mother and brother, and the surveillance video. gunmen opening fire on a bus stop in jerusalem during rush hour. three people killed, including a pregnant teacher. hamas claiming responsibility. our team in israel tonight. also this evening, embattled congressman george santos defiant on the eve of an expected vote on expelling him. the republican accusing colleagues of bullying him. the passing of henry kissinger. the powerful and controversial diplomat who shaped decades of u.s. foreign policy dying at 100. his complex legacy. the arrest warrant for buffalo bills star von miller, accused of assaulting his pregnant girlfriend. nbc news investigates the silent killer inside some airbnb properties. detroit goes electric. the first road in america that can charge your electric vehicle while you're driving. and remembering the voice behind a modern christmas classic. ♪ i love you, baby ♪ >> announcer: this is "nbc nightly news" with lester holt. >> good evening and welcome, everyone. an uneasy calm tonight in gaza as another day's pause in combat comes to an end. but this one, the seventh day of the truce, was punctuated by a deadly terror attack in jerusalem. hamas gunmen killing at least three people waiting for a bus, injuring several more. the violence testing, but not tearing the fabric of the truce that today saw the release of eight more israeli hostages, two minors and six women. 30 palestinian women and minors being released from israeli prisons in exchange. no americans among the latest group freed by hamas. tonight, israel's heavy guns remain silent as the two sides work toward extending the truce to get more hostages out. a process that can't come soon enough for families pining for the moment their loved ones make the walk of freedom. richard engel starts us off tonight. >> reporter: the latest hamas attack was deadly and quick. according to israeli police, two palestinian brothers get out of a white car at a bus stop on the edge of jerusalem and open fire, killing three israelis, including a 24-year-old teacher, reportedly expecting her first child. they were shot dead by offduty soldiers and an armed bystander. the hamas attack didn't break the ceasefire, but every day it's closer to collapse. the israeli military says the truce will extend at least through tomorrow to allow more of the 140 remaining hostages to be exchanged for palestinian prisoners. six more hostages were released tonight. mia schem's mother got the news she has been desperate for. mia was kidnapped from a music festival near gaza where hamas massacred at least 260 people. her mother, karen, spoke to lester last month. >> this is the worst nightmare for every mother in the world. >> reporter: today, mia was back with her mom in a reunion 55 days in the making. during this truce, hamas has only freed two americans of the roughly eight it's holding, liat beinin was released last night. today, the kibbutz where she lived confirmed her husband aviv was killed by hamas. hersh goldberg-polin is another american citizen also kidnapped at the music festival. his arm was blown off during his capture. tonight his parents worry without medical care, his injury could be fatal. >> we don't know if he is alive, but also, the more that get released, the more hopeful we are that hersh could be one of them. >> reporter: i saw you have a sign on your door already, "welcome home, hersh." is that -- you're leaving it there? >> our neighbors put that up the first week. we'll leave it, and it will be a talisman. it's been there since week one. yeah, we'll really hope that it's soon and seen. >> and meanwhile, richard, secretary of state blinken tonight demanding hamas release its hostages immediately, but also delivering a message to israel? >> yes, the secretary of state said that the united states accepts that once this ceasefire is over, that israel will resume its military campaign in gaza against hamas. this time focusing in southern gaza, but he said israel must do more to protect palestinian civilians. lester? >> all right, richard, thank you. six days after the shooting of three palestinian students in vermont, we're learning more about the background of the suspect as the mothers of two of the victims speak out. stephanie gosk is there. >> reporter: the