Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20240622

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And about to kill his woman passenger because she knew he was involved in thursdays homicide. Police say they didnt find a gun or near the suspect after they shot him. On sunday, San Jose Police say he reached for a gun during a confrontation with officers at a laundromat on center road. Law enforcement had considered both men to be armed and dangerous after watching Surveillance Video that captured thursdays murder and torture of 38yearold Christopher Wren at an officer building near the post office. That shows horrific encounter with three suspects are care e terrorizing the victim that they eventually killed. They are armed with handguns, tech nine style assault rifles. And then the third outstanding suspect had another weapon. Police will not discuss what that other weapon is or was. Again, theyre asking and urging that third suspect to surrender. Reporting live here outside San Jose Police headquarters, nbc bay area news. Bob, thanks. An update on another officer involved shooting. This one in sunnyvale. Police identified the man they shot and killed at allen baker. Investigators say he this h. Two loaded handguns and refused to drop. Saturday police were responding to reports of a suspicious activity a motel when they came across baker. Officers say he was with this man 19yearold shawn brawn who took off and has been on the run ever since. Brown is a suspect in a fresno homicide. Happening today, the family of a mother shot and killed in San Francisco earlier this year will make a plea to help find the killer. She was watching her Children Play in front of her bay view home in january when a stray bullet hitter. The person was also killed. Police recently released a Surveillance Video you see it here of the truck that is black truck. They are looking for that. Today sosas father will speak to the media about her death in hopes of identifying the gunman. [ gunfire ] thats the sound from new cell phone video this morning when captured the terrifying moment of a massive explosion in bangkok, tie land. This happened yesterday outside a hindu shrine which is popular with tourists. 20 people were killed. Nearly 150 others were hurt. This morning authorities in bangkok released this surveillance victpicture of a m wanted in questioning in the bomb blast. The suspect is seen in one Security Camera wearing a yellow shirt with a backpack and then later without the backpack. There was another explosion in bangkok this morning. Officials dont know whether it is related to the first. No one was hurt in the second blast. It happened at a ferry pier. Police say a bomb was thrown from a bridge and blew up after falling into the river below. Officials in indonesia say they found the flight data and voice recorder from a trash passenger plane that plane went down on a Mountain Side two days ago killing all 54 people onboard. The investigators say the planes data recorders are in good shape. They hope to learn more about what led up to the crash. A report says Stockton Police officers went too far during a shootout last summer. Last july three bank robbers took hostages at a bank and led police on a long chase shooting along the way. Officers fired 600 rounds at the robbers and some of that gunfire was unnecessary. Two suspects and one hostage were killed by that police gunfire. The us is Stockton Police Department Says the criticism is tough to read but it commends the bravery that officers showed on that day. A followup. Were learning about two teenage boys killed in a freak accident. The teens were from orange county, close friends. They were on the same water polo team. Dragon kim and justin lee were crush wld a tree fell on their tenlt friday. Kim was going to be a sophomore at the school of the arts and lee would have been an incoming freshman. Grief counsellors will be on hand when School Starts this week. Democrats in sacramento are expected to bring back a bill allowing terminally ill californians to end their lives. According to the mercury news, senate bill 128 may be moving forward. It was shown last month after it lacked support to clear a key vote. Law makers are not saying what changed sints then. Last week a judge upheld the 140yearold ban that prevents physicians from assisting in suicide. It also ruled it is an issue for the legislature to decide and not the court. A santa rosa teen is facing felony hitandrun charges apparently with his own mother who tipped off police. The chronicle reports the boy was arrested after a hitandrun crash that left a skate boarder severely injured earlier this month. Someone gave an amonday mus legislate to the victims family identifying the 16yearold as the suspect. Police then reportedly received a tip from the boys mother that her son may have been the driver. He is currently in her custody while he awaits his first court date. The city of sunnyvale is trying to come up with a solution for the growing homeless population. The city wants to put a temporary homeless shelter near east california not far from central expressway. Neighbors are