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Debate in which Pete Buttigieg was the subject of oem klobugp . They should have someone heading up this ticket that has won. The mayor recently had a fundraiser held in a wine cave. This is the problem with issuing purity difts not, yourself, pass. Were joe biden and Bernie Sanders the big winners . Also, christianity today calls President Trumps removal, citing gross immorality and ethical confidence. Joiniigc me peggy noonan, helen cooper, pentagon correspondent for the new york times. Rich lowry, editor of National Review and president ial he torrian doris kearfs goodwhen. Welcome to sunday, its meet the press. From nbc in washington, this is meet the press with chuck todd. Good sunday morning. After a tweak in which the president of the United States was impeached in a manner that seemed utterly predictable. Its worth noting now there is not much we dont know. We dont know how quickly a senate trial will proceed or if we will hear from eyewitnesss who did not testify in the house. We deep know how chief justice will react as he is pulled into the polarized politics of our time he tried so carefully no avoid. We dont know if there will be a break or a Senate Acquittal will act as an accelerant. We dont know what districts President Trump won or republican senators will be rewarded or punished in november. Or frankly how this entire episode will impact the president ial election. We do know the impeachment numbers have barely moved. The impeach dont imbeach question is split down the middle. 48 for, 48 against, roughly where its been. 25 of adults surveyed say he did nothing wrong, 22 say he may have done something wrong but it was not impeachable. 44 say hes committed impeachable acts. Its against this backdrop the republican master of the senate and the democratic master of the house are matching wits as they prepare for the president s trial in the senate. The ayes are 230 reporter a historic vote. Few minds changed. Its a no vote on impeachment day. Wec had like 195 dan to 0. Right . 83 of democrats believe mr. Donald trump should be impeached as do 58 of independents. That divide is playing out in the standoff over a senate trial between two masters of political chess. On thursday, House Speaker pelosi made it clear, she will not formally name impeachment managers and transmit the articles to the senate until leader mcconnell unveils the rules of a senate trial. Our founders when they wrote the constitution, they suspected that there could be a rogue president. I dont think they suspected that we would have a rogue president and a rogue leader in the senate at the same time. It looks like the prosecutors are getting cold feet. Democrats want four witnesses to testify, including the president s chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney and former National Security adviser john bolden. Is the president s case so weak that none of the president s men can defend him under oath . Reporter mcconnell has prided himself on his iron grip on the senate, holding opened a Supreme Court seat for 11 month, denying merritt garland even a hearing. One of my proudest moments was when i looked mr. Barack obama in the eye and said, mr. President , you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy. Holding just 27 role call votes on amendments this year. Democrats want to highlight that logjam, believing they can make him a foil in 2020 congressional campaign. The grim reaper. The grim reaper. The grim reaper. The grim reaper. Im not a partial sure, this is a political process. Leader mcconnell claims the impeachment was motivated bipartisan rage. This from the man who said proudly, i am not impartial. He kind of sits there and says we have to be impartial and in reality, the guy is trying to manipulate this for political advantage. I mean at least mcconnells honest. Mcconnell also wants a speedy trial, need to protect members up for reelection who dont want to be seen taking the inquiry seriously. This was senator collins during the clinton impeachment two decades ago. I am willing to travel the road wherever it leads, but in order to do that i need more evidence. I need witness and further evidence. Reporter mccconnell needs keep republican skeptics of mr. Trump on board. I will be talking to colleague, listening to the leadership and giving it a regular thought. Up for reelection himself in a trumpfriendly state, mcconnell into evidence to please the president. I just left President Trump. Hes mad as that they would do this to him. Joining me now is Vice President pences chief of stachd the president s former legislative director martin short. Welcome back to meet the press. Request itself. Thanks for having me back. Lets start with a simple question, what kind of trial does the west wing want to see . You can ch, i think right now the west wing in the white house is understanding that the reason the president is being impeached is he is winning in so many ways. He won on taxes. The economy is booming. There is record low up employment. The military is getting refunded. Were striking new trade deals. It goes back to what congressman al green said, we have to impeach this president or else he could get reelected. As