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arrested after the death of a police officer injured in the capitol riot the charges they face. we're on the southern border. why fema is now being deployed to help with the surge in migrant children one of the new york governor andrew cuomo's accusers meeting with investigators for over four hours what she gave to them. our series "the future of travel" and what you may no longer see at the airport when you fly again and our one on one with michelle obama on her new netflix show and what she said about the feud between meghan markle and the royals >> announcer: this is nbc "nightly news" with lester holt good evening and welcome. in more and more parts of this country, even those hardest hit by covid, life is beginning to look familiar again doors now reopening to things considered high risk just months ago amid growing confidence and an ever-expanding vaccination program, states and local governments are lifting restrictions the celebrations of life resumed drowning out the chorus of warnings from top health officials that it's too much too soon but tonight 71 million americans have received at least one vaccine dose and a fall in hospitalizations to under 31,000, both come as positive signs. and yet it's hard to ignore what's happening in europe tonight, where a new covid wave is putting on the brakes on life once more. is it a cautionary message? let's begin tonight with miguel almaguer ♪ >> reporter: as restrictions aretonight a record number of americans are on the move, packing bars, nightclubs, restaurants, and theme parks. even in the covid capital of los angeles, gyms and movie theaters given the all-clear to reopen today with limitations. >> it's about people feeling safe we believe that if they feel safe they'll come back. >> reporter: despite warnings not to travel, the tsa says 1.3 million flew friday, a high since the start of the pandemic the subway system in new york city also seeing record ridership as many across the country emerge from a year of isolation during spring break >> the beach is coming back to life the town's coming back to life. we're having some fun out here >> reporter: but the cdc says there's no vacation from the virus. in florida and california the uk variant accounting for 25% of new cases citing the third wave of infections in europe, authorities say easing restrictions too quickly at home could lead to serious trouble. >> i'm pleading with you for the sake of our nation's health. these should be warning signs for all of us. >> reporter: still states like florida are flaunting any notions of a lockdown, allowing restaurants to open sooner, masks that are optional and getting children into the classroom faster the state's death rate no worse than the national average >> all righty. >> reporter: and now with nearly 3 million inoculated in 24 hours, today mississippi joins alaska saying anyone who wants a shot can get one. tonight the race to vaccinate and to reopen with the nation eager to do both >> and miguel, there are new numbers in how many americans are getting both vaccination shots. what are you finding out? >> reporter: yeah, lester, the cdc says 88% of those inoculated have gotten both doses for best protection and another 9% can still get that second shot. many americans are following through after early worry they would not. lester >> all right, miguel, thanks very much the u.s. nervously looking over its shoulder at europe tonight where a new wave of infections is shutting things down again as the vaccine effort there struggles. richard engel is in london >> reporter: poor italy. it was the first country to lock down a year ago today it's doing it again. from this morning half the country faces curfews. all of italy will shut down over easter france is closing too, region by region with icu occupancy at its highest level since november germany says it's facing a third wave and weighing lockdowns. the eu simply isn't rolling out the vaccines fast enough in the u.s. over 20% of the population has received at least one dose in italy, france, and germany vaccination rates are less than 8% the 27-nation eu didn't buy enough supply on spec when the vaccines were still being researched >> the european union took a view at the beginning that it would procure jointly. but of course it takes time to get agreement with everybody >> reporter: distribution of what they have has been painfully slow today it got even slower germany, france, italy, and spain all paused distribution of the oxford astrazeneca vaccine after reports of blood clotting. six other european countries have recently hit pause too. the w.h.o. said today the vaccine is safe. this is europe's biggest modern test of its ability to act collectively, and it's failing. european governments are blaming vaccine hoarding, manufacturing delays, and side effects but opinion polls suggest most europeans believe the eu is doing poorly lester >> thank you, richard. let's turn to the growing problem at the border thousands of migrant children crossing over alone. republicans say president biden's reversal of former president trump's border policies is triggering this new surge. garrett haake is in south texas. >> reporter: our cameras capturing migrants scaling the border fence over the weekend. part of a surge at the southern border. tonight so many unaccompanie are crossing, the biden administration is calling in fema to help manage and shelter the influx why are so many kids coming here to the border now >> i think two things. number one, the conditions in their homeland have become