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[ cheers and applause lets see. What do we got going on . A new star wars movie came out to mixed reviews everybodys talking about the musical cats. And a president who is facing impeachment Just Launched a bombing run in iraq. You know what, actually, lets hold on a second yeah, thats what im talking about [ cheers and applause thats where were at. President trump yesterday dismissed concerns that iran might retaliate for his strike on a military leader, saying quote, if it happens, it happens. [ light laughter ] wow, youre talking about the possibility of world war iii and you sound like Courteney Cox talking about a friends reunion. [ laughter ] look, if they want to do it, ill show up [ light laughter ] a missouri pastor is facing six months in prison after allegedly asking for sexual favors from men on the dating app grindr in exchange for an arbys gift card [ laughter ] which is ironic since grindrs slogan is also, we have the meats. [ laughter ] [ applause ] a 600pound tuna was sold at an auction in japan yesterday for almost 2 million. No word on how a cat got that much money [ laughter ] a company has developed a new product that men can wear between their legs to prevent premature ejaculation. Its called skinny jeans [ laughter and applause and finally, a man in florida was arrested over the weekend after he allegedly bit a police dog while naked and high on crystal meth [ light laughter ] on the plus side, as a florida man, hes already achieved his 2020 resolution. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ladies and gentlemen, we have a fantastic show for you tonight she is a United States senator from massachusetts and a democratic candidate for president. Senator Elizabeth Warren is back, everybody [ cheers and applause always happy to have her here. He is an iconic musician and artist whose broadway show david byrnes american utopia, which is fantastic, is currently running at the hudson theater here in new york city through february 16th, david byrne is in the house. [ cheers and applause and we will have music from a twotime grammy winning artist who was also nominated for another five Grammy Awards later this month h. E. R. Is here, you guys [ cheers and applause so its a fantastic show im so glad youre here. A quick word to our cue card guy, wally if you watch the show, you know wally. Wally is a patriots fan and i just want to send my regards on the patriots losing. [ audience groaning i grew up in new england i am not a patriots fan. I dont care for the patriots. But i do i do want to say that i am sorry on your behalf thanks, seth. Seth yeah. It didnt sound very true that you were saying that, but i appreciate it. Seth yes you know. Listen, i just want to forget about it seth okay. As long as theres no more mentions of it during the show or anything like that, then ill be good. Seth yeah. Okay . Seth well, we wont were gonna do a closer look now and thats about politics. Yeah. Seth you dont have to worry. Its all news, great. Seth all right, and again, i do feel bad. You know, it breaks my heart [ laughter ] yeah, okay. [ laughter ] seth well, it looks like 2020 is off to a great start for more on this, its time for a closer look. [ cheers and applause seth im just [ bleep ] with you. 2020 is already the worst. [ laughter ] the sky in australia is blood red thanks to a Climate Crisis republicans are trying to rig the impeachment trial. And the president is threatening war crimes on twitter. Were less than a week into 2020 the world is like your friend who tells you this is the year hes going to quit drugs and take up yoga, and then on january 6th, you see him trying to sell his mat for crack. [ light laughter ] i mean, we should have at least been able to come together and enjoy the patriots getting knocked out of the playoffs [ cheers and applause in the first round at home i mean, finally, Bill Belichick was as sad as his outfit [ laughter ] for a guy whos supposed to be good at clock management, he always looks like he woke up five minutes before game time. [ light laughter ] and yet we couldnt even take 24 hours to savor that small victory, because the president spent the weekend threatening war crimes against iran after ordering the assassination of a top iranian general. And then, in an orwellian fashion, claiming he did it to stop a war breaking news this morning, the u. S. Has carried out the assassination of a top Iranian Military and intelligence commander. The president ordered this it was carried out by drone last night in iraq. His name was qasem soleimani. He was irans top military commander. I went to a state Department Briefing today, a background briefing, and the officials basically said, the ball is in irans court and we are trying to deescalate. Actually one official said, this was