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first this evening, the images coming in. those retaliatory air strikes from the u.s. after multiple attacks targeting u.s. troops in iraq and syria. also tonight sources now telling abc news american and israeli spy chiefs are now conducting high-level negotiations in qatar, hoping to free hostages including americans held by hamas. ian pannell in israel. tonight, those envelopes, some with fentanyl in them, sent to elections offices across this country. investigative reporter aaron katersky on what we know. tonight, the passenger jet taking off from london, bound for the u.s., taking off in flight before they realized parts of some windows, the panes, were missing. the disturbing surveillance tonight. two deputies ambushed while responding to a 911 call. a suspect allegedly targeting the deputies, intentionally running them down with his car, according to authorities tonight. the centrist democrat senator joe manchin saying he will not run for re-election. so, will he run for president as a third party candidate? mary bruce reporting. the young college freshman from new jersey hit by a stray bullet in nashville. we have learned tonight she has now died. outside new york city tonight, the urgent manhunt, and the new wanted poster just issued tonight and the reward, after a man wanted in the january 6th attack ran from authorities into the woods. a remarkable medical feat tonight. the electrical worker coming into contact with a live wire, losing part of his face and his left eye. receiving the first ever whole eye and partial face transplant. and the first penguin born in the u.s. in more than a decade, and you've decided tonight. the baby penguin's new name. >> announcer: from abc news world headquarters in new york, this is "world news tonight." with david muir. >> david: good evening. it's great to have you with us here on a thursday night. the fbi investigating these threatening letters sent to multiple states, some with fentanyl inside. also, those two sheriff's deputies ambushed and hit by a driver. but we do begin tonight with the new images just in here, the u.s. retaliatory air strikes on iranian-backed forces in syria in the past 24 hours. the pentagon releasing video just a short time ago, after strikes from f-15s targeted a weapons storage facility in syria. the pentagon saying in response to those iranian-backed forces targeting american troops in iraq and syria for weeks, since the israel-hamas war began. it all comes tonight amid urgent negotiations for the release of the hostages held by hamas, including, of course, americans. sources now telling abc news the u.s. and israeli spy chiefs are conducting high-level talks in qatar. and tonight here, we also have new images emerging of two of the hostages. abc's chief foreign correspondent ian pannell leading us off tonight in israel. >> reporter: tonight, dramatic new video showing the moment the u.s. unleashed retaliatory air strikes on what it says are iranian-backed forces in syria. the pentagon saying it hit a weapons storage facility. this was the second such strike, coming after more than 45 drone and rocket attacks on u.s. forces since mid-october, including four more in the past 24 hours. most were intercepted and no serious injuries were reported. also tonight, american and israeli spy chiefs conducting high-level negotiations to free more of the 239 hostages, including americans, held in gaza. a u.s. official confirming to abc news that cia director burns took part in a meeting in doha today with the head of israel's mossad and the qatari prime minister regarding a potential deal. and today, the white house claiming israel has agreed to expand daily four-hour combat pauses in northern gaza to let more civilians flee. president biden asked if he wanted more from israel. >> did you ask for a three-day pause to netanyahu? >> yes. i've asked for even a longer pause for some of them. >> are you frustrated with prime minister netanyahu that he has not listened more to some of the things that you've asked him to do? >> it's taken a little longer than i hoped. >> reporter: with more gazans fleeing the bombing through humanitarian corridors, some families finally reunited. today, our team was with ramy masoud, who saw his wife and sons for the first time in nearly three weeks. his wife recounting a terrifying journey on foot, seeing dead people on the ground, bullets flying over the heads of her and her children. and tonight, haunting new images of two of the israeli hostages held inside gaza. palestinian islamic jihad releasing a video of 77-year-old hanna katzir and 12-year-old yagil yaakov. abc news isn't showing it, but the families agreed to us using these images. they were both kidnapped from kibbutz nir oz. yagil hid in a safe room with his older brother or, their father, and his partner. they tried in vain to hold the door closed, but the terrorists burst in. the