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americans to, quote, a whole other level. what he warned just today and pierre thomas standing by. the protests erupting during a hearing on capitol hill today. secretary of state antony blinken and defense secretary lloyd austin shouted down while making the case for billions in federal aid to help israel and ukraine defend themselves. rachel scott live on the hill. the halloween deep freeze, and the snow tonight. temperatures plunging overnight into the 20s and 30s from texas all the way up to the northeast. ginger zee is here. our team with new reporting tonight on the missed warning signs before the horrific mass shooting in maine. abc news obtaining court documents that show what the gunman's own family had warned authorities months before the attack. for the first time, the harrowing body camera video, you'll see it. officers in maui trying to save families during those fires. and what's being done now to help prevent another disaster like this in the future. tonight, the co-pilot here in the u.s. accused of pulling a gun on the captain in the cockpit while they were mid-flight. tonight, the co-pilot charged. the remarkable rescue in the everglades. the plane going down. the pilot waiting on the wing for help. the new fda warning tonight on halloween about medicine that looks and tastes like candy. and america strong tonight. would your mother go this far on halloween? ♪ tonight that wowed so many families, and the reason they did it. good evening and it's great to have you with us here on a tuesday night. and we begin tonight with the fbi director and his new warning just today about the threat of terrorism here in the u.s. warning today that the terrorism threat has hit a, quote, whole other level, with this israel-hamas war only intensifying. and tonight, a horrific scene after an israeli air strike hit a refugee camp in gaza. one of the most densely populated areas in the gaza strip. israel tonight taking responsibility for the strike, saying they took out a top hamas commander, a planner of the october 7th terror attack in israel. but tonight, the israeli military is being pressed on the palestinian civilians killed in this strike. tonight, amidst the rubble, the search for survivors and the bodies of the dead. dozens are feared dead. they are searching for survivors, including children who might've survived this. hamas releasing video showing what it says are militants fighting with israeli troops in northern gaza. and tonight, inside gaza, the american families trapped. just today, u.s. secretary of state antony blinken saying there are more than 400 americans and their families being blocked by hamas from leaving gaza. those u.s. citizens in gaza tonight with a message for president biden to help them get out. abc's chief foreign correspondent ian pannell leading us off now from israel. >> reporter: tonight, a devastating israeli air strike on the largest refugee camp in gaza. the health ministry run by hamas killed. residents clawing through this huge bomb crater in jabalia, pulling out survivors, some children, coated in dust and debris. shell-shocked residents looking on in horror, overcome with anguish. this man claiming the body of a child is inside the bag he's holding. and at a nearby hospital, scenes of chaos. doctors treating victims on the floor, saying they received hundreds of patients. many injured, many dead. israel confirming it carried out the strike, saying it targeted and killed a top hamas commander who helped plan the october 7th massacre that left 1,400 dead in israel. we pressed the idf on why they targeted an area known to be a refugee camp, packed with people. >> we understand that there were secondary explosions and that subterranean infrastructure also exploded or imploded as a result of some kind of secondary explosion, and that there are quite a lot of casualties in the area, presumably -- >> reporter: civilian. sorry to interrupt. civilian casualties. >> at this stage, i can't confirm that. i assess that is the case. >> reporter: the idf accuses hamas of using the population as human shields, building its tunnels below civilian sites. so, is your message to the civilians left in northern gaza that if you don't leave, there's a significant chance you could be killed? >> we have said this for almost two weeks. this is an area of main combat operations. if you stay, you are actively endangering yourself. you should do the small thing. do not become the human shield that hamas wants to use you for and evacuate south to a safer area. >> reporter: but israel has bombed southern gaza, too. israel says its troops are now fighting three miles into gaza, and for the first time since the ground incursion began, reporting two of its soldiers have been killed. we were just a