an act of deescalation. We took action last night to stop a war we did not take action to start a war. Seth trump thinks we cant accuse him of rushing into a war if he reads his teleprompter super slowly [ laughter ] you cant just kill a top general of a sovereign nation and call it deescalation. Thats like getting drunk and driving your car into a kmart and then telling the cops, i did it to stop my car. [ laughter ] trump and his allies are lying in the exact same ways the Bush Administration lied us into a catastrophic war in iraq nearly 17 years ago and the exact same people are doing it. After the attack, fox news decided to turn to their stable of lumpy white guys whove been wrong about anything like lindsey graham, a champion of the iraq war, and former bush officials and serial liars, Ari Fleischer and karl rove. Why are these the best experts we can get this is like doing a segment on organizing Music Festivals and interviewing Billy Mcfarland and ja rule. [ laughter ] and the same people are trotting out the same lies they did 17 years ago for example, Vice President Mike Pence Lied and tried to link soleimani to 9 11 in a tweet that was not supported by the evidence and if that sounds familiar to you, its because its right out of the playbook of george w. Bush and donald rumsfeld, who repeatedly linked Saddam Hussein to al qaeda and other terrorist groups without providing any evidence the reason i keep insisting that there was a relationship between iraq and saddam and al qaeda, because there was a relationship between iraq and al qaeda there are reports that there is no evidence of a direct link between baghdad and some of these terrorist organizations. Reports that say that something hasnt happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns there are things we know, we know we also know there are known unknowns that is to say we know theres some things we do not know [ light laughter ] but there are also unknown unknowns the ones we dont know we dont know excuse me, but is this an unknown unknown . [ laughter ] several unknowns this is an unknown unknown im not going to say which it is seth oh youre not gonna say . So its unknown whether its an unknown unknown . But one known that we do know is what trump knows, which is a known unknown, because he unknows what he doesnt know meaning we know, he knows no knowns [ laughter ] its amazing [ cheers and applause its amazing that we found a way to elect people who think these guys had the right idea. Its like if 17 years from now someone made a movie called cats 2, this time with genitals [ laughter ] so pence lied just like bush and rumsfeld lied. But hey, at least this isnt the first time mike pence has been wrong about a disastrous war in the middle east. I am here to report, as the United States military confirmed in iraq on monday, weapons of mass destruction have been found in iraq. Seth its fitting that 16 years later, pence is telling the same lies because 16 years later, he looks the exact same i mean, im pretty sure hes just a stock photo business man come to life when he takes off his shirt, it says getty images across his chest. [ laughter ] so the Trump Administration tried to link soleimani to 9 11. They also claimed they were stopping an imminent threat. But if thats true, they havent presented any evidence of that threat to congress or the public in fact, a New York Times reporter tweeted that the evidence for such a threat was razor thin and the times also wrote that National Security experts and even other officials at the pentagon said they were unaware of anything drastically new about iranian behavior in recent weeks but thats not good enough for fox friends host Ainsley Earhardt, who said today that we just have to trust the intelligence agencies. So interesting that people are critical of the president s decision, of our Intelligence Communitys decisions, our generals decisions. They want details general tata said well, they cant have it they cant everything cant be made public we heard pompeo over the weekend saying everything that we have, the Intelligence Community has he said, i ran the cia at one point, we cant release everything. We cant release all of our intelligence information well release as much as we can, but you just have to trust us, basically. Seth oh, we just have to trust them im sorry, but im not inclined to trust an administration that lies about everything, even the dumbest things lets not forget, this is the same guy who literally drew a circle on an official weather map in sharpie to claim that alabama was gonna get hit by a hurricane and then pretended he had no idea how it got there [ laughter ] can you imagine if trump actually tries to present some evidence against iran . I have it right here, the top secret intelligence briefing that proves i was right. It says, iran