Available through the Colonial Penn program. It has an affordable rate starting at 9. 95 a month. No medical exam, no health questions. Your acceptance is guaranteed. And this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate lock, so your rate can never go up for any reason. So call now for free information. And youll also get this free beneficiary planner. And its yours just for calling. So call now. Big girls dont cry rock and rock hall of famers the four seasons have lost one of their founding members. Tommy devito died monday in las vegas due to complications from covid19. He was one of the voices behind lead singer Frankie Valle on 60s hits such as big girls dont cry and sherry. The group was celebrated in the musical jersey boys. Tommy devito was 92. The nfl has fined coaches Football Game for not wearing masks. Coach jon gruden of the raiders and saints sean payton hit with 100,000 penalties and their teams also fined 250,000. Three other coaches also fined for mask offenses. The nfl is sounding optimistic about the super bowl, planning for a stadium full of fans in tampa on february 7th. But it says its ready to adjust that plan if necessary. With covid19 infections on the rise in many states, were hearing about a new push by the fda for stricter standards for a vaccine. I spoke earlier with dr. Imran ali. Dr. Ali, the Washington Post is reporting the fda is preparing to impose tougher standards for vaccine makers, pretty much guaranteeing we wont get a covid19 vaccine before election day. What do we know about these new standards . Well, from my sources, what im hearing is that were going to really not see with emergency authorizations, we had stipulations that the vaccine or the treatment may have to have some effectiveness, but it didnt have to prove a certain level of effectiveness. So the vaccine, for example, may be effective in 30 of people, and that would get it to the point where it could be authorized on an emergency use basis. I think what the fda is going to try to do is try to increase it to the benchmark of 50 . So were going to have to see a more safer vaccine before it even gets emergency use authorization. And remember, the vaccine can have side effects up to 40 days after the dose. So well be monitoring people for 40 days after the second dose. So it may be some time before we see this ready for primetime. Internal memo from fema detailing a substantial increase in covid19 infections in many states. What are medical professionals seeing . We know College Campuses reopening is one factor. Do we know what else is to blame . Well, kenneth, ive been talking to my Public Health friends, and my sources also tell me that were seeing a large trend. And yes, College Campuses are opening. But also the labor day holiday. And people are just getting their guard down. Doctor, a new study finds lower zinc levels in the blood could increase your risk of dying from covid19. What do we need to know about this new research . Early on in the pandemic, in march, i was giving my patients zinc that zinc works with rhinovirus, which is the common cold. It is shown to prevent the virus from entering the cells. Now this study, i looked at the study. Its not a really a cause and effect study, its a correlation. So we really dont know if zinc plays a role in covid like it does in rhinovirus. Still, we do know zinc deficiency is associated with a decreased immune system. So you dont want to have zinc deficiency, but is it going to help you with covid . We really dont know quite yet. All things to talk to your medical professional about if youre considering. Our thanks to dr. Imran ali there. Coming up, the amazing world record. The woman who surfed the biggest wave in the world this year. Thats so cool. People at higher risk, must take extra precautions. You are at higher risk if you are over 65, or if you have any serious underlying medical conditions, like heart disease, chronic lung disease, diabetes, or if your immune system is compromised for any reason. If youre at higher risk, wash your hands frequently with soap and water for twenty seconds. Avoid touching your face. Disinfect frequently touched objects. And wash up after being in public spaces. And when it comes to social situations. Less is better. Stay six feet or two arm lengths away from other people. Better still, stay home if you can. If youre sick, please stay home and away from others. And if you think youve been exposed to the virus, call your Health Care Provider before going to their office. In challenging times, the choices you make are critical. Please visit coronavirus. Gov for more information. Catch a wave and youre remember at the top of the show i was like, im more impressed with the wave. Im taking it all back because one female surfer was truly sitting on top of the world, catching the biggest wave of the year. Thats right. In the process she set a world record. Our will ganss is here with more details, will . Will, im taking it back. Take it all back, thats right, thats right. Not just one record, two. The brazilian surfer taking on the massive waves off the coast of nazare, portugal. Res de not for the faint of heart. Looking at the video of the biggest wave surfed by anyone this year, all 73 1 2 feet of it you might want to say, gnarly wave, bro. Just like i told the guy on abc, danger is my Business Reporter but this surfer isnt your bro. Her name is maya gabeira, and shes a new world record holder. The monster wave she surfed off the coast of portugal shocking the sports veteran experts. I knew for sure it was going to be in contention for biggest wave of the year if not one of the biggest waves ever ridden. Reporter mayas wave isnt only the biggest ever surfed by a woman. A team of