suspect accused of shooting three palestinian college students in burlington, vermont has not been charged with a hate crime. but the mothers of two of the young men say they have no doubt why their sons were targeted. >> if they were not wearing the keffiyeh, right, if they were not speaking arabic, i seriously cannot understand in any logical sense why he would pull out a gun and shoot. >> reporter: elizabeth price and tamara tamami's sons kinnan and tahseen were shot saturday, along with their friend. kinnan is out of the hospital, but still a bit jumpy. >> he is traumatized. >> he is. he absolutely is. >> reporter: hisham is seriously wounded. >> he is paralyzed, currently partially paralyzed from the mid torso downwards. >> reporter: 48-year-old jason eaton pleaded not guilty to three charges of attempted murder. in 2019, a former girlfriend told police he had a history of mental illness, according to court records reviewed by nbc news. >> he was fully accountable. heavy had gun, and he tried to take the lives of our sons. >> reporter: elizabeth says hisham appreciates all the support, but worries about palestinians at home. >> he said that of the thousands, tens of thousands of people killed in gaza, there were about 30 that have been named hisham. >> reporter: both mothers say their sons felt the effect of toxic rhetoric on their campuses since the war began. >> i think that as a palestinian people see them as culpable and accountable. >> reporter: but from their homes in the west bank, they hoped their children were safe in the u.s. >> i was and am incredibly angry that i feel like there is nowhere safe for palestinians. i literally don't know where to go with my son. >> reporter: stephanie gosk, nbc news, burlington, vermont. tomorrow the house is expected to vote on a resolution to expel new york congressman george santos. ryan nobles reports he is not resigning and not going without a fight. >> reporter: tonight the house is on the verge of a final judgment on the future of congressman george santos. >> if i leave, they win. if i leave, the bullies take place. this is bullying. >> reporter: while the vote won't happen until tomorrow, debate on the resolution began today. with many of santos' fellow republicans calling for him to go. >> i would ask that all members vote to support the expulsion of representative santos. >> reporter: there is momentum to expel santos, but his future is still in doubt. every democrat is expected to vote santos out, meaning that that more than 70 republicans will have to join them. and some, including the house speaker, are still not saying how they will vote. >> i'm concerned about a precedent that may be set for that. >> reporter: a concern echoed by other members like florida's byron donalds. >> i think it sets a different tone and gets way more petty than it is right now. >> reporter: if santos is expelled, he'll join only five other house members forcibly removed from office. three of the members expelled for fighting on behalf of the confederacy. >> the most damning feature of this farce is the total perversion of this body and this conference. >> reporter: he is facing a 23-count criminal indictment and was the subject of a scathing house ethics investigation. but despite the heat, santos said he will only leave if he is forced out. the house is expected to take up the vote to expel santos tomorrow morning. if the resolution passes, he will be forced to leave congress immediately. lester? >> ryan nobles, thank you. it was elon musk unfiltered during an interview as the world's richest person defended himself and his social media company amid a string of controversies. here is emilie ikeda. >> reporter: it was back to business for tesla ceo elon musk today, with the highly delayed and anticipated initial delivery of the ev company's other worldly cybertrucks. >> finally, the future will look like the future. [ cheering ] >> reporter: it comes less than 24 hours since musk's stunning sit-down with cnbc's andrew ross sorkin. >> if somebody tried to blackmail me with advertising, blackmail me with money, go [ bleep ] yourself. is that clear? i hope it is. hey, bob. >> reporter: that was the bombshell message from the world's richest person to advertisers, including disney's ceo