we transit to the senate, i think we understand Mitch Mcconnell and chuck shum were will strike a deal. You are confident what it will look like . Senator Chuck Schumer said he wants a deal like the clinton impeachment. Yet that was a vote 1000 including Chuck Schumer voting for that deal to let both sides layout their arguments and whether or not there are witnesses. Its a really untenable position we think for Speaker Pelosi to say this president is such a clear and urgent danger to the world, to the globe, that we have to trample his constitutional radio its no force a quick impeachment and then say well, were going to hold up article impeachment to the senate. Now canc you contrast and say this is urgent to say, well. You want to see a trial start as soon as possible, number one . I think the president wants to prove his innocence. He wants witnesses . I think he articulated he is open to witnesses. His legal team doesnt, is it fire say or not . I think at the same time, the American People are tired of the sham, tired of this whole thing, were anxious to get back to the work for the American People e. To the extent there is a prolonged trial, were not for that. Were back for doing 1ajjtj the americans said they wanted. Democrats in 2018 campaigned on promises and said well work with thiS Administration, well work with them on healthcare, to rebuild our schools and roads. None of that happened. They seemed to work with you on trade. They finally did, chuck. That was put on Nancy Pelosis desk of a year. Overary year ago. She held that out to make sure her moderate saving impeachment. Let me go back with a new time line with when the aid may have been held with ukraine. There are foya requests. I know you have put out a statement i think about it. I would try to understand it leaves the appearance that the administration said the decision was known july 18th within the white house at the budget office. This seems to indicate a request was sent after the phone call of President Trump and president zelensky on july 25th. Can you explain the disparity between the july 18th proclamation to the pentagon saying, make sure this freeze happens and, by the way, keep this on the down low . Lets step back for one second, chuck. Remember, that thiS Administration is the one that has provided aid to ukraine. The Previous Administration sent blankets. The previous ones sent troops into ukraine. We defended ukraine. There is no delay or nothing in the emails about the timing. There are a lot of back and forth exchanges about the timing of this. The aid was released. At best account, there are 55 days and we did our own review. If you think about it in our budget request last year, we asked for 250 million of additional aid to ukraine. While democrats did this scam impeachment. They delayed aid for over three months. If they had done their job on time we would have had that aid september 30th. Does it make sense to have Mick Mulvaney testify and give some clarity to this. I think its ironic to say we have an air tight case, nancy pelosi says we have an air tight case, yet she demand we demand more witnesses . How do you reconcile those two statements . In real lithity, we want to see a trial in the senate, we want to see the president gets exonerated. The best way to exonerate the president if you get mulvaneqc out there to tell his side of the story, it not . Weve had a lot of witnesses already, chuck, a lot of witnesses testified to what happened in the calls,uwaat happened in the Vice President s meetings in ukraine. A lot of witnesses. You brought up the Vice President , there was some, he had shown openness to declassifying his casualties and from his top russian aide, the memos and her understanding of all of this. But you havent done that yet, why . Well, there is two questions, one is declassifying a tran script one is declassifying a supplemental submission that she submitted. Thats submission, the House Intelligence Committee has. They shared the judiciary committee. It was included in the report. There is nothing being withheld, chuck. We had our own witnesses testify, democrat witnesses testify about the Vice President s call and about his meetings with zelensky, all testified that burisma, the bidens investigation never came up. The whole conversation was about our commitment to ukraine. What about the Vice President s phone call . Because he was opened to this. Is it somebody else saying dont do it . No, i think were still opened to it, chuck, i think it sets a bad precedence, they know h hey, if i have a call, it may get released. We are opened to do that, if the senate makes the request. What was happening in the house in their investigation, they said you cant have counsel present, you cant provide your own witnesses, so why would we participate in a Kangaroo Court when they had no concern about due process. Of course, on the senate side so whats wrong at having witnesses, having your defense in the senate . I said, well consider that, chuck. Were opened to consider that but there is again this notion like were going to deny the President Administration his constitutional rights, now we want to dictate from Speaker Pelosi what the trial looks like in the senate. Im curious you