bad, right there. [ laughter ] right there. [ applause ] so, there you go you heard fox friends. We have to trust our intelligence agencies. I wonder though, if she felt the same way back in may when the intelligence agencies were investigating trump. What no, she didnt oh, and the next clip proves it. Well, why are you telling me you ruined the surprise. All right, well lets just show it anyway. There was a fox news poll, and folks were asked how likely intelligence agencies like the fbi broke the law to investigate president trump. Look at that, 58 said, extremely, very, or somewhat, and only 31 said, not at all. And you get your so that just shows you up the first three. Thats pretty scary that we cant trust the fbi. Seth what . [ light laughter ] we cant but that lady on the news just a second ago said we can [ light laughter ] wait a second oh my god, one of two things is happening here either Trump Supporters are selfserving hypocrites who defend intelligence agencies when they want to bomb other countries, but attack them when they investigate the president s crimes, or Ainsley Earhardt has an evil twin [ applause ] now, if youre a trump supporter out there, claiming anyone who opposes this act of war is siding with the enemy, lets just remember this is the same president who literally said he and kim jongun, a brutal dictator who starves and tortures his own people, quote, fell in love because of kims beautiful letters. [ light laughter ] trump actually said that about a brutal dictator. He sound likes a Southern Belle meeting suitors at a cotillion my dear beauregard, i fell in love with you after your beautiful letters [ laughter ] im pretty sure most people hadnt even heard soleimanis name until recently and that includes trump himself, who was asked about him in a radio interview in 2015 and clearly had no idea who he was are you familiar with general soleimani . Yes [ laughter ] go ahead give me a little go ahead, tell me. He runs the quds forces yes, okay right. Do you expect hed be and i think the kurds, by the way, have been harshly mistreated by us no, not the kurds, the quds forces, the Iranian Revolutionary guards, quds forces, the bad guys yes, right. Do you expect his behavior to change as a result oh, i thought you said kurds. [ laughter ] seth i love i love how trump tried to pretend he know who he was even though he clearly didnt do you know general soleimani . Yeah no, i do. But i want to see if you know who he is. [ laughter ] clearly, this was a reckless act by an impulsive president who hasnt thought through any of the consequences, but a lot of people, including prominent democrats, are also asking, why now . Why would a president who is facing an impeachment trial and mounting evidence of his guilt, suddenly start a war with iran as he heads into an Election Year i wonder if 2011 to 2012 donald trump had anything to say about that when it came to president obama i say that he starts a war in iran before the election, which will make it very hard for the republican to win, okay . And ive said that and i predicted that he doesnt talk to anybody hell start a war. You know, lives will be wasted for no reason. I happen to think that the president is going to start a war with iran. I think itll be a shortterm popular thing to do and i think hes going to do that for political reasons. Our president will start a war with iran because he has absolutely no ability to negotiate. Hes weak and hes ineffective so the only way he figures that hes going to get reelected, and as sure as youre sitting there, is to start a war with iran i believe that he will attack iran some time prior to the election because he thinks thats the only way he can get elected. Isnt it pathetic . Seth yes, it is. [ light laughter ] the thing about trump is that he never tells the truth about himself in the present, but he always tells the truth about himself like ten years in advance. When he accuses people of crossing the border illegally, that means ten years from now hes going to get caught climbing over his wall trying to flee to mexico [ laughter ] damn it whyd we make it so tall . [ laughter ] so its already terrifying that the president is possibly lurching into an unjust and immoral war. And then on sunday, he decided to go even further and threaten war crimes against iran with a truly psychotic tweet that he genuinely thought counted as some sort of official legal document here is the very real tweet the president of the United States sent out on sunday these media posts will serve as notification to the United States congress that should iran strike any u. S. Person or target, the United States will quickly and fully strike back and perhaps in a disproportionate manner. Such legal notice is not required, but is given nevertheless. Thats right the same guy who brought you such tweets as Robert