untenable. and number two, their families want to be with them. >> reporter: the border patrol detaining a record 3,200 unaccompanied children in jail-like facilities not designed for kids. this comes after president biden ended the trump administration's remain in mexico policy for asylum seekers. while most new asylum seekers are still barred because of pandemic rules, unaccompanied children are now admitted republicans say president biden's new policies have triggered a race to the border last week an administration official acknowledged president biden's approach may be motivating migrants to come here. >> they certainly think that the idea that a more humane policy would be in place may have driven people to make that decision >> reporter: the house's top republican touring the border in texas today. what should happen to those children who are making this trip >> stop them before because how many children won't make the trip why don't we stop that before it starts >> reporter: and tonight hhs is considering using the dallas convention center and a nasa research facility near san francisco as they struggle to shelter the thousands of unaccompanied children coming across the border lester >> garrett haake in el paso tonight thank you. in san diego today three people were killed when a driver lost control and plowed his car into a group of pedestrians it happened in a tunnel where homeless people were camped six others were injured. the 71-year-old driver was arrested on suspicion of driving while impaired parts of the west are recovering from a massive blizzard that dumped more than two feet of snow on denver and much more on other areas, causing widespread travel nightmares gadi schwartz is in denver tonight >> reporter: on colorado's highways, half-buried cars sit abandoned after one of the most powerful blizzards denver has ever seen. and today some drivers are returning on foot, shovels in hand. >> this is not easy. i walked five miles to get here >> reporter: the storm dropping 27 inches of snow near denver parts of wyoming buried under four feet during the worst of the whiteout hundreds were rescued >> if you stopped, you were stuck there's no way to stop >> reporter: at denver's airport thousands of flights were canceled but opened back up late afternoon as the storm heads toward the midwest. for the millions snowed in this morning a lot of shoveling, and for some a much-needed snow day >> the mountain sports came to you guys >> they did. definitely don't need to drive it's literally all right here >> reporter: schools canceling class across the state as some families celebrated the remnants of a storm they won't forget gadi schwartz, nbc news, denver >> and making the best of it. federal authorities have arrested two men in the assault of a u.s. capitol police officer who later died officials say the men, one from pennsylvania, the other from west virginia, worked together to spray officer brian sicknick with a chemical during the capitol riot in just 60 seconds, why the vatican says catholic priests cannot bless same-sex union meghan markle, and her comments about racism. a major announcement today by the vatican on the church and same-sex unions in what many see as a setback keir simmons is following this, and keir, what did the vatican have to say? >> reporter: lester, the new vatican message approved by pope francis says the church cannot bless same-sex unions because the church "cannot bless sin. the language is sure to anger gay rights campaigners and disappoint gay catholics. their hopes had been raised when pope francis declared in 2013, "who am i to judge? and he approved same-sex civil unions just last year but tonight the pope's pronouncement welcomed by catholic conservatives who say it shows there are limits to the pontiff's enthusiasm for reform lester >> all right keir simmons tonight, thank you. one of the women accusing new york governor andrew cuomo of sexual harassment met with investigators today as calls for cuomo to resign mount. let's get more from anne thompson. >> reporter: today 25-year-old charlotte bennett spent more than four hours telling investigators how governor andrew cuomo allegedly sexually harassed her. >> the governor asked me if i was sensitive to intimacy. >> reporter: what she told cbs news, bennett's lawyer says, the former aide backed up with 120 pages of documents given to the attorney general's team so far the public is with cuomo a new poll showing half of new yorkers say he should not resign and a little less than half believe he can still govern despite multiple investigations into sexual harassment allegations. and accusations his administration hid the true toll of pandemic nursing home deaths. there is a growing chorus of politicians calling for cuomo to step down, including new york's leading democrats. >> the governor should resign because he has lost the faith of his governing partners >> reporter: but president joe biden wants to wait. >> i think the investigation is under way and we should see what it brings us. >> reporter: cuomo insists he did nothing wrong. >> i'm going to avoid distractions, and i'm going to focus on my job. >> reporter: tonight the governor has dug in and there is no indication he has any intention of stepping down lester >> anne thompson, thank you. the attorney for derek chauvin, the former officer on trial for the murder of george floyd, has asked the judge for a delay and to reconsider a change of venue in the case. he says the $27 million settlement with the floyd family last week could taint the jury pool. there is growing outrage in the uk. massive