are in the administration as the legislative director working in the west wing and there was a Washington Post story this week about that talked about the president was talking a lot in 2017, 2018. We put up one excerpt. One former senior white house official said trump even stated explicitly he now ukraine was the biggest culprit because putin told me. Did you ever hear him talk about the president in ukraine . c never, not once. I heard him say no relation to putin and ukraine. I heard him say again and again a frustration the allies werent doing more. You didnt hear the president blaming ukraine for the stolen emails of the dnc . No, i heard him say when you go to meet with zelensky on my behalf, could ep in mind something not reported here that meeting happened september 1st. The democrats case has been quid pro quo. That was the president s meeting that was scheduled on september 1st. The aid was released on the 11th. After the whistleblower report. The Vice President went on the president s behalf and said i want you to talk about why europe isnt doing more and generally what theyre fighting corruption. The Vice President came home and said zelensky is doing ac lot fight corruption. I think we should release the aid and ten days later it was. I want to get you something from the christianity today. Perhaps you talked to the Vice President about it. I dont know. This excerpt, in particular. Consider what an unbelieving world will say if you continue to brush off mr. Trumps immoral words around behavior. If we dont reverse course now, will anyone take what we say with any seriousness for decades to come. I think its no surprise that eadvantage gel cals are not monolithic in their political viewpoints. I think a lot of us who celebrate our saviors birth this week, we now in this president S Administration who is also protecting thousands of other unplanned pregnancies in defense of life in. Is that trumps behalfyour . A president who is standing for religious liberty and you know r know, this morning in churches of our country we will be sing little town of bethlehem and there is no president who stood up for this. That gives a lot of comfort to christians. Even though his behavior sometimes isnt very christian. As i said, christians are not monolithic, a lot of us take great gratitude hes our president. Thanks for coming on. I hope you and your family have a merry christmas. Chuck, happy holidays. Joining me now from urbandale, iowa, senior candidate corey booker. Welcome back to meet the press. Its great to be on. So have you to be a juror while a candidate. So let me ask you aboutc your juror role here first. I almost want you to resprond to something your colleague bill cassidy a republican senator implied in our setup piece. This idea of a fair trial, essentially, who is not impartial here . What do you think a senate trial should look like . I think we all swear and oath and we will swear a special oath. We will literally swear to this idea of impartiality. I heard from my democratic colleagues folks tell me this is not a good thing for america i dont think the colleagues that i know on both sides of the aisle think this is a good thing. None of us are happy about this. As a guy, a big competitor. I want to beat donald trump mono emono, face him down on the debate floor. So this is not something i want to do. Yeah, i will evaluate the facts objectively and honor the oath that i swore, even though i feel he has violated his oath of office. Speaker pelosi delayed accepting over the articles. Do you think that is a good maneuver. Do you think thats a point where you think she should send them over no matter what . Or is there a time table in your head . Look, nancy pelosi, she has been a light worker in dark times. Balancing the most difficult circumstance for the third time in marine history the United States president has been impeached. Those articles will come over. I talkedc to Chuck Schumer thi week. I think what she is trying to do is make the best possible case for a fair trial happens. Of this this all happen in the context that Mitch Mcconnell is openly saying he will violate his oath and not be impartial. That we have a situation here, to me is very simple. Will you have a trial, have the firsthand witnesses. If you are innocent, have acting chief mulvaney come before the senate. Swear to an oath. Settle this whole thing. Shes trying to say lets not make this a circus. A partisan circus. Lets get to the facts and get this trial conducted rightly and then behind us. Do you view the ask of hunter biden and joe bind as witnesses as basically an a. The by whether its the republicans or the Trump Administration as sort of to make the witness requests a mutual assured political dru destruction . Im exhausted, frankly, of the biden aspect of this. c this does not speak in aanyway this germane to the president s behavior. The president or no there were witnesses in the room, that he violated his oath. That he violated National Security, did he pursue his own principle interests with our taxpayer dollars accounted no the mandates of congress. This is a very clear cut and dry thing and there are people who could be testifying in front of the American People and set him this