couple of miles from the fighting today. we're hearing the sound of israeli artillery outgoing into gaza. there's another one there and another one. they're saying now they're pushing deeper and deeper into gaza itself. and tonight, the u.s. saying roughly a thousand americans and their family members remain stuck in gaza, claiming hamas is blocking their exit at the rafah crossing into egypt. lena beseiso from utah is trapped with her family, seen here trying to sleep with hands covering their ears. she's pleading with president biden to help get them out. >> we're stuck here in gaza, feeling abandoned. it is quite scary, beyond words. it's horrifying here. >> david: have, we cannot forget the hundreds of u.s. citizens still trying to get out of gaza. and ian panel back with us. more than 200 americans are still being held there? >> reporter: yeah, that's right. in fact, the israelis today upped the number to 240. hamas saying that it's going to release foreign national hostages, quote, within a few days. no more details, but we do know that negotiations have been continuing, despite the fighting. and the pentagon now saying that while its only seen press reports about that strike on jabalya, that civilian safety should be taken into account and it is both a quote moral and strategic obligation. david? >> david: our chief foreign correspondent ian pannell leading us off here tonight. ian, thank you. back here in the u.s., meanwhile, the fbi director christopher wray on capitol hill warning that in just the past few weeks, multiple foreign terrorist organizations have called for attacks against americans and against the west. saying the terror threat here in the u.s. is high, saying that the war raises the potential for an attack on americans, to, quote, a whole other level. here's our chief justice correspondent pierre thomas now. >> reporter: tonight, a suspect accused of being behind the threatening messages to jewish students at cornell university is in custody. the fbi investigating a potential hate crime after deaths of jewish students. >> a lot of students don't feel safe on campus anymore. >> reporter: authorities are calling this moment one of the more dangerous in recent memory. >> the ongoing war in the middle east has raised the threat of an attack against americans in the united states to a whole other level. >> reporter: the justice department on high alert, especially after a 6-year-old muslim boy was fatally stabbed 26 times allegedly by his family's landlord, who was angry about what was happening in the middle east. and warning anti-semitism is reaching historic levels. in recent days, the fbi arresting suspects they feared would commit violence. this man in houston allegedly "trained with weapons, including assault style rifles, to possibly commit an attack." the fbi claims sohaib abuayyash was "in direct contact with others who share a radical mindset," studying how to build bombs and posting online about killing jewish people. and this man in las vegas accused of leaving disturbing anti-semitic voicemails at the office of a u.s. senator. jonathan anthony miller charged with threatening to assault, kidnap or murder u.s. senator jacky rosen, who is jewish. one message calling her evil, stating, "we are going to exterminate you." >> i'm feeling the same as jews are feeling all around the world, under attack and under threat. >> reporter: today, the fbi director was blunt, warning senators on capitol hill that the conflict in israel and gaza raises the potential for terror right here at home. he emphasized that right now, the threat, again, david, is at a whole other level. david? >> david: pierre thomas with us, as well, tonight. pierre, thank you. and to another unsettling scene on capitol hill. the protests disrupting a key hearing on defending israel. secretary of state antony blinken and defense secretary lloyd austin were shouted down while making the case for billions in federal aid to help israel defend itself, to help with humanitarian aid for palestinian civilians, and to help aid ukraine, as well. rachel scott on the hill tonight. >> reporter: they came to capitol hill asking for emergency funding to support israel's war against hamas. but within moments, secretary of state tony blinken and secretary of defense lloyd austin shouted down by dozens of protesters. >> allow us to continue the hearing. >> the american people don't want to support this brutal war. >> reporter: with their hands raised, covered in red paint, they called for an end to the war. >> cease-fire now! i beg you. >> reporter: the biden administration asking congress for an additional $14 billion in aid to israel, plus $9 billion for humanitarian efforts in gaza. but that's not all. they are also requesting $61 billion in support for ukraine, arguing the conflicts