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[ laughter ] security researchers have reportedly discovered that recently indicted former Trump Campaign chairman Paul Manafort used bond007 as one of his computer passwords. [ laughter ] he also signed his checks, from russia with love. [ laughter ] according to cnn, White House Senior Adviser Jared Kushner recently turned over documents to special Counsel Robert Mueller about his role in the firing of fbi director, james comey. Oh, man, i hope they dont put kushner in jail because hell just walk right out between the bars. [ laughter ] weve got a skinny dude loose [ light laughter ] in an interview with the New York Times, President Trump repeated the claim that he is not under investigation, and then he winked so hard, he got a black eye. [ laughter ] because i havent done anything wrong. [ laughter ] in the same interview, trump said he enjoys being president , and leaves the office late. In fact, he was supposed to only be there till may. [ laughter ] former Vice President joe biden said yesterday that President Trump is a charlatan. Said trump, no, im not. Im more of a miranda. [ light laughter ] im the smart one. Everyone knows. [ cheers and applause ] legos allfemale women of nasa toy set recently went on sale and is currently at the top of amazons list of bestselling toys. And coming in last, their men of hollywood set. [ laughter ] [ applause ] President Trump today announced his nominee for chair of the federal reserve, and i think hes confused cause this was his pick. [ laughter ] incredibly smart joke. [ laughter ] papa johns yesterday asserted that their decline in pizza sales may be due to their association with the nfl and the recent controversy surrounding player protests. Oh, really . Nothing to do with the quality of the pizza . [ laughter ] because subway survived jared [ laughter ] [ applause ] according to a new poll, 30 of americans are afraid of walking alone near their homes at night, because what if theyre caught and brought back . [ laughter ] okay. [ light laughter ] and finally, kfc is currently selling limitededition Fried Chicken scented bath bombs in japan. Though if you like kfc that much, something tells me your bathroom already smells like Fried Chicken. [ laughter and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a fantastic show for you tonight. She stars in the new Comedy Series smilf on showtime. Rosie odonnell is here everybody. [ cheers and applause ] back home in studio 8g. Hes the director of the netflix documentary, the life the death and life of marsha p. Johnson, david france joins us tonight. [ cheers and applause ] so youre here on a great night. Before we get to them, our guests tonight, President Trump is flailing as republicans squabble over a signature piece of legislation, his tax cut plan. Meanwhile, amid the special counsels russia probe and after the terror attack in manhattan, hes sounding increasingly authoritarian. For more on this, its time for a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] seth trump has gone nine months without a major legislative achievement as his healthcare bill imploded and his infrastructure plan fizzled. So hes betting everything on the tax cut plan republicans unveiled today. Now this is not the largest tax cut in history. Larger tax cuts were passed twice under obama and once under reagan. But as usual, that does not stop trump from lying over and over again. This will be the biggest tax right. Cut in history. In the history of our country and thats great. It will be the largest tax cuts in the history of our country by far. This is the largest tax cut in the history of our country. All told, it will be the greatest tax reduction in the history of our country. So were going to have the largest tax cut ever. A giant, beautiful, massive the biggest ever in our country, tax cut. [ laughter ] seth man. He just cannot help himself. Was he like this when ivanka was born . This is the first baby ever born. [ laughter ] theres never been anything like this in the history of the world. Donald, you already have an older son. That guy . Ill believe it when he releases his birth certificate. [ laughter ] now republicans were originally supposed to unveil their tax plan yesterday, but delayed the announcement until today because they couldnt agree on ways to pay for their giant Corporate Tax cut. In fact, republicans couldnt even come to an agreement on the name of the bill. Abc news reported yesterday that less than 24 hours before the bill is slated to be revealed, there is still dispute over the name. Trump has been insisting that the bill be called the cut, cut, cut act. [ laughter ] the cut, cut, cut act. Our president is so adult, he can only think in chants. Lock her up, build the wall, cut, cut, cut mr. President , whats [ cheers and applause ] whats on the agenda today . We want golf [ laughter ] now it would still be helpful, of course, if the president of the United