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President. Senator Bernie Sanders joining us live as the new poll shows him surging in the early states. Under threat millions across the south brace for an outbreak of Severe Weather. Heavy rain, damaging wind and possible tornadoes while snow and ice takes aim at nearly 2,000 miles from okay lahoma to maine. Al has everything you need to know for the weekend what led to prince harry and Meghan Markles shocking decision to leave . The queen demanding her family find a solution, and meghan heads back to canada the stars align. I got silver because of this guy. And every day has been happier since. Brad pitts Emotional Message to his friend, Bradley Cooper. And the one and only, larry david, joins us in studio 1a introduce me as a renaissance man. We cannot curb our enthusiasm today, january 10th, 2020. Announcer from nbc news, this is today with Savannah Guthrie and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in Rockefeller Plaza and good morning, everybody. Welcome to today. Nice to have you with us on a friday morning we have Bernie Sanders here this morning. And we have larry david and we did not plan this the stars sometimes just align on a certain day pure coincidence. Lets get to the news this morning. Topping the news this morning, the overnight denial from iran that it was behind the shootdown of a passenger plane, despite video just out that appears to show otherwise we have complete coverage on that and the new developments on the impeachment showdown nbcs chief Foreign Correspondent Richard Engel from baghdad this morning to get us started. Good morning to you. Reporter good morning, savannah iran says if the u. S. Has evidence that iran shot down the plane, it should share it. It should prove its case iran says it is not shutting the door to cooperating with international investigators, including from boeing. Iran this morning insists it did not accidentally or intentionally shoot down a ukrainian passenger plane with antiaircraft weapons, as the country was on high alert, bracing for a possible american counterstrike hours after iran fired missiles at a base a News Organization close to the government called the charge psychological warfare by the cia to distract from irans missile attacks. U. S. Intelligence sources say satellite imagery and communications intercepts confirm iran did shoot down the plane, likely by mistake President Trump weighing in on thursday it was flying in a pretty rough neighborhood somebody could have made a mistake. Some say it was mechanical i personally dont think thats even a question, personally. Reporter the Prime Minister of canada, which had 63 citizens on board, going a step further we have intelligence from multiple sources, including our allies and our own intelligence, the evidence indicates that the plane was shot down by an iranian surfacetoair missile reporter Ukrainian Airlines flight 752 left tehran at 6 12 a. M. Bound for kiev. U. S. Sources say two minutes later, two russianmade missiles were fired at the plane. Seconds later, a midair explosion. The plane then crashing to the ground this video, taken from the ground, appears to show the moment a missile impacted. The fireball streaking across the sky. Ukrainian News Agencies releasing this photo, unconfirmed by nbc news, showing what could be the remains of a russianmade antiaircraft weapon iran calls it a fake and insists it is willing to cooperate iran says it recovered two damaged black box recorders and will attempt to recover data from them. And iran invites boeing and ukrainian authorities to participate in the investigation. An iranian official this morning said it could take a month to read those damaged flight recorders and a year to complete the investigation. Savannah Richard Engel leading us off from baghdad lets get to tom costello. He covers aviation for us. Been talking to sources about this investigation now, obviously, were seeing two sides of this story. Tom, good morning. What are you hearing under International Civil aviation agreements, iran was required to invite boeing and ntsb to participate in the investigation. Because of the sanctions in place, both would need a waiver from the Trump Administration to head to iran were waiting on word of whether that will happen importantly, iran has started to, as you said, read out the black boxes without western observers there to see the process. Most experts i talked to dont believe iran has the same level of expertise or technology that youd find in the u. S. , canada, france, or even russia but iran is in charge of this investigation. This morning, there are already some concerns about whether the wreckage field has in any way been moved or tampered with, making it difficult to properly collect and document all of the evidence, as investigators would normally do. And speaking of that process, in a typical situation, what evidence would investigators be looking for, particularly when its alleged theres a missile strike involved . They would be looking at the alleged piece of the Russian Rocket that richard talked about that was spotted there at the crash scene. Although, again, iran calls that fake they would be looking for missile debris and shrapnel. Puncture holes on the fuselage and evidence of scorching or burn marks thats the kind of evidence they were collecting when mh17 was shot down over ukraine, killing everybody on board several years ago. The condition of the debris field is very concerning to veteran investigators. And they would want to get a full readout on both the flight data recorder and the cockpit voice recorder if it was a missile, the data would probably indicate both engines suddenly stopped running and all cockpit functions just ceased but what did the pilots say to each other did they see a missile or explosion . Investigators would hope to hear those conversations on the cockpit voice recorder of course, iran has possession of both black boxes right now. Theres the question of the integrity of the investigation on the debris field. Tom, thank you also, the president for the first time revealing more about what the Administration Says was an imminent threat which led to the strike on irans top general Kristen Welker is here thats more than weve heard before from any Administration Official far more than weve heard, savannah this was remarkable. Yesterday, speaking at the white house, President Trump said they were tracking a potential threat, attacks being planned by irans top general, qassem soleimani, in baghdad. As he was speaking at that rally overnight in toledo, he took it a step further take a listen. Soleimani was actively planning new attacks and he was looking seriously at our embassies and not just the embassy in baghdad but we stopped him thats new. He was looking at multiple embassies. We have not been able to confirm that, savannah i reached out to white house officials and nsc officials, they wouldnt comment. They said theyd let the president s comments stand in a briefing with reporters, an official didnt confirm what the president said but did stress they were tracking a threat that was potentially imminent within days lawmakers, as you know, have been saying, declassify the evidence behind all of this. The administration is not ready to do that some lawmakers are saying, tell us behind closed doors, the gang of eight, theres been a dustup over that. What is the intelligence youre talking about . Meanwhile, the house passed a resolution having to do with the president s war powers what can you tell us about that . This is the war powers resolution it essentially says, you have to come to congress before you take any further action in iran hes what you ha heres what you have to know it is nonbinding, savannah. It is symbolic it passed along party lines. And it comes because lawmakers are saying, you failed to convince us. The briefing did not provide adequate evidence to prove there was, in fact, an imminent threat President Trump blasted lawmakers overnight at that same rally he said, as commander in chief, i have to be able to act quickly and congress and democrats in particular, are too busy trying to impeach me to weigh in on the very sensitive Foreign Policy matters. This fight is going to continue, savannah it heads to the senate next. Of course, the republicanled body it faces an uncertain future there. Kristen, thank you. Well continue the story from there. At last nights rally, the president did rail against the impeachment process. The standoff over the senate trial could be nearing an end. Nbcs Peter Alexander is at the white house for us on that angle. Good morning reporter good morning. Its been more than three weeks since the house voted to impeach President Trump. But House Speaker nancy pelosi has yet to send the charges to the senate, even as democrats grow restless. Pelosi wants to know what rules will govern a trial in the senate again, overnight, the senates Top Republicans told nbc news, thats not going to happen President Trump in ohio overnight bashing nancy pelosi for her delay in turning over the articles of impeachment. She doesnt want to put in the articles its so weak theyre so pathetic. Reporter pelosi maintains shes in no rush, undeterred by criticism from the president and new pressure from some democrats to move forward. Im not holding them indeft a indefinitely ill send them over when im ready, and itll probably be soon reporter some democrats voicing concern over the speakers strategy, now backtracking chairman adam smith early thursday i think it is time to send the impeachment to the senate and let Mitch Mcconnell be responsible for the fairness of the trial. Reporter hours later, tweeting, i misspoke if the speaker wants to hold on to the articles for a longer time, believing it would force a fair trial in the senate, i fully support that decision. Pelosi wants Mitch Mcconnell, who is setting the rules for the senate trial, to show his cards first. Our