are interconnected, and must be addressed together. >> in both israel and ukraine, democracies are fighting ruthless foes who are out to annihilate them. we will not let hamas or putin win. >> many are again making the bet that we're too divided or too distracted at home to stay the course. >> reporter: there's bipartisan support in the senate. but the republican-controlled house wants to address israel now, and ukraine later. how would you describe the meeting, secretary? >> very, very positive meeting. i really appreciated the opportunity to exchange some thoughts. >> reporter: but the two sides are very far apart. johnson is now demanding that whatever new money is spent on israel be cut from the budget of the irs. >> i think if you put this to the american people and they weigh the two needs, i think they're going to say, standing with israel and protecting the innocent over there is in our national interest and is a more immediate need than irs agents. >> reporter: but democrats argue that would upend president biden's effort to go after tax cheats and corporations who don't pay their fair share. >> david: let's bring in rachel scott, live on the hill tonight. rachel, bottom line, where does this stand right now? will president biden get the support he's asking for to secure federal aid for both israel and ukraine? >> reporter: well, david, democrats and republicans in the senate are onboard with president biden's plan, but the president does face significant challenges in the house, where a growing number of republicans already had reservations about additional funding to ukraine, and saying including it in this david? >> david: rachel scott, live on the hill as always for us. rachel, thank you. we turn next here to the halloween deep freeze tonight, and the snow this evening. more than 90 million americans under freeze alerts right now. temperatures plunging into the 20s and 30s from texas all the way to the northeast. look at the pictures tonight. a treacherous commute in minneapolis. cars sliding on snow-covered roads. michigan's upper peninsula getting up to a foot of lake effect snow. chief meteorologist ginger zee knows michigan well, she knows the whole country well. ginger, take us through this halloween night. >> reporter: i got pictures from friends with their kids trying to go through the trick or treating in the snow. they still looked cute, even though they had to cover up most of their costumes, and a lot of americans have had to do that. going into tomorrow morning, david, we've got frost alerts and freeze alerts from coastal connecticut all the way back to texas. and we're talking dozens of record lows possible the next couple of mornings. i haven't said that in so long. 32, jackson, mississippi, birmingham, alabama, and atlanta. 20s up into memphis, and then into columbus and cincinnati. we're going to move that east, but before we do it, it will come with some snow. in the lee of the lakes, we could even add up 6 to 12 inches in some parts of western new york, and some of those lake effect snow bands will be heavy. connecticut tomorrow morning could see some snowflakes, and then, sub-freezing. philadelphia, thursday morning. david? >> david: ginger zee, wish your two little guys a happy halloween for me. thanks. we'll be watching in the morning. in the meantime, we turn to the other news this tuesday night, and our team with new reporting here on the missed warning signs before the horrific mass shooting in lewiston, maine. abc news tonight obtaining court documents showing what the gunman's own family warned authorities months before the attack. here's trevor ault. >> reporter: tonight, more glaring signals suspected mass shooter robert card's mental health was in steep decline well before the attack. documents obtained by abc news show in january his family reported concerns to authorities about his mental health and his access to firearms. his son saying his father thought people were saying negative things about him such as "calling him a pedophile." the revelations come as the army reveals new information about their interactions with card, including transporting him to a military medical treatment facility in july. he was taken to a civilian hospital two days later. upon release, army officials directed he "should not have a weapon, handle ammunition or participate in live-fire activity." military records show he didn't report in september or october, telling his unit he had work conflicts. deputies say they were later told the suspect no longer had weapons from the reserve unit, and his family was working to take away his guns. >> reporter: and david, according to the just released arrest warrant, the suspect's sister even i.d.'d him to authorities two hours after the shooting. and after all of those warnings beforehand, police