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Highprofile problem. Now, its bursting into live, from the cbs bay area studios, this is kpix5 news. Tonight, as if the new bay bridge needed another high profile problem. Now, it is bursting into flames. Im veronica de la cruz. Liz has the night off. Im ken bastida. Lets get right to our mark kelly. Two fires in the traffic lanes this week. What is going on with the bridge . Reporter caltrans says after a comprehensive investigation, maintenance workers who left behind road flares are to blame for causing mondays fire and todays fire on the bridges eastern span. Caltrans called it an unusual set of circumstances. Two fires just this week. One monday night, the other, around noon today. Talking distance, both, relatively close. One of our engineers discovered the fire that was in relatively the same spot as the fire from monday evening. Reporter take a closer look, caltrans says it was likely road flares from workers that set this black rubber on fire. Driving over it, it looks to be nothing more than a black great, but it is a rubber seal that plays an Important Role in protecting the bridge at its expansion joint. It covers the joint and it is a rubber like material that protects the joint from any of debris or even chloride that can wear and do damage unnecessarily to it. Reporter mondays fire, six feet of the seal burned. Today, about half that, but caltrans says it will replace all parts that caught fire. And when we do that, it will not be problematic for our motoring public. Reporter so maintenance workers getting the blame tonight, but what work they were actually doing on the eastern span and how many flares it took to ignite that fire, caltrans would not say. In San Francisco, mark kelly, kpix5. Another legal blow for uber. This one is serious. Andria borba tells us a judge told uber you have 30 days before you have to shut down. Reporter uber is facing an uber fine. 7. 3million. Even worse, it could stop operating altogether. State puc judge says the Parent Company razor california has failed to provide how many uber drivers were involved in. The number of times disabled people requested rides an how often uber was able to accommodate them. The state puc asked for the information three times and three times uber didnt hand it over. Their competitors like lyft and side car did. They are all privately owned cars. Maybe they dont have the information to give them . Reporter tonight, the threat from the puc, comply or shut down. Now the chance uber will shut down entirely is very slim. There are two things that will likely happen. First, a chiseler ask this ruling be reviewed. Uber will likely file an appeal taking longer for them to get their information to the Public Utilities commission. Andria borba, kpix5. Republican president ial candidate jeb bush is coming to San Francisco tomorrow to hail an uber. It is a counter to hillary clinton. She criticized businesses that were part of the socalled sharing economy for driving down middle class wages. Jeb bushs dad, George Hw Bush is back in the hospital tonight. The former president fell at his summer house in maine, broke a bone in his neck. A spokesman is telling us he is doing fine, but will have to wear a neck brace for a while. At 91 years old, George Hw Bush is our oldest living president. A giant surprise on pluto tonight. Kpix5 meteorologist paul deanno is here with the stunning new images. Paul . Just a speck in the sky for hundreds of years but tonight, scientists just got their first closeup look of plutos surface and they were never expecting what they saw today. Here is the image. Here it comes. Reporter scientists were stunned. Mountains made of ice water standing 11,000 feet high and spans 150 miles. Principle investigator allen stern says the mountains are 100 million years old. I think that one image of 1 of the surface of pluto, and we found mountain ranges like the rockies is a balloon popping. Reporter hundreds more photos will beam back to earth over the next 16 months. Remember, these images are coming from 3 billion miles away. Billion with a b. New horizons is moving so fast it is already a million miles past pluto and the mission is not over yet. It will send back photos from space for years to come. 100million years old sounds old, but for mountains, that is really new and it means there is geologic activity going on right now. Amazing how clear the images are. And ice. Yeah. All this from one picture. They have a couple hundred more coming. Fantastic. Pretty awesome. Thanks paul. Well, highway 84 in livermore reopened 40 minutes ago. It has been closed now for 17 hours. After a semi crashed into three vehicles and ran off the road early this morning, one person was killed in that accident. Two others seriously hurt. A major breakthrough in san jose tonight after three years of fighting, devin fehely tells us the city has struck a tentative deal with its police and fire unions over pension reform. Reporter representatives from the Police Officer and Firefighters Union said that they