Have much of a relationship with russia. [ light laughter ] and then he winked so hard his bronzer cracked. [ laughter ] the white house physician yesterday gave a report on president trumps First Physical exam. Apparently, trumps fine but the doctor is definitely shaken. [ laughter ] i saw everything. [ laughter ] after the white house released the results of president trumps physical, Sports Illustrated said that based on trumps size he would most likely play linebacker or tight end in the nfl. And based on his tweets, hed most likely be a player who would be placed in concussion protocol. [ laughter ] according to nbc news, former white house chief strategist steve bannon spent over 11 hours testifying before the house intelligence committee. Wow. He looks exhausted after all that. [ light laughter ] oh, thats from before . What did he look like afterwards . Oh, okay. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] according to the Hollywood Reporter the salacious new book on the inner workings of the Trump White House is set to become a tv series. Theyre calling it the worst wing. [ laughter ] according to a new report, president trumps alleged affair with adult film star Stormy Daniels lasted 11 months. Wow. Only trump would date a porn star and then dump her right before he had to buy her an anniversary present. [ laughter ] republican congressman Daniel Webster described the ongoing negotiations to avoid a Government Shutdown as being like playing chicken and seeing whos going to blink first. Which gives the democrats a huge advantage. [ laughter ] no blinking. [ cheers and applause ] and finally, a Philadelphia Eagles fan was arrested saturday night for punching a police horse following the teams playoff win. [ laughter ] although to be fair, the horse did say that pats cheesesteaks were better than genos. [ laughter ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a fantastic show for you tonight [ cheers and applause ] he is the creator and judge of the new singing competition show on fox the four battle for stardom. Sean diddy combs is back on the show, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] were always so happy to have him here. From a fantastic new drama on tnt, the alienist, luke evans joins us tonight. [ cheers and applause ] and from the netflix show disjointed, one of my oldest friends, Nicole Sullivan is here tonight. [ cheers and applause ] so youre here on a fantastic evening. Before we get to all that, republicans control all three branches of government, and yet theyre facing a possible Government Shutdown over an immigration impasse created entirely by president trump. For more on this its time for a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] seth democrats and republicans have been trying to work out a deal that protects undocumented immigrants brought here as children, also known as dreamers, before the government runs out of money on friday. But of course that effort has been complicated by president trumps racist tirade last week in which he said he wanted to keep out immigrants from haiti, el salvador, and african nations which he referred to as [ bleep ]holes. And yet even after those comments became public, trump keeps insisting that what he really wants is what he calls a meritbased immigration system. The president tweeted, the democrats want to shut down the government over amnesty for all and Border Security. The biggest loser will be our rapidly rebuilding military at a time we need it more than ever. We need a meritbased system of immigration, and we need it now. Seth oh, my god, give it up, man. You cant go back to saying meritbased publicly after what you said privately. No one is buying it. You cant put the toothpaste back in the tube. Or to put it another way, you cant put the [ bleep ]back in the hole. [ cheers and applause ] now [ cheers and applause ] trump trump has been insisting that he did not say whats been reported even though he took days to issue a weak denial. And reportedly bragged about it to friends. And yesterday in the oval office after a meeting with the president of kazakhstan he again denied that he made the comment. So, although clearly he was annoyed with the reporters in the room. Mr. President , did you say that you want more people to come in from norway . Did you say that thank you very much. Thank you very much. I want them to come in from everywhere. Everywhere. Thank you very much everybody. Thank you again. Thank you again. Its time to exit. Thank you everyone. Thanks, everyone. Out. [ laughter ] seth hes like a Roman Emperor whos tired of the court jester. Take him away, chris. Now feed me my grapes. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] meanwhile, Trumps White House has been struggling to defend him. Yesterday his Homeland Security secretary kirstjen nielsen, who was in the meeting when the [ bleep ]hole comments were made, was grilled in the senate on what happened. Nielsen insisted she couldnt recall trump using the language he reportedly used even though one senator, patrick leahy, decided to have an aide stand behind him and hold up a printout of trumps comments. The context i believe in which this came up was the concept that the president would like to move to a meritbased system. He would like to not no longer look at did he use what would be considered vulgar language referring to certain countries . The president used tough language in general, as did other congressmen in the room, yes, sir. Yes, the others arent president. Seth damn, that is one crappy internship. [ laughter ] imagine describing that job to people at a party. Oh, you work for congress. What do you do . Im an easel [ laughter ] but im up for a promotion to desk lamp. [ laughter ] leahy also pressed nielsen on trumps comments about wanting more immigrants from norway and how those comments undercut his supposed desire for more meritbased immigration. And nielsens answers werent all that convincing. He said he wanted more people from norway. Being from norway is not a skill. Norway is a predominantly white country, isnt it . Im i i actually do not know that, sir, but i imagine that is the case. Seth you dont know if norway is a predominantly white country . [ laughter ] norway is whiter than an episode of frazier projected on the side of a polar bear. [ laughter and applause ] but of course [ applause ] the most eyecatching moments of the hearing came when new jersey senator cory booker tore into nielsen for her failure to recall exactly what the president said. The commander in chief in an Oval Office Meeting referring to people from african countries and haitians with the most vile and vulgar language. Both language festers, when ignorance and bigotry is allied with power it is a dangerous force in our country. Your silence and your amnesia is complicity. Seth damn. Look at her face. Either shes silently contemplating her own complicity in a system of racial oppression or shes thinking, i wonder if hes norwegian . [ laughter and applause ] now, all of this is happening because trump canceled the daca program and democrats are trying to secure a deal to restore it through legislation. They want an agreement on daca to be included as part of any budget deal, and republicans have claimed at least they want a deal too. In fact, trump even went so far last week as to suggest that if lawmakers manage to broker a deal that he didnt completely agree with he would sign it anyway. My positions are going to be what the people in this room come up with. If they come to me with things that im not in love with, im going to do it. Seth trumps position is literally ill think whatever you want me to think. Hes like the bad boy from every teen drama. Who are you . Whoever you want me to be. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] seth okay. So democrats and republicans, led by senators dick durbin and lindsey graham, left that meeting and actually did what trump asked them to do. They worked together and came up with a deal. But when they went back to trump with the details of that deal on thursday, his tone had changed dramatically. The Washington Post reported that trump told the group he wasnt interested in the terms of the bipartisan deal that durbin and graham had been putting together. Trumps tone seemed so different than it had been days or even hours before. Pingponging from deal making to feuding, from elation to fury. Thats right, trump pingpongs back and forth. Although i dont even think he has the mental capacity for pingpong. I think his brain is just a game of pong. Huge. [ beep ] wall. [ beep ] china. [ beep ] golf [ beep ] huge. [ laughter ] seth so it turns out trump lied when he made a big show of televising his immigration meeting with senators last week. He wasnt going to sign whatever they brought him. In fact, it was reported that after that meeting the immigration hardliners in Trumps Administration intervened and convinced him to change his mind. Most notably white house Senior Policy Adviser Stephen Miller. Ah [ laughter ] in fact trump is apparently so susceptible to suggestion that miller was concerned the Bipartisan Group would convince trump to go along with the deal that miller saw as soft on immigration. Some white house officials, including miller, feared that graham and durbin would try to trick trump into signing a bill that was damaging to him and would hurt him with his political base. Thats right. Stephen miller was worried that trump might get tricked into signing something. The same Stephen Miller who said this. The president is a political genius. Seth yeah, but im sorry, actual geniuses arent susceptible to trickery. [ light laughter ] if you said to Albert Einstein got your nose, he wouldnt scream, meine nase [ laughter ] so miller thought trump was about to get tricked, intervened and managed to change his mind in the span of two hours. Think