not too excited about the idea. There were several hundred people packing into a Community Meeting last night voicing their concerns and many of them said they support the cause but that the proposal is all wrong. Theres no public rest roos z for over a mile and a half. Probably at the train station is the closest public restroom. There is nowhere for them to get food. It is a centrally located area, it is close to bus lines. People can come to and free throw. The lot is larger enough that it will accommodate a large structure, enough to hold 100 people. The city and the santa clara board of supervisors will vote on whether to fund that shelter project next week. If funding is approved, it could be up and running by november. There is interesting conflict brewing between scooters and parking patrols. An electric Scooter Company in San Francisco says the customers are getting tickets they shouldnt get. So theyre going to protest at city hall and there are scooter versions of zip cards. Problem comes though when scooter riders park in areas which require residents with parker permits. Because it is a rental, the rider does not have a permit even if he or she lives in that neighborhood. The service cuts down a population rather pollution and on traffic and so is asking the city to compromise. San jose city leaders and the police union reached an agreement on wage and pension reform. But it wont be finalized for another week. City officials decided late yesterday to postpone the final vote until next week. The police union approved a deal with the city over the weekend with an overwlel amming ma jord. The agreement raises includes raises and bonuses for officers and a replacement plan for the measure b pension reform. The council expected to gill final approval next tuesday. Up next at 11 00, the catch of a lifetime. The story of a stockton woman and how she reeled in a rare fish. You may be using uber to get to lunch. Now uber is trying to get lunch you to. Were live in San Francisco with day one of uber eat. We talk to the delivery and potential problems with traffic and parking coming up. We take a live look at san jose. The sun is beating down and temperatures warming up. Ill have the microclimate forecast coming up in a few minutes. Safraiscs i nokr 2st aas ak s sn its tougher than ever to be a. Foster farms chicken. But foster farms simply raised chicken. Is 100 percent natural. With no antibiotics. Gasp do i look natural herb man . Can i call you herb man . Im trying to look natural. Say something. Why arent you guys saying anything . Simply raised chicken with no antibiotics. From foster farms. Welcome back. All in all, kind of a quiet day on the market. Kind after a quiet bell this morning. Google has an on line tool called project sun roof. Time in the address and home and theyll show you how much power can you expect from solar panels. It will figure out if there are trees in the way and which way your roof faces, all the things you need to know. Here is a tool bar that shows how much money can you spend and save from solar, depending on how you finance the whole thing. The most common ways to get solar is through something called a power Purchase Agreement. You pay nothing up front. Do you pay the Solar Company a cut of your power bill each month. The good news is the power bill goes way down. The power Purchase Agreement is fueling the solar installation around northern california. Buying the panel will outright will cost you the most money. 15,000 for the average home in san jose. Sun run, the lacest company to go public is not trading above the ipo level. It is really a mystery. Solar installations are expected to jump by a third. Wall street is not impressed. We were showing you the guys installing solar panels. Technology creates jobs. That according to i a new study who studied 140 years of Employment Data so were literally including manufacturers here. Obviously some jobs have disappeared, for instance, chris, most people used to be farmers. I mean most people. Some like 80 of the worlds population had to grow their own food. Thats not the case anymore thanks to technology. Ucsf will take part in a first of its kind study on the long term treatment of trans gender young people. They will receive 6 million from the National Institutes of help toth conduct a study over five years. It will examine safety and psychological and physiological impact from taking hormone blockers and hormones. Ucsf is one of four prominent universities taking part. A milestone for women in the arms forces for the first time two women pass the army grueling and elite Ranger School and will graduate alongside their mail classmates. Army rangers pool is two months of incredible, intense and mental training, physical and mental training at ft. Benning, georgia. 