trillion covid relief bill into law, the white house now saying tonight the first checks could land this weekend. with direct deposit. mary bruce and whit johnson standing by with late reporting on all of this. also making news this thursday night, a new charge in the trial of former minneapolis police officer derek chauvin. the jury will now be allowed to consider third degree murder in the death of george floyd. what this means. the allegations against governor andrew cuomo. tonight, a sixth accuser with the most serious allegation yet. her allegation now referred to the albany police department. the severe storms tonight. winter weather alerts across several states and denver could see up to two feet of snow in this. prince william breaking his silence today. what he said when asked about meghan and harry and their allegation involving race. what prince william is now saying tonight. and take a look at this image this evening. the american couple and what they spotted and why it's so rare. good evening as we come on the air in the west tonight. we're going to begin with president biden addressing the nation, laying out the next chapter here in the u.s. saying we're coming through this, it binds us together as a nation. he said that finding light in the darkness is a very american thing to do. and the president making news just moments ago, saying he will now direct states to make all american adults eligible for the vaccine by may 1st at the latest. he also encouraged americans to continue to do the hard work, what millions have been doing all along, to remain vigilant, to get vags nalgted when your turn comes. and if so, the president saying we could, as a nation, be gathering in small groups with our families, our loved ones, by the fourth of july. it was one year ago today, the world health organization declared a global pandemic and we went back to our newscast one year ago tonight. this was just one of the images, judy shape visiting with her daughter and son-in-law through the window at the life care center in kirkland, washington. judy had just tested positive for covid and of course no one knew at the time, but millions across this country would soon be separated by windows just like that family. we have lived through so much together across this country. right here, every night, there have been so many moments over the past year that have moved us. the heroes on the front lines. husbands and wives and look at this. the husband and wife nurse team taking a moment together before they started their shift in tampa. there was that moment, dr. paul saunders, who got covid himself and then returning to the front lines in brooklyn. they applauded him when he came back. we all remember the u.s. navy ship "comfort" coming to new york city, for so long, the epicenter here in new york city, safl sailing past the statue of liberty. one year later, the numbers tonight. 64,005,000 americans with at least one dose tonight. today, president biden signing into law his historic $1.9 trillion covid relief bill. economic help arriving for some families arriving as soon as this weekend. we will go over it all tonight. whit johnson leading us off. >> reporter: tonight, president joe biden directing states to make all american adults eligible for a vaccine by no later than may 1st. the president across addressing the nation, telling americans if everyone does their part to slow the spread and get vaccinated, there is a chance that families, friends and neighbors can gather in small groups by july 4th. >> had will make this independence day something truly special. where we not only mark our independence as a nation, but we begin to mark our independence from this virus. >> reporter: exactly one year ago, the announcement of a global pandemic. this is what dr. anthony fauci told congress and the american people that day. >> so i can say we will see more cases and things will get worse than they are right now. bottom line, it's going to get worse. >> reporter: worse than most could imagine. more than 530,000 american lives lost to covid-19. but now, signs of hope on the horizon. a decline in the number of covid cases, deaths and hospitalizations recently appeared to stall, but tonight, the numbers falling again. more than 10% of the country is fully vaccinated. the biden administration promising enough doses for all american adults by the end of may. and tonight, on the one-year mark, a new psa from four former presidents and first ladies, urging americans to get vaccinated. >> it's important for our fellow citizens to get vaccinated. >> we've lost enough people and we've suffered enough damage. >> it will protect you and those you love from this dangerous and deadly disease. >> reporter: you'll remember the images that went on for months. an entire city applauding front line workers every night at 7:00. the kind of appreciation seen across this country. new york city, the original epicenter in the u.s., a year later with the highest case average per capita this week, higher than any other place in the country. troubling variants making up 51% of those new cases. >> what we are seeing is variants that are more infectious and therefore spread the disease more, and that's a real issue. >> reporter: and now, a new study adds to growing evidence the uk variant could also be deadlier. still, 20 states moving to lift restrictions in the last two wees. oklahoma today, the latest to drop its remaining mask requirement. texas, after lifting its statewide mask mandate, suing the city of austin for keeping the mask rule in place. but health officials urging restraint. >> a gradual pulling back as opposed to just