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The war cabinet in israel, along with families and victims of the hostages there. And the wider arab world is reacting this morning to outrage to the explosion in a hospital complex in gaza. Weve seen scenes this morning, throughout the middle east, including the u. S. Embassy in beirut, lebanon, protests unfolding across the region as we await the president s remarks just moments ago. We want to get to nbcs chief correspondent Richard Engel. Richard, bring us up to date. Reporter good morning. There are now clashes and protests in cities all across the arab world. From baghdad to beirut to here in ramallah. They are reacting to the attack on a palestinian hospital in gaza city, and palestinian Officials Say that almost 500 people were killed in that incident. Israel denies any responsibility. It says it was a rocket attack that a palestinian rocket misfired, landed in a hospital where people were taking shelter. And causing all that damage. But people here, and in other cities dont accept that, they dont believe it. We might be beyond a point where anything that the israelis say will have a difference on the street. Here, the clashes are relatively small. Were seeing palestinians throwing stones at israeli troops that are just up is the street. But the situation in beirut is unfolding, where many demonstrators have converged around the u. S. Embassy. Lebanese Security Force have been brought in to try to clear them away. There have been clashes. This also in morocco, in a number of countries. And it comes just as President Biden is on this tour to support israel and to try and prevent this situation. This war between israel and hamas from spilling into a wider conflict. But the visit so far has been overshadowed by that attack under disputed circumstances on a hospital in gaza city. That has enflamed tensions all across the region. Richard, standby there. We await the president s remarks in tel aviv. And we see some of the images unfolding in beirut, at a hospital explosion in gaza city. Im going to kelly cobiella, kelly, weve heard the president weigh in quite specifically this morning on who is responsible for the attack. The Israeli Defense forces say it was not an israeli air strike and have provided what they call evidence. Including video evidence, as well as Surveillance Footage demonstrating it was not the idf. The president has said his own penalty gone, the Defense Department, has shown him evidence to see its not an israeli strike. Reporter yeah, that was pretty clear this morning, even off the plane, speaking with reporters before that bilateral israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, he said this looks like this was work of the other team, referring to that hospital attack, suggesting that it was in fact the Palestinian Militant Group a Palestinian Militant Group, inside gaza, who richard was just with that group in gaza saying it was israel. But President Biden saying straightaway that israel was not responsible. Saying that the u. S. Has israels back. Saying that the u. S. Is working with partners across the region to prevent more tragedy for civilians. He also said that echoed what netanyahu says, that, in fact, israel wasnt responsible. And Prime Minister netanyahu saying that Palestinian Militants should be held responsible should take the blame for what happened late last night in gaza. Some 400, possibly 500 killed. Those numbers according to Palestinian Health officials. We dont have a clear count. We cant really verify the number of dead in that attack, but it is obviously the key talking point, its the one topic that everyone is talking about here, as the president carries out the meetings. Of course, he was went to go straight to iman, jordan to meet with palestinian authorities, president mahmoudal because and el sisi and jordan king, and the mutual decision that one side has over the other, but theres a great deal of anger with countries in the middle east, over the explosion at the hospital. Another issue that the president has to deal with while hes here. Savannah. Kelly, stay right there. Were about two minutes away from the president. I want to go to Richard Engel, to the summit that was not, because of the hospital explosion complex in gaza, the plans to meet with the leaders of egypt, the palestinian authority, as well as the king of jordan fell apart. And the mission of that meeting, richard, was try to stop this from becoming a water front. In the minute or so we have before the president speaks, what are the prospects of that now . Reporter well, it was a disaster there was supposed to be a peace summit with Mahmoud Abbas, the moderate leader of the palestinian, in contrast, the leader of the egypt, the king of jordan. But after this hospital attack, those in attendance decided, in their words, that it would not be productive to hold the summit. But palestinians felt that they could not be there. We had Mahmoud Abbas walk out of this meeting, leave jordan. They could not be seen standing next to President Biden who has done nothing but support israel. Full, personal support of the United States, hes given military support to israel, sending weapons here. There are u. S. Military advisers on the ground. These leaders felt, at this time, after this incident, as kelly was just describing under disputed circumstances couldnt be standing next to the president. Rick, lets listen to the president. The message, youre not alone, youre not alone. As long as the United States stands and will stand forever, well not let you ever be alone. Most importantly, i know recent terrorist assaults on the people of this nation has left a deep, deep wound. More than 1,300 innocent israelis killed including at least 31 american citizens by the terrorist group hamas. Hundreds, hundreds of young people at a Music Festival. The festival was for peace. For peace, gunned down as they ran for their lives. Scores of innocents, elderly, grandparents, israelis and americans taken hostage. Children slaughterered, babies slaughtered, entire families massacre, rape, beheadings, bodies burned alive. Atrocities called the worst ravages of isis, pure unadulterated eve on the world. Theres no rationalizing it, period. The brutality we saw would have cut anywhere in the world, but it cuts deeper here in israel. October 7th which is a sacred jewish holiday became the deadliest day for the jewish people since the holocaust. It has brought to the surface painful memories, scars left by the millennium and genocide of the jewish people. The world stood and knew, and the world did nothing. We will not stand by and do nothing again. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. For those who are living in limbo waiting desperately to learn the fate of a loved one, especially to families of hostages, youre not alone. Were working with partners throughout the region, pursuing every avenue to bring home those being held captive by hamas. I cant speak public about all of the details, but let me assure you, for me, as the american president , theres no higher priority than to release the safe return of all of these hostages. For those w a grieving, a child, a parent, a spouse, a friend, i know the feeling of that black hole in the middle of your chest. You feel like youre being sucked into it. The survivor remorse, the anger, the fate of your soul. Sitting there staring at that empty chair, the first sabbath without them. The small things you miss the most. The scent when you open the closet door. The Morning Coffee you shared together. The bend of a smile, a perfect picture, a laugh, the giggle of a little boy, a baby. For those who have lost loved ones, this is what i know, it will never be truly gone. Theres nothing thats never fully lost. Your love for them and your love for you. And i promise you, youll be walking along one day and say what would she or he want me to do. You smile when you pass a place that reminds you of them. Thats when you know, when that smile comes to your lips before a tear to your eye, thats when you know, youre going to fully make it. That what will give you the fortitude to find light in the darkest hours, when terrorists believe they could bring down, or bring you down, break your resolve. But they never did, and they never will. Instead, we saw incredible stories of heroism, courage. Israelis taking care of one another, neighbors over watch of to protect the kibbutz, homes, survivors, soldiers running into danger once again, civilian medics flying across, flying rescue missions. And offduty medics at the Music Festival before becoming victims themselves. And the bodies of the dead, families could bury their loved ones in observance of the jewish tradition. And studies abroad, without hesitation and so much more. The state of israel was important in a safe place for the jewish people of the world. Thats why it was born. Long said, israel didnt exist, well, you may not feel that way today, israel must again be a safe place for the jewish people. And i promise you, well do everything in our power to make sure it will be. 75 years ago, just 11 minutes after its founding, president harry s. Truman and the United States of america became the first nation to recognize israel. We stood by your side ever since. Were going to stand by your side now. My administration is in close touch with your leadership, since the first moments of this attack. Were going to make sure you have what you need to protect your people, to defend your nation. For decades, weve ensured a qualitative military