once and for all under oath, what did you witness . And we should be doing that. God, all of us on both sides of the aisle, were fatigued of this, so much noise, so much distraction. Lets get to the facts and move on from the nation from this sad period. I actually want to play you a clip of a couple of basically voter responses to the impeachment. One is from 1998. One is from a votener iowa from the last week. Take a listen. Him dropping his pants with somebody in the white house isnt going to affect my bottom line. I think hes a jerk, but things are getting done. I think its a ploy to try to not get trump elected. Senator, i bring this up, there is this fatigue you brought up yourself. I think there is fatigue out there in the country. A lot of people are looking at this in sort of through their own pocketbooks and the economy is doing well. How much should Public Opinions exhaustion from this factor into how you conduct the senate trial . It should not at all. Not at all. You know, when i walk on to that senate floor, im one of these folks that gets this overwhelming sense of gravity. We have these institutions, these traditions. Constitution. This is not a question of popular opinion right now. This is a question about the ideals of our nation. Did the president of the United States violate his oath of office . Did he violate the values of this nation . We created a system of checks and balances to hold him accountable. Hec is not above the law. He should be subject to the constitutional mandates. And so we should do this. Independent of public opinion. There is a time, history will look back on this moment, did a president violate his oath . Did he violate the sanctity of our constitution . Ifc he did, he should be held accountable, move on, do the right thing as a nation. You were not on the debate stage last week. Something that obviously thats not something that pleased your campaign and you made your views known the parameters are too lie. The dnc raised the bar higher for january. Let me ask this, what do you believe was missing your voice would have added . Splets be clear what you hear from local media in iowa and dnc officials in washington determining who we get to evaluate, because here on the ground, our campaign is 3rd or fourth in net favorabilities. Our campaign is number one or two in overall endorsementes from local leaders. Were picking up county chairman, local makers state reps. We according to register have top teams setting up. There are articles why corey booker is going to upset in iowa johnment jo barack obama around this time was 15, 20 points behind hillary clinton. The polls have never predict whod would go on. Our campaign is surgie right no. This is why i am grateful to the American Public. There is a backlash. We had the best fundraising periods the entire campaign and i hope people who want my voice in this race will continue to go to corey booker. Com and help us to surge like we are right now and win when it comes to february. Your history is correct, senator booker. December leaders in iowa often dont finish as the leader when the caucuses actually happen. So you definitely have to watch out for upsets there. Thank you for coming on. It sounds like you are campaigning hard. You got the sunday morning. You have been campaigning a lot there. Stay safe on the trail. Rest that voice and have a enjoy your holidays. Chuck, really appreciate it. Happy hasn statler hello, my name is itsy bitsy. I love watching the weather. Rain again . robin hahahaha statler thats impossible. I always plan ahead lets try one more time. kermit ha robin, what do you think of the story so far . robin gee, ive always liked arachnids. Solid opening. Boy, cant wait to see how it ends. waldorf what a coincidence i cant wait for it to end too Waldorf Statler oh hahahaha statler vo portal from facebook. Welcome back, panel is here. Correspondent from new york sometimes, wall street clocolum noon, rich lowry, author of the case for nationalism. Let me put up the three near impeachments of our lifetime and show you sort of the polling, where the American Public was on each. Heres President Trump. 48 support impeachment. The job Approval Rating is at 44 . The job approval was 89 . Lets compare to bill clinton. His support for impeachment was much clower. The job approval was much looi higher. Now Richard Nixon spert for impeachment slightly lower. Job approval much lower. And, of course, job approval in our own party 48 . Doris in some ways, i think we see why donald trump is surviving, why bill clinton survived and Richard Nixon did not. Why clinton survived is right from the beginning people thought it was a private mat. The economy was booming. The hearings actually when they started the impeachment hearings his approval rates went up. It showed people were mad about the process. Even as his political things went down. Even before dropping the pants in the white house. For nixon the hearings made a huge shift. It was a much lower beginning way back. 28 thought he should be impeached. By the time he gotc to june, i is 44 . By the time you got to the tapes, it goes up and up and the impeachment would have taken place and people would have felt it was the right thing republicans