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Winner in massachusetts as well. Also in delaware, biden wins. Biden also the projected winner in d. C. All right. And oklahoma will go for the president in illinois. We are calling it too early, but biden is leading in illinois. Hes led in the polls. Connecticut, same thing, too early, but biden is leading. Heres whats happening in alabama right now, too early to call. Too early in maine as well. Same story in mississippi, missouri. Biden leading in rhode island, but that ones too early to call. Trump leading in tennessee. All right. So, where does that put us . Weve just made some calls. Here we go. Lets get to the map of 270. Thats how you get elected president in this country, as we show tennessee, but i think we can roll the map. And now weve got a few more numbers to report. Joe biden, not surprisingly, carrying those big cities in the east and we see donald trump in some of his strong red territory. Chuck, this is unfolding as expected. Nobodys won a road game yet. You know . Pat riley used to say back in the sevengame series, a series doesnt begin until somebody wins a road game. Well, an Election Night doesnt begin until we flip a red state blue or a blue state red. And we get to the battlegrounds. Exactly. And we still await those. Theyre still so tight. They are. Let me go over to florida and lets see if weve got some of these new county numbers in here. And i want to reset this, just to see if were going to start getting this vote in, if theyre going to dump it fast or not. Look, as you can see here lets reset it. Lets just remind people of floridas tendencies here, all right . Here we are in 2008. As you can see, nobody ever wins florida in a blowout. Obama got 51 50 , trump got 49 . So you can see, its threepoint, that was a landslide for obama in 2008. But as you can see here, these margins are always pretty close, pretty close, pretty close. But ill tell you, so weve got this is good news for biden that hes now pulled in the lead, because we go back to my county maps here, again, we know the vote thats coming in, this is heavy Trump Country here. A few africanamerican counties in here that will produce some good vote for trump for biden but for the most part, thats going to be a loaded vote out of there. So look, im going to go back to what i said before. Were sitting here. Bidens biggest problem is miami right now. Lets go back. Lets see where the vote stands right now. Hes dropped below 54 , 86 in. Were looking at 53. 9 45. 5 . Thats the bad news here for joe biden. Hes performing ten points less. The question is whether all of this little improvements for joe biden, whether its a point here or two points there or three points there in these various counties can that make up for ten points in miami . Its miami versus the margins. If this is all a bellwether to what well see in the other sun belt no, i dont, because this was a unique miami issue. Miami is miami. You know, miami is some would say is hong kong, right . The rest of florida is sort of is kind of connected. Miamis its own thing, its own entity. I would say this if this is the way biden loses florida, he probably can feel better about whats happening up north, because many of these other counties perform more like these midwestern states, right . You know, i always joke, florida, you know, basically, the midwest is down here. Youve got the northeast retirees are down in the atlanta coast. So the piece of the entire battleground shows up in florida. So if youre looking for a Silver Lining on the biden side of the aisle, you can say, well, all of this other stuff makes you think you should do well in pennsylvania, wisconsin, and michigan, for what its worth. Lets bring casie into this conversation, because kasie, one of the criticisms of the Biden Campaign and some of it was loud in florida from biden supporters was he was not doing enough to get out the latino vote in south florida. We mentioned the venezuelan americans, the cuban americans. And it seems like that is coming to pass in miamidade. Savannah, thats absolutely true. And there were democrats who were trying to sound the alarm on this. And remember, this socialismrelated message, its something that President Trump has literally been pushing for almost the entirety of his administration. Ive sat through state of the Union Addresses where he uses this term. I mean, this is something that he really focused on very much. And i think that not only was the goal here to try and do what were seeing play out, apparently, which was, you know, win over more of those voters, but you know, cynics would say, and some democrats will say, that it was also, potentially, a strategy of trying to convince these voters not to show up to the polls at all, to become demoralized about this because this message was potentially attached to the democrat, joe biden. Of course, bidens team focused much more, frankly, on the rebuild the blue wall strategy, and thats, of course, a set of states weve hardly turned to yet tonight pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, where our conversation will, inevitably, turn later. But its possible that theyre paying the price for the decision in Miamidade County. All right. We want to bring into the conversation now former democratic missouri senator Claire Mccaskill and conservative columnist and editor of national review, rich lowry. Both are nbc news political contributors. Claire, let me start with you and this idea. I think andrea brought up this notion that biden had been painted with a socialist brush very early on, and it was hard to get rid of. Do you buy into that . I think it may resonate more in some of the communities in miamidade and in florida, namely, those cuban americans. But if you look at the gauntlet that trump has to run, he may get by florida, but hes got big ones ahead of him yet. Hes got to get through North Carolina. Hes got to get through georgia. Hes got to get through the really tough one, which is pennsylvania, before he can think about getting reelected. So, its going to be a long night. It looks like florida is not going to be decisive one way or the other for a while. But you know, everybody was hoping it would be over early by winning florida big. You can take a deep breath, grab a bottle of water, and hang in there. Its going to be a while. All right. Let me turn to rich lowry. Rich, like me, i know you hang on every word that chuck todd says. And were you watching when he started looking at some of those red counties in florida where biden seems to be overperforming Hillary Clinton . We know that, obviously, hes done well, well enough in miamidade. Do you see any Warning Signals in those red counties in florida that may portend in other states around the country . Well see. I mean, it seems clear, one of the story lines of the night will be this shifting within the Republican Coalition we saw in 2016, where trump was shedding support in more traditional republican of fluent suburbs and then picking up support in workingclass areas, some of which were more traditionally democrat. So, seems like hes going to lose more of the affluent suburbs. Can he make up for it turning out most of his voters this time around . But florida, if he pulls florida out and claires right, this is necessary for trump. Its not for biden. Trump has to have this. You can come up with theoretical scenarios where he wins without florida, but its likely not going to happen, but it will be a story of an incredibly robust state operation in florida that focused on the latino vote, like a laser beam. And with the idea that they could actually win over latinos, especially latino men, and make a difference in a really close election, and it seems as though that theory might be proving out tonight down there. They had an aggressive turnout operation, the Trump Campaign did, as well, and turned out new voters of its own. Were watching as the results come in. Florida polls just closed moments ago. Kerry sanders is in st. Petersburg, florida, pinellas county, which is a real crossroads county, kerry, and a real bellwether there. Reporter absolutely. You know, they say, as goes pinellas county, so goes the state, because in the last 40 years, really, since 1980, this county has called the election for who is the president elect. And so, a lot of eyes really on pinellas county. And the technology is pretty sufficient here to tell us whats going on. Just remember, as we look at this, just because somebodys registered in a party doesnt mean they necessarily voted in that party. But as we take a look at the information thats being put up right now, with a 79 turnout of voters here, which is really quite dramatic, we can see that the democrats have voted with 207,000 plus, the republicans 213,000. So there was a greater republican turnout here, especially in a county where its basically even between republicans and democrats. Now look at that yellow line. This is really the most important one that were looking at. 133,000plus voters with no party affiliation. Those are likely the ones who are going to make the decision, not only here in pinellas county, but across the state. 27 of florida voters have no party affiliation. And drilling down, as the campaigns have done, is they were trying to woo those voters 65 plus in age, those nonpartyaffiliated voters. Those are the ones who in 2016 significantly lent and went towards trump, giving him the election. And the belief is that that is the same group that will have an impact again in florida with this election for president. One of the things to note that you all have been talking about with miamidade and the cubanamerican population. Just consider for a moment as we look at this we have 930,000 cuban americans of voting age, primarily in south florida. But up along the i4 corridor, sort of Orange County osceola, were talking about in the orlando area, we have 875,000 puerto ricans. They tend to be democrats. We have the republicans who are or the cuban americans who are primarily republicans. So, as the night progresses, it will be interesting to see whether that puerto rican vote winds up in some way canceling out some of that cubanamerican vote. All eyes on florida, though, as you guys have been saying here. Yeah, kerry. Im sitting here looking 87 in statewide already. Well, look, heres the thing, we have 1. 5 million votes remaining. But ill be honest, as kerry was talking, trumps lead went from 0. 6 and ive just been watching it go, as you can see here, its now jumped to more than a percentage point. And again, this is because all of this red is coming in. And ill tell you, the more i look at this, the more it doesnt things are not getting things are Getting Better for donald trump. Let me just take you to one county that was a trump obama county that we cared about a lot here, and it was st. Lucie county. This is st. Lucie, i believe, is vero beach, or right around there, up the gold coast. This is the county that obama carried. So, when you win florida, obama carried it. Trump narrowly carried it, and he won florida. And as you can see here, trumps holding his number on this one. Bidens improved. Its another one of these twopoint improvements. But the question is, its not looking to me as if the numbers in this margins, that hes closing the margins enough to make up for and the big one were going to look at this and well see what the margin is right now. Yeah. You look at 117,000. I could probably find the vote right here in miamidade, if you just look two years ago. She won miamidade by almost 300,000 votes, right . Right now, bidens only winning miamidade by 28 and 60 88,000 votes, all right . Think about that. 300,00088,000. So, and she lost the state. So, hes got to find more than 220,000 hes got to find some 300,000 extra votes in all these margins, if not 500,000 extra votes. Im just saying, florida looks like an uphill climb for joe biden. Lets not forget, barack obama spent a lot of time in florida here in the last couple weeks. Yes, he did. I think a lot of questions are going to be asked, though to go back to, did they hear the calls of miamidade enough . Look, the Biden Campaign will get criticized if theyre not carrying georgia or North Carolina. The criticism about their florida strategy will either amp up or down, depending on how well they do in neighboring georgia and up the coast in North Carolina. All right. And we just projected tennessee going to the president. No surprise there. Donald trump the winner of that 11 electoral votes there. Kristen welker, lets bring you into this florida conversation. If we go back to the beginning of the evening and chuck and his path to victory, it didnt seem to loom as large or as important to joe biden. Had they already kind of figured they had other paths around florida . They absolutely have, lester, and i think thats really the key. Look, i just heard from a democrat in florida whos very close to the Biden Campaign, who acknowledged that this is really an uphill battle at this point, watching these numbers come in. But ive also heard from Biden Campaign officials who say they still feel good about the night because they have several paths that do not include florida, that do rely on midwestern states. That blue wall that Hillary Clinton was not able to hold back in 2016 that Vice President campaigned so aggressively in michigan, wisconsin. So, those are the states that theyre really turning to and focused on. And they say they feel good about. They feel good about the turnout, good about the turnout in the suburban areas that they will need in order to carry that state. And so, thats really where their focus has shifted at this point. And look, ive been talking to the Biden Campaign and Top Democrats about florida for quite some time. He visited four times. So, he did make a real push for the state. They, of course, want to win florida. But again, they have multiple other paths that do not include it, that in addition to those midwestern states that i just mentioned would include North Carolina and georgia. And so, that is where their focus is going to be at this hour, lester. Kristen welker, thank you. Were back after a short break with more election results. Stay with us. Alright, everyone, we made it. My job is to help new homeowners who have turned into their parents. Im having a big lunch and then just a snack for dinner. So were using a speakerphone in the store. Is that a good idea . One of the ways i do that is to get them out of the home. Youre looking for a grout brush, this is garth, did he ask for your help . No, no. No. We all see it. We all see it. He has blue hair. Okay. Blue. Progressive cant protect you from becoming your parents, but we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. Keep it coming. You dont know him. Serena its my 4 10, noexcusesongameday migraine medicine. Its ubrelvy. For anytime, anywhere migraine strikes without worrying if its too late, or where i am. One dose of ubrelvy works fast. It can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours, relieving pain and debilitating symptoms. Do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. Most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. Serena migraine hits hard. Hit back with ubrelvy. The anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. You make my heart sing wild thing i. Think i. You know what i think . I think you owe us 48. 50. Wild thing. If you ride, you get it. Geico motorcycle. