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Unregistered agent of a foreign principal, Money Laundering and conspiracy against the United States. Now, i wouldnt want to judge a book by its cover, but if the book is called this book is full of crime, i dont need to open it. [ laughter and applause ] a source close to the Trump Administration told cnn today that the indictments of two former Trump Campaign officials have zero to do with the white house. To be fair, you could say the same thing about President Trump on any given day. [ cheers and applause ] following recent Sexual Assault allegations against kevin spacey, netflix announced today that house of cards will end after next season. So i guess it is possible to get a president to step down over Sexual Assault allegations. [ applause ] one. Just one. According to nbc news, former Trump Campaign advisor George Papadopoulos secretly pleaded guilty three weeks ago to lying to the fbi. Even bigger news, this whole time they have had a mole working on steve bannon. [ laughter and applause ] smattering. We got a smattering. [ laughter ] after it was revealed that Hillary Clintons Campaign Funded a salacious dossier connecting President Trumps team to russia, trump tweeted, quote, do something. Incidentally, do something is what it says any time trump puts on his fitbit. [ laughter and applause ] tweet . Should i tweet . [ laughter ] still zero. A wisconsin man was recently locked inside a Convenience Stores beer cooler for several hours. Luckily he had access to plenty of water. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] and finally, United Airlines launched the longest ever flight by a u. S. Airline on friday, a 17hour and 55minute trip from los angeles to singapore narrowly beating out Spirit Airlines 17hour flight from new york to philly. [ laughter and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a great show for you tonight she is a fashion icon and longtime host of lifetimes project runway. Heidi klum is back tonight. [ cheers and applause ] hes been here a bunch, its always a pleasure to see him. Senator Bernie Sanders [ cheers and applause ] back on our show. And music from imagine dragons. Its going to be something to see, i promise. [ cheers and applause ] so, youre here on a good night. Before we get to that, special Counsel Robert Mueller has filed the first charges in his investigation of the Trump Campaigns potential ties to russia and of course news that the charges are coming sent President Trump and his allies into an unhinged frenzy over the weekend. For more on this, its time for a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] seth the Trump White House knew today was going to be a bad news day, so youd think they would savor any chance to take a break from the chaos and project normalcy. For example, on friday trump engaged in the president ial halloween tradition of handing out candy to the children of members of the White House Press corps. And yet trump could not resist turning the innocent task of handing out candy into an opportunity to air his grievances about the media. I cannot believe the media produced such beautiful children. How the media did this, i dont know. Do you know who they are . Huh . Do you know who they are . Theyre the friendly media. Theyre the fr thats the press. Oh, youre going to grow up to be like your parents . Dont answer. That can only get me in trouble, that question. So how does the press treat you . [ laughter ] i bet they you get treated better by the press than anybody in the world, right . Well, congratulations, folks. You did a good job. Well, thank you. You did a good job. Here, you did a good job. I wouldnt say you did very well here. Seth thats because youre the president , not one of their children. You never hug me. You make me go to bed early. And when i want ice cream for breakfast, you say no. also, look at the faces of those kids. Theyre all looking at trump and thinking, youre the reason my daddy drinks. [ laughter ] but it actually it actually got worse than that because as he was handing out the candy, trump made this comment to some of the children. Who likes this . You have no weight problems, thats the good news, right . Seth you have no weight problems. I cant wait to see how trump botches the president ial turkey pardon. Youre going to live, but the rest of your family dead. Theyre all dead. [ laughter ] and you only have one more year, youre probably not getting a second pardon. So its stuffing for you, friend, but congratulations on what i hope will be a good year. Did we get the pictures . Can i go now . So trumps weekend got off to a rough start, and then this morning he woke up to even worse news. Former Trump Campaign manager Paul Manafort and his business associate, rick gates, have been indicted by a federal grand jury on a number of felony charges including Money Laundering and conspiracy against the United States. Seth now, im no legal expert, but conspiracy against the United States does not sound good. It doesnt leave much room for a plea bargain. What if i just cop to conspiracy against delaware . You know delaware was asking for it. [ laughter ] things really