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This morning, surprise findings from polling in the battleground states that could decide the race. How the impeachment investigation is impacting voters on both sides and what the president is saying about it. Those stories, plus, chilling plot, an alleged white supremacist accused of planning to bomb a colorado synagogue, inside the undercover sting that led to his first. Screen time warning, what those digital devices are doing to your childs brain, stunning results from a first of its kind study that will make you think twice about handing your phone to your child. And on the prowl, a black cat dashes on to the field and interrupts monday night football game. Hes walking to the 3, hes at the 2. And lets just say the announcers handled it perfectly. The cat runs into the end zone. That is a touchdown today, tuesday, november 5th, 2019. From nbc news, this is today with Savannah Guthrie and hoda kotb. Live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Hey, everybody, welcome to today, thank you for joining us on this tuesday morning. We want to start with that breaking news. What were learning about a deadly ambush on americans in mexico. Nbcs sam brock has the very latest on this. Hey, sam, good morning. Reporter hoda, savannah, heartbreaking news this morning, these american citizens have lived in an american Agricultural Community on the border for decades and were traveling in three separate vehicles when a gunman attacked and an attack that could be a case of mistaken identity. Overnight, nine americans killed in mexico in what appears to be an ambush by an organized crime cartel. Family members confirming to nbc news that the victims were american women and their children who died in the attack. The americans living in mexico had been reportedly traveling with their children to arizona for a shopping trip, in the mexican state of sonora, 75 miles south of the u. S. Border when they were caught in the crossfire of gunmen. Among the dead, Rhonita Miller and her twins. Dawna johnson and her son trevor, and christina langford, but her baby miraculously survived. There was a number of people in a motorcade, several families traveling to another community and not very far out, their family come under attack and there was a number of vehicles, three of them in particular, that were shot and one of them was set fire. My understanding is that there was some children that was able to escape out of the vehicles unharmed. Reporter one of those children, just 13 years old, walking about 14 miles to get help after hiding his bleeding but living siblings in the bushes and covering them with branches. Mexican National Police and military forces dispatched to the area overnight searching for the gunmen. It comes amid a string of violent episodes in the country. 14 Police Officers were killed in an ambush stemming from violent clashes. Days later, Cartel Gunmen set off a series of vicious attacks after police captured el chapos son. The government forced to release the notorious drug lords son just hours after capturing him. A spokesperson from the u. S. State department telling nbc news they are aware of the most recent attacks but so far have no further comment. The u. S. Ambassador to mexico tweeting the safety of our fellow citizens is our top priority, im closely following the situation between sonora and chihuahua. Reporter the victims range in age from 43 years old to twins who were just eight months old. The president tweeting in part a wonderful family and friends from utah got caught between two vicious drug cartels who were shooting at each other. If mexico needs to request help in cleaning these out, monsters, the United States stands ready, willing and able to get involved. Savannah, back to you. Shocking. Sam brock with the latest there. Thank you. Another big story were covering is the weather. Tens of millions from the midwest to maine and the deep south are set to face the coldest temperatures of this young season. Al is here with what you need to know. Hey, al. Thank you for getting your first weather from us nationally. Windchills tomorrow morning, its going to feel like 6 in billings, 23 in kansas city i should say thursday morning. 26 in detroit. As we move into friday, this cold air spreads to the east where theyre feeling like 28 degrees in the morning in new york city, 15 in rochester, 13 chicago, 18 in cincinnati. Some of these places may see record low temperatures for the day. As we move into tomorrow afternoon, were looking the system pushing through, bringing some showers. As we move into wednesday, look at this, lake effect snow developing and moving on into thursday. This system pushes east, bringing with it, i think, along the i95 corridor, mostly rain, but interior parts of the northeast and new england, will see significant amounts of snow, especially lakeeffect snow on the leeward side of the lakes. Upwards of 5 to 6 inches of snow, and were in fact looking between eerie and buffalo, about 4 to 6, as you get into northern new england, 6 to 8 inches of snow. So the big cities get away with it, but we are looking at a significant snowfall as you get around the great lakes and into new england. Savannah. Thank you so much also this morning there are new developments in the impeachment investigation. For the first time were getting a look at what several key witnesses told lawmakers behind closed doors and theres more to come today nbcs chief White House Correspondent Hallie Jackson has that story hey, hallie, good morning. Reporter savannah, good morning, the president is taking his campaign against the impeachment inquiry on the road but back here at home, the American People are getting their first look at testimony from key witnesses kept secret until now with more expected to be revealed today. President trump in ruby red kentucky overnight, spurring on his supporters the white house strategy, stonewall subpoenas, with at least four administration officials, including Energy Secretary rick perry, expected to be noshows on capitol hill this week. House democrats leading the impeachment inquiry unmoved. We are not going to delay our work that would merely allow these witnesses and the white house to succeed with their goal, which is to delay, deny, obstruct. Reporter the investigation into why the president held up military aid to ukraine while pushing for political help now inching into a new more public phase with the release of two key Interview Transcripts expected today two others shared monday in one, the ousted u. S. Ambassador to ukraine said she believed she was the target of a Smear Campaign by the president s allies, felt threatened by the president s comments about her, and was told by another u. S. Ambassador that she should tweet positive things about President Trump to help save her job im sure shes a very fine woman. I just dont know much about her. Reporter but the president called marie yovanovitch, bad news in that july call with the ukrainian leader, some yovanovitch says shocked her the impeachment inquiry dominating d. C. , even brought up as the president brought in baseballs world champions, embracing the Washington Nationals with a nod to the topic top of mind for him. America fell in love with the nats baseball. They just fell in love with nats baseball thats all they wanted to talk about, that and impeachment. I like nats baseball much more reporter looking ahead to what else is on the docket, former National Security adviser john bolton has been asked to talk to house investigators after he raised his own concerns about how ukraine was being dealt with that testimony could be explosive but at this point we do not expect bolton to show up, at least not right now thank you very much with the impeachment as the backdrop, we are exactly one year out from election day in the 2020 president ial race the president s Campaign Strategy on full display last night in kentucky, play to the base and rip democrats over impeachment. The democrats outrageous conduct has created an angry majority that will vote the donothing democrats the hell out of office soon and a new poll in the talk of the political world this morning, it shows headtohead matchups between President Trump and three democratic frontrunners in key battleground states. The president keeping it competitive, thats the bottom line here to break it down, nbcs Political Correspondent steve kornacki, and Claire Mccaskill nice to see you both lets talk about the poll numbers. Joe biden does the best against trump, thats the upshot, when you look at these six battleground states, followed by sanders. When you look at warren, she struggled and in only one of these battleground states does she prevail in this headtohead matchup. Why are the battleground states so important if democrats are going to win back the presidency, they probably need to win three of these. Youve got biden leading in four of them, sanders in three, warren in one. The big difference between them right there is White Working Class voters the Common Thread between the six states, they have an abundance of White Working Class voters, especially in the rust belt states, pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin that we have talked so much about simply put, in that polling right now, biden is doing better with White Working Class voters particularly than elizabeth warren. Youre our polling guru, a lot of people feel like they have been seeing these polls, they see Approval Ratings of donald trump they see National Polls that show him behind many of these frontrunners, and then you get these battleground polls that tell a much different story. Why does it matter 2016 i think was a similar story. Everybody was looking at the National Polls, and trump never led the National Polls one reason there was so much confidence Hillary Clinton was going to win, if you looked at pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, you saw Something Different but nationally it was telling a different story. Let me turn to senator mccaskill whos listening to this as a former democratic senator. Is this a wakeup call for democrats . Do you think theres been some overconfidence here . Absolutely. I think that Everyone Needs to remember that the way we win the presidency is not a National Poll it is state by state by state. And the voters who voted for barack obama and donald trump, thats who they should be focused on those crossover voters and theyre in abundance in these states and they have not made up their mind yet