articles necessitate a fair trial with documents and witnesses. They dont want documents. They dont want the documentation. They dont want witnesses. Reporter the senate has conducted 15 impeachment trials in its history only two for president s. It heard from witnesses every time some republicans say they want to hear opening arguments first before deciding whether to call witnesses. The president made it clear who he thinks should testify im going to leave it to the senate but i would like to hear the whistleblower. I would like to hear shifty schiff i would like to hear hunter biden and joe biden. Reporter but mcconnell has not committed to any of them and its not clear if republicans would side with democrats, calling on former National Security adviser john bolton to testify, after bolton said he would talk if subpoenaed by the senate. Before taking off for ohio last night, President Trump huddled with top advisers, including members of his legal team inside the oval office to discuss their impeachment strategy mcconnell tells us he has no idea when the charges will be sent if they come within the next few days, savannah, a senate trial could begin as early as next week Peter Alexander at the white house. Just ahead well talk about all of this, whats happening in washington, impeachment, iran, and where the president ial race stands, when democratic candidate senator Bernie Sanders joins us live here in our studio for an exclusive morning interview. Craig joins the table now. A big story were working on is the weather. Indeed. A lot of folks are talking about the tornadoes possible in the south. Ice, snow taking aim at millions from the midwest to new england. Mr. Roker is standing by with all of it. This is a volatile and unusual situation for this time of year. The last time we had a moderate risk for Severe Weather for 31 Million People, 2013 in january. Theyve only issued this four times for the month of january its very unusual. Damaging winds, hail, strong tornadoes possible we have a flood risk for 48 Million People from texas all the way to new england and Winter Weather advisories for 33 million, from texas into the northeast. You can see the line developing now. Heres what we look for for today into tonight a flood tlets threat from texas to vermont these storms could be moving at 50 Miles Per Hour and generate tornadoes. The risk continues tomorrow. We have seven states, 18 Million People, for more tornadoes, damaging winds and hail up to 1 inch the system continues to move to the east snow and ice expand on the back side of the system. And by sunday morning, the east coast gets involved with very heavy rain, thunderstorms, as well the impact, heavy rain and flooding, rain falling at 1 to 2 inches per hour. Tornadoes possible we have an ice risk, and Power Outages from michigan all the way back into oklahoma and then, we have snow wintry travel, intense bands of snow likely, strong winds with whiteout conditions. Airport delays will be a problem tomorrow i should say today kansas city, st. Louis, memphis, dallas, and houston, as well this is a volatile and dangerous situation that we will continue to monitor savannah al, thank you other news this morning, australian officials urge nearly 250,000 people to evacuate their homes, as soaring temperatures and erratic winds are expected to fan the Deadly Wildfires across the east coast of the country. Emergency alert Text Messages are being sent to hundreds of thousands of residents, telling them to leave. The Australian Military the standing by, ready to help 27 people have been killed already. More evacuations expected as the fires have scorched more than 25 million acres. Boeing released internal emails that appeared to show employees criticizing the 737 max jet and possibly trying to mislead regulators the documents were turned over to congressional investigators in a 2017 message, boeings chief technical pilot urges those to stop simulating training for max pilots. Another wrote, this plane is designed by clowns who are supervised by monkeys. Max jets have been grounded since last march following two deadly crashes overseas. We have a lot to get to. Ken jennings is one step closer to being named jeopardy s greatest of alltime in the first game, you accumulated 51,200 you have just won your second match. There we go jennings got his second one under his belt, dominating from start to finish. Now, he leads james holzhauer, two matches to one the jeopardy g. O. A. T. Greatest of all time tournament pits three biggest money winners in history ken, just one win away from the title. They should get a belt, like a wwe belt yes yeah. With the 1 million, they can buy it studly. You know dont you agree . Studly. I do hearing that come from you, its interesting. Anyway lets show you the rest of the country. As we were talking, got a new storm coming in the southwest. Active weather pattern snow developing in the rockies the snow outbreak in the lower plains well be watching that very closely. For today, the best weather, from florida into the Midatlantic States and also southern california, as well well get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. I was born right in the doorway now i dont know where i am, i dont know where ive been but i know where i wanna go good friday morning. Im meteorologist kari hall. As we look live outside at the Golden Gate Bridge with with drifts of fog coming by, well see this and feel very cold temperatures. We are freezing right now in napa and just above freezing for the trivalley. Elsewhere upper 30s and low 40s. Were heading up to 58 degrees today for the inland areas and most of us in the mid to upper 50s. A chance of rain early tomorrow morning, clearing out for the 49ers game and sunshine in the forecast on sunday. And that is your latest weather. Hoda al, thanks. The royals said to be in crisis mode. Meghan heading to canada overnight. The queen ordering Prince Charles and Prince William to step in. Well have the very latest and a live report from Buckingham Palace senator Bernie Sanders in our studio this morning. Hes going to weigh in on the iran crisis, on impeachment, and his path to the democratic nomination, with the first contest, the first votes, three first, this is toda y beyond the routine checkups. Beyond the notsoroutine cases. Comcast business is helping doctors provide care in whole new ways. All working with a new generation of technologies powered by our gigspeed network. Because beyond technology. There is human ingenuity. Every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected. To do the extraordinary. Take your business beyond. Just ahead this morning, two hollywood superstars with a shared struggle. We hear from brad pitt, as he reveals how Bradley Cooper helped him get sober well have that in a bit first, your local news and some weather. Everything your trip needs for everyone you love. Expedia. For everyone you love. Dealing with our finances really haunted me. Ttle cranky. Thankfully, i got quickbooks, and a live bookkeepers helping customize it for our business. live bookkeeper youre all set up janine great vo get set up right with a live bookkeeper with intuit quickbooks. Why would somebody want to suffer if there is options Patients Want something that works faster for them. That they dont need to. I think dentists will want to recommend sensodyne rapid relief because its clinically proven to work in 3 days. Which means for patients that they get relief very fast. 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Cancel your cold, not your plans. Advil multisymptom cold flu. Chit, chit. Jif peanut butter. Its that jifing good, youd dress up like a squirrel for it. Snack on Something Else jifing good, jif power ups creamy clusters. When we see you enter through our doors. We dont see who youre against, or for. Whether tomorrow will be light or dark. All we see in you, is a spark. We see your kindness and humanity. The strength of each community. The more we look the more we find the sparks that make america shine. I wish i could tell ya how i feel about a mornin like this. And that includes a good hearty breakfast. You need somethin to kinda warm the whole body up and gets it going. Its a great way to kick off your day. whistling a very good morning to you. It is 7 clover 26, im laura garcia. Police in palo alto investigating an Early Morning Armed Robbery at a safeway store. Robbers went straight to the pharmacy and held up workers at gunpoint. It happened at about 1 00 a. M. On middlefield road. A fellow worker told us the gunman ordered pharmacy workers to the floor and took an unknown amount of prescription medication. Police are looking for three men all wearing hoodies that left the scene in a 2000 red chevy pickup truck. No one was hurt and there were no customers inside of the store at the time. Lets check with the forecast for this friday morning with meteorologist kari hall. Good morning. Were seeing some fog and also chilly temperatures. Some mist and drizzle in San Francisco as you head out. But at least there at the bridge level, the visibility is clear. Temperatures in the mid40s but were freezing in the north bay. Trivalley very close to freezing. Well warm up today with with sunshine. Highs reaching into the mid to upper 50ss. By tomorrow some Early Morning rain comes in but clearing out in time for the 49ers game. Sunday is looking pretty good with highs in the upper 50s and then next week well be tracking more storms set to move into the bay area. Lets get an update on the commute from mike. I think we see relief for west 237. The crash has been there for over half an hour and just got word that the, quote, wrecker has been cleared to the tow yard but no major injuries to any people. North 87 still slow after the crash at kerner on the shoulder. A little distraction in the south bay. Silicon valley not so bad. Slowing by the airport in san jose. That is the worst of it. Slow across the dumbarton bridge, westbound