could not be worse for Paul Manafort right now. Although, on the bright side you have no weight problems, thats the good news, right . [ laughter and applause ] seth now, the indictment against manafort alleges that he laundered millions of dollars and failed to register as an agent of a foreign government. The indictment has all kinds of details about how manafort allegedly laundered money by purchasing items from highend stores, including a Home Entertainment company, a Mens Clothing store, a landscaper in the hamptons and an antique rug store. Wow, he allegedly laundered 1 million through a rug store and not only that, the rug he bought wasnt even convincing. [ laughter and applause ] trump of course, could not help but respond to the news today on twitter in a way that made very clear, he is not handling this well. First he tweeted, sorry, but this is years ago before Paul Manafort was part of the Trump Campaign, but why arent crooked hillary and the dems the focus . But then three minutes later, he added, also, there is no collusion [ laughter ] he is so bad at this. Its like getting pulled over and saying, i wasnt speeding, officer. And also, theres no cocaine in the glove compartment [ laughter and applause ] dont look there its a waste of your time but maybe theres a perfectly good explanation for all 12 counts against manafort. I mean, does he sound like a guilty man to you . So to be clear, mr. Trump has no Financial Relationships with any russian oligarchs . If thats what he said thats what thats obviously what the our position is. Seth uh, uh, you know, im gonna uh, you know, i think ill probably i think ill probably die in jail. [ laughter ] but that Manafort News isnt the only bombshell today because it was also revealed that muellers team arrested a third Trump Campaign official, a Foreign Policy advisor named, George Papadopoulos, who unlike manafort, has already pled guilty to lying to the fbi. Papadopoulos allegedly met with a professor tied to the kremlin who promised dirt on hillary clinton. According to the indictment, papadopoulos met the professor for breakfast at a london hotel, where the professor told papadopoulos the russians had obtained dirt on thencandidate clinton. Wow, so it was the professor in the dining room with the emails. [ laughter and applause ] the Trump Administration is turning into a game of clue, but since its trump, clueless. [ laughter and applause ] apparently apparently papadopoulos tried to lie about this interaction to the fbi. Papadopoulos said falsely he learned that information prior to joining the campaign, but in fact the professor only took interest in papadopoulos because of his status with the campaign. Of course he did. You think he was interested in you because of your personality . Or maybe its just fun saying your name in a russian accent. Mr. Papadopoulos. [ laughter ] please lets have breakfast, mr. Papadopoulos. You can have the papawaffleus. [ laughter ] of course, now that manafort has been charged, trump and his team are trying to distance themselves from him. But during the Campaign Trump and his aides went out of their way repeatedly to emphasize how important manafort was to their operations. Who do you believe will take over the campaign . Will it be Paul Manafort . Yeah, i think paul paul is totally in charge. Nobody should underestimate how much Paul Manafort did to really help get this campaign to where it is right now. Paul manafort has done an amazing job. Hes here someplace. Wheres paul . [ cheers ] Paul Manafort. Oh, good. You made it. Seth oh, good, you made it. Where were you . [ mumbling ] [ laughter ] i was doing some russia stuff. [ laughter ] and when none of your defenses work, theres always the option of ignoring the news completely. As other news outlets were going walltowall with coverage of the manafort indictment, heres what fox news thought was more important. All right, this cheeseburger emoji causing a frenzy online. Weve been talking about it all morning. Can you see whats wrong with this picture . The cheese is underneath the hamburger. Who does that . Seth unless the answer is Paul Manafort, who cares . [ laughter and applause ] fox news, if you really want to talk about emojis, you could at least focus on the ones that are relevant to the Trump White House. [ laughter ] of course fox news was just following the playbook they and the trump team had adhered to all weekend after the news that pending criminal charges came down on friday. Trump went on a twitter rant in which he tried to distract from the news and lash out at everyone from james comey, to the democrats, to hillary clinton. President trump released a torrent of tweets this weekend, his frustration building to an all caps crescendo. Never seen such republican anger and unity as i have concerning the lack of investigation on clintonmade fake dossier. The uranium to russia deal, the 33,000 plus deleted emails that comey fixed and so much more. Instead they look at phony trump russia collusion, which doesnt exist. The dems are using this terrible and bad for our country witch hunt evil politics, but the republicans are now fighting back like never before. There is so much guilt by