States could actually articulate to voters what the plan does, and why it would be good for the country, but as we saw with healthcare, he cant do that, because he doesnt know anything. In fact, in a Cabinet Meeting yesterday, when trump tried to explain the details of the tax plan, all he could do was describe in the most generic terms possible the basic process of passing a bill. The houses, i must tell you, they have been working really hard and they are coming up with a great plan. And the senate is coming up with a great plan and theyre going to be put together and something is going to come out of that that will be i think really, really something very special. [ laughter ] again, were doing senate, were doing the house. Its put it together and then we have our beautiful new tax cuts and reform and i think it will be very special. [ laughter ] seth trump isnt schoolhouse rock. Hes just rock. Also, i love when he turns to tillerson for help. Rex . Dont ask me. I think youre a moron. [ laughter ] just to give you an idea how little trump understands about actual policy, yesterday he also claimed that in tandem with cutting taxes, his administration was rolling back supposedly burdensome regulations that were liberating business. A mythical gop talking point that defies all evidence and as usual, trump went overboard in his description of how bad these regulations are. The republicans want to lower taxes and we want to get rid of regulations. Youre going to see a lot of additional relief from these horrible regulations that have been killing our country. They have literally been killing seth thats a little like claiming that a 35mileperhour speed limit is killing people. If those people were doing 80, they would have been home way before the accident happened. [ laughter ] another problem with this tax plan, aside from the president s inability to sell it, is the fact that most voters apparently dislike it. One poll found that only 28 said they strongly or somewhat supported the plan. And a majority wants to see tax increases for large corporations and for the wealthy. But while trump flails on his signature legislative proposal, hes also becoming increasingly authoritarian on issues of National Security and criminal justice. After the terror attack in manhattan on tuesday, trump repeatedly lashed out on twitter and to reporters, even going so far as to deride our system of trying criminal suspects in civilian courts, a hallmark of our constitution. We also have to come up with punishment thats far quicker and far greater than the punishment these animals are getting right now. Theyll go through court for years. At the end, theyll be who knows what happens. Seth when trump says, who knows what happens, you know that means he doesnt know what happens. [ laughter ] but maybe its sad. Maybe this whole time we thought he was being rhetorical, but maybe hes actually asking. Who knows what happens . Rex, do you know . Rex . [ light laughter ] [ applause ] and then last night trump took the unprecedented and chilling step of demanding the toughest possible sentence for the suspect even before a trial had taken place. In an angry late night tweet, trump demanded in all caps that the suspect should get the death penalty. Hey, man, youre the president now. Youre not an old crank yelling at the tv over the bar. When you tweet that, youre jamming yourself into the judicial process and tainting the jury pool, in the same way you probably taint every pool you get into. [ audience ohs] [ applause ] of course, trumps also been taking aim at the current immigration laws, calling for a new draconian crackdown on illegal immigration and eliminating whats known as the diversity lottery program, a program signed into law in 1990 by george h. W. Bush. But again, trump knows so little about the program, he cant even pronounce the word diversity. I am today starting the process of terminating the diversery lottery program. I am going to ask congress to immediately initiate work to get rid of this program. Diversery or diversity lottery. Seth trump only believes in diversity when it comes to pronunciations of the word diversity. I support diversity as well as diversery. Diverfersery. [ laughter ] but while trump stumbles on taxes and terrorism, his white house has also been haunted by the special counsels russia investigation. There have been reports that trump is angry and lashing out at his aides over the scandal, but on wednesday, trump called a New York Times reporter out of the blue to insist that everything was going great. Trump told the times, im actually not angry at anybody. Im in the office early and leave late. Its very smooth. Honestly, im really enjoying it. This has been him enjoying it . Dear god, whats it going to look like when he starts to hate it . Youll just log into twitter and there will be a gaping rage hole. [ laughter ] in reality, trump is becoming increasingly desperate, and sounding more and more authoritarian. He