Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20200204

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so that may keep the temperatures from dropping into the 20s. i'll be tracking that and, mike, you have a weather-related issue in san jose. >> talking about a freeze warning in san jose and showing you the light traffic at north 101 toward allen rock and from mckie -- i'm sorry mckie area. there is a dip in the roadway under the overpass and oftentimes there is a shallow puddle there and they're putting sand out there because there are reports of slowing. and if you find a smaller puddle across the roadway around the bay, we're seeing the conditions ripe for that. so do be careful. we'll talk about the disabled vehicle or the crash on 237 coming up. back to you. well breaking news for you right now. police are on the hunt for two men who led them on a high-speed chase across the bay bridge. >> bob redell is joining us live in oakland where it all started. what were the men wanted for? >> reporter: well laura and marcus, oakland police were tried to arrest the men for sexual assault of a woman and she was able to give officers the distinct description of the suv and officers did find the suv with both men inside and still possibly armed. they tried to pull this vehicle over around 10:45 last night here in oakland at 13th and international but as you could see in the video, the driver did not comply. he led officers on a chase through oakland and on to the freeway and across the bay bridge. this video from the toll plaza shows the suv with three patrol cars in pursuit. it seemed like the suv was traveling at or around highway speeds. chp joined at one point and once across the bay bridge the driver exited on to sf surface streets where he did lose law enforcement. officers eventually found the suv abandoned by biehn buena vista park. that is in the ash bury heights part of the city. they searched for the suspects but no luck this finding them. they are still out there. police have not indicated whether or not they though who these men are. reporting live here in oakland. bob redell, "today in the bay." >> quite the chase there. thanks so much, bob smoo we. now to the confusion in the iowa caucus. there is no clear winner this morning and in the first race of 2020 and candidates are left in limbo as president trump prepares to deliver the state of the union address on capitol hill. "today in the bay" tracie potts joins us live in washington to cover it all for us. tracie. >> reporter: good morning, everyone. a lot of confusion coming out of iowa this morning. we still don't have results, inconsistencies is what the state democrats are saying happened with three different sets of results having to be counted according to a new rule and there were some real problems. a lot of confusion, locals saying the problem was a new app that the state democratic party was trying to use and roll out. plus a hotline phone line that was jammed, they couldn't get through for hours in some cases. the state democrats saying it wasn't the app being used again in nevada by the way, but a reporting problem. nevertheless, some of the democratic candidates confident that after iowa they'll be moving on. >> i imagine and have a strong feeling that at some point the results will be announced. >> by all indications we are going on to new hampshire victorious. >> reporter: now, democrats in iowa, the state democratic party, is saying they are doing manual recounts to verify everything and they're hoping to have results today. meantime legal experts, counsel for vice president joe biden want an explanation. one person who is claiming victory, president trump on the republican side, he got 97% of the vote there. not unexpected. he's calling the snafu for the democrats this morning an unmitigated disaster on twitter. meantime the president focused on tonight's state of the union address here in washington which will be only the second in our nation's history in the middle of an impeachment trial. laura. >> and you could watch it right here. thanks so much, tracie. we'll carry that state of the union address being called the great american comeback. watch it live at 6:00 p.m. 5:05 now and the man accused in the deadly stabbing at the mcarthur b.a.r.t. station is expected to be back in court. john lee cowell pleaded not guilty to killing nia lee wilson. questioned about his competence held up the trial and while the judge has now ordered the case to proceed, it is still not clear when it will actually begin. >> it is 5:05. another bay area city is pushing to ban e-cigarettes as a way of halting the epidemic among young people. kris sanchez joins us live in cupertino where you could join tonight's conversation. good morning, kris. >> reporter: good morning to you, laura. what cupertino city council is going to talk about adding to the existing policy. you remember they banned flavored tobacco sales back in november. now the city council will discuss tonight actions similar to what santa clara county already adopted and that includes a possible ban on the sale of the cigarettes and vaping products and changing the penalties for retailers who with sell to the wrong people. also changing the minimum age for people to sell vaping products or e-cigarettes to the minimum age that it is to buy. this would strengthen the existing tobacco ordinance. now mean while this is a -- there is a slowdown in the rate of hospitalization among people who vape according to new numbers for the centers for disease control. as of january of this year, 60 people died as a result of vaping nationwide. nearly 2700 were hospitalized. that is across the nation as well. and that represents a slower rate than the peak that was september. this is according to reporting from the "wall street journal." now we