and democrats and ford says our Long National nightmare was over. That one had movement. The difference with President Trump is his impeachment desires are much higher than otherwise to begin with, even though they havent moved. What you would have thought the hearings wouldnt move. I kept hearing him talk about the founders. I love it when history is mentioned all the time. What you were hoping was to educate the country about the rule of law. We have two alternative views of the hearings. We had one story on one side, one on the other side, unlike three networks when we were watching one in the old days. I have a feeling this is a way. An impeachment is a huge and grave political event. Yet by the end of this week, i thought history is going to kind of forget this its not going to remember this is a dramatic moment. Why you all know the reasons. Party line vote. Split country going in that was a split country going out. There is a sense that this is that the past week was almost politics by other means and that people experienced it that way. Which made it different. Unremarkable when it should have been remarkable . It did. It did, indeed. I wonder what the plan is Going Forward if were going to pick this up again in two weeks, when supposedly everybody is going to still be dynamically involved. Im not sure. Its so cinteresting, thoug when you compare it to Richard Nixon. Because i think it says much more about the time that were living in right now than anything else, because in the case of nixons impeachment, it feels to me looking back and that facts then actually mattered. I think now in the world that we live in people, no matter what, we dont actually, theres no real disagreement on what actually happened. But people are going to feel the way they feel. Theyre going to vote the way they vote no matter what. Are you not financial to see any sort of big swings if you come up. If they came one a tape of trump on the phone call with zelensky, nothing would change. Exactly. No thats exactly where we are right now. Riff, respond to jeff flake, his oped and i think it sort of interpret it for our viewers. Jeff flake writes, my simple test is what if barack obama had engaged in precisely the same behavior. I know the answer to that. Jeff flake essentially writing to his former republican colleagues in the senate. Expla Tony Jeff Flake why theyre not doing this. Well, first of all i think republicans forthrightly acknowledge this is wrong. Theyll regret it when there is a democrat and they want to complain about his or her abuses of power. If you look at what happened in the house, have you to be with your dream. Jeff van drew, against the impeachmentc inquiry has to lee his party. Justin amash, republican from michigan comes out for impeachment, has to leave his party. I think thats the most important thing people need to understand about impeachment. Historically, a small sample size, we had two senate trial impeachment trials in our history. But never has a member of the president s own party voted to convict in the senate. I think that will likely hold true this time as well. What makes me sad when jeff flake was talking about is the integrity of the senate and the vote for the country. When you think about how tread lock handled it with daschle with the clinton impeachment. They wanted to be surrounded by history and make it outside of cameras. They came toon agreement on the rules which was 100 to zero. They were able to understand the importance of what they were doing. And this wayc now we have mr. Mcconnell saying ahead of time, im going to take my queues from the president. Its not going to be impartial. I yearn for that earlier time especially cant believe were referring to the 90s as the good old days. We thought those were the most poll larizing time we all had. All of this is the backdrop for the president ial race. I want to put up our most recent national primary. It shows tumor things change the more they stay the same. Biden sanders one, two, warren 3rd. Buttigieg at 9. Klobuchar, bloomberg, yang. Three months ago, biden had a bigger lead, sanders fully recovered from that heart attack completely and warren seems to have lost a little bit of ground. Has this impeachment inquiry saved joe wide season. Saved joe biden in what way . As a shield in this respect that the democrats cant fully engage with biden for fear they look like theyre doing the president s bidder. Oh, with hunter and the whole thing, i dont want to make that worse. Oh, i dont know. I sense biden maybe on a float a little like a feather thats not going upward but downward, we were talking before i have the feeling, Bernie Sanders might be in an interesting position, sort of hold on and coming up a little. You think hes a niche . There are too many people assume hes a niche and will never grow out of that niche. Im not sure. I was out in iowa, i saw him talk to a bunch of teamsters. They gave him ap standing ovation i real ooisziized its ancestral meets in bernie. All we ever seen from the wide frein the last debate, democrats would be idiots to not nominate him immediately. You look at iowa and the early states, its completely wide opened. Five candidates can conceivably win. If one candidate can