Transcripts For KNTV Late Night With Seth Meyers 20240713

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Testimony was bad for trump, but hes now the democratic frontrunner [ laughter ] during his testimony today Gordon Sondland said that he was involved in efforts to pressure ukraine, because he and other diplomats, quote, followed the president s orders. And then trump said, look, i dont know the president ive never met the president. [ laughter ] President Trump this morning addressed sondlands testimony saying, quote, i dont know him very well. I have not spoken to him much. This is not a man i know well. He seems like a nice guy, though. [ laughter ] even worse, he stole that statement line for line from the speech he gave at erics wedding. [ laughter ] singer mariah carey has released her own Christmas Wish list on amazon oh, oh okay so i see so you were just blowing smoke up my ass when you said all you wanted for christmas is me [ laughter and applause great. Good to know [ laughter ] according to experts, thanksgiving turkeys are best paired with red wine that way theyre more relaxed when you kill them [ laughter ] maybe drink this researchers recently completed their first trial of a male Birth Control method and if you put it on right, its 100 effective [ laughter ] and finally, according to a new study, male stress increases when their wives own more than 40 of the household income, which explains this xanax prescription [ laughter ] ladies and gentlemen, we got a great show for you tonight [ cheers and applause he is the star of marriage story, which is in theaters now and on netflix december 6th. Adam driver everybody. [ cheers and applause he returns as the voice of kristoff in frozen 2 in theaters and imax this friday. Jonathan groff is back, you guys [ cheers and applause and we will have music from hozier, so its a fantastic night tonight. [ cheers and applause before we get to our guest, today might have been the most devastating day of the Trump Presidency so far. A key witness to the ukraine scheme provided evidence that there was a quid pro quo, and that it was ordered by the president himself. For more on this, its time for a closer look. [ cheers and applause seth today we heard from trumps handpicked ambassador to the european union, a guy named Gordon Sondland. Sondlands testimony was explosive, shocking, and jaw dropping and if you dont believe me, lets just fast forward to the moment when after democrats finish questioning sondland, the camera cut over to gop congressman devin nunes. That concludes our 45 minutes i now recognize mr. Nunes. Oh, okay um why dont we take a five or tenminute break thank you seth man, look at his face [ laughter ] he looks like he just walked in on his parents having sex with someone elses parents [ laughter ] theres only two explanations for that face. Either he just heard lengthy testimony detailing a criminal scheme so shocking, it could bring down the presidency of trump. Or he sharted and hes trying to remember how far away his backup pants are. [ laughter ] sondlands testimony didnt just go straight to trump but also involved virtually everybody at the highest levels of the administration sondland named every name in the book secretary perry, ambassador volker, Rudy Giuliani, secretary pompeo, brian mccormick, ms. Kenna, chief of staff mulvaney, rob blair, Vice President pence, a ap rocky seth he named a ap rocky [ laughter and applause sondland namechecked virtually all of trumps senior aides, Vice President mike pence, secretary of state mike pompeo, Energy Secretary rick perry, chief of staff mick mulvaney, and trumps lawyer Rudy Giuliani. Even the white house janitor was like, am i going to go to jail . [ laughter ] in short, today we learned yet again that the entire Trump White House is basically one giant criminal conspiracy. This was like the wizard of oz of impeachment testimony you were there and you were there and you were there too, mike [ laughter ] you were the scarecrow [ laughter and applause now, before we get to the rest of todays bombshell testimony, its important to provide some context for why today was the most shocking day of testimony so far throughout this impeachment process, weve been watching the republican argument morph in real time, which makes sense because trump always looks like hes morphing. He looks like an animorph who is halfway between human and bobcat [ laughter ] for example, you will recall that trump began by insisting there was no quid pro quo with ukraine. And that his phone call with the president of ukraine, in which trump literally said the words i would like you to do us a favor was perfect but as the impeachment process has proved, it definitely was not perfect. Republicans have changed their argument for example, yesterday two credible witnesses who were on trumps call called it unusual, inappropriate and improper and even a republican