turning a light switch on and off. we've got to gradually and prudently pull back as we get closer and closer to normal. >> reporter: after a year that has seen so much loss, tireless health care workers celebrating every victory. >> we cry with our patients and their loved ones, and we also cheered and rejoice with those who triumphed. and here we are, one year later, the hope is real. but we still have a long ways to go. >> a long way to go, but the hope is real. whit johnson joins us now from new rochelle tonight. the first so-called containment zone in new york where whit was reporting exactly one year ago tonight. and whit, i want to get back to the breaking news at this hour, when the president says all american adults will be eligible for a vaccine, the administration also now saying that they're going to help americans find a vaccine. >> reporter: david, by may 1st, that's when the administration says that all american adults will be eligible for a vaccine. there will now be two new ways to schedule appointments. first, a federally supported website. this is an effort to streamline things, make it easier. show you where locations are nearby. and an 800 number to help people who don't have access to the internet. something many frustrated americans have been asking for. david? >> all right, whit johnson leading us off tonight. whit, thank you. of course, this news coming in tonight, president biden, the white house, indicating all adults will be eligible for a vaccine by may 1st, the latest, is what the administration is saying. and if we all remain vigilant, masks, social distancing, getting a vaccine when your turn arrives, that we could be getting together with loved ones, our families, neighbor r fo so, we asked dr. ashish jha to call in tonight for his reaction to this developing news. and dr. jha, when you hear this coming in from the administration, the white house tonight, do you believe the president's new goals are for having me on. and i do. i am thrilled to hear the president say this. i think we have enough vaccines, we're working on distribution. these vaccines are going to become widely available certainly by may. >> and when he says we must continue to do our part, dr. jha, is that one of the factors that remains sort of something that's unknown, along with the variants, that we have personal responsibility here to help meet that goal? >> absolutely. while the news here is very good and we should all be very optimistic about the summer, the pandemic is not done, and so, we have to be careful, certainly in the next few weeks ahead. we have to pay close attention to the variants. if we do our part, we can have a wonderful summer. we're not out of the woods, but we're getting really close. >> we're all looking forward to what we hope will be a wonderful summer. at least a lot different from a year ago. dr. jha calling in tonight, we thank you for that. in the meantime, we watched president biden today sign his historic relief bill into law. one of the largest relief efforts since the great depression. signing it into law, in fact, this afternoon, saying it will help rebuild, quote, the backbone of the country and give the working class and the middle class a fighting chance, the president said. the white house saying tonight, the first checks could land through direct deposit as early as this weekend. here's our senior white house correspondent mary bruce on that part of the story tonight. >> reporter: tonight, president biden hailing his massive rescue plan, one of the largest in american history, as a major step on the road to recovery. >> it extends unemployment benefits, it helps small businesses, it lowers health care premiums for many, it provides food and nutrition, keeps families in their homes. >> reporter: hours earlier, biden signing the bill into law, rushing much-needed relief to millions of americans. >> this historic legislation is about rebuilding the backbone of this country. >> reporter: the $1.9 trillion law will give most americans $1,400 checks, extend unemployment benefits through early september at $300 a week, provide funding for vaccinations and testing, help for small businesses and billions of dollars in housing assistance. it's biden's first major legislative achievement. the president and vice president cheering as the house pushed it over the finish line. it passed without a single republican vote. gop lawmakers saying it's just too expensive. but while republicans in washington don't back the new law, it is widely popular with the public. just this week, a pew poll showing 70% of americans support it, including 94% of democrats and 41% of republicans. >> with the final passage of the plan in the house of representatives, their voices were heard. >> so, let's get to mary bruce with us live tonight in the west. she's at the white house. and mary, the president making news tonight, also making news earlier in the day, signing that bill. we were on the air for that. and the white house soon after then revealing that many families across this country could actually see that economic help as early as this weekend? >> reporter: david, they are trying to move as quickly as possible here. these payments could be landing in bank accounts as soon as just a matter of days from now. in the meantime, as we heard the president say tonight, he's going to be hitting the road to promote this law. we know this plan is popular already, but the president is making a big push to inform americans of these benefits and the relief he and democrats are providing. david? >> all right, mary bruce with us from the white house tonight. mary, thank you. in the meantime tonight, we