Pattinson should dump Kristen Stewart [ light laughter ] and, i have never seen a thin person drinking diet coke, now thinks his tweets serve as official legal notice to congress i dont think this tweet counts as legal notice to commit an act of war, but i do think it counts as legal notice to have you committed. That tweet sounds like something that could be scrawled on the walls of a psych ward. [ laughter and applause let this serve as a legal notice that i know youre hiding pills in my applesauce, and i will find them and sue you for malpractice. By the way, threatening a disproportionate response is a war crime, just like when trump tweeted the previous day, that if iran strikes any americans, or american assets, we have targeted 52 iranian sites, some at a very high level, and important to iran and the iranian culture. And those targets and iran itself will be hit very fast and very hard. First of all, its not reassuring when the president tweets in all caps like a lunatic who sees his exgirlfriend posting photos of herself with another guy, and texts her at 3am, who is brad and why are you in cabo . I will hit him very fast and very hard. A war with iran would be unjust and immoral, cause mass death and suffering, and destabilize the region and the world and trump obviously hasnt thought about, or doesnt care about those consequences, because by all accounts, he made this decision impulsively, to the surprise of his own top military officials the New York Times reported that they were stunned, flabbergasted, and alarmed when trump chose the option of killing soleimani. Apparently trumps military advisers put the option on one powerpoint slide to make the other options seem more reasonable, not actually thinking he would pick it. One briefing slide shown to trump listed several follow up steps the u. S. Could take, among them targeting soleimani. Unexpectedly, trump chose that option oh, did donald trump do the unexpected instead of the reasonable [ light laughter ] did you guys not get a briefing on him [ light laughter ] you cant expect the reasonable choice from the guy who stared into an eclipse, and when his umbrella got caught, just left it on the stairs [ laughter ] Congress Must do everything in its power to stop an unjust and immoral war with iran that will have disastrous consequences thats why thousands of protesters took to the streets over the weekend in cities across the country to say no to war with iran. We have an impulsive lawless president , threatening war crimes, who thinks his tweets count as official legal documents. You got to ask isnt it pathetic seth this has been a closer look. [ cheers and applause well be right back with senator Elizabeth Warren, everybody [ cheers and applause announcer for more of seths closer looks, be sure to subscribe to late night on youtube. 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Just like thats not really daddy. Yes, it is. Ok. Pringles wavy. Big crunch. Big flavor. You can talk to animals . Yes. Welcome aboard. Are you even a bird . What bird stuff can you do . Well, what bear stuff can you do . [ roar ] you win this round. [ cheers and applause seth welcome back, everybody. Give it up for the 8g band right over there [ cheers and applause happy new year, 8g band joining us on drums this week, shes the drummer for 80s icon cyndi lauper, who just released her very first solo project under the name b. Kind, which can be found on all major music platforms. Caitlin kalafus is back, everybody [ cheers and applause thanks so much you for being here, caitlin. Anytime happy new year seth happy new year to you our first guest tonight is the United States senator from massachusetts and a democratic candidate for president. Please welcome back to the show senator Elizabeth Warren, everyone [ cheers and applause seth how are you im good. How are you . Seth im impressed im well im impressed with your energy you bet seth and you had a very todays a good day. Seth you had a good day because i did seth one of a one of your former, i guess, competitors for the nomination, julian castro, endorsed you this morning. Yes, he did seth thats really nice. It really is. [ cheers and applause seth it must be particularly nice to get an endorsement for someone who, you know, shared a stage with you, has gone through the first few months of this process with you how do you find out about Something Like that happening . Well, you know, julian and i have been friends for a long time because we fight for a lot of the same things he has this remarkable story about his life and how he ended up in Public Service and were out there fighting for people who dont have a voice in our government we both see an america thats working great. If youre rich if youre powerful you have an army of lawyers and lobbyists. But its not working so great for