about that. Even trumps closest aides and advisers treat him like a toddler capable of changing his mind on a whim. In fact, hes so childlike some lawmakers have literally tried using candy to curry favor with him. Take this true story about republican majority leader kevin mccarthy, a key figure in the immigration talks. Mccarthy and trump were on air force one recently when the president reached for a handful of starbursts. But instead of unwrapping all the treats the president was careful to pluck out and eat two flavors cherry and strawberry. Mccarthy said, were there having a little dessert and he offers me some, just the red and the pink. A bit later a couple of his aides saw me with those colors and told me those are the president s favorites. Days later mccarthy bought a plentiful supply of starbursts and asked his staffers to sort through the pile placing only those two flavors in a jar. Mccarthy made sure his name was on the side of the gift which was delivered to a grinning trump. [ light laughter ] man, ill bet putin is so pissed. He spent millions of dollars and years of effort hacking into our election when he could have just stopped off at cvs and won trump over for 2. 99. [ laughter and applause ] seriously, though. You can get trump to do anything as long as you offer him candy. People think Robert Mueller is going to be the end of trump, but it might just as likely be a weirdo in a van. [ laughter ] hey, man, you want some candy . Uh, i probably shouldnt. I have a cabinet meeting. What colors do you have . [ laughter ] oh, the pink ones are in the cage . So an erratic childlike president with no principles and virtually no understanding of policy changes his mind wildly from one minute to the next depending on who hes talking to. And yet republicans who are close to trump are still somehow flabbergasted when he flips on them. Graham, for example, has cozied up to trump in the last few weeks and even suggested that trump was better equipped to get an immigration deal done than any president in history. Obama couldnt do it. Bush couldnt do it. I think he can do it. Ive never been more optimistic about an Immigration Reform proposal making it to the president s desk than i am right now. Seth there you go. Lindsey graham says hes never been more optimistic about getting an immigration deal and its all thanks to donald trump. So five days later how does lindsey feel now . This has turned into a sshow. Seth oh, lindsey. Its been an sshow because the president is a d and were all fed. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] also i love i love how lindsey is censoring himself as if the news hasnt been 24 7 [ bleep ] hole for the past five days. [ laughter ] have you not been watching cnn . Wolf blitzer has been unleashed. Hes starting every show with im wolf blitzer and youre in the situation room, mother [ bleep ]. In fact, despite trumps lengthy history of erratic behavior, and his penchant for changing his position based on whoever hes talking to, graham still seems bewildered somehow, about how he had gone from optimist to [ bleep ] show in less than a week. Tuesday we had a president that i was proud to golf with, call my friend, who understood immigration had to be bipartisan. He had to have Border Security. Its essential you have Border Security with a wall. But he also understood the idea that we had to do it with compassion. Now, i dont know where that guy went. I want him back. Seth you cant wait for him to come back, lindsey. Youve got to fill up a jar with pink starbursts and go get him back [ laughter and applause ] you can do this. Lets be clear about why all this is happening. Trump was the one who ended daca and created this crisis in the first place. He could have easily accepted a bipartisan deal to fix it. And on top of that, republicans control all three branches of government. If they cant even get an immigration deal or keep the government open, i think i know what voters will say in the fall. Thanks, everyone. Out. Seth this has been a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] well be right back with sean diddy combs, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] announcer for more of seths closer looks be sure to subscribe to late night on youtube. Shutup i can do that do i have to . I dont want there to be white marks. Good bye beautiful dress that i never got to wear. 