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Breakdown 2. 8 almost 2. 9 million right now. Pennsylvania still too early to call. That is the critical state in all of this. Too early to call. We can put more up here on the screen as we look at the battle grounds. There is wisconsin. Wisconsin is too close to call. Still a fair amount of vote out there. Michigan with 94 of the expected vote in, that is too early to call but news on michigan we will share in a moment. Arizona too early to call. This has been leaning bidens way throughout the night and into today but too early to call. Nevada with 6 electoral votes and too close to call. 86 of the vote in there. Georgia 16 electoral votes. Biden think they have a good chance but too close to call too early to call. North carolina is also too close to call. We want to talk about michigan. Trump campaign now is filing suit to stop the counting of votes in michigan. Let me bring in White House Correspondent peter alexander. Take us beyond that headline. What is going on . We learned this within the last three to five minutes. The Trump Campaign putting out a statement it has filed suit in Michigan Court demanding access to those counting stations, those counting sites where they are opening up the battle and they are counting them. They say they have not been given access to that saying its been denied to this point and a real concern. The campaign insists because they say it remains an extremely tight race there. You just showed the number now 45, nearly 45,000 vote advantage for joe biden in that state. We have talked over the course of this time is crucial for biden and trump. President winning wisconsin four years ago and wisconsin looking like its favorable for biden and michigan as well. Campaign a short time earlier would demand immediate recount of the vote in wisconsin where only 20,000 votes or so that separated the two in that state. The former governor, republican governor of wisconsin scott walker saying that their demand for a recount there he said was a high hurdle. Couple of recount in the last decade and one changed 131 votes and the other changed 300 votes in 2018 for wisconsin Supreme Court. It was being voted on at the time. 20,000 he says would be a long way to go. Moments ago, we are hearing from the president who is now complaining and expressing frustration what is going on in pennsylvania. He tweeted that we are winning pennsylvania big but notes the secretary of state Just Announced that millions of ballots have yet to be counted. That is notable because you can see sort of this rapid pace that the Trump Campaign is now sort of bringing up these efforts to sort of go after the vote count in a variety of places where it appears right now that they are losing. At 3 30 eastern time this afternoon we have learned the Trump Campaign will host a News Conference with eric trump, the president s son and his wife laura trump and corey allowen do you allow they will be focus ongoing election issues in philadelphia as they describe real concern there with so many outstanding votes, particularly in that urban area of philadelphia and some of the collar counties around it that advantage that the president has there could be erased as well. This is clearly the focus today even as we try to see whether we will hear from the president in any form today. A white house official a short time ago telling me no decision has been made but decisions are being made more broadly about the strategy and whatever the legal battles they are going to pursue Going Forward are. Meetings taking place since about 10 00 this morning at the Campaign Headquarters just across the river from washington, d. C. In virginia. Jared kushner has been a part of them and im told the chief staff mark meadows has been there as well as well as top campaign officials. A lot of movement because notable last night the president said that he said they had won. He said we have already won this. Clearly that was premature and clearly we knew it to be false but now they are looking for ways they think they can win this and the paths are drying up. This is what has been telegraphed for weeks, if not months, this notion of flooding the zone with lawsuits and lawyers and it is playing out just as the campaign told us. Michael steele former National Republican chairman and guy charles, an election law analyst. Michael, any surprise here now to see the Trump Lawyers beginning to make their moves . None other than what took them so long. I thought they would be filing the briefs at 9 00 this morning as soon as the courtroom opened. Look. This is a dartboard and they are finding darts on the floor and trying to pick them up and throw them but the problem is the darts have no tip. They are not going to land on the target. That is one. Two, lets call this what it is. They are lying about what is going on in philadelphia. Therapy lying about what is going on in wisconsin and michigan. The fact of the matter is that there is no body voting right now. Voting is over. We are now in the process where the secretaries of state and county boards of election are counting the votes and every vote is going to be counted and every vote will be certified and a winner will be determined. At that time, will be announced. All of this is just theatrics and come out to say this process was rigged. Threw this up at the beginning of the election cycle after the last debate and this is the running of that narrative and he is going to run it right until he cant run it any more so we need to be prepared for that. How does he win with a strategy like this . He can certainly cloud the air and toss out, you know, little bomblets but how does that get him to victory . The question is if that is really the end game here when you know the numbers are stacked against you. When i have mignons who will carry on the narrative after the fact. This will be