continues to threaten many of the basic principles this country thrives on, including due process, the rule of law and of course diversery. [ laughter ] seth this has been a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] well be right back with rosie odonnell, and our friends from nbcs will and grace teamed up with honda to help them debut their all new accord. Stay tuned during the break to see jack driving the most impressive honda ever. [ cheers and applause ] give extra. Get extra. Resolution 1 binge more. Join the uncarrier, and get four unlimited lines for only forty bucks each. Plus, netflix for the whole family. On us. So, they get their shows. Lets go, girl youre gonna love this bit and you get yours. Watch however you want. On your phone, tablet, or tv. For just forty bucks per line. With no extra charges. Lets rock this joint all on americas best unlimited network, tmobile. Daddy did you get my surprise . Its the Little Things that make life rich. Ritz. This holiday, the best gift you can give, is your time. Volunteer at neighbhorhoodofgood. Com. State farm. This s electricity. This is a power plant. This is tim barckholtz. Thats me this is something he is researching at exxonmobil using fuel cells to capture Carbon Emissions at power plants. This is the potential. Reducing co2 emissions by up to 90 . While also producing more power. This could be big. Energy lives here. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. Give it up for the 8g band right over there [ cheers and applause ] also, all this week weve had a legendary drummer sitting in with us. He was a vital part of David Lettermans house band for almost 30 years on both nbcs late night and the late show for cbs and continues to be a highly sought after session musician. His solo album figments was recently reissued and is available on itunes. Anton fig, everybody. Thank you so much. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. Seth been a fantastic week. Thanks. Seth our first guest tonight is an Emmy Awardwinning talk show host and actress. She returns to television in the new Comedy Series, smilf, which premiers sunday night on showtime. Lets take a look. You look tired. What . You look tired. I am tired. All right, go to tutu. Come here, baby. [ sneeze ] gesundheit. Ugh, thank you. All right. I got to go to work. Why dont you come in for a little bit of Grilled Cheese . I cant. Im going to be late. Oh, really . Yeah. Its not like ally is going anywhere. I mean, she is the saddest woman i have ever met. Mmhmm. I was thinking we could take larry, wed go down to joes this weekend, im going to cook, you know . Because i think he really needs to feel loved. Seth please welcome to the show, the former occupant of this studio, rosie odonnell, everybody [ cheers and applause ] hi, seth, how are you . Seth im so happy to have you here im so happy to be here. Its like deja vu. Seth it is deja vu. But of course, we were talking you know, sets are completely different. Does this even feel like your old studio . Not one bit. Seth yeah. [ light laughter ] no, i was actually walking through, and i said, oh, maybe theyre not in our studio. And donna said the wardrobe person, you know she said to me, no, this is actually your your exact studio. We had people come out this way for reasons unknown to me. And then i had to do a little dance and meet them and hug and then run back. Seth yeah. This is much more streamlined. Seth well, we this is we this is our second set in the time we had the show. We started and we did a we had a weird swinging stage. We did a lot of things wrong in the beginning, too. [ light laughter ] yeah, it happens. Seth i had to jump on the desk as it passed by. [ laughter ] well, that keeps you in shape seth it does. And your core muscles toned. Seth the fact was, i was going to age out of it, though. [ laughter ] eventually. Seth yeah, eventually sadly, we all do. Seth so you did a show here from 96 to 2002. Yes. Seth do you miss having a talk show . Do you did you enjoy your time doing it . I loved doing it. It was like a dream job. But i knew going in that i was more of a sprinter than a marathoner. You know . Seth uhhuh. And i had a little baby boy who was just two years old. Took his first steps, actually, in this studio. Seth unbelievable. Thats fantastic. Hes now 22 and has enlisted in the marines. Seth fantastic. Yes, he did. Seth congratulations to him [ applause ] weeks ago. Seth oh, great and i had a great time doing it, but i definitely felt i was done when i was done and then i needed a very long break. Seth yeah. Well, i hope you got your break. And im very excited about what youre coming back in now. And certainly youve done plenty between the time you left your show and this show. But smilf is is this true . This is your first, like, sort of recurring role in a Television Show . It is. When i was very young i was on gimme a break in 1986. Seth yes. Yeah, with nell carter. The role was maggie obrien. Im