edge. And later this week, im going to ask the United States congress for unprecedented support package for israels defense. Well keep the iron dome fully supplied so you can continue standing sentinel over israeli skies saving lives. Moving military asset including the position of uss ford Carrier Strike coupe in the Eastern Mediterranean on the way, to deter further aggression against israel. And to prevent this conflict from spreading. The world wille know israel is stronger than ever. My message to any state, or any other hostile actor, thinking about attacking israel remains the same as it was a week ago dont, dont, dont. Since the terrorist attack took place, weve seen described as israels 9 11. Well for a nation the size of israel, thats like 15 9 11s. The scale may be different, but im sure those horrors have tapped into some kind of primal feeling in israel just like you felt in the United States. The shock, pain, rage. An allconsuming rage. I understand the Many Americans understand, you cant look at what has happened here to your mothers, your fathers, your grandparent, sons, daughters, children, even babies. And not scream out for justice. Justice must be done. But i caution this, while you feel that rage, dont be consumed by it. After 9 11, we were enraged in the United States. We sought justice and got justice, we also made mistakes. Im the first u. S. President to visit israel in time of war. I made wartime decisions. I know the choices are never clear oral easy for a leadership. Theres always cost. It requires being deliberate. It requires asking very hard questions. It requires clarity about the objectives and an honest assessment, about whether to pack your honesty to those objectives. The vast majority of palestinians are not hamas. Hamas does not represent the Palestinian People. Hamas uses innocents, innocent families, in gaza, as human shields. Putting their command centers and weapons, in the tunnels, in residential areas. The Palestinian People are suffering greatly as well. We mourn the loss of innocent palestinian lives like the entire world. I was outraged and saddened by the enormous amount of life in gaza. Based on the information weve seen, as a result of an errant rocket fire of a terrorist group in gaza. The United States unequivocally stands for the protection of civilian life during conflict. And i grieve, i truly grieve for the families, who were killed or wounded by this tragedy. The people of gaza need food, water, medicine, shelter, today, i asked the Israeli Cabinet that i met with for some time, to create the humanitarian assistance for those in gaza, based on the understanding there will be inspections. That the aid should go to civilians, not to hamas. As the humanitarian assistance can begin to move from egypt to gaza. Let me be clear, the assistance is demonstrated once again that they have no concern for the welfare of the Palestinian People. The land, as a practical matter, must stop the International Community from being abe to provide aid were in close cooperation with egypt, United Nations and other partners in the region to get trucks moving across the border as on soon as possible. Separately, i asked israel that the Global Community be able to visit hostages. I guess demand just demanded that the United States fully supports, today, im also announcing 100 million in u. S. Funding for humanitarian assistance of both gaza and the west bank. This money will support more than 1 million displaced and conflicted affected palestinians, including those needs in gaza. You are a jewish state, you are a jewish state, but youre also a democracy. Like the United States, you dont live by the rule of terrorists. You live by the rule of law. When conflicts fail, you live by the rule of law of wars. That sets us apart from the terrorists because we believe in the fundamental dignity of every human life, israeli, palestinian, arab, jew, muslim, christian, everyone. You cant give up what makes you who you are. If you give that up, then the terrorists win. And we can never let them win. You know, israel is america. The triumph of fate, resolve and resilience, when impossible pain and loss. Think about october 7th, the jewish holiday, when you read about the death of moses, the tragic story of a profound loss to an entire nation. A death that could have left helped left helplessness in the hearts of the entire nation but when moses died his memory, his message, his lessons have lived on for generations of the jewish people as well as many others. Just as the memory of your loved ones will live on as well. I bring you the story of moses death and the holiday reading the tora from the very beginning, the story of creation, the minds of two things, first, when you get knocked back down, you get back up again and you begin anew. And, second, when were faced with tragedy and loss, we just go back to the beginning and remember who we are. Were all human beings, created in the image of god, with dignity, humanity and purpose. In the darkness to bring the light unto the world is what were about. You inspire hope and light for so many around the world. Thats what the terrorists seek to destroy. Thats what will they seek to destroy. Because they live in darkness. But not you. Not israel. Nations of conscience like United States and israel are not measured sole by example or power. But measured by the power of our example. Thats why, as hard as it is, we must keep pursuing peace. We must keep pursuing the path so israel and the Palestinian People can both live safely in security, in dignity and in peace. For me, that means a twostate solution. We must keep working for israels greater integration with its neighbors. These attacks only strengthen my commitment to determination and my world. And im here to tell you, the terrorists will not win. Freedom will win. So, let me end where i began, israel, youre not alone. United states stands with you. I told the story before and ill tell it again, my first meeting with an israeli Prime Minister 50 years ago as a youngyoungste was sitting across from golda meyer in her office. A young man sitting next to me before the yom kippur war. As she flipped the maps up and down telling me how bad things are, all of a sudden she looked at me and said, i looked at her, she got up from her desk and walked down that hallway, i think it was marble flooring, walked down the hallway, and walked to a bunch of photographers standing in front of us, Standing Shoulder to shoulder, without looking at me, knowing that im here, why do you look so worried, senator biden . I said, worried, of course, im worried. And she looked at me and she didnt look, she said, dont worry, senator, the israelis have a secret weapon. We had nowhere else to go. Well, today, i say to all of israel, United States isnt going anywhere, either. Were going to stand with you. Well walk beside you in those dark days. Well walk beside you with good days to come. And they will come. As you say in hebrew which im not going to attempt to do because im such a terrible linguist, ill say it in english, the people of israel live, the people of israel live. Israel is a safe, jewish and democratic state, today, tomorrow, and forever. May god protect all those who work for peace. God save those who are still in harms way. Thank you very much. President biden in tel aviv, delivering remarks, passionate remarks, on the occasion of the war in israel between israel and hamas which started october 7th with the hamas terror attack into southern israel. And this morning, there are questions, there are protests, around the middle east over an explosion in a hospital complex that happened in gaza. And the president stating in his remarks just moments ago, that he believes the Defense Department has led him to believe that it was an errant rocket fired by a Palestinian Terrorist group. In gaza and not the israelis who are responsible for it. We just saw Richard Engel there who is in the west bank where there have been protests as well as around the middle east. A planned summit, President Biden was to meet with other arab leaders, now cancelled in light of the carnage in gaza. Accusations, finger pointing and rage and an impassioned speech where he said to israel repeatedly, you are not alone. Let us go to Richard Engel. Richard, he also talked about the humanitarian situation in gaza. He said he asked the war cabinet to immediately begin allowing supplies into gaza. And also said 100 million of emergency u. S. Funding would be headed to gaza and the west bank. What did you hear in that speech . Reporter well, i think it was impassioned, historic support, defense of the state of israel. And that has been extraordinarily popular among israelis. If you watch the israeli broadcast on television, some of the broadcasts now are just starting with clips of President Biden, talking about israel. Talking about the friendship that there is between israel and the United States. Of what people in this part, in this area, the palestinian territories here, with people in gaza here, where people in many arab countries here, is full support for israel. And then theyre watching the people of the gaza strip, the 2. 