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Calistoga. Those flames jumped highway 29 earlier this evening. Andria borba is in napa county tonight with the latest. The tubs fire is about 2 to 3 miles outside of calistoga proper. It is burning on highway 29 on mount st. Helena. Tonight the fight is to keep it on that mountain. Reporter the fight to keep the tubs fire out of calistoga is being waged here along highway 29. Billowing smoke choked vistas along the highway, a reminder the flames are still in charge here. The fire jumped the highway this afternoon in at least one location and cal fire crews were determined to keep it from spreading further. With the turnout barely wide enough for water tenders and strike teams, firefighters set backfires, leaving without room to run. People tried to load a horse in a trailer to get it out of harms way. The horse refused to budge. While fires tend to lay down at night, the fire continues to chew through vegetation, mocking the efforts of firefighters and their equipment. Here in calistoga the city remains under a mandatory Evacuation Order as it has since yesterday. The video you just saw is a wildland fire. They hope to keep it as a wildland fire and that it does not run in to city streets. Andria borba, kpix 5. Moving to the pocket fire, threatening the town of geyserville. Weve seen a big change just within the past hour. Kpix 5s melissa caen is there and joins us live. Things are getting worse here in geyserville. When we got here, it was around lunchtime and there were two sort of little glowing areas where the fire was happening and it was only at that point burning the floor of the woods. But now within the last hour or so, it has moved in to the trees and has gotten much, much larger in terms of the land mass its covering at this point. Because of that, weve got night crews out, fire crews out trying to do what they can to contain this fire. Where its burning is sort of the eastern side of geyserville. Its mostly woods. There are few if any residents or businesses on this side. The good news is we havent gotten any reports of fatalities or injuries yet. But the bad news, as we learned today, is when woods, when a forest like this burns, its very difficult to predict. Reporter its called the pocket fire because it started on pocket ranch road on monday at around 11 30 last night, the Evacuation Order came. The rocky terrain here and the clear skies today made this fire a perfect candidate for air drops. But the helicopters had to stop at sundown. As darkness falls in geyserville, the flames on the ground in the woods start to look like streams of lava. Occasionally a tree catches fire and goes up in flames but for the most part its only the ground that seems to be burning at this point. Captain tony mchale says its hard to predict exactly what will happen with this fire. Its a mixed fuel bed. You have fuels, your grasses, lighter brush. That ladders in to heavier brush and timber. Its mixed. That means that can create very erratic fire behavior. The last report we got on this fire was several hours ago. It said the fire is zero percent contained and has burned 8400 acres. Although we anticipate by morning, the number will be much higher. Live in geyserville, melissa caen, kpix 5. Another area of concern, the city of napa. The fire posing the biggest threat is the fire there. Da lin is in napa county where some people are defying the Evacuation Orders and trying to get back in. Thats right. The city of napa is under siege surrounded by mountains that are on fire. To the east, the atlas fire, the largest fire burning away toward the city, to the west behind us, the partrick fire. Cal fire is most concerned about this one because its flames are burning toward napa. Some neighborhoods on the west end of town are under mandatory evacuation. We found robert and his son, robert fate iii, by following a couple fire engines. The sight of the firefighters brought the father and sun to tears. The engines set up shop on the property. Just above the house, flames burning from less than 2 miles away. They stopped and they admired how hard my dad works to keep this place safe and they were going [ inaudible ] im not leaving. This is our home. Were not leaving. Most of their neighbors have left and many of those neighbors attended this Community Meeting at Napa High School this afternoon to get the latest information. Cal fire doesnt know when they can lift the Evacuation Orders for the folks west of napa. Some good news to pass along, around 9 45 or so, firefighters appeared to have put out the flames that were burning along that ridge line behind me. All you can see is darkness and thats a good thing. Very little flames. But a lot more smoke. Thats why we have the mask now. Live in the hills west of napa, im da lin, kpix 5. Elsewhere in napa county tonight, people who evacuated got to go home. The mandatory evacuation has been lifted for the areas of silverado country club, monticello park, and the avenues. Also included areas west of silver trail and highway 128. Some homes are gone in an area below atlas peak, while others are still standing. Im glad that im back here, but im very sad about my neighbors. Its unfortunate and theyve been there, my kids used to go to School Together when they were kids. Unfortunately their house is gone. Evacuations are being lifted as pg, and e restores electricity in some of the areas. Betty yu tells us about the investigation in to the start of the fires. The Commission Just sent a letter to pg e ordering the facility to preserve all records related to the fire. In that letter it said the physical evidence