reported in december that the number of teens vaping marijuana did double over the last two years. if you want to weigh in about what cupertino city council is doing, the meeting starts at 6:30 tonight. kris sanchez, for "today in the bay." a new discount program for low income commuters takes effect on b.a.r.t., muni, cal train and golden gate transit. right now the smart service is not included but that may be about to change. new press democrat reports smart leaders are trying to be included in the 18-month pilot program which could amount to discounts up to 20%. well powerful winds are uprooting trees and wreaking havoc in southern california. look at this. this is whatp happened in the hollywood hills. forecasters say the wind gusts were moving up to 80 miles per hour in some parts. you see the tree that fell on top of a car and even damaging a home. the good news in all of this, no one was hurt. kari, we have breezes of our own yesterday. >> especially through the delta and some of our hills as well. here is the look at the wind forecast that we're seeing for southern california. where we still see the bright colors, winds are very gusty in the hills and the wind is expected to calm down throughout the day. as we check out the bay area, also breezy here. cool to start with high temperatures in the south bay reaching the mid to upper 50s. a little bit warmer than it was yesterday and we do keep that sunshine but expect a light wind as we go throughout today. we'll talk about this and i'll show you the seven-day forecast coming up in a few minutes. mike, you're racking the early back-up at the bay bridge. >> and we watch for any subtle signs over there and at the bay bridge we did have the backum forming before 5:00. we saw the fast track fill in quickly around 5:00 and the same time they turned on the metering lights. so early back-up. things coming into the area are fine throughout contra costa county but we'll watch to see if that is a part of a bigger commute this morning. so far the incident off of 84 is on the shoulder, no lanes blocked but a minor distraction. eastbound 237 a minor crash. no injuries and counter commute but flashing lights and it looks like they're distracting in the westbound direction. good news over here, the ice around mckie at 101 is getting back to speed. calling all -- kids out there and coming up next on "today in the bay," we'll talk about the sudden switcheroo for a discounted cookie now on the comeback. and the oscar tweets giving a flash back to 2017 envelope-gate. and youtube trying to do a better job of protecting our democracy. i'll tell you about it. and still ahead for you at 5:25, newly released 911 calls detailing the moment following the helicopter crash that killed kobe bryant and eight others. tv just keeps getting better. how you watch it does too. this is xfinity x1. featuring the emmy award-winning voice remote. streaming services without changing passwords and input. live sports - with real-time stats and scores. access to the most 4k content. and your movies and shows to go. the best tv experience is the best tv value. xfinity x1. simple. easy. awesome. xfinity. the future of awesome. to deal with the problem.icians but they wouldn't. so we took it to the voters and forced big tobacco to pay its share of healthcare costs. we fought oil companies for new clean air laws and closed a billion dollar corporate tax loophole to fund public schools. by going directly to the people we got results. that's not something you see a lot of from washington these days. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. let's make change happen. so, i go to floor and decor where i get rock-bottom prices. on tile, wood, stone and laminate. plus, i score free in-store design services. now that's time well spent. explore floor and decor in person or online. right nowality 5:12, we have four hours of a freeze warning continuing in the north bay as our temperatures start to drop. close to freezing in cloverdale and below freezing in ukiah. i'll be watching the numbers and we'll talk about what is ahead coming up next. and look at that. the brake for the sanding going around mckie caused a back-up toward just the south of allen rock. speeds recover i as we speak. and we'll have an update for the 237 coming up. and good morning. very happy tuesday to you. i great american philosopher once said don't call it a comeback. these positive numbers are not enough to make up for the 600 point loss on the dow over coronavirus fears. this is because of bargain hunting. stocks out there are cheap. except tesla. this is bonkers high. up another 20% monday. take a look at zoom. seeing the positive size of illness fears. the south bay company makes video conferencing software. it is logical to think more people will turn to conference calling over travel particularly to china. the company was created by this man, eric wong, who came to america in 1997. couldn't speak a word of english. when his company went public, he was worth $3.5 billion. apple has shut down stores in kline and apple products are main in china. we have yet to see a long-term effect. there are products already in the pipeline. but considering nobody knows how long this will go on or how bad it may get, investors are uneasy. youtube said it will take further steps to block fake or misleading content that people post in order to sow confusion over the election. youtube new rules prevent doctors videos or videos that give you the wrong place or time to vote or misleading information about a candidate's birthplace like the birther conspiracy that donald trump used to attack barack obama. youtube said it will also shut down accounts that try to hide their national origin like russia or iran or pretend to be people they aren't. this is a step youtube is taking that facebook has not taken. facebook is just sort of begin up on this. but i urge people to be just super cautious. there was a tweet that went around last night about one of the candidates that was accurate, that he was dropping out, from 2008. and people said oh, no. you got to look at dates, you got to look at who is sending these things. youtube and facebook can protect you to some degree. >> but you need to take your steps. >> you have to do your homework or find trusted people. >> thanks, scott. 