last thing his mother heard her son say was, "don't take me, i'm too young." >> they're not bargain chips, they're children. children, anywhere in the world, are not supposed to be part of this. not in gaza, nor in israel, nor in ukraine, nowhere in the world. >> reporter: we were back in kibbutz nir oz today with ron bahat, one of the surviving members. he showed us home after home of residents killed or captured, including that of hanna katzir, who appeared in that video today. >> they murdered rami in the house and took hanna, she's missing. >> reporter: at the end of the video today, hanna sends her love to her husband, rami. she still doesn't know yet that he was killed by the terrorists that day. >> david: let's bring in ian pannell, our chief foreign correspondent, back with us again tonight. ian, as you know, we've been reporting here, these u.s. retaliatory strikes, the second round of strikes on iranian-backed forces in syria. and of course, all this comes amid increasing tensions across the region that you've been reporting on, the concerns that this conflict could grow. >> reporter: yeah, that's right. a second round of retaliatory strikes involving two f-15 fighter jets. they struck the target, but because they say it was a weapons storage depot, there was a secondary explosion. the pentagon, though, saying there have been four more attacks since then. that makes 46 attacks in under three weeks. only last night a senior defense official was saying this latest air strike was supposed to be a message to iran to tell its proxy groups to stop attacking u.s. forces. well, it seems either they didn't hear the warning or they didn't heed it, with the obvious risk, as you say, that this could escalate. david? >> david: concerning indeed. ian pannell leading us off tonight. ian, thank you. back here in the u.s. tonight, the fbi is now investigating threatening letters sent to election offices in at least five states, in what officials are calling domestic terrorism tonight. some of the envelopes containing fentanyl. here's our senior investigative reporter aaron katersky now. >> reporter: tonight, just days after americans cast their votes, the fbi is investigating threatening letters that were sent to election facilities in five states where those ballots are counted. at least four of those letters testing positive for fentanyl. >> this is a form of domestic terrorism. that's all that it is. and unfortunately, what they're doing is putting innocent people at risk and disrupting our elections. >> reporter: the letters were sent to california, georgia, nevada, oregon, and washington state, where four election offices were evacuated. >> as i sat down to my own batch to open up, the fire alarm went off. immediately, we knew something was going on. >> reporter: first responders near seattle said preliminary tests showed the presence of fentanyl. in tacoma, police finding a letter containing baking soda and a message advising it was meant to "end elections now." in georgia, secretary of state brad raffensperger was alerted to a letter heading to fulton county. >> well, we don't know what's in it. we just have to assume the worst and be prepared for that. >> reporter: raffensperger's concerned that envelope could also contain fentanyl. just a tiny amount, what can fit on the tip of a pen, could be fatal. they've now equipped fulton county officials with narcan. >> some people like to call fentanyl a drug, but it's actually poison. it will kill you. kill you very quickly, very easily. >> reporter: threats to election workers have become more frequent in recent years, prompting a troubling exodus from their ranks after the 2020 presidential election. tonight, david, investigators are linking the letters from washington state with the one on its way to georgia. suspicious mail also turned up in nevada and in lane county, oregon, where they had to pause ballot counting. in california the postal service says it intercepted two suspicious envelopes before they reached election offices. david? >> david: our investigative reporter aaron katersky tonight, aaron, thank you. we turn now to the passenger jet taking off from london, bound for the u.s., taking off and in flight before they apparently realized parts of some of the windows, the panes, were missing. abc's gio benitez covers aviation for us. >> reporter: tonight, we're learning that a charter flight from london to orlando was forced to turn around after the crew realized four of its windows were damaged. the titan airways plane taking off on october 4th from stanstead airport with 20 crew members and passengers onboard. a report by the uk's air accident investigation branch saying after takeoff a crew member noticed that the seal on one of the windows was flapping in the air flow and window pane appeared to have slipped down. that crew member describing the noise in the cabin as loud enough to damage your hearing. the problem wasn't discovered