democrats, clinton and now the facts are pouring out. Do something seth do something . He sounds like a super villain barking orders at his henchmen after james bond escapes. [ laughter ] hes getting away, do something but his henchmen are yelling back, we cant, were all under federal investigation. But the most disturbing thing [ applause ] the most disturbing thing about the rightwing reaction to the mueller news this weekend, was their frothing obsession with hillary clinton. The writers manufactured a series of fake clinton scandals to try to muddy the waters and distract from the very real russia investigation. For example, theyve dredged up an old uranium deal from 2010 that was approved by nine different agencies and had nothing to do with hillary clinton, to try to claim she was the one who colluded with russia. And trump himself immediately picked up on that absurd talking point. Well, i think the uranium sale to russia and the way it was done, so underhanded with tremendous amounts of money being passed, i actually think thats watergate modern age. Seth you know what, from now on i think you should only get to talk about uranium deals if you can actually explain what uranium is. Mr. President . You know what uranium is, right . This thing called Nuclear Weapons and other things, like lots of things are done with uranium, including some bad things. [ laughter ] seth trump always sounds like a high schooler who forgot to study for the quiz. Oxygen, i dont have to tell you, oxygen does good things and then you have uranium, bad things. And tungsten, dont oh, dont get me started on tungsten. Its where the tongue comes from. Were entering a new and intense phase of the Mueller Investigation and trump and his allies are doing everything they can to stop or discredit it. On the one hand, trump claims his team is doing some really good things, but in reality, it looks like they were up to some bad things. Seth this has been a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] well be back with heidi klum, everybody [ cheers and applause ] announcer for more of seths closer looks, be sure to subscribe to late night on youtube. Verizon and google have teamed up on the pixel 2. Its like verizon is the oil and google is the balsamic. Its more like the google pixel 2 is the unlimited storage. And verizon is the best unlimited plan. I like oil and balsamic. vo get up to 50 off the pixel 2 on googles exclusive wireless partner, verizon. Guyscause this is my jam. N. Showtime tell it to my heart tell me im the only one. 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He continues to be a highly sought after session musician and is currently playing with joe bonamassa, whose latest album, blues of desperation is available now. Anton figg is here, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] [ rim shot ] thanks for being here anton. I really appreciate it. Its such an honor. Our first guest tonight is an Emmy Award Winning television host, entrepreneur and supermodel, you can catch her hosting project runway, currently in its 16th season airing thursdays on lifetime. Lets take a look. This challenge will determine who will go to new yorks springsummer fashion week. Oh, my gosh. And you know what comes before spring . Mmhmm. Winter. [ laughing ] seth please welcome back to the show, heidi klum, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] seth what a delight to see you. I saw that. He was copying my smile. He went [ laughter ] seth i did. I really like the winter effect you had in that clip. It really made me happy. [ laughter ] well yeah, because, you know seth its like winter. We always try to, like, give them little clues on what they have to do. Seth was that a clue for winter . Yes. [ laughter ] ding. Because we try to keep it like cute and make something, you know, different because weve been on the air for 16 seasons already, i mean its a really long time. [ cheers and applause ] seth well, thats interesting. So we try to, you know thank you. Seth i want to ask you that. So, obviously its hard keeping a show fresh for 16 years. You are up against Something Else. Which is, you have your 18th year of your halloween party. A famous halloween party. And youve never been. Seth ive never been invited. And the thing is [ laughter ] that is not true. Seth how is that not true . Because i invite you all the time. Seth how . Via where . What app are you using . That im not getting your messages . No, we sent it to your team. The people who asked me to come on your show. Seth oh, wow. Well i will say every year they must be taking it because the day after your party they show up super hungover and surly. See, theyre going. Is it because you dont like to dress up . Seth i dont like to dress up. Is that really what it is . Seth i really hate halloween. Do you guys like halloween . [ cheering ] look at that, i love it. Seth well, we have a kid now, so i see its starting to appeal to me again. But, you really go all out. And i want to i have some of the past years. I do. Seth you were godiva one year and arrived on a horse . That is lady godiva, yeah. Seth now, is that a horse or two friends in a costume . No, it looks like