5:15 now. and new this morning, if you're a certain age maybe you're missing your dunkarus. if you grew up in the '90s, we're talking about this one. -- i don't remember -- i don't remember. but i don't know if it is reasonable or not. you could dunk it in frosting. they say get ready because they are making a comeback. general mills are setting up the dunkaroos return and it is causing a firestorm. and makers said you could check the shelves this summer. i want to see what the hype is all about. >> interesting. 5:16 now. hollywood's biggest night is sunday but some say the oscars may have already been spoiled. the academy twitter account appeared to post official predictions for this year's award with the south korea drama winning best picture but the tweet was taken down and saying we invite fans on twitter to hake and share predictions. a ton of you have. and some viewers look like they came from our account. this may remind you of 2017 when envelope gate happen when faye dunaway read it was la la land as the winner when it it was moonlight. 5:16. a warning, if you are looking for love on valentine's day. >> that person you might swipe right may not be a real person. if you are looking for love. according to the daily mail, they created an algorithm imto access his tinder program and swipe right on 100 desirable women every day so the programmer took the technology one step further to train it to have basic conversations at one point talking to 200 people at once. to its credit tinder picked up on what was happening -- and bans him from the app. >> i wonder what he told the computer to say. >> just a basic conversation like no i asked what you had for lunch. >> instead of talking to the people that he might want to date you told his computer it had to talk to to see if they -- >> he's doo busy to date. interesting. to say the least. let's get out and meet people today. >> there you go. >> old-fashioned way. >> old-fashioned way. face-to-face. you may see a lot of people as you're out walking. walking very quickly to get inside. because it is so cold out there. and now our temperatures in the north bay have been the lowest, we're at 35 in santa rosa. 47 now in oakland. and 39 in san jose. as we get a closer look at the north bay. that is where we're watching the area for the possibility of freezing temperatures in some of the valleys. so far we haven't seen widespread freezing. but the winds have been pretty strong in keeping those temperatures up. we'll see if those winds relax as we head toward sunrise but then through the day it is going to be a little bit warmer than yesterday. reaching the mid-50s in napa and 54 in livermore and 57 in san jose, san francisco heading up to 56 and 59 in oakland. so there is still a lot of rain going on for the pacific northwest. we've been missing that rain because of high pressure blocking us. but the climate prediction center put out the outlook from new through march and still saying it is going to be well below average rainfall for the bay area. and then as we look at how our temperatures will shape up for the next month, above average with a highlighting around the sierra showing well above average temperatures. that is not good. especially for the sierra snow pack and our water year. now we're looking at warming temperatures here so that is verifying. we're going to see some supper 60s for the inland areas by the end of the week. more sunshine for the weekend. and we should be in the upper 50s but you can see we're going to be above that through the next seven days. and mike, you're starting with a look in the south bay. >> that is right. an area with a thin sheet of ice. 101 at mckie and te put the stand down and that cleared and then slowing on the camera a few minutes later and that was possibly because of a crash that happened right in the same area. no reports of it being involved with the ice. it was on the other side of the freeway at the off-ramp but this one crash is now over on the shoulder and stick the out into lanes 101 at mckie but the sand is down and the traffic break stopped. 237, the update, it is not eastbound it is westbound around great america parkway and the slowing has cleared up and i do hear they have gotten vehicles off to the right shoulder so all lanes in your commute direction are clear in through santa clara heading over in toward sunnyvale and mountain view. 101 moving on the peninsula there. over here through the tri-valley a great drive. th this crash on the shoulder and -- and it is not a problem, just a note. and moving smoothly toward the bay bridge where metering lights were turned on ten minutes early and this is the first tuesday with market street for the ban for private vehicles between 10th and the embarcadero. we know about that but still this is the first tuesday volume of traffic heading through the area. back to you. >> thanks, mike. well growing debate over college admission standards. coming up on "today in the bay," the new message from faculty members at u.c. to the leaders there. plus, are you ready to rock? ♪ ♪ paradise city ♪ >> that will get you out of bed. bay area guns and roses stadium tour and how soon the tickets could go on sale. but first we're always on social media. kris sanchez is posting about breakfast burritos she made for a family. would makes your favorite