3 Million People cut off and under attack by israeli air strikes. Israel has made it very clear it wants hamas to be destroyed. That it wants hamas to be removed from power. But many civilians are being killed. Israel has told the people of the gaza strip to move south. To leave gaza city and head to the southern part of the gaza strip. And this hospital attack, it is a symbol, whoever was responsible for it, israel says it was a palestinian rocket that misfired. People here, palestinians believe that the israelis did it despite the evidence that israel has presented. Theyre using that as a symbol, because the people in the gaza strip, hourly they were killed, were sheltering in a hospital, under attack, by israeli air strikes in general in its ongoing war against hamas, after that horrendous terror attack hamas carried out when it killed and kidnapped israelis and foreigners. Richard, stand by there in ramallah, as were keeping an eye on the protests in beirut, lebanon. There are actually protests around the wider middle east today in light of whats happened in gaza. I want to go to Peter Alexander at the white house. Peter, your thoughts on the president s speech which he put this in historical context, he said, israel, you are not alone. And cited the holocaust quite specifically and intentionally saying the world stood by and new. Said that would not happen again. Reporter savannah, the president s Key Takeaways from his remarks, that you are not alone. But saying he stands with israel. Today, its more powerful because he says those words standing in israel here. A couple of the Key Takeaways, i think, from his remarks, his call of the International Red cross be allowed to visit with those hostages being held by hamas right now, by some count, there may be as many as 200, 199 in total. The president today making official what we have learned overnight, that the death toll of americans has now risen to 31, with 13 Americans Still unaccounted for. Exactly how many of those americans are hostages remains unclear. And i think he had another set of words in there that are telling. The president who clearly is not going to make the faith to faith conversation possible because hes not going to jordan. Hell be speaking to Mahmoud Abbas, and president el sisi. And he did offer words to israel, saying after 9 11 took place in the United States, he said we sought justice and we got justice, but we as made mistakes. I think it was a very clear effort for him, by him, to calm the israelis to try to dial it back a minute to give real consideration to their efforts to limit the amount of civilian casualties. Finally, you made reference to the 100 million sent to palestinians in need. The president has been recorded according to two people familiar in discussion, is planning to ask congress to green light 100 billion, in a supplemental funding package that wouldnt just support israel, but ukraine, taiwan as well, and also include border security, that will be all on the plate of lawmakers here in washington to try to help that effort going forward. And its worth mentioning as we say, the president saying he would ask congress for a, quote, unprecedented package, Something Like 100 billion for israel and other needs, but, of course, congress, as we speak is in the middle of a speaker crisis which is unfolding and the house is potentially paralyzed peter. Reporter youre exactly richt, we expect to see another vote where the republican fire brand was jim jordan. He needs the votes. The real conversations taing place behind closed doors. Without a speaker of the house, they cant bring any supplemental funding packages to the floor which the president himself says has the risk of not just handcuffing the United States, but handcuffing americas allies including ukraine and now israel as well. I want to go to Richard Engel for the final moments we have, richard, just what youre seeing there and what you expect to unfold now, as the president is wrapping up his trip to israel. Reporter well, i think this speech is only going to convince israel that the United States has this was a fullthroated support of israel. People who watch this in the arab world will be convinced that the United States and israel are in partnership. And every time there is an attack on the gaza strip, every time there are mass casualty event, people are now going to start blaming the United States. I think thats why were seeing protests in beirut right now. In front of or right near the u. S. Embassy. We will continue to watch everything. Were seeing the protests all around the region. Richard, thank you, be cave. Well have much more throughout the day on nbc news now, and msnbc tonight with lester holt live in israel. Most of w back now at 7 30. This is our beautiful corner of the world in october 2023. Got an Energetic Group outside. We will get out there soon and visit in just a little bit. Did you see mr. Lincoln. The Founding Fathers out there. I guess lincoln wasnt a founding father. Dont me, america. I know. We have a busy half hour ahead. We will start with new developments in the rust movie setting. Charges were dropped against alex baldwin five months ago. He is now facing new legal good morning. Prosecutors now telling nbc news they do plan to recharge alex baldwin is Involuntary Manslaughter in the fatal 2021 shooting of Halyna Hutchins and citing new evidence that they believe makes him culpable for her death. Nearly two years after alec baldwin fatally shot Halyna Hutchins, new Mexico Police want to recharge him with Involuntary Manslaughter this after dismissing the same charge against him in april. The special prosecutor telling nbc news, based on our lengthy investigation, it is appropriate for a grand jury to milwaukee an investigation on whether the case should proceed. Sources say prosecutors have recently discussed with baldwin pleading to a lessor charge. The case came together after prosecutors found new evidence that they believe baldwin was reckless around safety on the set. The films honorer was charged earlier this year, and her trial is set to start in february. In a statement, attorneys for baldwin stated they will answer any charges in court and that it is unfortunate that a terrible tragedy has been turned into this misguided prosecution it was during a rust set rehearsal in 2021 baldwin s prop gun fired a live round of ammunition, killing Halyna Hutchins and the director. I didnt pull the trigger i feel that someone is responsible for what happened. And i cant say who that is, but i know its not me. But in august, this gun analysis report found that the gun was functioning properly, contradicting baldwins claim that he did not pull the trigger. Hutchins husban telling hoda last year that he believes baldwins actions head to her death. The idea that the Person Holding the gun causing it to discharge is not responsible is absurd to me. He settled a wrongful death civil suit last year we reached out to him for comment but have yet to hear back production wrapped last year no word yet if its release will be delayed now. Thank you lets get more perspective on this from laura jared. Laura, here we are again this case comes back how strong is this case now that the prosecutors say theres new evidence so its been fraught from the beginning. We all remember the prosecutor was taken off of it after she was serving in the legislature, and they had to reduce the charges because what they initially charged him with was not even a crime, and they had to reduce the charges. Now thanks to chloes great reporting, we understand they believe they found new evidence that connects some recklessness that he did onset. We dont know what it is yet but it has to be pretty significant because there are still major holes here how did that live round get onset . Remember, they will still have to convince a jury that an actor has a duty to open the gun and make sure a live round is not in the gun. Thats a really high bar for them i could have sworn we said last time we did this story like this story is over, hes not going to be charged. Now what is the defenses strongest charge here . It goes back to the fact he relied on the experts, the people that told him there is a cold gun, which means theres not a live round and is an actor the one thats supposed to go and check it . You are supposed to say, no, i would rely on the experts. A jury might find that persuasive and there was conversation about if the gun was modified, and now theyre saying actually the gun wasnt modified. Before you said it was so, again, i think all of this adds up to reasonable doubt at least for a jury that will be the hurdle. So the grand jury that will see this new evidence, charges filed, charges dropped, charges filed again. Will a grand jury get any of that will they find out about that . No. Remember how one side of the presentation to the grand jury is that is just the prosecutor driving that they are the ones in control alec baldwins defense is not there. He doesnt, obviously, show up to it and the prosecutor is the one that gets to make that presentation a grand jury could always decide, we think this case is weak they will not indict him they have that option. But, again, the prosecutor is the one telling the full story here. That would be pretty rare everyone thinks the grand jury does what the prosecutor asks them to. Real quickly, there were plea discussions and they fell apart for some reason and we dont know why, but is there a possibility this could be a Pressure Campaign to get that plea deal back going it is always a possibility that that could be back on the table. Depending on how the accident shakes out, if im the prosecutor, i might want this case to have the plea deal, have them plea to some lesser charge. If im alex baldwins attorney, i might take this to trial. Thank you, laura. Straight ahead, nearly 20 years later, could natalee holloways family get answers to her disappearance today . We are live at the alabama courthouse with the main suspect in that case is facing a judge. But, first, vicky is checking out High Tech Health that could make you very happy this Holiday Season. Reporter good morning, guys. Im in boston. Im at an amazon innovation lab. This is where they test out technology to get your packages to you faster and more sustainably. Sustainably. Technology like these robots im vicky nguyen is an exclusive behindthescenes look just in time for the holidays. Thats next right here on today. bridget with thyroid eye disease i hid from the camera. And i wanted to hide from the world. For years, i thought my t. E. D. Was beyond help. But then i asked my doctor about tepezza. vo tepezza is the only medicine that treats t. E. D. At the source not just the symptoms. 