it, right . It was actually a horse. Seth this one really blows my mind and i really give you credit because people sometimes do sexy halloween costumes. But there you go. Look at that. That was four years ago when i turned 40. And people were like, oh, now that youre 40, youre getting old and stuff, so maybe like the modeling is not really your thing anymore. Im like, you know what, ill show you old. Ill show you me old. And that was my idea. Seth so i know i know you cant tell us because this is a very well guarded secret, but how much prep i just like to keep it fun. Seth i agree. How much prep do you put into this years costume . Well, i usually start in june. Seth okay. To kind of think about what its going to be, because its not me just like getting dressed easily. You know, i have a lot of prosthetics done, you know, with these amazing people do this on me. You know, this took ten hours to do. Tomorrow im going to be there for six hours. Gluing all this stuff on. Seth okay, so we know so thats a clue. Thats a real clue. So six hours. A lot of stuff being glued on. Because last year i didnt do anything. Last year i was just me and i had five clones, which i thought was such a fun idea. Seth it was a little creepy. cause it was like six heidi klums. It was difficult because i had to find five girls with that had the same height, the same body. You know and were willing to go through this because its not fun having this stuck on your face. Seth yeah, do you keep in touch with the other five heidis . [ laughter ] no, no. Just one night. Seth it was a onenight thing. But then afterwards, it was very difficult to get that off. It takes like two hours to rip this stuff off your face so you dont have half of your face actually coming off. Seth yeah. Well, im looking forward very excited. And then i will send you a message via the channels that we have open of communication and tell you what i thought of it. You have 4 kids you should really come. It is a lot of fun. Seth your four kids are 13 to 8. 4 kids. 13, 12, 11 and 8. Seth do they all know what theyre going to be . Yes. Seth okay, do you support them . Do you like their choices . I cant tell what their costume is. Seth oh, so thats a keeper too. The klum family is really no, no, of course, my son, henry, hes wearing a monkey costume hidden in a milk carton, because he couldnt decide so he has an amazing monkey costume. Because he saw its comfy and cozy, really long hair. And then he ordered this milk carton too and now hes the monkey inside of the milk carton that hes wearing. Seth so i think the whole night people are going to be trying to figure out what it is and its nothing, though, right . What . Seth thats not an expression, right . Like you cant throw the monkey out with the milk carton. [ light laughter ] no, no, normally you just put on the milk carton but he couldnt decide. Seth no, i know what normally works. [ laughter ] but that was there, i thought it was very clever. Seth i do, i mean i like a monkey in a milk carton, thats great. And my son johan, hes 10, turning 11 in november, so he is something that lights up at night. So he has lightup glasses, this weird face that he puts on, lightup hoodie. Hes really into glow in the dark stuff. So we tried it all out seth jackpot. In the bathroom, turned out the light and everything. Its very cute. Seth thats what he told you he was up to. Yeah. And my youngest, lou, shes a devil. Seth okay. So she has like this tutu froufrou i mean, shes still like very young so she loves like fluffy but its devil horns. And then my 13yearold she has, like, a gang of friends and theyre going to be like shredded jeans, kind of like they got attacked by werewolves kind of thing and then they do all the makeup themselves. Like they go on youtube and get tutorials, how you can get you can look all sliced up everywhere. [ light laughter ] seth thats wonderful. Yeah. Well, great. Im glad that its a family affair. I want to talk about the show as well. Yes. Seth obviously one of the things about the show are the amazing judges. You have a dream judge though . 16 seasons in, who would you be happiest to have judge . I would always love to have michelle obama, because ive been asking for so many years [ cheers and applause ] for her to come because, you know, the former first lady, i always thought she was so well dressed and put together and everything. And also for young kids, i thought it was fun for her to come, but she never came. Seth well, maybe, maybe youre using the same mail for her no [ laughter ] i think youre getting it. You just dont want to come. Seth you have a line of intimates . Am i saying that right . No, but i have to tell you this year what was so amazing about project runway because we had models of all sizes. I dont know if you guys all have been watching project runway but it was really, it was really amazing because we have never done that and it was such a big movement in fashion, you know, that we now see, not only the super, super skinny girls that weve been seeing for so many years, so now its models of all sizes, and it really was amazing. [ cheers ] seth thats great, im so happy you are doing that. You have a line of