witness, National Security official named tim morrison said straight up that sondland had told him trump was holding up the aid to ukraine in exchange for a promise from ukraine to announce publicly that they were investigating trumps political rivals what did ambassador sondland say to tell you that he told mr. Yermak that the ukrainians would have to have the prosecutor general make a statement with respect to the investigations as a condition of having the aid lifted seth there you go. Thats literally a quid pro quo. Republicans actually thought calling this guy as a witness would be a good idea they thought he would help their case, but he only made it worse. Its like if you murdered a guy and called his ghost as your witness. Hes the one who killed me damn it, ghost [ laughter ] i thought you were on my side. So after tuesdays hearings, republicans decided to change their argument again a house gop aide described the change of messaging this way, it has gone from there is no quid pro quo to theres a quid and quo but not a pro, to even if there was a quid pro quo, its not that bad this is just how things are done you can say its bad, but its not impeachable. My god, look how much their argument has changed this would be like if you got pulled over and said, i wasnt speeding okay, i was speeding everyone speeds. I was late for my job. I work at the hospital and so does my wife. And shes having a baby. And i was barely speeding. Fine, i was really speeding. And my wifes not pregnant and i dont have a wife. And also im drunk on cocaine. [ laughter ] which brings us to todays hearing. Remember sondland, hand picked by trump hes a businessman who donated a Million Dollars to Trumps Inaugural Committee and he was a central figure in ukraine policy in fact, according to morrison, officials in the Trump Administration even coined a term for Gordon Sondlands role in ukraine policy. Among the discussions i had with dr. Hill were about ambassador sondland. I think she might have coined it the gordon problem. Seth thats what they called it the gordon problem that sounds like an indie movie about a single guy in his 40s starring ben stiller [ laughter ] so today sondland had the chance to respond against sondland, a key middleman between trump and ukraine. And he wrote down what was happening with several infamous text messages. And he started out his testimony by stating clearly and unequivocally that everything they did, they did at the direction of the president himself. Secretary perry, ambassador volker and i worked with mr. Rudy giuliani on ukraine matters at the express direction of the president of the united states. We followed the president s orders we worked with mr. Giuliani, because the president directed us to do so. Seth he literally said over and over, the president told us to do this. But i believe it, because no one would work with Rudy Giuliani unless they were ordered to. [ laughter ] working with rudy is like when your mom makes you hang out with her friends weird son why dont you take rudy to the mall with you . Because he smells like onions, and he never stops screaming. [ laughter ] after sondland made clear he carried out the president s orders, he went on to explain specifically that what Rudy Giuliani wanted was definitely a quid pro quo. And that he did it specifically because thats what trump wanted mr. Giulianis requests were a quid pro quo for arranging a white house visit for president zelensky mr. Giuliani demanded that ukraine make a Public Statement announcing the investigations of the 2016 election dnc server and burisma. Mr. Giuliani was expressing the desires of the president of the united states. And we knew these investigations were important to the president. Seth there it is he just said it. This was a quid pro quo. And it definitely makes sense to me that rudy was expressing the desires of the president rudy looks like the devil on trumps shoulder, except trump would never need a devil you should commit quid pro quo. Whey ahead of you, tiny devil. [ laughter ] again sondland made clear that trump had specifically directed his administration, people who actually work for the u. S. Government and get paid with your taxpayer dollars, to orchestrate a quid pro quo with Rudy Giuliani, who has no official Government Role and sondland said they were not happy about it President Trump directed us to, quote, talk with rudy. We understood that talk with rudy meant talk with mr. Rudy giuliani, the president s personal lawyer. Let me say again, we werent happy with the president s directive to talk with rudy. Seth of course they werent happy. No one is happy to talk to rudy. [ laughter ] if you get cornered by rudy at a party, your only option is to pretend youre choking [ laughter ] and even then, rudy would only make things worse. I know the heimlich look i can do it on myself [ laughter ] but this brings us to a crucial point. It wasnt