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Were back at 7 41 todays consumer the busy Holiday Shipping season will be here before you know it. Exclusive new ways that amazon is hoping to change the way you go about your orders. Vicky nguyen took a trip to one of the retail giants innovation labs. It was so cool. They actually give public tours of this place. Today amazon is officially unveiling cutting edge Delivery Technology i will show you what happens when i place an order and how it gets to my doorstep. We will also take you behind the scenes to show you how the company is working to get your orders out faster and more sustainably than ever. From robots to artificial intelligence, amazon says its revolutionizing the way consumers get their orders it comes as ecommerce sales are predicted to grow at least 10 this Holiday Season, reaching 278 billion, according to deloitte amazon alone estimated to deliver 13. 5 million parcels each day. And it is all about innovation im inside a stateoftheart facility just outside of boston. With me now is amazons chief technologist thanks for being here. My pleasure. Reporter this is the first time the public will see some of the new technology you are rolling out for the holidays what happens in a lab like this . We are reimaging the future of robotics so you can do your Holiday Shopping better. Reporter today amazon launches its brandnew robotic system, capable of stocking merchandise 75 more quickly and doing orders faster. What was the problem you were trying to solve . We want to offer a wider selection for our customers in an efficient manner so we can pass on a low cost. Reporter also makes it safer for employees, reducing the number of accidents and repetitive stress injuries. You dont have to get on a ladder, bend down on your knees or reach really high reporter i met up with david who helped design and build it a machine got this item out of the warehouse, brought it over here and now what happens . Now the associate finds the item up on the screen. We scan it we put it in a tote to be sent to another part of the building for packaging. We let the system know its in there. Then this will cycle through and give us another tote. Reporter how do those towers move around . Meet hercules. The finished robots form a line and drive themselves into their own shipping palates where they will head around the world also introducing digit who can grab and move orders in warehouse spaces not designed for humans i think something people are curious is about is what happens . Sounds good. Reporter okay. So i will buy what is a best seller on amazon right now, the instapot. Right on your phone, ready to go. Reporter i will add it to my cart. By the time you did that, i figured out the best way to bring that to your house. Reporter we found that in penns grove, new jersey. From there it was driven to carteret, new jersey headed for a Distribution Center in the bronx where a delivery van picked it up and dropped it off the next day at 6 48 p. M. To me. Welcome to my office. Reporter the company has more than 10,000 electric vans across the u. S. To reduce its Environmental Impact he drives one. I can do about 150 stops. Maybe 250 to 300 packages. Reporter new technology evolving to get us what we want faster and more sustainably this Holiday Season and heres the thing amazon is not alone in gearing up for the holidays. Walmart opened three new fulfillment centers. And target is adding 100,000 workers this Holiday Season. You have to wonder about the folks that used to actually have those jobs, like the people. Right that is a question i asked when we were there. Amazon insists their data proves otherwise, that they are adding jobs as they add robots. They say they added hundreds of thousands of new jobs and job categories but youre right the person lifting those shelves is a different person. They may need to brush up on engineering skills or Critical Thinking they want to remove anything thats mundane and allow humans to use higherlevel Critical Thinking skills. Thats the goal with these robots. All right thank you, vicky. Lets go over to al who has the forecast for us. First, guys, cue the music. Thats right take a look here this is great falls, montana they had windy conditions and blew all these tumble weeds right on up into these houses. This is music from the good, the bad and the ugly. Ill let you figure out whos who over there. Ill be the ugly. We already knew that. The question is whos bad take a look at that well, we look out umble weed out. Thats real bad. All right. Well, we look out west we are looking at heat advisories through thursday from Southern California all the way to california. 11 Million People. Look at some of these temperatures over the next couple days. Upper 80s to low 90s from los angeles, el cajon as well. Today looking at warm weather from chicago, kansas city. Denver 71. Phoenix 100 degrees. Santa fe 79. More warm weather tomorrow not so warm here in the east you guys okay over there he said el cajon. Hoda heard something different. I said el cajon. Okay. How do you pronounce it el cajon. Thats whats going on around the country. Heres whats happening in your el cajon. Oh, boy now we know whos the ugly somebody is sweating a little bit. The bad and the ugly. Good morning. Im meteorologist kari hall. We are watching several things today, a heat advisory for much of the bay area, starting today, and continuing tomorrow. Really hot temperatures, but if you do plan to go to the beach, heads up that there could be some rip currents and some big breaker waves that could be very dangerous. Then for the weekend, our temperatures drop and were watching out for rain chances as we see our temperatures inland headed for the mid to upper now we know whos the ugly somebody is sweating a little bit. The bad and the ugly. Were going to take the take. We will guys, new research out just this morning on the science of sleep. And if you are a snoozer, it may affect your morning routine. It may. Were going to get to that and a cant miss morning boost but, first, these messages [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me yall seeing this . Wild and i dont even have to activate anything. Oooooohhh. Automatic sashimi earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise] active and bold courageous or dull emotions that flow it all starts in your gut naughty with pride probiotics inside xciting yummy zing from a to z, your gut is where it all begins start with activia with billions of probiotics this is a craft 170 years in the making. sniffing sound for bold, smooth flavor in every batch of black silk. Its something we pride ourselves on at folgers. I dont give a med bout my reputation yeah, i said folgers. speaker 1 oh i speaker 2 a med bout blue buffalo, huh . speaker 1 yeah. Purina one. speaker 2 yeah. speaker 1 i used to feed purina one, but then i read the ingredients. speaker 2 oh, yeah . speaker 1 yeah, its right there. speaker 2 chicken, rice flour, corn gluten meal, whole grain corn, chicken byproduct meal. Whats in blue . speaker 1 deboned chicken, chicken meal, brown rice, barley, oatmeal. speaker 2 yeah, but those ingredients cost a lot more. speaker 1 blue is only about 50 cents more a day. Thats not too much for my chester. Who says you cant get everything you want . Like going for bold without going broke. And staying true to your taste while staying on budget. Who says rising costs means lowering the bar . Settling . No need. Get the brands you want, the prices you want, whenever you want. Tj maxx where you can always afford to be you to the maxx. Type 2 diabetes . Discover the ozempic® trizone. I got the power of 3. I lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. In studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. Im under 7. Ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. Im lowering my risk. Adults lost up to 14 pounds. I lost some weight. Ozempic® isnt for people with type 1 diabetes. Dont share needles or pens, or reuse needles. Dont take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. Stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis. Gallbladder problems may occur. Tell your provider about vision problems or changes. Taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. Side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. Living with type 2 diabetes . Ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. Look at some of these temperatures over the next couple days. Upper 80s to low 90s from los angeles, fresno, san jose. Down into blythe and el cajon as well he said el cajon as well. Some people heard el cojones. By the way, if you keep repeating it, how bad can it be . I do want to formally apologize because clearly you said el cajon. Next time i will say el cajon also. Thats right. Lets get to the boost. Andres simmons is a football dad through and through. He loves to watch his sons play. But hes also a cheer dad. Lets see him right there in step with his daughter, the entire cheer team. His wife posted this on social media saying he wanted his whole life to be a cheer dad who is enjoying it more . Is it the girls and him, the cheerleaders, but dad is having a ball. I think he should be down on the field. I think so, too. Dancing with the dads. An inside look at Britney Spears highly anticipated memoire, including the secret about her decades old relationship with Justin Timberlake that she is just now revealing. And steals and deals to keep you warm and cozy this fall and winter, but, first, your local news and weather carmax is so sure youll love your car, they give you 30 days. Its my nickname. Steph 30day money back guarantee curry. Nobody calls you that. Hey, do you want an autograph . Uhh. Steph 30day money back guarantee curry this was a new shirt. Youre welcome. dynamic sting whistle blows travis, did you know you can get this seasons covid19 shot when you get your flu shot . Huh. Two things at once. Two things at once two things at once. Ill have the. Two things at once, please. Now back to two things at once. Two things at once. Thats not two things at once. Moooom travis . Ask about getting this seasons covid19 shot when getting your flu shot. Meow, meow, meow, meow. Ask about getting this seas meow, meow. Hot [ background cats singing ] meow, meow, meow. Meow, meow, meow. [ background cats singing ] meow, meow, meow. The only one cats ask for by name. alarm ring lets go. Everything theyve tasted until now. Ok. Was just practice for this. Oh my goodness gracious. These are the two sauces. Sweet and spicy jam, and the mambo. Look how that thang drizzle on there. The way its glistening, stop. Oh my. Mh, mh, mh. Sweet spicy jam and mambo sauce are on the mcdonalds menu for a limited time. Oh my goodness. Ba da ba ba ba get google pixel 8 and pixel watch 2 free at tmobile. buzz are you guys telling secrets . Get google pixel 8 and pixel watch 2 mine is that honey nut cheerios can help lower cholesterol. leslie thats not a secret. Its on the box. buzz wow. phyllis ooh i have a secret. [whispers] i invented the microchip. buzz [laughs] is she serious . Have fun, sis cant stop adding stuff to your cart . Get the bank of america customized cash rewards card, choose the Online Shopping category and earn 3 cash back. Bye. Unbelievable. Unforgettable. Nespresso, what else . We are moving you forward with a look at top stories, including san franciscos top crime fighting, out with a new progress report. This is on an effort to take back the streets. Da Brooke Jenkins and police chief bill scott had a town hall at the county fair building in golden gate park. They presented an update on whats being done to reduce crime. Da jenkins says her office is doing all they can to retain drug dealers whose cases remain open, holding them accountable for the fentanyl crisis. The chief says his officers are making more arrests for retail thefts and car breakins with the help of bait cars. Lets take a live look across the bay area where a heat advisory is set to begin later this morning. Meteorologist kari hallasnitoring that. The heat will start to ramp up as we go toward late morning and the heat advisory begins at 11 00 a. M. All of these areas shaded in orange are under that heat advisory, but even outside of that, we are going to have some hot temperatures as we head for the upper 80s and low 90s, reaching 93 today in santa rosa and 95 in morgan hill. Tomorrow will be the peak of the heat with some upper 90s in the forecast. And then temperatures start to come down on friday, the weekend is looking really nice, but were watching out, also, for a slight chance of spotty showers on sunday into monday. San francisco hitting 95 tomorrow. Its 8 00 on today. Coming up in israel, the president arriving today. The message hes delivering about the war with hamas and the explosion at a gaza hospital that has escalated tensions throughout the region. Then back in court, joran van der sloot set to face a judge in alabama today. Could natalee holloways family finally get answers about her disappearance . It was conditioned upon mr. Joran van der sloot revealing how she died and how her body was disposed of. Plus, stunning revelations from Britney Spears highly anticipated memoire. What shes sharing about the court order that controlled her life and her relationship with Justin Timberlake. And snooze alert. New Research Just out this morning on what hitting snooze in the morning may do for your health. So should you smash that button and grab a few extra zs . Well break it all down today if youre up, october 18th, 2023. Traveled from michigan. South bend, indiana. Alabama. Kansas. Pennsylvania. And iowa shoutout to my fellow journalist students at the university of nebraska. Go, huskers rhode island. Thanks for babysitting, mom from wisconsin celebrating our 30th anniversary. Good morning to our granddaughters. Love you awe. Adorable. Oh, look at that. Lots of camera time for a great crowd out there on a sunshiny day wednesday morning. Were glad to have you along with us. You too, abe lincoln. Okay. President biden arrived in israel overnight amid new outrage over the blast that killed hundreds at a hospital in gaza. Israel denied blame for that explosion but vowed to do everything it can to avoid civilian casualties as it prepares to invade. Tom llamas joins us from israel with the latest from that. Tom, good morning. Reporter savannah, it is a busy morning for President Biden here in israel. This is the First Time Ever an american president has come to israel during a time of war. And President Biden is showing his support on multiple fronts, meeting with the Prime Minister, meeting even with the israeli war cabinet and right now meeting with victims of that hamas terror attack. This comes as a major part of President Bidens trip to this area was canceled. Leaders of arab nations refusing to meet with him because of that hospital bombing in gaza. President biden in israel this morning while the middle east is in turmoil. The president meeting israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a show of solidarity following last weeks terror attacked that killed more than 1,400 in israel. We will continue to have israels back as you work to defend your people. Well continue to work with you and partners across the region to prevent more tragedy of innocent civilians. Reporter as protests continue from the west bank and crowds approaching the u. S. Embassy in beirut reacting to a deadly blast in gaza. The Israeli Military strongly denying that saying it was caused by a palestinian rocket that misfired, launched not by hamas but another militant group, Islamic Jihad which says the accusation is false. Based on what ive seen, it was done by the other team, not you. Reporter another major priority for the president , the release of hostages taken by hamas, including americans. And the safe passage of humanitarian aid into gaza, and the opening of the rafah crossing where many, including americans, are waiting to leave. We have to also bear in mind that hamas does not represent all the Palestinian People and has brought them only suffering. We encourage life saving capacity to help the palestinians who are innocent caught in the middle of this. Reporter the president had come to discuss those issues with the president and leaders. That summit now canceled in the wake of the hospital attack. Now, to be very clear here, the palestinian authorities are blaming the israelis. This as the israelis say they have both intelligence and videos and theyre providing this to the public proving this was a palestinian rocket that misfired. Even though the truth is always important here, savannah, here the truth is secondary. What i mean by that is the palestinians do not trust the israelis. The israelis do not trust the palestinians because both these groups are at war. Well put. Tom, thank you very much. Attorneys for donald trump are appealing a gag order placed on him this week. The judge banned him from publicly attacking witnesses. Hes accused of illegally trying to reverse the results of the 2020 election. Trump complained yesterday that hes now a candidate for president , but he is not allowed to speak. The trial is set for march. The family of natalee holloway, the american teenager that vanished on a graduation trip to aruba in 2005 might finally get some answers about her disappearance. Joran van der sloot who has been tied to that case is appearing today in an alabama courtroom for an anticipated plea deal. Sam brock is in alabama. Hes at that courthouse with more. Sam, good morning to you. Reporter craig, good morning to you. Joran van der sloot has never been charged. But according to the attorney, he is accepting a plea deal later today related to extortion charges provided he tells authorities how she died and the manner in which her body was disposed of. Details the fbi has corroborated. After nearly two decades of agony and Unanswered Questions for the family of natalee holloway, joran van der sloot is reported to accept a plea deal this morning to reveal information about how she died. Is there a surreal quality to all this now . Absolutely. Its been almost two decades in the making. The family has been through so much and to get some kind of semblance of justice. Reporter he has been investigated for years after she vanished on a