have been hemorrhaging members fighting a largely losing battle as officers leave for better pay and benefits with other departments. They hope that this tentative agreement will begin to reverse that trend convincing new people to join the respective departments as well as convincing those already here to stay. Now, it is our job to rebuild our police department. And provide the residents the services they expect and that they deserve. Todays agreement will be a catalyst for the rebilling of our Public Safety services, to restore the rightful and long standing place as our nations finallest. Reporter in san jose, devin fehely, kpix5. Mike honda is the target of an etics investigation tonight. The office of congressional ethics is looking into his blog and his staff. It shows his officer staff set aside invitation to a state Department Event for Campaign Donors and that violates congressional rules. The congressman and his staff have fully cooperated with oce in its review of allegations. President obama did something a bit unusual today. At the end of his News Conference about the iran nuclear deal, he actually asked reporters, do you have any other questions. And, his challenge to critics in congress and israel, come up with an alternative. This nuclear deal meets the National Security interests of the United States and our allies. If we dont choose wisely, future generations will judge us harshly. Irans Nuclear Facilities will be under inspection 24 hours away an sanctions will snap back into place if iran violates the conditions. There was a Testy Exchange when a cbs reporter asked president obama about the people detained in iran. Can you tell the country sir why you are content to leave the strength of this nation unaccounted for for four americans. I have to give you credit on that. The notion that i am content as i celebrate with american citizens languishes in iranian jails and you should know better. I have met with the families of some of those folks. Nobody is content. And our diplomats an our teams are working diligently to try to get them out. The president explained he didnt include the hostages in the deal because he didnt want iran to use them for leverage. Tonight, the family of a Southern California man shot and killed by police wants the feds to get involved. Video released yesterday shows officers shooting the unarmed man. The los angeles District Attorney decided not to prosecute the Police Officers. The u. S. Attorneys office says it is going over the case. One second you see him, then, you dont. Tonight, cbs reporter Omar Villafranca shows us how a drug lord made his great escape. Reporter Joaquin Guzmans cell measured 60 square feet, so Prison Guards were used to seeing him pace back and forth until one day, he walked to his shower and vanished. Guzman slipped through a two foot hole cut into the shower just out of sight of the surveillance cameras. He dropped into a ventilated tunnel tall enough for a man nicknamed shorty to stand up straight. There was even a motorcycle to speed him abay until he climbed out almost a mile south of the prison into a half built home. It was an elaborate ruse. The work crews werent building anything. They were bigging the drug war lord out. The last time he broke out of prison, he was on the run for 13 years. All right, take a look at this. No. It is not a country road. This is oakland. The city is spending a fortune on potholes so why does one neighborhood still look like this . Would you want to eat salmon with something crawling in it . Wait until you hear what one costco employee told us tonight. And, it is going to be a long sandy ride home from the beach this summer. Tonight, the state just shut off watch this. See the guy in the baseball cap . He is ought to ruin this Armed Robbers day. Daniel recognized the clerk in a texas mini mart was being held up. The thief only had a knife. Gasky likes his odds, he launches on the guy taking him down and out. Being a firefighter, retired marine and High School Wrestler made that decision a lot easier. People in one part of oakland emailed us to say some check something out. The roads in their neighborhood are bad. Really bad. Here is what Christin Ayers found and felt when she got behind the wheel. Reporter neighbors on 92 avenue know that sound well. A 2013 study found 60 of oaklands streets are in poor or fair condition. Anthony mccray says it is worse in east oakland. I myself have a claim against the city right now for 5,000 because i damaged my car driving think a pothole. Reporter it is hard not to notice how bad the street is. There are potholes pockmarking every part of the road. They came to fix about three blocks two weeks ago, but never finished the job. So the people came out to do it themselves. Circling the small craters with spray paint and chalk scrawling fix me. Camara wilson says the city has the money thanks to measure bb which is supposed to fund road improvement. We know that there are Funds Available to fix these streets and that is why we are here today. Reporter but she says oakland is