breakfast burrito. >> i'm saying tony and the digital diner. follow chris on facebook and twitter and instagram and let her know your favorite taqueria. you're watching "today in the bay." this is the denny's super slam. two bacon, two sausage, two eggs hash browns and pancakes and now make those pancakes all you can eat for a buck. that's where the duper comes in. the all new super duper slam just seven ninety nine. see you at denny's. (elevator rings) great bag. twins! okay, okay, okaaayy! my boss's boss, has the same taste in bags. just two fashion forward powerful women with great style. mm! although, i'll bet she overpaid for hers, i mean, i got this italian leather beauty for way less at t.j.maxx which is just good business. i think she'd appreciate smart decisions like that. oooh, i should tell her! ♪ ♪ 5:24 now. and grieving families have now received the remains of all nine vikes who died when kobe bryant's hospital crashed in southern california. as we're still hearing for the first time 911 calls made seconds after the aircraft went down. >> it went over my head. it's thick in clouds and then i heard a pop and then it immediately stopped. >> the caller told dispatchers he did not see any smoke and another reported seeing a small fire. investigators are looking into whether a possible cause of this was the weather. meanwhile, a memorial service for three victims, john, kerry and alyssa anto bella will be held at angel stadium in anaheim. and a car crash in southern california. a car went down a steep embankment into a home in la mesa yesterday. a female passenger in her 90s died. the elderly han driving the car survived. the couple just a few houses away from returning to their own driveway. the fbi is now investigating who sent a fake letter claiming the coronavirus had been detected in carson, california. investigators say the letter was posted on social media about a week ago causing a brief panic. it had official-looking logos and said the infected person had been to several public places including a grocery store called seafood city. the grocery store said business dropped because of those fake posts. >> it is a bit slow. it is affecting us. >> so the fake post is still keeping people away. >> yeah. that's true. >> it wasn't the only hoax. last week another post claimed a usc student had been infected. the university quickly disproved that hoax. university of california faculty members are tell itting regents to keep standardized testing in a report that it found the s.a.t. and a.c.t. tests may actually help disadvantaged students get into colleges. but in southern california a law firm is now suing the u.c. system to take away the test. that lawsuit claims the tests are unfair because more affluent students can afford prep classes. are you ready to rock? this summer for one night the city by the bay will morph into paradise city. ♪ >> axle rose will bring guns and roses to kincade fire as part of the 2020 tour yes, slash is supposed to be back in the lineup. they will play oracle park on august 5th. tickets go on sale this friday. i remember guns and roses a lot but i don't remember a lot of their songs. >> no? >> no. i grew up an aerosmith kind of rocker. >> there you have it. those rockers, they age well. >> and slash the drummer with the hair. i thought he was cool. >> get your tickets now. >> oh, he's the guitarist. i liked his hair though. it was big. >> 5:27 now. coming up next, top stories we're following including back in the bay area after a horrific ordeal greyhound passengers who saw a gunman open fire on fellow passengers speak out after finally arriving home. plus making it in the bay area. the proposed rent cap across california and when you'll be able to weigh in on the issue. >> you're told your voice matters but we found out thousands of california votes get rejected. >> the way it got thrown out is just not normal. >> tonight at 11:00, we investigate how a security feature meant it protect your vote can get it tossed. >> every election cycle we're constantly learning to try to improve the process. >> and the new tools you could use to make sure your vote is counted in 2020. tonight at 11:00 on nbc bay area news. we investigate. performance is your profession, but you strive to take the next step in your career. gcu's phd in performance psychology gives you the tools you need to elevate your performance to the next level. private. christian. affordable. visit [ fast-paced drumming ] right now at 5:30, breaking news. search underway for two men who led police on a chase across the bay bridge, wanted for attempted sexual assault. and the coronavirus is being treated across the u.s. and california. a live report in the steps being taken right here in the bay area. a very good tuesday morning. thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia. >> and i'm marcus washington. we'll talk about the top stories but first the cold temperatures. today no different from yesterday. freezing temperatures in some spots of the bay area. live pictures for you right now. this is walnut creek in san jose. and i need to remind you if you head out this morning give yourself extra time to defrost the car if it is outside. kari, we've been dealing with cold temperatures and the wind. >> and that is the reason we haven't seen the temperatures drop as low as they could go but we do have a freeze warning for the areas shaded in purple for the north bay over the next couple of hours. we'll watch the numbers fall. but right thousand at 42 in napa. 35 in santa rosa. it is 47 in oakland. and 39 in san jose. a closer look at the north bay once again. we haven't seen it widespread for a freeze but we'll see the potential of that going closer to sunrise. i'll have more on this and what is ahead for the weekend coming up. mike, you had an early backup at