say they followed policy, though they admit now it may be time to revisit those policies. >> david: you're going to stay on? for us. trevor ault, thank you. we turn now to the harrowing images from maui. for the first time here, the body camera video. officers trying to save so many families during those fires. and what's now being done to prevent another disaster like this one. here's will carr. >> we got to move. let's go, let's go. clear out, clear out. >> reporter: tonight, for the first time, new body camera video capturing the terror on maui, as police raced to evacuate residents during those deadly wildfires. >> come on, come on! there's a fire! >> reporter: early in the morning on august 8th, officers going door-to-door, rescuing this elderly resident. >> no, you got to hold onto my hand. we got to move, man. i got you. >> reporter: you can hear and see the wind whipping the flames. >> you got to go! >> reporter: that afternoon, an officer smashing through the gate, opening it for motorists. >> hurry up, go! >> reporter: but some evacuees met by clogged roads, a number blocked by the fire or downed power lines. >> because we already have people that died. so, we're trying to hurry up and get people out, because it's really bad. >> reporter: and at this coffee shop -- >> everybody out! >> reporter: police rushing through thick smoke to reach 15 people trapped inside. >> get in. get in, uncle. >> reporter: piling them into patrol cars to drive them to safety. the fires killing at least 99 and destroying more than 2,000 structures. 11 police officers lost everything. tonight, at least four people remain unaccounted for. tonight, the maui police chief is defending his officers from criticism, while saying they're looking at those videos to see what went wrong and what they can do better in the future to prevent another disaster. david? >> david: will carr tonight, thank you. when we come back here, the co-pilot accused of pulling a gun on the captain in the cockpit while they were mid-flight. tonight, that co-pilot has been charged. what we're learning. and the new warning for parents tonight on this halloween from the fda, in a moment. i'm not just accomplished. i am accomplishing. so i'm doing all i can to help lower my risk of breaking a bone. for postmenopausal women with osteoporosis at high risk for fracture taking calcium and vitamin d may not be enough. adding prolia® is proven to help strengthen bones and reduce spine fracture risk by 68% with 1 shot every 6 months. do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva®. serious allergic reactions like low blood pressure, trouble breathing, throat tightness, face, lip or tongue swelling, rash, itching or hives have happened. tell your doctor about dental problems as severe jaw bone problems may happen with prolia®, or about pain in your hip, groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. talk to your doctor before stopping, skipping, or delaying prolia®, as spine and other fractures have occurred. serious side effects, like low blood calcium, serious infections which could need hospitalization, skin problems, and severe bone, joint, or muscle pain have occurred. i have so much more to accomplish. talk to your doctor about prolia®. ♪fun music♪ mom, can i help? 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[laughter] find these american made products at my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose new neuriva ultra. unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger. tonight, in florida, a pilot has been rescued hours after crashing into the everglades in broward county. the pilot seen on the wing of his submerged cessna. he went down just after 2:00 a.m. rescuers airlifting him to the hospital about eight hours later. he's being treated tonight for a leg injury. he is expected to be okay. tonight, a commercial airline pilot has been charged with pulling a gun on the captain right next to him in the cockpit mid-flight. jonathan dunn indicted by a grand jury in utah. federal prosecutors say he threatened to shoot if the captain diverted their flight because of a potential medical issue involving a passenger. the airline and the flight have not been released. the co-pilot was allowed to carry that gun through a tsa program. when we come back here tonight, that new fda warning for parents on this halloween. and then, the mothers who have gone all-out tonight. you have to see this. this is a hot flash. this is a hot flash. but this is a not flash. ♪ i got a good feeling ♪ there's big news for women going through menopause. veozah - a prescription treatment for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms - the medical name for hot flashes and night sweats. with hormone-free veozah, you can have fewer hot flashes, and more not flashes. veozah