bob iger and nbc's parent company comcast for pulling ad spending from his social media platform. an exodus this month after musk appeared to endorse an antisemitic post on x. >> i'm sorry future that post. it was foolish of me. >> reporter: musk said he wished to suggest that jewish people shouldn't fund organizations that support groups that want their annihilation. overnight ex-ceo linda yaccarino posting that the platform is enabling an information independence that's uncomfortable for some people. her boss making clear he is not concerned with people's comfort of him, boasting the success of his wide ranging businesses such as social media, space, cars, and tech. >> hate me, like me or indifference, do you want the best car or do you not want the best car? >> reporter: according to insider intelligence, ad revenue for x was already forecast to drop 54% this year. musk himself acknowledges a new advertiser boycott could bankrupt the company. lester? >> all right, emily, thanks. the world is remembering henry kissinger, the powerful former secretary of state who had his hands in america's foreign policy for more than a half a century. as andrea mitchell reports, kissinger was both respected and divisive. >> reporter: he was consequential and controversial. the only person to serve as both secretary of state and national security adviser at the same time. >> i think we made further progress. >> reporter: tonight tributes from washington to israel moscow to beijing. president biden saying they often disagreed and often strongly, but his fierce intellect and strong strategic focus was evident. and this from the current secretary of state. >> i was very privileged to get his counsel many times, including as recently as about a month ago. >> reporter: the praise not only from america and her allies. vladimir putin calling kissinger a wise statesman. in a message to kissinger's wife nancy. a message of condolence from xi jinping, calling kissinger's normalization of relations with china a brilliant strategic vision benefitting both countries as well as changing the world. revered in beijing for that 1972 breakthrough, meeting chairman mao, learning how to use chopsticks, from jao inlai. easing tensions with the soviet union. but it was a legacy stained by vietnam. his critics called him a war criminal for expanding the war to cambodia and declaring it a success just before the election, years before it was over. >> we believe that peace is at hand. >> reporter: two members of the nobel committee resigned when he received the nobel peace prize two years later. jewish and born in germany, the young kissinger came to america with his family fleeing the nazis. to return with the u.s. army in world war ii. later in the white house his influence and charm making him an unlikely celebrity. nicknamed "super k" on a "newsweek" cover. >> how you rate the crisis management by this administration? >> oh, i would say that after the first few days of confusion, the administration has handled it properly and calmly. >> reporter: counseling presidents from both parties, and visiting foreign leaders, even traveling to china at the age of 100 for a red carpet meeting with president xi, setting the stage for president biden's recent summitment he never stopped looking for the next challenge, recently writing about artificial intelligence, which he feared could be an even greater threat than nuclear weapons. lester? >> andrea mitchell, thank you. >> in 60 seconds, an arrest warrant issued for an nfl star and the killing of a hollywood advocate inside his home. what police are saying tonight. e found it. the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis... for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding that outfit psoriasis tried to hide from you. or finding your swimsuit is ready for primetime. dad! once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu. an arrest warrant has been issued in dallas for buffalo bills linebacker von miller. police say a preliminary investigation found that miller got into an argument with his pregnant girlfriend and then assaulted her. she was treated for minor injuries. both the bills and the nfl say they are aware of the incident. in california, a deadly home invasion that has shocked