until the plane was 14,000 feet in the air, but the cabin was never depressurized. according to uk investigators, the windows were damaged by high-powered lights used during a film shoot the day before. and david, the plane landed safely back in london, 36 minutes after it took off. now investigators are trying to figure out exactly what happened here to make sure it never happens again. david? >> david: 36 unsettling minutes in that flight. gio, thank you. we turn now to the disturbing images tonight. two sheriff's deputies critically injured after responding to a call from a mother about her son who was suffering a mental health crisis. surveillance and body camera video showing what happened after they responded. authorities say that son taking off and then hitting them with his car. both deputies were rushed to the hospital. abc's victor oquendo in florida with the images tonight, and we warn you, they are difficult. >> reporter: tonight, two florida deputies are fighting for their lives after what authorities say was an ambush. >> these deputies never had a chance. they didn't have a chance to get out of the way. they didn't have a chance to do anything. >> reporter: authorities in hillsborough county say they were responding to a 911 call this morning from a woman saying her adult son was acting irrationally and being violent. >> he was kicking in doors throughout the house and she was in fear for her life. >> reporter: when they arrived, the man was inside this silver sedan. when they try to engage, he backs up and takes off. moments later, surveillance footage shows him then speeding right at the deputies. >> he's accelerating at such a high rate of speed. and he strikes both of them. >> reporter: ramming 39-year-old corporal carlos brito and 31-year-old deputy manuel santos. >> corporal carlos brito has suffered the most serious of injuries between the two deputies. his leg may be amputated. >> get out of the vehicle right now! >> reporter: the suspect coming out of the vehicle, walking toward other officers, who then use a taser, taking him down. both deputies were airlifted to the hospital. they're in serious condition. the suspect, who has a history of violence against law enforcement, is now facing attempted murder charges. david? >> david: victor oquendo in florida tonight. thank you, victor. tonight, police in nashville are now saying that a young college student from new jersey who was shot in broad daylight by a stray bullet has now died. the belmont university freshman was struck while walking in a park. authorities say the suspect has a history of mental illness and had just been released in may. here's abc's faith abubey. >> reporter: tonight, family and friends of new jersey native jillian ludwig heartbroken. the college freshman struck in the head by a stray bullet has succumbed to her injuries, after the shooting at a nashville public park tuesday. authorities now considering elevating the aggravated assault charges against the shooting suspect, 29-year-old shaquille taylor. police say he was aiming his gun at a nearby vehicle when he allegedly fired the weapon from across the street, hitting 18-year-old ludwig, who was walking on a track. authorities say the shooting suspect was charged with aggravated assault back in april. the state law allowed him to be released, after three court-appointed doctors testified that he was incompetent to stand trial. the d.a. now asking the state legislature to change that law. ♪ ludwig was a student at belmont university. in a statement, the university president describing her as an engaged community member who loved music. and david, the suspect in this case was supposed to appear in court today on unrelated car theft charges, but once the victim died from her injuries that court appearance was waived, as authorities discuss upgrading those charges. david? >> david: all right, faith abubey reporting. thank you, faith. tonight, the centrist senator from west virginia, democrat joe manchin, says he will not run for re-election. so the question tonight, will he run for president? he's not ruling it out. here's mary bruce. >> reporter: tonight, a political bombshell from senator joe manchin of west virginia. the conservative democrat announcing he will not run for re-election in the deep red state. >> i believe in my heart of hearts that i've accomplished what i set out to do for west virginia. >> reporter: the move has huge implications for democrats' ability to hold on to the senate, and possibly the white house. manchin today clearly leaving the door open for a third party presidential run. >> what i will be doing is traveling the country and speaking out to see if there is an interest in creating a movement to mobilize the middle, and bring americans together. >> reporter: manchin is affiliated with a group called no labels that is exploring a centrist unity ticket in 2024. they are already on the presidential ballot in 12 