your typical drive and finally in the last few minutes at the build at the toll plaza for the bay bridge has started in earnest. Well be back with another update for you in about half an hour. Hope to you see then. Have a good friday morning. Nbc bay areas today in the bay investigates stories had a could change your morning. Whether you need an alternate route to avoid trouble in your chute. Or you want the bay areas most accurate weather forecast. Well help you prepare for the unknown with with a newscast that wont waste your time. Our promise is to make your mornings a little easier. So get up, get informed and get going with nbc bay areas today in the bay. Morning. Say it again friday friday. Friyay like the sound of that. Its the 10th of january, 2020 by the way, the Rockefeller Christmas tree, still shining bright itll be up for a little bit the valentines day tree, easter tree. If you feel guilty for procrastinating getting your tree down, were here to help. There you go. 7 30 headlines. This morning, iran is denying that one of its missiles hit a ukrainian airplane that crashed near tehran this week, killing all 176 people onboard officials are calling for them to release data backing those accusations. Western leaders say the plane appeared to have been unintentionally hit by an Iranian Missile just hours after iran launched a series of ballistic miss ail taile attacko american bases in iraq a middle schoolteacher in florida is facing charges after Officials Say he violently carried a student out of his classroom. It was caught on camera. You see the teacher pick up the 14yearold out of his chair, carry him across the classroom, and push him through a doorway according to the police report, the incident started when the teenager started playing music on his computer during class and refused to turn down the volume. That teacher was placed on leave pending the investigation. Heres something that has a lot of people talking. A lawmaker in vermont has introduced a bill that would ban the use of cell phones by anyone under the age of 21. Violators could serve a year in prison and a 1,000 fine the senator who introduced the bill cites cell phones as a large factor in the teenage driving deaths and in bullying he doesnt expect the bill to pass, but he does hope it will raise an important conversation. More to get to this morning, including fallout over prince harry and Meghan Markles stunning decision to step back from royal duties. Meghan has returned to canada while the other royals work out how to move forward. International correspondent keir simmons joins us from Buckingham Palace this morning. Good morning to you. Reporter hey, craig. Good morning imagine the tension theres been in the halls of Buckingham Palace behind me there in the past 48 hours. It looks like harry, by standing firm, has successfully forced his family to listen the royals in the past few days, going from fighting with each other to fighting for a solution this morning, in another breathtaking development, the duchess of sussex has returned to canada. Reports say baby archie is there. And some believe its where harry and meghan plan to live some of the time this week, the duke and duchess visited the Canadian High Commission in london to thank them for hosting their family over Christmas Harry remains in the u. K. , where multiple reports say the queen has told Prince Charles and Prince William to do a deal in days a deal that would allow harry and meghan to step back from senior royal life and forge a new financially independent role earlier today in london, i caught up with a friend of prince harry i think it will be a quick resolution i think the resolution at the end will suit all parties. Heartily will be able to serve his queen and country, and theyll be able to carry on and do what their passion is, philanthropy reporter this stunning application, quietly submitted in december, trademarks their sussex name for things like books, calendars and clothing. They want to keep their home in windsor and royal protection, but take a new approach with the media. Overnight, more details emerging how their stunning announcement was rushed out talks had only just begun when there was a leak this article in the sun headlined harry and meghan could move to canada would have left harry furious hours later, harry published his plans, reportedly giving charles and william ten minutes notice. Now, negotiations must take place in the public spotlight, just what the royal family had hoped to avoid this is a bizarre story that seems to get more bizarre by the day. The reports now that oprah was the person who inspired the move by harry and meghan. What more do we know about that . Reporter well, oprah telling nbc news thats not the case, issuing a statement saying, meghan and harry do not need my help in figuring out whats best for them i care about them both and support whatever decisions they make for their family. Weve seen the two sides of prince harry the petulant side, the guy that throws a tantrum, frankly, when a story is leaked to a newspaper, and just pushes out this announcement. On the other side, the determined side, the guy who is determined to support and be loyal to his family. You have to say, craig, in this land of shakespeare, we sure know how to put on a drama yeah, you do. Yeah, you do keir simmons from buckingham thank you. Still to come, were take a closer look at brad pitts powerful connection to Bradley Cooper, and why pitt says hes happier now. First, well talk politics our live interview with Bernie Sanders, as a new poll shows he is surging in the democratic race for president , coming up right after this because i can still make my own insulin. And trulicity activates my body to release it like its supposed to. Trulicity is for people with type 2 diabetes. Its not insulin. I take it once a week. It starts acting in my body from the first dose. Trulicity isnt for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Dont take trulicity if youre allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. Stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, or severe stomach pain. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. 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He brought in more than 34 million to buttigiegs 27 million. 21 million for warren and with that, the political backdrop laid out, we say good morning to you welcome to the today show. Thank you very much lets talk about the news the president revealed what he says was the justification for the attack on general soleimani. He said intelligence shows that multiple embassies overseas were being targeted by soleimani. Do you believe him do you believe that intelligence no. I sat in an intelligence briefing, a classified briefing, the day before, when we had all of the topranking military people the intelligence people. And not one word of that was mentioned. Is it true i dont know but we didnt hear it in a classified intelligence briefing is it possible that it could be true . The difficulty, and i dont mean to be rude here, is we have a president who is a pathological liar. Could it be true it could be. Is it likely to be true . Probably not what happens in our own country and around the world, people dont believe much of what trump says when you lie all the time, the problem is sometimes maybe youre telling the truth and people arent going to believe you. You said this week you didnt support the killing of general soleimani. Right ultimately, whats happened so far, is iran did respond. However, it was rather subdued and there was no loss of life. Did that work out better than you anticipated . Do you give credit to trump for that at all . Im afraid that movie is not yet over when you have a situation where by the way, without any authorization from congress, and youll recall that under our constitution, it is congress that determines issues of war and peace. When you assassinate a highranking official of a government, you unleash international anarchy. If the United States can do that, why cant other countries do that . And youre off and running without any basis of international law. Look, im the former chairman of the Senate Committee on veterans affairs. I saw what the war in iraq was about. I saw the i knew 4,500 died thousands were wounded ptsd we spent trillions of dollars on a war we were lied into. There were not weapons of mass destruction. There were lies to get us into that war i will do everything i can to prevent another war with iran. The president said iran will never have a Nuclear Weapon. Obviously, youve said everyone says, that diplomacy is the best course there. If you were president , could you live with a nuclear iran or would you be willing to use military force to stop it . We had a process in place, working with our allies that prevented iran from getting a Nuclear Weapon but the situation as it is now, say youre the president tomorrow im not going to be president tomorrow hopefully ill be president a year from now but not tomorrow and our goal will be to once again bring our allies and bring iran together to, once again, create a process, by which iran does not get a Nuclear Weapon. Would you be willing to live with a nuclear iran . Lets be clear, we dont want iran to have Nuclear Weapons lets talk about impeachment. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been holding up the articles of impeachment, hoping to get some leverage and negotiate about what the process in the senate is whats your feeling on that . Youll be a juror on that. Youre right. Im a senator. Im going to be a juror. Last i heard, when you have a trial, you get witnesses, right . You hear the prosecution tell you, this guys guilty you hear the defendants, the people defending the person tell you why hes innocent. Its astounding that we have Mitch Mcconnell, the republican leader, trying to prevent witnesses, some who want to testify, from being present in the trial. I think their position is, well turn to that later do you think she needs to send them over and get the process started . I think now the responsibility is with mcconn l mcconnell, and i hope mcconnell does what the American People want give a fair trial, meaning well have witnesses testify, senators will hear it, American People will hear it, so we can form a clear decision, an honest decision about trumps situation. Would you like her to send them over quickly . I would like Mitch Mcconnell say hes going to do the right thing and well have witnesses lets talk about you in general. Since we last saw each other, i believe youve had a heart attack you kept up a Vigorous Campaign schedule after that, since october. Youve released three letters from your medical doctors talking about your medical condition. But for democrats looking at this race and sizing it up, what do you say to those who feel its a little risky to nominate a 78yearold man who had a heart attack a few months ago . Look, you can do the converse of that. Say, you know what, being 78 and having a 30year career in the congress, mayor of the city of burlington, vermont, i have a record if you go back over my record for decades, it is a consistent record it stands up for the working class of this country. Separate issue. It takes on the corporate greed that exists today, whether its wall street or the outrageous things that the Drug Companies are doing. If people want somebody who is consistent, who stands for working people, and have taken on all of the special interest, im that guy that speaks to your experience there can be a debate about that but the question was your health what if someone is worried about someone of your age, forgive me, that just had a heart attack you look at the totality of every candidate. Every candidate has strengths, weaknesses, so forth, so on. I would not be running or here today if i were not healthy. As you know, im running a Vigorous Campaign. No one out there is working harder than me we feel great. If we win, we will have a vigorous administration. Democrats above all things, if you talk to them, look at polls, they put electability at the top of the list. They want to win they want to beat trump. What do you say to those that worry that your message is too progressive . Too far left to win a general election the way you beat trump and i believe this very strongly you will need a huge voter turnout. And that means you need a campaign of energy and excitement, which speaks to the working class of this country, which speaks to young people, which brings people into the political process who have never been in that process before thats what our campaign is about. Can i ask you, if you look at 2018, our most recent elections in the midterms, the candidates you endorsed, i believe of all the competitive districts that could have gone from red to blue, only one flipped the democrats got the house back but they did it by running more centrist campaigns they flipped districts democrats are saying, maybe thats the way to win. Its more complicated than that okay. One of the things we managed to do in 2016 is energize a lot of young people and working people that previously had not voted. 2018 election, we saw a huge increase in the number of young people who were participating, which is exactly what we have to do what the American People have to understand is that the middle class is scag nant rigtagnant r. They are working longer hours. They cant afford prescription drugs. They cant afford to send their kids to college. And the people on top are doing well the American People, in my view, want a government and an economy that represents all of us. Not just wealthy campaign c contributors thats why i believe were going to win senator sanders, nice to have you here in studio thank you very much. Good luck on the trail we will head to al for another check on the forecast. All that warm weather, will help cause that Severe Weather ahead of this front. 48 in buffalo. 68 in memphis. Behind the front, 16 in minneapolis. 21 in rapid city that system moves to the east tomorrow records will be set, probably, in cincinnati, nashville, knoxville, charleston, portland, down to Cape Hatteras and fayetteville very cold behind the system. Early next week, you can see temperatures fairly moderate in the beginning of the weekend by midweek, temperatures drop 10 to 20 degrees. That good morning. Im meteorologist kari hall. Here is a live look outside in san jos beautiful sunrise. Upper 50s for the high today. Enjoy the sunshine. Clouds and spotty rain tomorrow morning. The clouds may linger into the start of the game but it looks like the rain will be out of here and get more sun on sunday and spraking more rain next week for San Francisco and along the coast watch out for those king tides. Thank you, al look who is at the table hey welcome back. Hello thank you good to be here. Happy friday i want to talk about what you were playing we can. Coming up, Important Health news the new recall of heart burn medications that millions of americans need to hear this morning. First, these messages. D covered by state farm . Your she sheds covered, cheryl. You hear that victor . Im getting a new she shier she shed. She shier . Mhhm. Thats wonderful news. Home insurance trusted by more people than any other. State farm. Back b jet black it up cant key me up cant key me up ayyyy techlike make us feel things for better. It gives us a helping hand when all we have are feet. Technology can make our beds, without us. Go on technology, set the mood. We even have cpas at our fingertips who will review our taxes with us before we file. Ive checked your return and youre good to go. Great thanks. People can be good at anything. Yes, even taxes. Intuit turbotax. Yep, its 1850. Colonel james, youre under arrest for drinking co oh, this ones been cut with starbucks. Its not pure 1850. 1850 coffee. Quality thats criminal. Thouwhich is Breast Cancer metastthat has spreadcer, to other parts of the body, are living in the moment and taking ibrance. Ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr her2 metastatic Breast Cancer, as the first hormonal based therapy. Ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole, and shrank tumors in over half of patients. Patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. Ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs that can lead to death. Tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including trouble breathing, shortness of breath, cough, or chest pain. Before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. Common side effects include low red blood cell and low platelet counts, infections, tiredness, nausea, sore mouth, abnormalities in liver blood tests, diarrhea, hair thinning or loss, vomiting, rash, and loss of appetite. Be in your moment. Ask your doctor about ibrance. Larry david is giving al advice on the glasses. How do you feel about them . Im undecided your face isnt undecided its more how i feel about you now. But first, your local news. So we chose xarelto®, to help keep you protected. Xarelto® is proven to treat and reduce the risk of dvt or pe blood clots from happening again. Almost 98 of people did not have another dvt or pe. Dont stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of blood clots. While taking, a spinal injection increases the risk of blood clots, which may cause paralysis the inability to move. You may bruise more easily or take longer for bleeding to stop. Xarelto® can cause serious and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. 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Everything you love about Car Insurance the discounts. The rate comparisons. And flo in a boat. Insurance adventure awaits at progressive on ice. Tickets not available now or ever. At progressive on ice. Girls on the floor gotta thirty point lead and a minute left queens on the team in real life not just on the internet all strength, we aint stoppin believe me go straight till the morning look like we wont wait, were taking everything we wanted we can do it all strength, no sweat all strength, no sweat good friday morning. Right now as we take a live look outside at the Golden Gate Bridge, you could see the fog rolling across the bay. It is also brought us mist and drizzle and it is a cold start for you as you head out of the door. Look at some sunshine today and teams reaching into the mid to upper 50s. And then by later tonight wee start to see clouds move in as our next storm system arrives. Spotty rain moving from north to south but it will be out of here by tomorrow morning. Clearing out in time for that playoff game. And it will also be breezy with a mix of sun and clouds. By sunday seeing more sun. Highs in the upper 50s and watching out for more rain early next week. This weekend, though, in San Francisco and along the coastline, watching out por the king tides that may cause coastal flooding from 9 00 to noon throughout the next three days. And then some scattered showers again early next week. Lets see how the roads are moving with mc. Great. This is friday. We do still have a commute. In the south bay, no problem for silicon valley. Oakland you see 580 and 880 slow and same with berkeley and the east shore freeway. Here is the bay bridge toll plaza. The metering lights turned on at 7 15 and may be turned off sooner than later. And slowing by the oakland coliseum. Back to you. Happening now, police in palo alto investigating an Early Morning Armed Robbery at a safeway store. Three robbers went to the pharmacy and stole prescription medication. On our home page find the full story including the scare one worker experienced at gunpoint. Today in sacramento the governor faces a deadline to hand over the new state budget plan. This year he does have one good problem. California has a multibillion dollars surplus of cash. Head to twitter or our website for the complete story. Another update for you on air in half an hour. 8 00 on today. Coming up, what happened overnight, iran denies it shot down the ukrainian passenger plane, killing everyone on board. U. S. And canadian intelligence insists they did as new video appearing to show the moment of impact is released, were live with the latest plus, brad and bradley what brad pitt is revealing about his journey to sobriety, and the famous friend who helped him stop drinking. And curb your enthusiasm comedy icon larry david is live in our studio ahead of the return of his hit show from what he tells us, its pretty, pretty, pretty good today, friday, january 10th, 2020 jamming to lizzo. Thats right. Thats your jam. It is we have a big week next week. Craig melvin sat down with tyler perry, just back from atlanta. What a cool conversation. Spent the day at his production compound. 