how much you could save. It only takes 5 minutes. The last day to enroll is january 31st. So get covered today. Singer rascal flats. America is getting older, well look at the rest of our lives. You can leave any social events early just by saying gee i am getting tired. Oh, you are tired. 7 30dpa is going to bed. E mayt is 7 30 in the morning. We may better an wiser. I like to hold onto that one. Welcome back to cbs this morning, anthony mason, i am gayle king and tony dokoupil. The last ten days a total of five inmates were killed. Farm two violent inmates managed to escape last week. Ma this is apart of a national issue, right . Mark strassmann is live. Reporter it is a problem. Under funded and under staffed and violent. Inmates here say it is not the guards that are under place, it using gangs. Reporter inmates using ontraband cell phone shot these peages. Cbs news have not confirmed that independently. Wer is mississippi, death row. Throw inmates were murdered here in three days. Be lry. Y little brother got beat aric how could they do that . Reporter babaric condns, on sewage. Ississippi slashed funding and staffing. Gangs like vice lords andla gangster disciples have thrived inside. Repare going to stop it and prisone it under control as best ghlye can. Ississippi prisons staffing is ot priceless. Salary is one issue, even with a degree. Erards start around 26,000, roughly the National Poverty tvel for a family of four. 5 of the states Corrections Officers are women. Why ar why are 65 of the guards are women . S men dont want the job. Jerry mitchell is the dean of mississippi investigative reporters. Years. Ked into the prison roblems for years. Are the inmates, gangs are e ofly in charge inside . Eat. Hey are in charge of where you sleep and where you eat. You have towers, they dont have guards now. What do you do . State officials admit the gangs are a problem, denied they are out of control. State troopers are working 12 hours shifts, several of them told us the regular correction officials have stopped showing up, at least some of them because they are too scared. Wow, thats quite a picture. The prison also have corruption problem . Reporter yes, corruption. Inmates get cigarettes and drugs and cell phones. Without those cell phones and images, we would not know whats its not inside this prison. Those cameras did not give a pretty picture. Thank you, mark. People across two states are myster looking for answers of mysterious visitors in the night sky. New development of the thestigation of unexplained drones hovering in the air. His is to subscribe to cbs this ar theg news on the go on your favorite podcast platform. Minu g. U will hear the days top stories every weekday morning. Right now you are watching cbs this morning. Im leah and thats me long before i had moderatetosevere rheumatoid arthritis. Ive always been the ringleader had a zest for life. Flash forward, then ra kept me from the important things. And what my doctor said surprised me. She said my joint pain could mean permanent joint damage. And enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop that joint damage. Ask about enbrel so you can get back to being your true self. Enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. 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The fbi the fbi is helping investigate the growing mystery of unidentified drones flying over two states. The drones have been spotted buzzing hundreds of feet in the air at night over colorado and nebraska. Investigators are looking for a suspicious vehicle to help track down whos responsible. Jane gre. Reporter good morning. It is said that this is not a hobbiest. It is a very sophisticated operation. Thats a drone. Reporter michelle has been watching large drones flying over her home last week just after dark, several at a time. Reporter the first time you saw them, what did you think . It was odd. The sky is lit up with christmas lights. There were lights and things flying over. Reporter hers among the hundreds of reports of large commercial sized drones flying. At reporter what are you doi from a Law Enforcement perspective or what can you do . Well, there is no criminal violation that we can deal with, we are trying to figure out whos flying it and putting peoples nerves at ease. Reporter on monday, 77 agencies formed a task force to identify whos flying the drones and why. No private company or Public Agency have own up to accepting them. In a statement, we have not determined the source of the drones site. Reporter we were with michelle as the sunsets, the sky is lit up with drones. We have seen drones all over the sky. They have little twinkling lights, sometimes it is just one but in other cases, we see clusters of six or more. She left the city for a place she hopes she would see only stars. It is concerning. Whe were they watching us . Are they looking into our homes . Are they following vehicles . What are they doing . Reporter some frustrated residents who have been dealing with these drones for several weeks now have threatened to shoot them down. On monday, the Sheriff Office here and the faa strongly advised against doing that citing against safety hazards and the fact that it is illegal. Thank you janet. Looking at the story that you will be talking about. Lad, what do you got . Scientists are voicing concerns over spacexs latest launch and why they fear the company could make as trtronomy what does help for Heart Failure look like . The beat goes on it looks like emily cooking dinner for ten. The beat goes on it looks like jonathan on a date with his wife. Ladiladidi entresto is a Heart Failure medicine that helps ur h, ouanladidi keep on doing what you love. Entresto helped people stay alive and ou tpita heart fae e stcture of youa, so it may not work as ll entresto helps improve your hearts ability to pump blood to the body. Dont take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if youve had angioedema with an ace or arb. 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If you dont love downy wrinkleguard, well give you your money back. I am totally blind. And non24 can make me show up too early. Or too late. Or make me feel like im not really there. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442342424. 