the bay bridge. >> and that is not weather related but causing a big slowdown across the span. metering lights turned on early but that made it move smoothly across the span and our typical pattern as you see the back-up at the toll plaza. no problem toward the area and the speeds are improving along the incline. and that is what the metering lights are supposed to do. a smooth drive for the rest of the bay, including the south bay where we have an update on a crash as well as the sand on the ice that was reported but that is clear. back to the bay bridge, it is crowded now but you have a very different view. >> take a look at this. it is breaking news. a high-speed chase across the bay bridge left police empty handed. this is video from the bay bridge camera showing patrol cars in hot pursuit. police say the two men in the car they were chasing were tied to a sexual assault. the victim gave them a description of the car which police located in oakland and tried to pull over. san francisco police later eventually found that car abandoned near the lower haight. "today in the bay" bob redell looking into what happened and will have a live report at the top of the hour. in the meantime, at 5:32. developments overnight in the deadly coronavirus outbreak. the cdc is now trying to fast track an emergency testing kit. >> here are latest numbers. a new death in hong kong is the second outside of mainland china where more than 400 people have died and there are two person to person cases in the u.s. among the 11 confirmed patients, four are near in the bae. pete suratos is live where two patients are being treated. pete? >> reporter: that is right, marcus. the san benito county couple is getting treatment at ucsf and put out a statement they are in isolation and monitored closely. they caught the virus while traveling to china. now while all of this is happening, you have bay area officials addressing concerns when it comes to the spread of the coronavirus. now later this morning you have the san francisco airport commission that will provide updates at city hall later today. of course sfo is one of the airports providing screeners for travelers coming in from china. contra costa county board of supervisors will get a date from the health services department later this morning and both of those meetings will take place at 9:00 a.m. and just last night you had san francisco mayor london breed talking to a crowd getting ready for this weekend's chinese new year parade taking place in san francisco. the annual event attracts thousands of spectators and as of now the parade is a go. >> the plan is to go out for the parade and have a good time and we're hoping that people will show up. >> san francisco department of public health is working closely with the department of emergency management to monitor things should anything pop up. but as it stans, there are no diagnosed coronavirus cases in san francisco. reporting live, pete suratos for "today in the bay." >> thank you. 5:34 now. and many riders who survived the deadly shooting on board an oakland-bound greyhound bus are back in the bay area. that shooting happened yesterday as it packed travelers on interstate 5 traveling from l.a. to the bay area and this happened near bakersfield not far from the grapevine. photo shows some of the survivors as they arrived in oakland last night. one woman died in that shooting. five other passengers were injured as well. this is before other riders disarmed the suspect who police later arrested. we spoke with the rider who said it started with the shooter talking loudly to himself and another passenger telling that shooter to quiet down. >> and the next thing i heard was the gun cocking and then just like eight or ten rapid shots, like straight one after another. >> now the person who died is identified as a 51-year-old woman from columbia. authorities have identified the suspect as 33-year-old anthony devonte williams of maryland. new details in the dragging death of a man police say went after the thieves who stole his laptop. this happened december 31st after robbers swiped the victim's computer while he sat at a starbucks in oakland in the montclair district. prosecutors have now charged a third suspect. police arrested him last week. he and one of the other two suspects face murder charges with special circumstances. in the north bay, clean-up will last at least another two weeks in the area where crews cleared a homeless camp last week in santa rosa. friday was the deadline for more than 200 people along the joe rodota trail. many were relocated to temporary shelters. the trail won't reopen before next month. now to continuing coverage of making it in the bay. and the housing crunch across california. especially here in the bay area. voters across the stay will have a state in the fall presidential election, for expansion of rent control has now qualified for the ballot. the initiative would end current restrictions allowing cities and counties to implement their own policies. voters rejected a similar initiative in 2018. today london breed expected to announce plans to save over 300 classes at city college of san francisco. supervisors last week approved a plan to outsource the classes to nonprofits. it amounts to nearly $3 million in emergency funding to restore those classes. people will gather today at city hall to show their support when supervisors will hold a vote on the same ordinance. and san francisco leaders looking at ways to make the embarcadero safe for bike and scooter riders. it is dangerous for people not in cars. leaders are looking at creating bike lanes that are protected by physical barriers. that would be a good move for a lot of people on bikes and everything up there, mike. >> definitely. with a goal of the safety of people but people are worry about