just trump and rudy. Sondland made it clear that a number of highlevel officials in the Trump White House and some people outside the white house were aware of what was happening as it was happening. Sondland said he had emails to support his account. And again, sondland specifically used the words quid pro quo. These emails show that the leadership of the state department, the National Security council and the white house were all informed about the ukraine efforts. I shared concerns of the potential quid pro quo regarding the security aide with senator ron johnson. We kept the leadership of the state department and the nfc informed of our activities and that included communications with secretary of state pompeo they knew what we were doing and why. Everyone was in the loop again, everyone was in the loop. Seth think about that. He just said, everyone was in the loop, which makes clear once again that these guys are the worst criminals in the world. They orchestrated an elicit scheme to pressure a foreign country to interfere in a president ial election. And they basically send out a staff wide email ccing everyone subject, crimes. Hey all, were doing crimes. Wanted to make sure you all know about the crimes if you have questions about the crimes, please email crimes whitehouse. Gov crimes [ laughter and applause sondland also said [ applause ] he also said he reviewed other state department documents that had been previously not been made public, which must have scared the hell out of giuliani and trump. I have reviewed other state department documents, some of which are not currently in the Public Domain, detailing mr. Giulianis efforts seth the only part of that sentence that shocks me is they werent in the Public Domain remember, giuliani has already done multipple tv interviews where he literally held up his phone and his ipad to show off his communications with trump officials. I mean, im shocked rudy didnt come sprinting into the hearing with his phone in his hands screaming, hes right i missed one its right here i got a selfie with me and ukraine with a shirt that says, i love quid pro quos [ laughter and applause sondland also provided damning firsthand accounts of his conversations with trump himself and had very specific recollections of phone calls he had with the president , where he asked him what was going on. I thought it was a very bad idea to hold that money. I finally called the president i believe i just asked him an openended question. Mr. Chairman, what do you want from ukraine i keep hearing all these different ideas and theories and this and that. What do you want and it was a very short, abrupt conversation he was not in a good mood. Seth that doesnt surprise me trumps never in a good mood he only has two modes. Hes either screaming at reporters on the white house lawn or glaring directly into the camera like a burglar caught on a doorbell camera i mean, look at him. Compare his face to the face nunes is always making [ laughter ] nunes looks like a mailman who just saw a rottweiler. And trump is the rottweiler. [ laughter ] now sondland had multiple conversations with trump for example, you might remember the infamous phone call sondland had with trump in which trump was overheard asking sondland directly about the investigations he wanted a state Department Official who was with sondland at the time also testified that he overheard sondland tell trump that the president of ukraine would do anything for him, and that he quote, loves your ass. And again sondland confirmed that he did indeed say that to trump. He also testified that you confirmed to President Trump that you were in ukraine at the time, and that president zelensky, quote, loves your ass, unquote. Do you recall saying that . That sounds like something i would say. [ laughter ] putting it in trump speak by saying he loves your ass, he will do whatever you want, meant that he would really work with us seth hey, man. Thats the president we got. [ laughter ] i mean, the one who likes to know how foreign leaders feel at any given moment about his ass show them that picture of me getting on that helicopter i think it looks really good in that one. [ laughter ] now, today trump responded to sondlands testimony on his way to texas confirming that he spoke to sondland by phone but at first his account of that call made no sense whatsoever. Just a quick comment on whats going on in terms of testimony with ambassador sondland and i just noticed one thing, and i would say that means its all over what do you want from ukraine . He asks me screaming, what do you want from ukraine i keep hearing all of these different ideas and theories. This is ambassador sondland speaking to me just happened. To which i turned off the television what do you want from ukraine i keep hearing all of these different ideas and theories what do you want what do you want . It was a very short and abrupt