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[ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody please give it up for the 8g band right over there [ cheers and applause ] also, sitting in with us again tonight, hes a highly influential drummer and original member of groundbreaking new york city band helmet. You can check him out on la di da di, the latest album from his acclaimed experimental rock band battles. John stanier, everybody. Thank you so much for being here. [ cheers and applause ] thank you very much. Thank you. Seth our first guest tonight is a grammy awardwinning hiphop icon, Fashion Designer and entrepreneur. [ cheers ] you can catch him yeah as one of the judges on the four battle for stardom, which airs thursday nights on fox. Please welcome back to the show sean diddy combs, everybody [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back. Yeah, thanks for having me. Seth always so great to see you. Thank you. Thank you. Seth i do want to clear something up right away. Sometimes im a little unsure what to call you when you come out. Its love. Seth its love. Love. Seth so, it is love. Yes. Seth because i heard you changed your name to love and then i heard you say it wasnt your name, it was an alter ego. Its an alter ego but i did change my name. I changed my mind about saying i didnt change my name. [ laughter ] and i have become everything ive always wanted to be. Love. [ cheers and applause ] seth okay. Thats fantastic. Heres the thing. If i hypothetically can i see these on you, please . Seth yeah, of course. Happily. So, how is it . Not bad . [ cheers and applause ] dont be afraid. Seth i wont be afraid. But hypothetically, lets say im writing you a Christmas Card next year. Yes. Seth im afraid if i address it to love, it wont be your name anymore. [ laughter ] possibly. Seth okay. Possibly. Well, as long as the address is the same. You can call me diddy or puff. Its just another part of my alter ego. Its me evolving and having a little bit of fun. But im really taking it seriously. It started out as something i was playing around with but, you know, it was something that i evolved into in my life. And now, im fully embracing it. Why wouldnt i . Whose name doesnt want to be, love . Seth i agree with you. Late night with love meyers. So, tell me about the four. This is an idea you came up with to have this show. No, it was an idea that came from overseas. Seth okay. And fox picked it up and they asked me to be a part of it. Seth great. And it is probably the most it is not probably. Its the most disruptive, freshest, newest vocal competition show thats out there. Its not a vocal competition. Seth okay. Its a vocal battle. Seth oh. Thats the difference. Yeah, theres a difference. Because theres four seats that already have four of the best singers in them. And somebody from home can audition by going to thefourmusic. Com. We look at their audition. We have them come. If they make it past the judges, which is myself, d. J. Khaled, meghan trainor, and charlie walk, then they get to challenge. Challenge seth yeah. [ cheers ] they get to challenge for a seat. So, thats like a young comedian coming and walking in here and saying, challenge seth yeah. Thats why i have security. I dont ever want that to happen. [ laughter ] i dont want to be challenged. And theres some trash talking though. Yeah. Seth do, you encourage the trash talking, between the youngins and the established . I definitely encourage passion. Seth mmhmm. I definitely encourage trash talking. Seth okay. [ laughter ] yes. You put together i love trash talking. Seth yes. It seems to be something that you enjoy. D. J. Khaled, you convinced him to do this, yes . Yes. Seth did you feel like when you put this together, that you had to get the right judges . And how did you convince him to be one of your judges . I mean, for me returning back to television, i wanted to do it in a way that would give the fans, you know, more than what they bargained for. So i didnt want it to be all relying on me. So i wanted to build a super team. I took a page out of lebron james i mean dwyane wades book. Seth yeah. Getting lebron james, and i just wanted to put together a panel that i felt would be extremely entertaining. And im just let you all know theres nobody out there thats more entertaining than me, khaled, meghan trainor, charlie walk. [ applause ] you have to check it out, thursday nights, 8 00 on fox. Seth perfect. There you go. I had to make sure i got that in there. Seth yeah, absolutely. Thats key. Your son has his first solo album coming out. Yes, sir. Seth king combs. His name is king combs. Seth and did you you didnt name him king. He gave himself this name . Yes, he gave himself the name. Seth do you feel its disrespectful . Because you would technically be the king, right . Yes. I mean, we had a meeting, and a conversation about that. [ laughter ] and basically, his reply was, dad, youre always telling me im a king. Seth oh, okay. Let me live. Seth oh. [ laughter ] thats like something a king would say. Here the two of you are. Look this is a very nicelooking father and son combo right there. Its very, very exciting. Yeah. Thats my twin. [ laughter ] hes an extremely talented rap artist. Also, he just got the campaign for dolce gabbana. Seth oh, fantastic. [ cheers ] yeah, so hes on the new campaign for dolce gabbana. Seth good for him. He is the king. Youve got to take your time and hold these things out, man. But everybody look out seth is that a rental