includes conductors, associated equipment from each fire event. The cbuc will conduct an investigation if it suspects pg e is involved. Due to Poor Visibility from all the smoke, at least 113 flights were canceled and about 10 of flights were delayed. One more note, Sonoma County residents can register with fema for disaster assistance. Betty yu, kpix 5. The air quality is bad all across the bay area. Its so bad right now, its worse here than it is in beijing, china. All that heavy pollution casts an eerie sunset tonight over San Francisco. The air so bad that lots of people put masks over their faces, tried to protect themselves from the particulates in all that smoke. And paul, everybody is asking, is it going to clear up any time soon . The answer is no, its not going to clear up until sunday or monday at the earliest, making tomorrow, friday, the end of the worst bad air week that weve had in San Francisco bay area history. Take a look at the air quality for tomorrow. Very unhealthy in the north bay. The coast, the central bay, the east bay, South Central bay, the only place that may see some improvement will be unhealthy air quality in the Santa Clara Valley including the city of san jose. The air quality will be poor once again tomorrow. Then tomorrow night theres a new red flag warning thats been issued by the National Weather service for the north bay hills and east bay hills in the mountains where the fires are raging right now. The winds may gust once again, 45 to 60 Miles Per Hour with relative humidity. Winds not that strong tonight, not that strong for the majority of friday. Another round of gusty offshore wind late friday in to the weekend and that will keep the air quality poor because all the smoke billowing up from the north bay is being pushed south and should include the entire bay area once again tomorrow and also saturday and sunday. Well talk about the 7day forecast, amazingly and thankfully with a chance of rain. Some colleges including sf state and usf are closed through sunday because of the bad air. We have more information on School Closures at the bottom of your screen. Tonight kpix 5s len ramirez shows us how some districts are handling the haze. Reporter for the fourth straight day, there was no such thing as a breath of fresh air in the area. It was pretty bad. The conclusion was we should not have cool today. Reporter hes a student in lafayette. The School District decided to stay open but limit students exposure during school hours. Weve kept the students inside during p. E. And we work to keep them inside during the lunch hour. Reporter which is hard to do, especially with high schoolers. We saw several students hanging around outside at lunch. I think giving the shift of the winds and the ash that we were experiencing, floating down around us. Reporter principal Linda Schuler is talking about her district, mount diablo unified, which did close its schools because of unhealthy air. Her school is one of 59 shut down. It made more sense to have the kids at home. My kids are Walking Around with their shirts pulled up over their nose. Reporter Walnut Heights in the walnut creek district was not shut down. She may take matters in to her own hands tomorrow. I might decide to pull them out and keep them out tomorrow if the smoke gets worse. Several School Districts are already notifying parents theyll be closed tomorrow including the mount diablo School District and marin county schools. Check your schools website for information about closures. Len ramirez, kpix 5. Some of them are merely bones. Were learning more about the bay area lives lost in the fires and those who are still missing. The National Guard is called in to help fight the flames tonight. They take us inside the fire fight. Bay area vineyards are in ruins tonight, even the wineries that didnt get damaged may be a total loss. Oooooooo. Awwwwww. Yummmm. Dennys new holiday pancakes are delicious. You guys can have some if you want. Order now at dennys. Com with the Alaska Airlines visa signature card you get a companion ticket every year. So why not take someone that you see all the time. Someone like, i dunno, me . I mean i always spell your name right and put a little unicorn in your foam. No pressure but i really need to get out of here. Theyve been playing the same playlist for three months and im pretty sure youre not supposed to eat scones for dinner this many days in a row. Mexico, hawaii, costa rica, i dont really know. Im a quick packer. Here are some of their faces. 14yearold kai shepherd died in his driveway in Mendocino County. Trying to escape. 14yearold ky shepherd died in his driveway in Mendocino County trying to escape. 28yearold Kristen Hanson was in a wheelchair. She lived in santa rosa and couldnt get out in time. Also tonight, this 3yearold boxer is searching through the rubble to help the Sonoma County Sheriffs Department find over 400 people who are still unaccounted for. Kpix 5s emily turner is live in santa rosa with more on the search efforts. Its certainly very heartbreaking especially as the days tick down. Folks who have been missing for almost four days. Their families and loved ones are getting concerned as this Search Mission is turning in to a recovery mission. The numbers change almost hourly as to whos missing and whos been found. There are about 1,000 people who have been reported missing thus far. 603 have been located safe and sound, which still leaves though 397 unaccounted for. As you said, so many have been reported dead. Our last count, 19 in just Sonoma County. Cadaver dogs are being used to locate some of the victims which is just heartbreaking and the red