states, including several key battlegrounds. but democrats warn they could play spoiler, taking votes away from president biden and benefiting donald trump. former house speaker nancy pelosi has called no labels "perilous to democracy." biden has called their efforts "a mistake." ♪ the president today with auto workers in illinois, taking a victory lap after they won a new contract. biden reminding those workers he joined them on the picket line, the first president in history to do so. and donald trump did not. >> here's the difference. when you're in the middle of a fight, i stood and others stood with you shoulder to shoulder on that picket line. my predecessor went to a nonunion shop and attacked you. >> yes, he did! >> i hope you guys have a memory. where i come from, it matters. >> david: so, let's bring in our chief white house correspondent mary bruce, live at the white house tonight. mary, this group, no labels, says they're going to announce in the coming months, early next year, if they plan to move forward with a third party presidential ticket? >> reporter: david, that is their announcement plan. and they say they have a strategy to be on the ballot in all 50 states by election day. tonight, the group is commending senator manchin, calling him a longtime ally of their movement. david? >> david: mary bruce with us. thank you, mary. tonight, hollywood finally getting back to business after the actors' union reached a deal to end its 118-day strike. sag-aftra celebrating what they're calling a, quote, groundbreaking new three-year deal with the studios, with higher minimum wages, bonuses for streaming, and the first ever protections for actors when it comes to artificial intelligence. the 160,000 members must still vote on this, but the union tonight saying they can get back to work. when we come back here, the urgent manhunt outside new york city, the new wanted poster just issued, and the reward tonight. also, the electrical worker coming into contact with a live wire, losing his left eye and part of his face, and what doctors have been able to do. it's extraordinary. imagine if you could get ahead of your ibs-c by treating it with linzess. then you could start proactively managing your constipation with belly pain. say yess to linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it's a once-daily pill that helps you get ahead of your symptoms. it's proven to help you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. and helps relieve overall abdominal symptoms - belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than two. it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. these aren't all the side effects. get ahead of it. talk to your doctor and say yess to linzess. learn how abbvie and ironwood could help you save on linzess. is this for me? 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"fast car." ♪ you got a fast car ♪ ♪ got a fast car ♪ ♪ i want to take it to anywhere ♪ ♪ maybe we make a deal ♪ >> david: grammy-winner tracy chapman congratulating combs, and she's also now the first black songwriter to win song of the year at the cmas. combs thanking her for writing what he calls one of the best songs of all time. he says it's been his favorite song since he was just 4 years old. when we come back here tonight, the first penguin born in the u.s. in more than a decade, and tonight, many of you weighing in. the new name unveiled in just a moment here. looking for a bladder leak pad that keeps you dry? when i'm at work, i need to feel secured. what i'm looking for in a pad is, super thin, super absorbent. all of the things that you're looking for in a pad, that is always discreet. - this is thin. - my pad is thick. let's put it to the test. let's do it! look how it's absorbing! and locking it right on in! - look at that! - no liquid, no nothing. totally absorbed! - you feel no wetness. - oh my gosh! are you a believer now? i'm a believer! i got to get some always discreet! there's challenges, and i love overcoming challenges. ♪ when better money habits® content first started coming out, it expanded what i could do for special olympics athletes with developmental needs. thousands of bank of america employees like scott spend countless hours volunteering to teach people how to reach their financial goals. it felt good. it felt like i could take on the whole world. 