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And featuring the legendary rootcrew. Questlove 795 steve and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ] jimmy oh, my goodness. [ cheers and applause ] welcome welcome, everybody. Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome to the tonight show. This is it, baby. [ cheers and applause ] youre here. You made it. The tonight show. Heres what people are talking about. Well, the big story is still the gop tax bill. And i read that itll save President Trump 15 million a a year. [ light laughter ] trump heard that, he said, wow, did i switch to geico . [ laughter and applause ] i knew that i knew that would help. This is nice, though. After yesterdays vote, trump told reporters that they could stay and take part in a prayer with ben carson. [ light laughter ] first carson bowed his head, then three hours later he went [ snoring ] what . [ laughter and applause ] yeah, everything good . No ones here, okay, good. In the meantime, the white house is all decorated for christmas. There is a 350 pound gingerbread replica of the white house in the state dining room. Its pretty realistic. There is even a tiny omarosa being escorted out by the secret service. Steve aw [ laughter and applause ] jimmy its just really its perfect. Its cute. Its cute. There is a gingerbread white house that weighs 350 pounds, but then they left trump alone with it for a few minutes and now it weighs 250 pounds. [ laughter and applause ] i got hungry and ate the west wing. But christmas is only a few days away, which means its the perfect time to watch some classic holiday movies. You can tell that trump loves them. Hes actually been spending time practicing lines from his favorite holiday movies. Take a look at what i mean. Could you tone it down a a bit . Could you tone it down just a little . [ laughter ] were all in this together. Were all in this together. As dead as a doornail. The things dead as a a doornail. Most people hate me. They hate me with a passion. Cry, baby, cry. Let the baby cry. Get him out of here. Get him out of here. Oh, my god oh, my god kevin kevin ah arrr jimmy isnt that amazing . [ cheers and applause ] amazing. Steve wow. Jimmy guys, this is pretty crazy, a city in missouri just made a 177foot tall christmas stocking. Wow. Now comes the hard part, finding a 90foot package of disposable razors and an 80foot scratch off ticket to stuff inside of it. [ applause ] maybe its no, i lost. Finally, i want to say happy birthday to samuel l. Jackson who turns 69 years old today. [ cheers and applause ] he didnt he didnt blow out his candles, he just yelled at them until they put themselves out. [ cheers and applause ] we have a great show tonight. Give it up for the roots, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy we have got a huge show tonight. We love this guy, hes so funny, so talented. From the new movie, downsizing, Jason Sudeikis is here tonight. [ cheers and applause ] steve whoa jimmy were going to catch up with him. And then jason and i are going headtohead in a new competition with some very special guests. Steve oh. [ audience oohs ] jimmy yeah, cant wait, its going to be fun. Also the star of at home with amy sedaris, our buddy amy sedaris is stoping by. [ cheers and applause ] steve oh jimmy amys great. Amys going to tell us about her hit show. Then shes going to help out with a holiday toy demo. Steve oh. Jimmy thats happening tonight. And we have standup from a a great comedian, oh, my goodness. I see him every year at comics come home, denis learys Charity Event he does in boston. Hes so funny. Hes one of the best comedians working right now. Robert kelly is here tonight, you guys. Steve whoa [ cheers and applause ] jimmy guys, we have exactly two shows left before we go on christmas break, which means its time for that beloved tonight show tradition. Its time for 12 days of christmas sweaters. Here we go. 12 days of christmas sweaters two days left [ cheers and applause ] jimmy thats right, every show between now and christmas, well be giving one lucky audience member a shackatoshish christmas sweater from the countdown to christmas cabinet. Now since there are two shows left, lets open door number two. [ drum roll ] [ cheers and applause ] oh, my goodness. [ cheers and applause ] now lets see whos going home with tonights sweater. Everyone, look at your seat number. If i call your number, i need you to jump up and let me know where you are. Quest, can i get a drumroll please . [ drum roll ] who wants the sweater . Its a good one [ cheers and applause ] 237 [ cheers and applause ] nice you are very lucky, oh, my goodness. How are you, buddy . Im doing great. Jimmy nice to see you man. My pleasure. Jimmy what is what is your name . Jack barkley. Jimmy jack barkley, very good. Jack, where are you from . Texas. Jimmy from texas. [ cheers ] we love texas i just saw that recently it snowed in texas, so this is really great. Youre going to need a sweater. Yeah, of course. [ light laughter ] jimmy this is do you have anything like this gonna keep me very warm. Jimmy oh, yeah, this is very and its very heavy. I got to say that. Thats the one thing thats great. I think its the bejeweled bowties on the sides. Do you want to try it, to see if it fits . Id love it so much. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy just get in there. There you go. Now put it up. Thats good. [ laughter ] this is great. Jack jack, come on, buddy. Come on, buddy. There you go, all right, dont hurt yourself. There you go. [ cheers ] getting them through. No there you go. Yeah, look at this. This is fantastic. Are you kidding . Oh, my gosh. Look at that. Isnt it great . [ cheers and applause ] oh, this is unbelievable. You look fantastic thank you. Jimmy am i right or am i right . [ cheers and applause ] thanks again, my man. I appreciate it. Stick around. Well be right back with Jason Sudeikis, ladies and gentlemen. That looks great [ cheers and applause ] for those who know what theyre really building. Always unstoppable. And roomba from irobot gets to work using two multisurface brushes and powerlifting suction to grab and remove everything from fine dust to large debris. Daily dirt doesnt stand a chance. You and roomba from irobot. Better together. cough its just a cough. If you could see your cough, youd see just how far it can spread. Robitussin soothes in seconds and delivers fast, powerful cough relief for hours. giggling robitussin dm max. Because its never just a cough. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy our first guest is a a very funny and talented actor starring alongside matt damon and kristen wiig in the new film downsizing which opens tomorrow. Please welcome the always entertaining Jason Sudeikis, everybody [ cheers and applause ] jimmy you feeling the funk. Woo jimmy Jason Sudeikis, everybody. Welcome back to the show. [ cheers and applause ] nice to see you. Nice to be seen. Jimmy how is the family . Are the kids excited for christmas . Alive. Alive and well. Jimmy yes. Were doing our jobs. Jimmy yeah, youre doing your job. Yeah. Are they excited . Yeah, i think so. I mean, daisy is one. So shes psyched about food and most things. Jimmy anything, yeah, yeah. Shes a baby. Yeah, yeah. But, otis is three and a a half. And he understands that gifts are exchanged. That he is going to be getting a bunch of new toys. Were filling up a box tomorrow of all the toys that need to go elsewhere, give them to some other kids to make room for some stuff. Jimmy yeah. But i dont think he hes at an age where he knows santa is a thing, but we cant use him as like the great disciplinarian that santa is for most households. [ light laughter ] jimmy yeah, not yet. No, he thinks santa, like, i buy the toys and santa just he just thinks santa is like a a fedex guy. [ laughter ] jimmy hes just delivering presents. Delivering presents, like jimmy so you order them through santa . Yeah, exactly. Or he thinks that jeff bezos is santa, and then santas like an elf. [ laughter ] jimmy yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah i got you. So its like, you know, hey, if you do that, you know, if you push your sister, santas not going to bring you what you want. Hes just like [ laughter ] jimmy yeah. So we wont overnight it, big deal. Yeah. Jimmy yeah. Yeah, exactly, right. Yeah, priority overnight isnt a thing dad . Oh, man. Howd you learn that . Jimmy has he met santa . Have you ever no, he hasnt met santa yet. I think thats part of the problem. We havent introduced him to the mythology yet. Jimmy yeah, you have to you know, he knows the grinch, he knows the joker from batman in the 60s. [ light laughter ] you know, he knows those iconic jimmy important important things, yeah. Were jimmy every kids gotta know the joker. You know, and jesus. Jimmy its all very nice. Of course, of course. All the biggies. In that order. Those are the three. But then we [ laughter ] thats the holy trinity in our house. [ laughter and applause ] sure. Jimmy they agree. They agree, they agree. And hows the hows the beautiful baby . Hows daisy . Shes good. Shes cute as pie. And shes in her visually, adorable. Audibly shes a shrieker. [ light laughter ] she shrieks. She shrieks incessantly. In a good mood, bad mood. She realizes that people look at her when she shrieks, so now the shrieking is like part of her dna, unfortunately. Jimmy so, shes like yelling or . Oh no, its like a shriek. Im talking about like i mean, i cant do it, because im a grown man. [ light laughter ] but like, id have to do it on the inhale. Itd be like [ shrieking ] [ light laughter ] jimmy really . Do you remember the sound daryl hannah made in splash . Jimmy splash . When she says her name. Anybody here over 30 . [ laughter ] tom hanks used to do comedies. Jimmy oh my gosh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And so, yeah. I mean, its awful. And we were on a plane recently. We went on vacation, we went to hawaii. Which is a lovely place, and then on the plane ride home liv and the baby were two rows away from me. Then there was a random duo a couple older ladies and then otis and i a row ahead. And i could hear the shrieking starting and i knew it was going keep going until she everybody died or something. I dont know. Jimmy yeah. [ laughter ] shes very persistent. And then so, but the women behind me didnt know that i was with the people behind them. So theyre whispering and just covering their ears being like, oh, my god oh my god and then one of them just looks over to the other one just, just put something in her mouth [ laughter ] and im like i turn over. And like, sort of look. And again and then i got up and just sort of walked over and kissed my baby so they know, oh yeah. Quit talking trash. Jimmy yeah, exactly. I can hear you. Jimmy stick up for the baby, yeah. But i mean, literally peoples tans were falling off, it was so loud. [ laughter ] their leis were wilting. Jimmy man. [ talking over each other ] you know, like a time lapse. But you know, the jimmy hawaiian leis oh, it was horrible. It was horrible. The vacation was null and void by time we landed. Jimmy did you have you ever done this on the show, because i know this. Whats that . Jimmy im not sure if anyone knows this. But youre a very good whistler. I appreciate that, thats nice. [ laughter ] jimmy have you ever done that on the show . Have i ever made you whistle on the show . No, no ive never whistled. Yeah, i didnt realize i was a a good whistler. I did a play last year, we did a stage version of dead Poets Society downtown at jimmy thats right. Congratulations on that. That was great. Well, that was a blast, yeah. No, i mean, it didnt we didnt go to broadway but, thank you. [ laughter ] jimmy you didnt want to you didnt want to go. Didnt want to go. Jimmy you didnt want to go to broadway. Didnt want to go its too busy. Jimmy its too busy over there. Too many people. Jimmy its so much better off broadway. Is that still a benchmark for like, having done something well . Jimmy absolutely not. Okay good. Thats what i thought. Thats all right. Jimmy no one knows about broadway. Thats where people end their careers. Like springsteen. You know, hes on the way down. [ laughter ] bette midler, you know, its like, does anybody even go see that anymore . Jimmy no, and theres empty houses. Yeah, exactly, so we didnt make it to the great white way. But i whistled a lot in that. And people were like after the show, you know, you try to take them through the highs and lows of that story. Jimmy yeah. And then people would be like, i didnt know you were such a good whistler. Jimmy yeah. [ light laughter ] thats all im like, thats all you get out of that . [ laughter ] you dont want to seize the day . Just like, hey man. Jimmy thats all you got out of my performance . Is that im a great whistler. [ light laughter ] its the first thing i did in the show. Jimmy but it is yeah. Yeah, it opens with is it ode we did a little ode to joy. Jimmy ode to joy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Jimmy but, it was fantastic. Yeah, you want jimmy can you give me a a taste of it . Want me to, like jimmy yeah, that would be great. [ cheers and applause ] i believe its public domain. So, we wont have to pay for this. [ light laughter ] jimmy i believe it is, too. [ whistling ode to joy ] jimmy i mean [ cheers and applause ] [ whistling ode to joy ] [ cheers and applause ] ring tone. Thats a ring tone right there. Thats a ring tone. Thats a ring tone. Jimmy Jason Sudeikis, right there. Thats real money. [ applause ] jimmy professional whistler. Jason sudeikis. I do it just cause i love it. Jimmy exactly. [ light laughter ] the kids just love it. You know, if i get paid, id never work a day in my life. [ light laughter ] if i got paid to whistle. Is this mine . Jimmy yeah, thats yours, yeah. Thank you. Jimmy no, problem. Ooh, a handle. [ light laughter ] jimmy oh its good, its strong moonshine. [ light laughter ] lets talk about downsizing. Lets yeah. Jimmy did you get to hang with our pal . Wiigy . Kristen wiig . No. Jimmy you didnt . We were separate ships in the night. Ships in the night. Jimmy see, isnt that wild. Yeah, no, its one of those things about movies. You remember growing up youd see people in movies and youd be like, i bet theyre the best friends now. And like no, you never see each other. Jimmy yeah. But especially when, like, my guy is like i play a a downsized person which is this idea that we, you know, shrink ourselves to like five, eight inches. Jimmy yeah. And so, yeah. So, all my scenes were with a a green screen. Jimmy was it really . [ light laughter ] yeah, like, i did one scene with matt damon and then jason bourne, you know, had to take a flight to paris or something, and im talking [ laughter ] jimmy you never saw him again. Talking to a yellow x on a a big like this damn thing. Im just talking to a curtain. Jimmy but the idea of it really is if people can choose to downsize to five inches yeah. Jimmy tall, to have a guaranteed a better a better life, yeah. Jimmy a better life. Yeah. Its their way of solving the problem with overpopulation. And so, yeah, if you you got miniaturized like that, then you can have all the spoils of the world. And my character and the woman that plays my wife, maribeth monroe, she were Old High School friends of his. So we come back to the 25th reunion and get carried in a a glass case. And its kind of like oh, look. We were treated like celebrities cause were like this big. Jimmy well you were the first people to downsize. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Especially in that small town in nebraska. Jimmy so a local celebrity. Theyre like, oh, you gotta talk to me yeah. Jimmy about downsizing, what happened . Like, are you loving it . Yeah, yeah. Jimmy youre like, oh, lifes great, yeah. No. Jimmy its very, very good. I want to show a clip. Here is Jason Sudeikis and matt damon in downsizing. Take a look. So the decision to well, thats the thing. Downsizing takes the pressure right off. Especially money pressure. Well and plus, it must feel good to know youre really making a difference. You mean all that crap about saving the planet . Yeah. Downsizing is about saving yourself. And now, carol and i, we live like kings. Im still living in the same house i grew up in. I mean, audrey is dying for us to move. But were really