everybody else and we feel like weve got this chance in 2020, this real chance to be able to build an america that works for everybody and julian is just just a great partner in this fight. Seth now you mentioned partner because of course, any time anyone endorses somebody else, they go, oh, potential running mate. What do you have to way too presumptuous seth yes, of course. Sure, sure, sure [ light laughter ] to be talking about that sort of thing seth yeah, you dont rush into things. You dont seth you want to go slow with stuff like that i want to talk about someone that were both, i believe, fans of its her birthday today, Kate Mckinnon, who does an impression of you on snl. [ cheers and applause and i was wondering i was wondering how you feel about the impression what is it like seeing yourself on saturday night live . How do you feel kate is doing . You know, i have to say she is really fabulous shes smart. Shes engaged. You know, she brings a lot of energy we wear the same jackets seth yeah. [ laughter ] i want to give credit i quick credit to the snl Wardrobe Department who makes more jackets than you can believe to match candidates. Thats exactly right. She does great and look, heres the deal. Elect me president of the United States and we get eight more years of Kate Mckinnon on saturday night live seth eight more years of Kate Mckinnon. [ cheers and applause yeah you know, i i played john kerry and i think it worked against him. See seth yeah. [ laughter ] i think it worked against him. I just got to say seth, i know john kerry. Youre no Kate Mckinnon. [ laughter ] seth thats very that is very fair. One of the things as you fight big money in politics, as you fight corruption in politics, you stay away from big donors, largedollar donors. So you have smallerdollar donors yup seth and you sort of famously call a lot of them personally i do. Seth but i would have to imagine a lot of them dont believe its you its true seth what is it like when you i mean, what are some of the things that people say when you call well, a lot of people really start with serious cuss words. Seth uhhuh. [ laughter ] sure and it takes a minute seth in the middle of dinner, you dont want a fake Elizabeth Warren calling you and theyre no, they just keep saying things like, holy, oh my, really . So theres a and then some of the best ones, ive actually been crossexamined to prove im not the newest version of artificial intelligence. Seth yeah, sure. [ light laughter ] and so ive had people ask me like, okay, this could be a trick question when i say yes, you have to say no. seth wow you had me to verify. But you know, this is one of the best parts of running a Campaign Like this. I call people who make 5 contributions and 25 in fact, go to elizabethwarren. Com tonight, make some contributions, ill make some phone calls. Seth there you go okay, lets do it [ cheers and applause seth i want to talk, obviously, about whats happened the last few days with iran. You know, i think one of the questions is obviously you have this country that, you know, is a sovereign nation, but in many ways a bad actor how do you would you go about if you were president , trying to deescalate the Current Situation with iran . Well, you know, the first job of the president of the United States is to keep america safe and this president has gone in exactly the opposite direction and he started in three years ago when he tore up the Iran Nuclear Deal that iran had agreed not to advance its nuclear program. Our allies wanted america to stay in it but instead donald trump tore it up. And hes just had a series of escalating attacks and now with the killing of soleimani, were in a place where we stopped our actions against isis we now have a president who is tweeting threats of war crimes weve had to pull all of the americans out of the area, all the civilians. This is not making america safer. And what its really doing, we really have to talk about this, this is moving us closer to the very edge of war americans dont want a war with iran and this is the moment americans need to speak up, need to speak up loudly and say no more war in the middle east. Its time to have peace in the middle east. We need to get out of this [ cheers and applause seth it does seem like were living in an era where there is an expansion of president ial powers you know, congress has less to say about what wars were in, how those wars are fought. And you know, from president obama to president trump, a lot of what they ran on was no more wars, which has not been the case how do you as president actually go about, you know, keeping a Campaign Promise that has been made now a couple of times about were not going to do this anymore . Well, part of it is you have to think about the use of our military we have the finest military on earth. All three of my brothers