hollywood. a prominent social activist with deep ties to the movie industry fatally shot by a woman who forced her way into his home. miguel almaguer reports. >> reporter: tonight, the d.a. says the shocking murder of michael latt was a targeted crime. authorities say the well connected hollywood social justice advocate was allegedly shot in the head by a homeless woman who knocked on his door, forced her way inside, and killed the 33-year-old for being friends with a woman who the suspect had been stalking. >> this is a quiet neighborhood. we never had anything go on. he is a super sweet guy. >> reporter: the son of a powerful hollywood couple and the brother of famed talent agent franklin latt, michael is being remembered for his philanthropy. he founded lead with love, an organization promoting social justice through the arts. his mother writing michael devoted his career to supporting artists, championing organizations that raised up artists of color and leveraged storytelling for enduring change. >> where you can see growth and improvement. >> reporter: the tragedy reverberating across hollywood. america ferrera posting "what an incredible loss for his family, friends, and the many communities he was a vital and beloved member of." actor jesse williams saying, "michael was a shining beacon of selfless kindness." the suspect, who lived in her car near lat's home is being held on $3 million bail. investigators have not yet said how she obtained a handgun. tonight a shocking and senseless hollywood murder that's claimed the life of a man devoted to helping others. miguel almaguer, nbc news, los angeles. coming up, as we continue tonight, deadly cases of carbon monoxide poisonings at airbnbs. is the company doing enough to keep travelers safe? 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(vo) for a limited time, turn any iphone in any condition into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium and ipad and apple watch se - all on us. that's up to $1700 in value. only on verizon. we're back now with our nbc news investigation. the potential deadly danger lurking inside some airbnbs. hallie jackson now on the growing pressure on the company to take action after a series of carbon monoxide poisons. >>. >> reporter: when sebastian mejia won a prestigious fulbright scholarship and moved to brazil last year, his mom, rosa, couldn't have felt more proud. >> he was the kind of person that really did everything that he wanted to do. >> reporter: but just a few months later, sebastian's family got a message from the host of the airbnb where he had been staying. the 24-year-old was dead. >> all i can describe is like a bomb dropped on me, and i could tell you that my heart broke at that moment. my heart died with him. >> reporter: the killer, carbon monoxide poisoning. carbon monoxide gas has no smell, no color, no taste. sometimes called the invisible killer, it's made when fuel is burned in things like cars, gas stoves, and water heaters. in high concentrations, it can be deadly, which is why detectors are critical. according to a technical report from rio de janeiro police, sebastian's airbnb had four times the maximum acceptable carbon monoxide levels, and no detector. >> my son doesn't have to die. >> reporter: an investigation by nbc news has identified 19 deaths since 2013 at airbnb properties involving alleged carbon monoxide poisoning. all of those deaths happened outside the u.s. while nearly every american state requires detectors in some residential buildings, international guidelines recommended a detector on every floor, but regulations differ by every country. after a death in taiwan in 2014, airbnb said it would require hosts to install carbon monoxide detectors by the end of the year. nearly a decade later, there is still no requirement. >> when people rent those spaces, they expect, again, a minimum level of safety and protection. and without a carbon monoxide alarm, we can't be sure that we're going wake up the next day. >> reporter: airbnb says safety is a top priority, describing incidents as exceptionally rare. for hosts, the company encourages the installation of detectors and offers a free one, so far giving out nearly a quarter million detectors. for renters, airbnb provides a search