strapped. Listen, theres a lot of small communities cropping up out there. But, dont mess around. Leisureland is where you want to be. Best houses, best appliances, best doctors. Its got all the great restaurants. The kids love cheesecake factory. And leisurelands got three of em. Ooh, sorry, maybe back up a a little . I think there might be too much garlic in the salsa here. Oh yeah, right. Jimmy there you go. Jason sudeikis right there. [ cheers and applause ] downsizing opens tomorrow. When we come back, jason and i are going headtohead in a new competition with some special guests. Stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] i cant believe it comes in. How great this tastes vegaaaan. And organiiiic. Enjoy i cant believe its not butter in its vegan and its organic toasting dad im not one but heres to. To many more years of friendship. And feasts crowd [laughing, cheering] to presents a mi familia que lo es todo. To being right here, right now, with you. Sfx dog bark. And you. Toasting dad i guess what im trying to say is, heres to family. Were proud to bring your family amazing value every day. T. J. Maxx. Marshalls. Homegoods. Family is the greatest gift. Nosy neighbor with a glad bag, full of trash. What happens next . Nothing. Only glad has febreze to neutralize odors for 5 days. Guaranteed. Even the most perceptive noses wont notice the trash. Be happy. Its glad. Its a better place, since you came along since you came along your touch is sunlight through the trees your kisses are the ocean breeze everythings alright when youre with me and i hold my favorite thing i hold the love that you bring but it feels like ive opened my eyes again and the colors are golden and bright again theres a song in my heart, i feel like i belong its a better place since you came along [ cheers and applause ] jimmy welcome back, everybody. Im here with Jason Sudeikis downsizing is his film. The Winter Olympics are right around the corner you guys and i can not wait. So in honor of my absolute all Time Favorite winter olympic sport, of course, talking about curling, it is time to play a a game of bar curling. Here we go, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy now, jason and i are going to need some teammates. So it is my honor to introduce two of the best curlers in the world. Please give a warm tonight show welcome to u. S. Olympic curling Team Superstars and real life siblings, becca and Matt Hamilton, ladies and gentlemen [ cheers and applause ] jimmy thank you. Youre going down. Jimmy no way, man. Im so happy honored to have you here. Thats Jason Sudeikis. Welcome to the show. Guys, your musical is amazing. Jimmy no, no, that thank you, thank you. I wrote it myself. Jimmy no, these are olympians. These are different hamiltons . Jimmy yes, different hamiltons. Gotcha. [ light laughter ] jimmy they werent in that hamilton. [ laughter ] ive got to say, not only is it odd enough to be brother and sister, but youre also olympic athletes. But youre also competing together in the first ever mixed doubles in olympic curling history. There we go. Jimmy that is what im talking about. Come on. [ cheers and applause ] were rooting for you. Rooting for u. S. A. , baby. All right, heres how our game works. At the end of each of our bar curling tables, a bulls eye with different point values. Normally, a curling stone looks like this guy right here. Be careful. Jimmy its really heavy. Use your legs. Jimmy okay, and use your back. Use your back. [ light laughter ] jimmy were going to be playing were going to be playing with this. [ laughter ] so thats were going to slide our mini curling stones towards the bulls eye, and we get the point value for the highest circle that theyre touching. Okay, if your opponent knocks you off your curling stone, you lose those points. So, well each go three times. Becca and i will be on the red team. Jason and matt are on the blue team. Lets take our positions. Here we go. This one . Yeah. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy matt. Yep. Lets do it. Jimmy what was that . Oh, thats just [ talking over each other ] jimmy well, what did he say to you . He said lets beat em. Jimmy lets beat em . Yeah. Not going to happen. Jimmy come on, lets do it, pal. We can do this. All right, here we go. To start, its jason versus becca. Becca, whenever youre ready, you go first. Jason, you get yeah, yeah. Thats how you do it. Thats it. Thats it. Teammates [ applause ] thats how you do it right there. Look at that. Real good. We can beat that. Get there [ talking over each other ] [ applause ] jimmy its a tie game this is exciting this is what im talking about. Yeeaaah yes all right. All right. Jimmy yeah, yeah. Makes it real tricky. Lot of room on that ten for this guy. Jimmy yeah, i dont know, man. Here we go, here we go. Oh, go home. Oh, no. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. [ audience ohs ] jimmy oh, nothing. Nothing, not even touching. Now ive got to thread the needle. Okay. Jimmy there you go. Look at this. Look at this. Oh, thats touching. Thats another point for us. Jimmy this is fantastic. [ applause ] here we go. Uhoh. Get there uhoh. No, no [ audience ohs ] [ applause ] jimmy all right. So its three to five. Okay. And we are in the lead. You feeling good, bro . Im feeling confident. Jimmy yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, we got this. Three to five. Here we go. Come on, here we go, baby. Jimmy here we go. Your turn. You go first, matt. Curl this son of a gun. [ light laughter ] get curly. [ cheers and applause ] ooh thats a tener. Thats a tener . Your move. Thats a lot, take it out. Jimmy all right. All right. Oh, geez. Ooh pretty good, pretty good. I forgot we could hit theirs. Jimmy oh, yeah. [ light laughter ] look at this. Unrelenting. [ audience ohs ] double takeout. Jimmy double takeout. Oh, no [ talking over each other ] [ laughter ] jimmy thats not funny. Come on. Thats not funny. I havent i havent seen this many curlers in one room since the tyler perry museum in atlanta. [ laughter ] oh, boy. If you land on the ten, we win. Oh, yeah. Jimmy oh, i can land on the ten and win . Yeah, just land just go ahead and land on a ten. Oh, geez. [ audience oohs ] jimmy its a tie that is a tie right there this is good [ cheers and applause ] go to tiebreaker tiebreaker no pressure each each player throws one. Each player curls one. So, what do you call this . The rock . The stone, thank you. [ light laughter ] you curl. Each player curls one the only one. This is the this is the game. This is it. This is it. Can you throw a takeout . Jimmy becca, you go first. Can you throw a takeout . Oh, a takeout . No, no takeouts. No takeouts, come on. All right, all right. Come on, Everybody Knows that. [ light laughter ] oh, no. Oh, no. Jimmy no, no, this is great this is great all you need is one all you need is one im going for the ten. Go big or go home. Jimmy yes, he went two he got it. Jimmy oh, my god they won right there matt [ cheers and applause ] congratulations. Jason sudeikis good win, good win. Jimmy Matt Hamilton are the champs. Becca. [ cheers and applause ] youre the world champ, right there. My thanks to u. S. Olympians becca and Matt Hamilton. History will be made when they compete in the 2018 Winter Olympics, which begins february 8th right here on nbc. Well be right back with amy sedaris. Stick around, everybody [ cheers and applause ] listen moms, hot pockets are exactly what a hungry boy wants in a snack. Premium pepperoni. Real cheese. And that buttery garlic crust. Theyre literally stuffed full of deliciousness. Nothing satisfies like 100 real cheese and 10 grams of protein. ding hot pockets and roomba from irobot gets to work using two multisurface brushes and powerlifting suction to grab and remove everything from fine dust to large debris. Daily dirt doesnt stand a chance. You and roomba from irobot. Better together. With advils fast relief, youll ask, what pulled muscle . What headache . Nothing works faster to make pain a distant memory. Advil liquigels and advil liquigels minis. What pain . Advil liquigels and advil liquigels minis. Got the right gifts under the tree . Oh no, mmmm, but i like socks. Well of course son. Everyone loves socks. They keep your feet warm. But you cant stream nothing on no socks. True. Tmobile gives you two iphone 8s for the price of one. One person gets an awsome gift. And so does the next guy. Youre one wize dude dad. Great things come in twos when you holiday together at tmobile. Now back for a limited time, buy one iphone 8 and get one on us. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy we are joined right now by the creator and star of at home with amy sedaris, which just concluded a a fantastic first season and is available on demand and on the tru tv app. Please welcome the hilarious, amy sedaris. [ cheers and applause ] wow. Jimmy amy sedaris, we love you. Thank you. Jimmy welcome back to the show. Its been so long. Jimmy it has been so long. Oh, my gosh. Jimmy you look fantastic. So do you. Jimmy thank you for being on the show. I missed last nights episode. And i heard you had erykah badu on, whos my favorite singer. Jimmy she is . And ill need to do my little imitation of her . Jimmy yeah. Its not that great, but ill do it. Jimmy yeah, here we go. Have you heard the news today i aint got no money have you heard the music play boomklat boomklat im in love with you its close. Jimmy there you go. Not bad. That is [ cheers and applause ] thats what im talking about. Thank you, for coming out guns ablazin. Those probably arent the right lyrics. But is sure im going to have to watch it when i get home. Jimmy did you do the 25 cent table thing this year . I did, every year. I wipe out my gift closet. And i sell everything for a a quarter, cause i use it for laundry. And i made 50. Jimmy is that right . Yeah, all in quarters. Jimmy so thats the thats the only rule, cause i think its genius. You invite your friends over. All these things are for sale. Yep. Jimmy but you have to pay in quarters. You have to pay in quarters. Not three nickels and a dime. Dont give me a dollar. Its got to be 25 cents. But i sold one of your mugs. Sorry. [ laughter ] jimmy we give these out to our guests. Its like a very yeah, i got a million of em. If it makes you feel better, stephens didnt move, okay . Colberts didnt move. [ laughter ] i sold some wacky donkey teeth. Some black seed, and i sold an electric toothbrush, unused. [ light laughter ] and i offered free pelvic exams but nobody went for it. Jimmy nobody went for that one. Thats cool. Jimmy but it was free as well. Yep. Jimmy i want to talk about your show. Its amazing. You have to watch this show. Thank you. Jimmy its called at home. Its right up your wifes alley, right . With all the decor the set design and everything. Jimmy she does love all the the craftiness of it. But i love the craftiness and the oddness of it. Its