24 days left in your dry january, america. Youre doing great. Vlads here to help take your mind off it. Because this is how we do it. How we do it. A little montel jordan. Good morning. Here are a few stories we think youll be talking about. The federal government is now forcing some migrants in custody to give dna samples. The controversial Pilot Program promoted by the Trump Administration kicked off yesterday. Border patrol agents have been instructed to collect dna through cheek swabs at two entry points on the u. S. Borders with canada and mexico. In some cases, that includes migrants as young as 14. The Program Targets asylum seekers, unauthorized entries, and even greencard holders. It will be used to create profiles in a massive criminal data base run by the fbi. The department of Homeland Security says those who refuse to submit dna could face a misdemeanor charge. Couple of things to point out here. Critics believe that the government should not obtain Sensitive Information from people if they are not linked to any crimes. Right. Theres some questions, concerns about consent because children may be forced to give their dna up. And they could also be referred to criminal prosecution if they refuse. Yeah. Wow. Seems like they have work to do on this program. Well keep track. Spacex kicked off the new year with a recordbreaking launch. Take a look at this. Liftoff happened last night. Cape canaveral, florida. The Company Launched its third batch of 60 mini starling satellites making it the largest fleet in orbit. The goal is to provide highspeed internet around the globe. Scientists warn too many satellites could threaten our view of the cosmos. Spacex says its working on that. One of the satellites has a special nonreflective coating to make it appear darker. Guys yeah, one of them theyll need at least 400 satellites in outer space, some weighing over 485 pounds. A lot of people saying, look, when you look up, all youre going to see is space junk. Theyve got their own constellation up there. Thats 180 satellites in orbit. Guys, its a big sky, theres a lot of room up there. This is important not just internet around the globe. Rural internet is a problem here. My mom has slow internet in west virginia. I mean, like, if you dont have satellites up there, you need towers or cables. People dont want to spacex is just one company. Theres going to be other companies under space force, President Trumps new agency, that are going to be launching more and more satellites. So space if youre in a place where you dont watch a video on your phone, youre clapping for this. Youre very happy. All right. Elon musk has big plans. He. Does he does. I say space, we cant have anything nice. Well see what happens. There is sort of trouble this is sort of troubling singer lizzo is coming clean about her decision to break from twitter. During an Instagram Live session, the truth hurts singer said, quote, ive gotten to a point where im not just dealing with internet bullies, im dealing with seeing a lot of negativity on the internet dealing with everyone. Lizzo was criticized in december for wearing a cutout tshirt dress at a lakers game that showed off her backside. The singer who, of course, was here last month at cbs this morning spoke to us about her body confidence. Ouong it took me to fall in love with there body and my butt was my least favorite thing about myself. And i learned to love it. That of the thing everybody cant stop talking about. Be you, do you. Dont ever let anybody steal your joy especially not the internet. You know, she also said sort of alluded to that. I think shes right. Dont let anybody steal your joy. It gets you to. She wrote, i would love to be on twitter because i can connect with you people who positively support me not to mention spreading my own positive messages, which is what shes done. Positivity. Theres so much toxicity and people who feel they have a right to say the nastiest stuff. I totally understand it when when people just say, you know, i dont want this anymore. You can say whatever you want with no accountability. And after a while, you just get tired of hearing all the negativity. I think shes right. Dont let anybody steal your joy. A shame it has to cost her because its great when youre able to connect with people who admire you. Right. Please come back, lizzo. Come back. Yeah. All right. Were going to end with a lighter note here. A concerned neighbor in florida called the cops after hearing this take a listen. Let me out let me out [ sounds ] youd call the cops if you heard that, right . Does sound like somebodys in trouble. Its not laughable. Scary. You see jason there working on his car last week. Palm beach Sheriff Deputies show up. He quickly goes inside and gets the culprit. Turns out its his almost 40yearold parrot named rambo. He taught rambo to scream let me out when he was a kid, and rambo lived in a cage. The officers had a very good laugh over it. As for the concerned neighbors, sprague brought rambo down the block to meet her. Let me out sounds like hes being hurt. Let me out are we 100 positive rambo doesnt mean it . He did mean it when he was in his crate. He wanted to get out. Rambo is almost 40 years old. Almost 40. Looking good. Lordy, lordy, rambos 40. Ahead, rascal flatts will join us yay i love rascal flatts i love rascal flatts shes going to okay, i have to say something. With the capital one venture card, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day. Not just on airline purchases. Holy matrimony thats a lot of miles anyone else . Whats in your wallet . Are your asthma treatments just not enough . Then see what could open up for you with fasenra. It is not a steroid or inhaler. It is not a rescue medicine or for other eosinophilic conditions. Its an addon injection for people 12 and up with asthma driven by eosinophils. Nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. Fasenra is designed to target and remove eosinophils, a key cause of asthma. It helps to prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and can reduce the need for oral steroids like prednisone. Fasenra may cause allergic reactions. Get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. Dont stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection, or