the traffic. and we're worried about the folks off in mckie and the flashing lights did located with our camera and traffic is gumming up northbound 101 sees that volume build and past mckie the flashing lights, a additional brake tap with where the hazard symbol is on the top of the map. but not a major problem for the south bay. and in fact, we're not looking at a major commute even though we did have the metering lights turned on early. dublin and a smooth flow of traffic toward the b.a.r.t. station there in dublin, pleasanton. b.a.r.t. will take you under back-up at the bay bridge which is the back-up at the bay bridge. >> and that we see. all right. it is 5:38 now on tuesday morning. let's get a peak at the weekend. >> it looks like a nice weekend. it will cool off by sunday. but saturday i think that is the best day. we're looking at inland highs reaching 66 degrees. and it will be windy along with the sunshine on sunday. as we reach 63 degrees. and in san francisco expect a high of 60. the sunshine continues over the next several days. so no worries about rain. so let's hit the road and maybe heading to russian river valley, a high of 65 degrees on friday. saturday 63. just cooler on sunday. as we reach the lower 60s. if you're going to yosemite this weekend, expect falling temperatures on sunday. a slice chance of snow. but friday and saturday are going to be good days to get out and explore. and in paso robles, warmer temperatures reaching up to 70 degrees on saturday. we'll check out the south bay temperature trend coming up in three minutes. >> thanks, kari. it is 5:39 now. and a controversial gun law changes. still ahead on "today in the bay," the lawmaker pushing for a closer look at regulations following deadly shootings across the state. still no results from the iowa caucus this morning. but you know what, democracy is messy. especially in iowa. i'll walk you through it coming up. and still ahead for you, on the field in spirit. what you probably didn't see when the super bowl confetti fall inside of hard rock stadium in miami. right now at 5:42, let's check out the south bay with a live look outside. it is a cold start once again. and a clear sky that will lead to a sunny day. in santa clara, upper 30s to start. bundle up. we'll have a nice afternoon as we gradually warm up. we'll talk about this and some real warm temperatures in the forecast in less than five minutes. and we're looking at the back-up at the richmond side of the richmond-san rafael bridge. we had a different pattern at the bay bridge and i'm talking about what is going on across the bay. we'll read the signs and i will literally read the signs. well still ahead for you. north bay smart train system could be the next agency to offer big discounts to get more people on board. ahead for you at 6:00, how soon the low fairs may be coming. it is 5:43. southern california lawmakers calling for gun control restrictions for scrutiny on hunting licenses. last queer's shooting at a synagogue near san diego prommed a lawmaker to launch thatef for. one person died and thee others were injured in that shooting. the 19-year-old suspect had recently received a hunting license that had not yet taken effect. the new bill would require the merchant and the state department to check licenses during the ten-day waiting period before gun buyers can pick up the gun they purchased. >> the vast majority of gun owners are going to be in agreement about this one. there is nothing wrong with verifying your credentials. >> a new law that took effect this year bans people under 21 from buying semi-automatic firearms even with hunting licenses. new this morning, in southern california, the sheriff of orange county is blaming sanctuary laws for an increase in crime and saying it is leading to a spike in repeat offenders because they could only report the most violent to i.c.e. about a thousand that were exempt, 238 were picked up for new crimes. some critics are blasting the claims saying that sanctuary state laws have little to no impact on crime rates. even though there is no winner to the iowa caucus. some are having a say in the outcome. 30 native iowans set up a caucus and the first time allowed. the bernie sanders won the stanford vote but the split is between delegates elizabeth warren and amy klobuchar. in the meantime some californians in the hawkeye state this week. many of them passionate about politics. they're there to see the caucus play out firsthand. in some cases california schools are sending entire classes there for a firsthand civics lesson. 5:45 thousand. president trump this morning poking fun at democrats delay in announcing the winner. >> scott mcgrew, he himself won in iowa. >> when we say there is no official results from iowa. we mean democrats. donald trump wond handily. the democrats waiting on the official results after a new app used to tab votes didn't work well or as quickly as they had hoped. the app built by a company called shadow ink, a scriptwriter could not come up with a worse for that. so we don't know what democrat won the lates and we're going to see headlines like this like dumuines. last final we didn't get the results in the 10:00 a.m. the next day california time so if we got the results right now the caucus would have worked better now than in the past. the truth is caucus is a really old-fashioned and mess yeah way to conduct democracy but it is what iowa does. here is one young caucus-goer who showed up to support buttigieg but his caucus didn't have enough supporters to count and he would have to switch candidates. >> people just kind of have college kids that just want to get out of here and as we walk past this group over here and they're like you can join us even though we're not viable and you're just confused. so a couple of us joined yang for them