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And 132 californians died from the virus, that is down from fridays singly day high of 219 deaths. Number of people testing positive for the virus, dropping. Californias positivity now at 7. 1 percent. Continuing a slow decline. Every bay area county is on the states watch list and that means all reopenings are rolled back. In san matteo county, the last added to the list. Businesses and churches had to move their operations outdoors. Our lady of angels, Held Services under beautiful weather. The church followed protocol to make sure that the congregation stayed safe. And parishioners had to sign in when they arrived and the church set up canopies and hand sanitizing stations. We have to get more people out here and get used to it. I loved being outside. It was just as holy and revrant. A quarter of people showed up of those that normally attend. Not all counties have reported new cases today yet. We are still waiting on updates from the ones with a dash by their name. A sobering message from the head of the White House Coronavirus task force. No matter where you live, large city, small town, you are at risk of contracting the virus. That was a change from when the virus was targeting mostly urban areas just a few months ago. This as negotiators worked through the woekd on a n through the weekend on a Economic Relief bill. As the cdc predicts the covid19 death toll could hit 180,000 americans by the end of the month. The white house top coronavirus coordinator has more grim news. The country has entered a new more extensive phase. What we are seeing today is different from march and april, its extraordinarily widespread. Its in to the rural as equal as urban areas. Dr. Birx is recommending School Children distance learn in states with high case loads. As the cdc and President Trump urged the schools to open nationwide. We have to have like 85 or 90 percent of individuals wearing a mask and avoiding crowds. That is essentially giving you the same outcome as a complete shut down. The white house and both sides in congress are working on a compromise economic stimulus bill, after pandemic Unemployment Benefits ran out for closes to 30 Million People friday. We proposed a one week extension at 600. So, that while we negotiated a longer term solution, at least all of those people dont lose their money. Democrats say a one week extension is not the answer. You talk about the 600. They put 200 for the end of last week. 200. Very condescending to working families. Leaders from both parties and white house negotiators will continue their talks monday to try to break the impass. As the pandemic keeps millions of americans out of work. Jennifer johnson. Nbc news, washington. New rules are in affect in parts of australia tonight. As the country works to curve a surge of new cases. That means People Living in the capitol of that state of victoria, which is melbourne, will be under a curfew for the fex six weeks. No one is allowed out between 8 00 p. M. Or 5 a. M. As the pandemic continues, some countries have nationwide mask requirements and fines for noncompliance. Most are in the 100200 range and some are much, much higher as you are about to find out. Nbc is reporting ining from lod how successful the crack downs have been. Hong kong is joining the list of places where you face punishment if you leave the house without your face uncovered. A third wave of covid is being faced and citiy ies announced i you go out without a mask, you will face the fine of the equivalent of 650. Some of the toughest penalties are are in italy. In the region, theres a 1200 fine for people who go out with out masks and for businesses who let them in. But thats pocket change compared to the situation in the middle eastern state of katar, where you face a staggering, wait for it, 55,000 fine and potentially up to three years in prison. Here in the uk, its a relatively modest 65. If you are caught without a mask, going in to a store or getting on public transport. The big question is, do fines work . Fines can be a very effective policy tool if in fact, theres universe allen foral univers force on. Rather that the monitoring and the punishment is universal. One compare on experts have made to us is to speeding tickets. Tickets are not much of a deterrent if people know they get speeding on some roads and not on others. And the same is likely to be true for fines for not wearing a mask. They will only work if they are applied evenly and applied everywhere. Raf sanchez. Nbc news. London. Sonoma county continues to discuss the idea of fining people who dont comply with covid19 safety measures. The board of supervisors supports the idea of the sliding scale. They start at 100 for noncommercial violation