served in the military. Our military will do anything we ask them to do they will make any sacrifice but that means the commander in chief has to understand that we should not ask our military to try to solve problems that cannot be solved militarily. We have to be willing to use our diplomatic tools we have to be willing to use our economic tools we have to be willing to work with our allies. We have to be willing to do the quiet, careful work of back channels to Work Together. Remember, iran, yes, a nation that takes many bad acts but working with our allies, we got them to the negotiating table. We got them to agree to give up advancing their nuclear program. We can make diplomacy work, but its hard work its painstaking work. But its something i will be committed to as commander in chief. Seth i want to ask you about this as well [ cheers and applause weve actually had some of your i believe multiple former students of yours are actually in congress now yes seth weve had some of them on the show. Is it katie porter. Seth katie porter was here she was on not so long ago. Shes fab. Seth shes fabulous. Yup seth and very well prepared when she when she questions people in front of congress. Katies always well prepared. Seth thats good was is it important as a student in Elizabeth Warren professor warrens class to be well prepared oh, yes, if you wanted to get out with your life seth yeah. Unhuh. [ laughter ] yeah seth whats a worst Case Scenario hypothetically for a student in one of your classes who is unprepared . I mean is there a way to sit in the back and just not get called on ask joe kennedy that question seth oh, joe kennedy [ audience ohs ] didnt go well for joe kennedy [ laughter ] it was seth whats it like i mean must been proud that first state law school was his whole life seth really . In front of him yeah, yeah seth yeah, see, thats why see, i wouldnt even go to law school for that reason. Thats sounds so terrifying. No. But it was fun seth and is it fun running into former students as colleagues now see, you know, i think of this as one of these big divisions between donald trump and me the people from my former life are really rising stars in Public Service and the people from Donald Trumps former life are rising stars in prison seth yeah, thats a difference [ laughter ] its seth thats a difference, yeah its a [ cheers and applause seth it seems like obviously its been on pause were in this situation where, you know, impeachment has happened but it is not its in this weird sort of whatever you would call it id like to think impeachment is never normal. Seth yeah, its not right. Yeah. Seth its weird how its become normal. Its like, yeah, theres an impeachment. Whatever, its live your life. [ laughter ] what do you feel theres any if you can picture a month from now, two months from now, any chance the republicans in the senate are going to ever change their minds about what the president s been accused of . You know, i see the republicans in the senate thus far as spineless, as entirely captured by some combination of their own right wing and fox news and terrified of this president. But there are a whole a lot of people out there in this country. And the more people speak up, the more people bring pressure to bear, the more you at least try to get some basic fairness in this system. You know, right now donald trump is refusing to let people come in and testify and Mitch Mcconnells backing him up on this, who had firsthand knowledge of what happened in the phone call with ukraine and then what happens subsequently and it makes no headlines right now. But the Trump Administration has refused lawful court orders now that theyre supposed to produce documents. You know, however you feel about the president , we got to have some shared notion that we all took the same oath and thats an oath not to an individual, not to a political party, but an oath to uphold the constitution of the United States of america. And that means we need to go forward with this impeachment trial. We need the witnesses. We need the documents, just so we can have an open and fair trial. And then let everybody vote. And heres the deal, live with that vote for the rest of your life seth all right, sounds like a plan [ cheers and applause you have a lot of those. I do. Seth senator Elizabeth Warren, everybody [ cheers and applause well be right back with david byrne. [ cheers and applause its not getting in my way. Joint pain, swelling, tenderness. Much better. My psoriasis, clearer. Cosentyx works on all of this. Four years and counting. So watch out. I got this watch me. Real people with active Psoriatic Arthritis are feeling real relief with cosentyx. 