they are a little worried about the extreme positions taken by the primary candidates. Thats what i was going to ask you. Your background is a moderate. You won in a red state in missouri, but the kind of battle for the heart and soul thats happening in the primary has to do with progressive candidates versus more centrist candidates or moderate candidates what does that poll have to say on that issue . It says that we have got to remember that theres nothing evil about the middle of america, geographically or in terms of ideology, and weve got to focus on the practical things that matter to peoples families they are not as worried about whether or not theyre going to have a medicare for all, as they are whether or not they can afford their medicine. I think these candidates and frankly were a little distracted by the impeachment. These candidates need to get back to the Kitchen Table issues for American Families and reassure them that they can make change happen. Not just pie in the sky ideas that are unrealistic, but stuff that can get across the finish line. Lets talk about one thing that comes clear in this poll that were talking about, steve, which is in 2018, trump voters who voted democrat in the midterm tell these pollsters, were sticking with trump for 2020 a lot of democrats felt pretty confident because of 2018s rushed in a tide of democrats in the house, but those folks are saying were still with trump. Twothirds of them say they are ready to vote for donald trump again even after going for democrats in the congressional elections. This is one of the great mysteries, we saw it with barack obama, terrible midterm, the voters came back in 2012 we saw it with clinton, terrible midterm, the voters came back. This is a warning sign for democrats, the same thing could be preparing to happen with donald trump were just getting started, the starting gun, one year out, thank you so much, steve kornacki, senator mccaskill, appreciate it. Were going to have much more in our next half hour including an interesting conversation with voters who supported the president in 2016. How they feel about his time in office, the impeachment investigation and the race this time around. Hoda, over to you. Craig joins the table, overnight details in a story that was a close call. To say the least. The fbi has stopped a plot to blow up a synagogue in colorado, arresting a 27yearold man they say is a white supremacist as he tried to put his plan into motion nbc National Correspondent Miguel Almaguer has the latest on this. Miguel, good morning to you. Reporter craig, good morning, investigators say the suspect who lives in colorado used to be a member of the kkk and describes himself as a skin head his plans say federal agents was to blow up a synagogue but he never knew he was communicating with undercover agents all along. Federal agents say this was 27yearold richard holzers target the temple emmanuel, a small synagogue in pueblo, colorado. The alleged white supremacist arrested after a sting operation when he was given what he thought were real bombs. The fbi says holzer told undercover investigators he was planning to blow up the s synagogue with dynamite and pipe bombs. He indicated he wanted to let jewish people know they were not welcome. Reporter the fbi says they covertly contacted holzer in late september through facebook where he spewed hate writing i wish the holocaust really did happen, they need to die he referred to his planned attack on Temple Emanuel as my mountain and to jews in the synagogue as a cancer to the community. Im ready to start crying, and i probably will. This is the most horrible thing i could imagine. Reporter before meeting with undercover agents, the fbi says holzer sent a video of himself walking the exterior of the synagogue. Over the phone, investigators say he wanted to demolish the building, adding phase three would be outside of pueblo and bigger and better. You feel like youre a target, youre susceptible if someone hates enough, theyre going to find a way to be provocative. Reporter with holzer taken into custody friday, the fbi told Congress Last week, acts of domestic terrorism like the attacks in pittsburgh and poway, mostly come at the hands of white supremacists. He could have come on sunday, and just blown up dreams of entire families. Reporter this morning, tragedy averted, amid what federal agents call the face of hatred the fbi says holzer wanted to bomb the synagogue overnight when nobody was inside hell be back in federal court on thursday. If convicted he faces a maximum potential prison sentence of 20 years. Craig. Miguel almaguer for us this morning. Miguel, thank you. Now to a heart stopping close call on a train platform in oakland, and this whole thing was caught on camera check it out as a man falls down onto the train tracks, a quick thinking transit employee grabs his hand, pulls him to safety with literally zero time to spare you can see a b. A. R. T. Train speed past witnesses say the man was intoxicated. Afterwards he thanked the b. A. R. T. Supervisor, gave him a big hug. The employee john oconnor says hes not a hero, he was just doing what he is supposed to be doing. Hes a hero. Yes, he is. Very superstitious very superstitious, thats how new york giants fans have to be feeling this morning big blue leading the cowboys by 6 points last night until an unwelcome visitor ran on to the field. Now hes at the 5, hes walking to the 3, hes at the 2, now a state trooper has come on the field, and the cat runs into the end zone, that is a touchdown. Up got to love kevin harlan there. I like it so that black cat ran around the end zone for a while there, dodging would be tacklers, eventually he runs off the field, down a tunnel, all of it bad news for the giants, if you believe in that sort of thing. Cowboys went on to score 34 more points after the black cat scurried across the field. Wow they went on to easily win it, 3718. It was a game before the cat emblematic of so much. Theyll turn you into a believer. What you got in the forecast weve got a little bit more to talk about besides this cold air coming in. We do have above average temperatures out west. Actually, thats kind of bad news because we have a big ridge of High Pressure out there thats going to keep it warm and dry, unfortunately no rain so far for california, and that really is emblematic of their problems because they should be starting to see rain now. This is their rainy time of the year look for this next cold air mass coming back down into the plains, and as we told you, thats going to be a problem thats whats going on around the country, were going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds in the n 30 seconds. the enchanted disney fine jewelry collection. With exclusive bridal styles at zales, the diamond store. Good morning. Im meteorologist kari hall. We can see the fog draped over the Golden Gate Bridge creating low visibility and a lot of problems for commuters trying to get into San Francisco. Were going to see that clearing out, temperatures headed into the upper 60s today. Our inland areas will reach into the upper 70s and low 80s, and were going to see this weather pattern continuing all throughout the week. More cool mornings and warm afternoons, for the weekend headed up into the low 80s for the valleys and our morning starts in the lower 50s. Thats your latest weather. Savannah. Al, thank you, coming up, emotional reunions at prisons in oklahoma after that historic mass release of nonviolent inmates. What some of them and their families told us moments after walking free. And troubling brand new findings that could change how you feel about kids and screen time how its affecting the development of your childs brain, and what you can do about it but first, this is today on nbc. Brain, and whayou can do aboutt did you hear about the College Student who literally drove hundreds of miles to buy and then resell Krispy Kreme Doughnuts . He was told to stop. Theres a surprise twist and hes going to tell us about it. Plus Matthew Mcconaugheys instagram debut, it will have you saying all right, all right, all right. But first, your local news. When you pine for the sunshine of a friendly gaze. For the holidays you cant beat home sweet home. The United States Postal Service goes the extra mile to bring your holidays home. 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Good morning. Its 7 26. Im marcus washington. Some bay area county voters today headed to the polls. This san offElection Year with fewer races at stake. In San Francisco voters are deciding on prop c which would overturn the ban on the citys ecigarette sales. Prop d adds a tax to rideshares depending on the type of ride and proposition a allow the city to sell 6 hurn million in bonds for affordable housing. That would be the largest bond sale in San Franciscos history. Voters there will elect mayor and district attorney. Right now lets look at that forecast for you. Kari . Marcus, weve seen fog drifting across parts of the bay area this morning. We can see it hovering over palo alto right now, going throughout the day well have a cool start but warming up nicely, once that fog clears. A lot of sunshine and temperatures there reaching into the mid to upper 70s. Well see some low 80s in livermore, as well as the south county, as well as the inland north bay, as we see our high temperatures warming up, well above normal for this time of year. Going into the rest of the forecast, no major changes here, cool mornings, warm afternoons and a lot more sunshine. Also at times well have some drifts of smoke coming in, due to nearby wildfires but also staying dry throughout the next seven days. Mike, how are the roads moving . Looking at a smooth drive right now. Well get back to the big view and show you southbound 101 recovered nicely over the last half hour but that fog will still present an issue headed out of marin county toward the Golden Gate Bridge and across the Golden Gate Bridge. The rest of the bay shows a typical pattern for tuesday and not that bad, but 880 is jammed out of hayward and out of fremont across those bridges westbound, and northbound san jose are the ones kicking in, through in the last ten minutes weve seen a crash north 85 out of almaden. Back to you. Well have more local news in 30 minutes. 