330 acres he uses to create films and movies spent time there and gave me a tour we also talked about what he wants to use the facility for in terms of lifting others in the area and introducing them to the industry fascinating conversation hell also be here monday to promote his new movie. Love tyler. Lets get to the news at 8 00 iran denied it shot down a you y ukrainian passenger jet overnight, despite video appearing to show the plane being hit. Chief Foreign Correspondent Richard Engel joins us with the latest. Reporter good morning. Protesters in baghdad say they dont want the country sucked into a war between iran and the United States. While iran says if the u. S. Has evidence it shot down the plane, it should share it iran insists it didnt accidentally or intentionally shoot down a ukrainian passenger jet with weapons when it was on high alert waiting for a u. S. Counterstrike. An iranian official called it illogical. Officials close to the government called the charge psychological warfare by the cia to distract from irans missile attack u. S. Intelligence sources say satellite imagery and communications intercepts confirm iran did shoot down the plane, likely by mistake President Trump weighing in on thursday it was flying at a pretty rough neighborhood somebody could have made a mistake. Some people say it was mechanical i personally dont think thats even a question. Personally reporter the Prime Minister of canada, which had 63 citizens on board, going a step further the evidence indicates that the plane was shot down by an iranian surfacetoair missile. Reporter Ukrainian Airlines flight 752 left tehran at 6 12 a. M. Bound for kiev. U. S. Sources say two minutes later, two russianmade missiles were fired at the plane. Seconds later, a midair explosion. The plane then crashing to the ground this video taken from the ground appears to show the moment a missile impacted the fireball streaking across the sky. Ukrainian News Agencies releasing this photo unconfirmed by nbc news, showing what could be the remains of a russianmade antiaircraft weapon iran calls it a fake and insists it is willing to cooperate iran says it recovered two damaged black box recorders and will soon attempt to recover data from them and that iran indivites boeing d ukrainian authorities to participate in the investigation. Iran says it could take a month to read the data on the damaged black boxes and the full investigation could take a year or longer. Bank to you. Richard engel, thank you. The house passed a nonbinding war resolution last night to limit action against iran House Speaker pelosi said it acts as a clear message the president must get approval from Congress Later at a rally in ohio, the president said democrats would leak Sensitive Information if he had consulted them first he also defended the u. S. Killing of a top iranian general last week, saying soleimani was planning attacks on multiple embassies. A health alert this morning. The food and Drug Administration recalled several more lots of heart burn medication. They include generic versions, with traces of a substance that may be linked to cancer. The substance has been classified ndma as a probable carcinogen its not been associated with injuries or adverse events for more information, go to today. Com. Lets get a boost. Youll like this. Like any dedicated athlete, king tries to give 100 at practice at one recent session, it was the coach who gave brooks Something Special to read. [ cheers ] how long you been here . Three years, man. All right well, good on ya, brother. He got a scholarship. Brooks had been a walkon member of the team, paying his own way until right there at that moment clear from his teammates they love the guy he earned that scholarship working hard congrats to him. Still ahead on a friday morning, brad pitt is getting really candid about the lifechanging help that he received from fellow star and friend, Bradley Cooper and where are you, mr. Roker . Im here with curb your enthusiasms larry david. No, wait oh, larry david. Here they are together if you become president , youve got to be flying back and forth to play him on snl. It is true. It is not going to be easy for me itll be great for the country terrible for me. Im getting you a good job for four years, and youre complaining. Theyre not related at all. Coming up next, were going to talk to larry about the new season of curb your enthusiasm and what it is like to play senator Bernie Sanders on snl. Everybody happy . Absolutely. Now, not so much. Hes doing so well its frightening to me how well he is doing. I have to rethink everything after this first, these messages whistling whistling when crabe stronger. Strong, with new nicorette coated ice mint. Layered with flavor. Its the first and only coated nicotine lozenge. For an amazing taste. That outlasts your craving. New nicorette ice mint. You sure you dont want me to come with you . Im very sure. Because i can. laughs make good choices. You make good choices. I am. Fiber is good for digestive health. Good choices never tasted so good. Kelloggs raisin bran. Wityour money almostes offered feels like its frozen. With capital one, you can open a new savings account in about 5 minutes and earn five times the national average. This is banking reimagined. Whats in your wallet . Where these sunsoaked litea leavesactory. Are picked at the peak of freshness. For a naturally smooth taste. And drinking lipton every day can help support a Healthy Heart you have power over pain, so the whole world looks different. The unbeatable strength of advil. What pain . At walgreens, we understand the speed of life never slows down. Thats why were helping you get the care and attention you deserve even faster. Thats our promise. Now, you can skip the line with walgreens express, get in and out quickly with 24hour locations, or have your prescriptions delivered whenever you need us, were always just minutes away. Walgreens. Were back, now, 8 10 with todays talker. Brad pitt is on a roll this award season, winning trophies for his role in once upon a time in hollywood. And his award speech included a surprising thank you to a fellow star and friend joe fryer has that story for us. Hey, joe reporter good morning, guys. Over the past three year, brad pitt has spoken candidly about his sobriety this week, for the first time, he publicly credited another actor for helping him, Bradley Cooper, who has been sober for more than 15 years when Bradley Cooper handed brad pitt his supporting actor award, from the National Board of review, it was quickly clear that brads share more than a name hes a sweetheart i got sober because of this guy. And every day has been happier ever since i love him and i thank you he did not offer any further details on how cooper helped him. But pitt has been open about his journey to sobriety. It dates back to 2016, the year of his messy split with Angelina Jolie and an altercation on a private plane when flying with his family authorities cleared pitt of any wrongdoing in 2017, he told gq why he stopped drinking i was boozing too much its become a problem. Adding, truthfully, i could drink a russian under the table with his own vodka last year, in an interview with new york times, pitt said he spent a year and a half in Alcoholics Anonymous you would be with all these men being open and honest in a way i had never heard. It was a safe space with little judgment little judgment of yourself. In some ways, pitts story echoes that of Bradley Cooper. Now 45, cooper gave up drugs and alcohol when he was 29 he told abc why in 2015. I wouldnt have been able to have access to myself or other people, or been able to take in other people, if i hadnt changed my life. No way reporter as for pitt, these days, hes getting supporting actor awards for once upon a time in hollywood. He shared the screen with leonardo dicaprio. Both actors were just interviewed on wtf, mark marins podcast. Im trash mag fodder. I dont know because of because of my disaster of a personal life, probably. Very exciting personal Life Reporter the 56yearold actor remains in the spotlight, but says his goals in life are rather simple. Just to be happy, stay healthy, and not get into a financial situation where i have to do oceans 14. Of course, pitt won a golden globe this past sunday on monday, hell find out if he receives his seventh oscar nomination he won an oscar in 2014 for producing best picture winner 12 years a slave, but hes never won for acting joe fryer cant believe he hasnt won for acting yet a lot of good movies doesnt he seem liberated and open i love that. Let me lay it out there. Going to mean a lot to other people those struggling, as well. All right mr. Roker, you have a check of the weather i do. Were seeing an area of moderate Severe Weather expand, since we saw you last hour. Take a look right now. Eight states now, we have 34 Million People including memphis and down into central louisiana, for a moderate risk. The last time this happened was 2013, for a month of january and then, it moves over to saturday 18 Million People for much of louisiana, alabama, mississippi. Parts of georgia, as well, for damaging