sure its familiar to a lot of people here. [ laughter ] seth woo maggie yeah. That was it. And that was sort of fun. But i really havent done one. And when i saw the short film that frankie shaw, who is the seth shes the star of the show. We saw her in the clip. Yeah, beautiful young actress, 31 years old. She wrote it, stars in it, directs it, shes absolutely amazing. And i saw a short film she did and she facetimed me instead of an interview. She facetimed me and said, would you do it . I said, ill do anything you want because you are what, you know, feminists have hoped would come along 20 years later. Seth oh, thats really exciting. She really is. Shes a phenomenal girl. Seth now, from the clip, we can all see you you wear a sort of gray wig on the show. Does that give you thats actually my real hair. Seth oh, it is . Okay. [ laughter ] it is. Seth but its made more gray than it is in real life. Not really. Seth okay. [ laughter ] now that im done filming seth so the cgi the cgi yeah. Yeah now that actually, i had the extensions taken out last night. Seth okay. And a little darkness to try to cover. Seth okay. Part of the gray. But i am letting it go in gray for this role and my teenagers are not very happy about it. Seth oh, interesting. Yeah. In fact, i have been banned from volleyball games. Seth wow. They dont want their mom to have gray hair at a volleyball game . Apparently thats a thing now with the kids. [ laughter ] i didnt know. But i mean, i guess it would be weird to have your mother show up and look like your grandmother, i guess. But i dont know, its kind of freeing. I dont really get noticed. Seth oh, interesting. So you have more anonymity because of the fact that you yes. Seth yeah. And i was at the Admirals Club in l. A. X. Seth oh, look at you. Thats right, i have a gold card. Seth wow. [ laughter ] and, um seth so this is the American Airlines lounge . Yeah. Where all the cool people are. [ light laughter ] seth that is amazing. And i went up to the bar seth and the coffee is free there, right . And the croissants. Seth wow [ laughter ] yeah, ill talk to people if youre not in there. But i went there and i went to the bar and i saw josh lucas, that amazing actor from sweet home alabama. Seth fine actor, yes. You all remember him . Seth yeah. And i was like, oh, thats that guy, he was on my show. Oh, thats josh i go, hey, handsome actor man, can i buy you a drink . Literally, this is what he did to me. [ laughter ] and i was like, what . Wait . I go, josh, its me hes like, oh, my god, i am so sorry. [ laughter ] oh, my god. And hes the sweetest and we have kids the same age, believe it or not. Seth i thought you were going to say you had kids together. And i was like, oh, my god. [ laughter ] this went this turned this did a more than a 180. Lots of news breaking tonight, seth. [ laughter ] im actually a heterosexual and have children with josh lucas. [ laughter ] seth oh, wow. No. But we have babies who are both like four and five years old and were going to, you know, have some play dates. Hes doing a play now in new york. Seth oh, fantastic. Im actually doing a play seth thats very exciting. I know you are a lover of broadway. Yes. Seth youve done a lot of plays in recent years. Tell us about the one youre about to do. Its a new david rabe play seth thats very exciting. Called good for otto. And ed harris, amy madigan, and f. Murray abraham. Seth what a cast yeah, no pressure at all. Seth yeah. For the comic from commack. Seth well, youll just tell them you you played obrien on the nell carter show. Maggie obrien. [ laughter ] 1986. Was a good piece of work. Yeah, i think its going to be fun. Ive never really done a play. Ive done a lot of musicals. Seth uhhuh. But ive never done a play. I did the nora ephron play that she wrote about clothing. You know, love, loss, and what i wore. Seth uhhuh. But that was us sitting on a stage and reading. This is actually a real play. And, you know, david rabe, who wrote hurlyburly there are long monologues. Seth uhhuh. And theres no cut, take two, you know. Seth are you already preparing for it . I am. Seth okay. Are you guys rehearsing it, or is it just sort of selfprep at this point . Well, we start rehearsing in january. Seth okay. But because i have these multiple page every character does multiple page sort of monologues. Ive i recorded them, and then when im, you know, working out which i dont do i [ laughter ] truthfully while im eating entenmanns crumb cakes trying not to hate tweet the president. [ laughter ] [ cheers ] no, i listen to it. And so thats how i sort of remember, is i keep i keep listening to it over and over and over. And hopefully by the time we start rehearsal, ill be ahead of the game. Seth thats really that is very exciting. Yeah. Seth and i you know, i do think its that thrilling thing of, because of the people youre working with, they will elevate your work. Totally. You want to rise to their level. I mean, those are some amazing