filter to find only homes with carbon monoxide detectors installed. there are three ongoing lawsuits right now, including one filed by sebastian's family. >> how much does it cost the life of a person? so i think they need to change their policies. >> reporter: rosa now pushing for airbnb to require all properties have co detectors, working to honor her son's legacy by fighting for change. hallie jackson, nbc news. and up next, charging your car while driving. we'll show you how in our series "the future of the road." our this is a hot flash. this is a hot flash. but this is a not flash. ♪ i got a good feeling ♪ there's big news for women going through menopause. veozah - a prescription treatment for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms - the medical name for hot flashes and night sweats. with hormone-free veozah, you can have fewer hot flashes, and more not flashes. veozah is proven to reduce the number and severity of hot flashes, day and night. for some women, it can start working in as early as one week. don't use veozah if you have cirrhosis, severe kidney problems, kidney failure, or take cyp1a2 inhibitors. increased liver blood test values may occur. your doctor will check them before and during treatment. most common side effects include stomach pain, diarrhea, difficulty sleeping, back pain, and hot flashes. ♪ i got a good feeling ♪ ask your doctor about hormone-free veozah and enjoy more not flashes. -what even is this? -don't touch my things. gross. janice, when you bundle your home or renters with your auto, ask your doctor about hormone-free veozah progressive provides 24/7 protection for almost everything you own. -but do you really need... -my weighted hoop? it's for my snatched waist. that's my dog chaise lounger. foot treadmill. that's my tuesday chalice. purse that says purse. hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber. i can't live without oxygen. solid gold coffee machine. -lake making kit. -really? -can progressive cover that too? -yes, but -- -hi it's janice. i'll take 5. is my voice on tv right now? okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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Schem ,Palestinian Prisoners ,Israeli Military ,140 ,Karen ,News ,260 ,World ,Mom ,Nightmare ,Making ,Reunion ,It ,Liat Beinin ,Husband Aviv ,Kibbutz ,Holding ,Last Night ,Goldberg Polin ,Care ,Hersh ,Injury ,Citizen ,Capture ,Parents ,Arm ,Music Festival ,Door ,Hopeful ,Sign ,Welcome Home ,Neighbors ,Talisman ,Message ,Secretary Of State ,Blinken Tonight Demanding Hamas Release ,Yes ,Military Campaign ,Southern Gaza ,Lester ,Suspect ,Shooting ,Mothers ,Students ,Background ,Victims ,Stephanie Gosk ,Vermont ,Civilians ,Sons ,Doubt ,Keffiyeh ,Hate Crime ,College Students ,Men ,Burlington ,Gun ,Sense ,Tamara Tamami ,Arabic ,Elizabeth Price ,Hisham ,Sons Kinnan ,Friend ,Hospital ,Tahseen ,Attempted Murder ,Charges ,Mental Illness ,History ,Mid Torso Downwards ,Jason Eaton ,Court Records ,2019 ,48 ,Home ,Lives ,Thousands ,Tens Of Thousands ,Support ,Worries ,Heavy ,War ,Effect ,Campuses ,Rhetoric ,Homes ,Safe ,Children ,West Bank ,George Santos ,House ,Son ,Ryan Nobles ,Resolution ,Fight 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,Hate Me ,Advertiser Boycott ,Ad Revenue ,Emily ,54 ,Foreign Policy ,Andrea Mitchell Reports ,Hands ,Divisive ,President ,Security ,Adviser ,Tonight Tributes From Washington To Israel Moscow Beijing ,Times ,Counsel ,Intellect ,Focus ,Praise ,Allies ,Vladimir Putin ,Wise ,Nancy ,Countries ,Condolence ,Relations ,Normalization ,Vision ,Calling Kissinger ,China ,President Xi ,Meeting ,Easing Tensions ,Breakthrough ,Chopsticks ,Learning ,Beijing ,Jao Inlai ,Chairman Mao ,1972 ,Election ,Peace ,War Criminal ,Hand ,Critics ,Soviet Union ,Vietnam ,Cambodia ,Family ,Young Kissinger ,Nazis ,World War Ii ,Nobel Committee ,Nobel Peace Prize ,Germany ,U S Army ,Administration ,Newsweek ,Influence ,Celebrity ,Cover ,Crisis Management ,White House ,Super K ,Confusion ,Presidents ,Leaders ,Parties ,Age ,Biden ,Stage ,Artificial Intelligence ,Challenge ,Threat ,Andrea Mitchell ,Weapons ,Summitment ,Red Carpet ,60 ,Sotyktu ,Kind ,Feeling ,Advocate ,Pill ,Psoriasis Treatment ,The Killing Of A Hollywood ,Nfl ,Dad ,Skin ,Plaque Psoriasis ,Outfit Psoriasis ,Chance ,Swimsuit ,Primetime ,Don T ,Changes ,Infections ,Reactions ,Muscle Problems ,Ability ,Tb ,Cancers ,Lymphoma ,Labs ,Tyk2 Inhibitor ,Doctor ,Kidney Problems ,Liver ,Jak Family ,Part ,Infection ,Find ,Risks ,Vaccine ,Triglycerides ,Hiding ,Jak Inhibitors ,Dermatologist ,Investigation ,Miller ,Injuries ,Incident ,Bills ,Argument ,Dallas ,Woman ,Way ,Home Invasion ,Activist ,Ties ,Hollywood ,Miguel Almaguer ,Movie Industry ,California ,Michael Latt ,Murder ,Crime ,Head ,Connected Hollywood Social Justice ,D A ,Authorities ,Son Of A Powerful Hollywood Couple ,Friends ,Go On ,Franklin Latt ,Neighborhood ,Stalking ,Super Sweet Guy ,Brother Of Famed ,33 ,Organization ,Social Justice ,Lead ,Philanthropy ,Love ,Parts ,Writing ,Artists ,Color ,Organizations ,Change ,Career ,Growth ,Storytelling ,Improvement ,Loss ,Tragedy Reverberating Across Hollywood ,America Ferrera ,Jesse Williams ,Member ,Communities ,Beacon ,Bail ,Lat ,Selfless Kindness ,A Million ,3 Million ,Life ,Investigators ,Handgun ,Oman ,Others ,Tonight A Shocking And Senseless Hollywood Murder ,Los Angeles ,Pet Food ,Vets ,Airbnbs ,Dog People ,Cases ,Approach ,Coming Up ,Carbon Monoxide Poisonings ,Dog Food ,Food ,Dog ,Kibble ,Cans ,Dogs ,Veggies ,Meat ,Portioned ,Antidepressant ,Symptoms ,Depression ,Box ,50 ,Lift ,Vraylar ,Depression Symptoms ,Studies ,Help ,Weight ,Impact ,Death ,Fever ,Antidepressants ,Thoughts ,Muscles ,Stroke ,Behavior ,Risk ,Dementia ,Adults ,Patients ,Side Effects ,Cholesterol ,Stomach ,Muscle Movements ,Sleep ,High Blood Sugar ,Weight Gain ,Coma ,Restlessness ,Appetite ,Issues ,Dizziness ,Fatigue ,Movement Dysfunction ,Treatment ,Abbvie ,Holiday Season ,Laser ,Gifts ,Variety ,Weathertech ,Floorliners ,Vehicles ,Cargo Liners ,Pet Feeding System ,Cupfone ,Cupholder ,Phones ,Pets ,Gift Card ,The Go ,Cupcoffee ,Relief ,Holidays ,Products ,Sneeze ,Dude ,Flu ,Gels Cold ,Powermax ,Alka Seltzer Plus ,Carolers ,Iphone ,Thing ,Power ,Wreck ,Husband ,Dripping ,Style ,Fizz Winter Warriors ,Plop ,Sa Better Plan Is Verizon ,15 ,Wall ,Apple ,Condition ,Ipad ,Soloist ,Vo ,Value ,Titanium ,Verizon ,700 ,1700 ,Series ,Hallie Jackson ,Pressure ,Carbon Monoxide Poisons ,Action ,Danger ,Everything ,Sebastian Mejia ,Rosa ,Brazil ,Couldn T Have Felt ,Fulbright Scholarship ,Heart ,Host ,Bomb ,Staying ,Carbon Monoxide Poisoning ,Things ,Killer ,Carbon Monoxide Gas ,Water Heaters ,Smell ,Taste ,Fuel ,Gas Stoves ,The Invisible Killer ,Detectors ,Detector ,Carbon Monoxide ,Report ,Levels ,Concentrations ,Rio De Janeiro Police ,Four ,Deaths ,2013 ,19 ,Estate ,Country ,Floor ,Guidelines ,Buildings ,Regulations ,Taiwan ,2014 ,Carbon Monoxide Detectors ,Safety ,Protection ,Hosts ,Requirement ,Level ,Spaces ,The End ,Incidents ,Priority ,Carbon Monoxide Alarm ,Renters ,Lawsuits ,Search Filter ,Installation ,Legacy By Fighting For Change ,Policies ,Co Detectors ,Properties ,Flash ,Driving ,The Future Of Road ,Flashes ,Veozah ,Prescription Treatment ,Moderate ,Menopause ,Night Sweats ,Name ,Severity ,Number ,Cirrhosis ,Stomach Pain ,Values ,Blood Test ,Difficulty Sleeping ,Kidney Failure ,Diarrhea ,Cyp1a2 Inhibitors ,Cyp1 ,Back Pain ,Janice ,Auto ,Veozah Progressive ,Gross ,24 7 ,Purse ,That S My Dog Chaise Lounger ,Chalice ,Oxygen ,Hoop ,Waist ,Coffee Machine ,Foot Treadmill ,Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Chamber ,Kit ,Voice ,Progressive ,Mission ,Strength ,Tv ,Energy ,Lake Making ,Nutrition ,Hi ,Yay Woo Hoo ,5 ,Spain ,Migraine ,Millions ,Health ,Protein ,Nutrients ,Minerals ,Vitamins ,27 ,Medication ,Migraine Attacks ,Nurtec Odt May ,Indigestion ,Nausea ,Shane Macgowan ,The Pogues ,Fairy Tale Of New York ,The Band S Frontman ,British ,Technology ,Fame ,Health Battles ,Celtic Music ,Punk ,Mix ,Led ,Maggie Vespa ,Born Son ,Who ,Grimes ,Irish ,65 ,Battery ,Claims ,List ,America S First Electric Avenue ,66 ,68 ,Ev Batteries ,Asphalt ,Feet ,Projects ,Receiver ,Surface ,Rubber ,Correspond ,Copper ,The Secret ,Electreon ,System ,Price Tag ,Got A Look Last Year ,Sweden ,Kelly Cobiella ,State Officials ,Roads ,License Receivers ,Being ,Public ,Cost ,6 Million ,Myth ,Range Anxiety ,Location ,Charge ,Motor City ,Each Other ,Incentives ,Brent ,Units ,Apartment ,Bay Area ,Nbc Bay Area ,Janelle Wang ,4 ,

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