there . Is that a rental car . Thats actually jeezys car. Thats not mine. Seth really . Yeah. And, i just took a picture in front of it. It looked nice. [ laughter ] seth thats very nice because you have a Good Relationship with your son. Your relationship with music actually started because of your mom. She took you to your first concert. Yes. Seth is that true . My mother gave me my first record player. It was a playskool record player, it was plastic. And my first record was, ants in your pants and you need to dance by james brown. Seth wow, thats a good first record. And thats who you saw him live. It is my first concert. Seth wow, so your mom took you to the apollo. Seth wow. James brown. Seth how young were you . How much do i love my mother . Seth thats amazing. Mom love you mom [ cheers and applause ] seth thats really cool. We have in the past, you have brought out some ciroc for us to try. Yes. Seth different flavors. Yes. Seth weve some green apple over the years. Do we have any ciroc drinkers in here . [ cheers and applause ] seth any new flavors we have to look forward to . Yes. We have a great new flavor. Seth great, im so excited. Its called no flavor. Seth what . Its called blue dot. Blue dot is our traditional vodka. Its our legacy brand. And it is the smoothest vodka out there. No flavors. And when it gets taste test when it gets tastetested had a little bit of ciroc. [ laughter ] when it gets tastetested, we win all the time. When we go up against grey goose and belvedere, ciroc is going to beat them hands down. Seth i love only and its very please, i have to let this be known. Because its the new year and im watching my weight. And ciroc is glutenfree. Its one of the only spirits on the list. Ciroc glutenfree. Try it. And this is the nonflavored one. Sometimes, you have to pull back on the flavor. Seth thats great. You know what im saying . Seth i think this speaks to me i mean this genuinely, you are one of the great salesmen of our generation. And the fact that you came out here tonight and you said we have our new flavor is no flavor, i was like, man, you could sell anything. [ laughter ] im going to put these on for the goodnight. Give it up for sean diddy combs, everybody the four airs thursday on fox. Well be right back with luke evans. [ cheers and applause ] vo do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day; rage, rage against the dying of the light. Do not go gentle into that good night. Keep it comin love. If you keep on eating, well keep it comin. All you can eat riblets and tenders at applebees. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Except for every ladies night. Vegetarian. Only glad has forceflex to prevent rips, leaks, and punctures. So whatever you throw in the bag. Stays in the bag. Be happy, its glad. My bladder leakage was making me feel like i couldnt spend time with my grandson. Now depend fitflex has their fastest absorbing material inside, so it keeps me dry and protected. Go to depend. Com get a coupon and try them for yourself. Go to depend. Com i cant believe it comes in. How great this tastes vegaaaan. And organiiiic. Enjoy i cant believe its not butter in its vegan and its organic hey, need fast try cool mint zantac. It releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. Zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. Nexium can take 24 hours. Try cool mint zantac. No pill relieves heartburn faster. Every truck guy has their own way of conveying powerful. Yeeaaahhh boy. Kind of looks like a monster coming to eat ya. Holy smokes. That is awesome. Strong. You got the basic, and you got the beefy. I just think it looks mean. Incredible. No way. Start your year off strong in a new chevy truck. Get a total value of over 9,600 on this silverado all star when you finance with gm financial. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. [ cheers and applause ] seth you know our next guest from films like beauty and the beast and the fast and the furious franchise. He can be seen next in tnts highly anticipated series the alienist which premieres next monday january 22nd. Lets take a look. Ms. Howard. Now what . I have something to ask you. Yes. My i address you as sara . You may but exclusive of my official duties. Sara, i would very much like to ask you to get me the file on that case. Have you lost your mind, john moore . I mean, honestly. It would only be to borrow it, it will be returned with no one the wiser. Ill be the wiser. Seth please welcome to the show luke evans, everyone [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome to the show. Im so happy to have you here. Thank you very much. Its good to be here. Seth so for for those who dont what the show is, its sort of like a 19th century law order. Thats sort of i feel like theres something to that. And it takes place in new york. But you actually shot it we shot it in budapest. Seth in budapest. Yeah. We were there for the whole of last