intimates. I do. Seth and you are in the ad campaign for the intimates. Thats you and your flowers. [ cheers and applause ] p yeah, because why not . You know, people always say, maybe youre too old, you shouldnt be doing this. Im like, no. Why we girls can always do what we want to do, right . And still be sexy . [ cheers and applause ] why not . Yes so i wanted to be with all these roses. And yeah, thats, like, thats my new stuff. Seth and last time you were here, you brought me some intimates. Yes. My motto is always more boobs, less bra. Like ill always seth your motto is more boobs, less bra . Yes, i like to put them on the because i do tshirt bras, i do super comfortable bras and all of that stuff. But i like to always cut it back as much as possible and push everything in from the right angle so that theyre really like on perfect display. Seth yeah. More boobs, less bra. I dont actually want to see the bra in the end. I just want perfect [ whistles ] display. Seth no, thats great. Ill be honest, it wasnt my motto, but you made a really good case for it. [ laughter and applause ] more boobs, less bra. But dont you agree . Seth what . Dont you agree you always want to see more boobs, less bra . Seth yeah. Like i said i never put much thought in it. But yeah. Im never like, oh, i wish there was more bra in here. [ laughter ] see, im onto something. Onto something people. Seth speaking of all sizes, this is really lovely. You brought some intimates last year and i didnt i was wearing Something Else so i didnt want to put them on, but our cue card guy, wally, just the best hes ever looked. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] thank you so much. [ cheers and applause ] still wearing them. What are you wearing today . What are you wearing today . Im not wearing it today, but theyre in my rotation. Okay. I came on the wrong day. Seth it looks like you just hit a new career peak. Youre in wallys rotation. [ laughter ] heidi klum, everybody project runway airs thursdays at 9 00 pm on lifetime. Well be right back with senator Bernie Sanders. [ cheers and applause ] all smartphones are more or less the same, right . But this is the moto z. Hello moto. Can your phone turn into a projector . Because a 70 inch projection beats any phone screen. And they might be bragging about portrait mode. But can your phone go beyond and transform into a real 360 camera . Its time to reinvent your smartphone. 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[ cheers and applause ] seth our next guest tonight is a United States senator from vermont. He won 22 states in the 2016 democratic primary. Please welcome back to the show, senator Bernie Sanders, everyone. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back. Good to be with you. Seth fifth time on the show. I feel like every time youre here, theres some big piece of news that just happens day of. [ laughter ] we arrange it. Seth you arrange it . [ laughter ] its takes a lot of work. Seth your pr people are wonderful. [ laughter ] what is your reaction to todays news and what do you want to see moving forward . Its a big deal, seth. Bob mueller, who, let us remember, was appointed to be fbi director by george w. Bush, reappointed by obama. A man who has a whole lot of bipartisan support across the political spectrum. He was given the assignment of determining whether or not the Trump Campaign colluded with the russians to undermine american democracy. And today is a major step forward with the indictment of manafort. And well see how the process works out. But i worry very much about the attacks that were seeing every day in a variety of ways. Not only from the russians on american democracy. We have a president who clearly does not understand the constitution of the United States. A president who attacks the media every day and media has a very Important Role to play in our democracy. We are looking at a Campaign Finance system which as a result of Citizens United is corrupt, allowing billionaires to buy elections. Were looking at republican governors trying to suppress the vote, making it harder for poor people and people of color, for young people to participate. And i think of all of the enormous issues and problems facing this country, making sure we fight to protect and revitalize american democracy and take on all of those people who want to undermine what men and women fought and died to defend, that is our major task. Seth thats very important [ cheers and applause ] i think news like today and certainly it seems like theres news every week that, oh, heres a story about how somethings going wrong for the Trump Administration, but obviously theyre accomplishing much in office. Bringing down regulation, dangerous things. Do you worry sometimes these russia stories can to the left provide a excitement of, oh, this is almost over, when in fact it will probably go on forever and they need to focus on the ballot box as opposed to mueller . Yes. I mean, i think weve got to work in two ways. Number one, we have got to take on trumps attacks against the environment, against women, against latinos and blacks and people in the gay community. Weve got to fight back every day on those