7 so, as you can see, saving can be quite simple. Case in point, if you get xfinity internet and mobile together, big savings on your wireless bill. Write this down, this is important. Amy, this is actually a life saving class. What a nice compliment, thank you save on fast internet and the best Wireless Network together. What can i say, i love what i do. Thats simple, easy, awesome. Get xfinity internet and mobile together and save hundreds on your wireless bill. Youll get unlimited talk and text and no activation or line fees. Switch today. Shouldnt they go to prison for as long as the law allows . Chesa boudin said he wouldnt seek maximum sentences as district attorney, even for murder. We are a progressive city, but letting violent criminals off early endangers everyone. Ad paid for by San Francisco Police Officers association. Not authorized by a candidate or committee controlled by a candidate. Disclosures at sfethics. Org. 7 30 now, tuesday morning, 5th of november, 2019, and we say good morning a great crowd out there, suns shining, not too cold outside, but guess what, thermostat, what is that, thermometer, is headed in one direction we got you. I make a living with them lets get right to the mornings top stories. At least nine americans were shot and killed in mexico in what appears to be an ambush by an organized crime cartel there. The americans were living in mexico, part of an offshoot of the mormon church. They were traveling to a wedding in the mexican state of sonora, 75 miles south of the u. S. Border when they were caught in the crossfire of gunmen. Six of the victims were children mexican National Police and military forces were dispatched to the area overnight to help in the search for the gunmen. 5,000 reward is being offered in the hunt for two accused killers who escaped from a california jail sunday officials in monterey believe the men managed to cut a hole in a bathroom ceiling, climb through it, then kicked open a door Santos Fonseca and Jonathan Salazar were both awaiting trial on separate gangrelated murders. They should be considered armed and dangerous. To the latest on a story we first told you about yesterday, hundreds of prisoners in oklahoma have been reunited with their families after a mass inmate release its the largest ever on a single day in u. S. History nbcs ron mott is at one of the correctional facilities where they walked free hey, ron, good morning reporter hey, hoda, good morning to you it was no ordinary day at this minimum security womens prison. For a lot of the women who were released yesterday, it was the first time seeing family in a long time, but for one in particular, a grandmother, it was a chance to meet the new love of her life this morning, hundreds of men and women across oklahoma waking up free. Former inmates now savoring the chance at redemption, their sentences commuted i dont want to never let him down. Reporter for lori scott serving 12 years for multiple drug possession violations, meeting her 3monthold grandson jasper for the first time is inspiration enough to change her life i havent seen her in nine months. Reporter her daughter jesse ready to help her mom move forward. Tell me about Going Forward shes a rock for you yes, i know she always has been. Shes never gave up on me. Shes always been there for me, and it should be the other way around i just hope that her and everyone else thats getting this opportunity takes it as serious as it is. Given Second Chances to leave your past behind. Reporter Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt says he grew troubled by the states distinction as americas lock up capital, where at any given time, one out of every 100 residents is imprisoned. Were giving these young people, young women and people across our state a Second Chance at life. Reporter simple drug possession, once a felony, now a misdemeanor is what landed those released behind bars 23yearold brody said his moms addiction made growing up hard, but he refuses to give up on her. I miss my mom, more than anything, and im just happy to have her back. Its great reporter how good is it to see him. Its wonderful. I havent seen him in three years. Its wonderful that Governor Stitt come out and shook our hands, it means a lot to someone like us. We know recidivism is a concern here, ron, how are they preparing for life outside prison reporter well, before they let them out, the state did a pretty good job trying to connect them with housing and jobs and Counseling Services things that they really need, state ids, for example i spoke to one woman who has been through the system more than once. She said this discharge was a lot different than those in the past it was a lot more than just goodbye and good luck guys, back up to you ron mott in oklahoma, thank you. Coming up here on tuesday morning, toddlers and tech the eyeopening results of a historic study that reveals just how screen time is affecting your childs attention span, Brain Development, more as well. But first, trump voters in 2016 tell us why their faith in the president is stronger than ever, as we explore where his base stands one year from election day right after this this is the all new Chevy Silverado hd. It offers headup display. Wow, thats dialed in. 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So maybe ill win saved by zero so maybe ill win heres the story of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters sumatra reserve. Lets go to sumatra. The coffee here is amazing. Because the volcanic soil is amazing. So we give farmers like win more plants. To grow more delicious coffee. Which helps provide for wins family. All, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. Green mountain Coffee Roasters. Indepth today. It is election day across the country. This morning we are looking ahead to 2020. Morgan radford sat down with a group of diverse supporters who all backed the president in 2016, to find out where they stand now. Morgan joins us now. Good morning reporter thats right, when it comes to impeachment, a lot of democrats are citing polls that show support for the president s removal has grown. If you ask the people who voted for the president , especially in states that are key to winning in 2020, a very different picture emerges. Mr. Trumps base says the impeachment inquiry is making them Even Stronger as a voting bloc and they support him now more than ever its one year until the election, and the president is counting on his base now more than ever. The democrats outrageous conduct has created an angry majority that will vote the do nothing democrats the hell out of office soon. Reporter new polls show 49 of americans say the president should be impeached and removed from office, up 6 in the last month. But that same poll shows that 9 in 10 republicans oppose his removal. Here in the battleground state of florida, its these voters the president will need to keep him in the white house show of hands, how many of you voted for the president back in 2016 and how many of you plan to vote for him again in 2020 . All of you youre raising both hands. These are members of club 45, the largest Grass Roots Club of Trump Supporters in the country. Would you say your support for the president now is more or less than when you first voted for him. More. A lot more reporter and has the impeachment inquiry changed anything what inquiry . Its galvanized our support reporter so you support him more now. Gallop polls show an average of 86 of republicans have supported the president throughout his time in office. A number that never dropped below 79 . And even since House Democrats launched an impeachment investigation, the president s favorability has barely wavered. Reporter have you all ever felt this level of passion for another president. Oh, no. No. Reporter what is it that you like about the president as a jewish woman in america who previously voted liberal, he has just astounded me in every way. I mean, we have been waiting 15 years for the embassy to be changed to jerusalem and i think that that shows that hes not afraid to make the right choice. Reporter President Trump is the first time you have voted for a republican. Yes. Reporter and what about you. He made a statement at a conference one time to black america. What the hell do you have to lose and that stood out to me. Unemployment for black america is way down. And insurance cost is reasonable, and hes done all his promises to me reporter so you feel like your life has gotten better since the election. Oh, definitely. Reporter when it comes to the impeachment inquiry, does that affect your perception of the president . No, it doesnt, and i think that the democrats are going to find Anything Possible to impeach the president. Reporter here in the president s backyard of palm beach where he just declared his florida residency, some voters say an attack on the president is an attack on them he believes in the family unit, which i think the Democrats Party wants to destroy. They always accuse us of racism, being homophobic and its the furthest thing from the truth. Reporter so you think the president has done anything that would warrant that label i dont see it. Reporter support the president hopes to ride to victory one more time. He has been fighting for us this whole time. Were going to fight for him theyre sticking with the president. What are the issues theyre concerned about . Several of the people we spoke to said they feel like President Trump has made the court system friendlier to evangelical christians, others as you saw cited support for israel but every Single Person we spoke to said they like the man. They appreciated that he was not a traditional politician and he spoke to them directly okay. Thank you, morgan lets switch gears, go over to mr. Roker, get a check of the weather. Were watching showers in the southeastern atlantic coast, also along the cold front, stretching through the ohio river valley this is going to bring wet weather through the northeast as well into new england, no big shakes however, for tomorrow we are watching this subtropical moisture pushing its way up north, a cold front will settle down into the plains and then for thursday low pressure will ride along this front. Thats the system thats going to bring the snow into the northeast, but heavier rain down into the ohio, Mississippi River valleys and the plains by thursday, were looking at heavy rain in northern texas, all the way into arkansas and missouri rainfall rates up to an inch and a half per hour. Thats whats going on aroun. Good morning. Im meteorologist kari hall. Its going to warm up and turn out to be a really nice day. Well above normal temperatures, as we head into the upper 70s, and low 80s for the inland valleys. The rest of the forecast also is going