summer. For seven months and seth and was it one of i mean the sets are truly glorious. Incredible. Seth and it is believably new york. When you first walked on set, were you taken aback at how nice well it was extraordinary. Ive been lucky enough to work on some big sets in my time. And this was as impressive as any of the others. Weve basically built in the back lot of the studios, Lower East Side new york city. I mean there was we had five streets which were all based on two blocks. And you could do a traveling shot. And you didnt need to worry about green screen, a blue screen. It was just a 360 set. Seth its amazing. Which is really special. Seth new York Real Estate is so expensive, its cheaper to rebuild it in budapest. Its cheaper. [ laughter ] yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Its true. Its very true. Seth so you actually had you were interested when you were younger in biology and pathology. Yeah. Seth so this is actually a pretty good part for you to land. Yeah, i was a big i always wanted to be a forensic pathologist when i was a kid. Seth thats a fun thing for a kid to be into. Obsessed with death. Seth alright, so i wanted you to verify this story that when you were a kid you said you were obsessed with death. Yeah. Seth you wanted to go to funeral homes. Okay. Lets clear this up. Seth okay. Great. Id love to. [ laughter ] im glad. Seth if the answer is no, you can just say, were over. But i feel like its not. Its not. No. Seth okay. So when i was in school they when you get to a certain i think its like 14 they do this like job experience week. And there was a computer. You had to put in all the information, what you liked, what you dont like. So everything was like dead bodies. Patricia cornwell. And thinking its going to come up with like a hospital or a mortuary. And it came up with an interior designer. Seth oh no. Thats not yeah. [ laughter ] so i spent a week at an interior design store plucking swatches and sending them to people, which i was furious. I finished, went home, and that was my holiday was for six weeks. And there was a chapel of rest, which is what we call them in wales. Seth uhhuh. But it basically where dead people are left before theyre buried. Seth its a much nicer way of saying it. Much nicer. Seth yeah. Yeah. Welsh way of saying it. And i went and knocked the door of the chapel of rest. And the guy came to the door and was like, whats this 14yearold boy doing . I said, i hello, i want to be a forensic pathologist. Could i help you clean the dead bodies so i can get used to being around them . Seth wow. And did they immediately call the police . [ laughter ] i remember him sort of looking out and thinking, is there somebody outside . Like was this a joke . But i said, its not a joke. I really want to. He said, i well im sorry. I cant. Seth oh, okay. Got you. So theres the rest of the story. Seth so you only made it to the door. Thats it. Yeah. Seth you also on the show you play an artist. Because of course back in the day when people wrote about crimes, there were not photographs. There were drawings. Yeah. He was also a society illustrator for the new york times. Seth oh wow. He drew nice images of usually people having drinks or at the opera. But now, hes been drawn into this dark part of the world in the Lower East Side where he has to draw the crime scenes and these dead bodies. Seth you actually are you have some art skills. Yeah. Seth you did some of the drawings on the show. I was not very good at anything else in school. But art was something that i was good at. So yeah, we had an art teacher in budapest. Theres this a drawing of a woman, a young girl who i tried to make look a little prettier because shes not the prettiest. Seth uh huh. Its all my work. Its all my work. Seth oh wow. Thats fantastic. Yeah. Yeah. Seth do you get paid a little extra scratch when they have your drawings in it . Maybe they did. Seth yeah. You probably should. Probably should. I should check that out. Seth obviously the show takes place before cell phones, which makes this photo that i guess did Dakota Fanning post this photo . I think she did. Seth here are you and your costars all on your phones. [ laughter ] and that i would say we look like that we dont even like each other. Seth this one you guys look like you like each other more. But i did not realize that middle earth this is lord of the rings also some cell phone shots. Yeah. [ laughter ] seth just enjoying yourself there. You and i share something which is an abiding deep love of helen mirren. Oh love her. And you just finished a film with helen mirren. I did. Seth luc luc besson. Seth luc besson, which is very exciting. Its his new movie about russian assassins. And helen plays my boss. Im a kgb assassin. Seth and youve worked together before. Thats right. Seth but it had been more memorable for you. Yes. She plays my mom, if you dont know, in fast and the furious. Well i never met her