380 people went in including 19 women only 96 people are graduating. Theyre barred from serving in front line combat roles. That could change next year when the pentagon is expected to open all jobs to women. Rangers lead the way. Lunch delivered to your door by uber. The Ride Sharing Company Just Launched a new on demand food service in parts of San Francisco. Are they biting off more than they can chew . That is a good question. Were live in San Francisco. There are already kmbz that offer food delivery in the city. How is this delivery different . Theyre counting numbers. Theres a lot out there. But uber eats officially launched 15 minutes ago. Im jound by two faces you may recognize. So the contest is right. You get on your phones just like you would order a ride. And then just place an order and then go. In ten minutes you git the dish. Uber does the magic. We just prepare our decisions. Speaking of which, the magic is going on right now in the kitchen behind us. Talk about what is happening. Right now were getting ready for lunch service. Were beginning to plate different noodle dishes. Throughout the day well feed about 600 to 700 people a day. But now with connection with uber, well start to deliver right to your desk or right to your door. Perfect. Now you have in your hands what people are going to get. Talk to us about this. Yeah, so this is and a chicken and also the sauce is like a sweet and vinegary. Im getting really hungry here. There is a promise here that youre going to get delivery. In how long . Ten minutes. I think its pretty likely. When i first heard the concept of uber to begin with. I was like how would they ever be able to do that . They proved they can do it. So you believe all right, you believe. How did you . Yeah, i believe. We try. On that note, there are concerns about the numbers. Theres a lot of uber drivers out. There we spoke with an uber spokesperson about the traffic and parking and potential problems. Lets take a listen. Ten minutes or less delivery, youre in the city. You know how the traffic is. How sure are you this is going to really make it . Were really excited to just also bring pibikers. Were going o have biker delivery. So that is going to be adding to the efficiency and to make sure people can get their food when they need it just like they would a ride. Were feeling really good and confident and excited to bring this to San Francisco today. All right. So this runs from 11 a. M. To 2 00 in the afternoon Just Launched in the city today. Actually chefs are generous enough to sit us with. Youre busy. We have to make that ten minutes happen. All right. Hands on both of you guys if you order today, you could see some stark changes. All right. Thank you very much. Happening right now, theres a gas leak that shut down a street in San Franciscos richmond district. It is a developing story right now. Mark matthews is there with the latest. Should folks be concerned about this tonight . Right now they have the gas shut off here on clement. Were on 15th. Pg e has been working on this for about an hour. Apparently this gas started spewing up from the sidewalk about an hour ago. Work crews were called out. They think its associated with a water leak. We dont know how the water leak contributed. But they have shut off the gas now to about 130 customers in this one block area. They are affecting repairs. Theyll have the gas on as soon as they can. They have the Water Department working on it as well. So far nobody has been injured. But it was a concern to have the gas coming up through the sidewalk. The fire trucks are out here. Water crews and gas crews working on this. Tossing it back to you. Mark matthews, thank you very much. Lets take a look at our weather forecast. There are changes that are new this year. Were getting ready for some cooler air. And its been so hot the last couple days. Weve been breaking records all across the day. Check out the temperature we had for sunday. It was in the 90s and even over 100 agrees. And allst temperatures that youre seeing in yellow, thats where we had new records set. Even yesterday the temperature came down. We broke set a new record in Mountain View with highs in the 70s and 80s. It still got up to 104 in liver more. It is 78 degrees in concord. 74 San Francisco. 68 degrees, a look at the temperature change from this time yesterday. 15 degrees schooler now in santa rosa than it was yesterday at this time. So yeah, were making progress here. As we go into the next couple days that, trend continues. And were also seeing fog on the bay. Also in San Francisco along the coastal areas. Youre seeing that return for the first time in a few days. We see the low visibility starting to roll back into San Francisco and then across the bay. Well wake up once again to some low clouds and some patchy fog. Our temperatures continue to cool. Our winds are shifting, too. And even from yesterday at this time, we had winds coming in from the north. Now as can you tell from the sayer row, there is more southerly winds, southwesterly and its at 10 miles an hour. Not a really strong wind. It will be hot, especially for the inland areas. But then the next couple of days, once again we do expect the winds to continue to shift. A high of 91 degrees today in san jose. Mountain view, 87 degrees. In the north bay, 94 degrees. Oakland, 76. Topping out at 95 degrees. As over the weekend we have to deal with smoke coming down from the wildfires from the north. And with that northerly