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Good thursday morning, everyone. At this hour we still dont know who the next president will be. More votes are being counted in the states that will decide the election. Heres the electoral map. With 270 need to the win, 253. Thats where biden is. Some states too close to call. Pennsylvania, a must win for trump, his lead shrinking as more mailin votes are counted in the urban areas. Arizona, bidens lead has been shrinking in phoenix. Georgia, 3,000 votes per hour are being counted in atlanta, a democratic stronghold. Now to nevada. Another nailbiter but no new results overnight and across the country anxiety is growing. This morning, frustrations mounting as america anxiously waits for Election Results. [ crowd chanting ] in portland, oregon, a riot declared overnight and the National Guard called in after protests turned violent. Earlier a peaceful crowd marched across a portland overpass with a sign reading count every vote. In new york at least 20 arrested after a large election protest in the city. In las vegas, Trump Supporters holding a stop the steal rally. We want a fair, fair and transparent election, and the democrats are trying to steal it right out from underneath us. Reporter in detroit a stop the count protest. The crowd claiming the number of ballot watchers inside when one counting location was insufficient but Health Department calling the police after saying the building was at capacity. Trying to disrupt and trying to stop the votes were being counted so i thought it was important to come down here and make sure it didnt happen. Reporter the unrest coming as five states remain too close to call including arizona where biden holds a slight lead. I can tell you that the attitude at the white house tonight is maniacally focused on arizona for political perspective. Thats where they think they can break through. And create a new conversation. Reporter in pennsylvania the counting continues. The secretary of state saying theyre ahead of schedule. The counties have been counting around the clock. Everybody is tired but incredibly dedicated to getting this done. Reporter and now the race tightening in georgia. Trumps lead shrinking overnight after workers scanned the final absentee ballots in fulton county, the states most populous county which includes atlanta. Any ballots in there that are flagged to be adjudicated by the vote review panel, those have to be dealt with before you can publish that vat, so the voting panel will go through and see any contest thats on a ballot that has some question as to the way it was parked. The vote panel decides voter intent. Reporter now confusion over when georgia will issue reporting results. The secretary of state saying they expect that to happen on friday but officials in Gwinnett County say it will happen on saturday. Right now we have 200,000 ballots left to be counted with the absentee ballot process, the county has worked on scanning as many as they could and 40,000 to 50,000 early votes need to be counted. Reporter as President Trumps window to winning a second term appears to narrow his team is vowing to fight already filing multiple lawsuits. We will win outright. But should those three extra days matter, we believe we will prevail at the supreme court. Reporter joe biden feeling confident he will win once the votes are counted. Every vote must be counted. No one is going to take our democracy away from us. I know this wont be easy. Im not naive but i also know this as well. To make progress, we have to stop treating our opponents as enemies. We are not enemies. What brings us together as americans is so much stronger. Than anything that can tear us apart. So whats the bottom line . If joe biden holes his lead in arizona and nevada he wins and pennsylvania wont matter. But for President Trump to win, he needs pennsylvania with a combo of several other states. In arizona Trump Supporters were gathering outside the Elections Department in phoenix. Some were chanting they wanted to get inside the building. Sheriffs deputies have been on the scene. Reporter mona and kenneth, joe biden is still maintaining that slight lead here in the state of arizona. But both campaigns are kind of working their mathematic jujitsu to try to get a grip on the numbers here and find a path forward. Lets take a step back and talk about what everybody is waiting on here in the state of arizona. Hundreds of thousands of absentee ballots. Now, these are not ballots that were sent in early as part of the early voting in the state. Instead these were ballots that voters dropped off in person either on election day or the weekend prior. The Biden Campaign says, look, if most of these ballots are coming from maricopa county, this is a county that started to lean to the left in recent years and in this election he has been outperforming donald trump in this county so they like the numbers and the odds for them. For the republicans, they point to the fact that if people were dropping off their ballots on election day, they felt as though they were going to have a higher election day turnout and outnumber biden supporters by a ratio of 41, so both campaigns are trying to work the numbers and find that path forward. A lot at stake here in the state of arizona. Kenneth, mona. Youre right about that. Thank you, appreciate it. We turn to the legal battles that could decide this election. Andrea fujii has that angle of the story for us. Reporter this morning a legal fight just beginning in the battlegrounds. [ crowd chanting ] reporter the Trump Campaign filing a stack of lawsuits amid a tense race for the white house with mailin ballots taking center stage. This is a major fraud in our nation. We want the law to be used in a proper manner, so well be going to the u. S. Supreme court. Reporter in michigan the president s team filing suit to stop ballot counting. The campaign also claiming it has not been provided meaningful access to several county locations. In wisconsin, the trump team demanding a recount and Trumps Campaign manager claiming in a statement there are serious doubts about the validity of the results. In georgia where the president was slightly ahead overnight his team is seeking to order Chatham County to store and account for all ballots received after the polls closed. The legal strategy seems to boil down to this, stopping the count in places where donald trump