winds, strong tornadoes. The impacts, were looking at heavy rain and flooding. Rain falling 1 to 2 inches per hour the flood threat between dallas and detroit the greatest huge swath, almost 2,000 miles freezing rain and sleet. Potentially damaging ice totals that will cause Power Outages, especially on saturday as we look at the back side of this system, weve got a lot of winter, intense bands of snow, strong winds, whiteout conditions snowfall amounts up to a foot in wisconsin and michigan this system is getting itself together and is going to be a major impact storm for the next 48 hours thats whats goin good friday morning. I am meteorologist carrie hall. Live look at dublin. The fog has cleared. Were getting sunshine here. It is a cold morning as you head out the door, many temperatures near freezing. Heading to the mid to upper 50s for highs today. By early tomorrow morning, next round of rain moves in, clears out in time for the 49ers game. Also here on nbc bay area. Going to sunday, expect to get outside as temperatures reach the upper 50s with some sunshine. That is your latest weather guys al, thank you now, to the man we have before us. Larry David Larry David were going to talk to him you ready . I think i have your tic tacs. Those are my tic tacs you want one i had about ten already your breath is very fresh always. So is the new season of curb your enthusiasm. Well talk about that. First, a look at the comedic icon through the years, larry. Reporter for decades, larry david brought laughs to millions no soup for you reporter as the cocreator and brains behind seinfeld. Youre giving me the, its not you, its me routine i invented that. Reporter serving as the inspiration behind jerrys friend, George Costanza. Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good. Reporter two years after the sitcom ended, david took on a new role, playing himself on hbos curb your enthusiasm. I know a chat and cut when i see it you use this fellow, this poor fellow, to sneak into the line do you know her at all i mean, to be fair, we met eight years ago. Reporter recently, david making a splash on saturday night live as president ial candidate Bernie Sanders well have a million debates. When people hear my message, it resonates loud and clear because i always talk like im on the other side of a river. Youll be introducing me . Absolutely. You know what youre going to say yet . Reporter now, curb your enthusiasm is back for season ten. You can introduce me as a renaissance man. Oh. A guy that speaks six languages. You speak six languages larry, oh, my god, thats amazing. No. I only speak one language. I know a little bit of yiddish reporter proving to fans that things are pretty, pretty good in larrys world. You want me to get on stage at a charity and lie you just say these things it will impress them you want to impress people with lies . How else do you impress them . Larry david, good morning top of the morning to you youre a morning person i think im pretty much the same in the morning and the evening. Yeah im an even keel we thought it was weird that you were booked today, Bernie Sanders was booked today all coincidence. I know. What i didnt realize, is i didnt know you were related for real yes whats the connect . Were second or third cousins. Yeah really . Yes you feel that we go back to the old country. Yeah i feel a familial connection with him i dont want you to take this the wrong way. Sitting here, and i interviewed him, i dont think youre acting when you do Bernie Sanders theres not much to it. Its kind of you. You turn the volume up a little yeah. Theres not much to it okay. By the way, are you going to tell the people that youre on the show this year, the two of you . Im not going to say in what capacity or why. Obviously, youre playing yourselves but you will be on did we make the cut we taped it. We were like, hes never going to, ever you made the cut. Youre in the show since you brought us up, how did we do . You know what, i was very impressed. Really . Really . You were good, yes. Very natural savannah had good lines i remember, savannah had the rimshot. I was wondering if you were jealous. Could i tell you the truth about it oeg originally i had the line, and it was falling it wasnt she couldnt stop laughing so, she goes, i cant say it you do it. Something about a pickle. Some sandwich or something. It was about a pickle pickle is a funny word. Im not surprised. Curb is into its tenth season i was ready an article where your partner, Jeff Schaffer said, if youre going to audition for larry, do not do these three things never, ever try unless it is called for its never called for never be insulting when youre trying to be funny. And the last one was a biggie. He said never, ever, under any circumstances, touch larrys face never touch your face. What is that about i dont like to be touched. Your face or everywhere everywhere. I was just thinking about it. She told me that this morning. Hoda, youre such a hugger has hoda ever touched your face . No, not my face. Are you sure . I kind of thought i did. The face . No chance. If you touched my face, you would know about it. What would you do what are you doing . Get your hands off me. Ill remember is there anyone in your life that can touch your face my girlfriend can touch my face whats she like a doll. Living doll. And you live in l. A. Now. Yeah. Whats that like . You seem so new yorky. I am new yorky. But ive been living in l. A. For a long time, with seinfeld and curb and all you like l. A. People . I feel more comfortable in new york, for sure, peoplewise. I was saying on tv the other night, ive gotten in people have stopped and given me rides when i was trying to get a cab here in new york . Yeah. Ill be out trying to hail a cab, and a car is going, larry, come on in, yeah ive done it twice you have . Yeah. Ive gotten in twice thats so trusting. I dont know if youve told this story a thousand times. We were cracking up reading about it this morning. The time you were fired from a job or you quit your job and you came back two days later like Nothing Happened yes ive told that a lot you want me to tell it again yeah. No. I want to hear. You want to hear it yeah, tell me youve told it a lot. Now youre mad at me i have nothing more to give to this story. Ive told it so much just google it. I have another story i want to hear. The one about how you left a voicemail on your girlfriends answering machine that you got so freaked out you stole the whole thing. No. Thats not true no. I did leave i have left my share of terrible messages on answering machines that have ended any kind of dating thing i had going. Okay and ive wanted to go over there and take it. Of course, im not a sociopath i didnt do that but George Costanza did. Okay. Yeah, played out. Listening to your the theme song, its iconic. We play it here. It makes us happy. Dont you feel it . How did you find that . I heard it on a local Bank Commercial in los angeles. And i came into the office the next morning and i said to my assistant, i heard the Bank Commercial. Told them the name of the bank i said, theres some music theyre playing, find out what that music is. I want to use it two years later, i said, remember the Bank Commercial and we put it in the show. By the way, season ten of curb has so many cameos. You get the best stars how does that work do you call them or do they call you . Can i please be on the show . How do you get them to come on some people call in they tell their agents they want to be on the show and we hear about it do you ever say no . Yeah. I wont ask the followup dont, please i wont and other times, well just somebody will be right for a particular part and well make a request when this thing was starting out, was it tough to get people to come on or did they line up . The first couple of seasons, we didnt use anybody that was wellknown we auditioned everybody. I dont remember using anybody on the show. Who people knew, celebrities, yeah and the script part of this show is so cool. So many people when they look at it, it has it full of funny things, so you think the whole thing has been written out but thats not the way you do this thing no. Its all improvised. You give them big you give them some talking points and they go . There you go, right exactly. Again, not acting i cant stand acting, really. I dont like acting. You give me a bunch of lines and have me do the lines, i dont enjoy it because i have to wait my turn. Somebody else is talking and i go, i want to talk i want to go i want to talk i cant stand just not being able to talk in a scene. So, we make it up. Yeah i like it you have a lot of throw pillows on your couch there. Its not my couch its your couch. I think this is a problem generally. Whats with all of the pillows on the couches i dont get it who needs all these pillows . People with back problems no. You only need one, really. You dont need seven theyre decorative. Dont you think they add a flair . Its too much its way too much. Yeah all right, larry. I think theres got to be an overall pillow reduction in our lives. Thats what we should work on that would be your platform if you ran for president yes the surfeit of pillows surfeit did i pronounce it correctly . What is it . Can you spell it . Surfeit how do you pronounce it . Surfeit the first time i ever used that word in my life, but i didnt get it. I had never used before. You used it in the right context. Some words are im going to get you later with the weather, my friend. Working on that larry, thank you so much. Thank you, larry. Thank you for participating in season ten. Thanks for not throwing us on the cutting room floor and the show is on a week from sunday. I was about to. Its right there oh, i didnt know you want to read it the tenth season the tenth season of curb your enthusiasm, premieres january 19th on hbo. Carson well done, everybody. One of our favorites is here and this, my friends, is fun and Healthy Family meals we have a good one coming up in a minute good to see you. How are you . Good to see you. Well have a good recipe for you in a minute. First, a quick check of your local news and weather good morning, 8 26. A dedicated lane solely for buses, the idea was tried in the 60s. Leaders dropped it months later. One lawmaker is reconsidering it. Oakland assemblyman leading that charge. Theyre researching the idea of getting approval from b. A. R. T. Leadership. The b. A. R. T. Director tweeted out they would love to take a deeper dive to see if a bus lane would work. Lets check in with mikes opinion. Give a bus a lane. We have some type of crane in the middle of the roadway. There was concern, there was slowing in the area, also fog in the north bay. Keep that in mind. The fog is clear here, so is the bay bridge in general. The metering light only took effect for 45 minutes, now no need for them there or around most of the bay. Slowing through oakland, thats a quick drive. Silicon valley and the east bay, hayward to fremont, theyre clearing up. Lighter volume overall. We could take fridays off as well. More local news in a half hour. See you then. Looking to get your business off to a fast start in the new year . Its go time switch to comcast business and get fast internet on the nations largest gigspeed network. Plus, complete reliability with 4g lte backup. And, cloudbased security to help protect the devices on your network. Greenlight your business in 2020 with fast internet and voice for 64. 