wind, it was carrying it across the bay area. Now with High Pressure continuing to slide to the east, it will allow for more of an easterly wind and will push that smoke to the east and the marine layer will continue to deepen and the cooling trend will be in full swing. Today in san jose reaching 90 degrees. Were down to 85 degrees tomorrow. The average high is 83 degrees. Well see temperatures slightly below average for thursday. And the weekend flaorecast, not bad at all. We really cant complain about this specially when we deal with highs up to 110 degrees in some part of the bay area. Nice so see it getting closer to normal. Up next at 11 00. A rare catch in california. The interesting fish one stockton woman reeled in. Coming up up after nbc day area 11 00, access hollywood live. A fh te ttel sct 2otwhe fhinin e a california woman has a fish tale to tell. She caught a fish like a piranha only bigger. We have the story. It has teeth. I said, what . Reporter it didnt take long before kathy blank thought she reeled in a river monster. I go this looks like a piranha kind of, sort of. Reporter while late night fishing last week in stockton i saw that back that way. Reporter among her usual catch we caught catfish and blue gill. Reporter one wasnt like another . It was like a big pan sized perch. While she thought all signs pointed to a ferocious pier an yachlt wildlife fishes say she caught a apaku related to the pier an yachlt. Its rare. Youre not going to get nibbled on any time soon. Theyre very doss sil fish. A full sized paku can grow up to 3 1 2 feet long. To put it into perspective, if you got one for your home, you would need 10 of these 125 gallon tanks. They just cant take care of the fish anymore. That big old paku isnt going to fit down the toilet. Its likely the fish was dumped in this case. Theyre very hardy fish. They can get by just fine with some pretty minimal ideal situations. And while theyre not considered dangerous swimming in the delta, think if a 42 inch long fish could go right by your leg. No. No thank you. Up next at 11 00, reality check. The pay of ceos, the new push that will force them to disclose their salaries and while we may not be able to share that information. Fit o fis. Arla hured the u. S. Military will now help us fight our fires. Nearly 100 wildfires rage out of control in western states. Three here in california. But some of the most dangerous fires are up in washington. It is 56,000 acres. Thats twice the size of our fire. That is no small potatoes, too. It is tough all over the west. We report that washington is just one of six states facing dangerously explosive conditions as they make the call today for more help. This morning across the west, it looks like a war zone. And now the military is here. First the national guard. And now for the first time in nearly a decade, 200 active Duty Service Members from across the nation joining the different fight here at home. We know that what the military is coming wul get really good trained help. They come fully loaded with all the support they need. With seven million acres torched so far this year, more land than the state of vermont, 25,000 men and women are on the front lines. This is what they face. Today theyre dropping retard ants from the air and smoke jumpers, too. Share pu parachuting the hot spots difficult to reach. But in states Like Washington theyre losing ground and in some neighborhoods, the battle. I have a lot of stuff. The stuff wasnt that important. Now if you live in North Berkeley and you see lots of Fire Fighters in your neighborhood, do not panic. Crews are making the rounds as part of a wildfire training session. In an effort to keep the neighborhoods safe and prepared during a wildfire emergency. So theyll be practicing evacuation routes, Fire Fighting tactics and strategies throughout the week. Turning now to politics and mixed reaction coming from the gop field about new immigration policies proposed by the frontrunner donald trump. Any questions about how much his proposals would cost. Trump talked a lot about how much money he has but how much taxpayer money is he going to spend . Alley jackson talleyed up the trump tab. Try to figure it out. It is something we have to do. We either have a country or we dont. Reporter swarmed by media at jury duty in manhattan, he ignored questions about how he would pay for the policies hes now flushing out on immigration they have to go. On fighting isies. Theyre going to knock out the oil, take back the oil. We have to repeal obama care. Money, money, money reporter the candidate known for big money. I built a net worth of more than 10 billion. Reporter turns out to be a big spend wler it comes to his president ial proposals. Deporting 11 million undocumented immigrants estimated to cost 138 billion. Taking back Iraqi Oil Fields which could mean boots on the ground, 13 to 22 billion. And repealing the Affordable Care act may cost the government 137 billion in the next decade. He told nbc news monday the immigration plan would be easily paid for. But he dodged katie actuaryics president s about where that money to deport undocumented