your asthma worsens. Headache and sore throat may occur. Could you be living a bigger life . Ask an asthma specialist about fasenra. Could you be living a bigger life . Yes im stuck in the middle with you, no one likes to feel stuck, boxed in, or held back. Especially by Something Like your cloud. Its a problem. But the ibm cloud is different. Its open and flexible enough to manage all your apps and data securely, anywhere, across all your clouds. So it can help take on anything from rebooking flights on the fly, to restocking shelves on demand, without getting in your way. Because you get matched with i la plan tailored to you m, whether youre a dine outer, take outer, veggie person, definitelynotjustveggie person, bread lover, or cheese lover. All you have to do is answer personal assessment questions and get scientifically matched with a proven weight loss plan. Find out which new customized plan can make losing weight easier for you the new program from ww. Weight watchers reimagined join today with the ww triple play hurry, offer ends january 13th. Skip to the good part with alkaseltzer plus. Now with 25 more concentrated power. Nothing works faster for powerful cold relief. Oh, what a relief it is so fast i spend a lot of time sin my truck. Y . Its my livelihood. Rock music man so im not taking any chances when something happens to it. So when my windshield cracked. My friend recommended safelite autoglass. Tech hi, im adrian. Man thanks for coming. Tech oh, no problem. Tech check it out. Man yeah. They came right to me, with Expert Service where i needed it. Thats service i can trust. No matter what im hauling. Right, girl . Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. This is a kpix 5 news morning update. Good morning. It is 7 56. The morning right is in full swing. Meeting lights are on on the bay bridge. It is a busy ride. Its a little sluggish across the upper deck as you head into the city. We are seeing break lights at their richmondsan rafael bridge. No crashes but slowing go as your work your way towards marin county. Taking a look at traffic, the nimitz freeway has been a tough one this morning. We have quite a few crashes and stalled vehicle slowing things down. Now 65 minutes is your drive time south of add from experience to the 237. The right lane is blocked for a crash. That as you work your way into fremont. North am looking better. In the south bay northbound 101 out of san jose, a crash locking one lane. It is a cold start to the day. And back even chillier compared to yesterday morning with clear skies but also dealing with dense fog in spots. Fowi creasingostly sunny skies cl as we head througlater in the te ghowertonight and ugh tonight. The visibility, conquer down to zero. Dense fog in concord and a quarter mile in comp to yesterday. 56 in San Francisco and 58 fremont. Oakland 57 and 64 san jose. Mostly sunny today but increasing clouds this afternoon with scattered light showers for tonight. Let obamacare implode. Nurse these wild attacks on healthcare hurt the patients i care for. Ive been a nurse in new york for thirty years. I know the difference leadership can make because i saw what Mike Bloomberg did as mayor. Vo mayor bloomberg helped lower the number of uninsured by 40 , covering 700,000 more new yorkers, Life Expectancy increased. He helped expand Health Coverage to 200,000 more kids infa morlityatesroppric care to record lows. An m, bbe infa morlityatesroppric care always championeds. Reproductive health for women. So when you hear Mike Bloomberg on health care. Mrb this is america. We can certainly afford to make sure that everybody that needs to see a doctor can see a doctor, everybody that needs medicines to stay healthy can get those medicines. Nurse you should know, he did it as mayor, hell get it done as president. Mrb im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. When you never lower your standards, only your fares, its a better class of sale. Emirates. Fly better. Good morning to our viewers in the welcome back to cbs this mornin morning. The u. S. And impact on military families with soldiers now heading to the middle east. Harvey weinstein facing new sex charges in l. A. , we look at expectations in new york. Im anthony mason, country superstars rascal flatts will have big news for fans only on cbs this morning. Love them. First here is todays eyeopener, 8 00. A leader of irans revolutionary guard told the huge crowd that areas supported by the u. S. Would be set on fire. Soleimani is due to be buried today and everyone focusing on the possibility of reprisal attacks. Democrats want to know what was the imminent threat that caused trump to launch this strike on the general. They wont stop. This is the largest in a series of earthquake that hit the island. If Senate Republicans hear from john bolton, its going to be harder to justify stopping there. We do know there have been several women that accused Harvey Weinstein of Sexual Assault in los angeles. Firefighters have been battling the blazes here in southeastern australia for nearly five months. As more destruction is unveiled, it shows a nation in crisis. Some of the worlds new hightech gadgets will be shown off the next few days. Cbs expo under way in vegas. Segway with a an spod selfbalancing stroller for adults. Perfect for anyone who watched wally and thought yes, yes. Yes, that is the amount of dignity i deserve. This mornings eyeopener is presented by toyota, lets go places. Im going to pass on that. Any takers . No. Any takers. Im not ruling it out. Could be useful eventually. Im going to pass on that for now. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Irans parliament has officially labeled the u. S. Military terrorists for killing the countrys most powerful general. More iranian officials are promising revenge. General Qassem Soleimani was taken to his hometown to be buried this morning marking the end of a threeday mourning period. But that was postponed after a stampede killed at least 40 people there. Earlier the leader of irans revolutionary guard threatened to attack places supported by the u. S. Iran reportedly has come up with, listen to this, 13 scenarios for a retaliatory strike. In washington later today, the Trump Administration is briefing congressional leaders on fridays drone strike in baghdad that killed soleimani. The full house and senate expect a briefing tomorrow. Democrats want full details of the strike and the justification for it to be made public. There are questions this morning about why dozens of iranians and iranian americans were repordl detained at the u. S. Border in washington state. The council on American Islamic relations say more than 60 people, including children, were held over the weekend as they tried to cross from canada into blaine, washington. Some say they are questioned for hours at the peace arch Border Crossing and had their passports temporarily confiscated before being let go with no explanation. I just want to mention that this is very unfair to our community. If were not complaining, that doesnt mean were not suffering. In a Statement Customs and Border Protection said any claims people were detained and refused entry into the u. S. Because of their country of origin are false. We reached out to Homeland Security but have not heard back. The pentagon is sending more than 3,000 additional soldiers to the middle east to protect against any revenge attacks from iran. Chip r just s theirnds senre. A ft. North story. Chip, good morning to you. Can you tell us how military families are handling this situation . Well, i can tell you that when the president calls 911, the phone rings here at ft. Bragg. For the soldiers of the 82nd Airborne Division, that means they have to be ready to go in 18 hours or less. For the families, that means a lot of stress and also a lot of pride in what they do for this country. Just like this. Yes. Your life went from normal family life to chaos. Rachel and her husband Sergeant Alexander hurdle were vifrting family when he got the call to go to the middle east. The previous deployments were planned, so we had time to get ready. This one threw us for a loop. He was one of thousands servicemen and women of the 82nd Airborne Division that specializes in parachute assault operations and responding to emergency crisis situations anywhere in the world. Do you admire him for what he does . I do. I cannot imagine leaving my children, and i know that it breaks his heart. But this is what we decided as a family we would do, that we would be a military family. Its just sad, everything hes going to miss. Sad. Jills husband left for the middle east on sunday. Your heart is swelling with pride. Youre so proud of them but its shattering at the same time. Its the most unexplainable feeling. I cant really describe it. Were at home getting our support system together and being ready for him to be gone. Hurdle and her husband have one biological son who is eight and three foster children. My children have finally bonded with a man that wants to be their daddy. If he were not to come home, how would i tell that to them . This is what military families go through all the time. It is. But we often dont say it out loud. Soldiers of the 82nd Airborne Division have been told they ca tirell phones and th canno tel there they go if history is any guide, they could be gone for nine months or even more. Tony. Chip, thank you very much. Think about that. You cant say where youre going. You dont know how long youll be gone. You get 18 hours of warning before you leave. That wife said it best when she said shes so proud but shattering at the same time. Imagine how frightening and terrifying that must be for them. Those two conversations were so moving, what these families give up. Its a great piece. Pride and concern intermingled. Once again, theres real people behind these numbers. Families of 3,000 troops. Thank you very much. Harvey weinstein faces new sex crimes charges in los angeles as jury selection begins in his criminal trial ahead in new york. Ahead well look at the wider impact of the metoo that big announcement for that big announcement from rascal flat is coming up in less than 30 minutes. There they are. Theres gary with the paper, jay next to him and joe don on the other side. They are in the toyota greenroom only on cbs this morning. Hey, guys, do you have a new rescue puppy, is that it . Rascal flat, do you have a new rescue puppy . Yeah. Sure, thats it. Well be right back. Save disco . Yup, using the app. Driving safe. You wanna go bro . Do not mess with my discount. Woooo sighs get a discount up to 30 with drive safe and save™. But one blows them all out of the water. 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Even in the dead of winter, the hunt continues. Wolves have an innate desire for meat. Just like your dog. Meat rich blue wilderness satisfies that desire. Because wolves and dogs live for the hunt. You have fastacting power over pain, so the whole world looks different. The unbeatable strength and speed of advil liquigels. What pain . There are those who will say thatoo fat. too skinny. Too hard. Too soft. Too old. Too much. Too unexpected. Too limited. And to them we say too bad. Because at kaiser permanente, we believe that everyone deserves the right to thrive. Disgraced media mogul Harvey Weinstein faces for new sex crime charges in los angeles as jury selection gets under way in his l. A. Trial. New york charges based on a rape accusation from one woman and a Sexual Assault from another. The separate incidents allegedly took place over a twoday period in 2013. Now, those proceedings will not start until weinsteins trial in new york wraps up. Weinstein denies all allegations of nonconsensual sex in the case. He has not commented on the charges in los angeles. New york coordinator and cbs news contributor won a Pulitzer Prize for breaking news about Harvey Weinstein. Shes here with the developments of cbs news poll on impact of metoo and times up movements. Good to have you back at the table. Listen, it doesnt seem like yesterday was a very good day for Harvey Weinstein. What do these new charges mean, they come on the same day as they are selecting a jury. It was an incredibly dramatic development. Harvey weinstein is fighting charges on two front. As you said these l. A. Allegations are very dramatic. Prosecutors are basically accusing him of hurting women day after day in l. A. Remember, as jury selection starts in new