a much a problem for an Incoming Biden Administration as anything else. This is not just the short game of trying to win the election particularly when the numbers arent there. You cant refute the numbers. Its the math. The other side of how do i continue a narrative very much as we saw with the birtherism long after barack obama even produced his birth certificate he still claims in fact, it was a fake. So understand what the long game here sas well. Its what happens during a biden administration. Guy, what we are seeing right now are moves before the votes are counted. The process is still under way. If they wait with lawsuits until the vote is over and the projections have been made, you know, lets say for biden, does this become a much steeper hill to climb . It definitely is. So the problem for the Trump Campaign is that it is caught between a rock and a hard place. The rock is there is really not much they can do to stop the count. There are no real legal arguments. They have to point to something that went wrong, that is going wrong so what they are trying to do is throw as much what they can on the wall and hope something sticks. Right now, nothing much is sticking. You just cant file a lawsuit simply because you want to. The hard place is that once you wait until the count has been certified, then both the narratives against you and you have to overcome the official certifications. You got to find a judge that will Say Something went wrong in the law, right . There is some violation to overcome that certification. So it doesnt have the campaign does not have any strong possibilities here in light of the election returns and the election outcome. There is not that much that lawsuits can do unless you can find a legal violation. Do you sense that these lawsuits we are seeing right now in wisconsin and michigan they were prepackaged and ready to go and loaded at this moment . Yeah. I think the lawsuits were ones they probably came up with the last day or two. First you have to figure out where are the places that we can make the best argument that we are in play . Where the count is close enough. So there is easy things, right . If youre within the margin of victory or the vote is really close, then the recount is an easy thing to do. That is standard strategy and that is not unusual and in some ways its prepackaged. Then there is the other problem especially if youre outside of that margin, what youre trying to do is stop the count, then you have to come up with something creative and unusual and that depends on which state you think you have the best shot at overturning the count. One of the reasons i think they were delayed is just trying to figure out what is the best argument we could make and where could they make it . Guy charles and Michael Steele, their for your time. Tally in wilmington, delaware. Votes were still being counted. We believe joe biden will speak this afternoon. What do you know . Exactly right. Reporter we are expecting to hear from the former Vice President sometime this afternoon but there is some important caveats you just been talking about. When President Donald Trump came out last night its not he declared victory prematurely and votes were still being counted but now we are seeing his campaign to maneuver from votes being counted in michigan mounting up lawsuits. The important thing is here that both are always counted after election day. That is just the reality. The thing this year, a pandemic collided with the president ial campaign. All of these different localities are now in a place where they are having to figure out how to count all of these kinds of early vote ballots in a way that they have not had to do before in terms of the sheer numbers of them. The Biden Campaign looking at those numbers feeling good about where they are and i have to tell you throughout the day, we have seen them grow only more bullish and more clear about the fact they feel they have multiple paths to victory here and wisconsin is one of those places that they continue to say that they think will eventually tip for biden. That being said, they are also preparing for these legal challenges to continue mounting up. We know both of these campaigns have had hundreds of legal teams at the ready but now the Biden Campaign mounting something called the biden fight fund, something that is meant to fund these legal fights and these Election Protection battles for biden as well as democrats up and down the ballot. Bidens Campaign Manager Jen Omalley Dillon saying if trump makes good on this threat to make all of these legal challenges our legal team is standing by and they will prevail. I have to say this morning as i was talking to sources in the Biden Campaign, the key word they were using is patience and see the michigan fight drag on and wisconsin is getting impatient to see the results get you called and Trump Campaign taking a more offensive stand and had a narrower path to victory and now we are seeing them mount not a Public Opinion battle but one happening in the courts of law as well. The votes have not been counted. We continue to watch as they slowly frame a picture here. Well, of course, unveil and reveal that picture as we can. We will take a break and be back with more after this. Short bre and be back with more after this. Were related to them . Were portuguese . I thought we were hungarian. Can you tell me that story again . Behind every question is a story waiting to be discovered. This holiday, start the journey with a dna kit from ancestry. woman chattering [announcer] ordering dinner for the family . Yeah. group gasps [announcer] rewarded with a side of quiet. baby babbling happily grubhub rewards you with a free delivery perk on your first order. doorbell ringing grubhub through the walk of life, walgreens has always been there to help make life easier. And now were doing the same with medicare. So you can easily find the best, most affordable plan for you. Visit walgreens. Com medicare to get started. Walgreens. We make medicare easy. She offered you a homemade cookie. 