win two races in february, then thats something. We may have four different when we ive been a caregiver for 20 years. No two patients are the same. Predicting the next step for them can be challenging. Today were using the ibm cloud to run new analytics tools that help us better predict and plan a patients recovery. Ultimately, its helping thousands of patients return home. And who doesnt love going home. We dont see who youre against, through or for,rs, whether tomorrow will be light or dark, all we see in you, is a spark we see your spark in each nod, each smile, we see sparks in every aisle. We see you find a hidden gem, and buying diapers at 3am. We see your kindness and humanity. The strength of each community. Weve seen more sparks than we can say. About 20 million just yesterday. The more we look the more we find, the sparks that make america shine. Classical Music playing throughout . Welcome back. It is no secret our politics arc polarized and frankly growing on what is a disappearing middle. Politicians achieve success because of their ability to be liked by the other side. Joining me two office holders, former democratic senator Claire Mccaskill lost her seat as missouri became more conservative and tom davis gave up his seat before the 28 elections as his district has become a lot more liberal. Welcome to both of you. And i want to talk about that socalled disappearing middle because lets be frank here, impeachment is breaking congress as we know it for now. The center is who puts Humpty Dumpty back together again. Yet it feels like this will be a lot harder. Senator mccaskill. How does the center . Does it have to be rep assert itself to sort of fix the senate . Well, first of all, i think the senate was broken. Congress was broken before impeachment came along. Fair. My first year in the senate, i voted on 306 legislative amendments. This year there is fewer than 30. Mitch mcconnell presided over, absolutely destroying senate norms from merritt garland to killing legislative debate. The senate is no longer what it was and the people of this country are going to have to be the ones politically to put pressure on this dysfunction and say we want unity. We want stuff to get done. We want you to quit the partisan food fight. Tom davis, there isnt a political constituency that rewards that right now. Not at all. In fact, weve deinvolved into basically parliamentary behavior in a balance and power structure. And it doesnt work. Remember that for about 80 of the house and the majority of the senate, the only race that counts is the primary election. To these members, november is just a constitutional formality. The vote verse sorted themselves into basically making mostc of these seats safe. The number of marginal seats have decreased. Theyre the ones who decide who is the majority. Whats interesting in or new poll is how certain some people are of their vote already. We asked this question about 2020. Strn to vote against trump is already up to 48 . Its up 2 points from last month. Certain to vote for trump is 34 . Depends on the nominee is 18 . This is what id like to if focus on, this is the swing voter for this election. It looks like no swing voter any of us have talked about in 30 years this swing voter is male, younger, white. I want to show they approve somewhat of the president s job rating. They prefer a Republican Congress over a democratic congress. But they believe the president did something wrong even if theyre not ready to impeach him. Senator mccaskill, this is a different type of swing voter than we are used to normally its the suburbs. The suburbs are moved in one direction. You had ac hard time dock it. Is it culturally impossible for democrats to reach out to these folks . I dont think it is, especially if the candidates get back to focusing on whats pragmatic, practical, unifying the country and the big one healthcare. The republicans are in a bad position on healthcare. They have tried to take away the protections that people have really grown to be really guarding. They dont want that pre existing condition protection gone and i think if, in fact, the democrats nominate someone who can talk about unity, talk about going after drug companies, talk about stabilizing healthcare costs, then i think donald trump will no longer be president in january of 2021. Tom davids, there is another fascinating aspect of this group, theyre more uncomfortable with joe biden than Bernie Sanders. Bernie sanders scores fairly well, this this group of voters because another dynamic in them is theyre not fully happy with this system as it was. Is it possible that sanders might be the best person to take trump voters away from trump . Well, i think it depends where you are talking about. Look, i think this race is going to be a race to the bottom to any extent where people are holding their nose, a lot of swing voters and taking the lesser of two evils. What the president has going for h m right now is the lowest Unemployment Rate in 50 years and a stockmarket thats going through the roof. So hes getting good results on the ground this past trade agreement. Thats going good for him at this point. In spite of everything else. And if the democrats run against him on the