issues. But equally important, or more important, we have got to focus on the breadandbutter issues that mean so much to ordinary americans. Americans are not staying up every day worrying about russias interference in our election. Theyre wondering how theyre going to send their kids to college. Theyre worried about how theyre going to be able to pay the rent. Theyre worrying about whether they can afford healthcare. Theyre worried whether their income they make is enough to put food on the table. We are the wealthiest country in the history of the world and our job is to create an economy that works for all of us, not just the 1 , and those are issues that absolutely we cannot afford to lose sight of. Seth so [ cheers and applause ] you mentioned healthcare. You recently took a trip to canada. Yeah. Seth you wanted to learn more about their single payer system. Yup. Seth and you were saying to the canadians that they have to theyre sometimes too polite. Because there are conservatives who attack their health care all the time. Right. Seth and you dont feel as though they do a nice enough job defending themselves. Seth, this is what i worry about. I live 50 miles away from the Canadian Border in burlington, vermont, so i know a little bit about what goes on. And kind of, i wonder how many people here or throughout our country understand that the country just north of us, a country in many respects just like us. They guarantee health care to every man, woman, and child in their country as a right. When people walk into the doctors office, you know how much they pay for healthcare . Not a nickel if you have cancer, if you have diabetes and you end up in the hospital, you dont have to pay anything. It is publicly funded. And it ends up that in canada, they are spending 50 , one half as much as we do per person on healthcare. So wouldnt you think that the United States congress would be interested in knowing how they guarantee healthcare to all of their people at half the cost per person than we do. Their Prescription Drug costs are about 50 of what ours are. So i in this Country Congress doesnt talk about it, media doesnt talk about it, but its important to know that we remain the only major country on earth not to guarantee healthcare to all people as a right. And if i have anything to say about it, were going to change that. [ cheers and applause ] seth in a time when and its still an uneasy time for obamacare, but at a time when obamacare was under attack, you were pushing forward with your medicare for all proposal. Some centrist democrats were even saying, now is not the time. Youre going to scare republicans into repealing obamacare because theyre so worried about what you were doing with medicare for all. Make the argument for why you can do both at the same time, protect obamacare and push for Something Else. There was not many people in the United States congress who were worked harder than i did. I went all over this country, held rallies all over this country to make certain that the republicans would not get away with throwing up to 30 Million People off of the Health Insurance they have. Can you imagine that . People with cancer, with heart disease, with diabetes, with lifethreatening illnesses, and these guys wanted to throw off the 30 Million People off the Health Insurance they had and no doubt many thousands of people a year would have died as a result. Fortunately, thank god, we were able to beat that back. So i did everything that i can could to protect the Affordable Care act. But what we also, all of us understand is the Affordable Care act is not good enough. We have got to do more. You have 28 Million People in this country today who have no Health Insurance. You have even more who are underinsured with high deductibles, high copayments. We pay the highest prices in the world for Prescription Drugs. One out of five people cant even afford the medicine their doctors prescribe. We have got to do more. We have got to do what every other country does, and that is get private Insurance Companies out of Health Insurance, guarantee healthcare to all people. [ cheers and applause ] and the best way that we can do it, we have a Successful Health care program out. You know what the most popular Health Insurance program in america is now . Take a guess. Seth uh medicare. Smart guy. Seth uhhuh. [ laughter ] it is. Its medicare. So if medicare is working, if seniors feel good about medicare, why dont we expand medicare to all of our people . And that is the legislation that i have introduced over a four year period. We would make sure that every person in this country had healthcare as a right. We would save middle class and working class people substantial sums of money by doing that. Seth fantastic. So you [ cheers and applause ] in your traveling around, many people consider you a voice of the working man. You were, back in the day, before you got this cushy senate job, you [ light laughter ] you were you had a Carpentry Company here in new york . I wouldnt go that far. Seth okay. [ laughter ] creative carpenters, is that what it was called . Well, we were creative with the title. Seth okay. [ laughter ] i will say, i dont