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October 4th , 4 , 20 , Hearing , Member , Crew Member , Window Pane , Noise , Flapping , Cabin , Seal , Air Flow , Wasn T , Plane , Problem , Hair , Feet , Flights , 14000 , Gio , Film , 36 , Video Showing , Mental Health Crisis , Body , Camera , Chance , Lives , Florida , Ambush , Victor Oquendo , Anything , Woman , Hillsborough County , Adult , In The City , House , Doors , Fear , Sedan , Surveillance Footage , Carlos Brito , Manuel Santos , Serious , Rate , Speed , Corporal , 31 , 39 , Officers , Vehicle , Leg , Taser , Victor , Charges , History , College Student , Victor Oquendo In Florida Tonight , Nashville , Condition , Violence , Murder , Law Enforcement , Walking , Park , Freshman , Mental Illness , Belmont University , Stray Bullet , May , Faith Abubey , Jillian Ludwig Heartbroken , Bullet , Family , Shooting , Assault , Friends , Nashville Public Park Tuesday , Weapon , Track , Gun , The Street , Old Ludwig , Shaquille Taylor , 29 , 18 , Doctors , State Law , Law , Aggravated Assault Back , State Legislature , Incompetent To Stand Trial , D A , Community Member , Statement , Car Theft Charges , University President , Court , Student , Case , Loved Music , Faith , Victim , Senator , Faith Abubey Reporting , Court Appearance , West Virginia , Deep Red State , Bombshell , Question , Heart , Hearts , Move , Implications , Ability , Senate , Group , Movement , Middle , Run , Interest , Labels , Ticket , Ballot , Battlegrounds , Unity , Spoiler , 2024 , Auto Workers , Nancy Pelosi , Contract , Victory Lap , Efforts , Mistake , Donald Trump , Perilous To Democracy , Illinois , Picket Line , Workers , Fight , Difference , Others , Predecessor , Shop , Memory , Announcement Plan , Strategy , Hollywood , Rally , Business , 50 , Actors , Union , Sag Aftra , Streaming , Studios , Artificial Intelligence , Protections , Bonuses , Quote , Minimum Wages , Calling A , 160000 , 118 , Face , Linzess , Constipation , Belly Pain , Laxative , Say Yess , Ibs C , Symptoms , Discomfort , Pill , Bloating , Bowel Movements , Bowel Blockage , Side Effects , Doctor , Help , Side Effect , Stomach Pain , Diarrhea , Yess , Aren T , Stools , App , Holiday Season , Deals , Abbvie , Toys , Ironwood , Chewy , Socks , Gifts , Hair Thinning , Bounty Hair Growth , Nature , Excitement , Hair Complex , Podcast , Allstate , Tea , Tea Drinker , Nature S Bounty , Person , Dogs , Fly Fishing , Multitasking , Tea Rrific , Hands , Developments , On The Run , January 6th David , Breakthrough , Capitol , Capture , Information , Gregory Yetman , 0000 , 10000 , Aaron James , Patient , Health , Cheek , Lips , Chin , Nose , Nyu Langone , Factor , Outside , Surgeon , Procedure , Mirror , Uncharted Territory , Calquence , Treatment , Fighting , Empire State Building , Exploring , Splashing , 104th Floor , Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia , 104 , Patients , Therapy , Sightseeing , Playing , Kind , Chemoimmunotherapy , Problems , Blood Counts , Blood Thinners , Chills , Infections , Cancers , Skin Cancers , Death , Fever , Calquence May , Breath , Infection , Feeling Faint , Shortness , Breastfeeding , Heart Rhythm Problems , Liver Problems , Chest Discomfort , Heart Rhythm , Dizziness , Bleeding , Asthma , Types , Dupixent , Add On Treatment , Spain , Don T , Stop Asthma Medicines , Reactions , Numbness , Tingling , Limbs , Joint Aches , Chest Pain , Breathing Problems , Rash , Honey , Specialist , Mats , Christmas Tree , Cargo Liners , Holiday Gift , Drill Mud Flaps , Seat Protectors , Weathertech , Floorliners , Oh Yeah , Migraine , Didn T , Order , Look At Me Now , Qulipta , Zero , Top , News , Migraine Medicine , Tourists , Sleepiness , Index , Nausea , Sight , Concert Tour , Luke Combs Winning Single Of The Year , Climb , Climbing , Landmark , 86th Floor , 104th , Jared Leto , 1300 , 86 , Tracy Chapman , Song , Deal David , Fast Car , Grammy Winner , Country Music Awards , Songwriter , Songs , Combs , Writing , Song Of The Year , Congratulating Combs , Cmas , Many , Ipad , Wall , Bladder Leak Pad , Super Absorbent , Test , Nothing , Liquid , Wetness , Challenges , Money Habits , I M A Believer , Believer , Content , Thousands , Athletes , Needs , Employees , Goals , Bank Of America , Special Olympics , Breaths , Deep Exhale , Stuff , Em , Trumpet Music Plays , 579 , Rsv , Vaccine , Abrysvo , Respiratory Disease , Breath Matters , Prevention , Rsv Vaccine , Pfizer , 60 , Everyone , Heart Disease , Copd , Diabetes , Retailers , Muscle Pain , Headache , Reaction , Ingredients , Immune System , Injection Site , Pharmacist , Tiredness , Deep Breath , Abrysvo Com , Baby , Emperor Penguin , America Strong , It Hasn T , Emperor Penguin Born , Break , Clock Care , Hand , She Couldn T , Shell , Seaworld San Diego , Birds , Tens Of Thousands , Justin Brackett , Pearl , Hi , Penguins , Emperor Penguins , Ice , Eight , Care Team , Temperatures , 300 , 17 , Opportunity , Guys , Visitors , All Of Us , Know , Righty , Flag , City Hall , Event , Countdown , Security , World Leaders , Thanks , Aipac , Ama Daetz , Dan Ashley , San Francisco , Changes , Effects , Transit , Soma Neighborhood , Street Closures , Moscone Center , Nob Hill , Fairmont Hotel , Apex , November 17th , Friday November 17th , Charge , Signs , Barricades , Parking Restrictions , Place , Security Arrangements , Secret Service , The Street Closures , Ryan Curry , Newsroom , Stories , Seven News , Security Measures , Rain Next , Seven ,

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