is ahead, pennsylvania, continuing to count or counting again in places where he is behind. Reporter the biggest in pennsylvania where it could be friday before all the votes are counted. The keystone state already in a local fight with Republican Leaders over the decision to allow ballots mailed on or before election day if they arrive by friday. The Trump Campaign say it sued to temporarily stop the vote count in pennsylvania over what it calls a lack of transparency. These attempts to subvert the democratic process are simply disgraceful. Reporter just hours after the polls closed tuz, the president defiantly declared victory. We were getting ready to win this election. Frankly we did win this election. We did win this election. Reporter trump doubling down on that declaration on twitter wednesday, we have claimed for electoral vote purposes the commonwealth of pennsylvania which wont allow legal observers, the state of georgia and the state of north carolina, each one of which has a big trump lead. Additionally we hereby claim the state of michigan adding that michigan saw a large number of secretly dumped ballots as has been widely reported. That flagged by twitter as misleading. Even the Senate Majority leader took issue with the president. Claiming you win the election is different from finishing the counting. Reporter despite the campaigns legal push, experts say its unlikely to have a serious impact. You need a legal argument to go the supreme court. If it came down to one state and there was one count and it was all coming down to that, thats where a lawsuit could really make or break the entire election. Reporter republicans have also launched legal challenges in nevada over absentee ballots. 85 of the vote has already been counted there. State law allows for the defeated candidate to ask for a recount no matter what. Kenneth, mona. Andrea, thank you. Coming up, the politics of this election battle. Our political contributors from both sides of the aisle talk strategy next. Might be to blame. Eye looks like a great day for achy, burning eyes overthecounter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. Ha these drops probably wont touch me. Xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. What is that . Xiidra, noooo it can provide lasting relief. Xiidra is the only fda approved treatment specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. One drop in each eye, twice a day. Dont use if youre allergic to xiidra. Common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. Dont touch container tip to your eye or any surface. After using xiidra, wait 15 minutes before reinserting contacts. Got any room in your eye . Talk to an eye doctor about twicedaily xiidra. I prefer you didnt xiidra. Not today, dry eye. 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The legal cases that ive seen thus far, you know, i dont see a lot of strong indications of a strong legal case here. And, amanda, this question is for you. Democrats were hoping for a blowout in election. Clearly what were seeing the two are neck and neck. In the final days until the election we saw the president was holding twice as many rallies. Do you believe that joe biden could have been more aggressive in his campaigning . I think it was more important for trump to do that because thats what he does. It wouldnt have made sense for biden. Thats not what their strategy was. It wasnt how he was portraying himself as a responsible leader so i think it would have been questionable had he switched his strategy at the end or really even taken that strategy throughout given his message was we are a steady leadership. I have a plan. Heres what i would do. Now that its 24 hours after election day, do we have a clearer picture of how the president was able to widen his base . I certainly would like to have seen him do more of that but he did increase support from the cuban community, venezuelan community, Colombian Community in florida, he did expand in the africanamerican community. So its important and i think with, you know, working people, he did have a strong turnout and he just got more voters registered in a lot of states. Should republicans be concerned about keeping control of the senate especially when you look at georgia and the Runoff Election thats going to potentially happen there . I think i feel confident that they will be able to hold those seats. You know, obviously you prefer not to have to do that but im confident that we will have those. What could democrats have done differently . For people people who have been hearing trumps rhetoric over time and mexicans are rapists and criminals, one of the things that hasnt been talked about for a lot tonight would be the night, what we really said for the last 24 hours this will be a moment where we said as a country we need to get back to decency and respect. Part of what is difficult for people is that we didnt have that resounding we are not going to talk to each other like this. We will bring back dark and integrity. I hope in the ensuing days we can get back to that conversation which is what biden was trying to talk about throughout the entire election. Our thanks to amanda and barbara. Is america more divided than ever . The top expert on the subject weighs in. Thats coming up next. Because there are options. Like an unjection™. Xeljanz. 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Our most advanced formularonamel repair. Has changed, helps you brush in Vital Minerals to actively repair and strengthen enamel. So you dont just brush to clean, you brush to build. Pronamel intensive enamel repair. Back now with more of the demonstrations overnight. Some peaceful. Some not. Crowds in phoenix were among those across the country, some demanding every vote to be counted. Others demanding it to be stopped. Lets get to perspective on how divided the country is. We spoke with historian mark updegrove. While we await the results of this president ial election, 2020s election making has been from the country electing the first openly two openly gay men being elected to congress. Can you elaborate on the significance of this . Its incredibly important. More women in congress than weve ever seen as well and slowly but surely our elected officials are looking more like america and it reflects our coming of age in a sense, accepting people, who they are and opening our election process such that folks like this