trip to aruba in 2005 and was never seen again. Thank you for your continued support. Holloways mother and her family attended in june after the dutch was extradited. Joran van der sloot is facing extortion and wire fraud charges for allegedly trying to obtain a quarter Million Dollars from Beth Holloway. He pleaded not guilty then, but according to the familys representative, thats about to change, which shocked even their camp. We anticipated this being a long trial, grueling trial. And im glad that the family did not have to go through that process. Reporter so this was unexpected. It was unexpected. Reporter no government officials confirmed the plea deal. But affording to the family attorney, the deal is based on one very big prerequisite. It was conditioned upon mr. Van der sloot revealing details of how she died and where her body was disposed of. Reporter she did say in a statement i am hopeful that some small semblance of justice may finally be realized, even though no act of justice will help the pain we have endured. I do think that its still possible that we could find where her remains are. Reporter now finally there may be details that provide some form of closure to the family. And there is another element thats important to know here, which is in a filing last night, the judge did say she is considering victim impact statements before sentencing but only for Beth Holloway and immediate family members. It would be great if that family got some closure. Big heads up if you are flying united airl this month they are making big changes in the way passengers board their flights. Everything stays the same if you get to preboard. But next in line, okay, it will be passengers who have window seats, then those in the middle seats. And last, you, aisle passenger, you get on last. The Airlines Says it will save parttime because passengers dont have to keep standing up they are calling the system wilma. I think as an aisle rider my whole life, that means you are getting on last and that means your bag doesnt get in the overhead that means you are checking it i dont know if you are an aisle person, i think it would be not cool. Im an aisle person. Heres my prediction. They will do this for a few months, and the reaction will be so swift and intense that wilma will disappear. I feel like they probably already tested it and thought its working. Something does have to give because the way the boarding is not great. Its inefficient. Okay. Well, you got our hot take. Like the powerball. Coming up in popstart, carson will show us what happens when vanity fair hooked up Daniel Radcliffe to its test. Did you hit snooze this morning . Why more of us should consider pressing snooze on a regular basis. Its good for us right after this may actually bo you know poop is coming,r y. That when we return. T you know e nothing to fear. Pampers swaddlers with new blowout barrier helps prevent up to 100 of leaks, even blowouts. Fear no leaks with pampers swaddlers. Id do anything. Hills science diet puppy food has the nutrients your pup needs. And right now at petsmart, when you spend 25 on hills science diet, youll get 10 off your next purchase. Anything for you petsmart. Anything for pets. Why do dermatologists worldwide recommend La Rocheposay . Effective skincare like La Rocheposay double repair face moisturizer delivers doubleaction to help repair skins barrier and provide 48hour hydration for healthylooking skin. La rocheposay. This is a craft 170 years in the making. sniffing sound for bold, smooth flavor in every batch of black silk. Its something we pride ourselves on at folgers. I dont give a med bout my reputation yeah, i said folgers. vo when i got to a fancy restaurant, i dont give a med bout i like to order off the menu. Garcon, i say, bring me soup in a can, with a progresso label on it. And he says no. And i leave. Progresso soup. You simply must taste it. all toooo youuuuu sean i wish for the amazing new iphone 15 pro jason sean do you mean this one the one with titanium . sean no way i can trade this busted up thing for one. jason maybe stealing wishes from the birthday boy is not your best plan switch to verizon and trade in any iphone and get the new iphone 15 pro on them. sean what . jason yup, and on an Amazing Network sean and i dont have to ruin anymore birthday parties jason yeah, that ship has sailed. Lets go get you the iphone. Here we go, come on hon. vo its your last chance to trade in any iphone for a new iphone 15 pro on us. Only on verizon. Can an ovenroasted turkey breast pack so much succulent flavor that the mere glimpse of it induces turkey sandwich daydreams . If its hillshire farm. Oh, hill yeah. [doorbell ring] trick or treat. Happy halloween [zombie grunt] [dog bark] [woman screams] [children screaming] happy halloween. Aww, happy halloween. smelling ew. Gotta get rid of this. Tell me why because it stinks. Have you tried downy rinse and refresh it helps remove odors 3x better than detergent alone. It worked guys yeahhhh downy rinse and refresh. Hey guys, check it out its mrs. Stevens. They say she can make things appear out of thin air. Hey you guys want to come in . My mom made dinner. Make your table legendary, with country crock. Exciting music. [mud splat. ] [bird squawk. ] and thats why i never drive those guys. The partys over big guy were tired of hearing i dont wanna get my truck dirty. with weathertech lasermeasured floorliners front and rear. A seat protector. And full bed protection. 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Go ahead, say your peace why snoozing is good for you. It depends on how you are built. If you are a night owl, you are more likely to hit that Snooze Button, and thats because night owls will wake up in the deeper stages of sleep when the alarm first goes off and when they wake up, theyre more likely to be disoriented and have impairment in their mood and performance so well hit the Snooze Button, the night owls. I feel like when i hit the Snooze Button and i feel like im getting ten extra minutes, i feel much worse. I feel groggier and out of it. I always say put your feet on the floor when the alarm goes off and theres something to that there is. Thats what the study shows. 69 of us arent hitting the Snooze Button. If you are that night owl and you have what we call sleep inertia. Thats the disorientation and the mood impairment and the performance. What the study showed is when you hit the Snooze Button, you wake up and have improved cognitive performance or better thinking but your mood, you are still miserable and youre still drowsy. And now youre late. Now youre late. Just to be clear, if you are a night owl. Yes. The study is showing if you hit the Snooze Button that ten extra minutes of sleep does help you to a certain extent. Yes, because it takes you into a deeper sleep and you wake up without sleep inertia. Okay. If you are an early person, if you are not a night owl. Yes if your physiology, if you are a night owl but also for some of us we have sleep derived and we have sleep disorders, if you are not doing what you need to do, maintaining the environment for sleep, the cool, dark and quiet environment, then you are likely to be hitting that Snooze Button and waking up with all the problems same as a night owl. How do you know other than just instinct if you are a night owl or a morning person. If you are a night owl or morning lark, the night owls tend to be more alert in the evening hours. They like to exercise in the evening hours. The reverse would be true for the morning lark go away for two weeks and see what your sleep preferences are. None of us really have time to do that. So Pay Attention to the day where you feel more alert. Im a lark. What about you. Definitely a lark. Team lark another lark over there. This place is full of larks. Maybe carson hes a lark. Carson is a lark you did that late night show all those years, still a lark. Well, for those of you getting up right now, maybe you didnt hit the Snooze Button, today, the temperatures ramp up headed for the low 90s. Heat advisory begins at 11 00. Well have a couple of days with really hot temperatures then bring it down for friday and the weekend is looking really nice but it will be mostly cloudy. Even a chance of rain. Best time of the morning best time of the morning popstart. Lets get to it and start with big breaking news yesterday. Im sure you heard about it in your inbox Britney Spears new upcoming memoire shedding light on her relationships, conservatorship and private details of her life. Erin mclaughlin has more. Good morning. This is being billed as brittney in her own words, the chance for the 41yearold star to reclaim the narrative after a 13yearlong conservatorship that kept her in control of her father brittney is not holding back, including a shocking account from her relationship with Justin Timberlake. She has had highprofile successes and romances, public meltdowns and a public court battle that sparked a movement. Free brittney reporter and helped her reclaim her freedom. Now the pop icon is telling all in an upcoming memoire, the woman in me. Spears posting a video teasing the book last night. Among the bombshell revelations, that she had an abortion decades ago after a pregnancy with then boyfriend Justin Timberlake. This disclosure coming through excerpts released early to People Magazine. The pregnancy was a surprise but for me it wasnt a tragedy i loved justin so much, i always expected us to have a family together one day justin definitely wasnt happy about the pregnancy. He said we werent ready to