cross has stepped in, helping to find or locate some of the atrisk missing as well. I try not to think about that. A lot of people have lost a lot and were fortunate in that they were seen leaving their house. Their house is fine. Its likely that theyre fine and that theyre just somewhere without cell service. So im trying to just remember that, but shes my grandma and im worried about her so i just hope we find her soon. Which is certainly the sentiment echoed by everyone looking for someone. At this hour if youre looking for someone you love, our hearts go out to you but we have information for you tonight. The Sonoma County missing persons line is 7075653856. But you could also use the red cross safe and well website, which you can find on the red crosss website or you can simply google it. Not only will you be able to report missing people but you can see if the person youre looking for has checked in and if theyre safe and well and for their sake we certainly hope they are. Emily turner, kpix 5. We have some incredible video to show you inside the aerial assault. The california National Guard has scooped up 60,000 gallons of water from lakes and rivers to pour over the inferno. Helicopters in Sonoma County were doing water drops all day long at the nuns fire. Bob horn captured this video. You can see here theyre getting very low to the ground. Make sure the water falls in strategic places to stop those flames. Hundreds of firefighters who have been battling a wildfire in Southern California are now heading north to the wine country. Reporter tina patel says theyre abiding by a statewide agreement that often comes in to play this time of year. Reporter its been a long week for firefighters battling the fire, battling high winds and fast moving flames. Crews are finally Getting Better containment but that doesnt mean they can rest. 300 personnel and 100 fire vehicles are on their way to Northern California to help with the wildfires there. Reassigned, we take turns driving to the next fire. Reporter theres a mutual aid agreement throughout the state of california so firefighters say they expect this to happen during fire season to go from one active situation to the next. They warn their families they could be gone up to three weeks at a time. As long as theres a life threat and life is at jeopardy and structures are still being lost, well stay out. Reporter most of the firefighters being reassigned have no idea what theyll be facing up north. Theyve been too busy with the canyon fire to Pay Attention whats happening in other regions. When youre out there in a fire line for 16, 18, 24 hours at a time, you dont have access to media or anything like that. They hope their extra resources will be able to make a difference this time and that the favor will be returned down the line. They know at some point its going to be somebody doing it for them in their neighborhood. Theres a concern the santa ana winds could return this weekend so fire officials tell me even though they are sending a lot of resources up north, they will keep some crews in Southern California just in case things flare up. In orange, kpix 5. Some of you may be wondering why didnt Sonoma County officials send out an Emergency Alert to cell phones after the fires initially broke out . Tonight Officials Say that move could have caused panic among those not in danger and led to gridlock on the roads. Were just beginning to get a sense of the impact on californias multibilliondollar Wine Industry. Why even vineyards that didnt burn may be a loss. Reporter more than a dozen wineries have been damaged or destroyed by the fires ravaging california. In hard hit santa rosa, nearly 100,000 bottles from this years harvest are gone, and tanks burned. Napa and sonoma produce some of the highest quality grapes in the world and the impact on californias nearly 60 billion Wine Industry could be severe with some experts predicting a total loss of more than 100 million. Its devastating of course. Reporter dominic is a manager at san antonio winery in downtown l. A. Which has a vineyard up north thats not been affected by the flames but he still worries about the heavy smoke and possibility of tainted grapes. So you get the smoky taste in the grape which could have an effect but we dont know yet. Reporter the only Silver Lining for the Wine Industry was this late summers hot weather that speeded up the ripening process and led to earlier than usual harvest. Wine drinker sabrina says shes worried wine prices might go up so bought an entire case just to be safe. I feel its going to hurt the uniqueness of every winery out there. Reporter since some of her favorite wines come from areas now grappling with so much tragedy, pacheco says this glass tastes especially bittersweet. Makes me appreciative of the wine. What if all the wineries i loved went under . What would i do then . Coincidently this saturday san antonio winery will hold a major festival here in honor of its 100year anniversary. Thousands are expected to attend and of course the fires will be in the back of everyones minds. In downtown los angeles, kpix 5. Everybody was trying to wear masks, protecting themselves from the air quality. This is not something that folks in concord or san jose, bad air will be aqi of 100. Weve been hovering between 100 and 400 over the last few days. And tonight, right now, napa, vallejo, santa rosa, concord, fairfield, fremont have an air quality index very unhealthy. San rafael, San Francisco and pacifica, the ocean breeze helping you out a bit. Tomorrow the air quality takes a turn for the worse once again. We likely have three more days of bad to very bad air before things get considerably better. Concord and san jose also in the 50s. Its going to be a chilly night tonight. Were getting deeper in to october and some of the lows near some of the fire fights may drop to the upper 30s in Sonoma County. Napa, 45 overnight tonight. Concord, 45. Fremont and san jose, 46 degrees. Well show you the wide satellite picture because it shows a ridge of High Pressure which will go in to the same spot as the past couple ones. Its going to grab another dry front, shoving it from north to south and will usher in another round of winds. Tomorrow afternoon i hope and pray that the folks up north get an opportunity to get more containment, more fire lines going. Watch what happens to the wind between 2 00 tomorrow afternoon and midnight. Gusting now to 26. 