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Florida senator, former governor, republican rick scott. Senator, good to see you, and im sure youre watching those returns in your home state as closely as we are. How do you feel at this moment . Do you feel youre ready to say this is going to go trumps way tonight in florida . Absolutely. I mean, the big key is miamidade. You know, ive always said trump is going to do well with the hispanic vote, and he did in miamidade. Its very important. It was very important in my wins. I won the hispanic vote in all three of my races. Trump did very well with the hispanic vote. You cant do as badly as biden did in miami and expect to win statewide. So, the panhandle is going to continue to come in. Its going to come in big for President Trump, and so, i think hes going to have a bigger win tonight than he did back in 2016. And by the way, trumps on the right side of the issues for florida. We dont want taxes to go up. We want somebody thats going to stand up against the castro regime and maduro. We want somebody that is going to focus on our law enforcement, economy. Those are things that floridians care about. And so, thats why trumps going to win. And by the way, the democrats didnt have a grassroots effort they didnt have a great grassroots effort down here this whole race. And senator, thats florida. What about the other sun belt states . Is florida a oneoff, or do you see a similar trend, potentially, in some of those other states . Well, you know, i dont follow them as well, you know. Ive been really focused on making sure we keep a republican senate. So, i hope that david perdue can win tonight, and then i hope we have a good runoff for the second seat in georgia. I think Lindsey Grahams going to have a big win. I think theres a good chance that thom tillis could win now. So, i think were going to have a good night for republican senators, because again, weve got great candidates and were on the right side of the issues for americans. Are there any counties that surprised you tonight, senator scott, anything where you thought that the president would do better or that joe biden would do better, other than miamidade, which we just discussed . Well, i think if you look at the numbers, we dont have the final numbers for pinellas and hillsboro. I mean, i think joe biden did a little bit better there than a lot of people thought. I think the big thing is probably pinellas and hillsboro, where biden did a little bit better, it appears, than people thought, but he did so much worse in miami that its hard to, you know, to come back from what happened to him in miami. Its really the key to how i won my races. Youve got to get the hispanic vote out and youve got to get the hispanic vote out for you. And thats what President Trump did. I put up an ad to try to help President Trump get the vote out. And today, you know, you saw republicans came out significantly for him. And so, its just, you know, big turnout, and it was in this case, i think its going to be a big night for donald trump in florida. All right. Well, senator scott, thanks so much for talking to us. Good to have you on. Thank you, sir. Nice seeing you. Obviously, theres not anybody who isnt more aware of how you win florida in a tight race. This, rick scott, three races in the last decade, decided by let me pause just a second and note that we have this senate call from kentucky. Mitch mcconnell, the incumbent, will hold on against amy mcgrath. All right, and well have another call from west virginia. President trump will take it, as expected. All right. We will take a break and be back with more of nbcs decision with more of nbcs decision 2020 election nig birds chirping woman chattering [announcer] ordering dinner for the family . Yeah. group gasps [announcer] rewarded with a side of quiet. baby babbling happily grubhub rewards you with a free delivery perk on your first order. doorbell ringing grubhub welcome back to nbc news 2020 election. We have news from connecticut. Joe biden is projected the winner in connecticut, not a big surprise there. The votes are rolling in. Were looking at ohio now. It was a battleground for years and years, but it wasnt in 2016. Trump took it by eight, i believe. Trump took it by eight points. Exit polls are interesting in terms of we are. I know people are watching the raw returns come in, and i had the governor, mike dewine said, hey, the democratic numbers will be high early, republican numbers come in, but he thought it was going to be close. Exit polls indicate that. And look at the suburban and urban and rural splits here. Trumps vote in 2016 he did, you know, it was sort of, 38 of it was from the urban area. Well, weve seen while hes increased his margin hes increased his vote share in Rural Counties in ohio, hes decreased his share in suburban and in urban. So, the question is, again, everything is a margin game here. Now, if youre joe biden, youd rather trade suburban votes for rural votes. Suburban counties for Rural Counties. Theres just more raw vote there. Question is if its enough. Weve seen some suburban white vote thats dipped seven points from four years ago, and Hillary Clinton lost it by eight. Ohios going to be close. All right. Andrea told us to watch those suburban women and so we will, but we have to take a brief pause in the action. More electn results to com good evening from our nbc bay area studios. Well be going back and forth to make sure you have the bay area head lines, our 12 propositions. Were expecting results right after 8 00. And the polls will close at 8 00 p. M. So you have lots of time, plenty of time to go vote, even though all the registered voters were sent mailin ballots, you can still vote in person. Youre looking at one of hundreds of polling places, the Heritage Plaza. Here is something new. Counties are allowed to count ahead of time as long as the results remain secret and secure. San mateo says theyve counted all the ballots that came in before today. They wont start counting todays inperson votes until after 8 00 p. M. San francisco is expecting one of the largest turnouts in election history. Across the country this could be the highest voter turnout since 1960 when kennedy beat nixon. Jackie ward joins us now at san franciscos civic center. Good evening, jackie. Reporter good evening, raj and jessica. 1960 they had an 86 turnout here in san francisco. Right now were at 66 voter turnout prior to today. Let me show you whats going on behind me. To the right is where you can drop off your ballot in the red boxes. In the tent behind it, thats where people can register. In this tent here to the left this is where you can vote. Its been a pretty smooth sailing day with most people casting their ballot before today. In san francisco, jackie ward, nbc bay area news. There are poll watchers making sure that things go smoothly. Nbc bay areas sergio monitoring that busy polling place there. How does it look like tonight, damian . Reporter its been a steady flow all day, jessica. Its about a onehour wait to get inside so folks can vote and they will stay open until they cast their ballot. While they were outside one poll watcher was keeping a watchful eye outside. Hes with the group surge and said he was making sure there was no voter init tim dags. In the mayfair community, so far no major problems here at this polling place. We heard the reports people might be demonstrating and that has not happened. Thats about the longest lines weve seen in the bay area. We are here through the night. Well see you in 30 minutes with our next local update. Back to lester holt on our national desk. Well see you in a bit. Welcome back, Election Night 2020. Lets show you where things stand now. Too close to call in florida. You can see the numbers right there. North carolina also too early to call in North Carolina. Polls have closed in ohio. It is too early to call. Weve seen some interesting exit polls so far. Pennsylvania, thats going to take a long time. It is far too early to call that one. And in georgia, this is a race that democrats are pinning their hopes on, hoping to turn that red state blue this year, but its too early to call. South carolina, it is too early to call. And in virginia, the president ial race too early, but biden still hanging onto a lead there. Go to Andrea Mitchell right now. Andrea . One of the important factors that joe biden was counting on was reaching out to seniors, having a big advantage with seniors on the coronavirus. But interestingly, in the exit polls, it shows that the economy was a more important issue than the coronavirus and that donald trump was given better marks for handling the economy than joe biden biden. So still, the economy was the Biggest Issue for seniors, which may be important in florida and also in pennsylvania, which has many senior citizens. Could be a telltale exit poll, for sure. We are saying arkansass up, too early to call. The polls just closed there. And our map to 270, lets throw it up there as chuck, you see where it stands. Biden with the lead, but its early in the note. What have you got your eye on . Let me go through the big states. Pennsylvania is in, and you want to see what a little bit is trickling in. This is what were always curious about, we all are. Okay, our orange and our yellow. Boy, i can barely see it there. You know what that means . Weve got a long way to go in pennsylvania. Theres a lot of work to do in pennsylvania, but lets go next door to ohio. We told you before the break, there was evidence in the exit poll no doubt biden is improving. Governor mike dewine said to me today on air, hey, essentially the first half of the vote should be demleaning, the second half should be rleaning. I like to mess around with the eries. Weve got erie county that will be important in pennsylvania and erie county could be telling here, too. Right now and its only half the vote in you see joe biden is winning it, but you can see why i care about erie county. When obama carried ohio, he carried erie county. When trump carried ohio, he carried erie county. So look, along the lake here and i told you, along these lake counties, this is where trump cleaned up, this is where biden has to improve. Halfway through, dont pop any champagne corks to the democrats here, but clearly, ohio much more competitive. Let me take you down to North Carolina right now, another state were watching. More than 60 of the vote is in. Were up to 62 here. And i was talking about margins. Biden had a bad day in miamidade. Hes got a really good day in raleigh and in the triangle here, in wake county. Let me show you something here. You see this split, 82 in, 65 33 . Let me show you wake county over the last three cycles. As you can see here, joe biden, wake county. This is research triangle. You guys know this. This is, you know, hotbed, a lot of collegeeducated, suburban voters here. And as you can see, this is a case where joe bidens outperforming his former running mate by a bigtime margin. Hes already got a ton of vote here. Hes got almost double the vote of trump here. And as you can see, clinton only got 100,000 advantage there. So, already, big margins there. By the way, the story is the same in mecklenburg here, which is charlotte. Ill show you. As you can see here, hes just already overperforming big time, clinton and obama. So when you look at whats going on in North Carolina, again show us a red county, because youre telling us this election is going to come down county by county. Thats right. And look, i like to spend time out in the more Rural Counties, big trump counties. So we can see, is he hitting his numbers here . Right . Biden, three points better, okay . Im going to go here, henderson county. Again, rural county. Again, this is biden, eight points better, 78 in. Keep going down over here in this part of North Carolina, rutherford county, another one, biden improving by three points. This is the story across the board. And again, i do want to point out, and its right down here, look at this. I worried that my board wasnt going to be letting me write all the way down here on the edge. Continue to the next anyway thrks didnt work out well. But i swear to god, theres a 2 number here. I mean, it is amazing here that youre seeing that. Andr andreas brought it up, i mean, thats wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania, from four years ago. Youre saying there was a thirdparty vote that drew votes from clinton in 2016. We dont have that same thirdparty vote this time. No, we dont. This is just head to head, and its a whole different story. Lets look at florida and check back in, and as you can see, the lead keeps growing for donald trump. So, this is not looking like yes, theres plenty of vote left. Lets look at our gray space here. Still got a million votes. So you cant call anything when youre separated by 225,000 votes here, a million votes. But you guys can do the math. Joe bidens got to win a lot of those million votes to make up a 226,000vote deficit here. Florida is looking is looking a little red tonight. All right. Lets bring in kate snow and talk a little bit, go back to pennsylvania, if we can right now. Kate, you spent a lot of time there. This is the place where we saw a lot of obama voters break for trump last time around, and then some second thoughts from some of those voters. You tapped into it. I tapped into it in my visit there last week. Describe the dynamics at play in pennsylvania. Yeah, so i was in western pennsylvania, which i think is important to note right off, lester, because pennsylvanias a complicated state. Its not all one kind of voter. Where i was over by pittsburgh, i was in Beaver County, which is northwest of pittsburgh, right along the county border to the ohio border, and it has the ohio river running right through it. That was steel country. That was a place where people had union jobs, they worked in the steel mills, up until the 70s and into the 80s when those steel mills started going away. And what i found there is a lot of voters who said, look, i was a democrat by tradition. My parents were democrats. My grandparents were democrats. But in recent years, those democrats, even if theyre still registered democrat, have really swung. The county went for President Trump back in 2016 by 19 points. This is the place where people really were drawn in by President Trumps message. So, even if theyre not really democrats, theyre now voting for President Trump. So what we were looking at is are they still going to be with President Trump . And what kind of numbers in Beaver County this time around . And i think whats interesting is, ive met a lot of people who said, yeah, were still with him. I met a couple named randy and kathy, who, again, used to be diehard democrats, and now theyre just theyre really into trump. Theyve already you know, they had the big sign in their yard. But then i also talked to a woman named marian wise who voted for trump. He said she never thought hed win in 2016 but she was attracted to his message of drain the swamp. And now shes completely disenchanted with him. Shes just over President Trump and not going to go there. So, i think thats going to be a big question is those red counties, those counties that we think are going to go red for President Trump in pennsylvania, particularly in the west, perhaps also in the northeast. There are a lot of rural areas of pennsylvania. What are they going to do on this Election Night . Is it going to look like what youre seeing in florida, where red counties get even more red . Kate snow, thank you, kate. All right. The economy the big issue. Andrea just mentioned its showing up in the exit polls. Senior Business Correspondent Stephanie Ruhle with us. What are you watching . What are you seeing tonight, stephanie . Savannah, we know that people vote based on what affects them, not offends them. And that absolutely means money. Back in february, President Trump thought hed be running and winning on the economy as his top issue. Covid changed that. And while, normally, republicans do very well on economic issues, weve seen joe biden start chipping away at the president s lead on the economy because we dont have a National Plan to address covid. And until we address the health crisis, were still going to be in this financial crisis. Just think about it, savannah. While a portion of the country is doing well economically, our recovery has been like a k. For people who can work from home, who can afford to buy homes or cars while Interest Rates are so low or people who are invested in the markets. But for millions of others, theyre out of work. And if theyre out of work, theyre at risk of being without health care. Those are a lot of Small Businesses at risk. Weve got a divided economy at maybe the most crucial time of the year. All right. Thank you very much, stephanie. We want to turn now to former counselor to the president and manager of his 2016 campaign, kellyanne conway. Kellyanne, weve been talking about florida. It seems to be trending in the right direction for your candidate, President Trump. Are you exhaling yet . No. We know weve got a long way to go. Even in 2016, savannah, we waited until 2 30 for secretary clinton to call and concede. These things can go late into the night. But we do like whats happened in florida for several reasons. Obviously, its an incredibly important electoral voterich state, but also, its a representation of the country. Many people are moving there from other states, obviously. 