and go up to 1,000 for business violations. The board will vote on the issue this thursday. Stay with us for complete coverage on the pandemicing and how it affects you. We are putting together the latest headlines and updates all in one place. Making it super easy to head over to our website. New tonight, the search is on in the south bay for a woman who went missing overnight, Santa Clara Police say 75yearold annie eastbound enriquez has not been seen since last night. She has several health issues. Including being blind and deaf. Her mental capacity is that of a 5yearold. Annie is 51, 160 pounds, uses a blue cane. Eight marines are prezum e presumed d dead, and stef theh has been called off. Eight marines were rescued one later died at the hospital two others are in critical condition. Divers have not reached the sunk encraft. They were based in camp pendelton. President trump is expected to announce actions against tiktok and other chinese apps in the coming days that is according to secretary of state mike pompeo on fox news this morning. President threatened to ban ti can ktok, they said, ti can ktok and we chat, feed data directly to the Chinese Communist party. They stand by their employees and its not going anywhere and a few moments ago, we learned that microsoft said that after his ceo spoke with President Trump, the company will continue to explore talks to buy tiktok. Democratic president ial frontrunner is going to announce his had pick for running mate next week. California senator Kamala Harris is under consideration. So is container bass who are opened up about her status as reported top contender. Over the years what im the post broad of is my ability to bring people together. Because i think that our country needs healing. I do believe that President Biden will be a heel er in chief, and we certainly need that now and i have believed i have played that role too. Bass has faced criticism from republicans over her past support for cuba. She said that while she is not a quote castro sympathizer. She believes in bridging the divide between the United States and cub sglampt President Trump suggested on thursday that the general election should be delayed until people can properly and safely vote. That goes against the constitution. Nbc bay area weighed in. No, theres no american there have been studies done. For example, between 2000 and 2012. Hundreds of millions ballots. Sent in by mail during the period. What did they find . They found 491 violations. So, nothing there. 2016, a handful of a 28 million ballots sent in by mail. It would take a change in law to change the date. The delay would not be long as the new president ial term starts . January. A new start the dragon capsule, safely splashed down near florida. They were recovered by spacex ship after. The sport time later, a set of small boats pulled the capsule out of the water. Its the first splash down in 45 years nor nasa astronauts. It was the first time elon musks company sent astronauts in to space. Nasa intends to use spacex to launch astronauts in to space every few months. The price tag is 55 million per seat. Wow. Yeah. Coming up. A bizarre turn of events for a former as player. The very mysterious situation involvi involving cespides today. We sit down one on one. And we are about to see some big changes to our typical summer micro climates. We are talking a big drop in inland temperatures and light rain. The seven day forecast, when we come back. M menutaur geget a load o of my souththwest chcheddar cheeeeseburger. Let memenutaur makake it a a doubleeee,e, yeah its beaeautiful sasay what . I i said its s bea. Try mymy 5. 99 sououthwest cheddar chcheeseburgerer combo and makeke it a doububle for a a buck more. E. Order now w with nono contact d delivery. [annououncer] foodod delivery just g got more rerewarding. Ic pacackage crashshing into g g now thatat gruhhub g gives you rewards s when you o order. dog bararking did d you order r tacos agaia . devicice beeping g boboom, rewardrded with aa perk l like 5. 00 0 off. Orderiring dinner r for the fa . Vovoila rewardrded with frfree delivery anand a side o of quiet. Grububhub gives s you rewardrr rewarding g yourself, with f. doorbelell ringing g [crorowd] grubhuhub scooterer horn beepeping if you felt rumbling while you were dreaming, it might not have been a dream. A earth wake hit after 5 30. No word of any damage. For the third night in a row, protests were largely peaceful. Crowds gathered in the federal courthouse late last night. They chanted and people took turns speaking through a megaphone. The crowd marched through the streets of downtown. Most of the crowd had dispersed. Leaving only a few straggelers behind. This unusual baseball season took a bizarre turn today for one