32 Miles Per Hour around fairfield. 22 Miles Per Hour for santa rosa. Higher elevations may get as high as 60 Miles Per Hour. The wind stays elevated. A 12hour window of very strong, high elevation wind once again. Not as bad as what we had sunday night but worse than what weve had over the past 24 hours. Wind is not as strong tonight, most of friday but another round of gusty offshore wind with low relative humidity. That likely will keep our air quality in the poor range at best for the next couple days through the weekend. San jose tomorrow, 73. Santa rosa, 75. Getting warmer in napa, 81 degrees. San francisco tomorrow, 67 degrees. Not really clouds in the 7day forecast just the haze and the smoke. It was a perfectly clear day aside from the snoke throughout the bay area today. One wonderful bit of news, the pattern shifts, more humidity, and the opportunity for rain showers which would be just about the most welcome news that the thousands of firefighters in the north rain will put this out eventually. Rain will put out these fires. Maybe it begins about this time next week. Lets hope so. Thank you. President trump puts pen to paper. Tonight, how hes trying to unravel obamacare. Here are tonights guests on the late show with Stephen Colbert. Oh, you brought butch. Yeah butch growls at man hes looking at me right now, isnt he . Yup. butch barks at man butch is like an old soul that just hates my guts. laughs vo you can never have too many faithful companions. Introducing the allnew crosstrek. Love is out there. Find it in a subaru crosstrek. To obamacare tonight. His administration is ending President Trump just dealt a blow to obamacare tonight. His administration is ending subsidies to insurers. Those subsidies lowered premiums for millions of lower income americans and totaled about 7 billion this year alone. That announcement came hours after he allowed Small Businesses to sell cheaper insurance plans across state lines. He claims it will increase competition and lower premiums but critics say if Young Healthy people abandon federal exchanges, the old and sick who require better coverage will pay much more. It will be months before we see details of the new plan. Im dennis odonnell. The National League championship series is set and could dusty baker and the nationals officially dethrone the world champions . So we created the only bed that adjusts on both sides to 9 out of 10 couples prefer a different mattress firmness, your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. You can even see how well youre sleeping and make adjustments. Does your bed do that . The most amazing part is they start at 699. Thats 200 off our queen c2 mattress during the final days of our fall sale. Ends sunday. Visit sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. For his in 22 years as a manager, including 10 with the giants, dusty baker has won over 1,800 games, but still looking for his first world series title. The dust buster and his nationals facing the cubs in a Decisive Game 5. Cubs leading 5 4 in the 5th. Javier baez strikes out. Should have been the end of the inning. But matt wieters goes and throws it in to right field allowing a run to score, and the inning to continue. Chicago hung on to win 98 to win the series. The cubs now face the dodgers in the nlcs. Pete deboer and the sharks hoping to get in the win column for the first time in 2017. San jose and buffalo tied at 2 in the 2nd period. Meyers scores off the rebound to give the sharkies a lead. They win 32 to pick up their first victory of the season. Carson wentz and the eagles looking for a win at carolina. Wentz threw three touchdown passes, two to the former stanford man. Philadelphia wins 2823. They are 51. The 49ers get washington in washington on sunday. Ruben foster should be on the field and derek orr should be on the field for the raiders. Well be right back. 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The latest on the wildfires for you. All that begins at 4 a. M. We say goodnight and it is smoky outside, the same coming for tomorrow. See ya. Late show exclusive. Stephen colberts interview of hannitys interview of President Trump. Mr. President , thank you for sitting down with me twice in one week. Very generous of your time. Its an honor to be on your show. It must be. Before we start, is it okay if i manipulate this footage to make you look like an idiot . You recently challenged secretary of state Rex Tillerson to an i. Q. Off. Do you know what your i. Q. Is . I think its higher than people understand. Can you give me a number . 8. Thats higher than i understand. laughter switch gears. Harvey weinstein is in the news, troubling accusations. What do you think of that situation . It was very sad when i saw this. Stephen have you ever engaged in any forms of sexu

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