when we shot that film. Seth yeah. But i assumed that she would have seen it and known who i was. So when we met for lunch for dinner before we started shooting, she starts asking me questions like, where are you from . And do you live in paris . And im thinking, she doesnt know who i am. [ laughter ] ill give her another course and see if the penny drops. And it really didnt. So i said to her, helen, you do know that im your son in the fast and the furious franchise. [ laughter ] and shes like, oh, darling, im so sorry. Ive never seen it. [ laughter ] only helen mirren could get away with that. Seth only helen mirren could get away with that. Right . Seth and fortunately, the movies have survived without her ticket. Thanks so much for being here. Thanks for having me. Seth congrats on the show. Its really exciting and different. And it was wonderful meeting you and having you here. Luke evans, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] the alienist premieres next monday at 9 00 pm on tnt. Well be right back with Nicole Sullivan. [ cheers and applause ] major fajita improvements chicken and steak for just 10. 99 48 more meat, 10. 99 please sing it with us its 10. 99 chilis is back baby back baby back mmhmm oh baby chilis is back baby back baby back depression is a tangle that can make you sad, feel tired, and have difficulty concentrating. Trintellix is a Prescription Medication for depression. It may help you take a step forward in improving your depression. Tell your healthcare professional right away if your depression worsens, or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior or thoughts of suicide. Antidepressants can increase these in children, teens and young adults. Do not take with maois. Tell your healthcare professional about your medications, including migraine, psychiatric and depression medications, to avoid a potentially lifethreatening condition. 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You measure it by how many lady guards you have to chow down on just to survive. Seth please welcome to the show Nicole Sullivan, everyone [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome thank you, seth. Im so happy to be here. Seth im so happy to be here. We have known each other for years and years. Years. Seth such good friends you that made a terrible decision once. And you i was living in l. A. For a summer. And you lent me a car. I did. I did. I had two cars. You know, why not . Seth why not . Its l. A. Youve got to. Its what we do. And you borrowed my land rover. Seth yeah. And you borrowed it for some reason. And then when i came back to town, and you were like, heres your land rover. And then i drove it somewhere to pick up some stuff in it. And then when i came back out of the store, it had a boot on it. [ light laughter ] seth i made the mistake of not paying the many parking tickets i got that summer. [ audience oohs ] [ laughter ] i dont know why i thought it would end a different way. Thats so many parking tickets. Seth its a lot of parking tickets. Its so many. And the issue for me it wasnt that you didnt pay them. Because you know, we all forget. And you didnt live at the address. So like, you werent getting the reminder notices. Seth yeah. So its not even the not paying. Its that after the second, lets say third, you didnt just go, you know what, maybe ill throw a couple quarters in that meter. [ laughter ] im going to go and give that a shot. Or you know what, im going to doublecheck that sign real fast, guys, before i go in to the restaurant. Ill doublecheck. Seth but i nothing deterred you that summer. Nothing. Seth but then i sent you flowers, which more than makes up for a boot on your car. You paid it and i got flowers. It was lovely. Seth the thing is that the car was not the only wonderful thing youve done for me. Because you used to host the greatest party i ever went to in los angeles, which was survivor night. Survivor night. Seth we would come over and watch survivor and then the night would become a great game night sort of based around survivor. Yeah. Hosted by greg rice, whos the genius behind seth an incredible a game master. Yeah, hes a game master. But, it was, you know basically play games, you know, running charades or like, you know, bopit, different kinds of games. Bopit. No . [ laughter ] is that too dorky . We played these games. And if your team didnt win, that team would have to vote out someone. Seth yeah. And then they werent allowed to play the rest of the night. [ laughter ] seth yeah it was hard seth and then you had to go and stand in the window outside with a tiki torch and give a speech. [ laughter ] and snuff out your own candle. It was not for the faint of heart. But then, if you went on the jury, then you got to just sort of drink and Smoke Cigarettes in my house, which i love that i let people do. Seth yeah. Like, nowadays people are like, put that out. Seth but you could also get immunity. Seth. Seth