to be dry, cool mornings, warm afternoons and were going to set this weather pattern on repeat. Going into early next week we have upper 70s and low 80s inland. San francisco mostly reaching into the upper 60s, with skies clearing throughout the day. Weather. Mr. Roker, thank you, and mr. Daly. The hard hitting krispy kreme doughnut story when youre in college you do a lot of things to get creative. Coming up the story of an enterprising young man who found himself at odds with krispy kreme for what he was doing. Well tell you about that. It has a happy end to go this doughnut dilemma so fear not. Well have that for you right after this there were babies involved. And they werent saying much. I envisioned what its like for babies to have diapers around them. Thats what we do at 3m, we listen to people, even those who dont have a voice. At the end of the day, we are people helping people. Lashmakes every lash fullyrom maybsensational. Ork. Our fanning brush volumizes every kind of lash. For a sensational fullfan effect. Lash sensational. Only from maybelline new york. For new gifts at every turn . Ready come in now and see whats new and spend that kohls cash . On presents for them or something just for you you can spend your kohls cash on anything youll find new gifts at every turn this holiday at kohls. But shouldnt somebody this is be listening . Pression. So. Lets talk. Were built for hearing whats important to you, one to one. Edward jones. Its time for investing to feel individual. My body is truly powerful. I have the power to lower my blood sugar and a1c. Because i can still make my own insulin. And trulicity activates my body to release it like its supposed to. Trulicity is for people with type 2 diabetes. Its not insulin. I take it once a week. It starts acting in my body from the first dose. Trulicity isnt for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Dont take trulicity if youre allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. Stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, or severe stomach pain. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. Side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, belly pain, and decreased appetite, which lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. I have it within me to lower my a1c. Ask your doctor about trulicity. For all of the heroes who serve us, tmobile is here to help serve them. Thats why were offering 50 off family lines for military, veterans and first responders. So they can stay connected, on our newest, most powerful signal ever. And now, we are also offering half off our top samsung phones for military, veterans and first responders. Our service is just one way we say thank you. For theirs. Roll introducing jimmy dean a nebiscuit roll ups. St. We took delicious sausage, eggs, and cheese and rolled it all up, in a soft flakey biscuit. Give your family a good hearty breakfast that you can eat on the go. Everybody needs somebody to love. Find everything you need to get together this holiday, with low prices and Free Shipping on millions of items at amazon. And we are back. Were back with a College Student whose story is getting some worldwide attention. It is indeed. It started when he decided to make a few bucks just by delivering some doughnuts. He eventually ran into some trouble, though, with krispy kreme but this morning there appears to be a sweet ending to this one nbcs Gadi Schwartz is here to explain. Good morning. Reporter good morning, hoda. Krispy kreme hasnt had a presence in minnesota in at least a decade, that is until about six months ago when a 21yearold College Student had an idea, when the popular franchise at first wasnt too sure about theres no other doughnut that compares, the glaze, the taste, everything about it, delicious. Reporter Jason Gonzalez loves krispy kreme but he and his fellow minnesotans havent had a store in his state in 11 years. We used to go when i was little. Reporter the closest shops are in nebraska and iowa, and six months ago, gonzalez, a 21yearold College Student and soccer coach had an excuse to make the four hour trek. We had a huge iowa tournament, and being A Krispy Kreme fanatic, i knew there was going to be A Krispy Kreme in iowa i listed a Facebook Post on the marketplace saying, hey, if you want some krispy kremes, let me know reporter it was a huge hit with over 300 replies, the young entrepreneur was soon rolling in the dough. I scaled the business from 0 in april to 3,300 in october reporter but just before his 20th doughnut run last week, jason says A Krispy Kreme manager asked him to shut down his operation. A lot of customers were pretty upset i dont blame them i was a little upset too. Reporter for gonzalez this was about more than a deep love for doughnuts. Hes trying to pay his way through school so he can graduate debt free a goal krispy kreme says they want to help him achieve on monday the company said they only intended to stop gonzalez temporarily to ensure product quality and Regulatory Compliance they announced that they are happy to work with jason as an independent operator and they will be donating 500 dozen doughnuts when he restarts his business, which is pretty sweet news for krispy kreme run minnesota fans anything that can bring back memories from my childhood, and i can share with my kids, im willing to do. Reporter bringing a different kind of frost back to the twin cities. I can fully operate as an independent operator and start doing what i love to do is bringing back doughnuts and making people happy again. I love it so good so gadi, how exactly are they going to help him, whats that going to mean for his customers. For starters, 500 free dozen doughnuts, he sells those for about 17 for glazed, 20 for a mix, so thats about 8,000. He also is getting that green light so he can operate indefinitely guys open up a shop. Yeah. Guys, i was in the producer meeting when someone pitched this story, and it was like an hour trying to think of doughnut puns for us to put on the bottom of the screen, and krispy scheme won out. My eyes are glazing over. There was that. You could have worked in a little product placement. Mine was do nut sell our doughnuts. You should have had some here. Coming up kids, just ahead, one studio, two stars, late night, seth myers set his alarm early for us. And so did the multitalented very busy leslie odom jr. , new movie, new album well talk to him. A preventive treatment for migraine in adults that reduces the number of monthly migraine days. For some, that number can be cut in half or more. Dont take aimovig if youre allergic to it. Allergic reactions like rash or swelling can happen hours to days after use. Common side effects include injection site reactions and constipation. Aim to be there more. Talk to your doctor about aimovig. The happy heart, is a healthy heart. So find a fun way to make your style. Do whatever makes your heart grin and take a spin. And go and do it over again. Honey nut cheerios, good goes round and around. Performance comes in lots of flavors. dramatic orchestra theres the ampedup, overtuned, feedingfrenzyof sheetmetalkind. And then theres performance that just leaves you feeling better as a result. Thats the kind lincolns about. Life is better with you whoa whoa life is better with you whoa whoa life is better with you i know just one thing is true. Life is better with you i know just one thing is true. Seems like some are going at the speed of yesteryear. But not here. This is capital one. Where banking moves at the speed of right now. You can open a new savings account in about 5 minutes and earn five times the national average. From here or here in our cafes. Plus, there are no fees or minimums on savings or checking accounts. Welcome to bankings new frontier. This is banking reimagined. Whats in your wallet . Ohyes and its on rollback. So cool its a great price. Soundbar . So she can watch her cartoons in surround sound. And football. And football. Good tuesday morning. Right now at 7 56, were still seeing the low visibility due to fog. Right now draped across the Golden Gate Bridge, moving across the bay, weve seen seen it in some of our inland areas, so we start out with some higher humidity, cool temperatures, and it all clears out today. Were also going to see our temperatures heading back into the upper 70s and low 80s, very much like yesterday, slightly warmer in the north bay, reaching up to 83 degrees in ukiah. Over the next several days our weather pattern continues. Cool mornings, warm afternoons and at times we will see drifts of smoke. Going into the weekend were looking at inland valleys in the low 80s for our high temperatures. San francisco will stay in the upper 60s. Morning temperatures in the upper 40s and by saturday and sunday were looking at highs near 69 degrees. Lets head now over to mike with the look at the morning commute. Were Holding Steady with the distribution of slower drives through the south bay and we still have this crash, been there for about a half hour, north 85, around the almaden exit. We dont have a major impact. Typically a slow area for the drive. Really slow across the dumbarton bridge over the last half hour. Highway 84 jamming up over on the peninsula side now and youll find fog there, as well as the san mateo bridge, Golden Gate Bridge, bay bridge, foggy regions. Slow through walnut creek as well for south 680, a crash clearing around treat. Back to you. Thanks, mike. Happening now, voters in some bay areas counties are casting election day ballots after the polls opened about an hour ago. In San Francisco, voters are weighing in on key races including a mayoral vote and a measure to overturn the citys recent ban on ecigarette sales. Once the polls close at 8 00, go to nbcbayarea. Com for election results. Orinda Leaders Debate new limits or jut right ban on Short Term Rentals that follows last weeks deadly halloween shooting. More news in an hour. Kerrygold has a taste so rich it can take you to irelands lush, green pastures. Where grassfed cows produce rich, creamy milk for a truly delicious taste. Kerrygold. The taste that takes you there. Its 8 00 on today. Coming up, breaking news, at least nine People Killed including six children after gunmen ambushed an American Family in mexico one Family Member speaking out overnight to nbc news. There was a number of vehicles, three of them in particular, that were shot and one of them set fire the latest on the investigation straight ahead. Plus, preschool screening, a new report that shows how digital devices