protests against male violence and sexism after a woman was allegedly murdered by a police officer. molly hunter is there. >> reporter: for the second night in a row protests across london over the weekend police officers facing serious backlash for arresting women at a peaceful unauthorized vigil in memory of sarah everard. the 33-year-old marketing executive found murdered last week the suspect, 48-year-old wayne couzens, an elite police officer >> we want women's rights to be upheld. we want education systems to uphold these values and teach young boys at a young age the correct value. >> reporter: kate middleton showing up to pay her respects. >> i had learned all the tricks i'd learned the keys in my hand, using a weapon how to stand on the street what to do if somebody was following me late at night what were they teaching boys and men to do? >> reporter: on march 3rd cctv caught sarah everard walking home in london around 9:30 p.m. a week later her body found here her death has sparked a movement women around the world now sharing their stories. globally an estimated 87,000 women are killed annually. it happens everywhere. and sarah's case has hit home for so many now the officer charged with her murder will be back in court tomorrow lester >> all right thanks michelle obama's back in the spotlight. the former first lady spoke to jenna bush hager about her new netflix show and her reaction to meghan markle's allegations against the royals >> reporter: a long-time champion of healthy eating for kids >> hello, waffles and mochi. >> reporter: former first lady michelle obama is now channeling that passion into a new project, "waffles and mochi," a netflix educational show what has that been like has it been a lot of fun? >> it brings it all full circle because it brings me back to kids and nutrition. >> reporter: her life in the public eye, something that hasn't always been easy >> you talked about life in the white house and how although you didn't take a single moment for granted that there were moments of real loneliness and so i wonder when you watched meghan markle speak out the other night if -- what went through your mind >> public service is -- it's a bright, sharp, hot spotlight and most people don't understand it, nor should they. the thing that i always keep in mind is that none of this is about us in public service. it's about the people that we serve. >> what about when she talked about the fact that she experienced racism >> race isn't a new construct in this world for people of color. you know so it wasn't a complete surprise to sort of hear her feelings the thing that i hope for and the thing i think about is that this first and foremost is a family and i pray for forgiveness and healing for them so that they can use this as a teachable moment for us all >> jenna bush hager, nbc news >> you can watch much more of that interview with michelle obama tomorrow morning on "today." up next, why it may be taking so long for you to get your tax refund back now with the price you pay. and beyond those stimulus checks a lot of americans are counting on, many are also waiting for tax refunds. stephanie ruhle tells us what's behind the delays >> reporter: heather price has been seeing the same message for a month. >> we get a message saying that our refund is still processing. >> reporter: the mother of two filed her taxes on february 15th >> i have a husband with physical disabilities i'm their caregiver. so i'm unable to work. >> reporter: her family desperately needs the money from the refund check >> we have $3.83 in our checking account to get through until march 31st if we don't get our tax refund >> reporter: nearly 7 million returns have not yet been processed. more than three times the number compared to last year. that's because right now irs resources are also being used to send that new round of stimulus checks. and after a year of emergency covid-related support for americans the irs is dealing with more questions and complications. the agency also has fewer people handling the work its budget is 14% lower than ten years ago. the irs says it processes most tax returns within 21 days but acknowledges some take longer. there are already calls to extend the april 15th deadline like last year, when it was pushed to july. to check on your refund go to and click on get your refund status. and while you're there you can also track your stimulus check. lester >> all right really helpful information, stephanie, thank you more americans are thinking of something they've put off for a year a vacation tom costello on what's changed in our cross-platform series this week "the future of travel. >> reporter: from the airport through tsa to the plane and the hotel it's a world of plexiglass the industry has spent a fortune to minimize touch points and in-person contact, preferring that you use your phone to check in at the kiosk and print your luggage tags most tsa checkpoints now only require a driver's license once inside the concourse, if you need an airline agent united's app now lets you connect to a live chat >> hi. i'm on a 6:00 flight any chance i can catch an earlier flight? >> it looks like there's one leaving at 2:00 p.m i can put you on that one. >> great, thank you. >> reporter: after a year of zoom, united says it's what customers expect >> it helps the average customer in our gate areas by being able to just sit right there in their seat and be able to connect if they have a question, they want to change their seat. >> reporter: every airline disinfects before every flight. and rental car companies are cleaning