conversation that he had with me they said he was not in a good mood. Im always in a good mood. I dont know what that is. [ laughter ] seth first of all, thats the worst audition for a school play i have ever seen. Just so you know, im not offbook. Second, youre never in a good mood youre literally screaming right now. You cant scream, im always in a good mood. [ light laughter ] thats a sentence that refutes itself its like a librarian screaming, everyone keep your [ bleep ] voices down [ laughter ] now trump went on to quote sondlands testimony sondland said that after months of following the president s explicit orders to carry out the quit pro quo he and rudy wanted, he called trump to get a straight answer. Now to be clear, this call happened after the whistle blower wrote their report and officials expressed concern about what trump was doing so trump suddenly changed his tune and he told sondland, never mind, forget about all that quid pro quo stuff. That was a very short, abrupt conversation he was not in a good mood. And he just said, i want nothing. I want nothing i want no quid pro quo tell zelensky to do the right thing. Something to that effect this is the final word that i heard from president of the united states. So heres my answer i want nothing i want nothing i want no quid pro quo tell zelensky to do the right thing. Then he says, this is the final word from the president of the united states. Seth yeah, but no, its not. You already got caught that doesnt make you sound innocent that sounds like the way a criminal talks when he thinks his phone is tapped. I want nothing, certainly not a quid pro quo since that would be illegal. And now im off to church, because im a good boy. [ laughter and applause but if youre looking for one single image to capture everything that happened today, i direct you to this photo of sondland looking directly into the camera [ laughter ] during a break in the hearing. Damn i mean, he smelt it and dealt it [ laughter ] he looks like hes in the opening credits of the real housewives. [ laughter and applause my name is gordon i may not quid or quo, but im definitely a pro. [ laughter ] seriously, looks like he just threw a match on a building soaked in gasoline [ laughter ] today was certainly the most devastating day in the impeachment process so far and perhaps the most devastating day in the Trump Presidency. A key witness to the corrupt quid pro quo said he was following the orders of the president and named several senior officials who also knew about the scheme and republican events crumbled before our eyes. This is it if republicans have any integrity at all, they will look at the evidence and tell trump that means its all over. Seth this has been a closer look. [ cheers and applause well be right back with more late night, everybody. [ cheers and applause announcer for more of seth closer looks, be sure to subscribe to late night on closer looks, be sure to subscribe to late night on youtube. Ill pick it up theyre clean cuz my hineys clean. Oh yeah im charmin clean. Thats how i know theyre clean. Charmin ultra strong is woven like a washcloth and just cleans better. Yeah, im charmin clean. Thats right my hineys clean. The kid does have a point enjoy the go with charmin. And for an extra clean finish. Try charmin flushable wipes. Fishrisotto. Buffalo. Buffalo Wild Wings gelato. Curry. Cacciatori. Chimichurri. Fried turkey. Blueberry. Mcflurry. mcdonalds cheese cake. Cheesecake Factory grilled steak. Clam bake. Milkshake. We are americas kitchen. Doordash. 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I dont think we should reward him for pooping anymore. Oh, i know, but he holds it in and its going on a week. Its its own reward gma . Charlie bird. Oh, god. Im huge mom oh why didnt you respond to my last email well, your emails are so articulate, i get intimated. Mom, can you now, im going to lift you. Woo mom [ laughter ] mom. Mom. What . [ laughter ] seth please welcome back to the show adam driver, everyone [ cheers and applause seth welcome back. Yeah, thank you, thank you. Seth and happy birthday. It was yesterday, yeah oh, yeah, yesterday seth congratulations yeah, thank you i made it. [ cheers and applause [ laughter ] seth its been quite a year. Oscar nomination for blackkklansman. A tony nomination for burn this. Got a bunch of movies coming out. Star wars, of course is coming as well. How you feeling . A little overwhelmed its good im good seth all right, good [ laughter ] yeah. Seth if you werent good now, i feel like, maybe never. [ laughter ] yeah, right, right. Seth this film is getting wonderful responses. Its about a divorce its about custody it seems very intense. Was it an emotional film to do it was, but i mean, i dont mean to make it sound more challenging than what it is. Its the what the subject matter is intense yeah but if anything, there was a testament to the good writing. Seth