and some pretty unclassy ways to get immunity. Whats the worst you had to do . Seth, its important to let everyone know you that pitched your own immunity. You and you alone decided what you were willing to do. What you were willing to do that night to get immunity. There are so many dark stories which we cant get into. I would say the funniest one i did my boyfriend at the time derek put a dog collar around his neck and ran naked through our invisible dog fence. Seth yeah. Thats whatever. Seth yeah. Thats whatever. Seth i was there that night. Thats genius. Seth it was genius. Its genius. I decided to hitchhike topless on laurel canyon. I live on laurel canyon. Seth yeah. And i i was young and thin. Everyone just relax. [ laughter ] it was a treat. It was a treat. But i so for 30 seconds, and i was holding a burbank or bust sign. Seth uh huh. And what was so funny about it is that, in those 30 seconds, no cars went by. Seth uh huh. And for i was like, oh, i lucked out. No cars are coming by. And then i realized, i was just topless in front of my friends. [ laughter ] seth yeah, so it kind of im like, hey, guys. Whats up . It was awkward. Seth so congratulations on the show. This is a show about people who smoke a lot of marijuana. Yes. [ cheers ] seth there we go. Hard to tell were there on that issue. But you dont. Ive tried it. I just it doesnt work for it doesnt work for me. Seth yeah. It makes me very not talk. And i stare at small things. I dont seth yeah, you dont come alive. No, i dont come alive. Seth yeah. I get really quiet. And my husbands like, more of that. Can you do more of the pot . [ laughter ] youre so soft. Seth do moms relate with the character, though . Because you kind of play a weedsmoking mom on the show. Thats the thing. Even though i say it doesnt its not for me. It works for so many people that it means a lot to me. It truly does. As a movement. There are so many moms that come up to me. And be like you have no idea, your character, like that is exactly my story. I was miserable. I was in a marriage that wasnt working. But i was too afraid or i was so stressed out i couldnt get a lunch made without crying. Things that moms go through. And people come up to me at my tennis club and theyre like [ laughter ] [ whispering ] its a real thing. The show is doing such good stuff for the marijuana movement. [ applause ] seth thats great. It really is. Seth youre so this is your son beckett. Beckett yeah. Seth and this is how your son found out the show was about weed. Because of is this a cast gift that youre wearing . Kathy bates sent us all onesies. [ laughter ] seth uh huh. I told them thats the ohio state seth okay. Oh, like the Ohio State Buckeyes . The buckeyes, yeah. Its a colorful buckeye onesie. Seth uh huh. This one believed it. Hes all into it. The older one was like, uh, thats marijuana. [ laughter ] i was like, it is. Seth your older one is sharp. Your older son is dashel. Dashel, yeah. Seth so dashel im going to ask you to read this. He wrote you a letter. Yeah. Seth a very wellreasoned letter. Hes 10. Yeah. Seth and he thinks its time hes allowed to watch the simpsons. Yes. Seth do you want can you read that from where you are . Yeah. Seth there you go. Dear mom. I think i am mature enough to watch the simpsons. heres a few reasons. You let me watch pg13 movies. So i felt its appropriate. Number two, most jokes are made for grownups. And i probably wont understand. [ laughter ] seth thats a great point. Thats my favorite point. Seth thats an excellent point. P. S. Please think about it. P. S. Krusty says hi. Picture of homers donut. Love dashel. [ audience aws ] [ applause ] seth do you worry that homers donut means he has seen the show . That, its too late. Seth yeah, its too late. He does seems to know homers donut and krusty. So yeah seth hes like quoting the show. On his ipad, hes like, im loving paw patrol mom. [ laughter ] seth congrats on the show. Thank you. Seth it is always so lovely to see you. So great to see you sweetie. Seth what a delight. Nicole sullivan everybody disjointed is streaming on netflix. Well be right back. [ cheers and applause ] the world is not flat. You cant just pinch it or swipe it. Theres a whole world out there and no other card lets you experience it like the platinum card. Backed by the service and security of american express. Mom anits not theirs. Car. Its mine. Mine. Mine. And it always will be, forever and forever. The new rx 350l with three rows for seven passengers. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. This this this this is my body of proof. 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Stay tuned for carson daly. Well see you tomorrow [ cheers and applause ] carson hello there. Im carson daly with tonights last call from hyde in west hollywood. We have an awesome show for you coming up. Including, the music of vance joy, a spotlight oe

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