is proven to reduce the number and severity of hot flashes, day and night. for some women, it can start working in as early as one week. don't use veozah if you have cirrhosis, severe kidney problems, kidney failure, or take cyp1a2 inhibitors. increased liver blood test values may occur. your doctor will check them before and during treatment. most common side effects include stomach pain, diarrhea, difficulty sleeping, back pain, and hot flashes. ♪ i got a good feeling ♪ ask your doctor about hormone-free veozah and enjoy more not flashes. the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. ♪ ♪ jardiance ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance, ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seee. ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c. ♪ jardiance works 24/7 in your body to flush out some sugar! and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. jardiance may cause serious side effects including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell, ♪ ♪ the little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ my name is caron and i'm from brooklyn. i work for the city of new york as a police administrator. i oversee approximately 20 people and my memory just has to be sharp. i always hear people say, you know, when you get older, you know, people lose memory. i didn't want to be that person. i decided to give prevagen a try. my memory became much sharper. i remembered more! i've been taking prevagen for four years now. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. to the index and on this halloween, the fda's new warning about medicine that looks and tastes like candy, following a rise in children treated in emergency rooms for ingesting gummy medications, sleep aids, and multivitamins. the fda is meeting with drug makers and doctors discussing how to make medications less candy-like. when we come back here tonight, would your mother go this far on halloween? 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(sniffs) if you like squeaky toys from chewy it is. did i get anything this year? get daily deals on the chewy app this holiday season. i'm still going to eat your socks. no you're not. shop the chewy app for gifts that deliver excitement. finally, on this hallo finally, on this halloween, it's not just the children, it's the moms, in costume, and in the fight to help other moms. tonight in fairfield, connecticut, it's not the zombies taking over. it's the "mombies." they're all dressing up for halloween, but it's not just their costumes, it's their dance moves. ♪ michael jackson's "thriller." ♪ thriller night ♪ >> david: they're doing this to entertain, but also, to raise money for breast cancer research. hoping their moves to the backstreet boys work. ♪ dancing on main street for a good cause. ♪ 50 moms strong, this started in 2016, growing every year. and right here tonight, in costume -- >> hey, david. >> david: founder terry davis, on the left, with fellow mombies joy martini and eileen cress. >> we raise money for metastatic breast cancer through the cancer couch foundation. >> david: many are breast cancer survivors themselves, and joy is currently battling it. >> i'm a mombie and i'm also a breast cancer patient, and i couldn't be more grateful and more proud than dancing with these women. >> david: practicing in the hospital. >> look at us. >> david: her nurses dancing with her. and tonight, just listen to how much money all of these moms have raised. >> to date, we've raised over $200,000! >> happy halloween! >> david: tonight, the moms and their moves on this halloween, raising more than $200,000 and counting. let's help them. good night. police during a chase is no stranger to detonating explosives. he left a bomb under a woman's car. you're going to hear from her tonight. >> also, the new solution oakland city leaders are offering up to help tackle ongoing public safety issues, building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. >> this is abc7 news. >> we should raise the volume of enforcement. people may not agree with me because they don't want to take the freeness of the people. it's not about freeness, it's about saving others. >> business owners praise san francisco's crackdown on drug dealing. more suspects being taken off the streets and put in jail, forcing the city to do something it hasn't done in a year and a half. good evening. i'm karina nova. >> and i'm dan ashley. thanks for joining us. san francisco has reopened an annex at its san bruno jail location to handle all of the people now in custody and abc7 news reporter luz pena is in the newsroom with the impact the crackdown is having on the streets and loose the local jails. >> that's right, dan and karina, it's hard to measure success when people are still dying and drug dealers are still out in the tenderloin. but we're finally hearing positive accounts that point to change actually happening. it's been five months since san francisco declared war on drug dealers in the tenderloin and there seems to be signs of progress. >> i've noticed that there is more enforcement for the police. >> arif is the president of the tenderloin. merchants association and the owner of sizzle cafe in the last months, he has seen sheriff deputies, chp and sfpd officers make multiple arrests right outside of his restaurant. he says the enforcement is slowly changing the