actors. And you know, david rabe, its really an honor to do it and im thrilled for the challenge, although mildly terrified. Seth youre going to see hamilton soon, right . When are you off to see it . Yeah, this weekend. Im seeing it for the 27th time. Seth this weekend 27th time. Thats [ light laughter ] 27 times. Thats correct, seth. Seth and have you felt any dips in your 27 times or have you had the same reaction pretty much consistently through . Well, i cry every time. You know . Seth okay, yeah. When i at first was in at the public, i went to see it at the public. And i was just devastated by it. Seth how so for those who dont know because now obviously, its on broadway in a giant theater. How small is the public . How many seats was it then . Oh, probably, its like under 500, for sure. Seth yeah. I mean, you know, its maybe the size of this. What is this, 200 here . Seth yeah, this is about 200. Yeah, so its probably its almost maybe this size. Thats pretty much it. Seth wow, thats amazing. To see a show that now has this scope and scale and also sort of this worldwide phenomenon. To see it in such a small place must have been amazing. Yeah, the public has done amazing things. Seth yeah. Like a chorus line started there, and i hope thats right. All the broadway trivia people are like, you asshole you know. [ laughter ] im pretty sure it did. Lots of things start at the public. Joe papp is a hero. Okay do you see im a little edgy . Seth yeah. I spend like pretty much 90 of my waking hours tweeting hatred towards this administration. Seth yeah. Well, now, i want to ask you about this, because that is a twoway street. Yeah. Seth because donald trump has been, uh has been mad at you for a very long time. Over a decade, seth. Seth over a decade. Yes. Seth and did it sort of start it started from the view, yes . The view. Seth yeah. And its been really weve sort of made the joke on the show that hes flipflopped on everything except you. [ laughter ] its actually very true. Seth yeah. You know, there was a tara conner, i believe her name was, a young irish lass who was junior miss trump Atlantic City pageant sexist winner. And she was downtown, 19yearold girl, drinking and kissing a girl. And it was on the cover of the post. So he held a press conference right before the view went on live and he said, i just want you to know, ive forgiven her. This young woman and im like, what is he, the pimp and shes the prostitute . Who is he . Hes the moral arbiter of 20yearold behavior now, right . So then i said, you know, some facts that i just went on wiki that were easily accessible since this Campaign Began that he has bankrupt four times, that got he all his money from his father and that he notoriously cheats private contractors out of their money. Seth yes and that is all pretty well documented. Simple facts. Seth yeah. Simple facts. Seth and so you said this on the view . And he went bat [ bleep ] crazy. Seth yeah. [ cheers and applause ] and and stayed that way. Stayed that way. So, you know, as bad as everyone feels and they have felt since november 8th i know for me, ive been in a severe depression. Although, id like to say, today after your show im going to get a bob mueller tattoo. Seth oh, thats exciting [ laughter ] because i love him seth where are you going to put it . Have you thought about where youre going to put it . Right over my heart [ light laughter ] im so in love with bob mueller. I want to get posters, i want to meet him. Seth yeah. I just think he is it. Seth he doesnt i will im not i dont want to judge bob mueller. He looks like a very severe man. You think . Seth yeah, he no, he looks to me like superman. [ laughter ] like captain america. Like justice has finally arrived back on our shores and we are going to right ourselves again [ cheers and applause ] is that too much . Seth i will say that if if he gets if trump gets indicted, it would be really great if mueller let you serve the papers. I feel like [ laughter ] well, i have put in that request bytweet. Seth yeah. And im waiting to hear. But, you know, nothing really will i have to say, the 55yearold woman who lived through vietnam, you know. When i was in 1973, my mom died and two months later they started the watergate hearings. And i remember as a child feeling, wow, theres no safety in my house and look, theres no safety in the world. And all of that came right up when he you know. First of all, when he announced, i was like, laughing my ass off. Seth same here. Id been wrong he was on that little escalator down with the fake crowd going like, heres my wife who loves me and shes like, how do i get out of here . You know . Right . [ laughter ] and i just thought it would never happen. Seth same here. Ive been wrong at every turn. I said to my therapist, you know, ive got this new show, smilf, but i have to go to boston to start shooting the day after the election. Do you think its going to be okay for me to be there . What if he wins . Shes