york, the new york jury may know about what hes accused of doing in los angeles. Do you think these two cases could affect each other, jodi . They can in ways that are very unpredictable. First of all theres a woman involved in the two cases. Only one woman involved but the prosecutor can call other witnesses. One of those witnesses is also at the center of the l. A. Allegations. Thats the point his lawyer is making when we talked to her earlier, that you hear all these terrible stories about Harvey Weinstein. But it ended the day, this case only involves two women. So he may have been a center, she a sinner, she says, but not a criminal. What do you say about that . Until opening arguments happen, i think we dont really know the exact strength of the prosecution or of the defense. Heres the advantage that the prosecution has when they begin to show a pattern, that can be really devastating it. Remember that the nature of the Harvey Weinstein allegations is these women who are strangers to one another, who didnt know each other, theyre telling very similar stories about the same man over and over again. Thats really powerful. What the defense has on its side is that, member, the jury has to be unanimous to convict. When is the last time that 12 people you know agreed on these really complicated matters about sex and power . So they may be able to create some doubt about exactly what happened and about consents in the jurys mind. I want to get your reaction to the poll on times up times up and the me too movement. People are talking about Sexual Harassment and misconduct, but most people say things have not changed. Does that surprise you . Well, i think whats confounding is that everythings changed and nothings changed. What we see twoplus years later is first of all, people are still confuse good what Sexual Harassment is. Its not a criminal charge like the ones in these cases in new york and l. A. And its not really about sex. Its about work. Its about womens opportunities in the workplace and going into the workplace and trying to do a job and instead being asked for something else. I think also its part of why this case is so symbolic because what weve seen is that social attitudes have shifted, but have they shifted in the courtroom . Have our laws shifted . How will a jury respond to this kind of evidence . Will they see it differently than a jury might have seen it a decade or two ago . Well see. You also say the case is so much bigger than justice one man. Exactly just one man. Exactly. Thank you. Tomorrow well look at the times up Legal Defense funds and its effort to help victims of Sexual Harassment at work. The latest Tv Technology caters to people who love watching videos on their phones. The screen rotates between vertical and horizontal. All right. Ahead, well take you to the huge ces tech show in las vegas to show you the newest innovations of all kind. Youre. New technology aimed at making your life easier is being unveiled this morning in las vegas. It includes technology that opens the door for your dog when you are not home, okay. And a device that translates 20 different languages in your ear in real time. All right. Ces introduces the latest innovations to the public at a massive trade show every year. More than 4,500 companies, including startups and industry powerhouses like samsung showcase their products. Brian cooley is there. Lucky him. What do you have with you . Reporter i am at the toy store. First of all, let me show you this interesting smart hearable from waverly labs. Its an over ear. We o yar and it comes in a kit of two. You give this to someone else who speaks a different language. While both of you guys are wearing this, all you have do is click on it. Im in las vegas. Good morning. Las vegas, buenos dias. And it translates automatically across languages to two people. Great when you are traveling. You just have a phone in your pocket. That app sends it to the cloud for translation. 180 bucks for two of these. You give it to somebody else, a cab driver, somebody in a business meeting. Its really small. Its part of this vanguard of smart hearables. 180 bucks. Have you ever saktaken a selfied your arm wasnt long snuff . Many times. Fyki sticks. Repr the sticks are the worst. Selfie sticks are so dead in 2020, right. You have this thing called the air picks from air selfie. This is it looks like a drone. Its not. Its an aerial camera. You get this thing going and say get a picture of me. It takes off. Its framing me up with a facial recognition camera. Once it gets me framed it takes the shot, sends it to my phone, and it comes back and lands automatically. Nothing else you have to do. The best part is you dont have to learn to be a drone pilot. And its 100 bucks. Very inexpensive lightweight accessory. For those photos where you want to get the family in on a vacation shot, its perfect. This is going to get those. Brian, what is the coolest new robot you have seen . Reporter from charmin, if you can believe that. They work with a robotics lab to build this guy called the roll bot. Its a little tongueincheek. It goes after a very interesting ethic. This is a rose bowl that will bring you a robot that brings you fresh loaded toilet paper. Guess whats out . There is not another roll you can reach. We have all been there. Have you tried it . Reporter well, not in not lately, no. But there is a lot of week left. And so it uses your phone as a beacon. And so it follows you to your phone and says i know where you are and you summon it and it brings you toilet paper. It also assumes very accurately that were always sitting on the can with our phones. Interesting as well. An interesting dog we saw is called the tom bot. Its 400 robotic dog. You say here is cooley with another robot. Its not meant to be a cute little pet. It is that and amazing life like, but its animalassisted therapy for dementia patients. Groups use dogs for posttraumatic stress disorder, paws for purple hearts uses that. But real dogs are sentient beings, take a lot of training. This could be scaled quickly. Great for working with prisoners who need to have a sense of relationship and responsibility with a living creature. It will be 400 bucks when it comes out later this year. You dont have to