immigrants would come from. On top of them all . Frankly, its something we have to do. Reporter the frontrunner leading by double dints in a new poll, under fire from one of the biggest republican opponents, hitting back. I think the better approach is to deal with the 11 Million People here illegally in a way that is realistic. Scott budman will take a closer look at how his policies may affect sill con valley on the evening news. Were about half way through mosquito season. Santa clara county, only one person has west nile virus. Fogging could be the reason. It could be the reason. Michelle roberts has the story of a palo alto beekeeper who says manufacture his bees died after the fogging. Because this is where i keep my bees. Reporter until last month, this man harvested organic honey in his backyard. They fly bup 10 feet and they go wherever. Reporter he says the garden has been thriving this summer and he credits the bees. They didnt give me enough time to react. Reporter last month he received this flyer from a company notifying him about an upcoming fogging. This woman from Santa Clara County says an extremely low dose of pesticides are used to protect against west nile virus. She says theyre only frayed when necessary. We want to make sure we only fog the area where there is west nile virus activity. Reporter she says a mosquito sample tested positive for west nile virus within a mile of chens home which is why his neighborhood was sprayed with pesticides, known to kill mosquitos and also bees. We spray in the middle of the night. So in the middle of the night, bees are in hives. Reporter chen says he covered the hives with tarp during the fogging. But he says hundreds of bees were killed. The bees are busy over here. Reporter and now he worries the survivors will produce tanlted honey that cannot be labelled organic. Its a weapon of mass destruction, if you will, for planet earth. Reporter michelle roberts, nbc bay area news. Gill roy is suing two building owners saying the downtown structures would crumble in an earthearthquake. Drive through downtown gill roy and it appears there are more empty store fronds than actual businesses. The reason might be the buildings themselves. Ten of them are deemed unsafe and in immedianeed of an earthqt retrofit. They must remain vacancy. Its been a problem for decades. I was here from 91 to 97 and then i cam bake. I came back find the same problems that existed 22 years ago. Reporter the city is it now suing two of the Property Owners who the mayor claims have been unresponsive, one the old creamery whose the owner didnt want to speak us with, the owner says they plan to he is. Selling is another problem here since financing is hard to get when buying a bulling that is deemed unsafe. Once again, hurting business growth. We sunk over 10 million into the downtown purting trees in and putting, you know, flags up. The problem is theres buildings down there that are unoccupied and boarded up. Other owners working to pret row fit their building hitting roadblocks like he could order n coordinating with neighbors. I havent been able to rent it out or get a lease. The mayor hopes to have all the buildings bustling instead of buckling by next year, threatening fines to those who dont comply, people who live here want the heart of the city to be in destination again. He we have the great things to offer. Downtown gillroy has really fallen apart. In gillroy, ian coal, nbc bay area news. The fcc wants to know how much more ceos make than the typical worker. Most Public Companies will have to reveal that information. In todays reality check, sam brock explores whether the ceo pay gap can be trusted. Nick woodman celebrated 2014. Got pro ceo brought home the bacon, 77 million in total pay. Tim cook guided the country to largest publicly traded company, apple, and netted 9. 2 million. And jamie diamond ran the nations biggest bank, j. P. Morgan chase, rake fwlg 27 million. But from wall street executives to silicone valley superstars, how much stock should we put in the ceo pay gap . Some reports calculate that divide as 330 time the median american worker. Others, more like 216 to 1. Are any of the studies accurate . Well, heres one problem. The ceo salary is usually a relatively small part of their total takehome pay. Robert dane, codirector of the rock center on Corporate Governance hits on a really important point. Ceo salary isnt usually that high. The bureau of labor statistics says its about 180,000 a year which is roughly five time that of a typical worker. Mus being made 35,000 in salary in 2014. Larry ellis son made 1. The vast majority of their pay is in Stock Options or stock thats they get. So you can go by salary and stock awards. Which most studies do. But it turns out that data isnt reliable either. Brookings Institution Senior fellow explained to us over facetime that stock awards arent automaticalliwarded. Theyre usually tied to performance. The condition should not be just at the ceos position after four or foif years. It should be Something Like the company has grown revenues or its grown earnings or its done some good things. The reality