are actually changing kids brains. What parents need to know about all that screen time and its a girl. Shawn johnson announces the birth of her daughter after sharing details about her pregnancy online for months. The olympic gold medallist beaming with pride today tuesday, november 5th, 2019 hi to our friends in shanksville, pennsylvania. Hi to my five kids in rochester. Hey to our family in iowa on the plaza today, and tomorrow we believe thats possible. Welcome back to today, we appreciate you being with us on this beautiful, warm, good tuesday morning. Its going to be in the 60s. We also appreciate those shout outs youre sending in on instagram, twitter, hash tag, bottom of the screen, mytodayplaza. Thats right, meanwhile, all new november is off to a big start and tomorrow, Dame Helen Mirren is talking to us about her new movie and career surge later in life. Whats more fun and festive than the rockettes, theyre going to stop by to kick off the holiday season, theyll have a Live Performance for us. And friday, so much looking forward to this, a special event ahead of veterans day. 4 star air force general marian miller, will lead a swearingin ceremony right here on our plaza. Its a busy morning in the news, at least nine women and children are dead after americans traveling in mexico were ambushed overnight many others in the group were wounded including a tiny baby. Nbcs sam brock has been following this story its breaking this morning sam, what can you tell us. Reporter savannah, simply heartbreaking, at least nine people have died and according to a woman related to the victims, they were traveling to go shopping and visit relatives. That group was living south of the border in an Agricultural Community in what could be a case of mistaken identity. Overnight, nine americans killed in mexico in what appears to be an ambush by an organized crime cartel Family Members confirming to nbc news that the victim were american women and their children who died in the attack. The americans living in mexico had been reportedly traveling with their children to arizona for a shopping trip in the mexican state of sonora, 75 miles south of the u. S. Border when they were caught in the crossfire of gunmen. Among the dead rhonita mille and her 6monthold baby twins, titus and tiana. Dawna johnson and her son trevor her baby faith miraculously survived. There were several families traveling to another community not far out of la mora, and their family come under attack, and there was a number of vehicles, three of them in particular that were shot and one of them was set fire. Reporter mexican National Police and military forces dispatched to the area overnight, searching for the gunman a spokesperson for the u. S. State department telling nbc news they are aware of the reports of the most recent attack but so far had no further comment. The u. S. Ambassador to mexico tweeting the safety of our fellow citizens is our top priority im very closely following the situation between sonora and chihuahua. And the age of the victims range from 43 years old to twins just 8 months old another infant was saved when her mom put her car seat on the floor. Savannah sam brock on this breaking news, thank you, sam. Now to the white house and the three things to watch today, the Trump Administration is pushing back as House Democrats launch the more public phase of their impeachment inquiry. Nbc White House Correspondent Kristen Welker joins us now with more on all of it. Kristen, good morning. Reporter hi, craig, good morning to you here are the three things you need to know this tuesday. First up, the white house is intensifying its strategy of stonewalling subpoenas, with at least four administration officials, including Energy Secretary rick perry, expected to be noshows on capitol hill this week. House democrats say that wont delay their work President Trump for his part taking new aim tweeting this morning at House Democrats, the do nothing dems have gone radical left crazy, they cant get anything done. Next up, later today, house investigators are expected to release the transcripts of two top diplomats who are central to the ukraine controversy. They released the first round of transcripts monday, including from the ousted ambassador to ukraine who told lawmakers she believes she was the target of a Smear Campaign by the president s allies and finally today, were just about a year away from election day and there are new polls out this morning, including an abc News Washington post National Poll which shows top Democratic Candidates beating President Trump pretty handily joe biden fares the best but polling in key battleground states is much more competitive. Craig. Kristen welker with the three things to watch from the white house. Kristen, thank you meantime, more than 140 Vegetable Products sold in supermarkets nationwide are being recalled because of possible listeria contamination. They were sdrkted by manns packing, a division of del mo e monte. The recall covers a range of products from bags of fresh cut vegetables, to vegetable trays and bowls. Many were sold under private labels including trader joes, kroger and safeway signature farms. The recalled products have best by dates of october 11th and november 16th. For more on this recall, you can go to today. Com. 8 06, otherwise known as boost a clock. Here we go a little boy whos so obsessed with american Ninja Warrior wanted to put himself to the test, so his dad set up this mini Obstacle Course right in their backyard go. There he goes theres everything, a little hurdle to climb over, for him to balance on, a bunch of running, things to crawl underneath he reaches the home stretch. He crosses the finish line, and thats called crushing it, people wow. Hes got his headband on, hes ready to go hes good, actually. Weve got a lot more ahead on this tuesday morning, including an eye opening look, a new look at the effects of screen time. Wait until you see what all those digital devices could be doing to your childs brain. We have that and help for parents when it comes to cutting back. And later on pop start Matthew Mcconaugheys gift to the world on his 50th birthday, yes, he has joined instagram, well hear from him right after this or lash sensational mascara from maybelline new york. Makes every lash fully sensational. Or our fanning brush volumizes every kind of lash. For a sensational fullfan effect. Lash sensational. Only from maybelline new york. In a vast desert completely wdevoid of basset hounds. [ back in babys arms by patsy cline ] then, it appeared a beacon of hope. Im back in babys arms more glorious than a billion sunsets. We were found. Im back where i belong found by the hounds. Back in babys arms oh, come on. Flo dont worry. Youre covered. dramatic music and youre saving money, because you bundled home and auto. Sarah, get in the house. Were all here for you. All all day, all night. dramatic music great job speaking calmly and clearly everyone. Thats how you put a customer at ease. Hey, did anyone else hear weird voices while they were in the corn . No. No. Me either. Whispering voice jamie. What . The things that matter most happen one morning and one cup at a time. Hseaonly abreva cany to help sget rid of it in. As little as 2 1 2 days when used at the first sign. Abreva starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. Abreva acts on it. So you can too. Talker. This morning, a new report released by the Pediatrics Organization with concerns concerning news about the effects of screen time and what its having on the Brain Development of young kids. Nbcs senior National Correspondent kate snow is here with more. Hey, kate, good morning. Good morning and apologies for my voice, but do we all have our phones right now yes, we do. So screen time for adults has exploded but also for our kids, and researchers are scrambling to figure out what impact its having this new study is the first to show that little kids watching youtube, cartoons, games on screens, may actually be reshaping their brains doctors at cincinnati Childrens Hospital studied screen use including phones, tablets and tvs and its impact on preschoolers ages 3 to 5 47 healthy kids underwent special mri scans to map their brains and sat for language and literacy tests their parents completed a survey on how much their child watches screens and the kind of contact they interact with the results on scans with kids who reported more screen time than one hour a day showed lower levels of development in the white matter in their brains thats the area that connects brain cells to the rest of the nervous system and is associated with how quickly nerve impulses fire, particularly in key parts of the brain where language, literacy, and cognitive skills develop. Kids with more screen time were also more likely to struggle with words and took longer naming objects in written tests. Its alarming news for parents of young kids like julie stam. Julies 3yearold son jack spends as much as two hours a day looking at screens, and hes not alone. American kids typically spend anywhere from two to four hours on screens each day. Its terrifying, everything that you do as a parent, and i think we worry about everything that we do for our children. The study doesnt prove the screens cause the brain changes, and the authors say more research is needed julie says shes responsible with monitoring jacks screen time, and doesnt consider giving him any less. Hopefully well find out its not as bad as they say. The researchers say, sorry, whats also unclear is whether screens are to blame for developmental changes or whether its were taking all this time away from other things, right, like interacting with parents or reading or doing things you could be doing when youre not watching a screen. Kate you may be excused. Sorry just a cold. Honey and lemon, you poor thing. The doctor is in the house. Weve got a doctor here dr. Torres, good morning. Good morning. This is really disturbing a lot of us have young kids, we let them watch some screen there is kind of a bright line rule for how much is okay and how much is really not okay . There are rules, the American Academy of pediatrics came out with standards for children. The main message is not that media devices, screen times are bad, its just they need to be used appropriately and one expert put it eloquently, its like automobiles, automobiles are not bad, but you dont want to give it to a 3 to 5yearold at all same thing here, you want to make sure they get the parental time lets go over the screen times that the American Academy of pediatrics say is important. Zero to 18 months should have no Digital Media except for video chatting with relatives. 