experts confirming its indeed the largest wave surfed by anyone, man or woman, in the world this year. This calculation was done very carefully, and i think as well as could be done based on what sort of data that was there. Reporter maya writing on instagram, i never thought that this could happen. Still feels surreal. To have a woman in this position in a maledominated sport is a dream come true. The brazilian big wave surfer sharing this video. The crashing of the waves almost deafening. The 33yearold saying of the february surf, the thing i remember most about this wave was the noise when it broke behind me. I was quite scared to realize that intensity was so close to me. What kinds of damage can a wave of this magnitude do . Its a wall of water 73 feet high. And its moving very fast. These are lifethreatening conditions that theyre surfing in. Reporter especially scary because this years recordsetting surf occurred in the same place where maya nearly drowned in 2013. That one blacked me out in the water, took my life jacket off. I didnt think i was going to make it then, because i was underwater forever and i had no life jacket. Reporter now a few years later, mayas back on top with a few World Records under her belt. Maya saying, quote, i like to make something that seems so impossible to be possible, because then its so much easier for the next one. I dont know if i could handle watching someone else try and do this, my palms are so sweaty. So incredible. I didnt expect to see that geometry in your piece there. A squared plus b squared equals c . Whats the hypotenuse on that one . I left my calculator upstairs, kenneth, thank you. I was going to say, this lady has nerves of steel, though, especially where she almost drowned. That is intense. Impressive, impressive, impressive, will. Thank you so much. Coming up, im going to introduce Dierdre Bolton to, wait, what . Wait, what . About the Colonial Penn program. Here to tell you if youre age 50 to 85, and looking to buy Life Insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. What are the three ps . The three ps of Life Insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. A price you can afford, a price that cant increase, and a price that fits your budget. Im 54. Alex, whats my price . You can get coverage for 9. 95 a month. Im 65nd take medications. Whats my price . Also 9. 95 a month. I just turned 80. Whats my price . 9. 95 a month for you too. If youre age 50 to 85, call now about the 1 most popular whole Life Insurance plan, available through the Colonial Penn program. It has an affordable rate starting at 9. 95 a month. No medical exam, no health questions. Your acceptance is guaranteed. And this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate lock, so your rate can never go up for any reason. So call now for free information. And youll also get this free beneficiary planner. And its yours just for calling. So call now. Were kicking off wait, what . Im already not pulling my weight, right . No, youre good there. Ill give you a chance because im going to give you this headline here. Which is a school bussized asteroid is headed our way. Wait, what . There we go, dierdre came to play. Yes, an asteroid will briefly be in our neighborhood. But we did not invite it. Thursday, september 24th, zooming past us at a distance of about 13,000 miles. Hang on. A pandemic, fires, hurricanes, murder hornets, and now we have an asteroid in our neighborhood, as you put it . Wait, what . Yep. Its coming this wlay. Ta yr wor it. Yeah, were good. We should be all right, right, everybody . Yeah nobodys answering, its just crickets. Well let you know how it goes on the morning of september 25th. How about this, an iceberg. Some sailors sailing between norway and the north pole, which i feel like you know what i do on my vacation, sometimes i go in a car and i go to the beach. These guys, this is what they do for their trips look at that video, thats nuts. Wait, what . They go sailing, then they basically climb icebergs. I guess they did not expect this one to flip over, as we are watching it now. Theyre obviously fine, but thats pretty scary. That iceberg found its tipping point. Wait, what . Yolks on us on this next one, too. Because we got a double yolk surprise, everyone. This man, he cracked open an egg. Not one, not two, not three, but four doubleyolked eggs in a row, wait, what . Hang on, how did he know how to film that . Thats a very good is this a setup . I mean, unless hes filming every single morning when he makes his breakfast in the hopes that he gets four times a double yolk it happened in australia. Stephanie hunt filmed her husband doing this. He got those double yolkers there, throwing them in the frying pan. They were obviously very excited. This is a mutation, right . Yeah, i was going to say, i would think, like, wait a second. Do these eggs come from chernobyl . Whats going on . Dont eat those eggs yeah, yeah. No, not at all. And dont stand next to quiet crocodiles either. Oh, no another awesome tip from us this morning. Look at this tourist here. Look at them trying to take that picture. Got the crocodile right there. Oh wait, what . Yeah. Announcer its live with kelly and ryan today, from the hit series, the masked singer, ken jeong. And if its time to revamp your budget, you need to check out live home money savings. Plus, meet the kid from georgia who knows how to fight. All next on live [cheers and applause] and now, here are kelly ripa and Ryan Seacrest [cheers and applause] ryan whats wrong . Whats over there . Kelly did you see it . You go. Go ahead. Go, go. Theres all kinds of ryan kelly. Kelly this is how we have to see each other now

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