70 of miamidade, roughly, is hispanic. And we see that Vice President bidens underperformed there. But we also are looking at some of the exit polls among hispanics elsewhere. So, in florida, plus 27 for Hillary Clinton, plus eight for joe biden in georgia, plus 40 for Hillary Clinton, plus 28 for joe biden, ohio, among hispanic, plus 41 for Hillary Clinton, now plus 24 for joe biden. So, i think that the box that people try to put some of us in based on our gender, our race, our ethnicity or our age is really being tossed on its head in this election. Hispanics care about far more than immigration. That is important, but they also care about many other issues. Seniors care more about than Just Health Care or perhaps medicare. They certainly care about that but its plus. And women care about more than just abortion. And i think voters are telling us all, reminding us all that we throw into our vote thoughts on many different ideas, issues and individuals, and we stir it up and then we make our choice. The Trump Campaign very much likes what theyve seen the day of voting, because we know that the democrats did a fantastic job banking that early, really first day of early voting. In fact, in places like North Carolina, georgia, florida and michigan, they had huge gains in the first days. If you wanted to vote against donald trump for the last four years, you were ready, you stood in line for hours and you did it. But you can only vote once, not often, one time, and were counting on people who turned out to the rallies and even those who didnt want to put signs in the yard, stickers on the bumper, to turn out today. But were patient people. We will see this through the night or the week, if we need to. And like chuck todd was just going over, were looking at some counties as well to see 20162020 performance, but also looking at some surprises. Voters tend to sometimes voters repeat history and sometimes they make history. Kellyanne, im curious, are you comfortable considering that some of the exit poll numbers youve seen and the prioritizing of the virus versus the economy and how that looked in certain battleground states first of all, you dont have a miamidade in a lot of these other battleground states. Thats a unique unicorn you guys created, and i think you guys deserve a ton of credit. This is a fouryear project, so kudos to you and that organization. That is an impressive feat. But i am curious, are you comfortable closing the way the president did on the virus, given what youve seen in the exits in a lot of these other states that where a majority of the voters appear to be on the other side of virus versus the economy . Ive always thought the president should go back in time, chuck, and really talk more about all that was accomplished. He talks about china and european travel being shut down early in order to save lives, but you know, we were in lockdown at the white house for quite a while. He couldnt go to bedminster, maralago, visits to states, nothing. And what were we doing . Seven days a week in that task force, my feet were right besides dr. Birx and fauci. A learned a great deal from them, and the president signed into law 1 trillion worth in the c. A. R. E. S. Act, ppp to help save businesses and american jobs, ppe, billions of mast and gloves and gowns, and of course, ventilators, thankfully, for anybody who needed it. So, ive always been urging, go back in time and recognize that we women are the chief Health Care Officers of our households. We control about two out of every three Health Care Dollars spent in this country. And even if you, as a female voter, say, im not particularly worried about me or someone in my household, god forbid, contracting or dying from covid, im worried about other people. Im not just a direct stakeholder, bums a shareholder for others in my life. Im worried about aunt in the nursing home and grandmother who we havent been able to visit. Im worried about my School Reopening too quickly. Ive been a loud voice on health care being a very important issue to women. And i think going back in time and taking more question and reminding people all that we did came together. Do you remember, chuck, in march, the president had a 62 Approval Rating for handling of covid . And i remember telling him in the oval office, youve never had a 62 Approval Rating on anything, including the economy, and youve presided over a dynamic economy. I think at that time, the country really was rallying around the flag and saying, lets all come together and watch the mobilization now. I think the president s done a great job reminding americans of the facts, that the Vaccine Development under operation warp speed is tremendous, as director collins says at nih, hes never seen anything come together so swiftly between the government and the private sector in less time, chuck, than it takes to have a baby, weve developed a vaccine. Weve got three or four in the final phases. Thats great news for everyone. That will help. The therapeutics mitigate the virus. The vaccine will eradicate the virus. All right, kellyanne and hopefully, that will come by the end of the year or early next year. Kellyanne conway, thank you so much for being with us. Thank you. Thoughts now from kasie hunt. Well, at this hour, lester, as im continuing to talk to sources across the country who are watching numbers in these key states. Florida, i would say you were just talking a little bit about some of the reasons why florida seems to be trending for President Trump, but democrats im talking to are essentially saying that theyre at the point where theyre basically ready to write it off for joe biden, and theyre starting to talk about the numbers in the suburbs. And theyre pointing on chuck todds mothers county, seminole county, in the suburbs of orlando, as a place to look to try and see if those kinds of trends are going to be replicated in other suburbs in atlanta, for example, in georgia or in phoenix. So, i think the way this conversation is changing tells you that theyve realized that theyre potentially having a tough night here in florida. Theres also a couple house races in florida where we may see some surprises, particularly congresswoman donna shalala, whos a democrat down in the miamidade area who may actually be on track to lose her race. And the house remember, every member of congress is up for reelection, and we have been anticipating that democrats were likely to win seats in the house, potentially in the single digits. They would have considered double digits to be a good night, but that shalala race potentially a warning sign for them. Kasie, thank you very much. If youre chuck todds mom and a drinking game, youre having a good night so far. Well be back with more addition addition Election Night coverage in a moment. Another look at senator Mitch Mcconnell delivering his victory speech. Hes headed back to the senate. Will he be majority leader or minority leader . Only this night and the voters of the United States will tell. Well be watchin well be watchin back ig. N you know whats good about this . Your signs pointing at my sign, so people are gonna look at my sign. Switch to progressive and you can save hundreds. You know, like the sign says. Welcome back. Top of the hour, well have a lot more poll closings, but lets talk about pennsylvania. Something tells me Andrea Mitchell, well be talking about it all night long. And then for several days. One of the really important things about pennsylvania is that Hillary Clinton only won the suburban counties, the four big suburban counties outside of philadelphia, by 180,000 votes. That was not nearly enough to offset Donald Trumps big strength out west where kasie hunt was talking about, kate snow was talking about. And the rural vote, the steelworkers, the, you know, the energy industry. In any case, what they now think is that the suburban collar counties around philadelphia will produce a 300,000vote edge. Thats what they really need to do for joe biden and thats what theyre looking at. The other thing was, it was 70 30 in the rural western pennsylvania areas. 70 30 for trump, yes. Over clinton. They think that joe biden coming from scranton, being a workingclass union guy, can shave that to 64 36 , something of that nature. The other thing, con strary to what the biden people expected, were seeing in the exit polls that nationally, seniors are going marginally for trump over biden. People had thought that that would be a strong biden vote seniors worried about health care, worried about covid. But so far, its 51 48 , Something Like that. So, seniors did not abandon trump over the coronavirus. But well see what happens in the suburbs, as you say. Lets take a look at North Carolina. A fair amount of a lot of votes in. Bidens holding a lead here, as you can see, 219,000vote lead. I want to show you something here, just so you can see how much vote is left. So hes get a 200,000vote lead. We think theres about 1. 8 million votes still left to come in. And you see, gray counties, in case youre wondering when you see this, it means no vote in them yet, if its gray. So its stuff like this. Let me quickly show you something here, just to show you, already, joe bidens vote total here, 2. 149 with 70 in. Let he show you Hillary Clinton, when all the votes were counted, it was 2. 189. First of all, you can see turnout is way up, but you can see democratic turnout in particular. And the story is right now in these suburban counties. I showed you mecklenburg here. Right now hes got a nearly 200,000vote lead out of there. Hillary clinton didnt get but 140,000 out of it. And you can see here, hes even outperforming let me go to 08 obama, because 08 obama carried North Carolina. And you can see, he got 100,000 out of mecklenburg. He could get 200,000. Thats how you win the state of North Carolina, guys. All right. Thank you, chuck. Joining us now, jose diazbalart. Hes in florida, anchor of weekend nightly news and tcs telemundo. And jose, the florida story really focuses on the latino vote and a massive get out the vote and persuasion operation dedicated to south florida, a place you know well. I do, indeed. Good evening. And its going to be the story, if, indeed, donald trump ends up winning the state of florida. It could have a lot to do with specifically south florida and the latino vote in south florida, specifically, cubanAmerican Voters, venezuelan American Voters, nicaraguan American Voters and some colombian American Voters that for the last three years, donald trump has been working very consistently, insistently, and also, theres been a very strong push for the last months that democrats are socialists, and that attack went unanswered for a long time. Maybe that will have some impact on how florida ends up. Well wait and see. All right, jose, my friend. Thank you, sir. Much more on come on this Election Night. Well be right back. Serena its my 9 12, nodaysoff migraine medicine. Its ubrelvy. 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My first idea was in one quarter of an hour, your savings will tower. Over you. Figuratively speaking. But thats not catchy, is it . Thats not going to swim about in your brain. So i thought, what about. 15 minutes. 15 percent. Serendipity. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more on car insurance. Well, were pushing on toward the 9 00 eastern hour, and there will be a lot of closings coming up at 9 00. Lets walk you through them. Battlegrounds, including arizona, michigan, minnesota, texas, and wisconsin. And the fact that were calling texas something of a battleground this year i know. Shows you what an extraordinary year it is. In just a few moments, we will have those poll closings. We are starting to fill out our map. Already some surprises. And one thing that is not surprising, florida was tight, tight, tight, but so far, it is trending in the president s direction, a mustwin for him tonight. And as we await that next big round of poll closings at the top of the hour, well pause here briefly. You are watching decision 2020 on nbc. Good evening. Election 2020. Coming to you from ou studio. We continue our local coverage of the historic Election Night. Were ready to go into the wee hours of the night. All the statewide props and other key races were focusing on. Polls close at 8 00 p. M. Remember as long as youre in the line before 8 you can vote. Heres leave look at city hall in san francisco. Looks beautiful. Lit up in red, white and blue. Voter turn out so far in the city the highest its been since 1960 president ial election. When kennedy beat nixon. South bay. A look inside the Santa Clara County registrar office. People coming in and out. People still voting at this time. This is where the ballot count happens. On the peninsula the registrar is counted ballots mailed in. Investigative reporter is in sat matt county with whats happening there. Give us an insight into whats happening there. I can tell you that its still busy here. At the main headquarters for the registrar. They are voting here. There havent been long lines as 300,000 people have already voted by mail. Thats a 91 increase over the 2016 president ial general election. This is the first president ial election under california new voter choice act. Its actually the fifth time they used the vote by mail system here in the county. The secretary of state of california according to to his numbers 11. 8 Million People have voted by mail in the entire state of california. Thats out of 22 million. Who have registered today vote. Thats more than half have already voted. Thats why were not seeing long lines. Were in the brain center. Were watching all night long. Thank you. Were so used to voting in person. Its all shifting. It will be this way moving forward. The governor wants to make vote by mail a permanent thing in california. If youre hearing of any voting problems today or tonight, we want to know. Head to our web site. Voting problems or tweet at us. We investigate. Leading up to the today there was a lot of anxiety about people worrying about vote by mail being safe. Today we have seen little problems. Things are going well at the polls. No issues yet. Polls will be closing in a few minutes in the swing states of arizona, michigan and minnesota. Well see you again in 30 minutes. Back to lester holt. All right, were about to pick up a little momentum on the evening. At the top of the hour, about a minute away, 14 states with a combined total of 156 electoral votes about to close, including five battleground states arizona, minnesota, texas, and wisconsin. Potential path to victory for both candidates. And florida is counting votes fast, too close too call there. Pennsylvania, too early to call. In georgia, too early to call. Also North Carolina, too early. And ohio, too early. And lets look at ohio. Its too early to call there, too. And for folks wondering, yes, we had early voting either in person or by mail like weve never seen before. 100 Million People voted before election day, and if you are wondering, yes, weve taken that into account when we give you that expected vote number, it includes the estimated early vote as well as the dayof vote. And were awaiting those 9 00 poll closings. Texas and arizona, big latino populations, but a different kind than what weve been talking about in florida. Andrea, hold that thought, because we do want to mention, here we go, texas, too early to call at this hour. In arizona, it is also too early to call, as you might expect. Michigan, too early to call. Got some results in from minnesota. Not many, actually. Too early to call there. Wisconsin, its going to be a long one. And in new york, biden will pull that one out and not shock anyone. Colorado, too early, but biden has a lead there. Kansas, too early. And louisiana too early. Biden, though, a lead. And lets look at nebraska. Too early to call there. Were keeping an eye on that one particular Congressional District that can be quite competitive. In new mexico, it is too early to call. In north dakota, too early to call, but the president is leading. Same story in south dakota. The president leading. Too early to call. And wyoming, its too early to call, trump with a lead there. So, lets put up our map of 270 and lets see how it shakes out at 9 00 eastern time, 6 00 pacific. And there you have it. Numbers dont quite tell the story. Were going to have to wait for all the votes to be counted. Andrea, we were talking about texas and arizona. Now the polls have closed, theyll start counting the vote. The latino vote incredibly important there. Incredibly important. As chuck was saying, miamidade, florida, the cubanamerican community is a unicorn, but its a different kind of latino vote in arizona and in texas. In texas, latinos going by plus 19 for joe biden over donald trump. In arizona, latinos going plus 30 for joe biden over donald trump. Obviously a different composition. Only plus eight for joe biden over donald trump in florida. So, that shows you the disparity, where youve got a Different Group of latino vote in arizona. Out west, you have more mexican americans, more from other parts of south america, less of the, obviously, very few of the cuban americans, and you have very different ideology and different voting. The latino votes going to be big in arizona and texas, as is the suburban vote. Exactly. But theres obviously big swaths of rural parts of those states that tend to be Trump Country. It is. And texas is going to be by the way, we already have a lot of vote in because they do a lot of early voting, but theyre going to be in there. But i want to take us to ohio, because ohio, believe it or not, has been sitting there. Again, were still waiting for somebody to win a road game, right . We have yet to have a flip. But as you can see, weve got 53 of the vote in. Bidens holding about a 266,000vote advantage here. Just so you show, weve still got a ton of vote, right . Nearly 3 million votes are left to count. As you can see here, the breakouts, just so you can see, 1. 