funneling measure bb funds into wealthier communities. Look at the map of oaklands prioritization plan. Those purple lines show new street repairs. They are just about everywhere. More concerning, neighbors say a big chunk of measure bb funds could be used to build coliseum city while the streets of east oakland are left in shambles. Anthony says it is proof of what he already knew. There are two oaklands. On this side, east oakland, there is no money coming over here. Reporter in oakland, Christin Ayers, kpix5. Christin called the department of public works to ask why they are not filling the potholes in east oakland, but has not heard back. This next story might make you think twice about having fish for your next meal. Cate caugurian shows us what a costco customer found wiggling in his salmon. Reporter hope you are not having fish for dinner. The video makes your stomach turn. But we spoke to some employees at costco and did our ore research to see if this is a problem. This video was posted on facebook three dais ago after the customer saw a living parasite in the first push he picked up. A parasite to me means something bad. Reporter if you saw a little thing floating around in your salmon and someone said is that normal, you would you buy it . No. Reporter but we asked one costco employee and he said this is not uncommon. These are usually roundworms. If you are in the market for fresh fish, expect these guy to be part of the package deal. Most of the fish have worms for sure. You have to cook the fish and it is okay. Reporter kenny kim says this isnt anything unusual. So these are harmless . They are harmless. If you cook, no problem. Reporter no problem as long as you can get over the sight of Something Like this in your frying pan. One consumer site says these parasites are as common as insects in produce. They are only a problem in sushi or if you undercook your fish. Cate caugurian, kpix5. There was a similar case in south carolina. A man took video of a worm crawling in fish he bought at costco. Police dogs in the bay area are getting sophisticated gear. The Alameda County Sheriffs Department showed off what the k9s can do and the special guests they wear as they go after a suspect. Each vest costs 1,200 and is custom fitted to protect the dog from bullets and knivesful it can be outfitted with gps tracking and a surveillance camera. Each dog after they are fully trained, they are valued at about 15 to 20,000. Per dog. So, we need to protect that investment. The public helps pay for the vests through donations. A group called the police and working foundation holds a fundraiser this weekend at dozens of pet supply stores. State water voted to ban grass from any new commercial building. Thats right. And allow no more than 25 of landscaping at new homes to include grass. That is new homes. The builders can get around the rule by using recycled water from showers and toilets to irrigate larger lawns. And another way the state is saving water, turning off the showers at all state beaches. Betty yu went out tonight. Reporter wrapping up a day at any state beach means you will be doing more of this. It sucks. Tell me why. Because you are going to be dirty. Reporter people looking to rinse off at the beach found the showers capped and signs like these. I think they are doing the right thing. They have to ration water. Honestly, im kind of torn. Im not sure. Like, i think that people, you know, regardless, they are going to come home and take a shower after being in the ocean. Reporter state officials have shut off showers at 38 state beaches and they believe this move could save as much as 18 million gallons of water a year. It might not save parents a lot of time. It is kind of hard, because you cant, like, take a towel or the sand wont come off that much. Reporter brenda has been bringing her own shower to the beach for years. We just get our water and we put it in big gatoraid containers. The ones the kids use for sports. And we fill it up with warm water. Reporter for now, surfer adam says he will just deal with the inconvenience. Ill be salty and sticky for the rest of the day. [ laughter ] reporter betty yu, kpix5. She says she carries water. Problem solved. Next case. Viewers help us out. Can you fix the drought . Mother nature can do that. Lets hope she begins to do that this winter. It is all about clear skies in san jose. A nice day for you up in the upper 70s. 60 to start in fremont, mountain view. San francisco, 69 degrees. Fresno triple digits. 