Related Keywords

Warning , U S , Director , Threat , Terrorism , Fbi , Breaking News , Israel Hamas War , Hamas , Civilians , Northern Gaza , Israeli Military , Refugee Camp , Victims , Air Strike , Dozens , Israeli , Leader , Palestinian , Attack , War , Christopher Wray , Potential , Casualties , Ian Pannell , Terror Warning , Ground , Americans To , Quote , Lloyd Austin , Secretary Of State , Hearing , Capitol Hill , Erupting , Antony Blinken , Pierre Thomas Standing By , Case , Aid , Snow , Rachel Scott , Billions , Ukraine , Temperatures , The Hill , Halloween Deep Freeze , Texas All The Way , 30 , 20 , Family , Reporting , Abc News , Northeast , Warning Signs , Show , Gunman , Mass Shooting , Team , Ginger Zee , Maine , Families , Help , Officers , Fires , Co Pilot , Disaster , Time , Body Camera Video , Captain , Gun , Cockpit , Plane , Wing , Rescue , Pilot Waiting , Everglades , Fda , Candy , Medicine , Mother , Tastes , Reason , Hit A , Terrorism Threat , One , Strike , Scene , Areas , Responsibility , Gaza Strip , Survivors , Commander , Planner , October 7th Terror Attack , Search , Rubble , Bodies , October 7th , 7 , Children , Video Showing , Inside Gaza , Troops , Militants , Leaving Gaza , 400 , Reporter , President , Message , Foreign Correspondent , Citizens , Health Ministry Run , Oman , Residents , Body , Debris , Bomb Crater , Dust , Anguish , Horror , Jabalia , Shell , Doctors , Hospital , Hundreds , Bag , October 7th Massacre , Child , Scenes , Top , Patients , Floor , Injured , Dead , Holding , Chaos , People , Area , Explosions , Idf , Infrastructure , 1400 , Lot , Civilian , Explosion , Civilian Casualties , Presumably , Kind , Result , Tunnels , Sites , Population , Stage , Leave , Human Shields , Thing , Chance , South , Human Shield , Combat Operations , Two , Southern Gaza , Ground Incursion , Three , Fighting , There , Couple , Soldiers , Sound , Artillery , Lena Beseiso , Utah , Exit , Family Members , Rafah Crossing Into Egypt , A Thousand , Biden , Hands , Pleading , Words , Tears , David , Panel , Number , Saying , Israelis , Fact , 240 , 200 , Strike On Jabalya , Pentagon , Obligation , Account , Continuing , Moral , Negotiations , Hostages , Details , Attacks , West , Terrorist Organizations , Custody , Suspect , Students , Pierre Thomas , Jewish , Messages , Terror Threat , Chief Justice , Cornell University , Authorities , Hate Crime , Memory , Campus , Deaths , Boy , Middle East , Justice Department On High Alert , Muslim , 6 , Suspects , Landlord , Times , Levels , Violence , Anti Semitism , 26 , Others , Weapons , Mindset , Contact , Assault Style , Rifles , Claims , Houston , Sohaib Abuayyash , Jonathan Dunn , Bombs , Voicemails , Office , Assault , Accused , Anthony Miller , U S Senator , Las Vegas , Jacky Rosen , Kidnap , Murder , Evil , Jews , All Around The World , Terror , Blunt , Senators , Conflict , Pierre , Well , Home , Protests , Emergency Funding , Protesters , Cease Fire , Paint , End , Efforts , Administration , Congress , 4 Billion , 9 Billion , 14 Billion , 6 Billion , Support , Foes , Conflicts , Democracies , 1 Billion , 61 Billion , Win , Many , Course , Bet , Meeting , Secretary , Senate , House , Republican , Money , Sides , Thoughts , Needs , Opportunity , Cut , Budget , Irs , Johnson , Don T , Tax Cheats , Need , Interest , Effort , Democrats , Agents , Corporations , Share , Innocent , Republicans , Plan , Bottom Line , Stand , Challenges , Does , Reservations , Funding , Pictures , Halloween Deep Freeze Tonight , Freeze Alerts , Evening , Commute , Roads , Cars , Minneapolis , 90 Million , Kids , Lake Effect Snow , Country , Foot , Trick , Friends , Halloween Night , Ginger , Michigan Well , Michigan S Upper Peninsula , Coastal Connecticut , Costumes , Way , Mornings , Most , Alerts , Frost Alerts , Record , Lows , Texas , Least , Lakes , Haven T , Lee , Jackson , Alabama , Birmingham , Mississippi , Atlanta , Memphis , Cincinnati , Columbus , 32 , Halloween , Some , Snowflakes , Parts , Western New York , Guys , Lake Effect Snow Bands , Sub Freezing , Philadelphia , 12 , News , Thanks , Court Documents , Lewiston , Ink Business , Mental Health , Signals , Shooter , Trevor Ault , Documents , Decline , Concerns , Army , Firearms , Revelations , Things , Interactions , Access , Pedophile , Father , Information , Son , Treatment , Officials , Weapon , Facility , Activity , Release , Ammunition , Work Conflicts , Guns , Deputies , Unit , Reserve Unit , Didn T Report In September , Military Records , Police , Wall , Policy , Warnings , Shooting , Policies , Arrest Warrant , Sister , The Body Camera Video , Images , Maui , Let S Go , Video , Wildfires , Clear Out , Will Carr , Fire , Hand , I Got You , Come On , 8th , August 8th , 8 , It , Officer , Go , Power Lines , Wind , Flames , Gate , Motorists , Evacuees , Hurry Up , Clogged Roads , Coffee Shop , Smoke , Uncle , 15 , Police Officers , Everything , Patrol Cars , 2000 , Four , 11 , 99 , Maui Police Chief , Will Carr Tonight , Videos , Criticism , Parents , Learning , Women , Calcium , Bone , Risk , Prolia , Bones , Fracture , Spine Fracture Risk , Vitamin D , Osteoporosis , 68 , Blood , Blood Pressure , Trouble Breathing , Rash , Throat Tightness , Tongue , Face , Hives , Lip , Swelling , Reactions , Take Xgeva , 1 , Doctor , Side Effects , Spain , Jaw Bone Problems , Problems , Thigh Bone Fractures , Fractures , Thigh , Stopping , Spine , Hip , Groin , Infections , Skin Problems , Hospitalization , Joint , Muscle , Mom , Music , Camping , Woods , Fun , Floorliners , Vehicle , Rear , Front , Cargoliner , Weathertech , Seat Protector , Back Protectors , Seat , Products , Neuriva Ultra , Brain , Turn , Laughter , Kitchen Tool , Brain Health Indicators , Mental Alertness , Pilot , Rescuers , Broward County , Florida , Submerged Cessna , Eight , 2 , 00 , Airline , Flight , Leg Injury , Cockpit Mid Flight , Grand Jury , Prosecutors , Mothers , Issue , Program , Passenger , Tsa , Feeling , Flash , Menopause , Flashes , Veozah , Symptoms , Prescription Treatment , Name , Night Sweats , Moderate , Severity , Kidney Problems , Values , Kidney Failure , Liver , Blood Test , Cirrhosis , Cyp1a2 Inhibitors , Cyp1 , Diarrhea , Back Pain , Stomach Pain , Difficulty Sleeping , Breakthroughs , Breakthrough Card , Premier , Genius , Borders , Coffee Grinder , Beans , Who , Smarter , Sam , More , Cash , Purchases , Ink Business Premier Card , Spending Potential , Reality , Ideas , Chase For Business , 02 5 , 000 , 5000 , Stop Taking Jardiance , Story , Pill , Type 2 Diabetes , Day S Staaart , Sugar , Death , Heart Disease , Adults , A1c , Seee , 24 7 , Ketoacidosis , Infection , Urinary Tract Infections , Genital Yeast , Skin , Dehydration , Kidney Function , Perineum , Jardiance May , Reaction , Blood Sugar , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Dialysis , City , Police Administrator , My Name , Caron , Brooklyn , Prevagen , Prescription , Stores , Person , Try , Medications , Sleep Aids , Index , Emergency Rooms , Rise , Ameriprise Financial , Advice , Drug Makers , Multivitamins , Town Couldn T , Work , Planning , Confidence , Goals , Looks , Numbers , Clients , Wonder , 9 , 10 , Gardasil 9 , Cancers , Vaccine , Hpv , Thousands , Tracks , Tens , Who Don T Clear The Virus , 45 , Cancer , Mouth Cancers , Everyone , Hpv Infection , Diseases , Head , Doesn T , Neck , Genital Warts , Cervical , Throat , Vaginal , Anal , Vulvar , Yeast , Screening , Ingredients , Immune System , Screenings , Fainting , Abdominal Pain , Injection Site Reactions , Counts , Sore Throat , Headache , Nausea , Fever , Tiredness , Dizziness , Pharmacist , Youuuuu , Verizon , Wishes , Birthday Boy , Titanium , Network , Sean , Jason , Touch It , Yup , Pro , Ship , Birthday Parties , Iphone , Come On Hon , Vo , Apple Tv , 4k , Icon , Tight End , Legend , Legacy , Pop Star , Season , Variants , Covid , 19 , Gifts , App , Holiday Season , Deals , Toys , Anything , Socks , Excitement , Chewy , Moms , Costume , Hallo , Fight , Zombies , Mombies , Fairfield , Dance Moves , Thriller Night David , Thriller , Michael Jackson , Moves , Breast Cancer Research , Backstreet Boys , Dancing , Main Street , 50 , 2016 , Terry Davis , Breast Cancer , Breast Cancer Survivors , Joy , Left , Cancer Couch Foundation , Mombies Joy Martini , Eileen Cress , Breast Cancer Patient , Mombie , Practicing In The Hospital , Counting , 00000 , 200000 , Mombies Org , Chase , Woman , Leaders , Stranger , Explosives , Issues , Solution , Car , Bomb , Building A Better Bay Area , Oakland City , Freeness , Enforcement , Finding Solutions , Forward , Volume , Streets , Crackdown , Jail , Drug Dealing , Something , San Francisco , Business Owners , Luz Pena , Newsroom , Half , Annex , Dan Ashley , Abc7 , Karina Nova , San Bruno , Tenderloin , Drug , Dealers , Jails , Accounts , Impact , Success , Point , Drug Dealers , Signs , Progress , Arif , Five , Owner , Sheriff Deputies , Restaurant , Arrests , Sizzle Cafe , Chp , Merchants Association , Sfpd ,

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