3 of the early absentee has been counted. Mike dewine basically said half the vote was early and half the vote was expected today governor of ohio. Governor of ohio. On election day. So, but let me just tell you one of the other things we have. If hes going to win ohio, if joe bidens going to make a comeback in ohio, hes going to have to flip a whole bunch of what we call the obama trump counties. All of these counties here, and what you see in the red if theyre red, theyre trending trump, and if theyre blue, theyre trending biden. So, we can see here, wood county, a small county here. This is right now. But you can see, trump narrowly carried it, but he carried it by eight points because theres a ton of thirdparty vote here in ohio did very well. Johnson did much better there. But you can see, this is a county that obama carried. Biden hasnt caught his number there, but hes getting close and hes obviously going to outperform obama 12. So, im going to be monitoring these, all of these obama trump counties, particularly in ohio, because the only path for biden to somehow pull the ohio upset is if hes going to take most of these counties that trump carried and flips most of them, if not all of them, back to blue. But polls have had the president pretty far ahead in ohio. Well, all this year, its been interesting. Hes been ahead, but the margins have been smaller. Its been a little bit of older voters. And there is a bit of joe biden plays a little bit better in ohio than maybe any other democrat that had run for president during this primary. Want to put up florida again, because weve changed our characterization there or have we . Okay, trump now officially leading in florida. 29 electoral votes were watching there. Chuck. Okay. We go to kristen welker, whos at biden headquarters. Hey, kristen, whats the talk there as florida starts to slip out of their hands . Reporter well, they are acknowledging that, savannah. And im told by officials that theyre in a waitandsee mode. But they still feel very confident about their path to 270. And look, we go back to this idea that they fought hard for florida but didnt need florida in order to win. There are a number of other paths. But the question is, what does this potentially mean about georgia, about North Carolina . I put that question to a Campaign Official who said, not a whole lot. Look, they think that the electorate is unique in florida for all of the reasons that youve been talking about, particularly in the miamidade area. They think that the president s attacks trying to characterize joe biden as socialist stuck. Obviously, thats a characterization that he would reject outright. But one top democrat telling me they still feel very solid about their chances in georgia and North Carolina. Now, what if they dont win either state . Well, officials tell me that is okay, because joe biden still has a path to 270 without winning those two states. He would need to win michigan and wisconsin and pennsylvania. And so, that is why you have joe biden visiting pennsylvania 14 times, more than any other battleground state since he won the nomination. Thats why he was there again today, in scranton, in philadelphia, really trying to drive up the vote in philadelphia, in the suburbs. Of course, that part of the Obama Coalition that did not turn out in force in 2016. He needs it if hes going to pull out a victory in the allimportant state of pennsylvania. Savannah and lester. All right. Lets bring in Hallie Jackson right now at the white house. Reporter so, weve been talking about ohio. Chuck just had that up on the big board. Thats an interesting state because the Trump Campaign, folks ive been talking about throughout the day and into the evening here, had been feeling confident about the way that was going to go, based on some of the polling that savannah mentioned. They had seen something similar internally. That was one of the battleground states where they felt most confident about, along with florida, so thats one that were watching very closely, given what chuck is referencing and the way that, again, with still very early in the night, still a lot of vote to come in, but with what were seeing in some parts of ohio and what were looking for there. Youve also got the state, as kristen was talking about with the Biden Campaign, of pennsylvania. That is actually the place where President Trump campaigned more than anywhere else. And i can tell you that there are some counties that the trump team is looking at tonight. So, dauphin county, for example. Thats kind of in the centraleastern part of the state near harrisburg. Youve got some of the collar counties around philadelphia bucks county, chester county, montgomery county. Theyre looking at erie county, for example, in the western part of the state, a more sort of rural area, an area where the president feels confident. He has spent so much time in that state because it is critically important. Another state the president has spent a lot of time in is North Carolina. I was just there yesterday, actually, in fayetteville, and i can tell you that folks in President Trumps orbit are looking specifically at some of those if we could go back to that big board when we do those counties still in gray, right around raleighdurham, right . Because that is going to be really important. You can see on there, still in white here. Joe biden needs to do well there. Theyre wondering what the margins are going to be. A lot of eyes on North Carolina here. And then the other state ill mention is georgia, too, looking with the president S Performance will be. That is a state that, again, is sort of on the cautiously optimistic to optimistic bubble for team trump, based on our latest reporting. All right, hallie, thank you. Hugh hewitt is joining us, host of the hugh hewitt show on the salem network, trump supporter and maria teresa kumar, with voto latino. Welcome boast of you. Maria teresa, lets talk about how you feel whats happened in florida. We havent called it, but the president is said to be leading and the results in miamidade disappointing for joe biden, in particular among latino voters. So, first of all, everybody knew that florida was going to be the problem child. It is a very close call. As andrea was mentioning earlier, that the latino vote is not monolith. But for folks watching really closely, the other states that are up for grabs are pennsylvania, North Carolina, georgia, texas, and arizona. Four of those states and this is what really differentiates the latino vote in florida compared to the other ones is that all of them had local legislation that had show me your paper antiimmigrant laws. That was a political awakening moment for the Latino Community, roughly about six, seven years ago. And you see a whole slate of candidates that have not only run for office but are quite competitive. You see that in texas. You see that in North Carolina. You see that in georgia, and absolutely in arizona. And you also see an aging in of the latino population. For example, in texas, you have 25 of latino unregistered voters are in texas and theyre outperforming. 32 of the people in the Latino Community who sat it out last time, savannah, are voting again. So you see a huge surge in the populations in the states where theres been a lot of friction and antiimmigrant policies. Florida is simply, thats not the case. They dont have those really diminishing, difficult pieces of legislation that recently profiled the Latino Community. All right, hue, talk about North Carolina. What do you see there that may worry you or may encourage you . The good news out of North Carolina is that its more solemnly thom tillis than i had expected it to be at this hour. In fact, the senate everywhere is looking very good for republicans. John james, i believe, is running ahead of President Trump in michigan. The early numbers on david perdue look very good, visavis jon ossoff, looks like a runoff in the special. And i spoke with joni ernst earlier today, shes feeling confident in iowa. Susan collins is feeling confident in maine. So, as good as i feel about the president right now and the senate, i go back to ohio, what chuck was looking at, my hometown of trumbull county, first went for President Trump in 2016 for the first time for a democrat since Richard Nixon in 1972. Can he hang on there . And the big difference in ohio that i know chuck knows, and you guys will know, is that rob portman is not on the ballot this time, providing an additional kind of ground game and strength. Rob portman one of the most popular republicans in ohio is not on the ballot, helped get the president over the line four years ago. So im watching that with great concern. But i am very cheered by the florida numbers. There are some people i know nbc has not called florida, but some people have called florida for President Trump. And so, im very shared that thats an early call. And i extrapolate that out to a few Congressional Districts in california, where that voter who left a socialist country thats how im characterizing it that would include venezuelans, that would include nicaraguans and include people, of course, from cuba i think that vote, as maria was talking about, is one that weve got to keep an eye on in the california Congressional District, that will matter. Right now, im pretty happy, with the exception of i would love to see ohio get some more red votes pretty quickly. All right, hugh and maria, thanks to both of you. Thank you. All right, lets bring in kasie hunt. I know youve got some reporting on North Carolina, which were watching closely, texas as well . Thats right, savannah. As ive been talking to sources on both sides of the aisle in one of the places that i try to look is to find agreement in terms of what were seeing. And both sides of the aisle do seem to be in agreement that thom tillis, whos running for senate in North Carolina, seems to be performing better, certainly, than many of my sources expected he might. And i will say, both democratic and republican sources who were pretty concerned about tillis, if you are a republican, and whether he was going to be able to hang on. And that, of course, raises questions about where things stand in the president ial race, which, my sources are also saying is very, very close, but my democratic sources are less optimistic about it than they were just an hour or so ago, and thats a trend thats holding across the sunbelt, texas as well. There was a chance that democrats were perhaps going to take back the texas statehouse that has incredible repercussions as we head into a season of redistricting. Theyre now not optimistic that thats something that theyre going to be able to pull off, although we still have a lot of data out there. Theres also questions about georgia. Senator david perdue, a republican, who also potentially we had talked about was in danger from a democratic challenger. Some of the conversations heading into the night where, would David Perdues opponent get 50 . Increasingly, its now looking like perdue might be in much better shape. That also raises questions about where the Biden Campaign stands in georgia, although my sources are also saying that there just seem to be a fair number of ticketsplitters, people who are voting for joe biden but who are also voting for david perdue, so that underscores this trend that, perhaps, people are voting for republican senators but are willing to take a look at joe biden, savannah. All right, kasie, thank you. And lets look at some of the senate races at this hour. Theres a hot race going in arizona between mark kelly, the former astronaut, and martha mcsally, the incumbent there. We are awaiting vote. Arizona does almost all voting by mail but hasnt reported votes out yet in any significance. Here in colorado, cory gardner, the incumbent, is widely expected to potentially lose his seat tonight, and sure enough, former Governor John Hickenlooper is leading in that race. All right, lets look at kansas senate. Too early in that race. Michigans senate race too early to call there. Thats another democrat who some felt might be on the rope, so well watch that one. Minnesotas got a senate race going. It is too early to call there. Same story in new mexico, too early. Texas, john cornyn will, the incumbent, will hold onto his seat. We project him as the winner. And lets look at south dakota. We are projecting that mike rounds, the senator incumbent will go back to congress. And heres how its shaking out at this hour. That is the breakdown. Remember that democrats would have to gain three seats if they win the white house to gain majority, and four if the president is reelected. Well keep our eye on that. Well take a quick break. Stay with us. Much more as Election Night coverage continues right here on nbc. Are all retinol serums created equal . No. New no7 advanced retinol night concentrate from americas number one serum brand. Five times more retinol than the no1 retinol serum yet formulated to be gentle on your skin. Delivering the combined power of retinol and matrixyl 3000 plus. Results after just one night. Five times more retinol than the no1 retinol serum. New no7 advanced retinol night concentrate. No7 new no7 advanced retinol night concentrate. Ocean spray works with nature every day to keep you healthy at tmobile, we believe you should get more. Thats why weve merged with sprint. Now its about to get even better. And as we work to integrate sprints network, our nationwide 5g keeps getting stronger. With the capacity and coverage to reach more people and places across the country. Who says you cant have it all. Now is the time for 5g. Now is the time to join tmobile. garage door opening it is his passionlove. It is his fault he didnt lock the garage. Dont even think about it been there, done that. With liftmaster® powered by myq®, know whats happening in your garage from anywhere. Welcome back. Weve had a couple of new calls to make in the president ial race in colorado. Biden is the projected winner. South dakota, trump the projected winner. Okay. So, if youre keeping track at home, thats one apiece. Lets bring Garrett Haake in. Hes in houston, texas. Texas saw just an enormous outpouring of early vote, garrett. What are we seeing now as the results are starting to come in . Savannah, as those early votes are getting counted in the big cities, youre seeing joe biden build a bit of a firewall here in harris county, in Dallas County, in tarrant county. Thats the ft. Worth area. That particular county is essentially tied. But big leads for biden in Dallas County and harris county. But perhaps not big enough. Hes outperforming Hillary Clintons margins in the state from 2016 significantly, but hes about on par with where beto orourke was in 2018 in a race that orourke ended up losing by about 2 1 2 points. The other sign of concern for democrats in the state, the Rio Grande Valley, traditionally hispanic counties, places like mcallen, texas, are underperforming for biden as to where clinton was four years ago. The trick for democrats here was always going to be run up the score in a major, major way in harris county. Now with just the early votes in, biden does have a firewall, but as the sameday votes start to come in, you just wonder if its going to be enough for him to hold on in a state that was ulz always a bit of a reach state for democrats, but they felt a lot of demographic trends and people moving into the state might give them a shot at flipping the state for the first time in some 40 years. Thank you, garrett. Interesting to see that theme. Now in a different area of the country where the latino vote is just not turning out for joe biden as he expected, at least so far. Look, i want to take you to georgia in a minute, but i want to make a point about North Carolina thats very important. Remember what we were going to tell you about this . Look at so, 78 of the vote is in, right . Thats a lot of vote. Remember what the orange means. The orange is the vote that took place before today. Okay . The yellow is what is the vote thats coming in. And what were waiting, basically bidens been sitting on his early vote lead. And what were waiting to come in, in this last 21 of the vote in North Carolina, is sameday vote. We know trump won electionday vote. The question is, did he win by enough to make up that margin . Thats going to be how were watching North Carolina over the next hour or so on there. So i just wanted to give you guys an update on that and realize what vote is out, and its electionday vote right now that we have not seen that much of in North Carolina. Let me take you to georgia. Its just starting to come in, some of the Rural Counties coming in. Ill just give you an example. Here we are here. This is this is where either biden wins or loses this. This is the atlanta suburbs, the monster region here. And youll see we still only have 1 of the vote in dekalb county, so weve got a long way to go. But i want you to watch a county here. This is the next county out. The first the closest red county to atlanta these days, trump narrowly carrying it. And you can just see, four years ago he carried it by almost 20 points. And this is the question. And you see here, romney carried it by 31 points over president obama. So, the question is, and its the same story as texas, right . How much of an advantage can biden build out of atlanta and its suburbs . And can he keep encroaching, keep finding some counties like fayetteville that im talking about, and overcome that strong rural vote for donald trump . Its basically the same story in almost every one of these battleground states. Chuck, thank you. Well take a quick break and be back with more decision 2020 Election Night coverage in just a moment. Another bundle in the books. Got to hand it to you, jamie. Your knowledge of victorian architecture really paid off this time. Nah, just got lucky. So did the thompsons. That faulty wiring couldve cost them a lot more than the mudroom. Thankfully they bundled their motorcycle with their home and auto. Theyre protected 24 7. Mm. What do you say . One more game of backgammon . [ chuckles ] not on your life. [ laughs ] when the lights go down [ laughs ] removes ten years of yellow stains. Optic white renewal thats like all the way back to 2010. Whats that . Its a shake weight. Its a weight you shake. 