80 in tahoe and ukiah, 97 degrees. You get the point, it will be a warm day throughout the state unless you happen to be right near the water. Point reyes only had a high of 58 degrees. The micro climates are glorious. We had a 40degree temperature spread. This big ridge of High Pressure inching closer to us minimizes the on shore flow. It is still there in halfmoon bay and bodega bay, but not antioch. You will be toasty. The sun angle is high. One more warm day on thursday, before temperatures begin to drop on friday. Delores, a big hurricane right now. What is left of this storm will be inching its way toward the desert southwest. Latest computer model says it is going to rain in los angeles. It is going to rain in san diego. It is going to rain in santa barbara. Will it make it wall the way to the bay area this weekend . The answer is likely not. It is still going to be humid. It is going to fill sticky throughout the day area. We dont do humid in the summertime like boston or new york city or miami. But lit be somewhat sticky this weekend. Clouds are back near the water tonight. Sunshine is back tomorrow afternoon. But watch out for the sticky stuff coming up this weekend. San jose tomorrow, 86 degrees. Above average for you. Halfmoon bay, only 64. San ramon, 90. Dublin, 88, concord, 92. San francisco, right around 70. Should be pleasant in the city after morning drizzle. Cloverdale, hot for you. 95 degrees. A couple of degrees cooler. Watch out for the sticky stuff. We get back to normal by the middle of next week. Just another curve ball. Some humidity coming in. We are very dry. All kind of strange pitches from Mother Nature lately. Yet another one. The curve ball is on the way. Thanks paul. Coming up tonight, Caitlyn Jenner makes her first big public appearance at the espys awards. Picking out the south pit. Okay girls . 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But only one shot to master the chase mobile app. Technology designed for you. So you can easily master the way you bank. She says i has been harder than anything she could have imagined. Caitlyn jenner telling her person story and being honored for it. Ladies and gentlemen, the courageous, the stunning, Caitlyn Jenner. Jenner took the stage in front of her mother, her family, and many of her fans to receive the arthur ash courage award. Her acceptance speech was about that. Acceptance. I wanted my children to be proud of their dad and what he was able to accomplish in his life. You guys have given so much back to me. You have given me so much support. I am so, so grateful to have all of you in my life. Thank you. [ cheers and applause ] jenner also thanks her mother and credited her for the courage to become her true self. I thought that was a great moment. I thought her best line was when she said go ahead and make fun of me because i can take it. But there are thousands of other transgenders who cant. By the way, jenner won most courageous, but there were two more rewards. Could steph curry hey there fellow californians i know youre staying golden by managing your energy use. Which means managing water too sfx rawr especially during a drought. Learn to save water, energy and money at energyupgradeca. Org they are underway at the british open. Paul dunn is the leader at 200. Jordan spieth is the favorite to win the third major of the year for him and the sentimental choice is a five time champion. 65yearold tom watson will play in his final british open starting this morning at saint andrews. Watson last won the tournament in 1983. But, nearly won it six years ago. Losing at a playoff. Despite being in his 60s , watson has held his own on the courses but knows contending this weekend is unlikely. I dont expect to probably end up in the top ten. It would be nice if i did. I kind of just hope i make it to sunday. When you get to that position in your career, you are just hoping to make it to sunday, then, it is really time to hang them up. Steph curry is piling it up again. Tonight, curry won the espy award for best male athlete and best nba player after leaving golden state to their first nba title in 40 years and winning the mvp. Steve kerr won the mvp for best coach. I never imagined standing on this Stage Holding this award. Im 6 3, 180 pounds soaking wet so it is really nice to be called an athlete once in a while. So thank you very much. Luke walton coaching the warriors in the first round against the kings. Fourth quarter, Jason Randall finds James Michael mcadoo missed. He is coming up big. Mac attack. And the warriors win the game 8367. The world east most interesting football coach. Jim harbaugh is in paris this week on a vacation with his wife. He had a baguette with a diet coke. But of all the paris spots, i could not believe he went into mcdonalds and ordered a big mac. A big mac. Jim harbaugh in paris southwest is having a sale because when theres a reunion every cent should go to a killer dress. Never gonna get it by en vogue and heels. And a blowout. Mani pedi. Three weeks of tanning. Facial. A backup dress. Bronzer, lip gloss. Book for as low as 73 dollars oneway now at southwest. Com. vo you can pass down a subaru forester. dad shes all yours. vo but you get to keep the memories. Love. Its what makes a subaru a subaru. Nci new orleans is next. Our next newscast tomorrow morning at 4 30. How do you say where is the bus . [ speaking foreign playing lively jazz music whoops hey, lieutenant, you okay . Take a load off, man relax im, uh. Im fine. Yeah whoops hey. How you doin tonight . You look like you could use something cold

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