yeah. Usually theres, like one scene that you know is in the schedule that seems that youre trying to avoid, you know its cause its emotionally challenging or its like physical or youre just aware of the schedule but all of the scenes in this movie seemed too early in the schedule to be happening, which is again why i think why what noah wrote is really great seth youve this is noah baumbach. Umhmm. Seth i believe this is your fourth film with him yeah, fourth time seth so, you must have an expectation when you when he sends you a script for Something Like this. You are probably look forward to reading it did this feel different . Like as soon as you started going through, were you like, oh, this is exceptional . Well, we had been talking about it for months leading up to it. If not a year at that point. So, i knew things that were going to be in it. We talked a lot about structure. He really wanted to make a movie that played with audiences allegiances. That kind of starts with one character and maybe, you know, you switch so, there were structural things that we talked about we talked about, you know, we know each other. Were friends, so we meet at dinner all the time and we bring our personal things to dinner and talk about it there. So, i think what i was most, um, impressed by was after and he hadnt just been talking to me hed been talking to laura dern. Hed been talking to scarlett. Hed been talking to lawyers, you know so, by the time i actually read it, how he had taken all of those ideas and kind of made this one document that seamlessly did all of it you know, it had all of these interesting structures, but didnt sacrifice, you know, blood that was happening in the scene. So, i just i think as soon as i read it i said, oh, ill never get anything like this again. Seth one thing you do in the film is, you sing a song from Stephen Sondheims company. Yeah. Seth being alive. Yeah. Seth so, that was something you guys had discussed and talked about wanting to do yeah. At one point we thought about doing a movie of company, cause, you know, if you know the musical, its seems, like maybe it it lends itself to a film its kind of abstract. Seth and so, that didnt happen, but you still sang this. So, was this a song was it something that you then wanted you said, basically in the discussion, youre like, id really love to sing this song . He put it in. He if i remember correctly, and where he puts it in, which i dont want to give anything away, but i thought it was just a beautiful, you know, piece of writing. You know, and similar to great musical theater, its not just a song for the sake of it. Hopefully, you learn something about the character, you know . By the end, hes transformed into something else. Seth uh, you have a history of musicals. You were in a High School Production of oklahoma. [ laughter ] history is loose, but yeah, yeah [ laughter ] seth what was your role in oklahoma . The lead, im assuming no, no. Seth okay. I was a chorus member i had one line [ laughter ] how did you find that . [ laughter ] i said, check his heart. That was my line seth that was your one line . Yeah. Seth was, check his heart . Yeah, curly gets shot, right . Seth yeah. I think at the end and, then, theres, like all the chorus guys come and, like what happened . And i say, check his heart. [ laughter ] which, is not really a good line, right . Seth yeah. I just saw this guy get shot. Seth right it also seems, like somebody whos, like not a doctor, but maybe met one once [ laughter ] right, right, right seth yeah. Yeah. Seth i think i know the next thing you do is check his heart. Thats key right seth totally different in tone and especially from, like you know, this is oklahoma . Seth oklahoma and totally different from marriage story, but also the report, which is the other film you have. Oh, yeah, yeah. Seth so this is an incredible source material to write a screenplay of. This is actually a report that was written basically, about the cia torture programs yeah. Seth and youre playing about the guy who wrote that report so, that must be weird i mean, cause im assuming you dont, in the beginning, read this sort of 600page torture report yeah, over 6,000 pages. Seth yeah. Yeah, no, no one has. Well, not no one people have, it just hasnt been released its been heavily redacted there is a version you can buy on amazon, which i hate to say it, cause sounds, like an amazon plug. But the movie is released by amazon but i guess thats my job, is to say it [ laughter ] seth right, right, right but it is easy to get on amazon [ laughter ] a heavily redacted version of the script and even or of the report and just reading that even just reading the opening, you know, findings and conclusions section, its pretty harrowing. Seth youve had such an interesting past in your acting career because first you were in the marines. Was it after the marines you went to l. A. Briefly and then came back to indiana mmhmm. Seth its, like ive no, no, before the marine corps. Seth okay, gotcha. So, you came back, marine corps. And then, came back from that. And then basically decided to go audition for juilliard yeah. Seth so, that i mean, ive met people who have gone there and i met people who auditioned it seems very intense. Especially, in my head i always forget how young people are when they audition for juilliard. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Seth what were the pieces that you brought to audition cause, is it three things you have to do usually yeah. You have to sing or well, you have to do two monologues. One a contemporary monologue and classical monologue and then you have to sing a song. Seth okay. So, i sang, um well, i did a monologue from a monologue book i hadnt even read the play. Um [ laughter ] that i found at Barnes Nobles, i think. Seth yeah. Which, i dont know if Barnes Nobles around but thats another plug i guess seth yeah, seriously, yeah [ laughter ] youre going to catch hell from amazon for that. Yeah, which is likely to have the opposite of amazon, but amazons way better. [ laughter ] seth yeah, of course yeah [ laughter ] for the sake of this. [ laughter ] then, i did the opening monologue from richard iii. Seth okay. And then i sang happy birthday. Seth okay. [ laughter ] yeah, that was my song. Seth so, that seems, like the most right down the middle choice [ laughter ] yeah, right, yeah its a very intense version of happy birthday. Seth i mean, i guess that would be a case where you would be, like id love to do a song from oklahoma, but i only had the one line. [ laughter ] right, yeah, yeah, right. Right. Seth youre part of an Organization Called arts in the Armed Services am i saying that right arts in the armed forces. Seth arts in the armed forces and this is a Great Organization thank you seth and youre doing something very cool. A very cool tiein with star wars and its basically this omaze, a way people can go on and donate money for a chance for this really cool experience. Yeah, well its cool for us i dont know if its cool for them its youre supposed to donate, if i understand this, you donate and get two tickets to the premiere, which is cool and then, i meet you on the red carpet, which is not a place that i feel the most at home [ laughter ] and then i sign a lightsaber seth okay. Which, im assuming someone gives us i dont think they bring it. Seth yeah, yeah. That would be really rude if youre, like [ laughter ] right, right. Seth they meet you and theyre like, and the lightsaber . Yeah, you got one . Seth i mean, you didnt bring one . I dont [ laughter ] right, right, right seth seem, like the chances you would have a better hookup for a lightsaber right, yeah, yeah so, thats what it is. You enter and all of the money goes to this nonprofit, which i run with my wife, where we bring contemporary theater to a military audience all around the country and all around the world and has branched out into this thing where we do a bridge award or give a 10,000 grant to someone in the military to write a play about anything. We do a Film Screening series for, you know, student veterans. It turned into like a cultural hub for people in the military seth its a very cool idea and because, i think, if youre independent in the military, there are people with no theater in their life. Sure. Seth and probably think theres a real wall to them being able to access it. Its really cool that youre bringing it to people and because i think obviously, everybody would get something out of it. Oh, yeah, anytime it is, you know, predominantly in new york and, you know, any time a group says this group wont understand a play because of their real estate, you know, basically where theyre from seth yeah. Or nationality or race. So, it was just i did none of that makes sense to me. So, we bring, you know, what we consider is the best of, you know, american contemporary theater. But we dont need to its not military themed by any means, but because were people, because the military is comprised of humans who understand what it is were doing immediately, you know, and the connection is made seth thats really cool. Thats a Great Organization and congratulations on Everything Else thank you man seth its always a pleasure to see you, adam yeah, as well seth welcome back. [ cheers and applause adam driver. Marriage story is in theaters now and netflix december 6th be right back with more late night. [ cheers and applause my Psoriatic Arthritis pain . 