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Good evening again from our bay area studios. Things are starting to take shape nationally with the numbers here at home california still voting. Thats because the polls close at 8 00. As long as your in line by 8 00 you will be able to cast a vote. Hundreds of in person polling places akrsz the bay area. This is voting at levi stadium. A line and cars driving through to drop off ballots. Whats the process tonight . What happens next . The rej star office. This is the loading area where all the ballots from the various polling places come in. From here those ballots will be counted. Keep in mind san matt owe counted early votes. Last check the lines were about an hour long. Whats it look like now . That line keeps growing. Its about another a few minutes to the hour. It snakes around. They had to add more cones. More people are arriving after work. Were in the heart of east san jose. The may fair community. The folks are excited to see it turn out here. Usually this is a low turn out polling place in san jose. When you look at the crowd here in our wait to get into the polling place. In cast ballots. People are excited about that. Thank you. Lets take you to the east bay. Martinez for us. Whats happening where you are. Quite a different scene. As you can see, there are no long lines here. People are voting inside. But no one is standing outside. Earlier today we were in walnut creek. Similar situation. A lot of people walking in to vote. No lines formed outside. Not a surprise. A poll worker tells me there were lines over the weekend and yesterday. The indication is that people have already voted. Its important to note and we can say it over and over again it is not too late to vote. 70 of the registered voters have cast ballot. I asked about problems here. They say no problems yet. And hope to keep it that way. Its been fairly uneventful and smooth so far. That is good news. We leave you with a live look of city hall in san francisco. Its beautiful. Were here through the night. Well see you in about 30 minutes with a local update. Back to lester holt on the national desk. It is almost 9 30 in the east. Lets show you where we are right now. All right, florida too close to call, but the leading. A lot of the vote is in. So we anticipate a call coming up pretty soon. In pennsylvania, it is too early to call, and that may well be a race that lasts for days. Lets look at texas. This is a place that joe biden has tried to turn blue. It is too early in texas right now. Arizona, it is too early as well. Lets take a look at arizona, see how much vote is in at this hour. Too early to call. Doesnt look like theyve reported any. But lets go to michigan now. Too early to call there, but that is a battleground, one closely watched, one that joe biden has got to flip back to blue this year. North carolina too early to call. Weve been watching it very closely. Thats another one that the democrats had hoped to flip. Weve been keeping a big eye on ohio as well, 60 in, there are 18 electoral votes. Thats too early to call right now. And georgia as well. This is another state that joe biden has tried to add to an expanded map. Too early in georgia. The maps starting to fill out a little bit, but weve got the big remaining questions. I dont believe weve yet to call a battleground, chuck. We havent, and we certainly havent seen a flip yet, but we have an idea where floridas heading because were telling you, we think trump is leading here. Were at 80 . Lets look at North Carolina. This to me is the next shoe to drop here, i think, we see as the vote comes in. And as you can bidens still 28,000. The way thats eating, lets see, its the gray counties that we dont have anything in yet. And if you want an idea, this one next to raleigh here, this is something thats expected to be a big trump county. This empty county here. Franklins expected to be a trump county. You can still see this is why theres pessimism on the democratic side, optimism on the republican side when it comes to where we are with North Carolina. And let me take you to georgia, get an update to see. This votes trickling in here. 40 . Were still you know, until i see more than 1 out of dekalb, weve still got a long, long way to go in georgia with the same game. But going back to North Carolina, that should be the next shoe to drop, i think before 11 00. All right. Well keep our eye on it. Lets turn to Andrea Mitchell right now. Talk a little bit about the expectations leading into tonight, worries about russia and iran and meddling in our election. Any signs of any of that . No signs of any cyber there was a lot of misinformation leading up to the election, but no signs of any cyber hacking. But weve now learned from two sources that u. S. Cyber command did take offensive military action against governmentlinked hackers in both russia and iran. It was described by official sources to us as annoyances, not crushing blows, similar to what they did in the runup to the 2018 midterms. Weve seen no signs, as i say, of cyber hacking, so far, targeting this election, from russia or iran. They did take this action preempti preemptively. Last time they put them out of action for a couple days and then the government hackers were back in action again. The biggest worry seems to be more influence campaigns than and that we saw plenty of signs of. They announced that a couple weeks ago and have been tracking it, russia, iran, and to a lesser degree, china. All right, andrea. I believe we have a call in South Carolina to make in the president ial race. Again, an expected result. The president will take South Carolina. But lets stay on the subject of national security. Weve got four former secretaries of Homeland Security joining us, tom ridge and michael chertoff, who served under president george w. Bush, and Janet Napolitano and jeh johnson, who served number president obama. And identify the pleasure of speaking to all of you last week. All of you had a concern that americans feel reassured about the integrity of the election. Ill start with you, secretary chertoff. How are you feeling tonight about how the election has played out so far . Well, i think some of the biggest concerns we had turned out not to have come to fruition. I think it was a big concern about violence that might interfere with peoples ability to actually go to the polls on election day or interference with the voting process or even potentially government agents being present in a way that would be intimidating. And the reporting ive seen suggests that, other than a few sporadic instances of potential voter intimidation, largely, this has gone reasonably smoothly. So, it looks, at least in terms of the issue of getting people to the polling places and getting them to vote, weve avoided any serious problems. Now, of course, we still have a question of the count and the result, and that could very well be a case for seeing more disruption. That brings me to secretary ridge, who, by the way, hails from the great state of pennsylvania, the commonwealth of pennsylvania. And when we talked earlier, secretary ridge, i think you said many, many times, november 3rd, today is the last date to cast your ballot, it is not the last day to count your ballot. Are you concerned that we may have a dayslong, perhaps longer process, in pennsylvania before us . Well, i think were going to have a day or dayslong process in several states. I know there are several states that didnt begin processing ballots until a day or two before the november 3rd. And pennsylvania today didnt begin processing its ballots until 7 00 a. M. This morning. But, frankly, i think weve seen and i follow up with my colleague, secretary chertoff what weve seen today, i think, is the respectful presence of republicans and democrats at the polls, acting and respecting one anothers expression of preference. I mean, we had very few reports of fraud, very few reports of intimidation, in spite of all the prepolling anxiety, in some communities, fear. Ill give you a perfect example. I decided to vote in person today, showed up at 6 45. By then, there were already 60 people in line. Some people had a maga hat on. A couple of people had biden shirts on. But everybody was there masked, social distancing, respecting each others right to cast a vote. I think in measure in considerable measure, its a good news day for america. We respected each other so far. And i believe we will continue to respect the outcomes in four or five states where we may not know for a day or two. Lets ask somebody who knows something about that. Secretary napolitano, you had a governors race that got stretched out a little bit longer than you probably would have preferred. Whats your advice to folks who are watching, especially if we do have some states where it just comes down to the wire and it takes some time to count . Yeah, thats right. In 2002, when i ran for governor in arizona the first time, my opponent didnt concede for six days after the election, and we just had to be patient. I actually went to a spa in california just to get out of town for a couple days. Maybe thats some good advice for all of us. We could all use a little bit of that now. But i think the point is that today went well. It went well for america. It went well for our democracy. But now we need to be patient and let the states that are slower to count, count their votes so that everybodys right to vote is respected. Secretary johnson, whats on your mind tonight . I agree with my colleagues. Were pleased that there werent problems we were concerned about at polling places. Andrea noted a few weeks ago the iranians had attempted to intimidate voters. We do know that the russians targeted a vast number of different sources of information. Our government does not know what they intend to do about that, but i think all of us are reassured by the strength of our democracy. You know, my son is in the coast guard. Hes deployed overseas right now. And he voted online, several thousand miles away. He really wanted to vote. He voted online. And today he got this postcard in the mail to our home in new jersey your ballot has been received by the state of new jersey. So, i feel pretty good about that. Well, two republicans, two democrats, four individuals who have served our country. Thank you for your time and for your care. We really appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And you know, its worth noting, we have not heard the word chaos much today. A lot of nor have we seen it. Nor have we seen it, obviously. Lets go to Hallie Jackson right now and talk a little bit about North Carolina and how the president s campaign is looking at those numbers right now. Reporter yeah, theyre looking at them in, i think, a positive light, lester. I just got off the phone with one source close to the campaign, whos talking about how they believe that North Carolina could be, potentially, a good thing for them. It is going to be tighter than in 2016. Back in 2016, President Trump won by about 33 1 2 points in that state. Right now, the returns do show, as were looking at the numbers here, im looking at the percentage, 80 of the vote in. The key thing is something that we have been talking about a couple of times tonight, those counties out there near wake county, by the raleighdurham metro area, where the vote still is not in. So, those are some of the things that i think the trump team is looking at. But they are feeling, i think, more positive about North Carolina. That was a state that they had been optimistic about but not necessarily slamdunk confident, the way that they entered the night thinking about, as it relates to florida, for example. So, still lots to watch in North Carolina. I would say, as it relates to florida, i think there is a sense now from folks ive talked to in the last hour or so that they are looking, or hoping, to do some attempted extrapolation from where they performed well in florida, to see if that is going to extend into some of these other key states, like ohio, like georgia. Those are the other two that im hearing a lot about tonight, lester. All right. Thank you, hallie. Lets go to North Carolina. We are watching to see what happens there. Morgan radford is in charlotte, North Carolina. Thats one of the places where the suburban vote could be key for joe biden, but morgan, right now were waiting for the dayof vote, which could break for trump. Reporter thats right, savannah. We are at the Mecklenburg County board of elections. And this is actually where those physical ballots are now being reported from the precincts and being counted. I want to show you how its working here on the ground, because this is where the action is happening. Theyre bringing in these large blue bins. And in those bins, there are two important things. Theres, one, the physical ballots and ill show you where those are being stored and sorted inside here on the right but theres a second thing thats important. There are little usb chips. And over here to my left, thats where theyre being counted. So, the precincts actually have their tabulations. Theyre being counted in a computer that is not set up to the internet. Whats fascinating is that weve been talking all week about how this is a state that the democrats have been aggressively trying to flip and turn blue. And so, what theyre focusing on inside those blue bins, its to see just how blue those ballots are inside. Theyre focusing, one, on the suburbs. Hallie mentioned a few of the key suburbs here. How are those suburban voters going to vote . But secondly, theyre looking at unaffiliated voters. When we spoke to state Party Officials from both sides, they said north of 100,000 new registered voters registered as democrat, registered as republican but more than 100,000 new registered voters are unaffiliated. So, the question is, what will be inside those boxes tonight . Back to you. Yeah, chuck, what does it look like in North Carolina . How much vote is outstanding . We still have 20 of the vought outstanding. Remember how i began the night with you guys and i said, i want to take you back to 2012, and even though this was when barack obama narrowly lost North Carolina, there was a lot of blue on the border of South Carolina. These are some rural africanamerican counties. Now, let me show you whats going on. I told you this was going to be one of the keys. The good news for joe biden, hes blowing the doors off in these suburban counties. We showed you charlotte. We showed you raleigh. But remember i told you about richmond and i told you about robeson wheres Robeson County . Told you about this one, africanamerican county. Look at trumps number. Hes got to be overperforming somewhere to make up that ground. We found where that is. Number one, this was an important obama county. These are some rural africanAmerican Voters not turning out. Thats what this says, not turning out. Maybe they showed up on election day and we shall see. But theres not a lot of vote left here. So, when youre looking to see where the president overperformed in order to make up for these losses, theyre worse in wake county, worse in meck mecklenburg, hes making it up in some border counties in South Carolina in particular, but this has to be distressing that rural africanamerican vote is not showing up the way it showed up for barack obama. All right, chuck. Thank you. We want to check in with texas. Its still too early to call, but we are showing that the president is leading with approximately 74 of the vote in. Well take a quick break here. More Election Night coverage when we continue decision 2020 on nbc. Hey you, yeah you. I opened a sofi money account and it was the first time that i realized i could be earning interest back on my money. I just discovered sofi, and im an investor with a diversified portfolio. Who am i . i refinanced my Student Loans with sofi because of their low Interest Rates. Thanks sofi for helping us get our money right. 