90 per month. Switch now and get a 100 prepaid card when you add comcast business securityedge. Call today. Comcast business. Beyond fast. Hey, everybody were back what a day it is its friday, yall 8 30 in the morning. Tgif january the 10th, 2020 we got a hearty crowd out here, dont we, Savannah Carson daly, you have a crowd moment for us . Where is rachel and her friends from st. Louis there you are. Whats up . Its rachels birthday oh, my god. How are you im wonderful where is everybody . These are my besties. This is tara, and laurie and leann. Girls trip to new york, how is it going . Amazing you were here this week, werent you . Thursday. You havent been here all week, but youre here today. I know, i heard telepathically, you came for me i shut my eyes and i said, i need to see rachel and the girls. You watch the show every day heres craig, savannah, hoda, say hello. Hi, you guys. Rachel, have a great birthday youre so pretty. Hi, girls its such a fun group happy birthday. Happy birthday. Thank you for watching an supporting the show. Have fun in new york there you go. Awesome we have a lot going on in pop start today. News on beyonce and a possible saved by the bell reboot dylan somewhere is so happy. She loves saved by the bell. There was a rumor about it. You cant do saved by the bell, without a particular cast member well shed some light on it. Camila mcconaughey is here she does great meals healthy meals for family, easy to do. Theyre fun. We can do a little warm salad thats bursting with flavor. Look who bundled up to sa hello to the crowd the stars of the new nbc drama hunt for the bone collector. Were going to sit down with them coming up in the third hour its a cool new show we want to mention this. In style magazine, the new february edition, is bad bleep women. Its that issue. And guess who is in it hoda and savannah. What . Wow thats pretty sweet. Congratulations. We cant say the other word no. The other word . Bad behind. We will head inside, and al has a forecast with a special guest. You will remember in the last hour, larry said surfeit you wanted to check. Yeah, okay. How is it pronounced . Surfeit thats so mean youre so mean and your glasses are ridiculous, okay how do you buy a pair of glasses who do think you are . What are you doing huh . I dont know how your producer lets you get on tv with those things hes very jealous of my shirt, by the way id never been able to pull this off how do you get the its a double layer there we go are we doing the weather . A little of the weather yeah, this is a hard job you have okay, yeah lets do the weather, al okay ooh. Ooh. Sunny here its going to be sunny here. Its very cold, very cold over here up here, its cold i mean, come on. You go into all this detail. All you have to do, its cold, its warm, its raining, its snowing. Thats it. We dont need ten minutes up here, okay no. I dont know. Are you done . Im quite done, yeah. Thats whats going on around good morning. I am meteorologist carrie hall. We have a nice start to the day, chilly. Warming into the upper 50s this afternoon. Get outside and enjoy it. By early tomorrow morning, some rain coming in, it clears out for the afternoon. Looking good for the 49ers game. On sunday, more sun and scattered showers back in the forecast next week. Were watching for king tides along the coast that may cause flooding over the next three days. We still have football to talk about. All right. We still have football to talk about. Thats right best night of the week vikings versus 49ers its a miner versus a viking i dont know who wins. But in santa clara, california, levis stadium, clearing and mild, 58 degrees its coming up, saturday, 3 00 on nbc be there hoda that may have been your best ever weathercast, al pretty, pretty, pretty good perfect coming up next, why is there a big stir over beyonce and james bond carson will figure it out in pop start. First, this is today on nbc. When we were looking for a roommate, he wanted someone super quiet. Yeah, and he wanted someone to help out with chores. So, we got jeanpierre. But one thing we could both agree on was getting geico to help with renters insurance. Yeah, geico did make it easy to switch and save. Oh no. Theres a wall there now. Thats too bad. Visit geico. Com and see how easy saving on renters insurance can be. And were back with pop start. And were back with pop start. A lot of pop start to get to well start with will smith. He talked about his new bad boys movie. If you have will smith and jimmy fallon in the same studio, you know something musical will go out. Check out will and jimmy rapping about the history of wills career and i moved in with my auntie and uncle in bel air the show was awesome every monday night before an allnew blossom six whole years i live with the banks if you can dance to carlton, still give thanks nice. Thats too good. Zero time to rehearse and they killed it. That was fun next up, the name is beyonce. Just beyonce the next james bond, new time to die, and one question remains. Who is singing the theme song . The rumor mill is working overtime fans think that beyonce will be tapped to handle the bond theme. Its because of one photo. Heres beyonce with a martini. 007s drink of choice. It was taken at the Golden Globes fans are convinced that beyonce doesnt do anything by accident. And this might be a tease. Lets not forget, she posted this with the lemon. That was just before she dropped her surprise album lemonade. Its not like she hasnt done a stunt like this before the martini is shaken, not stirred. Correct well find out back in 2017, she was rumored to be doing the theme then. Maybe the timing worked out. Well keep an eye on that story. Next up, saved by the bell, it was announced that nbcs streaming service, peacock, would have a saved by the bell remake but where is zach morris good news this morning markpaul gosselaar is coming back the Hollywood Reporter saying he is currently busy with another series but with appear in three episodes. Hopefully that leaves enough time for oneliners like these its saturday morning and were in school, depressing, isnt it were here to take a test called the s. A. T. I would rather be at the beach working on my tan. Yeah. Boom. Peacock, launching in april finally, ed harris, the actor can be seen as Atticus Finch in to kill a mockingbird. This week, he is willies sitdown sunday guest. The two of them got talking about the right stuff. And why he will likely change the channel if it comes on when hes watching tv kind of a hard time watching the right stuff actually why is that phil koffman, he kept asking me to smile. Its hard for me to watch. Too much smiling. Just a little odd sorry. I mean, i think its a wonderful movie, and im proud im a part of it. But its not easy to watch for some reason. I love that movie the movie is the best. You can catch the interview this weekend on sunday today with our buddy, willie geist. A great show time for a click . Yes, we do. We featured a bunch of trick shots. Golf trick shots theyre usually impressive sometimes they dont go as planned. Oh. Oh, no. Oh. Well roll it back. We dont need to keep reracking oh maybe he should have used a wedge. Hes good hes okay . Thats why i wear a cup when i do golf trick shots. Ouch man didnt see that coming. Any word on how hes doing . Just fine we have no idea i dont know. Im okay. Coming up next a glimpse at what meal time is like in the mcconaughey household. Camila is here to share one of her familys favorite healthy dishes first, t hi delicious highfiber raisin bran. You sure you dont want me to come with you . Im very sure. Because i can. laughs make good choices. You make good choices. I am. Fiber is good for digestive health. Good choices never tasted so good. Kelloggs raisin bran. When you never lower your standards, only your fares, its a better class of sale. Emirates. Fly better all right. All right. This morning on today food, were starting the new year off right, with fun and healthy recipes that your entire family can enjoy. And who better to help us out than camila mcconaughey. She runs the lifestyle website as a mom of three, with oscar winner matthew mcconaughey, she knows about feeding a big family how is the website going its great. You can find a community were about community and learning from each other were about including everybody. Everybody is welcome and its all about learning from each other in terms of food, lifestyle, beauty, fashion, business, we have everything covering