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[mayhem] you always drive like an old lady . [tina] youre an old lady. [ cheers and applause seth our next guest tonight is an Academy Awardwinning composer, a grammy awardwinning musician, a rock and roll hall of fame inductee and former front man of talking heads hes currently starring on broadway in david byrnes american utopia at the hudson theater through february 16th. Please welcome to the show, the legendary david byrne, everyone [ cheers and applause seth welcome to the show thank you seth i was lucky enough to come to this show, and it put my wife and i keep talking, it put us in the best mood, which is a very nice gift to give to an audience now. And we felt as though that was not just true of us but everybody in the audience. Is that one of the things you set out to do, is just to cheer everybody up a little . Not just cheer but yes. There are we sort of theres a couple of gut punches seth yes in the show. Places where we get kind of serious about issues and things like that. And then, we kind of theres a little bit of, like, yes, now were going to feel good were all together seth yeah. Yeah, we do want everybody to leave feeling, like, whew, yes [ laughter ] seth the night i went, my friend amy schumer, who has seen the show multiple times, she called us up and said, youre coming to the show tonight. And we went. And she invited a lot of other people and it was im not namedropping. They were there to see you but Jerry Seinfeld and Phoebe Wallerbridge are you finding that you look out in the audience and see people you recognize often im terrible at it but the band the band will tell me, guess whos out there tonight guess whos out there tonight . [ laughter ] seth it must be that part of it must be nice its really nice. I mean and, okay, a lot of funny people have been coming. Seth yes as in people who are seth a lot of comedians fred armisen just went with natasha lyonne, a huge fan of yours. Yes and so, i started thinking, is there a reason for that . Seth are funny people coming to see you for a reason . Yes, for a reason am i i mean, i get some laughs seth yeah, you do it you do well. Yeah, yeah, yeah [ laughter ] but yourself included. These people really know how to get laughs [ light laughter ] seth yeah. So i dont think theyre coming to learn from me. Seth no. [ laughter ] i think comedians who are some of the most, like, sort of we get jealous very quickly we get envious like if you see a joke that you really love, you think to yourself, man, i wish i told that joke. Whereas most of the things you do in the show, we think, oh, i would never be able to do that in a million years. [ laughter ] okay. Seth so theres no core jealousy because we think to ourselves, oh, this is just a way to release and not think, like, man, if i just worked harder, i could be david byrne. [ laughter ] i think your innate talent is beyond what we have. I can demonstrate some of the dancing stuff is not that hard seth thats true and i want to make sure you know thats not what i was talking about [ laughter ] at no point have i ever seen you dance and thought, how does he do that . [ laughter ] what is obviously, youve been on the road a few years youve done Live Performances for years. But now, youre on broadway. Have there been any surprises . Yes, yes. Its really different. Obviously, i get to go home every night, so thats really great. But its different in that i know that a broadway audience expects something different. Seth yes theyre not there like a concert audience, theyll dance and party for the whole show seth yep broadway audience, you got to take us on a journey here. You got to give us a beginning and middle and an end. We want to know why were here seth right all of these things, which is great. I saw it as an opportunity i didnt know if i would succeed at it or not but i saw it as an opportunity to go, okay, were going to start slow, were going to show you what this is were going to kind of lead you into it kind of little by little so you get whats going on and theres a story that im telling incrementally and all of this kind of stuff. And by the end, its a much more Emotional Experience than the concerts are the concerts are a great party seth of course but this, you end up really feeing something deeply at the end. Seth i had great appreciation for a moment, not just that emotional journey, but at one point, you do let everyone know that you we are allowed to get up and dance. And i now realize, ive reached the age where i like to be told, when is it a good time to dance and when is it over . [ light laughter ] and so, that i think is a great gift that you give the audience. Yes, and i mean, you mustve had the same experience. So youre looking out and you might be going, this person has not reacted to anything yet. Seth yes, of course. Yeah do i focus on that person now and go, im going to try to win you over . Seth oh, now which do you choose because i will tell you on nights