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All right, we want to bring in right now democratic senator and former president ial candidate Amy Klobuchar of minnesota. Thank you for being with us. What do you see this evening that tells you where were going, senator . I see in the next hour or so youre going to have a lot of focus on the midwest and the west. Big news to you. Just kidding. I think what you see is what weve known all along, and that is that these critical states of pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, and minnesota are going to be where its at. And joe biden had to win these states from the beginning. I still think North Carolina is, because of the senate race there as well ive been talking about North Carolina for days. And then as we head west, weve got arizona and nevada and many other places. And i think one of the messages of the night is suburban women and that joe biden is doing better than a lot of people predicted in the suburbs. I think a lot of that is the president s attitude and how hes divided people, whereas biden has said, look, im going to be the president for all of america red, blue, i dont care. I dont care if you voted for me, if you didnt, im going to be your president. Really important in the midwest. So, you think this things moving to the midwest. How does that blue wall look tonight . Its looking pretty strong. The fact that we are so competitive in ohio and doing so well in, like, the cincinnati suburbs, the fact that iowa is still in play. But its mostly, as you know, with those two states, pennsylvania and wisconsin, it as going to take a while to get their votes counted. They just started today. And i think your viewers know that, but theyve got to remember that, whereas minnesota and michigan may be coming in sooner. And so, its going to be a lot about that, the fact that weve got four democratic governors in those states that have been having to bear the brunt of weeding through the coronavirus. People know that in our states, where the president has shoved everything down to these governors. Youve got a lot of things going on where these states have changed politically since 2016. Senator, youve mentioned the blue wall. Youve said its going to stay strong, but of course, you would have liked to have had some cushion. Are you disappointed that, so far, at least, the sun belt is not turning into a blue wave as some had hoped it might for joe biden, at least one of them . Well, we always know florida is not an easy state. You didnt have a senate race going on in that state. And the point is, is that from the very beginning, from the moment that joe biden announced, he has been focused on these midwestern states. I know because i debated him, ran against him, did my blue wall tour. And one of the reasons that i endorsed him was that i felt that he would see the importance of these states, where people felt left behind over the last decade. Donald trumps policies, whether its on trade, whether its on manufacturing, have left a lot of people behind, and thats even before the pandemic started. Real quick, senator klobuchar, lets talk about your home state of minnesota, because republicans had hoped to make it competitive. They have visited there. It was close in 2016. Hillary clinton only won it by 1. 6 . Do you feel good about minnesota going blue for biden tonight . I do. We have really a strong statewide campaign. Weve all hung together. Weve got some key congressional races that i hope at some point you guys will get to. Tina smith is doing well. I predict she will win. And weve had a huge voter turnout, despite some efforts by the republicans at the last minute to stop votes from being counted. So, we feel good about our state. All right. Thank you, senator Amy Klobuchar. Appreciate it very much. Thank you. All right, Andrea Mitchell is here. You know, thats a part of the country where the president , we always try to hammer home this message of law and order and taking back the streets and antifa. Right. How did that go . Whats the exit polling telling us . The exit polling is telling us it did not take with suburban white women. Overwhelmingly, their most important issue was the economy, and, more than half believe that black lives matter is a good thing, had a positive attitude towards black lives matter. Nearly half believe that there is racial inequality in the justice system. So, that whole law and order appeal, after the demonstrations and the protests, some of which did turn violent, did not take hold in that appeal to suburban white women voters. All right. Andrea, thanks very much. Weve got some senate calls, or at least some characterizations to show you. South carolina. This is Lindsey Graham, whos faced an onslaught of money from the harrison camp, but too early to call. Graham leads right now there. All right, lets go to nebraska, where nbc projects ben sasse the incumbent, is headed back to Congress Rather handily. Well also keep an eye on that one Congressional District in nebraska that often flips, and well see how that is going in a few moments. Well take a break here, be back with more decision 2020 Election Night coverage afte this. R the first fdaapproved medication of its kind, tremfya® can help adults with moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis uncover clearer skin that can last. Most patients who saw 90 clearer skin at 28 weeks stayed clearer through 48 weeks. In another study, the majority of tremfya® patients saw 90 clearer skin at 3 years. Serious allergic reactions may occur. Tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. 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Donald trump leading in florida right now. A lot of focus there has been and is now on latino voters. And Andrea Mitchell has some insight on it. Well, the latino vote had been shifting in 2012, 2016, going away from the republicans, where those folks had long been, towards democrats. It has shifted back by ten points. Donald trump is getting in the exit poll 45 of latino vote in florida. Were talking now about florida. Were talking about cuban americans, venezuelan americans. And that really is the Foreign Policy of this administration pompeo, secretary pompeo has been hammering that home. The president has been really disciplined on his message on joe biden being a socialist a false claim, but that really has borne fruit. They were, as weve been pointing out, in miamidade in particular, slow to canvas, and it was because of covid. But that caution on covid has cost joe biden a lot in florida. All right, lets pick up on that with chuck todd at the map. Im looking here at North Carolina for everybody here. You can see the biden lead down to 29,000, 84 in. And as you can see, were still waiting for a lot more of our yellow, and yellow is sameday vote. And again, i will go back to the same area. Basically, the issue is going to be, there is some vote in these big blue counties still. Theres 17 of vote left in wake, gilford. Theres 18 . So theres some biden counties where theres votes out. But if you look here, theres still this is going to be a trump county, thats going to be a trump county. So, this still looooks like a nailbiter in North Carolina, but i understand why the trump people feel good. All right, chuck. Thanks very much. Well be back with poll closings in four more states at the top of the hour, including battlegrounds iowa and nevada. But first, youre watching dec here we are back again. Good evening. Well continue the local coverage on this Election Night. 11 million californiaens voted early. Half of the registered voters in the state. There are still people vote right now. The polls are still open for another hour. The longest lines were seeing so far at the mexican Heritage Plaza in san jose. As long as you are in line by 8 00 p. M. You can vote. They will keep it open until everyone is processed. Wait about 45 minutes there right now. San francisco all lit up tonight. Voter turn out in the city so far the highest since 1960 election. When kennedy beat nixon. Were in san francisco. Youre at mannys a hot spot throughout the entire time. For get out the vote. Phone banking this morning and tonight is the Election Party. Socially distant of course. They shut down the block. Theyre kaling it a dining experience. Everyone has to space out and order something to eat. A will the of biden supporters. Very anxious. Many of them also optimistic seeing the early returns like North Carolina and ohio. Theyre going to be here all night. The city has a permit to do this until midnight. It is rsvp only. All right. San francisco. Active scene there. The mexican Heritage Plaza. The late rush is on. Thats right. In fact this has been a consistent rush all day. As you can see the lines that began forming early this morning are still going strong now. As my colleague showed us earlier the turn out in the Latino Community has been extremely enthusiastic this election. A group of five Community Groups have been working hard to get the vote out. It has been working. Its a turn out like this that has the community excited and the registrar hoping to get a 90 turn out this year. Looking the way its going they could get tlchlt there. A big hispanic turn out in the election. The registrar already counted the ballots that were mailed in or dropped off. Heres a live look behind the scen scenes counting todays and tonights vote. They have the already previous early voting counted. And now counting today. The polls will be open for another hour. So polls are closing in iowa, montana, 234nevada and utah. Well see you in 30 minutes. About a minute before 10 00 here in the east, and weve got iowa, montana, nevada, and utah about to see their polls close in under 50 seconds. Well have some characterizations for you in a minute, but heres where we stand right now. Okay, florida, too close to call, but the president is leading,. 33 of the vote in there. 93 of the vote in there. Texas, a trump lead but too early to call at this hour. New hampshire too early. Biden is leading in New Hampshire right now. In North Carolina, it is too early to make the call. Ohio also too early. Georgia, lots to watch there. Too early to call. Votes are still coming in there. In virginia, former battleground, Vice President biden is leading, but it is too early to make an official call there. And in wisconsin, it is far too early to call. They have a lot of votes to count there. Pennsylvania, its too early to call. Minnesota, too early. Same story in maine. And arizona, which i dont think we have seen any vote come out of arizona. Theres maine and arizona which polls closed an hour ago. 85 of the voting is by mail in arizona. They are allowed to tabulate and count well before election day. We await the great state of arizona, my home state. Lets look at kansas, too early to call. As expected the president is leading. Now we have calls to make here at 10 00. Iowa. Too early. Nevada, too early. Lets see whats going on in montana. Not only do they have the president ial rate but a competitive governors race. Too early to call. Polls just closing there. In utah as well, too early to call. Lets look at the road to 270, the map and show you where things break down right now. Right now, biden with 89 electielecto electoral votes, trump 72 on the road to 270. Everybody holding on to the states they were expected to hold on to. We havent had any shockers, any flips. We do have something to report in the Georgia Senate race. Theres two senate races. This one will advance to a runoff. The democrat having sufficient votes to get to the runoff which will be held in early january. The question is, which one joins in there. On virginia, that mark murray learned, virginia is the exact opposite. They have been doing election day vote. They will count their early vote starting at 11 00 p. M. If you are wondering, whats going on with virginia, that will tell you about virginia. Texas, why is trump ahead . I can give you one i can get you one reason why he is. I will take you to what those trump 2018 counties, counties that both beto orourke, where he made us think maybe texas is a battleground state. Austin is a huge big democratic center. These two adjacent counties here, beto won them both. I want to take you to haze. Biden is winning by 12. Beto lost the state. There appears to be biden while doing well is underperforming, particularly in the austin media market. This shows you right here. Its another reason why i have classified trump as leading. Speaking of leading, i want to quickly one place is ohio, we have been showing you the republican vote is starting to come in. As you can see, the county map is getting redder. The president has a lead of 100,000. You can see what we are seeing here, early absentee. We have a lot more election day vote. Theres early vote to count. We have a long way to go in ohio. Its a 50 50 split, the early vote, which favored biden. The election day vote favors trump. Watch for our orange and yellow lines to see if they become 50 50. The yellow any time you see yellow, thats a good sign for President Trump. Lets bring in Kristin Welker. How are they feeling about the numbers and what we are seeing at bidens headquarters . Reporter with florida looking out of reach they are focused on North Carolina and on georgia. One Campaign Official acknowledging that both of those states look very close. This official telling me, we still feel good. We still feel like we have a shot there. They are focused on those two states. Then, of course, the midwest. The blue wall, where they think ultimately Vice President biden will prevail. They are very interested in what they are seeing in ohio. I have been talking to a number of officials in and out of the campaign, including to democrats in ohio, with one telling me that the turnout in some of the democratic strongholds has been strong. Then in some of the swing counties, it looks like bide season outperforming expectations. Why is that significant . Even if biden doesnt carry ohio, they believe it could have implications for the all important battleground state of pennsylvania. Thats where we began this discussion tonight. Why has biden spent so much time in pennsylvania over the past several weeks . Throughout the course of this campaign. Because ultimately, it could be make or break for joe biden with its electoral votes. Thats why he was there today in scranton and in philly, urging voters to turn out. The Obama Coalition underperformed. Thats why Hillary Clinton fell short there. He is trying to win that state back. Without pennsylvania, very difficult for President Trump to return to the white house. Its a critical state for him as well. Thank you. That brings us to jason miller. Jason, good to have you with us. So far, it looks like the president is performing well in the states he has to win. He does have to content with the socalled blue wall, mississich wisconsin and pennsylvania. Good evening. Feeling very good. Florida is a state the president is going to carry. Feel good about where we are with georgia. We feel good North Carolina. I think we will by 50 or 70,000 votes. When you look at some of the Rural Counties in indiana, the way we are forming with small towns that are 5,000 or less people, some of that could be extrapolated out and compared to wisconsin, michigan, looking at rural areas, kent county in michigan where we are increasing. States where counties where we have 75 or more of the vote in so far, we are increasing our margins in michigan by between 6 and 7 . I think one of the big surprises two big surprises so far. Number one, President Trump is going to win minnesota tonight. Look at the way the data is trepdin in trending. Thats going to be a big shock to biden and a lot of folks. The biggest story of the night so far, black voters and latino voters helping to power President Trump forward. The big difference for him being reelected tonight. Everything seems positive. Tell me the kind of thing that you started this evening wringing your hands over, that still sits out there that you worry about . Well, fundamentally, democrats knew they were going to have this early vote. The early vote, the absentee votes. So we saw a lot of the early votes the same way the democrats did. What we thought was different is we would have this red wave, folks who would show up on election day, and the democrats essentially had already cannibalized their votes. People who are democratic primary voters who were going to vote, people who wanted to vote against President Trump did that at the beginning. We were concerned about that. Our models, our predictions for turnout are looking to be right on track. Democrats shot their wad in the early vote. They dont have it. Thats the difference in the enthusiasm factor. Are you ready