to be viable but a lot of us just level. so i don't know if they are viable or not. >> so confusion reigns. it is viable but not liable. but good on him for participating. in washington, president trump getting ready for the state of union speech tonight at 6:00. then his impeachment trial should wrap up tomorrow. a key vote from lisa murkowski who now said she will vote not guilty. >> i can cannot vote to convict. the constitution provides more impeachment but does not demand it in all instances. an incremental first step to remind the president that as mona skew said, political virtue is a renunsiation of one self. >> and we could hope the president reflects on the french pill os fear from the enlightenment and some are saying to censure him and so that is condemn him and not remove him from the office. so that state of the union is tonight at 6:00 on nbc bay area news and our app as well. >> thanks, scott. it is 5:48 now. nearly everyone in the bay area watches the super bowl even with the painful ending but we're learning 102 million americans tuned in to see kansas city pull out the win. that is up from last year. and eagle eyed viewers may have spotted something different about the confetti. you have to have good eyes. they had writing on them. the nfl worked with twitter to make it rain tweets. if you had tweeted using the #nfltwitter your tweet might have been part of the celebration. and the celebrations in kansas city were so bright the fireworks could be seen on radar. this is a tweet from the national weather service. the radar speckled with bright lights. apparently the fireworks could be seen more than an hour's drive away from kansas city. so good for them. >> this is pretty cool. trending this morning. this video will put a smile on your face. he shoots and he scores as he runs right there. this is 5-year-olds reacting to sinking his first basket that went viral. that is dean the machine. he managed to score and let everyone know about it. take a look at it again. woosh. and he takes a run for it. go for it dean. i think we should say, steph, watch out. >> i love seeing that excitement but b -- but be careful, he's setting precedent for every time he scores. >> my son did that but he scored in the wrong goal. >> a score is a score when you're young. >> he's all happy and like what? what happened? >> that's cute. >> all right. so it is a good day to head out and play basketball. not too hot this afternoon but it is very chilly this morning. we will see all of these areas shaded in purple still under the freeze warning up until about 9:00. now the seven-day forecast is right now coming up at the bottom of the screen. check it out as you make some plans and as you step out this morning, plan to have on a heavier jacket. but looking at these temperatures, 35 in santa rosa. it is 46 in concord. 39 in san jose. in fact, it was actually colder yesterday. right now the temperature change is about 12 degrees warmer compared to yesterday at this time. but we do still have that freeze warning in effect. the reason why we haven't seen temperatures getting that cold, well because we've seen some gusty winds. you felt that yesterday. especially in the north bay. coming through the delta, those winds are staying gusty right now. and it is keeping those temperatures from dropping down to below freezing for many spots. as we get a live look out there in san jose, and you're getting dressed this morning, we do still need something nice and warm to wear, even pants for today as our high temperatures reach into the upper 50s but this will be a few degrees warmer today compared to yesterday. now high pressure still building. it is keeping all of that rain from hoffi -- from moving into the bay area so over the next few days we are dry but then the same thing happens again this sunday where with where this area of low pressure drops inland, brings some colder air and makes it windy but still doesn't bring any rain. so our seven-day forecast is all dry. and our temperatures still fluctuating going up and down. so starting down. we see it rising as we head toward the end of the week, friday in the upper 60s and then coming back down as we start out the new workweek. mike you're seeing traffic bagging down out of oakland. we're watching for the subtle changes here. the metering lights were turned on just before 5:00. that is early. that is about 10 to 15 minutes earlier than our typical tuesday so we were concerned or i was concerned. we see a standard picture at this point. so things simmered down at the toll plaza. but the northbound 80 overcrossing and the extension off the merge there is a slowdown here. and that doesn't extend that far back at this time of the morning but i have also seen traffic start to speed up at toll plaza. i think they sped the metering lights up. so we may see some recovery. and look at the rest of the contra costa county and the maze and a smooth drive there. and a almost a half hour from byron and brenton toward 580 and it takes about 40 minutes from altamont pass toward hayward and will maintain until about 7:00. the rest of the bay shows a smooth drive. we're looking at the san mateo bridge with a build and this is a lot of information just talking about a future project on 101 overnight and they'll be lane closures. we'll talk about that coming up. the polls are open for a special primary election in baltimore. this is to fill the seat of the late representative elijah cummings. the long time leader died back in october. his wife is one of 24 democrats and eight republicans running for the house seat. today's special primary will decide a nominee for each party. a special general election will be held on april 28th. 5:53 now. much ahead on "today in the bay" including a brand-new poll just released by cal on whether the washington