so refreshing and cool. Oh, thank you. Jimmy and its very you. Yeah, im really happy with it. Jimmy at home with amy sedaris. Well, your names in the title, which is perfect. Oh, right. [ light laughter ] yeah, yeah, thank you. Jimmy you play yourself. Youre a host. And the things every episode is differently themed. Mmhmm. Jimmy and sometimes it just gets a little weird. Like what are the themes of some of the episodes . We have a murder side. That aired the other night with michael shannon. He just knocked on the wrong door. And he comes in. [ laughter ] we did one on grieving. One on cooking for one, ladies. [ laughter ] we did run a fish episode. One that takes place in outer space, which was fun. Lovemaking. Jimmy lovemaking. Oh, my gosh. Absolutely. Now this is available on demand. And the tru tv app. Yes, or go to itunes and just spend 20 and get the whole series. But jimmy there you go, yeah. Its a great show to binge watch. Great guest stars by the way. Really good guest stars. Can you believe it . Jimmy paul giamatti. Michael shannon. I know. Real actors look you in the eye. You know, im not used to working with people who look you in the eye. Its terrifying. [ light laughter ] i mean, isnt it . Jimmy yes. Feeling and moments. And im like, oh, please, give me a piece of tape, ill talk to that, you know. [ laughter ] that was Pretty Amazing who we got on the show. Jimmy its so fun. Its so fun. And coming back for season two . I dont know. We dont know yet. Maybe. Jimmy well, youve got to binge watch season one and get into it. Its super, super fun. We have a clip. We have a clip, we did a a holiday episode. Trickyd wanted us to do one. I was like eh, and paul was like paul dinello who wrote it, was just like, lets do it. So, i dont know if you remember the karen black show, trilogy of terror, when she brings home that zuni doll from the curiosity shop. So we borrowed that for our story and this is a clip from it where i get attacked. Jimmy here you go. Heres a clip from the [ laughter ] and im wearing lollipop underpants. [ laughter ] jimmy all right, here we go. Heres a clip from the murder murder side episode of at home with amy sedaris. Check this out. Neil . Neil, is that you . Do you want to run lines . [ indiscernible yelling ] ah no [ screaming ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy dude, you are so fun, man. We love you. Amy sedaris is helping out with a holiday toy demo after the break. Stick around, everybody. At home with amy sedaris. [ cheers and applause ] this weekend get great deals on last minute gifts. Save big with weekend deals every weekend. Only at target. They cahow many of em . E, sir we dont know. Dozens. All right lets teach these freaks some manners good luck out there, captain thanks but i dont need luck, i have skills. I dont have my keys. on intercom all hands. We are looking for the captains keys again. They are on a silver carabiner. Oh, this is bad. As long as people misplace their keys, you can count on geico saving folks money. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. At tmobile when you holiday twogether, great things come in twos. Like tmobile and netflix. Right now when you get an unlimited family plan, netflix is included. Wow tmobile covers your netflix subscription, so you can catch the hottest new movies and shows all year long on us. Amazing and its your last chance to buy any of these hot new Samsung Galaxy phones and get a 2nd one free. Thats one samsung for you and one to gift. Just in time to finish off your list. Tmobile. Holiday twogether. This weekend get great deals on last minute gifts. Save big with weekend deals every weekend. Only at target. One last show together. Whos with me . Hell yeah becca. What are you doing . [ cheering ] [ whimpers ] if you cry, im gonna cry. [ drums beating ] dont make that face. This is my regular face. Freedom Pitch Perfect 3. Rated pg13. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy welcome back, everybody its december 21st. And you guys have only four days left to shop for christmas toys. But dont worry, because we have a couple of toy experts here who are going to point you in the right direction. Please welcome the star of trutvs at home with amy sedaris, amy sedaris. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy and tonight show writer jo firestone. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy come on, guys. Thank you. Wow. Hey, im also supposed to be here. Jimmy hey, yes, exactly. Hi, guys. Hi, amy and jo. Do you guys know each other . No yes. [ laughter ] well, thats awkward. Jimmy all right lets tell us, what are the big toys this Holiday Season . We all want to know. We have a lot of new terrific toys out there, jimmy. And the first one up is a luva baby here. Luvabella, right here. If you want to hold. Is she on . Yeah, ill turn her on. Okay, whats more adorable i didnt mean than a white baby doll . [ laughter ] look at that. Jimmy what does the baby do . And what shell do is she giggles and she suckles on just about everything. Watch. [ cooing ] listen to that cooing. Momma. Momma, yes. Jimmy yeah, thats a good one. Yes. Jimmy now why is it not a a lova baby . Not a luva baby . [ crying ] oh, is it luva or lova . Jimmy well i call it luva because you can, its like a luva when youre i dont know. Im a new mother, and im newly engaged. Jimmy oh, well, well, well, congratulations when i shower and it scrapes all the dead skin off my breasts. Jimmy