to claim North Carolina on your map . I think we will win by between 50 and 70,000 votes. Thats where we are tracking. All of the counties that are outstanding are counties that the president won in 2016. Again, we are past the polling aspect. I think one of the stories for tonight is polling is broken. Polling is like humptydumpty. When you look at votes in and our modelling, we will win North Carolina. Jason miller, thank you. Lets turn to chuck. Polling is broken, you heard it from jason miller. Are you ready to declare that verdict . I got my issues with some state polling. Thats for sure. I think there is definitely an issue in that theres no Quality Control with a lot of some of the pollsters you never heard of. Theres no doubt. We are starting to get some from arizona. You wanted to hear arizona . They did the big dump. We went from zero to 69 . To give you an estimate, theres a significant chunk. They are doing what they said they would do. They said they would handle early vote and some sameday vote. We got a big chunk out. Biden has a good lead here. You could argue its a one county election, because one instance in the last decade where some statewide cant lost, arguably the largest suburb in america, and somehow won statewide. A tenpoint lead right now with 77 in. So you can see, donald trump carried it. John mccain carried it. He was an arizona native. This is a good chunk. This is a big lead. They needed something in the sun belt. I know the biden folks are feeling antsy. North carolina is making them antsy, georgia, we got a lot of vote. We know florida appears to be gone. We havent officially called that. Early on right now, early on its a lot of vote in. Arizona looks like it may actually make pole stelsters fe better. Im from arizona. I know while it is important, so are all the other counties that are red. What are you hearing . My sources are saying they expect chuck touched on this to have a roller coaster here in terms of counting. It will look good initially for joe biden. We may see them start to count some votes that may turn this toward trump and then there could be another batch that will swing back. I will also say that there does seem to be a difference between how mark kelly, the Senate Democrat candidate is doing versus how joe biden is doing. My sources are expecting that kelly will do better than joe biden. I think the big question mark right now is, what is the impact of the hispanic vote in arizona . We obviously have talked a lot about the unique qualities of the cubanamerican community, remember, of course, we talked at length about how that swung for President Trump. Democrats think that that swing was big enough, they are nervous it could replicate itself with other hispanic communities. They have seen a little in texas. They are concerned about it. In arizona in the context of the president ial race. Im watching to see in arizona if we actually get a split result here. If we see a democrat win the senate seat and potentially see President Trump carry the state. They have spent a lot of time, the president s campaign has spent a lot of time in arizona over the years. We have got a new call to tell you about. Its too early to call in ohio. But we are characterizing it a bit more saying the president is leading. Lets go to two strategists, one democrat, one republican, so we have the whole campaign covered here. I will say mike murphy, republican, who does not support donald trump. Mike, what are you seeing . Whats giving you pause tonight . Well, i think the democrats wanted a quick knockout in the sun belt, particularly in florida, perhaps in North Carolina or georgia. We have to wait on North Carolina or georgia. Florida is interesting. Even though it looks like donald trump is going to be president for life of Miamidade County, which is what bailed him out in florida, biden did very well switching some swing counties there, which is a good sign, i think, for arizona. What im seeing in ohio, which is a tight race, with biden in the hunt, in a lean republican state, is a very good sign for michigan and wisconsin and western pennsylvania. Theres no Miamidade County in michigan, wisconsin or western pennsylvania. We just gotta wait and count it. Its going to take a while. The quick knockout, thats not going to happen. David, has there been too much reliance on this sun belt strategy . Are the paths now considerably more narrow or appear to be more narrow for biden . I think the Biden Campaign is focussed on michigan, pennsylvania and wisconsin. You had some other states come into play. North carolina is going to be very close. I think you will see a lot of votes coming in in the atlanta area that will make georgia close. Arizona, i imagine that will tighten. The 70 thats in looks good for biden. I think arizona is crucial, obviously. I agree with mike. I look at ohio it would be nice to win it. That was a long shot. What does it tell you about western pennsylvania, about michigan and wisconsin . Yes, this is not going to be an early night. Its not going to be an Electoral College landslide. Until you show me numbers that suggest that donald trump is the favorite in arizona or pennsylvania, i think joe biden maintains the best route to 270. The question in arizona is, some of the weakness we see in the Rio Grande Valley and miamidade with hispanic voters, does that carry over to arizona . When we unpack the preprecinctse will get a sense of that. Thanks very much. Before we pause for a break, an update from North Carolinas governor race. The incumbent cooper will win. In new mexico, we have got joe biden prevailing in that state. It will pick up new mexicos five electoral votes. Were back right after this. At tmobile, we believe you should get more. Thats why weve merged with sprint. Now its about to get even better. And as we work to integrate sprints network, our nationwide 5g keeps getting stronger. With the capacity and coverage to reach more people and places across the country. Who says you cant have it all. Now is the time for 5g. Now is the time to join tmobile. Can take you to deep, depressive lows. Or, give you unusually high energy, even when depressed. Overwhelmed by bipolar i . Ask about vraylar. Some medicines only treat the lows or highs. Vraylar effectively treats depression, acute manic and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. Fullspectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms, with just one pill, once a day. Elderly patients with dementiarelated psychosis have an increased risk of death or stroke. 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As you can see, this is why we have him leading. He has a ninepoint lead. He has a 200,000 vote advantage. Theres 800,000 votes left. Thats a lot. Look how quickly these numbers start to update themselves. The point is that, he has to pak make up 200,000. He has to win a big chunk of the remaining vote to pull this off, which is why we classify it as biden leading. A ninepoint gap. Thats not something you can make up hoping rural what about in tucson . 80 . Lets see how Biden Campaigned to clinton. He is running nine points ahead of her. She won it. Its a democratic county. It usually is a democratic leaning county. Look, if we were seeing this latino vote helping trump it would show up. We are not seeing that there. This is a reminder that it doesnt not all latino votes are the same when you are trying to compare them, particularly in the southeast versus the southwest. Arizona, this is the first sun belt state that you sit there and you are like, okay, theres not a lot of rural remaining vote you sit there and say, okay, we will see the same that we have seen with trump and ohio and North Carolina that as the rural vote comes in it starts to load up. Lets look at North Carolina. I said, one of the things you will we will get straggling Rural Counties that will add to his number. There was room to grow in the big blue counties. Theres a lot of vote in wake county. This is a huge thats a lot of voters left. This has been a huge biden county. Not much left there. 94 are in. This is greensboro, a decent chunk of vote. Trumps strength is a little bit everywhere. Thats the thing. I go back this rural africanamerican turn oout trump is overperforming. This is where he is able adding to his numbers. Is that africanAmerican Voters not turning out . Not turning out. The president has made an effort to attract africanamericans. Were not seeing enough evidence. This looks like not turning out. Than it does anything else. You look, its basically bidens number and clintons number, they are not that different. You veen seen where theres hug biden overperformance. The border counties are going to be if the democrats if biden comes up short, i would argue thats where he will find the votes he should have gotten in order to get this, in order to make North Carolina happen. Minnesota, let me ask you about minnesota. Jason miller came on and suggested that trump folk feel good about minnesota. We will see. We dont have we have about a third of the vote in. Just so you see, this is election date vote. Lets look at some of the look. If biden has a big lead because thats minneapolis and we have most of the vote in. As the Rural Counties come in, the state is it was a threepoint race last night. We will see. We will see. I have always been a bit of a skeptic for the Trump Campaign to get over the top in minnesota. Again, it does minnesota is a state thats certainly trending longterm towards republicans. The Trump Campaign certainly visited minnesota many times and made an effort there. Two tales. All in the same half hour. Its an important Democratic Senate seat. Yes. There are a lot of senate races. A hot one in montana. We will check in on that as well. We continue with our decision 2020 Election Night coverage right after this break. This week on the upper hands. Special guest flo challenges the hand models to show off the ease of comparing rates with progressives home quote explorer. International hand model jonjon gets personal. Your wayward pinky is grotesque. Then a high stakes pattycake Battle Royale ends in triumph. You have the upper hands its a race to the lowest rate, and so much more. Only on the upper hands. No. New no7 advanced retinol night concentrate from americas number one serum brand. 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And this is about the time, jessica, that things start to take shape and people start to get nervous here on both sides of the aisle. Especially here in california. Here at home 30 minutes to go before the polls close. Lets take you out live to look at the mexican Heritage Plaza in san jose. There has been a good size line all night about an hour wait, maybe 45 minutes, but you should rest assured that if youre in line by 8 00 you can still vote. They will still hold it for you so that you can stay there. Well, as many state polls have already closed it is now hard watch time. How will this election turn out . We are at our watch parties for democrats and republicans. Lets start with Marianne Favro at a gop gathering on the peninsula in san mateo. Marianne. Reporter well, this event in san mateo, all eyes are on the big screen. And let me tell you, we have heard a lot of clapping and cheers as the aearly cults comre in. The Republican Committee of san mateo hosting this sold out election event. About 100 people are here tonight. While here in california a little more than 23 of all the registered voters are republicans, some we spoke with tonight said they will not be deterred and firmly believe that President Trump will definitely be reelected. They say they feel he has done a good job as president and they are here to show their support with many of them wearing trump hats, red clothing and waving american flags. So there is a lot of enthusiasm here here at this event tonight. Back to you. Thank you, marianne. All right. Lets turn things over to check in with the democrats. Ian cull is at mannys in san francisco. This has been a hot spot for months now about getting the vote out and really pushing for the Biden Campaign. Reporter yeah. And they said that they even sent out 250,000 texts from this location over this election cycle, trying to get out the vote. And tonight theyre having an Election Party here. There is some enthusiasm as theyre seeing some more results come in. This rsvponly event so that everyone can be socially distanced here while cheering on biden and harris. Some of the voters tell me that they are very anxious. About as anxious as they were when the night started but also hopeful at the same time. As theyre watching more results come in from states and time zones. Well have the latest on air and online from outside of mannys here in san francisco. Guys . Okay. Thank you, ian. And as were watching National Results come in, youre invited to join us for three hours of local coverage at nbcbayarea. Com. Were also streaming on roku and apple tv. The coverage is hosted by our own Garvin Thomas and our stream starts right at 8 00, raj. And thats right when the polls close here in california. A lot of things are going to be changing in these next 60 to 90 minutes. We are here through the night. Well see you back here in about 30 minutes from now. Welcome back. 10 30 in the east, 7 30 out west. Louisianas votes are in. Nbc news is projecting trump as the winner there. In kansas, the president holds on and holds the state of kansas. Theres a senate race going on there. In New Hampshire, it looks like joe biden will win. With project him as the winner. Florida, that race too close. Trump leads. That race too close. Watching it very carefully. Same story in texas. Too early to call. The president does have a lead there. North carolina is getting just a little more interesting. It is too close to call there. We have been watching that one real closely tonight. Ohio would be bonus category. Right now, its too early to call. Too early in the georgia president ial contest as well. Lets keep it going. Here we go in virginia. Too early to call. Vice President Biden does have a lead. In wisconsin, we can call it way too early to call. They are counting votes there. Pennsylvania, they will count for a while. Too early in pennsylvania. Minnesota, which we were discussing a few minutes ago, thats too early as well. Lets go to maine, which divides its electoral votes by Congressional District. We did see a split decision in 2016. We will see what happens. Arizona, too early to call. The vote is coming in fast and furious. Vice President Biden with a lead there in arizona at this hour. Lets look at iowa right now. Too early to call. Nevada is too early as well. Montana, too early to call. We will keep an eye on that race and hope to give you senate races in a moment as well. In utah as expected, President Trump wins. That brings us to 270. Lets add them up. Biden leads 9892 on the road to 270. Lets go to check. I knew it. You were looking at North Carolina again. We got to right now. 89 in. 42,000 votes. What does that translate to . 641,000 estimated votes still to count. Its not an unreasonable deficit to make up. The question is, is there going to be enough vote in different places . First you try these blue counties here. This is asheville, 92 in. Stragglers. This could be a decent chunk of vote for biden. Charlotte, not too much. Lets see what wake looks like. We havent seen wake numbers. I have a feeling North Carolina, the last time i said we might see some action, we will see action. We are not going to call that tonight. It looks more like North Carolina is one of those you will have to wait to see all the vote coming in. It does seem as if theres enough in different red and blue areas to make you think that thing is going to be very tight. However, the Democratic Senate candidate is underperforming biden. I would just say, while biden may have a chance there, it looks a little tougher there for cunningham. Looks better for tillis. 