know if i want my carpentry creative. [ laughter ] yeah. I was able to bang nails. And i did that in vermont when i was up it was a lot of fun. I worked for a small contractor guy who built homes. It was a lot of fun banging nails and putting up roofs and all that stuff. [ light laughter ] seth but that was was that about the height of your carpentry skills . You will not find my creative carpentry in your local Fine Furniture store. [ laughter ] that i can guarantee you. Seth thats a chair Bernie Sanders made. Dont sit in it [ laughter ] dont laugh. [ laughter ] seth also, im happy to hear that you have been a frugal person for your entire life. Is that safe to say . Yeah. Seth some old friends of yours were talking about you back in the day in vermont, that you had you would cook over something that they called berno. Will you explain what berno is . Well, its a i dont know it even existed. You know sterno is . Seth sterno. Yeah, its sort of like camping food basically. Yeah, so this was a variation of that using toilet paper, i might say. [ light laughter ] pouring some stuff on it we would cook on that. Seth so you we have come a long ways since those days. [ laughter ] why are you taking back seth i cant believe the guy who figured out how to cook over toilet paper didnt make all that facebook money. [ laughter ] thank you so much, its always a pleasures to see you. Continued good work and please come back soon. Thanks very much. [ cheers and applause ] seth senator Bernie Sanders, everybody well be right back with music from imagine dragons. [ cheers and applause ] cant get enough of your love by barry white hey girl, i miss you. I cant wait to see my snugglebug. Hey snugglebugs, you realize this is a groupchat . Awkward. When words arent enough. The magic of iphone x. On americas best unlimited network. Right now, get 300 off iphone x at tmobile. Sourced entirely in france, for a character all its own. Grey goose. Give the worlds best tasting vodka. New charmin ultra soft its softer than ever. New charmin ultra soft is softer than ever. So its harder to resist. Okay, this is getting a little weird. Enjoy the go with charmin whats that, broheim . I switched to geico and got more. More savings on Car Insurance . Yeah brofessor, and more. Like renters insurance. More ways to save. Nice, brotato chip. Thats not all, brotein shake. Geico has motorcycle and rv insurance, too. Oh, thats a lot more. 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Performing whatever it takes, give it up for imagine dragons, everyone [ cheers and applause ] falling too fast to prepare for this tripping in the world could be dangerous everybody circling is vulturous negative, nepotist everybody waiting for the fall of man everybody praying for the end of times everybody hoping they could be the one i was born to run i was born for this whip whip run me like a racehorse pull me like a ripcord break me down and build me up i wanna be the slip slip word upon your lip lip letter that you rip rip break me down and build me up whatever it takes cause i love the adrenaline in my veins i do whatever it takes cause i love how it feels when i break the chains whatever it takes take me to the top im ready for whatever it takes cause i love the adrenaline in my veins i do what it takes ive always had a fear of being typical looking at my body feeling miserable always hanging on to the visual i wanna be invisible looking at my years like a martyrdom Everybody Needs to be a part of them never be enough im the prodigal son i was born to run i was born for this whip, whip run me like a racehorse pull me like a ripcord break me down and build me up i wanna be the slip slip word upon your li, lip letter that you rip rip break me down and build me up whatever it takes cause i love the adrenaline in my veins i do whatever it takes cause i love how it feels when i break the chains i do whatever it takes take me to the top im ready for whatever it takes cause i love the adrenaline in my veins i do what it takes hypocritical, egotistical dont wanna be the parenthetical hypothetical working hard on something that im proud of out of the box an epoxy to the world and the vision weve lost im an apostrophe a symbol to remind you that theres more to see a product of the system of catastrophe yet a masterpiece yet im halfdiseased and when i am deceased at least ill go down to the grave and die happily and leave my body and my soul to be a part of thee i do what it takes whatever it takes cause i love the adrenaline in my veins i do whatever it takes cause i love how it feels when i break the chains i do whatever it takes yeah take me to the top im ready for whatever it takes cause i love the adrenaline in my veins i do what it takes [ cheers and applause ] seth imagine dragons, everyone the album evolve is out now well be right back. 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[ cheers and applause ] carson good evening. Im carson daly. Welcome to last call. Tonight, were coming to you from 230 fifth, high above new york city. Its an awesome place. Weve got a great show for you tonight. Wergoing to start things off

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