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Like a good neighbor, state farm is there. Welcome back to nbc News Coverage and we are watching wisconsin carefully and the commander in chief is calling for a recount there. And now, the numbers up on the screen or my face either way, but right now, lets go to the senior News National correspondent kate snow here. Kate, we are looking at the potential recounts or the call for recount, and first, you want to give us a quick update on maine. Yes, correct the record for all of the mainers out there, and i know that portland is not the capital for the great state of maine. I was born in maine, and it is augusta, and i took a picture of my son in front of the capital augusta this summer, so for all of you, and i mistakingly called portland the capital. And the recount, and the trump folks have laid that out in wisconsin and the lawsuit and maybe not the first of the recounts. Right. So wisconsin and we can put it up on the screen, and we went through it before and it is a lot and tedious, and bear with us here. In wisconsin, there is no automatic recount, and the Trump Campaign has petitioned for a recount which can happen when the margin is within one percent of a total revote, and now, the recount deadline is 13 days, so we have time here that it may play out, and then michigan here where the Trump Campaign filed a complaint wanting to have access to where they are counting the votes and saying that they need to stop unless they can have access. That is not quite the same as a recount obviously, but it is a different thing, but in michigan, there can be a recount when the margin is within 2,000 votes, and again, this can play out over 39 days potentially, and then as we are going down the line, nevada is the next slide. No automatic recount in nevada, and although again, and earlier, you were talking to john, and he said that almost anyone can ask for a recount in nevada and if it is a tight race, you will be granted that, and in pennsylvania, it is an automatic recount when the margin is within 0. 5 of the total vote which is something to keep in mind in pennsylvania as they continue with 2. 5 million mailin votes that have not been counted. In North Carolina, it is not automatic, but you can repetition if you want to. And we can possibly think that maybe the Trump Campaign would be looking at the states like North Carolina. And then finally in georgia, and i think that is the last slide and cannot be automatic unless it is within 0. 5 , and so many states and many different rules and this is one track going on as you have the litigation track separately happening. I am glad that we talked about it, because some of it may come into play, and i heard that first. Thank you, kate. And we talked about wisconsin and we want to go to cal perry there. It is a nailbiter, and very, very close. And of course now this call for the recount of votes, and cal, give us the lay of the land in milwaukee. Look it, it seems that things are very, very close, and Election Officials says 300 votes they have not counted in one rural town in wisconsin and joe bidens current lead is some 20,000 votes, and the campaign is overly confident about it, and they believe they have won the state and they were nudging the network some four hours ago to call it and there are votes outstanding. But Milwaukee County was the linchpin for the biden county to make up ground where Hillary Clinton lost this state by just 25,000 votes and they made up the ground and then some. In madison, they are hoping to see similartype trends like in michigan and georgia and overhanging all of this now, lester, it is the recount as kate sort of laid out, and the recount could take us past november, and all of the election workers who have been volunteering and wisconsin is a hot spot, but we have another couple of weeks in front of us. Thank you, cal. We have all brought the patience along. And now, with the pbs newshour correspondent joining us, and also, along with barbara, attorney for michigan and barbara, we knew a number of lawsuits would be coming, and the Trump Campaign has been talking about it for weeks or months and i know that when my kids knew that something was happening and they would say, can you sue, and i would say that you can sue for anything. Not all lawsuits are created equally, but what is the net effect if the trump folks begin to flood the zone . Well, the reporting is that they have filed a lawsuit, but it is to access the room where the ballots are being counted. And there are rules. And credentialed challengers can come in to observe to make sure that no irregularities are being happening, and that would be that they are denied access, and to the contrary, i have been seeing that they were granted access, but you can sue for anything, but you can only prevail if you have a meritorious claim. But the idea of flooding the zone as we heard Michael Steele say that there is an effort to throw the darts at the wall to hope that something could stick, but one area is in pennsylvania where a state court judge say that the ballots cast by election day and arriving by november 6th could be counted and those ballots were segregated and a split Supreme Court were ruled 44, and they allowed the state decision to stand with a new composition of the Supreme Court with Amy Coney Barrett there, and if that could or renewed that challenge, and if pennsylvania ends up razor thin for joe biden, we could see Amy Coney Barrett playing a very significant role in a lawsuit there. And by segregating the ballots, does that put the finger on the scale already on that challenge . Well, it allows a challenge to happen. So if they had comingled them all, it is difficult