former member of the oakland as. Cespedes decided to quit playing this season. He just quit. Didnt show up for the game in atlanta, no phone call. Team kupt find him or get ahold of him. Security was sent to his roop. It was empty, all of his belongings gone. The agent called to say, he was opting out of the season. Concerns s covid19. Maybe its the end of his career. Still ahead, preparing for isaias, how people are bracing for the Tropical Storm in the midst of a pandemic. Tara, did you know geico is now offering an extra 15 credit on car and motorcycle policies . Wow. Ok thats 15 on top of what geico could already save you. So what are you waiting for . Idina menzel to sing your own theme sonong . Tara, tarara, look atat her o with a freresh cup of f joe. Gettinn down to w work ear followingng her dreamams intoto taxidermymy oh, itits. Tax a attorne. I read ththat wrong, oh yeeeeaaaah geico. Saveve an extra a 15 percentnt whenen you switctch byby october 7 7th. Givive it up fofor tara whenen you switctch byby october 7 7th. Its aboutut to get bebester b menutaur mamake it a dodouble, yeah nice manane try y my 5. 99 s southwest cheddar r cheeseburgrger combo anand make it t a double for a buckck more. Order now w with nono contact d delivery. Taking a live look at south carolina. Well, im not sure what we are looking at right there. Looks like a commercial to me. Aside from that if we were looking at south carolina, we would see people preparing for Tropical Storm isaias, it largely spared florida from a disaster. If we can pull up the image, theres big strong surf that isaias is bringing. On floridas space coast, so far so good. Isaias, now a Tropical Storm, staying far enough off shore to be a knew answer, with rough seas and strong gusts, but not a major disaster. You get nervous and you have the chance of whether or not the storm is going to actually come. If its going to bring the full force with it. The Sunshine State not out of the woods yet though. Even if the eye of the storm stays off the coast. There of course is going to be impacts. When you are talking about hurricane or Tropical Storm force winds. S as a category one hurricane. Isaias hit puerto rico, it weakened to a Tropical Storm and never regained strength. Elect willed leaders in florida, breathing a sigh of relief. Theres optimism, but we must be prepared. That preparation made difficult by covid19. Counties did not want to open shelters if they didnt have to. To keep ivacuees from being exposed to the virus. The National Hurricane center does not appear to hit land fall in florida, now they are tracking it for a potential land fall in the carolinas, in the coming days. Joining us now. Rob and we could not get a drop of rain in february and august is coming, and what are you talking about, rain . Yeah, a drizzle storm. That would be good for fire danger and cooler temperatures. Lets go back to the tropics first. The latest update that came in on isais, can which is off the florida coast, still off the Tropical Storm. You see the winds 70 miles an hour. And its likely the storm center stays off shore. One side of that, is its sparing florida. And its maintaining the strength. We will likely see it continue to be a Tropical Storm, 70 mile an hour winds as it approaches the coast. Perhaps by tomorrow evening. The legacy of the storm. Wont be the wind or the storm surge and the waves on the coast. But the potential for very high runoff excessive rain fall will likely impact most of the east coast as those, the remnants of the storm continue to move up towards the north and east and now, closer to home, thats a typical view of outside. Have you the fog and the low clouds. Cool ocean air conditioning, you like to say, this time of year. The wind is gusty. We will take you inland and look at the change, 92. Again, nor the secofor the seco. And in to san jose, 79. So the perfect blend, you get the heat inland, comfortable temperatures around the santa clara county, and you will still need the jacket with the low 60s. The skies have changed, havent they . We have the good air quality and higher up the upper levels wind shifted just enough to take the smoke that was coming in from the north and now, its moving out to the central value and i the seerierras. The air quality is good, its the strong ocean air keeping it cool and pushing the low level smoke away. We will see patches of low clouds on the coat. The temperatures are beginning in the mid to upper 50s. Highs for one who day, looking inland, as warm as near 90 again around morgan hill, south san jose in to gilroy, concord, and low temperatures. Mid to upper 70s. Bayside around oakland and hayward. Peninsu peninsula, near 80 around redwood city and palo alto. Cool tore San Francisco with 60s and