walk it, brian. I like that idea. Brian, lets talk about makeup and finding the perfect lipstick color. I hear they have something that will help you do this a. Have you tried that one . Reporter loreal has well, i didnt try it personally. Loreal has something. Its a little tower and you put some cartridges of different lipstick colors in. When i saw it i go, wait a minute, thats the paint mixing machine from home depot. It creates lipstick colors using an app that gives you the perfect shade. I am interested in it because it also blends in custom skin care. You look good but you are doing something good for you and its a custom mix just for you. Really cool stuff. We like it. Thank you, brian. Good job. Reporter interesting. Upthe this is a kpix 5 news morning update. Good morning. It is 8 25. Ever hitting the roads its been busy all morning long especially on the nimitz freeway as well as 580. West bound 580 at montana street we have a stalled vehicle. Traffic is backed up as you head into oakland this morning. And if you plan on taking 880 in the south bay south of 880 that left lane is blocked. Youve got a crash reported there and that is causing delays. I will be in both directions. Taking a look at our bay area bridges looking a little bit better at the bay bridge. Things have improved. The metering lights are still on and were still seeing delays beyond 880 overpass and the Golden Gate Bridge starting to slow down just north of here if south not seen any major accidents or incidents in marin county. A clear start to the day with cold temperatures. Even chillier than yesterday morning. Looking at dense fog especially for the east bay as we start off the day with patchy frost in land. Mostly sunny skies and increasing clouds later in the afternoon and light scattered showers tonight and overnight. A weak cold front pushing through. The visibility down to zero in concord and a 10th of a mile in fairfield so dense fog for concord and fairfield and as we head through the date daytime highs a little bit cooler compared to yesterday but seasonal. And there we go with mostly sunny skies this afternoon but increasing clouds and scattered light showers for tonight and looking at partly sunny skies, cooler wednesday, showers thursday and plenty of sun on friday and showers on saturday. Whatd we decide on the flyers again . Uh, fifteen minutes could save you 15 or more on car insurance. I think were gonna swap over to over seventyfive years of savings and service. What, were just gonna swap over . Yep. Pump the breaks on this, swap it over to that. Pump the breaks, and, uh, swap over . Thats right. Instead of all this that ive already . Yeah. What are we gonna do with these . Keep it at your desk, and save it for next time. Geico. Over 75 years of savings and service. Welcom welcome back to cbs this morning. The time we bring you the stories that are the talk of the table this morning. When i was on vacation a lot of people stopped me and said i love to see what stories you guys pick. I go, we love that, too. We each pick a table pick a table . We pick a topic at the table. Were talking about it, anthony, youre up. I am starting this off. We are remembering a giant in the d not just because john bell sorry was 67. He was highly influential co in conceptual artist. In the 70s he helped build the los angeles arts scene and took hollywood movie deals and putting prices over the faces of people. He received a number of honors, the National Medal of arts. I visited him in venice, california, after he painted a car for bmw in thecompanys art car series. Wow. He told us art has no boundaries. One of his most famous gestures, he decided to he wanted to change course and literally burned all of his work that filled ten boxes. He said it was forcing him to start over again. Really a towering figure i the art world who will be greatly misses. Tony, whats your story . Do you have any of his work . I wish. I never heard of him until your piece. Very expensive. The plantbased industry is rapidly expanding. This is a meat alternative. So people who want a burger but dont want all the meat, so they get a veggie burger. Here is a little bit of an advisory for vegetarians and vegans. Think twice about some of the Meat Alternatives being offered. Yesterday burger king launched the rebel whopper. This was in the u. K. But the fast food chain put a disclaimer on its website saying the rebel whopper is plantbased. So far, so good. However, it is cooked on the same broiler as our original whopper, the beef one, and may not be suitable for vegetarians. Whoops. Yes. They say its aimed at flextarions, which are people who occasionally dont want to eat meat. This makes Good Business sense from burger kings perspective. They dont have to get a new grill. Strict vegetarians are 5 of the population. More people are plant curious, but not a lot of vegetarians. Y. That could be my last meal maybe. I dont want to think about that. I dont want to go to jail. All right. Here you go. I am thinking jail . You know, in jail a last meal. I understand. Thats what i was talking about. A leap for me. Okay. That is an image. As far as i know, i am a lawabiding citizen. Im talking about jeopardy . The alltime greatest contestants will go buzzer to buzzer tonight. James holzhauer who swept the game in a 32day winning streak. We were playing along with james last season will be competing with ken jennings, the record holder for the highest winnings in regular season play. Dont forget about brad rutter. He is the highest earning contestant of all time. How much did he win . 4. 7 million. You go, mr. Rudder. The first to win three matches will receive 1 million and bragging rights. The runners up get 250,000. Thats not bad either. So i cant wait to see when the best of the best get together and play. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Who are we rooting for . I like all of them. I want a real good fight. Thats what i want. I do, as well. Good sports, a lot of smiles. A lot of smiles. Yeah. But i want to kill, you tony. A lot of smiles. Only on cbs this morning, Country Music superstars Rascall Flatts are here with an exclusive announcement. The country trio has sold more than 23 million albums. The band was born two decades ago at a bar in nashville, tennessee. Dont make me spend. Praying for daylight introduced Rascall Flatts to the world with harmonies that have come to define their sound. Emerging from the Nashville Club scene with their first album in levox, bassist jay demarcus, and guitarist Joe Don Rooney, have become a fixture on the Country Music charts for 20 years. With over 11 million concert tickets sold, they are one of the nations hottest selling touring acts. They have recorded 17 numberone hits, including on my way bless the broken road, yours if you want it, and pop crossover what hurts the most. Songs like these have driven their success. Life is a highway i want to ride it all night long making Rascall Flatts the most awarded country groade. And jay demarcus, gary levox, and Joe Don Rooney are here. Good morning to you all. Good morning. You have a new tour with a very ominous word in its name. What is it . We do. What is it called . It is called the farewell tour. Yeah. You are hurting people, gary. I know, it hurts us, too. Joe don, you are hurting people. What does farewell mean . It means we havent had a break in 20 years, you know . And even had time to reflect. Our fans have given us so much. We achieved so ny miloens our career. Sgoodbye . Here comes goodbye. It should be a song. Thank you for the years, the memories we stockpiled. Its our way of showing appreciation with a humble heart. You were saying before you have made no future plans here. No, we dont have any plans right now. We want to take the year and focus on the celebration of thanking our fans for 20 wonderful years. Road years are like dog years. You age seven years. You guys are young. But you are all under the age of 50. Are you just tired . Is anybody sick . No, nobodys sick. You know what . Do we look sick . No, you dont look sick. You get to a point in your career where we have been blessed enough to have so many hits and so many number ones you compete with yourself on radio. Its tough year after year to outdo the tour that you have done previously the year before. Its going to be nice to celebrate. We are going to take 12 months to celebrate our rear ends off with the people that have given us their everything. We have four generations of people that come as a family to our shows. So, you know, we are just going to be able to do that and spend time with them and our fans across the world. Starting today with you guys. Thank you. Its bittersweet for us. Is it bittersweet . Yes. I walked in earlier and i said i feel so sad. You guys look so happy. I said to clarence your manager, how can you let this happen in he said i have been trying to make this happen for five years. Is it a time to reflect and regroup . Does it mean you will come back together at a later time . We make music, thats what we are going to do. We automatic still love each other. We make music. We will probably make music individually, collective. Who knows . Joe don is going to need a job. He cant even afford fingers. Personal issues, guys. Nobody is getting you were saying you have you actually sent out a letter to your staff that supports you that this is it . We did. Some have been there since day one. It was a very, very sad letter to send last night. We wanted to let them know they have a year to prepare. Last night . Just last night. A year to prepare. And in this year to come cou we have surprises all through e ar. We have had some amazing opening acts through the years, you know, taylor swift. Taylor swift, who used to be youreah. Interesting to see what happened to her. You are welcome, taylor. Ill say. But is it really saying like farewell were going to take a break . Because i like that you are saying we are not retiring. We still plan to do music. We just want to take a little break. Its also celebrating 20 years. 20 years of anything is unbelievable. Especially in the music business. Just to be with my buddies, my bros, and celebrate this year. When you 20 years ago when you first recorded praying for daylight as a demo, you didnt have a name, right . That song was on hold for somebody else . It was, it was. We cut it. We came into the industry stealing stuff from people. We are going to leave our mark. What does Rascall Flatts mean . Well, so we were looking for a name. We kept saying we have a record deal with ybut we dont have a name. When we play in the clubs we would say if anybody has ideas wed love to hear them. This one guy named jelly roll, he would sit at the end of the bar. He said, boys, i want to talk to you when you go on break. We go over there. He said i tell you what. I been watching you boys for a long time. Yall pretty good. I had a band in the 60s. We called ourselves Rascall Flatts. By god, yall look like Rascall Flatts to me. It was so loud the jukebox was playing. I couldnt understand what he was saying. I said away . He says Rascall Flatts. I said what does Rascall Flatts mean . He said damned if i know. We dont reallywhat the name means. So you wrote your name out on a napkin . Yes. Like 500 bucks or something. We didnt have 500. Taylor swift used to open for you guys. Now she is in a pop she is a pop music star. Has Country Music changed in the last 20 years . Pop music is todays Country Music because the music that we grew up on, top 40 radio, is almost nonexistent anymore. What we do now i consider to be more mainstream in the country world than ever before. There is room for all kinds of people to create. And you think about it. Did you ever think you would or nelly . Jovi on country radio lil nas x. Right. Jamie foxx. So, you know, thats whats so great about Country Music is that Country Music, that genre opens its arms to everybody. And other genres dont do it as much as Country Music. Yeah, there is a spot for everybody. While you are doing the farewell tour, will you do individual things . Im trying to figure out possibly. Okay. You guys have i have a chickfila that i want to open up. Popeyes. Im opening a popeyes. We wish you three you all are happy, im happy for you. I really am. Gayle, we love you, too. You know we do. Yes. Have a good tour around the sun one more time. Thank you. Come see us. I am coming. You coming to new york . Yes. Jay demarcus, gary levox, and Joe Don Rooney, thank you very