move to the other news this thursday night. a new charge in the trial of former minneapolis police officer derek chauvin. the jury will now be allowed to consider third degree murder. what this now means. here's alex perez. >> reporter: tonight, a minnesota judge reversing course, granting a prosecution request, reinstating a third degree murder charge against derek chauvin. >> so, murder in the third degree is reinstated as originally charged. >> reporter: chauvin also facing second degree murder and second degree manslaughter. he's pleaded not guilty. >> that third degree murder charge again gives them that middle ground between the second degree and the manslaughter. >> reporter: so, if you're a juror that might be sort of on the fence, what does this do? >> that gives them -- that kind of gives them an out. >> reporter: the floyd family calling that newly added charge a key part of the case. >> i think they should have all the options right up front. >> reporter: the court still working on completing the jury. a sixth juror seated today, a hispanic man who said he'd seen that hard to watch video of chauvin pinning floyd for more than nine minutes. >> you added that, "if he had complied with officers' orders, this wouldn't have happened." do you recall making that statement? >> yes. it was just obvious, if he would have just complied, then that wouldn't happen. maybe he just would've been arrested and put in the cop car and that's about it. >> reporter: and david, they're looking for 12 jurors and two alternates here, so, we are about halfway to that point right now. the white house press secretary today saying the president is closely following the proceedings here. david? >> all right, alex perez again tonight from minneapolis. alex, thank you. we're going to turn next here tonight to the new allegation and new calls for new york governor andrew cuomo to step down. a sixth accuser has now come forward with the most serious allegation yet. the governor's office referring her claim to police. here's abc's stephanie ramos tonight. >> reporter: tonight, embattled new york governor andrew cuomo facing his most damaging accusation yet. "the albany times union" reporting an aide alleges cuomo groped her in the governor's mansion late last year. she is the sixth woman to accuse him of inappropriate behavior. the paper reports she made her caim after cuomo declared this -- >> i want you to know this from me directly. i never touched anyone inappropriately. >> reporter: that denial reportedly prompted the aide, a young woman who was not identified, to tell a coworker that cuomo had summoned her to the governor's mansion to help with his cell phone and while they were alone, he reached under her shirt. cuomo calls the allegation "gut-wrenching", but insists he's "never done anything like this." tonight, the matter has been referred to the albany police. and a growing chorus of new york democrats is calling on the governor to resign. >> it's deeply troubling the specific allegation that the governor called an employee of his, someone who he had power over, called them to a private place and then place and then sexually assaulted her? is absolutely unacceptable. it is disgusting to me. and he can no longer serve as governor. >> reporter: in a statement, more than 55 state democratic lawmakers now demanding cuomo step down, saying, "he has lost the confidence of the public and the state legislature, rendering him ineffective in this time of most urgent need." the lawyers leading the investigation into allegations made against the governor have now established a website where people can file a complaint, making it clear the investigation will go beyond these latest sexual harassment allegations. david? >> all right, stephanie ramos on this again tonight. steph, thank you. and when we come back tonight, prince william breaking his silence today. what he said when asked about meghan and harry and their allegation involving race. and here at home, the major storm tonight. denver could see two feet of snow. we'll track it in a moment. get access to their food? we needed to make sure that, if they couldn't get to the food, the food would come to them. we can deliver for food banks and schools. amazon knows how to do that. i helped deliver 12 million meals to families in need. that's the power of having a company like amazon behind me. 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"usa today" reporting a couple in illinois spotted an incredibly rare yellow cardinal in their backyard. a bird expert at auburn university confirming the sighting. out of 50 million cardinals in north america, only about 10 to 12 are yellow. now that is a hopeful sign, too. and when we come back tonight, you'll remember the image this last year, the virtual hug at the front door. we've gone back tonight. retirement is an opportunity to fill each tomorrow with moments that matter. and a steady stream of protected income can help you secure the life you've planned. for more than 150 years, generations have trusted the strength and stability of pacific life with their tomorrows. because life isn't about what tomorrow brings. it's what you do with it. ask a financial professional about pacific life my heart failure diagnosis changed my priorities. i want time for the people i love. my heart doesn't pump enough blood so my doctor gave me farxiga. it helps my heart do its job better. farxiga helps keep me living life and out of the hospital for heart failure. do not take if allergic to farxiga. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. stop taking and seek medical help right away. tell your doctor right away if you have red color in urine or pain while you urinate, or a genital area infection since a rare but serious genital infection may be life-threatening. do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis. other serious side effects include dehydration, sudden kidney problems, genital yeast and bacterial infections in women and men, urinary tract infections, and low blood sugar. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis which is serious and may lead to death. more time with her? sounds good to me. ♪far-xi-ga♪ if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. 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i'm happy to answer questions. >> a tense exchange on a tough topic, an increase in attack against asian americans. some have had deadly consequences. good evening and thanks for joining us. i'm ama daetz. >> and i'm dan ashley. this is an appalling trend all around the bay area. just hours ago we learned a 75-year-old man named pak ho who was pushed to the ground in a robbery on monday has died. the attack happened while he took his regular walk around oakland's adams point neighborhood. the suspect, teaunt bailey is charged with special circumstances murder and other felonies. the case is tragically similar to one in san francisco that was captured on video, a violent assault that we'll only show you once because it is upsetting. look away if you don't want to watch it, but we think it's important to let you see it one. the 84-year-old was walking in january when he is suddenly pushed to the ground violently. that suspect, antoine watson faces murder and elder abuse charges. >> now we highlight these cases because we have made a commitment to fighting for racial and social justice. it is critical in building a better bay area. >> we have indeed. and the violence against asian americans is something that san francisco district attorney chesa boudin addressed today. dion lim pressed him for answer, and at times things got tense. >> chesa, i'm over here. it's dion from abc7. >> reporter: today at a press conference condemning the increase in violence towards the asian american community, i finally had a chance to speak to san francisco district attorney chesa boudin. >> you and rachel have not responded to any of my email since our live interview at 11:00 after the double fatal hit-and-run new year's eve of hannah abe and list platt involving a parolee. >> reporter: that was our last direct

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,Biologic ,Sleeves ,Flare Ups ,Atopic Dermatitis ,Cream ,Steroid ,Anaphylaxis ,Reactions ,Pitch ,Doctor ,Infection ,Vision Changes ,Eye Pain ,Eye Problems ,Asthma Medicines ,Don T Change ,Eczema Specialist ,Royal Family ,Racism ,Situation ,Question ,Color ,Interview ,Harry ,Archie ,Move ,Conversations ,Oprah ,Kate ,School ,Sir ,Haven T ,Brother ,East London ,Issues ,Headline ,Queen ,Buckingham Palace ,Liberty ,Car Insurance ,Aah ,Aaah ,Pay ,Libertymutual Com ,Vibrate ,Strength ,Gel ,Voltaren ,Prescription ,Arthritis Pain Relief ,Counter ,Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel ,Movement ,Non Steroidal ,Joy ,Body ,Blood Sugar ,Sulfonylurea ,Stop Trulicity ,A1c ,Dose ,Type 2 Diabetes ,Type 1 Diabetes ,It Isn T ,Medullary Thyroid Cancer ,Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 ,2 ,24 7 ,Side Effects ,Swelling ,Stomach Pain ,Taking Trulicity ,Vision ,Lump ,Neck ,Pancreatitis ,Diabetic Retinopathy ,Kidney Problems ,Blood Sugar Risk ,Fatigue ,Indigestion ,Dehydratione ,Index ,Weather ,Icy Roads In Bernardino County ,California To Nebraska ,Six ,Sighting ,California ,Backyard ,Cardinal ,Usa Today ,System ,Warning ,Power Outages ,Whiteout Conditions ,Bird Expert ,Rockies ,Illinois ,Auburn University ,Sign ,Cardinals ,50 Million ,Hug ,Door ,Back ,Life ,Generations ,Pacific Life ,Stability ,Stream ,Retirement ,Opportunity ,Income ,150 ,Tomorrows ,Life Isn T ,Heart Failure Diagnosis ,Priorities ,Heart ,Me Farxiga ,Job ,Blood ,Hospital ,Heart Failure ,Spain ,Symptoms ,Area ,Difficulty Breathing ,Swallowing ,Rash ,Urine ,Infections ,Urinary Tract Infections ,Dehydration ,Dialysis ,Men ,Yeast ,Women ,Medication ,Astrazeneca ,Ketoacidosis ,Tip ,Smile ,Sounds Good To Me ,Say ,Announcer ,1 800 Quit Now In ,Medicines ,Reductions ,Medicine ,Salonpas ,Spots ,Pain Severity ,Quality ,Salonpas Patch ,Serum ,Vitamin ,Neutrogena ,Stop Taking Eliquis ,Bleeding ,Warfarin ,Stroke Risk ,Afib ,Heart Valve Problem ,Both ,Risk ,Stroke ,Artificial Heart Valve ,Blood Thinner ,Bruising ,Procedures ,Students ,Mental Health ,School Work ,Distance Learning ,Ama Daetz ,6 ,Workers ,Teachers ,Essential Workers ,America Strong ,Teacher ,Lesson Plans ,Classroom ,Goodness ,Big ,Still Making Deliveries ,Thugs ,Hi ,Class ,Zoom ,Photo ,Heidi Robinson ,Maryland Avenue Elementary School ,Livermore ,Third Grade ,Jennifer Martin ,Teaching ,Garage ,Gilbert Elementary School ,Library ,Neighborhood Library ,Martin ,15 ,Everybody ,Books ,Checkout ,Ers Ishery ,Saw Re ,4000 ,Reshef Kapur ,Father ,Boy ,Breakfast ,Mrs ,I Miss You ,Thanks ,Building A Better Bay Area ,Leaders ,Safe ,Exchange ,Is Abc7 ,Dion Lim ,Elected ,Attack ,Increase ,Have ,Trend ,Topic ,Consequences ,Bay Area ,Dan Ashley ,Oman ,Teaunt Bailey ,Walk ,Circumstances ,Adams Point Neighborhood ,Pak Ho ,Robbery On Monday ,Oakland ,75 ,Assault ,It One ,Felonies ,San Francisco ,Antoine Watson ,Charges ,Walking ,Commitment ,Fighting ,Abuse ,84 ,Chesa Boudin ,Violence ,Social Justice ,Answer ,San Francisco District Attorney ,Times ,Press Conference ,Asian American Community ,New Year S Eve ,Direct ,Parolee ,Femail ,Hannah Abe ,List Platt ,11 ,

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