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He returns as the voice of kristoff in the highly anticipated frozen 2, which opens in theatres and imax this friday lets take a look. Did elsa seem weird to you . She seemed like elsa. That last word really seemed to throw her what was it . I dont know. No, no, no. I dont know, i dont know, but oh, ice oh, come on she couldnt act out ice i better go check on her thanks, honey. Love you [ door slamming love you, too its fine. Seth its gonna be okay, guys please welcome back to the show jonathan groff, everybody [ cheers and applause seth welcome back thank you good to be back. Seth now obviously you guys knew before the first frozen came out, you guys knew what you had. Yeah. Seth but the world didnt, right . Yeah. Seth and now youve just done this press tour in europe and premieres and stuff, and now everybody i mean the fandom must be so different between what it was like when the first movie came out and now. Its so different in that like, when we did the red carpet for the first movie it was very small and intimate, and we were selling the movie. And then this time there was like elsas, and annas, and people dressed up. And in london there was actually two live reindeer. Seth wow yeah, the handlers seth and they just got tickets on their own [ light laughter ] i think they had a hookup seth yeah right. I think, judging by the staff of people looking after them seth thats fantastic. Yeah, yeah. Seth youre actually in london, and for this, right . And idina menzel yes seth well, she was at a gay bar, yes yes yes. Seth performing at a gay bar. Yeah, its like my ultimate dream. Yes. [ laughter ] seth so how did it come about . Idina menzel fans in the audience seth yeah, i mean [ cheers and applause yeah, so idina, as im sure you know, plays queen elsa seth sure. She also is a queen seth yes, she is [ cheers ] and shes like a gay icon seth yeah. And an icon just on her own as well. Seth yes yes, for all types, yeah for all shes an icon for you too. Seth yeah. Absolutely 100 for america, yeah and so she decided sort of last minute that she was going to do this 1 30 in the morning gig at this gay bar called g. A. Y. Heaven seth okay. And we rallied everyone, so jennifer lee, her sister, our director chris buck, his wife, their son, my boyfriend, josh gad we all went to this gay bar, and it was mind blowing. Seth and she performed let it go. She did she did. Seth you brought a clip. You found your way on stage for this how did that come about . Yes, she was like, do you mind if to josh and i, do you mind if i call you on stage . And we were like, yeah sure. I thought it was going to be a very low key, like you know, a couple of people and a piano or something. Seth yeah. It was like wall to wall gays, like, pouring out over the side, a line around the block. [ light laughter ] it was like a rock concert, and then we just lost our minds with her on stage seth i was going to say, you were not a wallflower in this performance. Lets take a look at this moment uhoh let it go let it go cant hold it back anymor let it go let it go seth that seems like quite a night [ cheers and applause quite a night. Yeah, do you just want to like headbang seth yeah. When you listen to let it go. Seth every time i listen to let it go, its like, yeah [ light laughter ] when i came off stage she was like, i think you were headbanging during let it go. seth there has to be a first for everything you and then you had a premiere in l. A. You brought some family to that . Yes . Yes seth nieces, what do you have yes, two nieces how old are your boys . Seth theyre like 1 1 2 and 3 1 2. Okay. Seth yeah. So my nieces are 2 1 2 and 4 1 2. Seth gotcha, so yeah, theyre probably in the are they in the frozen zone . Theyre totally in the frozen zone. Seth gotcha. Totally yeah, i wasnt sure if bringing them to the movie, if they would be too young though. Especially for the 2 1 2yearold seth yeah. Because its a lot of action and its loud, and its a red carpet and then the 2 1 2yearold was like running down the red carpet, highfiving elsas, taking pictures seth great, oh thats fantastic. Completely holding court, and then both of them didnt blink through the entire movie they were like [ laughter ] seth oh, thats so exciting. In awe, yeah, they were so into it. Seth thats so, so exciting. Yeah. Seth youre offbroadway now. Yeah. Seth youre doing little shop of horrors. [ cheers and applause hey, love broadway. Yes. Seth was this a musical that youve had a relationship with over your life do you remember first seeing it . Yeah, i used to, when i was about 12 years old, come home from school alone, and be in the kitchen and put in the vhs of the rick moranis seth the best. Ellen greene, steve martin seth yep, yep. Little shop, and i would sing the skid row song and just weep in the kitchen seth really . Yes seth you would make yourself cry, thats how good you were . Yeah, i it was really [ laughter ] no, i was lost in the moment of the Howard Ashman alan menken music, and i you know someone show me a way to get out of here i would just like start crying seth oh, thats fantastic. And at our first performance in front of people i started to sing that part of the song and i was like [ gasping and i started to have a total emotional