economy. I think thats a tough sell at this point. You want to get to the mid to him appeal to these swing voters and give him a reason. But the nomination process drives the democrats left and the republicans right. Thats the dilemma that both parties face. Senator, what did you make in the debate the other night . Look you can come to the conclusion over the last four, five debates the porte looks like theyre arguing now, theyre moving towards the middle. Babe thats because buttigieg is the guy thats getting traction in iowa more so than warner or sanders. Do you see that as, how do you view that development . Well, i saw a very recent survey among democratic voters. Its really interesting, they really dont like the idea of the government paying for college for rich people. They really do. The majority of them want to hold onto the option of private insurance. If people want that. But they certainly want a government option also. So i think that where most democratic voters are, are, frankly, closer to mayor pete or joe biden or Amy Klobuchar than they are. The universality of the proposals both Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanderss are pushing. Would you had advise democrats to spend time wooing republicans like yourself . Im presuming that, not meaning more right of center republican, not presuming wherec you are o President Trump personally, but a republican like yourself . Absolutely. Because in these swing states, its really in the suburbs, the republicans have been losing it. They lost in the midterms, but remember the Midterm Election was more about putting a check on the president rather than giving him a brank check. Thats traditionally what we see. I think the voters are up for grabs and will make the difference over two carries these swing states. Senator claire mccass sell, formers on both of them, though, people who bring a reasonable conversation to a sunday morning, thank you, both. I hope you enjoy your break. Thank you, chuck. When wec come back, a lookt some of the people we lost in 2019. The question will be asked, in 2019, what drivers just wont put their phones down. We need a solution. Introducing. Smartdogs. The first dogs trained to train humans. Stopping drivers from liking. Selfieing. And whatever this is. Available to the public. Never. Smartdogs are not the answer. But geico has a simple tip. Turn on do not disturb while driving mode. Brought to you by geico. Johnsbut were also a cancer fighting, hiv controlling, joint replacing, and depression relieving company. From the day youre born we never stop taking care of you. 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And i always tried to reach the best result in every case. I run because i believe d tht we have a mission to lead the world. The women of the senate know how to bridge the partisan divide and get the job done. Im trying not to write just because i can or just write more. Im trying to write less that means more. Id like to be remembered as a mother and a wife and friend who people that i love very, very much. I was texas born, texas bred, when ic died ill be texas dea. Do your own thing in your own tim time. There is a tombstone up in kansas somewhere, where it says, he didnt when they put the tombstone on me. It willc say that. When we are dancing with the angels, the question will be asked, in 2019, what did we do to make sure we kept our kermit gonzo you got my gift gonzo yeah kermit, thanks for the portal i love it did you get my gift . kermit oh yeah. Its a really great ugly sweater. gonzo yeah yeah. Wait, what kind of sweater . kermit i said its a really great sweater. gonzo no, whatd you say before that . kermit uh, really. gonzo after that. kermit sweater . gonzo before that. kermit [gulps] great. gonzo okay. kermit okay. kermit vo portal from facebook. Timing is everything. So why wait . Start farxiga now. Farxiga, along with diet and exercise,. Helps lower a1c in adults with type 2 diabetes. Although its not for weight loss, it may help you lose weight. Do not take if allergic to farxiga. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash,. Swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. Stop taking and seek medical help right away. Tell your doctor right away if you have. Red color in urine, or pain while you urinate. Or a genital area infection since a rare but serious genital infection may be lifethreatening. Do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis,. Or have bladder cancer. 