like, rosie, you really have to start working on your negative loop in your brain. He is not going to win. Every smart person knows he is not going to win. That night i was like, listen, you wench. [ laughter ] i am here and i have no zen left [ laughter ] mommy is better since bob mueller last friday. I love you, bob. Keep doing what you do, bob. [ cheers and applause ] we love you seth im very happy to have you back here. Always a pleasure to talk to you. And i really hope that based on what you said tonight you managed to get one more tweet out of the president. I hope i do, seth. And i want to say honestly very quickly, because i know its annoying when people compliment the host. What you have been doing, has really lifted my spirits. When i have felt submerged under the ice, i turn you on and i go, look at that smart man speaking common sense. Making people laugh and making us believe again. So you [ cheers and applause ] seth means a lot. Means a lot coming from you. Such a pleasure to have you here. Welcome home. Rosie odonnell, everybody smilf premieres sunday night on showtime. Well be right back with more late night. [ cheers and applause ] prices of the season on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort your sleep number setting. And snoring . Does your bed do that . Its the lowest prices of the season on the queen c4 mattress with adjustable comfort on both sides. Now only 1199, save 400. Plus, 24 month financing available. Ends monday. Visit sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. christmas marching band music drumsticks click charmin ultra soft its softer than ever. Charmin ultra soft is twice as absorbent so you can use less. And its softer than ever. So its harder to resist. Okay, this is getting a little weird. We all go, why not enjoy the go with charmin . Nice man cave nacho . [ train whistle blows ] what . stop it mmhmm. Weve been saving a lot of money ever since we switched to progressive. This bar is legit. And now we get an even bigger discount from bundling home and auto. I can get used to this. It might take a minute. Swing and a miss slam dunk touchdown together sports touchdown [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back to late night, everybody. Now, if you are like me, you are a fan of youtube. Everybody uses youtube. Great way to watch videos, great way to share your own videos, also brings people together. Helps form very unique online communities, gamers, film makers, musicians. There are also several of these communities that are a little more niche. And we thought we would take a look at some of these smaller communities in a segment we call youtube sub communities. [ cheers and applause ] seth first up, some of you may have seen videos on youtube where kids on skateboards will grab on to passing buses and hitch a ride down the street. Theyre called bus skitching videos. But this next youtube sub Community Features skateboarders hitching a ride, not on passing buses, but on passing nuns. [ laughter ] check out this nunskitching video. Yo shes coming. [ cheers and applause ] seth skitching with nuns you may know theres a community of people who trick out and upgrade their cars and then post videos and pictures of them online. Well, theres a much Smaller Community of people who trick out their bathtubs. Lets check out one of their videos. Hey, whats up . Its me your boy bowls from central ohio. I tricked out my colored tub here. I think its actually looking pretty tight. Lets go ahead and take a look at it. I painted flames on the side. I think they represent fire. [ laughter ] spoiler alert i put a spoiler on the tub. And this is the coolest part right here. Check it out. [ engine reving ] all right lets take it out for a spin. All right, i hope you guys dug checking out my tub. Make sure to like and subscribe and battle it out in the comments about what your favorite tub is. And as for me, im going to let the stress of my three kids wash away. [ light laughter ] seth there you have it. Now [ cheers and applause ] there are a lot of parents out there who post videos of themselves pranking their young kids. This next sub community is made up of grandparents who prank their grandchildren. Lets take a look. Here he comes. Here he comes nana, i got the dishes and dinner was great. [ light laughter ] nana . [ light laughter ] wake up, nana nana, wake up wake no, no, no, no. Didnt even get to say bye ah [ laughter ] what the hell is going on here . [ laughter ] you should have seen your face whats wrong with you people . You got grandparent pranked. [ applause ] seth now, there are there are a lot of people on youtube who are very good at doing impressions. Usually they do impressions of celebrities. But theres a sub community of people that are more into impressions of natural phenomena, like sunrises. Its hard to explain. Lets just watch one. [ laughter ] [ laughter ] [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] seth finally, auto tune