breakdown. Its been very, very out of body to actually be doing the show. Seth thats such a wonderful journey, from a 12yearold in a kitchen to offbroadway. To a 12yearold offbroadway seth absolutely. Yeah, its great, yeah. Seth you have another piece of work that im a great fan of thats very different from both frozen and little shop of horrors, which is mindhunter. Yes [ cheers and applause seth the fantastic show on netflix. Thank you seth a David Fincher show. Yes seth and i heard David Fincher came to a performance of little shop. He did. Seth and was too close, yes . I mean, cause when you have people i mean, i feel the same way about when people come to my shows, i dont want to be able to see them. Yes [ light laughter ] i it was david and cean, whos our executive producer of mindhunter. Seth yeah. I didnt know they were going to be in the front row really, i didnt mind. They were so adorable and supportive while they were watching it that it kind of warmed my heart. The only slight issue is that i get really wet when im onstage, and i spit a lot when im onstage. Seth gotcha, yeah. And i was in the second act, and i went downstage and i was like, oh no, im right in front of david and cean, and now im just spitting all over them. [ light laughter ] and said to them after, like, am i still in season 3 of mindhunter if that happens . Seth yeah. They seemed to enjoy it seth okay, thats good not enjoy it, but you know. Seth i feel like if you survive past spitting on David Fincher, you like got it made at that point yeah, they were good sports seth thanks so much for being here thank you seth i really appreciate it. Thank you seth congrats on everything. [ cheers and applause thank you so much seth jonathan groff, frozen 2 in theaters and imax everywhere this friday well be right back with more late night. [ cheers and applause as parents of six, this network is one less thing i have to worry about. vo why the aceves family chose verizon. We all use our phones very differently. These two are always gaming and this one is always on facetime. And my oldest is learning to be a pilot. We need a Reliable Network because i need to know hes safe. cause as soon as he lands, he knows he better call mama. Mama laughter vo the network more people rely on, gives you more. Like plans your family can mix and match starting at just 35. So, everyone gets the plan they need. And apple music on us. 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Here to debut his new song jackboot jump, please welcome back to the show, hozier [ cheers and applause at standing roc the jackboot jum youd swear wa all the rage whether tearing u old treaties or just tearing up the place its always corporate infrastructure over the structure of your face in moscow the jackboot sho has so much in store for any silly student who doesnt wann learn the score so the moscow jackboot balle finds some scare young dancing floor in hong kong it wont be lon til they have to fall in line for the long hand of beijing stretching south a thousand miles where they rock the jackboot jump ther like tha going out of style all around the worl youd think that thing were looking rough but the jackboo only jumps dow on people standing up so you know goo things are happening when the jackboo needs to jump [ cheers and applause seth hozier, folks jackboot jump is out now for tour dates go to hozier. Com. Well be right back. [ chee and applause [ electrical buzzing ] [ dramatic music ] ahhhh ahhhh elliott. You came back [ cheers and applause seth my thanks to adam driver, jonathan groff, hozier, everybody jon theodore, 8g band. Stay tuned for lilly singh. See you tomorrow [ cheers and applause lilly tonight on a little late with lilly singh im going to carve into thanksgiving im thankful for sonic no longer looking like a smurf with dentures [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause and then unveil a clip from my First Television show. Wait, youre a spy but im a spy. Uh oh. [ laughter ] then ill sit down with the stars of dollface, brenda song and esther povitsky. [ cheers and applause she did this bit where you go through an audience member purse. And i have my backpack so i thought that maybe you two could go through it together and see what im working with. Yes okay. Honestly it smells like mcdonalds in here. Lilly what [ laughter ] theres a single french fry in your bag. [ laughter ] lilly and brenda and esther will compete in the ultimate thanksgiving craft competition [ cheers and applause now its glued to my shirt. No [ laughter ] lilly whats your favorite part of thanksgiving making out with my parents dog. Lilly cool whats your favorite part of thanksgiving the food and spending time with my family im not cool like esther lilly amazing. Join us here in one minute my favorite part is calling out my uncles racism. [ cheers and applause

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