can be viable candidates. Very, very positive sign for our country. Mark, weve seen decisions, deep divisions in the history of this country. Speak about the divisions that are happening from coast to coast right now. People come here to be themselves, to live a life full of liberty, and that means theres inherent division, right . Were not the same, so we clash very frequently. Thats a natural part of who we are as a country, so frequently throughout our country we see those divisions fester. But the very best leaders in America Appeal to our better angels. They bring us together. They unite us. Throughout this campaign the president has called into question the legitimacy of this just yesterday calling it a fraud. Do you believe in your opinion his words are undermining u. S. Democracy . Well, i dont think they are undermining. I think we are very strong but unfortunately it sells us short. There is no case for the election being fraudulent. One of the things that donald trump said yesterday was this is a very sad moment, and i guess it was a very sad moment for the presidency. When you have an incumbent president throwing our election process under the bus. We know now that already joe biden has surpassed getting the number of votes than any other president ial candidate in history. Can you explain the significance of that as well . Well, its remarkable. It reflects not just joe bidens strength as a candidate, but also the fact that this, as you said earlier, this is an incredibly consequential election, and people realize that our fate is in our hands, and they put skin in the game by showing up at the polls so i think that number again shows the health of our democracy, the fact were not going to take our democracy for granted. The fact that we are going to control our own destiny by going to the ballot box and determining who our leaders are going to be to lead this country forward out of the very, to your point earlier, divided time. Our thanks to president ial historian mark updegrove. Coming up, what we expect to learn today. A live report from washington next. Real progress . When youre affected by schizophrenia, you see it differently. Its in the small, everyday moments. And in the places, youd never expect. A little sign of hope. The feeling of freedom. 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Good morning, kenneth and mona. Its a crucial day in the battle for the white house especially in three key states. In pennsylvania which is a must win for President Trump, the secretary of state saying he expects ballot counting to be finished today. Trump was in the lead by about three points overnight, but his lead has been shrinking. In nevada no new numbers were released but officials are stressing they have not stopped the counting and waiting until later this morning to release those results. Biden has a narrow lead there. In georgia the counting continues this morning. We do not expect final results there today until tomorrow. Thats when we expect results. President trumps lead there shrinking overnight. Its also important to watch the courts today. The Trump Campaign has filed lawsuits in georgia, in michigan and also pennsylvania. Kenneth, mona. All right, faith abubey there, thank you. Coming up, the lighter moments from all this election craziness is still to come. 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We didnt have any wave. We had an undertow. Thats what we had. Thats former governor Chris Christie and rahm emanuel reacting to the Election Results coming in. Regardless of the outcome those abc news contributors agree the blue wave many people expected never came. With the president ial race still undecided many people are anxious. Thankfully the internet is providing some levity. Will ganss takes a look. Reporter as votes continue to be counted this morning, social media thinks this is who is responsible for the delay. Are you saying that because hes a sloth he cant be fast . Reporter someone else poking fun with this clip from the devil wears prada. Wait fog for election 2020 results be like by all means move at glacial pace. You know how that thrills me. Reporter and actress voila davis joking that this guy should be in charge of tallying the votes coming in. One, two, three Reporter Academy Award Winners and the rest of us sharing memes so we can laugh in a stressful time like this one. Lots of people talking about the importance of the votes still being counted, the mailin ballots coming in like and almost everyone online it seems is tired of the states flipping blue to red and vice versa. This meme going viral, a look at the Electoral College map or all of them going to britney spears. This one racking up nearly 70,000 votes. Inperson vote, la la land and the mailin ballots moonlight. Im sorry, no. Theres a mistake. Moonlight, you guys won best picture. Reporter and so many online taking aim at nevada. The state that could prove a major win on either side. Trending number one on twitter. Nevada forgot to take meat out of the freezer and just heard the election coming up in the driveway. Me waiting for the nevada numbers. This going viral, me on the way to help nevada count the votes myself because theyre taking too long. You guys are in a crisis. Im on my way. Reporter in the past month alone there have been over 600,000 tweets aiming to cleanse the time line. Folks sharing pictures of puppy, baby ducks, funny videos, inspirational songs, as moments of zen. 40,000 were sent in past 24 hours alone. Kenneth and mona. Thank you, will. Sometimes the internet is not so bad. Not at all. I loved one talking about if anybody should know how to count, it should be nevada. Las vegas, get it . I get it. Stay with us. Our coverage continues here on this abc here. Right now on america this morning, your voice, your vote, america waits. Breaking news overnight, the president ial race gets even closer in several key states. New vote totals in arizona and georgia. The biggest prize, pennsylvania. The new legal battles brewing. What the white house is saying. Peaceful protesters in the streets but also violence overnight. Fires set. People arrested. The National Guard called in after a riot is declared. What happens next . Why today could be the crucial day. Our experts and analysts are here to guide you through it all. Our live coverage continues on america this morning

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