much. And new ideas how to live a productive oh, thats perfect song for daniel. A new book shows us how we can all make the most of our lives as we grow older. Starting today and even stretching into our 90s. Suessful aging is by bestselling author, neuroscientist and cognitive psychologist, his name is daniel levitan. He writes that openness, associations, con shenness and Healthy Practices are choices that can impacts the rest of our lives. Your personality matters, too. Daniel joins us to discuss successful aging. You say aging is not a simple period of decay. I was reading this the day i turned 65. I read this with both eyes. Aging is not a simple period of decay. It can be a period of unique growth. Its actually a time of blossoming. What do you mean by that . You know, the societal narrative is that aging is a time of decline yes. Depression. The research does not bear that out. Good. For most of us, its a time of renewed energy. Oldsters i like to call them, like hipsters and youngsters, oldsters are more compassionate. They experience more gratitude actually dont like oldsters. I think we should work on that. Okay. We need a hipper name. We need a hipper name. There is what i thought was interesting i never thought about this we concentrate on our life span and really we cenh span. Theres a difference. Thats exactly right. I like that. Its not so important to me anyway how long you live but how much of that time that youre going to live youre healthy and active and enjoying the things that you enjoy. You do say our personality does affect how we age. It does. Very much so. How . We tend to think of the personality as stable over the life span, of course. But you can Climate Change your personality you can change your personality. If youve got a conscientious personality and are open to new experiences or if you can cultivate those qualities, youll do much better as you age. How about staying active . Its interesting that Mental Health is influenced by physical health. Why . You need to oxygenate the blood. More importantly, you need to explore the environment because the seed of memory, the hippocampus, is really evolved over tens of thousands of years to help us approach food and mates and retreat from dangers. The biggest factor in Mental Health isnt exercise. Its movement. If youre worried about whether, i got to do an extra half hour on the treadmill, its not that. Its just get up, move around. Thats the biggest difference. Is there if theres one thing that we can do today to be better in aging, what is it . I would say the big thing to do is to get up and move in natural environments as much as you can. Get off the couch. Yeah. My wife says, stands up, i should listen. You had a great thing about sex when it comes to liberals and conservatives. What did you find . Well, the Research Says that liberals funny tend to have sex into older ages than conservatives. Like 80s you said. Yes. And in fact, liberals engage in se a longer period of time when they do have and conservatives . You use it or you lose it conservatives . Conservatives tend to peter out as they say okay at a younger age. Daniel got jokes. Are you a liberal or conservative thank you so much. Successful aging is on sale today are you liberal or conservative, tony whatever one has more fun for longer. Well be right back. Before we go, how about a happy reunion . Everybody likes those. For two military veterans who served side by side. Hey, buddy. How you been . Hey, buddy. German shepherd veto ran into the arms of Jesse Robinson in nebraska over the weekend. The two were last togethertin spain with the navy. They were brought together by a group that helps reunite oh retired military dogs with their former handlers. Kind of an indescribable feeling i guess. They become your best friend and someone you work with, someone that you trust your life to when you show up to situations. Then to reunite is absolutely incredible. Wow. Vito served as a bomb detection dog. This summer robinson plans to take him on a backpacking trip trying to say, on the Pacific Crest trail. They still love each other. I love th this is a kpix 5 news morning update. Good morning. As we checked the roadways right now were still seeing the usual slowing go conditions along the east shore freeway as well as your ride along nimitz southdown especially heading into fremont. A couple crashes in the clearing stages. On the peninsula were seen break lights as well. Lookout for an accident to the center divide. But still slowing though in both directions. And were also getting reports of the crash not to far from their. This one is over to the right shoulder. A bit of an improvement along the east shore freeway. Highway 4 is looking a lot better. In seven east up. And north bound 101, check this out. No delays at all. We are looking at mostly sunny skies as we kickoff our tuesday. Also dense fog in some spots especially for the east bay with patchy trust in lane. As we head through the afternoon we will see increasing clouds ahead of our thersyth light scattered showers tonight at overnight. Partly sunny, cooler for tomorrow. Checking the visibility down to a quarter mile in concord the 10th of a mile in fairfield. Those locations dealing with dense fog as we start off the day. 86 for high in San Francisco, 6 and 57 kld. Mps are cooler compared to yesterday seasonable. Mostly sunny today with increasing clouds, like showers tonight and partly sunny and cooler for tomorrow. Showers thursday sunshine friday and scattered showers on saturday. Wayne that would be awesome. Its lets make a deal wayne 20,000. Ti shes with wayne br wayne cbs daytime, baby. Jonathan so ready wayne its a zonk, right . Lets do the curtain, wayne. Wayne they got the big deal screaming jonathan its time for lets make a deal. Now heres tvs big dealer, wayne brady. Wayne hey, everybody, welcome to lets make a deal. Wayne brady here, thank you so much for tuning in. Iverypeci vsp me a al. Ac thiole week because every single day this week, our friends at Publishers Clearing House are going to have a check for one of these traders. Worth what . 20,000. Oh yeah, oh yeah. Lets get this thing started. Three people will be making the deal

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