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[tina] youre an old lady. Back now with end game and the end of the decade. Its sort of weird to think that were ending a decade when we finally will enter a decade thats a lot easier to refer to. It will be a lot easier now. We asked all of you to come up with what were the most impactful stories of the decade, sort of politically, socially. We tallied them up. There was a tie for fourth. Threeway tie for fourth. The great reception of Osama Bin Laden killed and trumps 2016 election. Peggy, you had the recession and recovery. Why . Oh my gosh. The recession was not only an economic event 2008 in america. It was a psych ig event. It changed us politically. It changed a whole lot. It was not a recession and a small thing. It was a big epical event. You put bin laudin on there you western alone. Because im a news reporter. You guys think you need a big lofty high altitude. Im thinking of what grabbed us and riveted, slammed us down in the chair, are you like, oh my god, look at the headlines, its a huge deal. We have been looking for this guy for more than ten years, 11 years, for far more than that actually. It was a big news story. While we have trump election tied for fourth. The next is political realignment. And, rich, we put your brexit within political realignment as part of that. All of you had some form of this. Look. Thats why its 3rd. Yeah, well, the coalition of the parties are shufting. They have been for some time. Its been accelerated, Boris Johnson smashing victory in the uk po insurance to how a more populist nationalist right potentially has a broaderc appeal. The number two story of the decade, lets show it on screen here. Climate change. Doris, you had that i believe as your top. I did. Most important thats because as a historian, what will they say 50 years from now . I think when you look at the natural disasters that happened, you looked at the withdraw from the paris peace caccords if th continues, if were not taking a leadership role in this, the generations to come will know that we failed. All right. Number one is something that ill be honest, we in our staff meeting, we were trying to figure this out. Half of you, let me read number one before i give it away. We decided to call it social it. Half of you put gun massacre sandy hook, you had referred to opioids. This is where i want to spend a minute in some ways. When you put that together, it does feel as if we have a societal ill here. Yes. We havent figured out how to tackle either. Yes. I would say, america and drugs has been a huge story. The number of people who never used to get into that area of life started in the past five, seven years. These are fought illegal drugs. Yes. Theyre legal drugs. Attendant to this is the change in legal pharmaceuticals. Whats there, the sense that were all guinea pigs in a way for a drug revolution going on. We dont know how things are going. I would add into addiction. Social media addiction. Pornography, all of those things that quietly happened that change the face of a company. And the increasing isolation of so many people. Yes. And in your news event, you put sandy hook as number one. Look, it is, there are two memories etched in my head of being a white house correspondent. One is that two is at the white house. I think sandy hook for me is by far the most important thing that happened this day. Because it shows that i think that we were willing to accept as a people the depths of children in schools. We were willing to prioritize our gun rights over protecting children in elementary schools. The fact that we are okay with this and that nothing changed avenue sandy hook said so much. Now when you see all of these kids who are so used to active issues or trading. We didnt have that kind of stuff before that. That was a big deal i thought. You know what strikes me, rich, its a reminder of how little americans turn to politicians for moral leadership. Because our politicians have totally failed on these two crisis. So, this is why wevec had w for years peace and relative prosperity in this country. But there is a sense of deep unease, one because this decade played out in the shadow of two failures, the financial crisis and the iraq war and just something brokeenc in our society. The lack of attachment of individuals which counts for the drug crisis, for alcohol deaths, for suicide in 2017. I think those three things account for. The Life Expectancy rate for decline has come down anywhere you live. This is something, i dont know, we dont want, we so distrust our politicians, we dont expect them to have answers. Losing trust in government means losing trust in our collective ability to do something. Franklin roosevelt used to say, you can have any problem, if man created that problem. Thats scary. There are positive things ability these, there was activism on all lines. Well, no. More women ran and won than ever before. Yes. A lot more people interested in politics. There is an arc to this d. C. Cade. I have to see the positives. You have to see it as a historian. In 30 years this decade may have been reviewed than it is now, we are living in a period and i have five seconds. Sorry, guy, happy holiday, merry christmas, happy hanukkah, remember, well be back next week. Because if its sunday, its meet the press. A holiday headache on the roads. A massive 69car pileup shuts down a major highway in virginia. The trouble for travelers at some of the nations biggest airports preparing for a christmas crisis the u. S. Braces for the worst after annous threat from north korea. Impeachment bombshell shedding new light on the president s controversial call with ukraines leader as the showdown over the senate trial enters the holiday week. The nfl playoff picture snaps into focus and where each Team Stands Heading into the final week of the regular season. Star wars rockets to the stop spot on Opening Weekend in the bo

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