a lot. And we do a lot of events, as well you can learn everything that were doing. We encourage people to check that out for today, youve brought a couple of things you can serve separately or together were going a shrimp medley and a warm kale salad, with not placenta that would be awful. Wow camila. Talking about the italian bacon, guys. Thats what were talking about. Wow apple and goci berry, a superfood. Lets get started. Youre already eating. Mmhmm. Im going to show you a trick for chopping onions thats super easy go like this, horizontal then youre going to turn the other way, the same process. This is a shortcut to dicing it youre ready to go here, we have onions and garlic. Would you like to add the shrimp i would love to you cook the onions unless until theyre translucent and you add the shrimp and then, lemon zest what you got against the shrimp . Sorry artichoke . Not yet and pepper. The pepper flakes exactly youre going to mix this once the shrimp is cooked, okay, which is right here, well swap over here, then, youre going to add the artichoke hearts and you will cook for three to two minutes. Artichoke hearts, are they canned make sure you rinse then and drain them really well to get the extra sodium out okay. A tip for the kids, were going to add spinach to this extra nutritious we want to chop it very small. Hide it they dont know what it is. Theyre there, theyre going to see it. You want to add it in there for me you went for it, didnt you i didnt want to leave anything youre going to add the spinach. That wilts down a little bit. Turn the heat off and mix it up. This shrimp part, its done. You have the quinoa. We have the recipe online. I have a little trick. If you want to make it presentable. Grab a dish. Any you have with a cute shape put water in, toss the water out. You put your grains inside and pack it really good. And you get a plate and flip it over like youre making a sand castle so cute quinoa sand castle. Beautiful delicious how is the flavor of the shrimp amazing delicious. Good . Do you have a hard time finding meals that matthew is going to like and the kids are going to like and you want to cook the trick for me right now is my 7yearold. Usually, the rest of the family, we can eat the same thing. What is tricky about the 7yearold you know, he will start going, you know, i dont want the green thing. I want to move this thing. I still make him eat it. But you know, it gets a little tricky i have to play around. Do you have treat night ever do desserts absolutely. How often in the week the holidays was crazy, right . Were having a hard time with treat night. Every night seems like its treat night. Its every night. The thing is, you have to take it all out of the house get it out of the house. Out of sight, out of mind thats a good tip. This is the kale salad a warm kale salad its perfect for cold weather. Were cooking this right here. Were going to add olive oil i dont want to say placenta again. I am not going to say it pancetta. We know what you meant. Cook this until its golden brown. The olive oil with the bacon. I like that move we have about 30 seconds were going to take it out and add this olive oil, dijon mustard this is the dressing. Yes you whisk all together. This is the trick. You know how the kale is soft and tasty in the restaurant . You have to massage the kale can you show us salt, lemon juice, and pinch of salt. And then, get in there and like a deep tissue. And you let it sit for a few minutes. What does it do it breaks down the kale and opens up all of the nutrients and the taste and the flavor it becomes softer, as well before i learned this, why does my kale not taste the same tfgs it was hard you didnt massage it i like the gogi berries, too. And the salad is beautiful. Warm dressing apple and gogi berries its antioxidants and is a super food you can find it everywhere you can find these recipes and more, at today. Com food. Were back in a moment we are so happy. We are about to officially do something. Were going to officially welcome a new member to the today family shes not a new face around here thats right. Shes our white house correspondent, Kristen Welker. She is going to coanchor weekend today every saturday morning. Kristen, were so proud of you thank you so much were ready to celebrate. This is a fullcircle moment for you. It sure is. Lets look at how it all began. Kristen welker, grew up in philadelphia, in a tightknit family she remembers wanting to be a journalist, as far back as sixth grade. She arrived at nbc news for the first time when she was 21 years old. Kristen was studying American History at Harvard University and worked as an intern for the today show i am Kristen Welker with todays headlines. She had a demo reel. She was a crack researcher at weekend today and began her first onair job in reading, california all of this equipment, then put it back together again eventually, moving back home to report for nbcs philadelphia station wcau the next stop was network news at nbc, covering everything from wildfires to bill gates. President obama has told congressional leaders its decision time. Finally landing her dream job as key part of the topnotch nbc team at the white house. Traveling the world, becoming an asset on the campaign trail, and always asking the tough questions. Did you direct mike flynn to discuss sanctions with the Russian Ambassador no, i didnt. Last november, putting her wellearned political chops on display, joining an allfemale panel of moderators for a president ial debate. What do you say to voters who are worried that your position on medicare for all could cost you votes . She married the love of her life, john hughes. Now, the onetime intern with big dreams, is officially joining the today family as weekend coanchor. Yay yes thank you i promised myself, i wasnt going to get emotional that was unbelievable. Thank you so much for this welcome. To have come here as an intern, for the today show, to shoot that reel, i looked so serious i like the braids and to be terrified and to come and sit at this desk, and sit next to my friend, peter alexand alexander, every saturday. It is the honor of a lifetime. Speak of the devil. Look who is there theres peter lookie who is there for you there he is hi, peter. Hello hello first of all, i cant wait for our first cooking segment. This is going to be so much fun. Kristen is what i call my big little sister. She is one of my best friends in the world. Not just professionally but personally i consider her part of my family, as i consider myself a part of hers were going to have so much fun together i cant wait to start saturdays with you, kristen. He is my brother. We have so much fun. But we cover a serious beat. We spend so much time laughing, too. You have to love each other, right . The whit house booth is like a closet we love each other, exactly we are so proud of you. Weve been watching your career all these years. No one works harder. No one is a better colleague, a more generous colleague. Just a delight we call her welknado a force of nature. Compliment. Just so deserving were so grateful. Thank you i didnt do it alone you have supported me every step of the way can we talk about you started here, obviously, a long, long time ago. When you got the phone call theres always a marking of a moment, when your life changes and this may have been for you how did you learn this was your new gig . Well, noah called me and told me it was official thankfully and hes been supportive of me, as well. The president of nbc news. And my life changed in that moment this is something that you dream about, that ive worked so hard for. And it is the honor of a lifetime it really is i cant thank you guys enough, for this warm welcome. It just blows me away. It really does its coming fullcircle. Cheers to you on this show, we drink. I like this job already cheers. Well see you tomorrow. Cant wait. To interns everywhere and to you, peter peter, cheers cant wait coming up on the third hour, if you have a sweet tooth, we have a cheat day friday for you. And on hoda and jenna, an entire show devoted to clean living as we drink our champagne didnt get the memo happy weekend, everybody. See you after your local news and weather. Congrats. Good morning. 8 56. Police in palo alto investigating a scary Early Morning Armed Robbery at a safe way. Roberts went to the pharmacy, held the workers at gunpoint. Happened 1 00 a. M. On middlefield road. They ordered pharmacy workers on the floor, took an unknown amount of drugs. Police are looking for three men in total, all three wore hoodies, left the scene in a 2000 red chevy pickup. Nobody hurt. No customers were in the store at the time. Happening now, getting updates on the search for the robbers. We are posting updates as they come into the twitter feed. You can link to the latest at nbcbayarea. Com. 49ers getting ready for the biggest game in years. Tomorrow, they host minnesota in the first playoff game at levi. It will air on nbc bay area at 1 30. A crew is at the stadium now, theyll have a live report at midday. Today is the deadline for Governor Newsom to hand out a state budget plan. California has a multi billion surplus of cash. Check our twitter feed for more about that. Well have a look at weather coming up in an hour. Following iran and the us. The secretary of state heads to the bay area. Where Michael Pompeo is set to speak plus it s the beginning of another busy week. We re tracking your weather and traffic before you head out the door. Join us monday, from 4 30 to 7. Live from studio 1 a in Rockefeller Plaza, the third hour of today. Friyay welcome to the third hour of today. Craig here ms. Welker and looky looky cozy todayay. I am cozy its friday. Ski. I felt like its friday i dont usually where wetters. Kristen and i go way back. Kristen welker. Kristen is going to start doing the weekend today. Kristens mom was my dads First Campaign man

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