every returned vehicle. on the hertz app customers are directed past the counter straight to their sealed cars. just one driver's license check with minimal contact. and big changes at hotel chains too, from hilton to holiday inn, wyndham to marriott. >> i think there's a lot of pent-up demand for travel >> reporter: marriott also urging guests to check in with its app. once inside, no more going to get a room key at the front desk. now you use your phone to unlock the door inside the deep-cleaned room plastic cups replace glassware. the tv remote wrapped in plastic with restaurants closed you can order room service right on your phone the marriott app has the menu you can even order more pillows and towels >> we give them the option, do they want the room cleaned when they're with us or would they actually prefer that housekeeping doesn't come into the room >> reporter: the question for the travel industry, will this be the summer that customers feel safe to return tom costello, nbc news, chicago. >> a lot to learn before we head out on vacation up next, inspiring america with the one and only beyonce finally, she found herself in a familiar place last night beyonce on the grammy stage. this time breaking a record and inspiring america. >> goes to beyonce >> reporter: that's the face of a woman realizing she's just made history with grammy number 28, beyonce breaking the record for most wins by a female artist ever >> this is so overwhelming i've been working my whole life, since 9 years old. and i can't believe this happened. it's such a magical night. >> reporter: it's been 20 years since beyonce picked up her first trophy as a member of destiny's child. >> oh, gosh. i can't believe we're winning a grammy, ladies >> reporter: since then she's been a regular on the grammy stage. ♪ treating us to some spectacular performances ♪ rolling, rolling on the river ♪ racking up 79 nominations over the course of her career and winning award after award after award. taking home four last night plus a bonus beyonce's 9-year-old daughter, blue ivy, won too for appearing in one of her mom's music videos >> it's been such a difficult time so i wanted to uplift, encourage, and celebrate all of the beautiful black queens and kings that continue to inspire me and inspire the whole world. >> tonight we're all celebrating with the new queen of the grammys. what a journey she has been on. that's "nightly news" for this monday. thank you for watching, everyone i'm lester holt. please take care of yourself and right now at 6:00, millions of more californias can get a vaccine. new loopholes in the rollout. >> over here i don't think they ask anyone for specific documentation. >> we'll see how vaccine clinics are enforcing the new eligibility rules. plus, knocked down by covid but he's not letting that get in the way of his goals. >> i know i've got a long ways to go, but by god, i'm going to finish that thing. >> the iron man athlete training to get back into the race. the bay area housing market is proving to be pandemic proof. the reason it will likely stay hot for some time. the news at 6:00 starts right now. thank you so much for joining us. i'm garvin thomas. happy monday. i'm janelle wang. millions more californians can now get their shot. the state expanded covid-19 vaccine eligibility to those higher risk with certain conditions. if you have cancer, chronic kidney disease, type ii diabetes. other people who live in a prison or homeless shelter

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20 , Course , Distribution , Everybody Reporter , Agreement , View , Countries , Blood Clotting , Pause , Spain , Oxford , Six , It , Test , Manufacturing Delays , Opinion Polls , Ability , Failing , Vaccine Hoarding , Side Effects , Europeans , Act Collectively , Joe Biden , Border Lester Garrett Haake , Border Policies , Problem , Reversal , Republicans , Border Thousands Of Migrant Children , Trump , Let , Administration , Migrants , Weekend , Part , Crossing , Fence , Cameras , Unaccompanie , South Texas , Number , Conditions , Families , Kids , Homeland , Influx , Number One , Border Patrol , President , Policy , Asylum Seekers , Facilities , Mexico , 3200 , Official , Policies , Approach , Rules , Idea , Last Night Beyonce On The Grammy Stage , Decision Reporter , Trip , Humane , House , Thousands , Hhs , Trip Why Don T , San Francisco , Nasa Research Facility , Dallas Convention Center , Group , Car , Control , Others , Tunnel , El Paso , San Diego , Three , Denver , Feet , 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Public , Investigations , Poll , Team , Attorney General , New Yorkers , Politicians , Deaths , Accusations , Toll , Democrats , Investigation , Governing , Partners , Distractions , Faith , Nothing , Derek Chauvin , Indication , Intention , Attorney , Job , Family , Case , Murder , Delay , Protests , Outrage , Trial , Judge , Settlement , Jury Pool , George Floyd , Uk , A Change Of Venue , 27 Million , 7 Million , Woman , Sexism , Violence , Molly Hunter , Sarah Everard , Police Officers , Backlash , Memory , Vigil , Marketing Executive , 33 , Wayne Couzens , Kate Middleton , Boys , Education Systems , Value , Values , Age , Respects , Keys , Tricks , Women S Rights , 48 , Body , On March 3rd Cctv , Weapon , Street , Somebody , Walking Home , 3 , 30 , March 3rd , Stories , Everywhere , Hit , Movement Women Around The World , 87000 , Jenna Bush Hager , Spotlight , Court , Back , First Lady , Thanks , Spoke , Mochi , Reaction , Healthy Eating , Champion , Kids Hello , Netflix 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