is ceo pay could be inflated or understated in the studies. We dont know. Neither do the authors. So heres a prime example of the formula that factors that go into ceo pay. Nick woodman, we mentioned him. Hes the highest paid executive in silicon valley. His salary was 800,000 last year. The stock awards were almost 57 million. He founded the company, he took it public, and rereepd the benefits. Marissa meyer was tasked with making yahoo grow. She was paid 42 million in salary and stock. But you know what . To whoo her away from google, they had to do that. You have to pay a lot to get good talent. Theres a really difficult question does pay always reflect tall snent that is a really tricky question. Value can be debated. What cannot is the socalled ceo pay gap contains inaccuracies and beyond that, pay gap disclosures dont even work historically. Dave says every time theres been a financial crisis in the last 20 years, congress has voted to disclose more about ceo pay. And every time, ceo pay has gone up. Im sam brock, thats this edition of reality check. Up next, siri to the rescue, why one teen says it is his guardian angel. Plus, heres some news that will make 49ers fans happy. The price of beer is going down. Thats not the only change going on at levi. Skies are clearing. We get a live look at San Francisco. More sunshine and also cooler weather is in the microclimate forecast. Its coming up next. So heach atevi th49s rcheo well, its only a year old. There is some headaches still at levi. 49ers reached out to fans to get into what needs to be fixed. Lower beer prices, cheaper water and better flow of traffic, thats what the fans said they wanted. Is it happening . Scott budman has the answer. The opening season for levi stadium was not perfect. And were not just talking about the 49ers mediocre record. Traffic problems and high heat bothered fans all season long. It is uncomfortable in this weather. The team and levi stadium says it hears your concerns and things will change this year. For example, cheaper drinks. The price of water cut by 70 cents, beer by 25 cents. And thats actually good. A lot of people i went to cannot afford like the drinks and the beer and other things. I think its a good option to try to make it more inclusive. That makes it more fun to go to, i guess. You dont have to pay as much as you used to. Its already expensive as it is. So i mean i think lowering the price will definitely bring more people in. Also hoping to cool down drivers, the stadium says it will increase the number of lanes into and out of the stadium on game days. Traffic, they say, was the number one fan complaint. Even more surprising in silicon valley, you would think they had this thought of. But its almost nightmarish sometime. The team says it is thinking about these things and wants the fans to enjoy the action as much as possible off the field as well. Scott budman, nbc bay area news. Still havent been there. Just there during the construction process. Its huge and looks beautiful. I vnlhavent been yet. Ticket prices are high. Tennessee teenager says he is alive thanks to siri. His truck came crashing down on him while make regular pairs. He was home alone and without any help, he strugled to free himself and activated siri on the phone in his back pocket. I said call 911. That was i said. Hello, do you need emergency assistance, press a button. Help me. Im stuck under my truck. I didnt know he could hear me. But it was a shot in the dark. I kept yelling so that if he could hear me, he would know help was on the way. Now the 18yearold is recovering from broken ribs and a damaged kidney but he says siri is his guardian angel. I was going to say call 911. Maybe you have better luck with siri. I can ask what the weather will be like. Just ask me, right . Absolutely. Well be great today. At least for now. The next hour or. So but then it starts to heat up. The temperatures are rising quickly. Kind of like weve seen the past couple of days. But our skies are clearing as we get a look at San Francisco at 68 degrees. Its 71 degrees in the south bay. Look at the high. It will still be a warm day in spots east bay, 86 degrees. And 96 degrees in the try valley. We see the lower 70s and n. San francisco. The north bay will be topping out at 88 degrees. Winds are going to be a little bit more breezy. Let me take you hour by hour n San Francisco, here we are at noon. Youre heading out for lunch. Youre seeing clear skies. Its 69 degrees. We do see a couple of spots on the eastern side of the city. Make it up to 70 to 71 degrees. At 8 00, clouds roll back n and well be feeling temperatures in the 60s. We do have a shift in the wind now coming in from more of a southwesterly direction. In yesterday, we had a totally different direction of the wind. It was coming in from the northwest. And thats what we have throughout the weekend. It brought the hot weather, smoke from the wildfires from the north. And now our winds are changing directions. And that will cool off our temperatures and help clear the air, too, and put some of the smoke off to the east. So our air quality is slowly improving which is, of course, some great news as our temperatures are still going to be warm but continuing to cool off a couple of degrees each day. And a high of 89 degrees. Foster city, 81. Embark dario at 72 degrees. Nap napa, 90 degrees. 