where i do standup, there are nights where i think, im gonna get them. And then, there are nights where early on, im like, this is not going to happen and i bail. Do you go for it do you dig in . [ laughter ] a little bit. If i see like a crack, if i see a little reaction seth yeah. Ill go, okay, thats it. The door is open i can this person will join, with a little bit more [ laughter ] seth you obviously, another difference between your concerts you do you tell jokes, you tell stories do you find that part of engaging with the audience do you like taking those breaks between songs that you havent historically done . It was a learning curve, but i loved it seth yeah. I loved it. Its so fascinating for me its a little bit of what you do can i say that Jerry Seinfeld gave me a note seth he gave you a note . I can tell you he gives me notes too. Hes very [ laughter ] and it was spot on. Seth oh, what did he give you . Okay, the part in the show where i invite the audience to dance, i put a little joke at the end. And what i used to say was, see if i can get this right [ laughter ] the Fire Department has asked you not to dance in the aisles because dancers in the aisles will have an unfair advantage in the event of a fire. And jerry immediately said afterwards, he said, no, no, no, no, no, no you cant put the joke in the middle of the sentence the joke has to come at the end. So the unfair advantage is the joke. And he goes, just swap those phrases around. [ laughter ] and damn, it worked. [ laughter ] seth see, thats the upside to having comedians come to your show yes, yes, i could tell you. Tell me what to fix. [ laughter ] seth well, again, it was so wonderful. Thank you so much for being here it was such a delight to talk to you. [ cheers and applause david byrne, everybody david byrnes american utopia is playing at the hudson theater until february 16th. Well be right back with music from h. E. R [ cheers and applause french fry. Iced chai. Pad thai. Baked pie. Pork chop. Soda pop. Scallop. Kebobs. Soursop. Hot pot. Dumpling. Chicken wing. Peking. Onion ring. We are americas kitchen. Doordash. Every flavor welcome. Too many afterparties. 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[ cheers and applause seth tonights musical guest has five grammy nominations this year including for album record and song of the year here to perform her latest single slide, give it up for h. E. R. [ cheers and applause all you wanna d is gas m how we end u in the backseat just tryna get to the bag we on the same pag you the same way only keep the fam around m so let me know what its gon be i dont plan on gettin no sleep while we doin our thing movin too fast candy paint wit the windows all blac seats creme brulee what they gon say with the top down screami money aint a thin we up til six in the mornin when the sunris well be on it know i got fiv you know its all live tell me when to g baby, when we gon sto everywhere we go slide, hey, hey up all nigh baby, when we goin slid oh, yeah, yeah i dont car if we on the run nothin matter when we one on one lookin at us cause we goin dum we on the same wav you the same way you know i be dow if its with you where we goin baby, whats the move we should take a trip up to the moon get a room doin our thing movin too fas candy paint with the windows all black seats creme brule what they gon say with the top down screamin money aint a thing we up til si in the morni when the sunrise well be on it know i got five you know its all live tell me when to go baby, when we gon stop baby when we go slide, hey, he up all night baby, when we goin slide yeah, up all night, bab when we goin slid oh, up all night baby, when we goin slide doin our thing movin too fas candy paint with the windows all black seats creme brule what they gon say with the top down screamin money aint a thing we up til si in the mornin when the sunrise well be on it know i got five you know its all live tell me when to go baby, when we gon stop baby when we go slide, hey, hey [ cheers and applause seth h. 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Because its never just a cough. [ cheers and applause seth my thanks to senator Elizabeth Warren and david byrne. H. E. R. , everybody [ cheers and applause Caitlin Kalafus and, of course, the 8g band. Stay tuned for lilly singh. Well see you tomorrow [ cheers and applause lilly tonight on a little late with lilly singh, im gonna be here. Im gonna sit here and do things no need for props tonight, because weve got a big show with lots of star power, because i im going to be interviewing Chelsea Handler lilly, i know this is your own show, but can i give you a piece of advice . Knock first. Lilly wait did we accidentally get a nip slip handler lilly because if so, its perfect. [ laughter ]

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