75 in in arizona. We think about 800,000 vote remains. This is a ton to make up. This is almost like a two to one he has to make up. This is very tough. Arizona, the first could be the first state we are dealing with that looks like a state that might actually flip from 2016. A long way to go, obviously. Wait for more of the vote in. Thats the first one of the sun belt. Its been the one that biden consistently led in the polls in probably more so than any of the other sun belt states. How much is that driven by the senate race . Look, is it driven by the senate race, by whats been happening over four years . Ultimately, i think this is about democrats realizing that theres opportunity with the suburban in the same way we saw the denver suburbs take colorado from a red to purple to blue. The Northern Virginia suburbs turned from it was red when i first moved there in the early 90s to purple to blue. Thats what both in arizona and georgia, that democrats think they think thats the key to turning arizona blue. Of course, the atlanta suburbs. Are phoenix and atlanta ready to join denver and thesuburbs . Perhaps tonight will have the answer for us. What have you been hearing from your sources inside the trump campai campaign . Reporter the characterization is that folks are not feeling panic. They are looking at georgia. They are perhaps not feeling as good as they had been earlier in the day about it. At this point, thats when they are watching because of what chuck was talking about, the suburbs around atlanta, the way the president could perform. They are looking you heard jason miller talking about, for example, black and hispanic voters. In georgia, they are looking at the performance the president will have among black voters there. Thats something they are keeping an eye on. Theres a lot we have not called florida yet. But theres some preemptive dunking from members of the Trump Campaign about that state. There is really a sense that im starting to pick up from talking to folks tonight that this is a little bit how it went in the early hours of Election Night four years ago, if you remember. Feeling like the polls were wrong. Feeling like they were the underdog campaign able to win four years ago. There are people the president has surrounded himself with the same cast and crew he did four years ago in large part. There are a lot of people who are holding on to that memory and wondering if tonight will have the same result for President Trump. When you talk about the mood more broadly, the president is spending Election Night here at white house. Any other Election Night, i would be standing here in front of you from the Election Night watch party, if you will. We are not doing that tonight because of the pandemic. Things have changed dramatically over the last nine months or so. There are about 250 people according to one attendee in the white house, in the east room. They are watching one of the cable networks, the president s preferred channel most of the time, fox news. They are watching, cheering when some of the races get called there, having snacks. Members of the trump cabinet and family are there. Right now, the energy in the room we are told is very positive based on some of the things we are seeing. Might that change as we get in more vote from arizona . Thats definitely one that we are drilling down on with sources tonight. That was one of the states that folks i have been talking to in the trump orbit hadnt been feeling very, very confident about. They were feeling hopeful, optimistic but not extremely confident. There seems to be reason for that that we see in the numbers that have come in so far tonight. Thanks. Lets go over to Kristin Welker at biden headquarters. Reporter the focus is on the midwest. I can tell you that they are watching whats happening in ohio very closely. They say, look, if biden cant pull out a surprise win there, it could have implications for the other midwestern blue wall states that Vice President biden fought hard to try to win and win back from the republicans in 2016. They are particularly encouraged by the fact theres been a strong turnout in key parts of ohio, suburban areas. One of those key areas that they are looking at, tioga county, thats the area around columbus. They are also looking at another area that mitt romney and donald trump won in 2016, thats delaware county. Biden has got that to within about five points. He is outperforming expectations. They are encouraged by that. This underscores the fact that they say, even if he doesnt pull out a win in ohio it could have implications for a state like pennsylvania where, of course, Vice President biden has spent so much time over the past several days. It could have implications for other midwestern states, michigan, wisconsin, biden has made multiple trips to those key states in the closing week of this campaign. One more than note about pennsylvania that it might be worth reiterating, pennsylvania does not start to count its mailin vote until today. So state officials have been urging patience and saying, we feel confident we can get all of the votes counted by friday in the coming days. They are not going to have all of the votes counted by the end of tonight. Could you have a scenario where President Trump is up and it starts to tighten. Thats what they are looking at, that blue wall. They are hoping it will hold for them. In fact, pennsylvania cant start counting its mailin votes until polls close. Not until tonight. They can accept ballots as long as they are postmarked by election day up to friday. It could be a long one in pennsylvania. Lets go to Kelly Odonnell in columbus, ohio, for us. Theres a lot of back and forth. Biden seeing sweet spots in ohio. The Trump Campaign feeling positive they will hold on to ohio. Reporter exactly. In talking with senior elected democrats, they do see hopeful signs in a couple of the key counties that chuck has been talking about that had gone for republicans that they believe are trending towards joe biden. You are looking there at educated women voters, more affluent voters. One of the stories of ohio is how the story of who the ohio voter is, is changing for both parties. You have some of the more working class traditionally union or democratic voters in times gone by that are now more in the trump mold. What the Trump Campaign has tried to do in ohio as they have in other key battleground states is to identify people who fit their type of voter profile but who have not been casting ballots in years past, to squeeze out new votes among those types of voters in rural areas. Thats where they see confidence. In talking to a senior republican in ohio who has been looking county to county when you speak to other officials, they know the map in ways that laypersons cant interpret. I believe we have some missouri donald trump the projected winner in missouri. Thats brandnew. Chuck . Missouri used to be a swing state. It wasnt that long ago. Its just not enough. This has become a very much more the rural numbers produce. I want to go back to ohio and button up ohio a little bit. It does look like donald trump is on his way to winning. I told you, its all about the lake here. Thats black on the board, but i swear the water is blue on there. I told you about these democratic counties from 2018. 2018, a good democratic year overall. Lets look at the trump dem counties. As you can see, there were one, two, three, four, five eight counties that the democratic senator who won carried. As you can see, this was going to start with biden needed to carry these. They are not happening. E erie county. Joe biden trying to be the same type of democrat. Didnt happen. You look over here in ottawa, its close. Theres more a lot more vote out there that could end up making that. You see this generally is the problem. This was one trump won big. He is winning it bigger this time. There is some evidence and its something jason miller brought up that in some of the midwestern Rural Counties they are bringing out more vote. We shall see. Just quickly go back to the board. We have a call in illinois. Joe biden is the projected winner in illinois. Thats 20 electoral votes in his column. I wanted to go back if i were to show the most if you are the biden folks and you wonder, boy, why didnt they pull off ohio . Delaware county was one of the swing counties we were watching. This is one he won big the last time. This was one we were seeing is it going to blue . It didnt quite. Doesnt look like it will go all the way blue. You see, this one of the suburban counties. This is why david is saying, im liking what i see in ohio. Yes, they are not going to flip ohio. But he looks at expanding, that they did better in the columbus suburbs. I can tell you this, thats kent county. Lets look at nebraska and look at that Congressional District. Its getting to be interesting to see what happens there. The electoral vote will count. Thats what im getting at there. Lets go to kate snow in ohio. Kate, as we are seeing from the map there, its trending in the president s direction. Im not in ohio. Im in 30 rock. Come on over. We have snacks. I was in ohio really recently. I want to pick up on is what check was just showing, he was just showing the county map and the close counties in ohio that he was looking at. One of those up in the corner is trumble county. Its where lordstown is. Back in 2016, it went to trump by 51 . Before that, it had been an obama county. It was 60 for obama. Then it swung and flipped to 51 for trump. Look where it is right now. 10point lead at the moment for President Trump. It has stuck with trump. I talked to the mayor a few minutes ago who said they are having a really good night out there. Thats evidence of what chuck was just talking about, that some of the red counties in ohio may actually be overperforming. He mention ed chuck pointed t out. If you remember on nightly news recently, i did a story with farmers where we stood in a big barn. They were all talking about donald trump and how much they support the president. Thats that county. Go back to lordstown, the big issue is jobs. Remember the gm plant shut down in 2019. There was concern that some Trump Supporters would blame the president for that shutdown. Some do. I talked to a woman who works with gm trying to help people transition. A lot of families have been separated. Dad has to move to another plant with gm and commute back. It split up families. One woman i talked to said, shes absolutely moving away from the president. She had supported him back in 2016. Then a whole lot of other people, including the mayor that i mentioned, they feel like jobs are being produced because lordstown motor has moved in. Theres a battery plant and a homes good distribution center. More jobs are coming. People crediting the president with bringing jobs. Kate, thank you. From 30 rock, i might add. Stay with us. Decision 2020 Election Night coverage rolls on after this we love the new apartment. The Natural Light is amazing. Hardwood floors. There is a bit of a clogging problem. clog dancing at least geico makes it easy to bundle our renters and car insurance. Yeah, helping us save us even more. For bundling made easy, go to geico. Com of course. Podcasts. Originals. Bestsellers. Future bestsellers. Sleep stories. Mal. Hey, no roxy audiobooks, podcasts, audible originals, all in one place. Hello. We are just back on the air here. We want to show you some senate numbers. This is starting off in louisiana. Thats senator cassidy headed back. We have an upset, this was the most vulnerable senator probably in the United States senate, the democrat from alabama, doug jones has lost. The auburn coach takes that race. Thats a gain for the republicans in the senate. Dick durbin will have another term in illinois. In arizona, too early. Mark kelly leading martha mcsally. This could affect what we see on the president ial side. Tom cotton headed back. He wins that one. West virginia, the incumbent returns. And to georgia, perdue, too early to call. This has been a race thats drawn a lot of national attention, as has this one. A lot of money spent. Right now, too early to call. Graham leads. Same story in maine. A twoway race between senator collins and sara gideon. There are other candidates. They have ranked choice voting. I will cut to the chase. It could be a while. Not tonight. Thats what you can say. Go to bed. Mississippis senate is too early to call there. Mike espy trying to make on the incumbent cindy hyde smith. Kansas, too early to call. In michigan, too early to call. Thats one that folks had their eyes on, potentially. Potential republican pickup. Here is minnesota. Its too early to call. Lets go to the iowa senate race. Another one where the incumbent, ernst looking to hold on. Too early to call. Here is how the senate breaks down. Dems 41. 40 for the republicans. This is the one i assigned to chuck todd. Nebraska projected winner of three of five electoral votes. Do i have that right . Right now. We are awaiting the Congressional Districts. It sounds like we are not ready to call the first, lincoln. Thats going to probably be republican. Omaha is the second Congressional District. Polls have indicated that joe biden had a pretty a lead there that looked like his leads in wisconsin or michigan in the five to aeight point range. You had the congressional race itself, the former democratic congressman endorsed the incumbent republican congressman over the democratic nominee. Theres a lot of potential split ticketing. I dont think anything is a slam dunk for the democrats. We know every electoral vote counts. If you have seen the 269 269 scenarios we have a long way to go in maine. Some of the vote is sameday vote. We dont have some of the mailin vote. Andrea, what are you watching . Im looking at georgia. Two senate races. Now you have revereverend warno had an explosion of support. That is a much better looking race for him in the runoff that will be january 6th. Doug collins, the strong trump supporting house member from you remember the house judiciary so strong during the impeachment hearings. Very outspoken against ruth bader ginsburg. He is not in that runoff. Reverend warnock has just had a really big rise to get into that runoff. The second race is ossoff the important there have been two Senate Runoffs this century two in georgia. Each time the democratic nominee was a white nominee. They have not had a compelling africanamerican nominee in one of the runoffs in georgia. Before it had just the democrats ended up phasing at the end. Warnock this is the pastor at mlks church. Its one of those things that both senate seats if they end up in runoffs, thats a huge value add for the democrats. I have talked to Senate Republicans who worry about that nightmare scenario. This is where stacy abrams, the work she has done, has really in this senate race, paid off. We have to see what happens. Lets see what the whole georgia ball of wax looks like before we get give out credit. David perdue is the incumbent. We will take a short break and be back with more. We have polls closing at the top of the hour with 78 electoral votes, including big blue california. Stay with us. At tmobile, we believe you should get more. 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Now to the threeway race we were talking about in georgia. This will advance to a runoff on january 5th. Lindsey graham fought hard but he holds on. He did fight hard. His challenger, jamie harrison, raised more money than any candidate ever in a race that was not for president of the United States. Just a huge amount of money. So thats what Lindsey Graham was up against in what was a difficult, he felt, needle to thread between President Trump on the one hand on his concerns about suburban women on the other. He is going to hang on here. This story is part of a narrative shaping up to be better for republicans who are trying to hold on to the senate than they frankly thought it was going to be when we sat down here at 7 00 tonight to talk about how this was going to play out. That georgia runoff you were all talking about is actually part of the story. Dont forget, republicans in washington really wanted Kelly L Loeffler to hold on to the seat. They have gotten the race that they wanted in that georgia runoff. They are Still Holding out hold david perdue could win with 50 . We are looking like the senate is all still very much on the line. Better looking for republicans than they thought. Maine is another one to keep an eye on. Susan collins seems to be outperforming President Trump in maine. Still obviously a very long time to count in that race. Overall across the map, this is not the wipeout some republicans feared at this hour. We will keep our eye on it. Republicans picked one up in alabama but lost one in colorado. We will continue to keep you posted on that. For those of you in the eastern and central time zone, yu good evening, im Jessica Aguirre along with raj mathai in our nbc bay area studios. The polls close here in california at 8 00 p. M. , less than a minute. 20 seconds from now. This is a time where things will develop quickly. We expect significant numbers to be reported across the state, really within the next 60 minutes. Keep in mind a large chunk of those mailin ballots, 11 million, have already been counted. Moments ago we checked, its over 12 million at this point. A lot of people in line still to vote, because if you were in line before 8 00, you get to keep your place there. The mexican Heritage Plaza in san jose, rob, hows the line . Reporter still strong, and it has come down to the wire. All the voters that lined up at the mexican Heritage Plaza are here just in time. It has been a strong turnout. The lines have been pretty long all day. And it really just started to taper off in the last 10 or 15 minutes as the polls started to close. This polling place was organized by a coalition of five local Community Groups that really pushed a hard get out the vote campaign. They say theyre pleased with the

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