have a baby in our lives, that we were way too young the couple started dating when timberlake was 18 and spears just 17. The abortion, she recalls, is one of the most agonizing things i have ever experienced in my life people editor interviewed spears via email so this is a secret she kept for more than 20 years she knew becoming a mother was something she always dreamed of. Reporter spears also addresses what she calls the 13year soulcrushing conservatorship that a judge terminated in november 2021. The woman in me was pushed down for a long time, she writes, also admitting her newfound freedom has been an adjustment lately fans expressed their concern for spears after this recent post of the superstar dancing with knives that led to a Police Wellness check. Spears says the miles were fake and that she was imitating this shakira dance. Now intent on reclaiming the narrative about her own life. Everyone has tried to define her and what she is. She wants to say, hey, i get to decide now and this is the first step in that process reporter representatives for Britney Spears and timberlake did not immediately respond to our request for comment from nbc news right now shes really enjoying the simple life, traveling, watching her favorite tv shows and enjoying this time to just be the new issue of people is available today. Next up, saturday night live. Officially season 49 already one for the record books lets go to our newest nfl sideline reporter who is at metlife stadium. Kenny, whats the mood down there . Devastated, curt. Taylor is nowhere to be seen. When we get back, we will talk with someone who actually wants to talk football. Yeah please that was from this weekends premier episode. We saw the highest ratings in the season starter in the 18 to 49 demo. Major celebrity cameos such as travis kelce appearing in that stretch. Taylor was in the house to introduce ice spice. It was also the biggest snl season premier on peacock, more than doubling last years opener snl returns this weekend got bad bunny as both host and musical guest. We have a very funny guest thats one to mark on your calendars. Next up, kelly clarkson. Her daytime talk show premiered from its new home right across the street on 30 rock. Kelly was joined by billy porte you stronger for a gospel rendition of her song stronger. What doesnt kill you makes you stronger stand a little taller oh how about that note oh, my god unbelievable. Again, congratulations to kelly and her staff across the street. Great first week. Great first week. All right. With the freestyle libre 2 system know your glucose level and where its headed without fingersticks. Manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. Its covered by medicare for those who qualify. Ask your doctor about the freestyle libre 2 system. Hows the chicken . The prawns are delicious. Oh, i have a shellfish allergy. One prawn. Very good. Did i say chicken wrong . Tired of people not listening to what you want . Its truffle season ah thats okay. Never enough truffles. How much are they . Its a lot. Oh okay im good, that its like a priceless piece of art. Enjoy. Or when they sell you what they want . Yeah. The more we understand you, the better we can help you. Thats what u. S. Bank is for. Huge relief. Yeah. Yeah, i know. Welcome back, everybody 8 30 Beautiful Day out here, rockefeller plaza. We got hubby and wifey here, beautiful smiles good to see you guys happy yall are here visiting us right here at Rockefeller Center wait what do yall think . Dont you love it, hubby and wifey. Happy anniversary there is a fall chill in the air. Jill is here with a special steals and deals. Also ahead, jenna is joining us with something we can all relate to. A touching tribute after the loss of his beloved cat. We will have more and celebrate how much pets mean to our family. A moment of silence for nacho this morning. And what it is like to grow up as one of the stars david fryer joins us with david after dentist. Its been a decade since then what happened since then, we will find out. Coming up on the 3rd hour, guys, it is a really sweet she made it, featuring a cancer survivor that created a different kind of cookie dough company. Shes got a great message, not just for entrepreneurs, but for all of us. By the way, lauren, sweet lauren is one of the nicest people, too. Lets look ahead toward the weekend. We start with friday new system coming in to the east, bringing rain. Light summer into the southwest. More downpours on saturday into the northeast along the great lakes. Record highs sunshine out west. And then sunday, sunday, we are looking for showery, windy weather in northern new england. The texas heat is on sunshine into the plains and rain returns thats whats going on around good wednesday morning. Im kari hall. Temperatures are going to be heating up today. Take a look at our south bay highs headed for the mid90s in morgan hill and gilroy and upper 80s for mill pea das. Oakland reaching 86 and 85 in half moon bay. Even warming up for the coastline. San francisco in the upper 80s and weather. That was a beautiful forecast, mr. Roker. One of your finest. Just ahead, we will turn to steals and deals jills newest finds to keep you jills newest finds to keep you warm Alaska Airlines 99 companion fare means that you can bring your best friend. You know, one of us is gonna have to change . But were twinning . Oh yay. We care a lot. At cretors, we handcraft every batch of our delicious popcorn. Like our cretors cheese and caramel mix. Great on their own, even better together. Try cretors, handcrafted smallbatch popcorn. You know, my friend funshine would have loved this trip. Well our companion fare is just 99 with the Alaska Airlines visa card, so your friend can come along with you next time youre the legs we care a lot jills steals and deals is sponsored by wells fargo credit cards. Credit cards made for the way you live, thats real life ready. Welcome back this morning on steals and deals items for your home and wardrobe all to keep you cozy we got our qr code popped up right there on the screen. Jill, lets get cozy. Yep i mean, this is our life. Yes. And now on a deal okay these, the totes rain boots for the whole family they even have toddler sizes theyre waterproof slippers. This is machine washable lightweight, easy to slip on and off. Tons of fun colors the deal price is 15, up to 77 off. And just look at the detail on the back of them and you know and love this brand. Beautiful, sturdy, reliability. We wanted everything. Oh, god this i want. This i need. So will you hold this up for me to show the size . The waffle scarf this is like, its a hat its a wrap. Its a scarf its a blanket, everything machine washable, turn it into a scarf. And warm. Yeah. And it has a brushed fabric on it so you can feel the softness. And use it in the house, tooa bg blanket. I lov an elevated pop as a bing watching blanket. I love that its awesome. The deal price is 39 and the retail the 149. 70 off. And thats great. Cozy sets. The retail is 70 to 265 the problem with cashmere, delicious, yummy, but you have to dry clean it. This is actually machine washable so that way when you wear it you dont feel like, i dont want to get anything on it life is messy, as we know it so we have all different all different options. You have the leggings. You have with the waistband, the coverup. A bra in that fabrication so its soft on your skin this is a trust me material. You will love this the deal price is 35 to 133 depending on the item. This is a, i should try it. And by the way, the texture of these leggings, you could tell theyre warm and cozy. And it takes away the dry cleaning. Okay. Lets get some slippers. Of course you are. So these are in my house when you walk in. These are indoor outdoor shoes, but theyre so comfortable. Butter inside. Theyre from dream. They call them the clog slippers the retail is 36. Again, you could wear them indoors and outdoors they have a foam fur lining all throughout. And the colors. Look at the sizing. I wear the 8 to 9. The deal price is 15. So for a stocking stuffer. This is just keep them in the house. Yeah, you cant go wrong. Yes and you could charge them while youre not it is a super unusual combination, but it is what it is smart heated mug kit 2. 