18 to 24 months, high quality but that should be watched with the child. Whats high quality. Like sesame street and things like that, because they learn things if they learn the letter c, at dinner, you can go over c, name things that begin with c 2 to 5yearolds, one hour per day is the maximum they should have oh, boy. It should be with somebody watching it with them. Should be but not necessarily, and one thing you want to do is avoid fast paced violent programs get the media out of their rooms, thats a big thing, and dont use it to soothe the child. It should not be an electronic babysitter. Some people do at restaurants because you want an hour break if your kid has been watching too much of it, is there something you can do to unring the bell if your child has been watching a lot of media, the damage is done, and theres nothing you can do, its essentially, you can start getting them involved with different things, and here are the tips that can really help a lot, getting your childs brain developed and the things we know that help. Read together, its extremely important to sit down and read together theyre going to have tons of questions like kids always do. Youre there to answer the questions. Talk, sing, cuddle, things you love to do with your child, it helps with their Brain Development. Make sure they have unstructured play time, and we have all bought gifts with the kids, they play with the box and get frustrated let them play with the box its their imagination and physical activity, extremely important that they do things like that, because that helps not only develop their body. Get outside and play. Get off the tv and get outside. I see my 7yearold like this watching youtube its so close to her face. Is there any damage to like their eyeballs over time we think there might be some issue with that. Do the 20 20 rule, every 20 minutes, take a 20 second break and look away. Go ahead and stretch their eyes out a little bit, and if they are doing that, remind them, bring the screen away from them. They dont need it that close. In terms of Brain Development and what this study found, is there a difference between say watching tv, cartoons and whatever you might see on a screen or is it any screen any screen time interferes with parent time or time best of my memory themselves, but the other thing is that they found that violent, fastpaced action content was the one that seemed to cause the most issues thats the one theyre saying, especially young children, avoid that, watch with them, and make sure its the Quality Program were talking about. Makes sense thank you, kate go check in with the doctor. Mr. Roker. No gifting tom and jerry to any kids. Lets take a look and show you what weve got going on. Below average temperatures today. Jetstream dips to the south. Bismarck, marquette, chicago, 10 to 20 degrees below average. For tomorrow, weve got the cold air stretching from the plains all the way to the midwest, and then as we move into thursday, look at this, buffalo, 11 degrees below average, dallas 7 degrees cooler than usual, denver 38, 8 degrees cooler. This weekend weve got chilly air. Friday, 44 in new york city, warms up to 50 by sunday 62 by sunday, even st. Louis, 39 degrees, warming up to about 50 by saturday. Thats whats going on around good morning, im kari hall, a lot of sunshine in the south bay, but we have seen fog drifting across the peninsula. All of that clears out today, were going to warm it up, along the coast in San Francisco, staying in the upper 60s for our high, going into the next several days, the weather will stay on repeat. Dont forget if youre heading out the door, siriusxm, channel 108. The today radio channel on siriusxm how about pop start. Move over jennifer aniston, Matthew Mcconaughey is the newest celebrity to join instagram. He decided its time to join the photo sharing network. So far he has one post its a video, and its him revealing his slight jitters about joining social media this is my First Venture into sharing myself and my views with the world and im a little bit nervous about it because quite frankly, i know i want to have a monologue, im not sure i want to have the dialogue there you go. Appreciate the honesty. Michael treated followers to an Instagram Story which is really about mcconaughey as a it gets all right, instagram, lets do this lets get some howdying going. Howdy. Ill have what hes having. Thats like one of those lincoln ads. But a lot better. Im going to enjoy that. Next up, matt damon stopped by conan where they were talking about the bourn movieing and all the stunt work that went into them that led matt damon to share a story about something he had with tom cruise, how he was able to fall off the wire work on the outside of the tallest building of the year just two years ago he really wanted to talk about it he said i have been dreaming of this shot for fifteen years, this sequence, and finally i had a chance to do it. And how did it come to pass. Okay, so i go to the safety guy, i tell him this is what im going to do, im going to explain the whole gag to him the safety guy says you cant do that he goes, thats too dangerous. And im like, uhhuh, uhhuh and he goes, so i get another safety guy that is hilarious makes you wonder how many safety guys tom cruise had to go through to finally get the permission the one that said yes. Olympian shawn johnson, the expectant mother shared this photo on instagram showing off her olympic leotard, still sort of fits and now were happy to report shawn and her husband andrew east have welcomed a baby girl into the world, writing on instagram, you are our everything johnson has been very open about her pregnancy journey, revealing that she suffered a miscarriage, they havent revealed the name of the little girl but we could not be happier for them both and finally, seth myers has a new netflix special out today called lobby baby, if you havent heard the story about the title, dont worry you will. And you see seth venturing out from behind the late night desk and onto the stage which some may find jarring i know it might be a little weird to see me in this environment, most of you are probably used to me wearing a suit, sitting behind a desk. See me doing standup in casua clothes, it can be jarring to see someone out of context, like when a kid sees a mall santa getting into his ford festiva. It might be weird to even be seeing my legs right now like that time kermit rode a bike it was fun but you were like, are those weightbearing legs. And look whos here how are you no legs this morning. I know. I cant believe this is your first standup special yeah. Its insane. It was a delight to do it it was a good time to do it. Why now. Its about my family and kids and the ages they are now. It felt like, stuff im happy to talk about and get it now out forever. Then you have to explain lobby baby. For those of you who dont know the story. My wife gave birth to our second in the lobby of our Apartment Building and i always say to her, you gave me something even better than that son, you gave me ten minutes of content. Our first son was almost born in an uber, so yeah, we would definitely just get an apartment in a hospital if we had another one. No one in your family is apparently safe. Your wife, sisterinlaw, your dad. No, they all you know, thats the thing i try to pick up dinner when we all go out in return, i get to use them in the special. You dont do politics, your family, your wife is a former prosecutor, what does she have to say about it. Because my wife is a lawyer, shooengsd you have to present both sides, i try very hard to get her perspective into the special as well. You do cool things because a lot of late night comics are doing politics so there is Something Special that you have that you are not grooving on politics, theres a way to jump past that section. I had this idea and the engineers at netflix were kind enough to build a button where you can click skip politics, the way you would skip an intro. This is presented as something that if you actually do it, you will see something else, not to give too much away. I heard the skip politics button worked. It does work. The first line when you skip it. Just try it and see theres a button there. So when you first went to netflix with this, were they like, cant do this, did you have get a safety guy like tom cruise. Writers are these whimsical people that dont realize the work that has to go into the idea, and they said hey, this is harder to do than you think. And so then i recorded the special in a way to show them how it would work if they were kind enough to do it, and then they said, oh, we see what the joke is now. How much content do you skip. I think its about seven minutes. Like the closer looks, the deep dives, the politics, how much work goes into those . You know, you would have to ask the writers. I will say, they seem tired. There were two people, their sole job is painting out the brand on your pencils. Well, that was a while back no, no. Wait, what . I walked by and they were for real . This was years ago. Yesterday no, nobody is painting. They are. Seth, as god is my witness it was a yellow pencil, painting the brand off the pencil. This is a bummer because i had a deal with that pencil company. I made a promise to them. There were about three dozen pencils, and theyre like were painting seths pencils. By the way, if you got the news that you were getting a job in tv. Thats what you ended up with. Now when people ask you that question, when did you know you had made it, when they started branding pencils for me. When the brand name on my pencils was so valuable, they had to paint it out. Did you have to run, you talk about your special again, did you have to run the jokes by your wife . Yeah. Only my wife did your wife say that ones out, this is no good. You cant go there she never said anything was out. In fact, theres one joke in it that she said if there was one that you would take out, i would like it to be this one, and i said im going to keep it in, but i appreciate that you feel that way. You have been sleeping in the basement ever since. Youre like, your feedback is important. Very good. Thank you, seth, dont forget late night with seth myers, airs weeknights, 12 30, 11 30 central. Im doing the little watch fifth hour straight ahead, you guys, from hamilton, leslie odom jr. , hes going to tell us all about his role, his