to say which ones came in after the deadline and which ones didnt, so by setting them aside, they are making it possible to challenge them. So i dont know if it is a finger on the scale, but if it is President Trump or joe biden to challenge them, and or to discard them, and if they make the difference of putting the inwer ovi winner over the edge, we could see it flip there. And now, talking about the last 24 hour, and there was building expectations of the strategy in the sun belt to propel joe biden to early victory, and it did not happen. So now we are seeing the race move into the midwest. In many ways, was this entirely predictable . Are we on ground that we kind of saw coming . We knew that it would be a tight race, and the Biden Campaign did not want it to be this tight, and a lot of soul searching with demographics like florida where you saw the president able to increase the margins with the latino men, and overperform with white voters all over the state and seeing the same trend across the country, and in some ways it is a surprising place where we are, but it is expected because we saw the polls that are tight, and the thing that is remarkable over the last 24 hours is the stance of President Trump who declared himself victor and he said that he was someone who had won the election, but this morning we see the Trump Campaign, and the officials trying to walk it back, and on a call with officials said that the president was not already won, but they believe that he will win, and pointing at certain states like georgia and North Carolina saying that they should have been called for the president , but they have not been called at least by the a. P. , and that being said, you also see the Biden Campaign getting more and more blunt about this saying that the president has absolutely no ground to stand on as the Trump Campaign starts to file lawsuit after lawsuit, and trying in some ways to slow down the vote to take a pause here. The president feels, i am told, that he is confident that he is going to win this, but the trends are making the democrats feel like the race is really moving in their direction in a way they feel comfortable with. Any insight into what the evening was like atike at the w house while all of this was coming down . The white house, from my understanding the president was anxiously watching results come in. He saw then joe biden make a statement, and he decided of course that he wanted to make a statement. All night long we were told that the president would be making a statement, but the white house was being very, very cautious of whether or not the president would come out to deliver a concession or acceptance speech, and after joe biden came out to urge the patience, that is when you saw the president go after the democrats saying that they were trying to steal the election, and no evidence of that. And sorry to interrupt you, but we have breaking news. Lets put it up here, and nbc news is now projecting joe biden is the apparent winner wisconsin with 10 electoral vote and that is an important prize in the democrats blue wall, and so nbc news is projecting apparent winner in wisconsin. And peter alexander, we send it over to you. Lester, obviously a big win for joe biden and part of the blue wall as you noted that President Trump won four years ago by a limited number of votes and it is the first part of the wall to crumble for President Trump back into the blue corner. And so he declared victory falsely and prematurely and trying to find where the path is, and even though we know that the Campaign Strategists and advisers and the staff and the soninlaw Jared Kushner has been meeting at the Head Quarters with the strategy and the legal battles that they want to pursue in the days ahead Going Forward and this does come in a matter of hours after the Trump Campaign knew it was calling for a immediate recount in the state given that the total tally was under 1 , and it is expected that they will do that in the days ahead, but as we have noted before and it is bearing repeating that the deficit there for donald trump in wisconsin is more than 20,000 votes, and there have been multiple recounts in that state, and one in 2011 over a Supreme Court seat and one in 2016 in the president ial race, and in those two recounts, and in one of them, the republicans were able to gain 131 seats swung for donald trump in 2016, and then in 2011, there were 300, excuse me, votes that swung. So 131 to 300 which is nowhere near the 20,000 that donald trump would need to sort of draw to his side if they were going to revisit the votes in the w d words of the former Governor Scott walker, that is a high hurd hurdle. And so, kate, it would still take time regardless of the validity of it in the form of a recount . Yes, it would take time, and this is the news projection that the state would do, but i was over here trying to play chuck todd and looking at the map, because i remember chuck saying that if President Trump loses any of the three, it is going to be a really tough path for him to get to the magic number of 270, and he could do it if he had georgia and North Carolina and pennsylvania and michigan, but those are a lot of ifs right now. And a lot of things have to line up. We knew it would be a tough slog, and it is playing out to be for both candidates, and we will take a break and have more election 2020 coverage right after this. All right. Welcome back. We will put a period on the reporting earlier on the senate race in maine and nbc news projects that Susan Collins is going to a hang on to win in state of maine and one that the democrats thought was flipable. In fact, looking at the 160 million spent on the race, lester, from out of state, and money sent in from democrats trying to overtake Susan Collins and she is the longest serving republican woman in the

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