0 bundle. The retail is 137 it has a smart heated coaster with usb charging. It is a two in one drip tray you make tea and you forget about it and then its cold. You dont have to worry about it anymore. When you are not using the coaster, it is charging. I think this is great i saw this funny meme. How to make iced coffee. Make coffee, have a child. The deal price is 55 this package is exclusive to our today viewers and comes in gray lilac or deep green mint. Do you remember the seinfeld, well, you dont have a big salad because you put it in a big bowl thats what i love about these the retail 187. So you get two stackable baking dishes and two universal bowls so these are oven to table. Gorgeous, love. You have the chef from the oven to the table. You can serve it like this and it looks great. Comes in three colors and festive for the holidays these are great for every day if you want a big bowl. Elaine would like it the deal is 65 for the set. Thats 65 off. Totes rain boats, the cashmere collection, the dream tote slippers, the teas heated mug bundle and the ceramic four piece bake ware set. If we havent told you today, we love you very much. All right. Start shopping scan our qr code head to today. Com deals. We do make a commission through our links. We love jill we love jill coming up next, a social we made it bmo has arrived. Hello . You said it. Hello to more ways to save money, grow your wealth, grow your business. Just what we needed, another big bank. Not so fast. How many banks do you know that reward you for saving every month . Hes got a good point. Did i mention bmo has more feefree atms than the two largest us banks combined . Uh, bmo . Just beemo, actually. Quick question, will all this stuff fit in your car . should i get rid of the mug . Bmo california sky todos alcanzamos Las Estrellas sunny state of mind flexin all the time todo es dorado feels so golden vive en el Estado Dorado oh, were back with sad oh, were back with sad news shared yesterday by our friend bobby flay the passing of his cat which he loved so much, nacho jenna is here with more. Now turned into the cat correspondent. We know how hard the loss of a pet can be they become part of the family it is no different for bobby flay, who is fondly remembering it was a bond like no other. Famed chef bobby flay and his felined friend nacho. They were known as a feisty duo. You want a taste . Nacho . The orange haired kitty seen by the chefs side on press appearances, taste testing new products, even making his modeling debut in People Magazine with flay for the 2017 edition of the sexiest man alive. Hes 21 pounds. 21 pounds yeah, dont mess with nacho. An unapologetic cat dad. I have two of them. I love them so much. Nacho wasnt just a sidekick but a celebrity in his own right. The furry main coon amassing fans on instagram. Acting as flays souschef but unlike some cats, nacho wasnt known to lounge around all day, instead serving as the inspiration for his own food company made by nacho. Flay, a famously proud cat person known for cooking for his pets before turning those recipes into a premium cat food brand. I created this company with my cat, nacho, because its time for cats to get the attention and the thoughtful recipes they deserve. While the 21pound kitty brought joy to many, this morning the heartbreaking message that nacho passed away peacefully writing, nacho had a magic about him that was truly special he came into my life when i needed him most and brought joyful moment after joyful moment to my household flay asking people to give your pets an extra long hug today and please say a short prayer for nacho. They mean so much to all of us his heart break shared across social media fellow celebrity chef writing, oh, bobby. Im so sorry what a good life you gave him. He takes comfort knowing his likeness will live on forever in made by nacho. And in the hearts of those who loved him. Oh. We all know what a pet leaves it is really, really hard i have to say, can i just say happy birthday not to take away from nacho, but happy birthday to hollywood. Your cat . Now were talking about your cat . Yes can i show a picture there she is. I meant bobby, yall. Im sorry. Happy birthday. By the way, i work with jenna. Im becoming book, queso and cat correspondent. Im sure my parents have never been more proud. Youre a cat lady now im still in mourning over nacho while you guys are yolking it up. No, were not. Rest in peace. Thank you, jenna. Coming up next, we talk to joe fryer. Remember that kid . There he is. Thats david after dentist has he been to the dentist sinc sinc maybe noe . T. Having diabetes can raise a lot of questions. Like my morning ride, will it help lower my glucose . With the freestyle libre 2 system, you can know where your glucose level is and where its headed without fingersticks. Know what activities work for you. Manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. Ask your doctor about the freestyle libre 2 system. Its covered by medicare for those who qualify. Visit freestylelibre. Us medicare to learn more. Were back. We are revisiting a classic video. One of the first ones to truly go viral. Three simple words, david after dentist. Morning news now on weekend todays joe fryer caught up with him now ten years later. More than that. Can you believe david is now 22 years old. 22. Geez the video was recorded 15 years ago. Back then david was 7, just had dental surgery and was feeling the drugs. His dad didnt post until the next year because he wanted to share it with friends and family but the file was big it was easier to upload it to youtube and share the link how did it go i didnt feel anything. His name is david, but you probably know him as david after dentist how do you feel about that, that title . I love it its been a fun adventure. Its been its own part of my life. Starting with the part when he was 7 and still feeling pretty loopy after dental surgery. I feel funny. Why is this happening to me . A moment immortalized by his dad, david c. You remember those times you said if i only had a camera. Well, i actually had a camera that day. In the twominute clip, david jr. Is earnestly philosophical one moment. Is this real life yeah, this is real life bluntly flustered the next. Stay in your seat the anesthesia, of course, did wear off, but the videos legend would only grow when you watch it, what is your favorite part . I think the end when i was like, oh. Back in 2009, the clip racked up a new million views. They were like, okay, i have heard of this thing going viral. I think thats what were doing. And what did you think . I was just in shock. There was some backlash from those who thought dad was exploiting his son but for the most part, folks loved it is this real life the video was part of a super bowl add for visio Homer Simpson even referenced it on the simpsons. The youtube of the kid high on dentist gas and, of course, they appeared on today. They stopped talking about it. You could have been embarrassed by it and wished it never happened or you could have your attitude. Why do you have your attitude. I can only comprehend so much at that age. I was just going with the flow i was like, oh, i get to go to new york like, great, this is fun like i realized these people werent making fun of me. Not to mention the youtube ad revenue helpful during the 2009 recession. I had been selling real estate, and that went away overnight, so it literally saved us. Today the video has racked up more than 140 million views. Does that just blow your mind . It does its crazy. David is a senior at the university of florida studying Computer Science, not dentistry. When he was accepted here, the schools president reenacted davids viral moment. Its funny you didnt bring it up. As for his classmates at first, many didnt know davids identity. Dude, what . I would have never known hes very humble about it. And hes never gone out of his way to tell me. I didnt know that fact and then someone told me later on and i was like, no way but i was in the midst of fame turns out this moment did live forever thats okay. Its still a welcome part. Is this real life of davids real life. So you might be wondering about david after graduation he will get his diploma soon, plans to work in the Computer Science division dad is turning over his responsibilities to the younger david. Going viral meant something now people try to go viral on purpose. He used it to send it to the uncles and the aunts and then two Million People caught on he said we tried to do it again. It was like lightening in a bottle nothing stuck and the kids werent that into it the one time it happened and who knows. Thank you, joe. Were glad david is doing well our friends at today. Com also chatted with david so you can head to our website to check out his favorite memory once that video went viral. Okay. All right al, weve got some time to celebrate some birthdays. Here we go. Lets bring on the smuckers jars first up, it is a happy 105th birthday to ms. Fannie blount. I hope im pronouncing that right. Her secret to longevity, eating fresh veggies every day. Joe romeo 100. In the last two years joe discovered his love of dancing and going to concerts. Happy 106th birthday to Ida Mae Wheeler of sacramento, california her secret hitting the gym four times a week, which is three more times than me Margery Bennett is 101 the retired chemistry teacher assembling wiring harnesses for world war ii aircrafts how about that george ozamoto tells us the secret to his longevity, two scoops of ice cream in a sugar cone i like that. And happy 100th birthday to rose volpe, a tech savvy lady from oakland, michigan. She taught Young Students how to use computers. In moderation. All right al, thank you. Coming up on the 4th hour, we have a performance by international chart topper bernie. Coming up, home chefs, listen up we are going to show you the hottest new tech and must have gear for your kitchen. Well get to that after your local news, weather and these messages. One is a real game changer. Okay. Good morning. San Francisco High School students are planning to make their voices heard. This is over israels war with hamas. Students from schools including galeo high school are planning to hold a mass walkout to protest the violence. Theyre calling for a cease fire. Todays walkout comes in the wake of yesterdays blast at a crowded hospital in gaza city which is believed to have killed hundreds, including many children. Israel and hamas are now blaming each other. Supervisor Hillary Ronan is expected to be among city leaders joining the News Conference. Happening now, the News Conference is expected to happen this morning on the 3rd hour of today, in the war zone. President biden arriving in israel. I want the people of israel and the people of the world to know where the United States

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