new album, and hes going to perform live right after this good morning to you. In some bay areas right now voters are going to the polls. This is an off Election Year with fewer races at stake, but voters are deciding on proposition c. Proposition d would had a new tax to ride shares from 1 to 3 depends on the ride, and proposition e would sell 600 million in affordabbonds for af housing. They will also elect a mayor and a district attorney. Lets check that commute with mike. This is across the san mateo bridge. You see the taillights of these cars quickly disappearing. This is likely a factor in the slowing that we see across the dumbarton bridge. Chp is issuing a fog advisory. That slow drive across 84 is likely there as well as in patches. Northbound there, the neighborhood is really packed in through the silicon valley. It is moving nicely there, big slowing now through oakland as you clear the fog up to the San Francisco side. A lot of fog on the south end of that Golden Gate Bridge as well. Ive booked your shower, sir. How far you travel, is up to you. How comfortable you travel is up to us. Fly emirates. Fly better. We all have things we love and long for. A place, a feeling, a moment. But only kerrygold can take you there. To irelands lush, green pastures. Where grassfed cows produce rich, creamy milk for the most delicious taste imaginable. Thats no ordinary cheese. No. Its kerrygold. Kerrygold. The taste that takes you there. And good morning, everybody. Welcome to today. It is tuesday morning, the 5th of november, 2019. Good crowd out here on our plaza. Not too cold either, still a little bit warm before we get to a real chill later in the week. Its kind of nice out here. Coming up, you guys, were going to meet jet girl, a member of an elite naval team who has fought isis and she found an unlikely sisterhood during her deployment and a huge week for leslie odom jr. , he has a brand new movie out and new album. Lots to talk to him about, and hes going to grace us with a Live Performance. And this chef is cooking up thanksgiving sides so good you may forget about the turkey. Yesterdays sweet potato dish there we go coming up on the 3rd hour in a few minutes, were going to give you a new series, united today. Its all about people with different viewpoints having a conversation, no arguing, no anger, no beltleing. Were going to start with an nra member and a mass shooting survivor sitting down for a fascinating conversation about gun laws in this country al, you have a crowd moment. I absolutely do its rather magical, its about harry potter, and the cursed child come to life on broadway, well now you can get a brand new book, harry potter and the cursed child, the journey, a behind the scenes look, a tony winning production, james snider who is the current harry potter is with us james, good morning. Good morning, its so nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too. What is it like playing this iconic character grown up. It was intimidating at first, but i try to do my best to get out of the way and let people see the character they love up on stage, and just honor the heart that harry has. And the magic of this is that there is magic on stage. Its right there in front of your eyes. In the books you use your imagination, and here we have countless illusions, just magic, magic, magic, and a great story. Which is really terrific. And weve got Something Special for the fans where is isabel . Oh, heres isabel. So youve got a little Something Special. I have a copy of the book here for you, isabel its got amazing pictures and behindthescenes looks. And i also happen to have four tickets for you guys to go see the show. Whoa where are you guys from . Canada. You came in to run the marathon. Yes very cool, now youve got a bonus, you get to go see harry potter. And you got the book. Fantastic, james, thank you so much. Thank you, al. Thank you guys for being here and for more on the book, head to today. Com shop. James, again, thank you so very much lets check your weather, see what weve got going on for you, and as we start with today, we are looking at above average temperatures out west. Another cold air mass coming out of the plains. Weve got a lot of wet weather through the southeast. Tomorrow, slow travel through the upper midwest, the warmth continues out west good morning, im kari hall, visibility is gradually improving but this has been a major issue throughout the morning as we see drifts of fog coming in. As we go through the res of the day all of that clears up and our temperatures will be clearing out. In the rest of the forecast not many changes here. Dry weather will continue, cool marnings and ka i mornings and warm afternoons. G fighter jet pilot with an inspiring story to share were going to hear from her, but first, this is today on nbc. Announcer 5 million kids use ecigarettes. Its an epidemic fueled by juul with their kidfriendly flavors. San francisco voters stopped the sale of flavored ecigarettes. But then juul, backed by big tobacco, wrote prop c to weaken ecigarette protections. The San Francisco chronicle reports prop c is an audacious overreach, threatening to overturn the ban on flavored products approved by voters. Prop c means more kids vaping. Thats a dangerous idea. Vote no on juul. No on big tobacco. No on prop c. The amount of Student Loan Debt i have, im embarrassed to even say. We just decided we didnt want debt any longer. I didnt realize how easy investing could be. Im Picking Companies that i believe in. I think sofi money is amazing. Thank you sofi. Sofi thank you, we love you. Were back, 8 36 with the inspiring story of a brave woman opening up about her adventures as a fighter pilot. Caroline johnson opens up about the highs and lows of life in the cockpit heres nbcs stephanie gosk. Reporter what was it like the first time you got in an f 18 it was the coolest roller coaster i had ever been on i couldnt get enough. Reporter its one of the most exhilarating, dangerous and Critical Military roles. Did you realize in that moment when you first started Flight School just how dangerous it was . I had no idea reporter as an f18 supe hornet weapons system pilot, Caroline Johnson was one of the first women to fly a combat mission in iraq, following the pullout in 2007, dropping bombs on isis. Reporter how dangerous it is on a flight craft in an aircraft carrier. At any time, youre seconds away from death. Reporter after graduating from the u. S. Naval academy in 2009, johnson joined the navys elite aviation team. During her deployment on the uss george h. W. Bush in 2014, her squadron deployed the first weapons on isis in iraq and the first weapons into syria i was in a an operational squadron for two years, and executed one combat deployment, and it was nine months, i flew 42 combat missions and was quite engaged over there reporter on these missions what were you typically called in to do we were there to support the Ground Troops who were out patrolling and ensuring the safety of the Afghan People from the taliban. Reporter but the path to soar this high was often turbulent. You go into a lengthy description in the book about your first days with your squadron why was it so difficult . You have gotten to the top of the totem poll in the last unit and youre back down at the bottom, which is always a very humbling experience. Reporter men usually dominated the culture she says. When things are said, fu, thats a womans job, its like, wow, i didnt realize thats the point we were at i thought we were peers and coworkers and just trying to help each other out. I grew so much from that experience. Reporter an unbreakable bond was formed among fellow female fighters, she calls them the jet girls. How important was that camaraderie, not just in Flight School but also afterwards those were the most important relationships during that time in my life, and sometimes feeling excluded by the guys, having the girls to turn to and the jet girls especially, it meant so much to me, and it helped carry me through some challenging times in my Life Reporter johnsons latest adventure has her firmly planted on the ground as a motivational speaker, shes helping to ignite and inspire a brand new generation of young men and women. What do you think is the most Important Message that your story can convey to people life is going to throw you curveballs youre going to have bullies youre going to have people who are going to try and knock you down from where youre at and you have to overcome that. Stephanie gosk reporting. Those Fighter Pilots are so impressive we reached out to the navy, but the navy said in part, Naval Aviation greatly values the service of its female aviators over the past decade the numbers of female aviators have increased steadily and we celebrate their many successes jet girl, go to today. Com shop i have to go because im going over there, guess whos over there who leslie odom jr. , got a ne movie, got some new music, going to be performing live. Were so happy that youre here with us. You all, harriet is a great movie, a lot to talk about but first, this is today on nbc. Its been reported that theres a cyberattack on business every 39 seconds. Ouch. I dont even want to think about it. Comcast business has a solution. We go beyond fast with a cloudbased Security System that automatically updates, so you always have the latest protection. Phishing. Malware. Risky sites. It can help block all of that. Get fast internet and add comcast business securityedge for just 29. 