95 in dublin. So still hot in the trivalley and the inlad areas. High pressure continues to slowly move to the east. Boy, its been a slow one. And once again, we have the wind carrying down that hot and dry weather. And that smoke. But our on shore flow will increase. And that will push the smoke away from us as we get a deeper marine layer. And thats where were already starting to see happen right now. We started out with a clouds along the coast. In the trivalley, well have a gradual drop in the temperature. 96 degrees today. And then 87 tomorrow. By thursday, that will be the coolest day of the week. 85 degrees. Well even be cooler than where we should be and we deserve it after smashing a lot of records on sunday. The bay side outlook in San Francisco, 72 degrees for today. 70 tomorrow. And then our temperatures closer to average. Into the weekend, were going to see it warming up another degree or two. But at least were not talking about unbearable heat. It will be slightly above average in the south bay peninsula as well as the east bay. Trivalley in the upper 80s. North bay, expect highs also in the upper 80s. So still a great weekend to get out, take the kids to the pool. Go swimming go, to the beach. But also not too hot. So if you stay inside and. Narrator air conditioning for hours on end. We have a lot of reading done last night. Thats for sure. Up next at 11 00, a Bed Breakfast is for sale in virginia. You could have it for 150. Do you think there is a catch . Yeah, theres a catch. Rpenmni kr 2st iginowng ahiord scot2ot ll untns viini i can imagine owning a bed and. [ breakfast in the mountains of va va. Can you do it, too, with 150 and a few hundred words. Quirky, whimsical, colorful, obviously. Words are worth a million memories. Romantic. Sweet. All of those things suit high meadows. Whether you describe the home. The house is quiet. Its calm. Its settled. Where Cynthia Bruce raised her family. Whether the children were little, there is a room that is the whole attic floor. We lived up there. The children grew. Needed more space. We moved to the english basement. All the while she and her 74yearold mother attended together staying in the seven bedroom high meadows vineyard in. Weve had amazing guests. We had susaner is and yoe come stay wuts. We had a rocket scientists. Now bruce believes her family has outgrown their stay at high meadows. She is ready to welcome a new owner and all it will cost is 150 and a few hundred words. Theres an online entry form and basically we want a 300 word essay. What do you see your dream being . What would you do with a house like this . The essay contest winners earns debt free the 13 acre hill top property, land, ready to grow a vineyard and the historic inn. The property is interesting enough that just the right kind of person is going to enter the contest. I know that person is out. There. The inn is two Historic Homes combined. The original 1832 farmhouse with a brick chimney is attached by a back porch, the yellow section there to the newer farmhouse which was built in the late 1800s. The next owner will get this scrapbook of high meadows memory. When they apply for the historic status, all that is here. To hopefully and on their own album. This is a much more personal way to transer if something that, you know, really does have a lot of love poured into it. By this point, bruce found the right word. Im more excited than sad. Excited would be the word to use. To describe the anticipation of a creative writer winning the inn. Its up to the next person to decide what to do with it. But i am excited to see what that will be. Just a few hundred words. She should pick it by tweets. 140 clarks or less, right . Well be back in just a minute. Ana otbl lgue h a g surissatday the arizona rattlers of the Arena Football League had a big surprise. The rattlers were hosting the spokane shocks whether the side winders dance squad took the field and this happened. Then as if it were unexpected, one of the rattlers players joined them in the dance at center stage and led the side winders. Clearly he knows what hes doing. Hes not a real player though. He is a choreographer and he is just decked out in a cool uniform. That is a big choreographer. Thats right. Thanks so much for joining us. Our next newscast is tonight at 5 00. Today on access hollywood live, a historic day. Hello. Hi handsome hello. Sometimes it can be awkward when with an exgirlfriend, but not here. Its really, really natural. Three emmy nominees all on one couch. How about that going on right now . Ah. Nominated for orange is the new black again. You made that happen. Emmy nonnie and start of veep anna on the wing there join us. You two are up against each other in the same category. Yes. Best comedy. And a fan i mean, this is ah also here, were going to find out about a dad helping him through his battle with drugs

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