thats a loofah. Thats not a oh, right, thats a loofah jimmy thats a loofah baby. Well, whats so great is you can change its diapers jimmy yeah. You can draw on its face. Add side burns, tattoos. Jimmy add sideburns and tattoos. Yeah. Jimmy all right, well this is this is for people who cant have children who want children. Or dont have a husband, who want a husband. Jimmy you get that baby yeah. Jimmy all right. Very, very interesting. [ talking over each other ] its like kind of fun and also scary. You know, like having a real baby. [ light laughter ] jimmy yeah, exactly, yeah. Very, very good. Thats an interesting toy. Im not sure about that one. Thats fine we do we would like you to rate these and oh, right. And weve got this new thing called a funmometer. Okay, its patent pending. You have to wear it on your head. My husband uses it. Puts it on his head too. Yes, my husband wears them, yes. Wears it we both have husbands. [ talking over each other ] jimmy all right, so is this good . Yeah, it brings out your eyes. Jimmy thank you. So, how does this work . Take the orange take the orange. Take the orange. Jimmy can you turn that baby off . Yeah, shut it off jimmy all right, hey, calm down. Calm down. Luva baby, loofah baby, go that way. Shes quiet. Shes quiet. Jimmy all right, good. Loofah baby. Jimmy loofah baby. What do i do . What a horrible name. Take the orange you take the orange and you put it in the green. You know what i mean . [ laughter ] take that orange ball jimmy uhhuh. And you put it in the green. Yeah. Or you can also put it in the yellow or red. My husband yeah, thats it. Yes, yes. Okay. Jimmy all right, then perfect. All right. [ applause ] that baby i didnt like i didnt like i didnt like loofah baby. Oh, okay. Thats okay. Yeah, i know. Shell think of me like that. Our next toy is this playdoh kitchen creation. Jimmy uhhuh. And its great, because what you do is you press different use different attachments jimmy yeah, i love playdoh. And theyll make various food shapes. Jimmy yeah. So what you do is you take your playdoh like so. Open it up. Jimmy yeah. I love playdoh. Mines dung colored which very nice. [ light laughter ] mines the color of safety. Safety. Jimmy safety, very nice. You dont want to get it on your engagement ring. No, this is a good time to show that youre engaged. And then [ laughter ] jimmy congratulations. Thank you. Jimmy im not sure i forgot to say congrat oh, look at this. Yeah. And you simply jimmy this is great. Press it like so. Yeah. Jimmy look at that. Oh, look at that. Jimmy i think this is fun. [ laughter ] oh, no. No. No. Oh, no. [ applause ] this is good, its also good for elderly. [ laughter ] like so. Oh, no. Jimmy why is it good for the elderly . Because it doesnt take any muscle mass. And then you can just take it off. [ laughter and applause ] like that. Jimmy all right. All right. I think this toy is super fun. Yes. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy i love playdoh. Im in. And you can drink out of the cup and everything. Dont even have to wash it. Jimmy thats not true at all, by the way. Oh, it isnt . Okay. Jimmy no, not at all. All right. Now our final toy this evening is a pair of life size nordic reindeer. Jimmy oh, my goodness, look at this. [ cheers ] well, this is very, very exciting. Yes. Yes. Now, theyre five feet tall and they can support like 150 pounds. Jimmy okay, yeah. Okay, how much do you weigh . Jimmy like, over 150. Okay, perfect. Jimmy jo, are you all right . Yeah, ive got it. You got it . Jimmy can i help you in any way . No just give me like a a push when im almost halfway there. Push. Jimmy no, you are pushing her forward. Jo all right, give me one leg. Okay. Oh, no. You got it. Okay. Jimmy there you go. All right, jo youre on. Youre on. Jimmy these are very every kid should have this. I need help. Jimmy its super fun. Im gonna be riding side saddle jimmy youre gonna go side saddle. Because im not wearing any underpants. [ light laughter ] help me. One, two, three, go okay. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy ah, thats beautiful. Now this is great. You know what . I havent sent out my holiday card yet. This would be a perfect photo for that. Do you mind . No, especially with that hat on your head. [ light laughter ] jimmy i forgot i was wearing this for my holiday pic. Really . So light weight . Jimmy yeah, i didnt even know. But, im going to put it on this super fun ready . Lets say gift card. Together gift card [ cheers and applause ] jimmy these are all great. My thanks to amy and jo. [ cheers and applause ] check out at home with amy sedaris on trutv. Well be back with standup from robert kelly, everybody this is something that i think would be fun around the house. [ cheers and applause ] really . Really . Really . Really . Really . Really . See zero in a whole new way. Get zero down, zero deposit, zero first months payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. Now with the people first warranty. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy our next guest can be seen this weekend at the Gotham Comedy Club here in new york city. Please welcome the very funny robert kelly [ cheers and applause ] whats happening, everybody . How you doing . [ cheers ] yeah. This cant be zipped. So fyi. [ laughter ] i dont care if you offer me offer me 5 million, id have to politely decline. News is crazy. Protests every week. Riots. We used to have riots every 30 years. Now they have riots every week. I feel bad for everybody in a a riot, but i really feel bad for the fat riot cop. [ laughter ] you know, he was just home chillin. The phone rang. Theres a riot. Get your riot gear on be downtown in 20 minutes and hes like, i havent worn that stuff in nine years. [ light laughter ] honey, im getting fired. Im i wore it for halloween for years. Do we still have it . Its not gonna fit. And shes like, you never know. Just try it on you never know youre doing so good. I can see it right here. [ laughter ] hes like, are you looking at me . Look at me from the side. [ light laughter ] we know. Its not going to fit. [ laughter ] be positive honey, i just hate a whole pizza. Hotdogs were in the crust. [ laughter ] i was dipping that in the queso dip behind your back. We know. And she still gets him to show up with the riot, the helmet just on top of his head. [ laughter ] [ applause ] the visors the visors all fogged up. The vest isnt covering any vital organs, just his boobs. If he gets the boob shot, he lives. You never even saw the fat riot cop before. Youll never not see him now. Every riot, youll be like, where is he . There he is right there, look. [ light laughter ] he looks like the float in a a macys day parade. [ laughter and applause ] i think its because im getting older. Im getting older and i dont like my friends. I think the older you get its true. The older you get, the smaller your group gets. You have noticed that . Where in your 20s, groups are huge. Lets all go together all 78 of us. Friends for life [ laughter ] the older you get. Youre like, are they going . cause if theyre going, im not going. [ laughter ] because yeah. I hate his wifes face. [ applause ] i think because when youre in your 20s, time doesnt matter. Time, you know, its like, you know, were going to live forever. Friends for life. My hair is always going to be here. [ light laughter ] i have 30 summers left. [ laughter ] yeah. Thats a real number. I dont have time for crappy people in my life. Ive dumped my friends. I have one friend, i cant stand him. Hes italian, not even full blooded. So we go to an Italian Restaurant and all of a sudden hes off the boat from sicily. [ laughter ] its like, what you are going to get . I dont know, im thinking about getting the [ italian accent ] pasta fagioli. [ light laughter ] who are you . Whats your name . The waiter doesnt hes from mexico. He doesnt understand a word youre saying, sean [ laughter ] i [ cheers and applause ] i have another friend, oh, i cant stand him. He loves telling stories. You ever have friend . Dude, ive got a story. Great. And his stories stink. They just stink. And theyre boring. But he thinks theyre awesome. cause in the story he always says true story, like youre not believing it. And you are ,because theyre just boring stories. Im like, stop saying true story. Youre not a navy seal. [ laughter ] navy seals can say true story. Their stories are epic. Their stories are like, dude, i killed five guys with a a nickel. What . True story [ choking ] [ laughter ] this is the nickel. This story stinks. Hes like, dude, i just went to aruba. I got a story for you. Im like, oh, this should suck. [ laughter ] he goes, me and my wife, on the beach, waters edge, sun setting. We look out at the ocean at the last second, dolphin came up out of the water. [ laughter and applause ] true story. Yeah, yeah, i believe it. Its the ocean. Thats their home. [ light laughter ] thats where dolphins do that kind of stuff. Did it happen in the parking lot . Did it come out of asphalt from under a honda civic and murder an old lady on a lark . Thats nuts, i wouldnt believe that. [ laughter ] if you say true story, the story should epic. The persons eyebrows should be like whaaaaat true story should be nuts. Like, dude, check this out, a a month ago i was on my couch, i looked over, my dogs bunghole opened up. [ light laughter ] i heard angels go ahh. a pearl fell out. [ laughter and applause ] my wife walked in, went, i was looking for that, picked it up, put it on her ear, left, havent seen her since. True story. True story. [ laughter and applause ] thank you very much, everybody. Thank you so much. Thank you how you doing my friend . Jimmy robert kelly [ cheers and applause ] that is how you do it. For more info on robert, go to robertkellylive. Com. My thanks to jason sukeikis, amy sedaris, becca hamilton, Matt Hamilton, robert kelly, once again [ cheers and applause ] and give it up for the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania. [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for late night with seth meyers. Thanks for watching. Have a great night. I hope to see you tomorrow. Byebye, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] announcer from 30 Rockefeller Plaza in new york, its late night with seth meyers. Tonight rebel wilson senatorelect from alabama doug jones featuring the 8g band with fred armisen. [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, seth meyers. [ cheers and applause ] seth good evening. Im seth meyers. This is late night. How is everybody doing tonight . [ cheers and applause ] thats fantastic to hear. In that case, lets get to the news. As i keep mentioning, disney world this week debuted their new President Trump robot for the hall of president s. [ light laughter ] and i just couldnt be happier about it. I mean, look at this thing. [ laughter ]

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