north bay temperatures for another day in the 80s to low 90s. Lets show you the temperature trend. Look at the drop on wednesday. Palo alto, upper 60s and low 70s, possible in pleasanton, how do you do it . August . Heres the point as we head toward tuesdays and wednesday. And early season trough of low pressure. It could, for the low clouds off shore, is give extra lift and that could bring drizzle and light rain. San francisco, you are not going to see changes. It will be getting colder for you mid week and reboundsing as we head toward the weekend. Low 90s for the valley and low 70s by wednesday. It was a shortterm cool down and we could get measurable drizzle and light rain on the coast. Big changeup as we go to the middle of the week. So a bit of everything, rob. Thank you. Coming up next, in depth with San Franciscos first black female mayor, we sit down with the mayor to talk about dominos and a lot o of other things. S. One on o one, is nexext. No time for fun, an understatement for san franci o franciscos first female black mayor who is running a city in a pandemic. We sat down with her and show you a side that you may not have seen before. Reporter this is the mayor you probably know. And heres the San Francisco mayor you dont know. Im actually, you would be surprised. I do like to play dominos. And backgammo . She said that she doesnt know what is funny anymore. Because she is running a city . Extraordinary times. What is it like being a black mayor during are george floyd, and during the pandemic . The answer is complicated. Theres a level of frustration. Because the privilege that so many white people in the country have always had is even manifesting its way through the movement ask if black people dont know whats in our best interests and they are here, you know, in some ways to save us. That is my experience in some ways with a lot of the political structure here in San Francisco and its been frustrating. Mayor breed was born and raised right here in San Francisco. Running the city was the furtherest thing from her mind, because she grew up in the projects not far from here. Going to funeral, after funeral. Watching police brutality, losing people that you love. Born, london nicole breed, in august, 1974. She grew up in the tough part of San Franciscos western edition. I have lived in a storm for most of my life. Thats because her sister died of a drug overdose. And her brother is in prison. Its a miracle she beat the odds. She gives the woman who raised her all the credit. Her grandmother. Her parents were slave. Her whole family were, when they were freed, they worked as share croppers. She made me appreciate what i had. Like, it didnt even matter. You your circumstances should never determine your outcome in life. Breed was sworn in, in july, 2018. Her hands are especially full now. Yes, im the mayor but im a black woman first. With recent protests, following the killing of george floyd, along with the covid crisis, her job has been overwhelming. People have come to my house and protested before, it was the man er in which they came to my house. After 11 30, you know, all white. Walking down the street with the fire sticks. Chanting. Calling me names. Telling me to come outside like they were going to do something to me. All of this, taking place as the country is going through a covid crisis. We are living in covid. We are swimming in covid. Breed was the first to declare a state of emergency back in february. And the first to issue a shelter at home order in march. Way before the coronavirus surge. We are live engiing in covidu know, until theres a vaccine. We are testing more people because people feel more comfortable with getting tested. She hopes that is because she is putting more testing sites in black and brown communities. Areas that are impacted by the deadly virus. But through it all, mayor breed stays optimistic about the future. I want to be able to live here for the rest of my life. And i want to make it in to the city that i know it has the potential to be. In San Francisco, nbc bay area news. Up next, at 5 00. They are demanding action or they wont play. What pac12 players are calling for tonight. 6 [n[narrator] d did you just rewarard yourselflf for spendiding a perfefectly reasasonable amomount ofof time on t the couch with tacosos from grububhub . 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Try mymy 5. 99 sououthwest cheddar chcheeseburgerer combo and makeke it a doububle for a a buck more. E. Order now w with nono contact d delivery. News at 5 starts right now. Thank you for joining us. Shut down part two. Today, every bay area county is on the states watch list, that means all reopenings are rolled back. San matteo

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