the news is a popular Youtube Channel where clips from local news broadcasts are auto tuned. Well, this next clip is from a much smaller Youtube Channel called auto tune the jews. Take a look. You used to be able to go to the theater. Why is it so expensive . Every movie now, 20, 25. And the temperature is too cold. I have to bring a jacket. Then when im outside, its too hot. The cost, thats the real problem. Every movie now is 20, 25. Just enough to get there, who needs it . If our son came, he could drive us in that fancy car of his. This car, its too much. Too hot. Too much. Too hot. Too much. Too hot. And im sure that the car had had some problems. I could fix it. Fix it [ laughter ] fix it fix it you can barely work the microwave. You got to let me you got to let me you got to let me work the microwave. You got to let me you got to let me you got to let me work the microwave. See . See what i told you . [ cheers and applause ] seth that was youtube sub communities. Well be right back with david france, everybody. I gave you this, so that if you ever get scared, you can go. [ whistling ] people who need help with matters that cant be explained. [ gasp ] come to me. Are you there . Whistle if you can hear me. [ whistling ] is there an entity in this house that is trying to hurt me . [ whistling ] are you that entity . 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[ cheers and applause ] seth our next guest is a journalist and the film maker behind the oscar nominated documentary how to survive a plague. His new documentary, the death and life of marsha p. Johnson is streaming on netflix. Lets take a look. Why are you here today . Darling, i want my gay rights now. I think its about time the gay brothers and sisters got their rights and especially the women. Marsha was very good natured. She was funny. She laughed. But that shouldnt be mistaken for a lack of serious purpose and political intent. Seth please welcome to the show, david france, everyone. [ applause ] seth welcome to the show wow, what a pleasure to be here. Seth so marsha p. Johnson was an lgbt activist. She was. Seth and this film examines tries to get the bottom of her unsolved death 25 years ago. But you knew her for a long time. How did you first meet her . And what were your experiences with her like . You know, i moved to new york in 1981. And she was already a famous personage of lower manhattan. She was a kind of a the queen of downtown at the time. But i was taken to meet her because as a newcomer, i had a boyfriend who wanted who felt he needed to kind of give me a boot camp of life in new york. And and he brought me to meet marsha johnson. Seth so she was sort of a drill sergeant of new york at the time . She had a lot to a lot of information to impart. And one of the things she did was that she sold fake tokens for the subway. [ laughter ] and and that was certainly a lesson i needed to learn as a 21yearold in new york. Seth right . How 5 could actually stretch out to almost a year of subway rides. [ laughter ] seth thats very helpful. She stayed in that business until the city figured it out and rebalanced the weight of the subway tokens. Seth and she what was the role that she played at stonewall . Because she was a big part of that sort of historic moment. She she was. She was kind of a leader, even before stonewall. And and people followed her. When the and before stonewall, of course, it was illegal to sell drinks in new york to gay people. It was illegal to dress in drag in new york. People were being thrown in jail and worse, into psychiatric institutions, just for dressing the way that they felt. And there came that night in 1969, where people just had enough. And marsha is said to be the person who threw the first brick that night. I dont think she did. But i know that she she threw the bricks in the middle. And she was one of the leaders of the of this of this campaign that just said enough. Enough and for that, they called her the the, you know, founder, really, or co founder of the modern lgbt movement. Seth the p in marsha p. Johnson was a nickname that was given to her. Can you give us the origin of that . She gave it to herself. Seth okay. And she always just called herself marsha p. Johnson and she was she was arraigned once for she was a sex worker. But i think it may have been arraigned for other political work. And the judge said, what does the p stand for . And she said, pay it no mind [ laughter ] and so it stuck. Seth i would have thats a very nice thing to have in your back pocket. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Seth so the she dies 25 years ago. Right. Seth the police ruled it a suicide. Those close to her thought there were maybe nefarious reasons behind it. And so you sort of embark on this documentary in not knowing what answer youre going to find. How was it for you, having known her, to revisit this in this Political Climate that were living in in present time . Its its a case that i think has weighed on me and on many people. You know, the question about what happened to this really seminole, central figure in new york. She traveled the world as a performer. She was a friend of andy warhols. She was connected at every level. And that the police seemingly didnt do an investigation was shocking and caused the community to stage these massive demonstrations, which you see in the film back in 92. And 25 years later, i wanted to go back. Because i thought the time was right to learn about the origin of the transgender culture and movement and community. And i thought we would be producing a film of celebration and to celebrate how far we had come. And what we learned, of course, as our culture has changed. And our politics have changed. Is that the film is dropping in a really dangerous time for transgender people. A time of increased violence against the community and a time of political backlash, like we havent seen before. Seth there is a lot to be pessimistic about now. But one of the messages thats in the film is that marsha used one of the political tools she used was happiness. Right. Seth can you speak to that . You see that in the footage, as well. You know, i think the main role that she played, aside from helping to form that first modern lgbt rights move com organization following the riots was to to take on a personage of freedom. I mean, the community in 1969 and 1970 was demanding freedom, was marching toward freedom, was demanding rights. But no one really knew what that looked like. And marsha decided she was going to just figure it out. And she she did it through dressing wildly. She wore whatever she wanted to wear. She always had this crown of feathers in her hair. She made her own gowns out of anything she could find on the streets, mostly or in restaurants. Curtains from restaurants shed walk out with. And then and she was seth were they happy when she took the curtains . Or was there [ laughter ] they were happy she didnt take more. [ laughter ] seth oh, thats the token lady. Let it go. [ laughter ] and she likely leaves something behind also. Seth yeah. So shes very generous that way. Seth sure. And and then she just smiled. And she encouraged people to feel what it was like to no longer be oppressed. And she did it through humor as it was said in the clip that you showed. And she did it through just a joyous political presence. And its something that i recognized, looking back at the archival footage. She was doing intentionally. This was her this was her political point. And through that joy, she held the Community Together for a long time. And because she was such a great presence in downtown new york, she touched everybodys lives on a regular basis. Seth well, its a wonderful story. It also sparks this a question of who is who should tell what stories . This is a story about a black trans woman. What brought you to tell it . Well, i certainly felt a kinship with marsha, having known her. And, you know, i did feel that her story is so central. The rosa parks, really, of the lgbt movement who had never really been celebrated in a significant way. And i felt that that was that was an oversight. And that oversight is largely laid at the feet of, you know, white film makers who never thought to go back and tell her story. So i felt a kind of an obligation to her as a friend and as a member of my community to lift her up and to give her the significant treatment that a figure of her stature deserved you know, i wanted to put her in the canon of, you know, a great americans. And she belongs there. And certainly she needed a film to show the world about her. Seth well, thank you so much for making one that told us more about her. I really appreciate it. And thank you so much for being here. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. Seth david france everybody. The death and life of marsha p. Johnson is streaming on netflix. Well be right back. [ cheers and applause ] this is electricity. This is a power plant. This is tim barckholtz. 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[wheel squeaking] [heart monitor beeping] tell cardio right away i need a. christmas marching band music drumsticks click announcer for more late night, go to latenightseth. Com. Follow us on instagram and twitter latenightseth. And be sure to check us out on youtube and facebook. Head over to itunes to subscribe to the late night with seth meyers podcast. Youll get a closer look and more downloaded right to your phone. [ cheers and applause ] seth my thanks to rosie odonnell, david france, everybody, anton fig, and of course the 8g band. Stay tuned for carson daly. Well see you tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] carson good evening and welcome to the federal bar, our home for tonights episode of last call. Im carson daly, thanks for joining us. Heres what we got coming your way. For music one of my favorites against

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