redskins name and native mascot are considered offensive. next, what more than a thousand native americans are saying. plus the battle of vaping continues. coming up in a live report, a south bay city plan to ban e-cigarette products and hold store owners accountable. and also still ahead, the peninsula puppy that is heading to one of the biggest dog shows on the planet. meet marco coming up at 6:15. >> you're told your voice matters but we found out thousands of california votes get rejected. >> the way it got thrown out is just not normal. >> tonight at 11:00, we investigate how a security feature meant it protect your vote can get it tossed. >> every election cycle we're constantly learning to try to improve the process. >> and the new tools you could use to make sure your vote is counted in 2020. tonight at 11:00 on nbc bay area news. we investigate. tv just keeps getting better. how you watch it does too. this is xfinity x1. featuring the emmy award-winning voice remote. streaming services without changing passwords and input. live sports - with real-time stats and scores. access to the most 4k content. and your movies and shows to go. the best tv experience is the best tv value. xfinity x1. simple. easy. awesome. xfinity. the future of awesome. the number of uninsurising.ricans, the cost of prescription drugs, rising. the threat to people with pre-existing conditions, rising. the good news, so is support for the one candidate who'll do something about it. as mayor, mike bloomberg helped expand coverage for seven hundred thousand people, including hundreds of thousands of kids. including hundreds of thousands of kids. as president, he'll lower drug costs and ensure everyone without coverage can get it. that's a promise. and unlike him, mike actually keeps his. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. welcome back, everyone. it is 5:56. a home break-in turns deadly on the peninsula and now police are looking into exactly what happened. a brisbane homeowner called tor help saying someone was breaking into his home. officers say when they arrived they found the suspect dead from a gunshot wound. the homeowner was safe and is cooperating with the investigation. a san jose woman accused of running down a man with her car early on christmas morning is expected in court today. a plea hearing is scheduled for sabrina gutierrez who as accused of trying to hit the man after he shot her relative and then tried to get away. she faces a murder charge and being held without bail. a new report shows more than half of all native americans are offended by several sports mascot names. u.c. berkeley polled a thousand native americans and they don't like teams using their history like the redskins or the kansas city chiefs coming days after the tomahawk chop could be heard by chief fans during the super bowl. >> a lot of hungry people showing up to the grand opening of the shake shack in san francisco's cal hollow neighborhood. check out this line yesterday. this is the fourth bay area location for the popular east coast burger joint. and happening today, happena mosby opens, a popular hawaiian snack shop where spam is the main dish. if that is your thing. amid the caucus chaos happening in iowa, we have an nbc bay area investigation right here sat home. will your vote count this year. >> that is one of the many questions or investigative team has discovered that two years ago in the general election some votes didn't count and they were thrown out. here is stephen stock. >> we've learned that a security feature meant to protect your provisional or mail-in ballot got thousands of votes across the state thrown out two years ago. now state law requires election officials to compare a voters signature on the back of their absentee or provisional ballot with a signature on the registration to make sure the -- the signatures match. if there is any doubt, it gets thrown out. and that means in san francisco, contra costa, and sacramento and l.a. >> a couple of reasons why some ballots may not be counted. among them somebody who forgot to sign the back of the envelope or the signature didn't match and in the past those ballots would immediately be discarded. >> now voters are supposed to be contacted and given the opportunity to correct any errors but several voters we spoke to who had voted thrown out say they were never given that chance. while the number of rejected ballots we reviewed make up less than 3% of the entire vote and would not swing gubernatorial or presidential election, and those same votes could make a difference for a city measure or local ordinance. coming up at 11:00, we explore had this issue and break it down for you and we give you advice and steps that you could use this year to make sure your vote counts. i'm stephen stock, nbc bay area news. >> if you want to get ahold of stephen, give them a call at 888-996-tips, or if it is easier log on to our website at well right now at 6:00, breaking news spanning both sides of the bay bridge. a live report on overnight high-speed chase from oakland so san francisco and officers are desperate to find the two men that got away. and caucus chaos, still no winner from last night. the live report on the holdup. plus what president trump is expected to say in his state of the union address tonight. and happening now. a freeze warning in many parts of the bay area. meteorologist kari hall is tracking the morning chill in your neighborhood. "today in the bay" continues right now. and a terrific tuesday to you on this morning. thanks for starting with with "today in the bay." i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm laura garcia. and still no clear winner in the iowa caucus on the democratic side. most of the candidates just arriving in new

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