95 a month. Its one less thing for us to worry about. Comcast business. Beyond fast. Shouldnt they go to prison for as long as the law allows . Chesa boudin said he wouldnt seek maximum sentences as district attorney, even for murder. We are a progressive city, but letting violent criminals off early endangers everyone. Ad paid for by San Francisco Police Officers association. Not authorized by a candidate or committee controlled by a candidate. Disclosures at sfethics. Org. The citi Concert Series on today is proudly presented t today is proudly presented to you by citi. From hamilton to harriet, leslie odom jr. , the star of both stage and screen. To add to the excitement, hes out with a new album today good morning, good to see you im happy to be here. I understand this is your first album of original material tell me about it it took me about three years, lots of frustration and we finally have something im proud of youre going to perform something from it. Youre going on a tour well get to that harriet is out, you play william still, the conductor of the underground railroad, a civil rights activist and so much more. What did you learn about william . Growing up in philadelphia, i knew about the work with the underground railroad, i didnt know the childhood stuff, raised by two escaped slaves. While he never spent a day of his life in slavery, his parents personal experience in shadow slavery gave him his lifes work, his mission in life you mentioned you have been working on this record for three years. During that same time youve really burst onto the scene with your performance in hamilton. Whats this time been like for you . We exceeded my wildest dreams a long time ago. You know, all of this is gravy the fact that im here talking to you guys again, i mean, you know, yeah, this is all icing, icing. You grew up singing in church, you were in rent when you were 17. Did you was this the life that you always wanted did you know you wanted to do this at an early age i never wanted to be in show business or tv and movies and stuff, i wanted to be in rent. Thats all i wanted. Get to 17, check. You could have retired right then. I could have. But we would have missed you. Im grateful for all this stuff. Youre too talented to be held down. The book has done great. Everything, so congratulations what about the tour, where can people see you leslieodomjr. Com. I dont know it off the top of my head. And youre going to sing go crazy for us. I am. Were going to go crazy for you. She sexy and free, something in her waters got a hold on me. Shes destinys daughter, im gasping for air but you wont believe me you just had to be there hi de hi ho im addicting to the flair. T. Hi de hi ho im addicting to the i cant i cant let her go i cant be so consumed i cant be so consumed yeah o she whoa she make me go crazy she speaks like sweet tea her hips sway like the wind through the tree leaves her kisses are like coffee flavored whiskey i want to take them in till im tipsy de hi t hi de hi de ho, i cant let her go heaven help me im so helples think im losing my control im deep under her spell i dont know how she do what she do in the dark i think she put a root put a root on my heart i cant leave her alone yeah she read me like their bones e yeah she make me go crazy she makes me go crazy knees rings me straight to my that child shes the knees that child shes the sweetest indeed shes making a fool out of me fire woman you got me howling at the moon if i dont see you soon i be crawling to my room afte her voodoo i keep calling trying to catc you getting stuck in her molasses i dont know how she do what she do in the dark i think she put a root on my heart i cant leave her alone she read me like them bones yeah she make me go crazy me she make she she make me go crazy she make me go crazy she make me go crazy yes thats how you do it. Leslie odom jr. And the band, thank you guys so much. Incredible band, the horn section. Look out hooligans. The jump, the whole thing. Could you come back every morning, you really got the blood flowing. Thank you. The album is called mister its available today harriet is out in theaters congrats well deserved, loved having you. Perfect awesome. Craig, over to you. Just ahead, we are going to get you thinking thanksgiving with this guy, chef gooch is here some new ways to flavor up your feast. Comforting soup recipe thats perfect for the holiday or maybe even tonight first, this is today on nbc. Welcome to the carnival 30 minute tour. Hey, shaq. Its a 30 second tour. No man its like. Now its 26. Welcome aboard. Ocean skyride. Mini golf. Relax relax relax you take this man to be your husband . I do. Married. No time for basketball. Pool. Carnival. Choose fun. This morning on today food, we are thinking about thanksgiving, so with us all the way from floridas amelia island, chef gary gooch, the executive chef at the ritzcarlton resort, he oversees five restaurants, including a fantastic spot including salt, where they feature salt. Chef gary is here to whip up side dishes that go great with turkey these are dishes you could make on a random tuesday night. I want to start with salt, you have cool salts here walk me through. What we have here is a citrus salt that can be paired great with any kind of appetizer salad, light fish. Next you have a truffle, truffle parmesan salt, you know, perfect for fries or anything along that, and we have a black garlic salt and at the end a nice spicy ghost pepper salt. You want to be very little on that moderation is important on that one. How salty, i mean, how peppery. Its peppery. There you go. Just a little bit is perfect for it thats good youre right, that does have a little bite. You can use salt to really spruce up a dish. Give you a whole other flavor component profile to go along with it. That is, wow, youre right. Lets start with this. What we have here is something thats a staple, its a Butternut Squash soup that i love to do anytime it starts to get fall, get a Butternut Squash, cut in half, scoop it out with a spoon, ice cream scoop, get the seeds out, so you can get it in the oven, roast it and season it up. For cutting the squash, i find that to be very difficult. Big sharp knife sometimes i like to cut the bottom off, so it wont roll on you. Awesome what i like to do is take the butter, throw it in the middle thats a pro tip. As it starts to melt you get the nice component, sprinkle salt. Of course. Cinnamon. Just regular salt. This one i like to do regular salt, were not trying to pull from other flavors. Why do you put the butter in there . As it melts down, it absorbs in it. Because you can. Because you can, there you go its not a lot of butter, i try to keep it healthy there vanilla bean, a little bit of honey over the top of it. This is next level. Its going to absorb those flavors and makes it very flavorful. So we throw that in the oven at what temperature. I do about 350 until its about tender, 35, 40 minutes until you get it tender enough that you can be able to get your finished product here. So what i like to do is you get this juice, the butter and everything, how it stays in the middle make sure you throw that inside here, and get all the Butternut Squash inside. What were we simmering in this pot before the squash we have vidalia onions, granny smith apples that i peeled in. The crowd goes wild you get a nice little caramelization on it, you want it translucent, i like to deglaze with apple cider i know its time to make this when i go into the Grocery Store and see it on sale i make it three or four times a year at my house. Can you make this and freeze it i do, actually. I made it last week, and i make a big batch and kind of like, save it. Could you make it for us, and well freeze it. Ill get it right up here for you. Weve got about 90 seconds left. Vegetable stock, come over, add your cream, seasoning to taste. And you can swap out the cream. But dont make it the right away. Come on. B hit the button. Nice boom, and then there you are. And you present it in these nice little pumpkins, half pumpkins. I like to do it, its a fun way to spice up the different dish youre going to do. Seems like you roasted the pumpkin. I did. Take out the seeds, the same way you do the Butternut Squash. A little oil, butter. Quickly, you wrap with a beet sauce. I like to use red wine vinegar with the red beets, it helps intensify the flavor, and its also a little trick i like. You peel the beets and cut them, oil, thyme, vinegar. Once you go to the salad, youre just adding olive oil and have a dressing on top of there a nice little thin sliced beet careful of that mandolin. You want to be careful so you do it nice and thin, and overlap your beet. Why do you peel after its easier to appeal after once you cook it nice and tender use a paper towel, keeps your hands from staining. You have the finished product. Whats the verdict. Unbelievable. Thank you. Thank you so much appreciate it that was wonderful. Im going to try this beet salad now. If you want the full recipes, its today. Com food. We are back, busy third and fourth hours whats coming up fourth hour what have you got . Andy cohen. Andy cohen is back. 3rd hour in just a few minutes. Im making a panzanella good morning, it is 8 56, im marcus washington. An apparent new twist for the search to answers in the Halloween House Party shooting. Theyre now tieing the killings to a quadruple murder four years ago in San Francisco. One of thursdays victim was was the brother of a defendant from 2015. That shooting may have been retaliation. So far police have not made any announcements about any arrests. Tonight leaders will be date making changes to short term rental rules that may include making sure rental owners are there when a rental happens or maybe even banning shortterm rentals all together. Bob ridell is following a report in our midday newscast. There will be more details in the possible break in the investigation. Some voters are now casting their ballots today. The polls opened the 7 00 this morning. It includes the mayorial vote. And the ban on ecigarette sales. A changing skyline. The construction set to get under way tomorrow. And a bay area couple is charged more than expected for their new car delivery. Join us tomorrow from 4 30 to 0 7 00 a. M. Tomorrow, tiny horses that can make a big drirchs in our lives and brand new tips for your winter hairdo all happening on california live. Dont miss the grand opening of the new floor decor in milpitas. If you have never been to a floor decor, you have to go to the grand opening. Hardwoods, laminates, tile or stone. Holy smokes, this place is huge im on a budget and i was able to go to floor decor, and save a lot of money. You will be blown away by this experience. The pros come here. I come here. If you love your wallet, and you love your home, you have to go. Floor decor. Opening november 14th in milpitas, off the 880 freeway on north mccarthy blvd. Live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza, this is the 3rd hour of today. Good morning, happy tuesday, welcome to the 3rd hour of today, im sheinelle here with al, craig, dylan. Why are we being so deliberate. We have an extra chair, and well explain why in just a second. We have a good show coming up. I feel like we have stuff to make you think, make you laugh. I feel like we have the full smorgasbord, if you will. A buffet. That we love here. Were watching a new series called united today, you have been working hard on this one. Were really excited about it. Its all about people who have

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